Budget of Work Quarter 2

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Republic of the Philippines



Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Second Living Things and Their Environment
Unit I.
Learning Competency: The learners should be able to:
Explain how the organs of each organ systems work together

Week 1 Describe the Describe the function of the Describe the function of the Describe the function of the Make a chart showing
function of the different organs of the muscular different organs of the different organs of the healthful habits that
different organs of system integumentary system digestive system promote proper
the skeletal system functioning of the
Explain how the organs of the Explain how the organs of Explain how the organs of musculo-skeletal,
Explain how the muscular system work together integumentary system work digestive system work integumentary and
organs of the together together digestive systems
skeletal system work
Week 2 Describe the Describe the function of the Trace the path of blood as it Describe how the organs of Make a chart showing
function of the different organs of the circulatory flows from the heart to the the human body work healthful habits that
different organs of system different parts of the body together to form the nervous promote proper
the respiratory and back using a model system functioning of the
system Explain how the organs of the nervous system
circulatory system work together Make a chart showing Explain how the organs of the
Explain how the healthful habits that nervous system work together
organs of the promote proper functioning
respiratory system of the circulatory system
work together

Make a chart
showing healthful
habits that promote
proper functioning
of the respiratory

Unit II.

Learning Competency: Explain how the different organ systems work together
(S6LT-II c-d-2)
Week 3 Describe how the musculo-skeletal systems work together Describe how the digestive system and excretory Synthesize and make
system work together connections among the
information of the musculo-
skeletal, digestive and
excretory systems with their
corresponding groups
Week 4 Describe how the respiratory system and circulatory Describe how the integumentary system and Synthesize and make
system work together nervous system work together connections among the
information of the respiratory,
circulatory ,
integumentary and nervous
systems with their
corresponding groups

Learning Competency: Determine the distinguishing characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates

Week 5 Identify the different Describe the different Classify animals according to Identify the characteristics of invertebrates
classes of characteristics of vertebrates classes of vertebrates
vertebrates Classify the given invertebrates according to

Week 6 Cite examples of vertebrates and invertebrates seen in the Describe ways on how to Suggest proper ways of caring Practice ways on how
community take care of the animals animals to take care of

Learning Competency: Distinguish how spore-bearing and cone-bearing plants reproduce

( S6MTIIg-h-4)

Week 7 Describe non- Describe non-flowering plants that Observe and describe the Observe and describe the Discuss the life cycle
flowering plants that use spores to reproduce parts of cone-bearing plants parts of spore-bearing plants of ferns in non-
use seeds to flowering plants
reproduce (multi-media

Week 8 Explain the life-cycle Identify and differentiate asexual Enumerate ways on how Discuss ways of artificial plant Explain the need to
of mosses in non- and sexual reproduction of plants plants can be propagated propagation protect spore-bearing
flowering plants vegetatively and cone-bearing
(multi-media) ( make flyer on how plants plants to ensure their
are propagated) survival

Learning Competency: Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove
( S6LT II i-j-5)
Week 9 Define an ecosystem Describe the kinds of ecosystem Enumerate the different Construct food chains to show Construct food webs
 Tropical rainforests kinds of interaction in feeding relationships among to show feeding
Identify the living  Coral reefs  Tropical rainforest living things relationships among
and non-living things  Mangrove swamps  Coral reefs  Tropical living things in an
in an ecosystem  Mangrove rainforests ecosystem
swamps  Coral reefs  Tropical
 Mangrove swamps rainforests
 Coral reefs
 Mangrove
Learning Competency: Explain the need to protect and conserve tropical rainforest, coral reefs and mangrove swamps
( S6LT Iii-j-6)

Week 10 Describe the Identify ways on how to protect Identify ways on how to Identify ways on how to Explain the
conditions of and conserve protect and conserve protect and conserve importance of
 Tropical protecting and
rainforests Tropical rainforests Coral reefs Mangrove swamps conserving the
 Coral  Tropical
reefs rainforest
 Mangrove  Coral reefs
swamps  Mangrove

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