How To Have A Dry Orgasm
How To Have A Dry Orgasm
How To Have A Dry Orgasm
"How much time does it take? Does it take months?" No it doesn't take
months. My bf got his first dry orgasm within two weeks after he started, and
after that it gets so much easier.
What you need: A penis, Access to porn, some sort of erotica or a good
imagination A place where you can spend about 10 minutes without being
disturbed ( the bathroom is good), And most importantly, it helps if you like
to masturbate a lot.
Theres 3 phases. Of course it may vary from person to person but i think that
generally most guys' orgasms are similar, opposed to a bigger variation in
female orgasms.
Phase 1: Kegels
Step 1. Get an erection (you can google ‘Get247cls’ to get help with that)
Step 2. Don't touch your penis. Lie on the bed sideways ( you can also stand
up, but bed is easier to begin with).
Step 3. Try to flex your muscles down there and try to lift your boner up.
When i say up, i mean towards your stomach. Then relax the muscles and let
it drop. Repeat about 15 times, take a 2 minute break. Do this 3 times. You
will need to have the erection while you do this step. Do this for about 3
days. Then proceed to Phase 2. Or you can do them simultaneously.
If you have trouble finding your PC muscles ( these are used to do kegels) I
would recommend googling it and figuring it out.
Phase 2: Having a dry orgasm After a few days of doing kegels, you should
have a bit of control over your muscles. Now you need to learn how to use
that control.
**Step 1.**Get an erection.I would recommend using your imagination first.
Porn seemed to turn me on much more, which made it harder to contain the
orgasm. So think of a fantasy that's not too good but just enough to keep an
**Step 2.**Start masturbating.
**Step 3.**Once you get close to orgasm, stop.Don't get to the stage where
the process has started. Right before that. Flex your pc muscles, just like you
practiced moving the boner up in Phase 1. If you get the timing right, this will
let you "cancel" the orgasm.
I had to try this step a few times with no success( and left with me
unsatisfactory refractory periods) before i managed to get the timing and
muscle control right. How do you know when you've done it right? Your penis
will move up and down( similar to your normal orgasms) but you won't
ejaculate. You'll feel it vibrating and throbbing and it will feel just like a
normal orgasm, but the feeling of ejaculating won't be there. The first few
times a you might find it hard to stop the flow of semen, but in a few tries
you'll automatically learn how to. This is the hardest thing you will have to do.
*lame attempt to make a pun by OP *
Congratulations! If you got upto here you just had your first dry orgasm. Is
that it? No sir. Proceed to Phase 3.
Phase 3 : Multiple orgasms This phase takes as long as you want(time). It's
upto you how much you want to do it.
If a man is to orgasm but not ejaculate, his erection willbe there. This means,
if you manage to have a dry orgasm, you will notice that you haven't lost your
erection. What does this mean? You get to do it multiple times without losing
your erection, which is pretty great.
The first and perhaps most important step is to know it’s possible.
I learned by extending edging. That’s where you get close to ejaculating, and
stop until the feeling subsides, repeating as often as you like, or until you slip
over the edge and cum.
Then, I discovered that I don’t have to wait for the feeling to fully subside. I’d
stop or just slow down for only a second or so, just enough to break the
inevitable ejaculation, then I’d keep going. This naturally evolved until I was
having multiple, long-lasting dry orgasms, even complete with urethral
I believe I’ve incidentally developed my kegel muscles along the way, since I
can do it so easily now, that I don’t even need to bring tissues to bed. I can
jerk off, have endless orgasms, then go to sleep never having ejaculated, yet
satisfied. In the beginning I had to work hard to not cum. Now, I can just go
ahead and orgasm, and it’s easy to hold the cum in.
Interestingly, the body learns to accommodate. It knows you want to do this,
and it becomes quite easy.
For some men, it takes months to master the technique. In once case, I
showed it to a friend, and he got it on the very first try. I watched him have
four full orgasms before he ended with a full ejaculation.
In contrast to what some others have reported. I have found the dry orgasms
can be every bit as strong as ejaculatory orgasms. They may even be better
because you can extend them over time, sometimes more than a minute of
continuous orgasm that you feel throughout your body, not just in the genital
Dudes, you’ve got to try this. It will open a whole new world of pleasure