Sustainability Plan

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Quality Management System (QMS) Catch Up Plan for Sustainability

CY 2020
Preliminary Activities for Surveillance Audit,
Year 1
Review of audit findings and recommendations Jan-Feb 2020 Top Management;  All audit findings/ recommendations and
and actions required Process Owners/ OFIs have been addresses (With
Unit Heads documentary evidences)
Review and Revision of Process based on Jan 24-Feb 4, Top Management;  All processes have been reviewed,
statutory requirements, VOC, and audit 2020 Process revised and submitted to DCC for coding
recommendations (Date of revision if based on audit
recommendation should be within
30days after the audit)
 Updated List of interested parties and
their needs and expectations
 Updated Risk Management Plan
Due Date: All documents due on Feb
8, 2020 for consolidation and
submission to DCC

Jan – Feb 7, Top Management/  IQA to present Audit findings to Top

Consolidation and Submission of 2020 IQA Team Management
Audit Results
Audit of SDO IQA Team/ Process Feb 12, 2020 Top Management/  IQA Team Audited by external auditors
IQA Team
Readiness of the physical structure of the office  Proper signages/ safety precautions;
DRRM concerns are all evident
 Updating of the Org. Chart and Citizens
Ensuring proper allocation of resources:  Special Order dated November 8, 2019
 Designation of Other QMS have been issued to all QMS Com.
Committee Members January 2020 Top Management Members and to those performance
 Ensuring complete manpower tasks outside their KRA
requirement in every office  QMS Structure / Organizational structure
have been revised and updated
Ensuring proper allocation of resources: February 2020 Top Management  AIP/WPF, CY 2020
 Approved Budget showing that PPAs per Budget & Finance;  Annual Procurement Plan/ Proposed
unit have been considered HRMO; allocation list
 SDO based plantilla positions have been Supply Officer
fully filled, and personnel were equitably
 Ensuring that Supplies are properly
TEC/HRD/M&E Activities
Continuous Development of tools to measure Jan – Feb 7, TEC/HRD/M&E/  Developed tools have been utilized;
training effectiveness 2020 CFC  Issued Memo on its utilization

Development of CFC Feedback Jan – Feb 7, TEC/HRD/M&E/  CFC to gather feedback mechanisms
Mechanism tool for PPAs conducted in schools 2020 CFC used by offices/units in their TA/IS/
Monitoring of schools;
 Feedback of teachers gathered during
TEC/HRD/M&E Activities
 ISO Awareness Orientation and March 2020 TEC/QMR/ SDO  100% of personnel in the sub-offices
CapBuild for Non-Teaching Personnel Employees including completed the awareness training
in the Sub-Offices Sub-Office’ Staff
 ISO Awareness Orientation for School April 2020 TEC/QMR/ School  100% of personnel in the sub-offices
Heads Heads completed the awareness training

 Training on Internal Quality Audit Feb 12-13, IQA Team/ TEC  CapB conducted as scheduled
(Retooling) 2020
 CapBuild for Various QMS Committee April to July  CapB conducted as scheduled
Members for ensuring competence 2020
Regular QMS Activities
 QMS Committee Meetings March & March & September  Meetings conducted as scheduled;
September  agreements in previous meetings
have been addressed
 Regular Audit (Internal) April-May 2020 IQA Team  Audit Scheduled submitted to TM
& Sept-Oct.
 Management Review July &  MR conducted as scheduled; Clause
December 9.3 of ISO 9001:205 have been met
TARGET: Beyond Compliance

1. Ensuring that processes are reviewed/ (re-audit) and are implemented by the employees within the organization. (Clause
4.4). Raising awareness of the process among employees may also be conducted.

2. Ensuring that:
 the requirements set out in ISO 9001:2015 are met;
 QMS processes are delivering their intended outcomes;
 reporting on the operation of the QMS and identifying any opportunities for improvement is taking place;
 a customer focus is promoted throughout the organisation;
(Clause 5)
5.3. - Allocating responsibilities across the organisation to maintain the
management system.
Making sure what is supposed to happen is happening.

3. Actions to address risks and opportunities (Clause 6)

4. Keep records to track the activity/process implementation so that you will have more data to analyze during
management review (all MRs are based on facts, not assumptions)

5. Conduct training/ re-training, if necessary. Measure training effectiveness. (Clause 7.2)

6. Control of outsourcing partners and suppliers- Suppliers Evaluation by end-user

7. Monitoring and measuring - should provide with information on the status of a system, process, or activities within
your QMS.
8. Customer Satisfaction- Being one of the most important principles behind ISO 9001, customer focus is
demonstrated through monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction. The company must define how and how
often it will conduct surveys to determine the level of customer satisfaction. Having relevant information on how
the customers perceive the organization is a valuable input for further development of the products and services
and the company itself.

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