Intro Formal Lab 7

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Introduction a ceramic rod and the outer part of the resistor is

coated with an insulating paint (Admin, n.d.).

Electricity is a phenomenon that occurs
when electric charges are stationary or moving. When current runs sequentially through
The fundamental attribute of matter is electric
charge, which is carried by elementary particles. the resistors, they are said to be in series.
The electron is the particle involved in Because the charges can only travel in one
electricity, and it has a charge that is classified
direction, the current through each resistor is the
as negative by convention. The accumulation or
motion of a large number of electrons results in same. The algebraic sum of the individual
the different manifestations of electricity. resistances equals the equivalent resistance of a
The study of electromagnetic set of resistors in a series connection.
phenomena that occur when there are no moving
charges—that is, once a static equilibrium has RT =R1 + R2 + R3 +... . (1.1)
been established—is known as electrostatics.
Because the electric force is so strong, charges
quickly achieve their equilibrium positions. The
distributions of the electric field and the electric
potential can be calculated using electrostatic
mathematical methods using a known
arrangement of charges, conductors, and
insulators. The current flowing through each
In contrast, given a set of conductors resistor comes from the voltage source, hence
with known potentials, it is possible to compute
the current through each resistor is the same.
electric fields between the conductors and
determine the charge distribution on the The voltage supplied by the voltage source and
conductors' surface. The electric energy of a the resistance of the resistors determine the
collection of charges at rest can be regarded in
terms of the labor necessary to construct the current flowing through the circuit. As a current
charges, or it can be thought of as residing in the pass through each resistor, a potential drop
electric field produced by this assembly of occurs that is equal to the loss of electric
charges. Finally, energy can be stored in a
capacitor; the energy necessary to charge such a potential energy (Friedman et al., 2018).
device is stored in it as electrostatic energy
(Eustace et al., 2020). According to Ohm’s Law, the
relationship between current, voltage, and
A passive electrical component with two
resistance. The potential difference, or voltage,
terminals that are used for either limiting or
across a large number of materials is precisely
regulating the flow of electric current in
proportional to the amount of continuous current
electrical circuits. The main purpose of resistor
flowing through them. As a result, if the voltage
is to reduce the current flow and to lower the
V between two ends of a wire composed of one
voltage in any particular portion of the circuit. It
of these materials is tripled, the current I triples
is made of copper wires which are coiled around
as well, and the quotient V/I, or resistance R,
remains constant. The resistance of materials
that obey Ohm's law does not change over wide
voltage and current ranges (Britannica, 2019).

The law is mathematically expressed as:

R= (1.2)

where I is the current in amperes (A), V is the

voltage in volts (V) and R is the resistance in Kirchhoff’s Current Law (Anonymous,

ohms (Ω). n.d.) states that the sum of the currents flowing
into a node in a circuit must equal the sum of the
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (Anonymous,
currents flowing out of the node. A circuit
n.d.) states that for any closed loop in a circuit,
connected in parallel has the sum of the current
the sum of the potential differences across all
flows through each load is equal to the current
components is zero. The current flowing through
flow through the source, and the voltage drops
all of the components in the circuit is equal and
across all of the components in the circuit are
the sum of the voltage drops across each load is
equal, which can be expressed as:
equal to the voltage of the source.
1 1 1 1
When one end of all the resistors is = + + + ... (2.1)
R T R 1 R2 R3
connected by a continuous wire of negligible
resistance, and the other end of all the resistors
is also connected by a continuous wire of
negligible resistance, the resistors are in parallel.
Each resistor has the same voltage drop across it.
When the voltage across each resistor is
constant, Ohm's law can be used to calculate the
current flowing through it. The voltage supplied
by the voltage source and the equivalent
resistance of the circuit determine the current
flowing from the voltage source. In this
example, current goes from the voltage source to
a node, or junction, where the circuit splits and
passes through resistors (Friedman et al., 2018).
References: _content.html#:~:text=A%20network
1. Kashy, E., Suckling, Eustace E.,
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3. Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia
(2019, June 24). Ohm’s law.
Encyclopedia Britannica.

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Bowman, D., Gasparov, L., LaRue,
L., Lattery, M., Ludlow, R., Motl, P.,
Demaree, D., Ginsberg, E. S., Smith,
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