Types of Motives
Types of Motives
Types of Motives
Motives may be divided into two types: biological and psychosocial motives.
Biological Motives
The first attempts to understand the cause of motivation was analyses of biological motives.
Biological drives are rooted in the physiological state of the body, and the needs of the body
such as hunger, thirst, sexual needs, etc. which influence the behaviour of the individual.
Biological drives stem from the body’s natural tendency to achieve homeostasis.
Homeostasis refers to the process of the body working to maintain a state of balanced
equilibrium in which it can function properly. When this balance is disturbed by the lack of,
or excess, of a substance, there is a tension, or a drive experienced by the individual, which
prompts a change in their behaviour, in order to restore equilibrium.
Food provides nutrition, which is essential for the body to function, and it is something that is
vital to survival. When an individual has not eaten, their blood glucose levels drop, and there
is a decrease in the protein and fat levels in the body, creating a physiological need. Nerve
impulses are sent to the brain, which, in turn, creates a drive, inducing the feeling of hunger.
Physiological indicators of this need are hunger pangs, and salivation.
The biological drive of hunger motivates the individual to find a food source, and eat, thereby
alleviating the tension. Here, the physiological need is food, the drive is the feeling of hunger,
and the behaviour that reduces the drive is eating.
It must also be noted that in some cases, external stimuli can affect human behaviour and
result in the urge to eat.
Water and fluids are absolutely essential for the proper functioning of the body, as water
makes up about two-thirds of the human body. Water is needed for survival. A lack of water
in cells, and a reduction in blood volume sends nerve impulses to the brain, inducing the
drive of thirst. This prompts an individual to find a water source, and quench their thirst.
Physiological indicators of this need include dryness of the mouth, lips and throat,
discomfort, and in some cases, headaches.
Here, the physiological need is water, the drive is thirst, and the behaviour that reduces the
drive is drinking fluids.
Sexual Motives
Sexual Motivation is different from most other biological needs like hunger, thirst and sleep,
as sex is not needed for the survival of the individual. However, it is essential for the survival
of the species as a whole. Sexual motivation does not aim to achieve homeostasis, and this
drive only develops with age, when the age of sexual maturity is reached.
Sexual urges are determined by the release of sex hormones into the bloodstream released
from the gonads; ovaries in females, and testes in males. Certain endocrine responses of the
adrenal and pituitary glands may also have an effect on such urges.
Furthermore, there is the element of external stimuli that factors into sexual motivation, and
the nature of arousing stimuli depends on various cultural factors. In humans, sensory stimuli
is a more prominent trigger of sexual drives than endocrinal activity.
Here, the physiological need is sexual satisfaction, the drive is sexual urges, and the
behaviour that reduces the drive is intercourse.
Psychosocial Motives
Psychosocial motives are those drives that are not influenced by the physiological state of an
individual. They are motivations related to society, intrapersonal and interpersonal relations,
and social roles, among others. These motives are often learned and conditioned, and they
influence the psychological well-being of an individual, influencing their behaviour. These
motives are dependent on the community around the individual, and are acquired and
developed from their interactions with the environment around them.