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Instructional Plan in Food and Beverage Services

Learning Area: Food and Beverages NC II Grade Level: 11-CRV, II- JDP

iPlan No.: 11 Quarter: 4th Date: May 17, 2022

Learning Code: TLE_HEFB-

12RS-IIIa –b- 7
Competency/ies: Take and process room service orders.
(Taken from the
Curriculum Guide)

Key Concepts/ Attend telephone calls promptly and courteously in accordance with customer service standards.
Understanding to be Check and use guests’ names throughout the interaction.
Developed Clarify, repeat and check details of orders with guests for accuracy.
Use suggestive selling techniques when appropriate
Advise guests of approximate time of delivery
Record room service orders and check relevant information in accordance with establishment
policy and procedures.

Learning Adaptable Cognitive Process Dimensions

Objectives Knowledge Remembering The learner can recall information Identify the different Room service
The fact or and retrieve relevant knowledge
condition of from long-term memory; identify, terminology used and range of room
retrieve, recognize, duplicate,
knowing something service products that are available
with familiarity list, memorize, repeat, describe,
gained through reproduce. within the enterprise
experience or
association. Understanding The learner can construct
meaning from oral, written and
graphic messages: interpret,
exemplify, classify, summarize,
infer, compare, explain,
paraphrase, discuss.

Skills Applying The can use information to Demonstrate the process of taking
The ability and undertake a procedure in familiar
capacity acquired situations or in a new way: oders in a room service, attend the
execute, implement,
through deliberate, phone calls, checking of room orders
systematic, and demonstrate, dramatize,
sustained effort to interpret, solve, use, illustrate, and techniques used in an appropriate
smoothly and convert, discover.
adoptively carryout
manner with the following procedure
complex activities and requirements.
or ... the ability,
coming from one’s The learner can distinguish
knowledge, between parts and determine
practice, aptitude, how they relate to one another,
etc., to do
and to the overallstructure and
purpose: differentiate,
distinguish, compare, contrast,
organize, outline, attribute,

Evaluating The learner can make

judgemments and justify
decisions: coordinate, measure,
detect, defend, judge, argue,
debate, describe, critique,
appraise, evaluate.

Creating The learner can put elements

together to form a functional
whole, create a new product or
point of view: generate,
hypothesize, plan, design,
develop, produce, construct,
formulate, assemble, devise.

Attitude A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or Patiently observe the proper way of
something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s
behaviour: taking and process order in a room
service in an appropriate and
courteous manner to the customers.

Values (RA 8491)

 A learner’s principles or standards of Maka-Diyos
behaviour; one’s judgement of what is
important in life. Maka-tao Develop and enhances good
relationship toward the partner as a
team in doing such activityas a room
service staff.
 Go beyond learner’s life on earth, include Makalikasan
more than wealth and fame, and would
affect the eternal destiny of millions.
Resources Listing of all LM/CG/TG/CBC/CBLM/Internet
resources needed

Introductory Activity Daily routinize activities ( Prayer, greetings. Checking of attendance and
(____minutes) assignments)
This part introduces the lesson content. Although
at times optional, it is ussually included to serve as
a warm-up activity to give the learners best for the  Let students recapitulate the lesson and activities last meeting about
incoming lesson and an idea about what is to close/down restaurant dining area.
follow. One principle in learning occurs when it is
conducted in a pleasurable and comfortable  Students are instructed to set within their partners and ask to prepare their
atmosphere. assignment about their script in taking and process order in a room service.
 Flash students the different room service in a htel, cruise ship, hospital and
others. Le students conceptualized the picture and charade picture and tell
something bout it.(Students brainstorming and give their opinion with
regards to the picture shown.
 Have students answer the spelling drill about Room Service terminology
and identify each function and uses.
( Room service,Amenities, Honour System, Porter, Compedium, Guest
Folio, etc...)
Activity Have students watch the video about the room service phone calls . Let students be
This an interactive strategy to elicit learner’s prior keen to observe the video and take down note the flow of the coversation from
learning experrience. It serves as a springboard for the video presentation. Have students to answer the question that follows as serve
new learning. It illustrates the principle that
learning starts where the leaners are. Carefully
as their observation to help them understand the video.
structured activities such as individual or group 1. What is the set up of the conversation all about?
reflective exercises, group discussion, self-or 2. Enumerate the first upto the flast script of the conversation?
group assessment, dyadic or triadic interactions,
puzzles, simulations or role play, cybernetics
3. How did the room service attendant negotiate to the costemer?
exercise, gallery walk and they like may be After the video presentation students will have share their own views about the
created. Clear instructions should be consider in
this part of the lesson.
video seen awhile ago to the customers.Students will have to dicuss the their
observation by group to the class.

Analysis After the video presentation, ask the students regarding with the task :
Essenntials questions are included to serve as a 1. What are the proper way of taking phone calls of the room service order of
guide for the teacher in clarifying key
understandings about the topic at hand. Critical the customer?Eumerate the sequential process.
points are organized to structure the discussions 2. How would you treat your costumer if you find them in moody situation?
allowing the learners to maximize interactions and 3. What learning insight did you learn from the video presentation.What
sharing of ideas and options about expected
issues. Affective are included to elicit the fellings of significant value as a room attendant did the video wanted us to implies?
the learners about the activity or the topic. The Discussion/Lesson Proper
last questions or points taken should lead the
learners to understand the new concepts or skills
that are to be presented in the next part of the
Abstraction Processing of ideas and clarifying of doubts and give suplemented informations in
(____minutes) the presentations.
This outlines the key concepts, important skills
that should be inhanced and proper attitude that
should be emphasized. This is organized as a  Familiarization of the script and as room attendant you should treat your
lecturette that summarizes the learning costumer in courteous manner.
emphasized from the activity, analysis and new
imouts in this part of the lesson.
 Have the students identify the flow orr sequence in answering the phone
calls ,the rage of room service offered, selling technique used in offering
food and beverages to the costumer with required standards.
Application Let the students enumerate the process of taking orders in room services via
(____minutes) costumer request in accordance to the following procedure and enterprise
This part is structured to ensure the commitment
of the learners to do something to apply their new standards.
learning in their own environment.
Students are task to make a script about the process of taking orders in a room
service scenario.They are going to frm atleast 4 to 5 members of the group and
facilitate the whole practice right after the given time set to them.After which the
teacher will look at the flow of the practice and then present to the class for

Assessment Students will be assess through performance test. From the video presented during
(____minutes) the activity period , each group will have to make a script about how to ansewr the
For the Teacher to:
Assess whether learning objectives have been telphone calls from the costumer who wanted to order via phone calls. Have
meet for a specific duration. students to do the task within 10 minutes.
Remediateand/or enrich with appropraite
strategies as needed.
The following criteria is used to evaluate students performance;

Communication and Mastery of the piece............................15%

Appropriateness and accuracy...............................................10%
Creative presentation & Teamwork.......................................10%

Evaluate whether learning intention and success

criteria have been met.

(Reminder: Formative assessment may be given

before, during, or after the lesson.)
Assignment Reinforcing/ As a food and Beverages Services student, what positive strength did you get from
(____minutes) Strengthening the lesson today. What are the learning insight did you get from the video
Note: Fill in any of the
four purposes. the days’s presentation and how these insight the knowledge and skills help you as a
lesson students in the future .

inspiring the
day’s lesson
improving the
day’s lesson

Preparing for Research about how to prepare and set up food and beverages for delivery in
the new lesson room service orders to the costumers.

Concluding Activity “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest;
(____minutes) second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the
This is usually a brief but effective closing activity
such as a strong qoutatio, a short song, an bitterest.”
anecdote, parable or a letter that inspires the - Confucius
learners to do something to pactice their new
Prepared by:
Position/Designation: MTI Division: LAPU-LAPU CITY
Contact Number: 09276594698 Email address: christinerose. vargas@deped. gov. ph
Appendices: (attached all materials that will be used)
Activity Sheet...
Formative Assessment...
Answer Key...
Power Point Presentation...

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