Calculating Longitudinal Wheel Slip and Tire Parameters Using GPS Velocity

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Proceedings of the American Control Conference

Arlington, VA June 25-27, 2001

Calculating Longitudinal Wheel Slip and Tire Parameters Using GPS Velocity
Shannon L. Miller Brett Youngberg Alex Millie Patrick Schweizer J. Christian Gerdes
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University


While tire parameters are quite important to both current

vehicle control systems and proposed future systems, these
parameters are subject to considerable variability and are 2000

difficult to estimate while driving due to the unavailability 1000

of absolute vehicle velocity. This paper details a method

of generating longitudinal tire force-slip curves using
absolute velocity information from the Global Positioning -1000

System (GPS). By combining GPS measurements with -2000

measured wheel speeds, the effective tire radius and
longitudinal stiffness of the tires can be identified using a -3000

simple least-squares regression technique. Preliminary -4000

results demonstrate the feasibility of the technique, show

that the effective radius can be identified with considerable -100 -80 -60 4 0 -20 0
percent slip ( X )
20 40 60 80 100

precision and suggest that the identified longitudinal

stiffness exhibits noticeable sensitivity to changes in Figure 1 - General Shape of Force versus Slip Curve
inflation pressure.
longitudinal force on a tire to the wheel slip for given values
of normal force, road surface conditions, tire characteristics,
INTRODUCTION and other factors (such as camber angle). Figure 1
demonstrates the general shape of such a curve generated from
The longitudinal forces that produce acceleration and the commonly-used “Magic Formula” tire model [2]. While
braking on ground vehicles with pneumatic tires arise due models vary, several of the traits shown in Figure 1 are
to deformation and sliding in the tire contact patch. While common to various mathematical models and empirical test
the actual motions that take place in the contact patch are data. First, the relation between force and slip is roughly
somewhat complex, the force generation can generally be linear at low values of slip below the point at which significant
described with sufficient accuracy in terms of wheel slip - sliding occurs in the contact patch. In this region, force can be
a measure of the difference between the rotational speed of approximated as proportional to slip using an effective
the wheel. and the translational velocity of the wheel longitudinal stiffness of the tire, C,:
center. The standard SAE definition of wheel slip is

The stiffness depends on the foundation stiffness of the tire

and the length of the contact patch between the tire and the
where V is the longitudinal speed of the wheel center, w is road [8]. As a result, this value depends strongly upon tire
the angular speed of the tire and R, is the effective tire construction and inflation pressure.
radius. The effective radius is defined to be the radius of
the tire when rolling with no external torque applied about Beyond this linear region, the additional force generated per
the spin axis. Since the tire flattens in the contact patch, unit slip begins to decrease and ultimately reaches a peak,
this value lies somewhere between the tire’s undeformed after which tire. force decreases and braking behavior becomes
radius and static loadea’radius. unstable. The peak force at which this occurs depends
strongly upon the road surface and is often approximated by
A number of different tire models for predicting tire scaling by a peak friction value, p, as shown in Figure 1.
longitudinal force in terms of wheel slip have been derived Some experimental research has suggested that the
from empirical data. Such models generally relate the longitudinal stiffness may also depend on road surface

0-7803-6495-3/01/$10.00 0 2001 AACC 1800

condition and this peak friction value [lo]. While data enables the estimation of the effective tire radius and
consistent with many mathematical representations of longitudinal stiffness of the tires, thus completely specifying
force versus slip curves, such dependence violates the the linear part of the force-slip curves. Some preliminary tests
traditional brush model’s physical description of tire force at different pressures indicate that these values exhibit some
generation 181. strong dependence on tire pressure, raising a cautionary note
about inferring peak friction from tire behavior at low levels
Since tire force generation can be described in terms of of slip.
wheel slip, slip is a critical parameter in control algorithms
for vehicle control systems such as anti-lock brake systems
(ABS) and electronic stability control (ESP) [ 141. While METHOD
many ABS algorithms rely primarily on the deceleration of
the wheel [3], some estimate of slip is necessary to avoid The equation of motion of a vehicle in the longitudinal
lock-up on low friction surfaces. Although the definition direction is:
of wheel slip in Equation 1 is quite simple, calculating slip
on a vehicle is complicated by the lack of accurate Fxf + F,, - F,, - Fd - M g sin 6 = Ma,
measurements of either the radius or the absolute vehicle (3)
velocity. While an average radius value can usually be
assumed without producing much error, some form of where Fxf and F,, are the longitudinal forces (driving or
observer must be employed to estimate the vehicle speed braking) on the front and rear axles, respectively, F,, is rolling
[ 111. Other systems determine the vehicle’s absolute resistance, Fd is drag and 8 is the grade angle.
velocity by comparing the front and rear wheel speeds
(assuming the car is two-wheel drive) [lo]. Recent work As a first approximation, rolling resistance, drag and grade are
has demonstrated that velocity measurements derived from neglected and mass is assumed known. The equation of
the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be used to motion then becomes:
provide an absolute velocity for calculating wheel slip [4].
This avoids the drift problems inherent in observers based
upon wheel speed measurement.
F~ + F,, =Ma,

The use of GPS velocity information has an even greater This is admittedly a simplification and better results could be
benefit beyond the generation of an accurate slip obtained by including estimates of the road grade, mass and
measurement. By comparing the wheel slip to estimates of other road loads obtained online. Grade can be estimated from
the forces acting on the vehicle, the tire force versus slip the GPS receiver by examining the ratio of vertical velocity to
characteristics can be obtained. These, in turn, can be used horizontal velocity after which the mass and road loads can be
to feed model-based controllers for ABS or ESP systems estimated if a value of engine torque is available [ 13.
or more advanced driver assistance systems for
lanekeeping or collision avoidance [9]. They could also be The remaining step is to apportion the acceleration between
used to provide more accurate observers for periods of the front and rear axles and - if desired - the left and right
time when GPS information is not available. Several tires. With a four wheel drive vehicle, curves for each wheel
researchers [6,7,10,12,13] have also suggested that by can be derived during periods of acceleration alone by
fitting the low slip region of the force-slip curve to a assuming some split of torque across the four wheels. For
parameterized model - ranging in complexity from the vehicles with only two driven wheels, the force-slip
form of Equation 2 to dynamic friction models - the peak characteristics of the driving wheels can be identified while
friction point can be determined. This application accelerating, but the undriven wheels can only be identified
represents a further use for the information that can be during periods of braking. This, in turn, requires knowledge
generated from GPS-based slip measurement, although of the brake distribution among the different wheels. The
preliminary results achieved with the system demonstrate experimental results and the derivation presented here assume
some care in interpretation is necessary for friction that the vehicle has two driven wheels, the curves are
detection. identified under acceleration alone and an effective
longitudinal stiffness for the two wheels combined is desired.
This paper demonstrates how tire force-slip curves - and in
particular the linear region of these curves - can be Assuming that the tires are in the linear region of the force
determined using GPS velocity measurements and wheel versus slip curve, the longitudinal equation is given by:
speed sensors. The GPS velocity measurement is
differenced to obtain absolute vehicle acceleration, which
is multiplied by the vehicle mass to calculate the
longitudinal force on the tires. The accuracy of the GPS

cx= - c - M
Combining this with Equation 4 gives simply: (13)

Knowing the mass and the stiffness, the effective radius

follows from:
Re =- (14)
Acceleration is found by differencing the GPS velocity C X
measurements in post-processing according to:
The effective radius can then be used to present the data in
a ( k )= [v(k+ 1) -v(k - 1)]/2T terms of the SAE standard definition of wheel slip given in
(7) Equation 1 without having to guess at the radius.

where T is 0.1 s, the time interval between consecutive

Therefore, The sensor system used in this study consists of a NovAtel
Millenium GPS receiver and an A-dat high-resolution wheel
speed sensor. The’ GPS receiver provides absolute velocity
information at 10 Hz with a lo noise level of less than 3 c d s
observed in experiments [4]. The receiver is connected to a
magnet-mounted antenna placed on the centerline of the car’s
Defining a speed ratio P as, roof, as close as possible to the car’s center of gravity. The
velocity data is averaged internally by the receiver over each
100 ms, giving each velocity point a theoretical latency of 50
(9) ms.

Delays in GPS computation and data transfer increase this

This can be rearranged to form latency further. To align the GPS information with the wheel
speed sensor data, the receiver outputs a short-duration (20 ps)
pulse at the start of each integer second. This pulse is not long
a ( k ) = %[Re .P ( k ) -11 enough to reliably capture with the base sampling rate of lkHz
on the data acquisition computer, so it is broadened using a 1-
or, alternately, shot circuit before being read into the A/D board and stored in
the data set. By comparing the start of the GPS second and
the arrival of the GPS data point, the latency of each pulse is
a(k)=[v].P(k)-[s] (11) determined. This latency was measured to be, on average, 95
ms [5], making the total latency of the GPS data roughly 150
ms. Since the data used in this study was post-processed, the
which clearly represents a linear relationship between the latency provided no problems after synchronizing the data
acceleration and the speed ratio. streams. Should real-time generation of slip be required, the
velocity measurement can be combined with a longitudinal
Both acceleration, a(k), and speed ratio, P(k), can be accelerometer to produce an unbiased measurement with
determined from GPS and wheel speed sensor readings. higher update rate and no latency (as was demonstrated for
From these measurements, a simple least-squares lateral dynamics in [5]).
algorithm can be used to determine the slope and intercept
of the line: An externally mounted high-resolution wheel speed sensor
measures the angular speed of the drive wheel. I t outputs
a ( k )= mP(k) + c 1000 digital pulses per revolution to a counter circuit, which is
read directly into the single-board computer. The digital
signal, sampled at 1 kHz, is run through a 300-point moving-
Once the slope, m, and intercept, c, of the line have been average filter, making the signal more continuous and giving
determined, the longitudinal tire stiffness can be easily each data point an average latency of 150 ms, closely
calculated from the intercept and vehicle mass: matching the GPS receiver’s total latency. This sensor has a
much greater resolution than production wheel speed sensors
used in ABS or ESP systems and was chosen for ease of

interfacing. As demonstrated in the experimental results, Clearly, the GPS velocity and wheel speed signals are close to
the low frequency GPS velocity measurement is the identical when plotted in the same graph. The differences can
limiting factor in setting the accuracy of the slip be seen in the lower plot once these values have been
measurement, not the wheel speed. Hence, this resolution converted to slip. Periods of acceleration result in positive
could be greatly reduced without altering the basic values of slip, while periods of deceleration produce negative
character of the results presented in this paper. values. During the experiments, slip was measured to be
between 3% and -3%, typical of normal driving conditions
The data acquisition system includes a VersaLogic single- and well within the linear region of the force-slip curves.
board target computer (SBC) and a notebook host
computer connected via an Ethernet link. The target The apparent noise in the slip curve is actually a saw-tooth
computer operates under the xPC target environment of pattern caused by the lOHz update rate of the GPS velocity
MATLAB's Real-time Workshop package, providing a information. Since the wheel speed is available at a higher
consistent Ims sample time. The GPS receiver is update rate than the GPS velocity, periods of acceleration and
connected to the SBC through a serial port while the wheel deceleration produce this pattern when viewed at the higher
speed and synchronization pulses are obtained through the update rate. This does not alter the force-slip curve generation
SBC's digital and analog inputs, respectively. Data post- since the data is downsampled to match the lOHz update rate
processing and storage are handled exclusively by the of the GPS receiver prior to the use of the least-squares
notebook. Since the complete system is very portable, regression.
tests were performed on several passenger vehicles.
Figure 3 displays the raw acceleration and speed ratio data
used in the least-squares algorithm together with the best-fit
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Iine through the data. No filtering was performed on this data
other than the moving average filter for the wheel speeds and
A series of short test runs (30-60 seconds) were performed the elimination of a few outliers caused by occasional loss of
in two test vehicles, maintaining normal driving speeds
' GPS satellite visibility. The experimental data points clearly
within a limited range on open roads with minimal grade. support the linear tire modeling assumption at low slip.
In keeping with the assumptions made for this study, only
periods of acceleration and engine braking were used in AcceleraUonvs Speed Ratio
the experimental runs, ensuring that all driving and braking
forces acted through the driven wheels. Only the driven 25-

wheels were identified in this study. The data was post- 2-

processed according to the method described in the
previous section to determine slip, force, longitudinal 15-

stiffness, and effective radius for each data set. Figure 2 -

shows a 35 second data set that represents the typical
E 1-

2- 0.5 -
P O-

GPS Velwity and Whsel Speed y5 Tima 4.5 -


-1.5 -
-2 I
3.04 3.06 3.08 3.1 3.12 3.14 3.16 I8
Speed Ratio

0 I
5 10 15
20 25 30
Figure 3 -Raw Acceleration Data versus Speed Ratio
Peicenf Sllp vs. Tim
After running the least-squares routine to obtain the radius,
this curve can be rearranged into the more familiar units of
force versus slip, presented in Figure 4.

5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 2 - Speeds and Wheel Slip During Maneuver

variability of tire longitudinal stiffness with road surface
Force vs. Slip condition or inflation pressure.

Acceleranon vs. Speed Ratlo( 25 psi and 6 psi)


4000 I .


0.5 -
5 0-
-0.5 -

4 0 0 0 ~
-1.5 -1 4.5 0 0.5 1
Percent Slip
Figure 4 - Experimental Force versus Slip Curve 3.04 3.06 3.08 3.1 3.12 3 14 16
Speed Ralio

While identical in content to Figure 3, this plot has a bit Figure 5 - Comparison at Two Inflation Pressures
more physical meaning since the slope of the best fit line
through these points is the effective longitudinal stiffness,
Cx,of the tires.
Effective radius was found to be between .3222m and
.3246m, depending upon inflation pressure. Higher The data shows that GPS velocity information can be
inflation pressures tended to increase the effective radius; combined with wheel speed information to measure tire slip
the average value at 25psi inflation was .3229m, while the and estimate longitudinal stiffness and effective radius. The
average value at 45psi was .3244m. Standard deviation of data gathered are consistent with the assumption of a linear
the radius obtained from multiple tests at the same relationship between force and slip at low levels of slip as
inflation pressure was remarkably low, falling well below predicted by classical tire models. Radius estimation using
lmm. More tests are required to statistically establish the this method exhibited considerable precision and accuracy
precision of this measurement, but the precision is within the difference between the undeformed and static
qualitatively quite high. Furihermore, the values obtained loaded tire radii. In preliminary testing, increased inflation
matched physical intuition by consistently falling between pressure appeared to systematically lower the longitudinal
the tire’s unloaded radius and static loaded radius for each stiffness. Future work will concentrate on increasing the
tire pressure. amount of collected data and refining data processing to
establish more definitive statistical information regarding the
Stiffness values experienced more deviation than did effectiveness and sensitivity of this measurement system.
effective radius values. A typical value for longitudinal
stiffness was 1.5 x 10A6 N/m. Variations in inflation
pressure had a noticeable effect upon stiffness, though in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
an initially counter-intuitive way: lower pressures tended
to increase stiffness measurements. While more rigorous The authors would like to thank Chris Wilson and the
testing is necessary to define this relationship, a physical Research and Technology Center of DaimlerChrysler
argument for this result is that the increased size of the Research and Technology North America for providing
contact patch increases the tractive force for a given level funding and a test vehicle for this work. Partial funding for
of slip. As illustrated in Figure 5 , the slope of the best-fit the first four authors was provided through the School of
line through the run taken at 45 psi is less than the slope of Engineering’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
the run taken at 25 psi. (SURF) hogram and the Mechanical Engineering
Department’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program at
The results presented here are only preliminary and based Stanford University. Thanks also go out to Christopher
upon a limited number of data sets. Further testing and Carlson, David Bevly, Robert Sheridan and Eric Rossetter for
refinement of the slip measurement is required before their assistance in this work.
drawing any conclusive statements regarding the

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