Sustainable Jurong Island Report
Sustainable Jurong Island Report
Sustainable Jurong Island Report
November 2021
of our
20.4%of our total
largest exporter
Gross Domestic output employed of chemicals
Product globally
Singapore is one of the world’s leading energy and chemicals to whom most plants tend to outsource critical maintenance work,
hubs. The Energy and Chemicals (E&C) sector creates logistics and warehousing services. Over the last decade, the sector
significant value for Singaporeans and the wider economy. has strengthened its global competitive position, ranking as the
In 2020, it contributed 3 per cent of our Gross Domestic Product, 20.4 eighth largest exporter of chemicals globally in 2019 by the World
per cent of our total output1 and employed about 27,000 people2. Trade Organisation.3
The sector provides high-paying jobs with good career progression 1
Preliminary figures from the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB)’s Research
across technical, corporate and management roles. It also creates and Statistics Unit (EDB, 2021)
spin-offs to the rest of the economy, including trading companies, 2
Estimates from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) (MOM, 2021)
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and third-party contractors, 3
World Trade Statistical Review (World Trade Organisation, 2020)
100 leading
from the global energy, petrochemical and specialty
chemicals sectors, Singapore’s Liquified Natural
Gas (LNG) terminal, service providers, and power
and utility companies that supply around 50% of
Singapore’s total domestic electricity demand.
At the heart of Singapore’s E&C sector is Jurong Island (JI), are essential ingredients needed to produce a wide range of consumer
a world-class chemicals park home to facilities of over 100 leading goods, such as surgical masks and gloves, vehicle components and
global energy, petrochemical and specialty chemicals companies, food flavours and fragrances. JI also hosts many service providers,
including ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell (“Shell”). These our LNG terminal, as well as power and utility companies that supply
companies carry out an integrated mix of refining, olefins production around half of Singapore’s total domestic electricity demand.
and chemicals manufacturing. Their products include fuels and
lubricants, as well as petrochemicals and specialty chemicals, which
JI’s success today rests on past efforts to build a well-integrated value chain with supporting infrastructure and implement
initiatives that bolster our competitiveness with an emphasis on safety and environment:
Continued improvements in
competitiveness and resilience
In 2010, the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB)
developed the Jurong Island Version 2.0 (JIv2.0) Masterplan in light
of rising global competition and Singapore’s resource constraints.
This brought government agencies together to partner with industry
to drive the execution of initiatives across five core areas – energy,
logistics and transportation, feedstock options, environment and
water. Various projects have since been implemented to improve
JI’s competitiveness and resilience, including initiatives to improve
feedstock diversification and enhance JI’s logistics infrastructure.
Trends, Challenges
And Opportunities
Globally, the landscape is evolving and this will have significant consumers across North America, Europe and Asia, Accenture
impact on the E&C sector. The United Nations has identified found that more than half believe it is important for companies to
climate change as the biggest global threat. Across the world, design products that are more sustainable and are willing to pay for
international bodies and governments have stepped up their policies, it. This has implications for chemical companies, which will need to
frameworks and regulations in sustainability. 196 countries adopted look into the sustainability of their products while maintaining price
the Paris Agreement at COP21 in Paris4, and at least 44 countries competitiveness.9
have already submitted ambitious Low greenhouse gas Emission 4
“The Paris Agreement” (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Development Strategies (LEDS) for 20505. In 2021, the European (UNFCCC), accessed in Oct 2021)
Union (EU) Parliament also approved the inclusion of shipping into its agreement/the-paris-agreement
Emissions Trading Scheme.6 5
“Communication of long-term strategies” (UNFCCC, accessed in Nov 2021)
Other examples include the Carbon Offsetting Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA);
Countries are looking towards low-carbon alternatives as the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) targets to halve absolute greenhouse gas
enablers of future economic growth. For example, countries in emissions from maritime by at least 50 per cent by 2050; Sweden, U.K., France, Denmark,
the EU as well as Japan have committed significant investments in Italy and Australia with net-zero targets in law; and large Asian governments such as
China, Japan and Korea committing to net-zero targets in 2020.
low-carbon hydrogen (H2).7 In 2020, Australia announced an AUD 7
Germany has committed at least €7 billion; Spain €8.9 billion; France €7.2 billion; Italy €4
1.9 billion investment package supporting future technologies to billion; Austria €2 billion and Portugal €1 billion.
lower emissions.8 These developments are changing the competitive 8
“Investment in new energy technologies” (Department of Industry, Science, Energy and
landscape for new investments, especially for investors that are Resources, 17 Sep 2020)
looking at green growth opportunities. 9
“More than Half of Consumers Would Pay More for Sustainable Products Designed to Be
Reused or Recycled, Accenture Survey Finds” (Accenture, 4 Jun 2019) https://newsroom.
At the individual level, consumers are increasingly opting
for and demanding sustainable products. In a survey of 6,000
Global Focus on
Sustainability & Increasing
Climate Change global
demand for
impetus to energy &
decarbonise products
identified as the
biggest global
Given these shifts, the demand for carbon-intensive fossil these pressures, chemicals will continue to play an integral a. Increasing focus on transition fuels like natural gas, and
Global energy demand contracted by 4% in 2020, and the continued lockdowns and
restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to damper demand. “Economic
fuels is expected to decline. This trend has been accelerated by role across a wide-range of end-markets globally. Although the renewables. BP and Shell announced that they would write down up impacts of Covid-19” (International Energy Agency, 2021)
the slowdown in travel and thus demand for transportation fuels amid demand for chemicals from end markets such as automotive and to US$17.5 billion and US$22 billion14 from their oil and gas portfolios global-energy-review-2021/economic-impacts-of-covid-19
the COVID-19 pandemic.10 Cleaner fossil fuels are still expected construction has dropped due to COVID-1912 , McKinsey forecasts that respectively, as an acknowledgement of the energy transition and 11
New Energy Outlook 2020 (BloombergNEF, 4 Nov 2020)
even in its worst-case scenario, petrochemicals demand will return anticipated fall in oil demand. In April 2020, Shell became the second
There has been a global fall of 22 per cent in automotive production from 2019 to 2020.
to play a major role in the medium term, even as the share “Global commercial vehicle production expected to drop 22 percent” (IHS Markit, 17 Apr
of renewables in the global fuel mix grows. BloombergNEF to 2019 levels by the first quarter of 2023. In particular, the sector’s major European oil company, after BP, to set a net-zero emissions
projected that natural gas will be the only fossil fuel to grow demand growth has been driven by emerging markets, especially in target for 2050. To achieve this target, Shell is transforming its expected-to-drop-22-perce.html
continuously by 0.5 per cent year-on-year to 2050, and fossil fuels will Asia, contributing to more than 40 per cent of the chemicals value business and portfolio to offer customers more low-carbon energy 13
“The impact of COVID-19 on the global petrochemical industry” (McKinsey & Company,
growth from 2010 to 2018.13 These markets will likely continue to products, ranging from renewable electricity, biofuels, to charging for 28
Oct 2020)
still provide between 28 to 70 per cent of the world’s primary energy of-covid-19-on-the-global-petrochemical-industry
drive the increasing demand for chemicals. electric vehicles and H2.15
in 2050, depending on the extent of climate action measures.11 14
“Shell to write down as much as US$22b in wake of coronavirus” (The Business Times,
A broader transition to renewables entirely will likely take 30 Jun 2020)
These global trends and the resulting demand shifts have the biggest b. Commercialising adoption of decarbonisation measures. down-as-much-as-us22b-in-wake-of-coronavirus
longer, in the post-2050 timeframe. 15
Shell has set carbon intensity reduction targets that not only cover emissions under its
impact on the E&C sector. At the corporate level, E&C companies Oil and gas will be a key part of the future energy mix across all of
operational control, but also emissions associated with the end use of all the energy
are restructuring their businesses and exploring low-carbon IEA’s assessed 2°C scenarios. ExxonMobil highlighted that increased
The chemicals industry is also challenged by near-term energy efficiency and a shift to lower carbon energy sources
products the company sells to its customers. “Our climate target” (Shell, accessed in
alternatives to prepare for a low-carbon future. A portfolio of Nov 2021)
pressures such as market imbalances and supply chain will help curb CO2 emissions, but not sufficiently to reach a 2°C target.html#iframe=L3dlYmFwcHMvY2xpbWF0ZV9hbWJpdGlvbi8
disruptions from geopolitical tensions and COVID-19. Despite different approaches are being taken. These include: “Outlook for Energy” (ExxonMobil, accessed in Nov 2021) https://corporate.exxonmobil.
pathway. Innovative technology solutions and supportive policies
are still needed to reach society’s aspirations.16 In February 2021, it 17
“ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions to commercialize emission-reduction technology”
announced the creation of the ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions (ExxonMobil, 1 Feb 2021)
business unit to commercialise its low-carbon technology portfolio, releases/2021/0201_ExxonMobil-Low-Carbon-Solutions-to-commercialize-emission-
starting with carbon capture and storage (CCS) opportunities.17 reduction-technology
Focusing on
fuels Growing
Shifting away from Developing &
intensive low-carbon
fossil fuels technologies
Across the sector, companies are also investing in research and Finally, COVID-19 has also increased pressures to reduce
development (R&D) for carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) and low- our E&C sector’s reliance on foreign workers, especially in the
carbon H2 as longer-term pathways, in biochemicals to grow their Process Construction and Maintenance (PCM) sector. Due to border
portfolio of sustainable products, and in newer technologies such closures and resultant manpower shortages, several projects were
as crude-to-chemicals to improve carbon efficiency. For instance, halted, incurring significant economic losses. This calls for measures
Braskem announced plans to expand biopolymer production to accelerate ongoing initiatives to improve digitalisation and
capacity18, while BASF launched a Circular Economy Programme with workplace productivity, to strengthen the sector’s competitiveness
the aim of doubling its sales volume of circular economy solutions to and resilience against unforeseen disruptions.
€17 billion by 2030; the programme includes initiatives such as its
chemical recycling project ChemCyclingTM to transform plastic waste
into pyrolysis oil.19
BASF’s other initiatives include its chemical recycling processes for used mattresses and lithium-ion battery “Circular Economy at BASF” (BASF, accessed in Oct 2021)
Against the backdrop of the global energy transition and Singapore’s The following section elaborates on the key initiatives the Government
2050 LEDS20, which was submitted to the United Nations Framework will embark on, in partnership with the industry, to grow the base
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 202021, our E&C sector of Sustainable Products and enable Sustainable Production
must transform and play a key role in developing solutions in the E&C sector to meet our 2030 targets and longer-term 2050
for a global low-carbon future. Our aspiration is for the E&C aspirations.
sector to increase its output of sustainable products by four
times from 2019 levels22 and achieve more than six million 20
Singapore aims to halve emissions from its peak to 33 million tonnes of carbon dioxide
tonnes of carbon abatement per annum from low-carbon emissions by 2050, with a view to achieving net zero emissions as soon as viable in the
solutions, by 2050. second half of the century, as part of its LEDS aspiration. “Singapore’s Enhanced Nationally
Determined Contribution and Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy” (National
Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS), 28 Feb 2020)
To reach this long-term goal, EDB will set out to achieve the following press-release/singapores-enhanced-nationally-determined-contribution-and-long-term-
key targets23 by 2030 to transform JI into a sustainable E&C park: low-emissions-development-strategy
The UNFCCC is the parent treaty of the 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to keep the
a. Increase the output of sustainable products such as bio-based global average temperature rise as close as possible to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-
fuels and chemicals by 1.5 times from 2019 levels, where industrial levels in this century (UNFCCC, accessed in Oct 2021)
sustainable products accounted for seven per cent of the sector’s 22
The baseline for our targets is 2019 data, given that 2020 data may not be a representative
manufacturing output; base due to the impact of COVID-19 on our E&C sector.
b. Ensure that the refineries and crackers in Singapore are in the top 23
These targets will apply to the E&C sector in general.
quartile of the world in terms of energy efficiency;
c. Realise at least two million tonnes of carbon capture potential.
Key Initiatives
Sustainable Products
We will seek to attract and anchor the manufacturing of Sustainable and biochemicals with enhanced properties and functionality that
Products, which significantly reduce environmental impact in their give them a performance advantage over conventional fossil fuel-
use and/or are manufactured using recycled or renewable materials, based alternatives. As novel bio-based products have lower technical
such as: maturity compared to petrochemical technologies, further R&D and
testing will be vital to realising their potential.
High-value specialty chemicals and materials
High-value We will look to grow highly valued specialty chemicals and materials
Pyrolysis Oil from plastics recycling
specialty chemicals manufacturing that is less dependent on JI’s integrated feedstock. Through pyrolysis, plastic waste is converted into pyrolysis oil, a
and materials Such specialty chemicals include lubricant additives and long-lasting
rubbers used in vehicles that improve fuel efficiency and reduce
higher-value product which can be used as feedstock for chemicals
and materials. This allows domestic plastic waste to be diverted away
carbon emissions. This will moderate the demand for molecules from from our incineration plants, which will reduce carbon emissions,
the refineries and crackers, which are the most emissions-intensive extend the lifespan of our landfills and contribute to Singapore’s
portions of the E&C value chain. JI’s shared utilities and logistics recycling targets. The National Environment Agency (NEA) is working
infrastructure will continue to help E&C companies reap production with Shell to study the feasibility of chemically recycling plastics in
synergies, while minimising health and safety implications to the Singapore.31
Carbonated aggregates using CO2
Bio-based fuels and chemicals
The carbonation of aggregate materials such as concrete waste
Biofuels, which are considered carbon neutral, are primarily used and natural minerals is a potential way to use domestic carbon
Bio-based fuels as transportation fuels by blending with fossil-based fuels such dioxide (CO2) emissions permanently.32 This pathway is applicable
as gasoline and diesel. The aviation sector is exploring the use of to Singapore’s context for two main reasons. First, carbonated
and chemicals sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) made from biogenic feedstock, aggregates can be used to supply aggregates for land reclamation,
starting with small percentage blends due to the significant cost road construction and coastal adaptation, allowing us to obtain
premium.24 All Nippon Airways (ANA), for instance, has signed sizable CO2 abatement. Second, this process can make use of low
a preliminary agreement to source for SAF from Neste’s largest concentrations of CO2. CO2 emissions from flue gas, which are in low
biorefinery based in Singapore25, which will be more than doubling CO2 concentration and form a majority of our domestic CO2 streams,
its output to meet the rising global demand for renewable energy26. can be directed to this pathway without the need for an additional step
In 2021, EDB, together with a group of government and industry to concentrate the CO2 before use. EDB, together with local research
stakeholders, completed a study on the operational and commercial institutes such as the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences
viability of deploying SAF at Changi Airport and are looking into (ICES) at A*STAR and relevant government agencies, will work with
potential pilots. The marine sector is also looking at using biofuels large CO2 emitters and the local concrete industry to pilot and scale
Pyrolysis Oil from as an interim alternative to conventional marine fuels, while the production of carbonated aggregates in Singapore.
plastics recycling exploring LNG and ammonia as longer-term alternatives to meet
the International Marine Organization’s 2030 and 2050 targets.27 As 24
Prices range from approximately US$1,500 to US$5,000 per metric tonnes of SAF,
a step towards this, GoodFuels, BHP and Oldendorff successfully depending on production pathway, compared to US$450 to 600 per metric tonnes for
completed their first ocean-going vessel biofuel bunkering trial in conventional jet fuel.
Singapore with the support of the Maritime and Port Authority of 25
“Neste and All Nippon Airways (ANA) collaborate on first supply of Sustainable Aviation
Singapore (MPA) in April 2021.28 Fuel in Asia” (Neste, 26 Oct 2020)
“Finland's Neste expands Singapore refinery as it taps renewable growth” (The Business
Biochemicals are similarly considered carbon neutral and can replace Times, 31 Jul 2019)
fossil fuel-based chemicals.29 We are keen to work with companies neste-expands-singapore-refinery-as-it-taps-renewable-growth
which are looking to manufacture bio-based chemicals for Singapore 27
By 2030, CO2 emissions should be reduced by at least 40 per cent from 2008 levels, and by
50 per cent by 2050, under the IMO’s targets.
and the world. Arkema is one company with plans to invest in bio- 28
“Joint Media Release: BHP, Oldendorff and GoodFuels successfully complete first
Carbonated aggregates based chemicals, and will be starting up a new biochemicals plant on
JI in the first half of 2022 to meet the strong demand in the region.30
trial with biofuel supplied in Singapore” (Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, 15
Apr 2021)
using CO2 However, the lack of available and accessible non-food or food
For direct replacements, the bio-derived product and petroleum-derived product are
waste-derived biomass feedstock in Singapore and the surrounding
chemically identical; for functional replacements, the bio-derived product and petroleum-
region remains a key impediment to widescale adoption, and we will derived product are chemically different but have similar functions or properties.
need innovative solutions and partnerships to scale this. 30
Arkema’s production of Amino 11 and its flagship Rilsan® polyamide 11 will be
100%-derived from renewable castor beans. “Arkema to start up new bio-based polyamide
EDB will continue to work closely with companies to facilitate the 11 plant in Singapore in the first half of 2022” (Arkema, 22 Apr 2021) https://www.arkema.
piloting and production of biofuels and biochemicals where viable.
We are interested in exploring the development of novel biofuels 31
“NEA And Shell To Jointly Explore New Chemical Recycling Value Chain To Turn Plastic
Waste Into Chemicals” (National Environment Agency (NEA), 16 Oct 2020) https://www.
Mineralising industrial waste to produce aggregates for the construction sector is defined
as a permanent technology to bind or store carbon, as it binds or stores carbon for more
than a century before it is released back to the atmosphere (Navigant Report for EDB and
NCCS, 2019)
There are other sustainable products that are applicable to Singapore but will require further R&D to improve their overall
techno-economic viability. We will advance our capabilities in these areas to promote decarbonisation and sustainable growth beyond
2030. Such areas include:
“Sumitomo Chemical to Examine the Combination of Propane Dehydrogenation Technology with CO2 Utilization Technology in Singapore, Aiming to Improve both Economic Activity and
Eco-friendliness” (Sumitomo Chemical, 24 Dec 2020)
“NUS and Shell join hands to advance decarbonisation solutions” (National University of Singapore, 14 May 2021)
Sustainable Production
In addition to unlocking the use of carbonated aggregates to reduce Increasing renewables deployment on JI
emissions, we will focus on the following Sustainable Production
JI can also play a role in our efforts to solarise Singapore. To increase
pathways, that will reduce domestic carbon emissions and pollution,
the deployment of renewable energy on JI, JTC has launched the
or optimise resource use:
SolarLand programme to deploy portable solar PV systems on
Capturing To achieve carbon abatement through carbon capture, utilisation and
interim vacant land.37 The Energy Market Authority (EMA) and JTC
carbon storage (CCUS) pathways, we will invest in the R&D and piloting of new
have launched an innovation call, the Jurong Island Renewable Energy
Request For Proposals, at the Singapore International Energy Week
carbon capture technologies, and explore carbon utilisation
2021 to test-bed innovative energy solutions including renewable
and storage opportunities to use or store the CO2 captured. energy, energy storage systems and low-carbon solutions to reduce
Such utilisation opportunities include the products mentioned under JI’s carbon footprint.38
Sustainable Products such as carbonated aggregates and CO2 to
fuels and chemicals.
Improving industrial energy efficiency
Capturing carbon To strengthen JI’s position as a leading sustainable E&C export hub,
we aim for JI companies to be global leaders in energy efficiency.
Carbon capture is a key component of CCUS; it involves separating CO2 Many companies have implemented energy efficiency projects over
from other gases and concentrating it for subsequent transportation, the last decade; ExxonMobil, for example, has improved the energy
utilisation or storage. Given the high costs of carbon capture from efficiency of its operations by over 25 per cent from 2002 to 2019
low concentration emissions (i.e. <30%), we will focus on the capture through process improvements and plant upgrading, avoiding CO2
Increasing renewables potential of higher concentration streams in the near term and explore
technologies that can sequester carbon from low concentration
emissions equivalent to removing 600,000 cars off Singapore’s
deployment on JI streams directly. EDB and JTC will also plan for the necessary
roads over this period.39 In the Energy Efficiency National Partnership
Awards held in October 2021, CCD (Singapore) was given the “Best
infrastructure on JI to support the capture and transportation of these Practices” award for its efforts in reducing emissions through steam
streams for utilisation or storage. optimisation, with ExxonMobil, Afton Chemical and Petrochemical
Corporation of Singapore (PCS) receiving an honourable mention for
To enable cost reductions in carbon capture, especially from lower CO2 their respective energy efficiency improvement efforts.40 Building on
concentration streams, Singapore will invest in the R&D of emerging this momentum, EDB and NEA will continue working with industry
technologies such as membranes and solid adsorption materials, players to identify and make further improvements in industrial
leveraging our strong local research capabilities in material science energy efficiency and thus reduce emissions.
and chemical engineering. We invite industry players to collaborate
with local Institutes of Higher Learning and to develop and test-
Recycling chemicals and utilities
bed their carbon capture technologies here. Some industry efforts
Improving industrial are already ongoing. In July 2020, Keppel Data Centres, Chevron, There are also opportunities for circularity on JI. To lower carbon
Pan-United and Surbana Jurong, with the support of NRF, signed a
energy efficiency Memorandum of Understanding to accelerate the development
and other gas emissions (such as SO2) from gas flaring during
oil production, we will work with companies to explore the
of a highly integrated clean and energy efficient CCUS system implementation of flare gas recovery projects to recycle these waste
that can lead to a low-carbon economy and potential commercial gases. EDB, EMA and JTC have been working with the Singapore
developments for Singapore.35 LNG Corporation (SLNG) to explore how we can harness cold
energy, released during the regasification of LNG, to reduce power
CCS offers a potentially viable decarbonisation pathway for hard-to- consumption and associated carbon emissions.
abate sectors such as E&C and power. CCS technologies are already
proven at commercial scale, have high abatement potential and can Besides these initiatives, EDB will work towards reducing other
potentially deliver abatement at lower costs per ton of CO2 compared environmental impacts from JI’s operations, such as by building
to other commercial-scale abatement pathways. Companies have on our toxic industrial waste treatment capabilities. We will also
started to explore regional transboundary solutions. For example,
Recycling ExxonMobil announced that they are planning a CCS hub concept in
continue our efforts with the industry and partner with government
agencies to improve the competitiveness and resilience of JI.
chemicals & utilities Singapore to capture, transport and permanently store CO2 generated These include driving productivity improvements in the supporting
domestically into the APAC region in February 2021.36 PCM sector, as well as enabling system-level digitalisation on JI.
“Industry leaders collaborate to develop Singapore’s first end-to-end decarbonisation process to mitigate climate change” (National Research Foundation, 2 Jul 2020)
“ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions to commercialise emissions-reduction technology” (ExxonMobil, 1 Feb 2021)
Portable systems provide flexibility for the relocation of the solar installation in the event of a need to recover the solar site for future E&C investments. “A Boost for Clean Energy in
Singapore with SolarLand Programme” (JTC, 12 Jun 2019)
“EMA and JTC Launch $6 Million Open Call to Accelerate Clean Energy Innovations on Jurong Island” (Energy Market Authority (EMA), 25 Oct 2021)
“ExxonMobil Asia Pacific a Winner of the Best Practices Award” (The Business Times, 8 Oct 2020)
“13 Companies, Organisations And Individuals Recognised For Outstanding Achievements In Energy Management At The National Energy Efficiency Conference (NEEC) 2021”
(NEA, 12 Oct 2021)
Transforming for a
Low-Carbon Future
Waste Recycling
Fuels And Translational
Chemicals Testbed
Flare Gas
Cold Energy
00 1
0 0100
10 0
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0 0 0 100
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Global shifts are creating an accelerated impetus for the E&C sector
to decarbonise and transform its portfolio towards more sustainable
products, including cleaner fossil fuels and sustainable chemicals. JI,
the cornerstone of Singapore’s E&C sector, must also pivot to remain
competitive and spearhead the E&C transition to capture green
growth opportunities.
Annex A
Other Key Initiatives
We will also work with the power sector to improve JI’s utility
infrastructure and facilities in line with baseload demand trends.
For instance, EDB and JTC are actively exploring opportunities to
enhance competitiveness of steam supply on JI, which is commonly
used in E&C production processes.