WBSC SOFTBALL Umpire Mechanics Fast Pitch Softball 1 Umpire
WBSC SOFTBALL Umpire Mechanics Fast Pitch Softball 1 Umpire
WBSC SOFTBALL Umpire Mechanics Fast Pitch Softball 1 Umpire
In the One Umpire System, you are responsible for every call during the game. It is obvious that not everything
that happens will be seen. The single umpire must hustle around the diamond to get to the best possible
position to stop and make the call.
With Runners on base, give the lead Runner priority in your positioning. On every hit ball, the umpire must
quickly move out from behind the plate and into the Infield for the best view of the play that develops. It is
important to always try to keep the ball in view. Take a quick look at the Runners as they touch bases, especially
when scoring at home. Watch as the play progresses, anticipate and move towards the base where the first
play will occur, be prepared to quickly reset and move towards the next play.
If the first play is potentially a routine call, shift towards where the next play may occur, especially if it is a
possible tag play. Try and get into the best position to see the ball, the fielder, and the Runner to give yourself
the best possible view to make the correct call. Make sure your position for one play does not put you in the
way of a player or a thrown ball.
You must watch for, Tags, Obstruction, Interferences, Touched Bases, Runners passing each other, Blocked
Balls, etc.
1 The ball
Any time the ball is thrown, you must know where the runners are in case the ball is thrown out of play. It is
always important to hustle. You don't have a partner to assist you. You should never make a call without
moving out from behind the plate. When the ball is in the infield and no further play is evident call and signal
'Time' and quickly return to your position behind the plate.
Plate Umpire Runner Fielder
In all cases, the plate umpire’s starting position and actions are as follows:
Ø Sweeps the home plate and checks that the field is clear and ready for play.
Ø Should take up a position in the slot between the batter and the catcher.
Ø After each pitch, you should call Ball or Strike, give signals as required and then relax, while maintaining
good general awareness.
Ø Also responsible for calling:
• Illegal Pitches
• Fair/Foul Balls
• Batting infractions
• Safes and Outs
Ø On every hit exit from behind the catcher via the left (even on a left-handed batter) and rotate to your
Ø If the ball is close to the foul line, move to the line and straddle the line to make the fair/foul call.
Plate movement following a batted ball will be explained for each case. Movements shown are examples
of possible movements and are meant to be guidelines. Umpire movements should always be dictated by
the principle of keeping the four elements in front of you.
Plate umpire
Starting position
Starting position
Starting position
Starting position
Starting position
Starting position
Starting position
Bases Loaded
Starting position