Post and Pre Test in Module 1 Matter

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1. Which of the following household chores involves chemical change?

a. Drying of clothes
b. Ironing of clothes
c. Burning of wood
d. Scrubbing the floor
2. Which of the following involves physical change?
a. Burning of candle
b. Souring of milk
c. Rusting of iron
d. Dyeing of clothes
3. Which best describe matter?
a. It has mass and length.
b. It has mass and volume.
c. It can be felt and seen.
d. It has weight and can be touched.
4. It is described as the smallest particle of matter.
a. Atom
b. Compound
c. Element
d. Mixture
5. Who first proposed that matter is composed of tiny indivisible particles?
a. Antoine Lavoisier
b. John Dalton
c. Dmitri Mendeleev
d. Proust
6. Who was that Greek Philosopher who first suggested the existence of an atom?
a. Democritus and Leucippus
b. Berzellius and Schrodinger
c. Proust and Chadwick
d. Rutherford and Huggens
7. The following are the three states of matter that commonly exist on earth EXCEPT
a. Gas
b. Solid
c. Space
d. Liquid
8. Which of the following processes removes heat in order for phase change to occur?
a. Melting
b. Condensation
c. Sublimation
d. Evaporation
9. The volume of water in a pan decreases when heated. What happened to the water?
a. The water condenses.
b. The water evaporates.
c. The water melts.
d. The water freezes.
10. Which of these can be compressed easily?
a. solids, liquids & gases
b. solids only
c. liquids only
d. gases only

PRE-TEST for Module 2 ATOMS: Inside Out

1. What is the symbol of the element with the atomic number of 28?
a. Nitrogen
b. Silicon
c. Nickel
d. Barium
2. A positive charge will ______________.
a. Attract another positive charge
b. Repel another positive charge
c. Attract another negative charge
d. Repel another negative charge
3. What sub-atomic particle is responsible for the emission of the color of the flame?
a. Proton
b. Electron
c. Neutron
d. All of the above mentioned
4. It is the volume of the space around the nucleus where there is the great probability of finding
a. Atomic orbital
b. Electron configuration
c. Radioactivity
d. Wavelength
5. The lowest sublevel in each principal energy level is represented by the symbol
a. s
b. p
c. d
d. f
6. Atoms of the same element with the same atomic number can have different mass number due
to their differences in their number of neutrons. These are called _________.
a. Ions
b. Isotopes
c. Mesons
d. Protons
7. What particle accounts for most of the mass of an atom?
a. Protons
b. Electron and proton
c. Neutron and proton
8. The electrons found in the outermost energy level is called ________.
a. Valence shell
b. Valence electron
c. Electronegativity
9. The sum total of the number of protons and neutrons is called ______.
a. Mass number
b. atomic number
c. atomic weight
10. Which correctly describes a proton?
a. It revolves around the nucleus
b. It has no charge
c. It is negatively charge
d. It is positively charge
11. Proton and neutron are sub atomic particles that are found
a. Inside the nucleus
b. Outside the nucleus
c. Anywhere
12. The negatively charged particle moving around the outer part of the atom is called _____.
a. Proton
b. Electron
c. Neutron
d. All of the above mentioned
13. How many electrons are there in the outer energy level of a nitrogen?
a. 0
b. 3
c. 5
d. 7
14. An atom with 18 protons, 22 neutrons, and 18 electrons has a mass number equal to
a. 18
b. 22
c. 40
d. 58
15. What is the charge of the nucleus of an atom?
a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Neutral
d. No charge
16. What model of an atom emphasizes a positive ball of electricity with negative electrons
a. Plum Pudding or Raisin Bread Model
b. Mini-solar system model
c. Planetary model
d. Nuclear model
17. Who discovered neutron?
a. Eugene Goldstein
b. J.J. Thomson
c. J. Chadwick
d. E. Rutherford
18. Who discovered protons?
a. Eugene Goldstein
b. J.J. Thomson
c. J. Chadwick
d. E. Rutherford
19. Who discovered electrons?
a. Eugene Goldstein
b. J.J. Thomson
c. J. Chadwick
d. E. Rutherford

20. Who discovered the nuclear atom?

a. Eugene Goldstein
b. J.J. Thomson
c. J. Chadwick
d. E. Rutherford
21. It is found in the nucleus
a. Neutron
b. Proton
c. Both a and c
d. None of these
22. It carries no charge at all.
a. Neutron
b. Proton
c. Both a and c
d. None of these
23. It has the positive electrical charge.
a. Neutron
b. Proton
c. Both a and c
d. None of these
24. It has the negative electrical charge.
a. Neutron
b. Proton
c. Both a and c
d. None of these
25. If an ion has 40 protons, 28 electrons, and 35 neutrons, what is the mass number of the ion?
a. 60
b. 65
c. 70
d. 75

PRE-TEST for Module 3 Periodic Table of Elemens

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