Detailed Lesson Plan in Health 9

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I. Subject Matter: Effects of Drugs to our Body

II. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
 The learner demonstrates understanding of the dangers of substance use and abuse on the
individual, family and community.
B. Performance Standard:
 The learner shares responsibility with community members through participation in collective action
to prevent and control substance use and abuse.
C. Learning Competency:
 Identifies the types of drugs/substances of abuse.
D. Learning Objectives: (Sub tasked)
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Describe the classification of drugs of abuse H9S-IIIc-18
 Classify drugs of abuse according to their effects on the body H9S-IIIe-f-21

Integration to Other Subject:

 Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (Kabutihang Panlahat),
 Chemistry 9 (Carbon Compounds),
 Physics 9 (Free Fall)
Values Integration:
 Love and Self-respect. * Love of Country or Community
 Valuing the importance of human body. *
* Balloons * LCD Projector
* meta-cards * Manila paper,
* pictures * Pentel Pens
* Laptap * Activity Sheets
III. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
Health 9 Teacher’s Guide pp 98-100
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Health 9 Learner’s Module pp 329-330
3. Other Sources
Internet Sources Youtube
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preparatory Activities

Let us all stand for the opening prayer. (student will stand up)
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon Mrs. Yap!
How are you this afternoon? We are good Ma’am.
Good to hear that, meaning you are absolutely ready for
another exciting lesson this afternoon. Yes Ma’am!
Okay, let me check the class attendance this afternoon. Say
present if you are present.

Before we start with our lesson for Today, let us have first an
action song entitled “It’s I who build community”
Ready? Yes Ma’am!

Its I ( 3x) who build community(4x) Students sing the song.

Roll over the ocean, roll over the sea
Go and do your part to build community.
Very Good!
Do you like it? Yes Ma’am!

“Class, what was our lesson last meeting?” Our lesson last meeting was all about the Drug scenario in the
Philippines and the concept of substance use, misuse, abuse
Very Good Jaspher! So last meeting we’ve learned the drug and dependence
scenario in the Philippines and the concept of substance use,
misuse, abuse and dependence.
So what is a drug? A drug is any substance substances or chemicals which when
taken into the body either nasal, oral transdermal or intravenous
way have psychological, emotional and behavioral effects on a
Well said Arjanette. So what are the three drugs of abuse in
the Philippines? The drugs of Abuse in the Philippines are Shabu, Marijuana and
Very Good Arnold. So those were the three drugs of abuse
of our country.
Now, to furtherly evaluate your learning about our last topic.
I have prepared scenarios that will assess how far you have
understood. All you have to do is to identify the given situation.
Are you ready?

 Frank is using Paroxetine, an anti-depressant drug
without signs of depressions.
 Bella is given an anti-hallucinogen drug, psilocybin
10 ml to be taken once a day, instead of following
the prescription he drinks 20 ml 3x a day.
 Miguel has a drug mentainance for his gout arthritis
250 mg per day but does not feel any relief at all and
decided to take higher dosage of the said drug.
 Keith is taking a methamphetamine hydrochloride
and thinks that he can no longer survive without the

What does situation number one presents?

Situation number 1 shows Drug Abuse.
Excellent Cris! How about situation number 2?
Situation number 2 shows Drug Misuse.
That’s correct Mike! How about situation 3?
Situation number 3 shows Drug Tolerance.
Brilliant Pearl! How about the last situation?
Situation number 4 shows Drug Dependence.

So those situation presents, drug dependence, drug

tolerance, drug misuse and drug abuse.
Any questions or clarification?
None Ma’am!

Activity 1: Balloon Frantic

I will group you into 5 groups. Each group will be given a

balloon and a marker. Then, you are going to inflate the balloon Students do as told.
and write something that has a lot of meaning to you, e.g., your
family, friends, sport, money, etc.
After inflating the balloon, I will play a music then you will
pass the balloon to your groupmates, make sure to keep their
balloons aloft, never allowing them to touch the floor. You may
do this by hitting the balloons with their arms, head, hands, etc.

How do you find the activity? It was fun Ma’am.

Do you find it hard protecting your balloon? Yes Ma’am! It hard to protect the balloon from not dropping in
the floor.
What happens to the balloon?
Very good. So the same as the balloon, it has the same The balloon is sometimes high and sometimes low.
effect to a person’s body.
So what do you think happens when a person uses a
drug? The person will have a high or low feeling when he will use drug.
Excellent Ana! Meaning to say drugs has different effects
to our body system.
Now, who can guess the lesson for this afternoon? Our Lesson for this afternoon is the Effects of Drugs to our body.

This afternoon, we will discuss the effects of Drugs to our
As learned on the previous lesson, there are three Drug of
abuse in the Philippines according to the Dangerous Drug
 Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or “shabu”
 Cannabis sativa or “marijuana”
 Inhalants or “solvents”

The effects of drugs to us defends on what classification

they belong. To clearly understand its effects we will classify
them accordingly.

Lesson Proper

Activity 2: Classify Me!

In the board are the following words: “Uppers”, “Downers”

and “All-rounder’s”.
This time you are going to identify the classification of drug.
If they are “Uppers”, “Downers” and “All-rounder’s”.

The Six Classifications of Drugs

1. Gateway drugs
- Includes cigarettes and alcohol and are considered as
legal drugs.
- They are referred to us gateway since this can lead
the non-drug users to use dangerous drugs.

2. Depressant drugs
- Slows down the persons central nervous system
- Help certain persons to be less angry, less stressed,
or tensed.
- It relaxes muscles and nerves.
- Makes patients feel sleepy and light headed.
Ex: alcohol, barbiturates and tranquilizers

3. Stimulant drugs
- Speeds up person’s nervous system.
- Makes persons energy high.
- negatives effects includes depression and tiredness
- ex: Amphetamines which includes shabu, caffeine,
nicotine and cocaine.

4. Narcotics
- Relieves pain and induce sleepiness.
- It is administered to patients with mental disorders in
moderation and patients in severe pain like cancer.
- Ex: cocaine, heroin and marijuana

5. Hallucinogens
- A drugs that distorts reality and facts.
- It affects all senses and makes a user see, hear and
feel things that don’t exist in the time being.
- Ex: lysergic acid diethylamide, psilocybin obtained
from mushrooms and mescaline.

6. Inhalants
- Are found in ordinary household chemicals products
and anesthetics.
- Inhalants intoxication is similar to the signs and
symptoms of alcohol intoxication.
- One difference is the foul smell of chemicals sniffed,
inhaled or huffed by the user.
- Continuous use and abuse leads to delusions, brain
damage, liver damage, coma and death.
- Ex: acetone, rugby or solvent, ordinary and spray
paint, cleaning fluids and air conditioner fluid (Freon)

After knowing the six classification of drugs. Now, let us

classify them. I have here meta-cards of the six drugs, and all
you have to do is paste this to which best describe. Are you
ready? Yes Ma’am!

Uppers Downers All-Rounders

Stimulants Depressants Gateway Drugs
Good job class! Now, that you have learned the six Hallucinogens Narcotics Inhalants
classifications of drugs and its effects. Let us also learn its
harmful effects to our body. I have prepared a short video
presentation that will show to you the effects of drugs to our
body. As you watch the video please listen carefully and take
down notes since you will have an activity after the presentation.
Are you ready? Yes Ma’am!

I will now divide you into three groups. Each group will be
given a concept map. All you have to do is to brainstorm within
your group the negative effects of the drug to our body base on
the video presented. After consolidating ideas of the group you
need to write your answer and present it to the class. In the
presentation, group 1 will do acting, group 2 will have interview
portion and group 3 will do the broadcasting. Since this we have
limited time, group 1 will focus on gateway drugs and narcotics,
group 2 will focus on stimulants and hallucinogens and the last
group will focus on depressant and inhalants. You will be given 5
minutes to perform the activity. Did you get it? Yes Ma’am!

Activity 3: The Drug Concept Map

This time, you will complete the information in the concept

map provided by adding information.
Students do as told.

Harmful Effects Harmful Effects Harmful Effects

Group 1 possible answers:

Gateway Drugs Downers

*Damage of organs like *Damage of organs like
brain, heart, liver and colon brain, heart, liver and colon
* Cancer * Cancer
Harmful Effects Harmful Effects Harmful Effects * Cardiovascular Disease * Cardiovascular Disease
* Coma or death * Hypertension
* Coma or death

Group 2 possible answers:

Uppers Narcotics
* Heart attack *Development of diseases
* Damage of organs like like hepatitis, tetanus and
brain, liver, kidney HIV-AIDS due to needle
* Coma or death sharing.
*Overdose may lead to coma
and death

Group 3 possible answer:

Hallucinogens Inhalants
*Hypertension *Brain damage
*Bain damage *Nerve damage
*Psychosis *Loss of hearing
* Coma or death *Bone Marrow damage
* Coma or death

Time is up1 You may present your answers in the class.

Group presentation.
Excellent class! So those were the negative effects of drugs
to our body. Let’s give ourselves a Grade 9 clap. Students do as told.


Let us sum up everything we have learned this afternoon.

What are the six classifications of drugs?

Very Good Anna! So how are you going to describe the effects The six classifications of drugs are the gateway drugs,
of those drugs? depressants, stimulants, narcotics, hallucinogens and inhalants.

The all-rounders drugs, includes the gateway drugs, narcotics

and inhalants, meaning the drug user may feel high and low.
The Depressants will make the user feel down meaning it is
Brilliant answer Argennette! downers and the stimulants and hallucinogens are uppers since
How about the negative effects of the different drugs to our it makes the drug user feel high.
body? Let us start with the Gateway drugs.

Very good Mike! What about Depressant drugs? Gateway drugs may damage of organs like brain, heart, liver and
colon, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease and Coma or death.

Depressant drugs may damage organs like brain, heart, liver

Well said Annie Grace! How about Stimulant Drugs? and colon, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension,
Depression, Diabetes and Coma or death

Great explanation Reil Joy! What about Narcotics? Stimulant drugs may cause Heart attack, damage of organs like
brain, liver, kidney and can lead to coma or death.

Narcotic drug user may develop diseases like hepatitis, tetanus

and HIV-AIDS due to needle sharing. Overdose may lead to
Brilliant Elna! What about Hallucinogens? coma and death.

Hallucinogens may cause hypertension, brain damage,

Well said Pearl Sheen! What about those inhalants? Psychosis and Coma or death to the drug user.

Good job class. Now that you’ve learned what are the Inhalants may cause brain and nerve damage, loss of hearing,
different classifications and harmful effects of drugs to our body. bone marrow damage and Coma or death.
Do you still want to engage yourself or try using it?

Very Good Jellian! Using those drugs does not lengthen our Not at all Ma’am! Using those drugs does not bring benefits to
lives but it may shortened instead. So what is the best thing you my body instead, it will harm my health and might lead into my
should do? own death.

You are right Mike. And how are you going to do that?
You are right Rio! But how are you going to avoid and refuse As a teenager, I will avoid people that might influence me from
those people or friends who might influence you? using it.
Awesome Jaspher! So through practicing good reasoning I will engage myself into sports Ma’am!
and decision making skills you can avoid or prevent yourself
from those activities. I will practice good reasoning and decision makings skills.
So base on the harmful effects mention, do want to have it?
Yes! Nobody wants it so we need to take care our body. But
Very good! We need to love and respect our body so we No ma’am! I won’t allow it to myself to happen.
may have a longer lives.
And we have to remember that if we are not healthy then our By practicing a healthy lifestyle ma’am.
community is also affected. Do you agree?
Yes you are all correct! We need to be healthy so that our
community will be healthy as well because we the people are the
ones building our own community. Students answer may vary.
Why do you think we need a healthy community?
Very Good Mike! Therefore, we must have a healthy body so
that we can build also a healthy community and if we’ll have a
healthy community, everyone will be happy and there will be So that there will be peace and happiness for everyone.
peace on earth.
So I guess, you are now ready for our short quiz.
Are you ready?

Yes Ma’am!
Multiple Choice. Encircle the correct answer.
1. Which drug are found in ordinary household chemicals
products and anesthetics?
a. Narcotics c. inhalants
b. stimulants d. depressants Answers:
2. A drug that can lead the non-drug users to use 1. c inhalants
dangerous drugs? 2. a Gateway Drugs
a. Gateway drugs c. narcotics 3. b Hallucinogens
b. Stimulants d. inhalants 4. b. narcotics
3. A drugs that distorts reality and facts. 5. d. stimulants
a. Narcotics c. depressants
b. Hallucinogens d. stimulants
4. It slows down the persons central nervous system
a. Hallucinogens c. stimulants
b. narcotics d. depressants
5. Which classification of drug makes the person energy
a. Narcotics c. depressants
b. Hallucinogens d. stimulants


Make a collage on the different harmful effects of drugs to our

health. Do it in a ¼ illustration board to be submitted on the next

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