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@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 1

Instructions Players cannot cross the half way line.
The ‘defensive players’ outnumber the attacker by 3 to 1.
Therefore the players discover that shooting from distance
is the best option to score. Playing the ball into the attacker
will leave them severely outnumbered in the offensive half
of the field (like in the example above).
The sniffer (#9) is encouraged to follow any shots in incase the
goalkeeper spills the ball or a deflection makes the ball drop.

Scoring Teams score a goal as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions If the ball is passed into the sniffer (#9) by the defenders or goalkeeper,
one of the defenders can go forward into the attacking half of the field
and join the sniffer to create a 2v3 and give them a better opportunity to
Remove the half way line and play normally, encouraging shots from
distance. Add a second striker (sniffer). This gives the defenders less time
to stage an attack and get off a good shot. If playing with 6 outfield players,
have 4 at the back and 2 attacking sniffers.

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Instructions 5V5 inside the pitch with 2 extra players per team positioned
either side of the opposition goals.
The extra 2 players are to be utilised as a support players to
combine with team mates and help them score.
The support players can move side to side to create better passing
angles but can’t leave the zone.
Once goal is scored, the scorer then swaps with one of the
support players.

Scoring Teams score a goal as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Add Gk’s and bigger goals instead of using mini goals.
Limit the touches of the support players to 1 touch meaning they
can only be used as a 1-2 Pass.
At least one of the support players has to have touched the ball
before the team in possession are allowed to score.

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Instructions The middle third is known as the ‘passage’ and is in place to
encourage quick and clever combinations between and
attacking third.
Touches inside the passage are limited to 2, there’s no condition
on either of the end zones meaning players can have as many
touches as they want.
Both teams have to have at least 1 player in each zone at all
times, meaning in 5v5 the maximum players in a zone can
be 3 (1+1 in the other 2 zones)

Scoring Teams score a goal as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Use mini goals instead of big goals which takes away the need
for any GK’s. Increase/decrease the size of the ‘passage’.
Limit all conditions and go into a normal game but keep the
‘passage’ zone coned to see if the players continue to combine
quickly between defence and attack.

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Instructions This SSG is focused around witching play and quickly changing
the point of attack.
Each time has 3 goals to score into and when any part of the
pitch becomes congested they should look to switch the point
of attack into an area with open space, as shown in the diagram
There’s no restriction on play.
This game is continuous so once a team concedes or wins the
ball they should look to begin their attack immediately.

Scoring Players can score into any of the 3 mini goals.

Progressions Limit the amount of touches.

1 touch finish.

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Instructions The defending team should always have 1 or 2 extra players
(plus GK ie: 5v3, 5v4, 6v4. Play always starts from the blue GK.
The defending teams aim is to score into one of the 3 goals by
playing out from the back and bypassing the press.
The attacking teams aim is to press the defending team and
try to turn the ball over, at which point they can attack the blue
Throw ins are normal but there’s no corners, if the ball goes out
for a corner then play simply restarts from the GK.

Scoring Defending team can score into any of the 3 mini goals,
attacking team can score into the normal goal.
Progressions Match the teams evenly (5v5, 6v6) meaning the only
advantage the defending team has is the extra player in the
Take away the middle mini goal, encouraging the defending
team to play out from the back into wide areas.

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Instructions Normal 2 goal game with each team designating a #10.
The #10 must be involved in possession prior to the team
scoring a goal. If the team score a goal without the #10
having a touch then the goal won’t count.
Switch the #10 throughout the practice.

Scoring Teams score a goal as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Make both teams share who their #10 is so that the opposition
team can make it harder for them to be involved in possession
(the #10 will have to be man marking them.
Stop the #10 from scoring which effectively turns them into
a playmaker.

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Instructions The GK’s are natural. The blue and red team are playing
head to head and aiming to score in either of the 2 goals
which are placed back to back in the centre of the area.
Once a goal is scored, the team who conceded can collect
a ball from one of the four corners and restart play.
The team collecting the ball can do so from any of the four
corners so the opposition team must be alert as to
where play is restarting from.
Scoring Teams score a goal as normal in any of the 2 goals but with the
condition discussed above.
Progressions Designate one player to collect the ball upon restarting
meaning the opposition team can immediately identify
where they should be positioned.
Limit the game to a 1 touch finish.
Instead of timing the game, place ‘x’ amount of balls in each
and once all the balls have been used, thats the final score.

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Instructions Normal game with added incentives. If a team win
possession in the opposition half and go on to score then
the goal counts as 2. The idea behind this game is to
reward proactive pressing.
No other guidelines, game is to be played as normal.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Limit the number of touches.

Teams can only press on specific triggers.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 9

Instructions Football with a bingo twist. A normal game but each
player has a number of challenges to complete. As they
complete them the coach will tick it off.
First player to complete all the chalenges is the winner.
Players could have the same or different challenges,
could be position specific.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions no progressions.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 10


Instructions Teams play fast paced 2v2 games over a duration of 3

The winning team moves up a pitch and the losing team
moves down a pitch.
Throw ins are to be taken on the ground and players can
shoot directly from throw in. If any game is tied at the end
of 3 minutes then they lay golden goal.
The final round of games will determine the league
winners of each division.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Add GK’s and bigger goals.

Instead of timed games, play the first team to ‘x’ amount
of goals to stop the possibility of games ending in a tie.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 11

Instructions The game starts with even sides (4v4, 5v5 etc....).
Once a player scores they immediately switch teams
for example the game begins 4v4 and a red player scores,
they then switch to the blue team and it becomes a 5v3
in favour of blue. If red scored again the game would
become 2v6 but if blue scored then it would go back to
4v4 however its likely that the 4v4 would be a mix of
different players as the scorer is the player who has to

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions The player who scores can nominate a player on their

team to switch instead of switching themselves.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 12


Instructions The instructions are in the title, no going back. Players

can only make forward passes.
Any backwards pass in penalised with a free kick.
Players should look to get ahead of the ball immediately
after passing otherwise they are essentially no longer
involved in play.
Corners are the only pass that can go backwards however
the ball can’t be passed back into your own half, it has to
remain in the opposition half.

Scoring Teams score as normal in either of the 2 mini goals but with
the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Designate 1 ‘playmaker’ who can pass in any direction.

Make the area wider but shorter to encourage getting
the ball into wide areas appose to playing through
tight congested space.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 13


Instructions This practice is 4v4+4 as the team in possession can

use any of the 4 support players who are confined to
specific zones.
First team to score 2 goals wins, once a winner is
determined the losing team swaps with the support
players and players restart.
The support players can’t score.
The 2 GK’s remain in play regardless of the team playing,
if there’s 3 GK’s the specify one to each team.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above

Progressions Allow the support players to score.

Limit the touches of the support players

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 14


Instructions This practice can range from 1v1 to 5v5.

The coach will call ‘3 blue 2 red’ and the game will begin
immediately in a 3v2. Once a goal is scored or the ball is
out of play then the players will retreat to their goal and
the coach will make another call.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above

Progressions None.

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The 4 Goal Game

Instructions 7v7 in any direction. There are no positions or direction in

which you play. You can score in any goal apart from the
one a team has just scored in and where play starts from
If the ball goes out of play then it restarts with a ground
Scoring Teams score as normal in any of the 4 mini goals but with the
conditions discussed above.

Progressions Add GK’s and swap the mini goals to normal goals. Randomise
the position of the goals (corners, completely random...)
Make it a 1 touch finish.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 16

One per square

Instructions The pitch is divided into 25 squares as shown above. Each

team is limited to 1 player per square meaning player have
to find space in a vacant square.
Blue and red can share a square together.
If 2 players from the same team end up in the same square
then a free kick is called.
Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Add2 GK’s and swap the mini goals for normal goals.
Designate players a direction of play, ie: #3 can only move
vertically to replicate a full backs movement up and down
the line.

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The break in

Instructions Both teams must have one player in their defending

zone who protects the goals. Team can only score by
breaking into the 6 yard scoring zone via a pass.
Players can rotate with the protecting player at any time
during the game.
If the protecting player is in possession of the ball he can’t
be tackled.

Scoring Teams can score in either of the 2 mini goals one they’ve broken
into the 6 yard end zone

Progressions Allow players to dribble into the end zone.

Change the size of the end zone.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 18


Instructions Players start with the ball in hand, they have to look for
the head of a teammate who can then head it back to
them, head it into space or head it to another team mate.
The opposition can win the ball by intercepting it when its
in the air.
The player with the ball in hand can’t move, they can only
pivot on one foot.
The only way to score is with a header, you can shoot from
anywhere but the idea is to move the ball up the pitch and
into heading range.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions None.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 19

4 team Game

Instructions Each team has 5 lives, every goal they concede is a life lost.
Once a team has lost all their lives, their goal is removed.
Play continues in all 4 squares however the team who have
been eliminated will be out until next round of play begins.
If the ball goes out of play, restart from the coach who
would pass the ball as close to the middle as possible.
Any intentional handballs will result in a life being lost, the
only way to stop a goal being score is to block or intercept
the ball.

Scoring Teams score as normal in all 4 mini goals but with the conditions
discussed above.

Progressions None.

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ball in behind

Instructions 3v3 in the central zone with 1 defender and 1 striker in the
end zones.
Players must stay in their zones.
The coach or a server passes the ball to one of the teams
who must keep possession and then try to find the striker
in the end zone who is pressured by a defender .
When the blue team are in possession the blue players in
the end zones are strikers and the reds are defenders and
vice versa when the reds are in possesion.

Scoring Teams score as normal in all 4 mini goals but with the conditions
discussed above.

Progressions ‘X’ amount of passes in the central zone before looking for the
‘striker’. 1 touch finish in the end zones.

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score & retain

Instructions Normal play, normal rules but with one twist, once you’ve
scored a goal you restart with the ball and have to make
10 consecutive passes in order to lock the goal in.
If you score a goal then the opposition win the ball before
you’ve made 10 passes, the goal will be chalked off.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Change the number of passes needed to lock the goal in.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 22

quick throws

Instructions Two players are in boxes either side of the goal they are
attacking; one players is in goal and the rest are in the
main area.
To score a team must pass to one of the boxed players,
who catches or picks up the ball and quickly looks to take
a throw-in using the correct technique.
The attacking team are looking to create a scoring
opportunity before the defending team can get organised.
The boxed support players should rotate every 3 minutes.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions None.

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goals win games

Instructions Normal rules, but the twist is that players are worth points.
Each player starts off being worth three points for a goal,
but once they have scored they lose a point - so a player
who has scored once is only worth two points for his next
goal, and then one point for his third.
After that the players goals are worth nothing to the team
so he can take deeper or playmaking role to support his

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Always keep a players with 1 point meaning they still have an
incentive to score.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 24

find the target

Instructions Each team selects one player to be the “target player”. This
players stands in the attacking end zone.
The aim of the game is to make a pass into the target man
who then has to finish the ball with his/her first touch.
After a shot is made the shooting player swaps with one
of the middle players.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Allow the target player to have 2 touches.

‘X’ number of passes in the central zone before passing to the
target man.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 25

volley & catch

Instructions The exact same game as #18 (Headball) but headers are
replaced with volleys.
Players start with the ball in hand, they have to look for a
teammate who can then volley it back to them, volley it
into space or volley it to another team mate.
The opposition can win the ball by intercepting it when its
in the air.
The player with the ball in hand can’t move, they can only
pivot on one foot.
The only way to score is with a volley, you can shoot from
anywhere but the idea is to move the ball up the pitch
and into scoring range.

Scoring Teams score as normal but with the conditions discussed above.

Progressions Allow half volleys.

@ Small Sided Games www.TeamGrassroots.co.uk Page 26

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