Assessment #7 Workshop #2 Alacyang-Kimberson

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National Training on Effective Communication Skills and Project Planning and Delegating Among Leaders




Workshop #2:

• What are your best practices as an administrator or leader in your agency?

- The best practices as a leader in our agency or institution are the following:
▪ Promotion of good relationships and a healthy competition;
▪ Encouraging and motivating student’s for better performance;
▪ Giving real-time feedback for further development and improvements;
▪ Providing trusts to the students; and
▪ Ensures that students are living up the core values of the school.

• How did you achieve your VMGs?

- Through proper planning and execution of work as being magnified in the Vision-Mission-Goals of the
institution. Hence, the VMG’s must always be aligned with the values and intentions of the institution together
with the people behind it in order to achieve success in the future. Lastly, the VMGs must serve also as
motivation for the students and employees within the school.

• What problems did you encounter along the way?

- Firstly, there is a high cost in maintenance and operations in an educational institution which is considered as
a huge challenge today for us leaders/administrators. Especially with the high cost of maintenance and the
costs need to be undertaken when adopting new trends which can be extremely expensive.
- Secondly, the adaptation to technology. This is our challenge as administrators and leaders since technology
plays a huge roll in all the latest trends in modern society and the field of education is no exception. But
technology is not many school administrators’ strong suit and this has made it a real challenge for us to identify
what and when they should adopt technology to improve performance in the school setting.

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