Investigate The Relationship Between The Vehicle R

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Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

Volume 2023, Article ID 6069078, 15 pages

Research Article
Investigate the Relationship between the Vehicle Roll Angle and
Other Factors When Steering

Duc Ngoc Nguyen and Tuan Anh Nguyen

Automotive Engineering Department, Thuyloi University, Hanoi, Vietnam

Correspondence should be addressed to Duc Ngoc Nguyen; [email protected]

Received 20 October 2022; Revised 15 January 2023; Accepted 18 January 2023; Published 28 January 2023

Academic Editor: Angelos Markopoulos

Copyright © 2023 Duc Ngoc Nguyen and Tuan Anh Nguyen. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

Rollover is a dangerous phenomenon. It is closely related to the vehicle roll angle. The greater the roll angle, the greater the risk of
rollover. The vehicle roll angle when steering depends on many factors, such as the size of the vehicle, speed of movement, steering
angle, etc. In this paper, the author has simulated the oscillation of a car when steering using MATLAB® software with three
specific cases. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the dependence of the roll angle on other factors. Each case handles two
scenarios: vehicle speed change (fixed height) and vehicle height change (fixed speed). The model of a complex dynamic, a
combination of many nonlinear components, is used to simulate vehicle oscillations. According to the study’s results, the roll
angle will increase if the speed or the distance from the center of gravity (CG) to roll axis (RA) increases, respectively. Once
the roll angle’s value rises, the roll index also increases, which causes the dynamic force at the wheel to decrease. If the vertical
force at the wheel approaches zero, a rollover may occur. The rollover phenomenon occurred in the second case,
corresponding to speeds v = 80 (km/h) and v = 85 (km/h). The peak values of the roll angle are 7.77° and 7.63°, respectively.
This result helps to identify the factors affecting the rollover phenomenon more clearly.

1. Introduction Then, centrifugal force may appear. This force will create a
moment that tilts the vehicle body [7]. There are four typical
Since more than 130 years ago, the automotive sector has reasons for rollovers. Initially, external elements such as
seen significant growth. Today’s automobiles are far more wind force might influence a vehicle’s performance in
extensive and faster compared to the past. Therefore, the sta- inclement weather [8]. Nevertheless, the value of the lateral
bility and safety of the vehicle are crucial concerns that wind force is typically insignificant. A few instances of heavy
require complete attention. Several phenomena may be used truck rollover are due to the lateral wind force. The second
to illustrate the instability of a moving car on the road, with factor contributing to this occurrence is road conditions
vehicle rollover being the most hazardous. Rollover inci- [9]. Besides, the size of the vehicle also affects this problem.
dents can have severe repercussions for individuals and The roll moment of a car will grow according to the track-
items [1]. width and height, and this was emphasized by Nguyen
The phenomenon of rolling over happens when the et al. [10]. Because adjusting the size of the vehicle may
wheels are completely pushed off the road, i.e., when the impact its performance, it is not simple to do so. The third
dynamic force at the wheels approaches zero [2–4]. Regard- factor relating to this phenomenon is the vehicle’s speed.
ing the problem of rolling, the wheel cannot return to its This is considered the primary source of the occurrence of
previous position after being lifted off the road. Once the rollover. If the velocity is more, the centrifugal force will
vertical force on the wheel is zero, the roll angle may reach grow according to the velocity’s square. Consequently, the
its highest limit [5]. Rollovers typically occur when a vehicle risk of a rollover will increase. Lastly, the value of the steer-
steer to avoid an obstruction or enters a roundabout [6]. ing acceleration and steering angle significantly impact the
2 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

issue of vehicle instability. If these values rise, the rollover done, although this is a significant issue. Therefore, it is nec-
limitation will reduce fast, making the vehicle more suscep- essary to investigate the dependence between height, speed,
tible to rolling. and the rollover phenomenon.
Li and Bei developed the notion of a static roll index in As mentioned above, the rollover phenomenon is closely
reference [11]. This index is only dependent on the size of related to the vehicle roll angle. If the roll angle is too large,
the vehicle, according to Xin et al. [12]. However, this indi- this phenomenon may occur. The roll angle depends on
cator is not significant. The dynamic roll index thereby sub- many factors, such as the size of the vehicle and the use of
stitutes the static roll index, which describes the rollover the vehicle by the driver. Therefore, it is necessary to deter-
phenomenon more clearly, commonly known as load trans- mine the relationship between them. This paper focuses on
fer ratio (LTR) [13]. This index is a result of the differential surveying and evaluating the relationship between the vehi-
in dynamic force between the wheels, according to Jin et al. cle roll angle and the vehicle’s height, travel speed, and steer-
[14]. As soon as the value of this indicator exceeds 1, the car ing angle. A complex dynamic model is used to simulate car
rolls over. This indicator is utilized in a large number of rollover oscillations under specific circumstances. This is completely
research [15, 16]. new and practical content. The main content of this paper
In the study of roll dynamics, several dynamical models consists of four parts, including an introduction section,
are routinely employed. Zhang et al. merged a 1/2 model and materials section, results section, and conclusions section.
a single-track dynamics model [17]; this is a typical design. The specific contents will be presented in turn in this order.
However, it is relatively straightforward, and the accuracy
is typically low. This model handles the tire as a linear defor- 2. Materials
mation [18]. The vehicle’s motion should be evaluated
completely using a spatial dynamics model. This model To simulate car oscillations, a complex dynamic model
accounts for the impact of all wheels [19]. It may be utilized needs to be built. This model includes smaller components,
for both commercial and specialized vehicles [20]. Nonlinear such as the spatial oscillation model, the tire model, and
double-track dynamics must be included in the model of the motion model. These models are referenced in [3, 4, 21].
spatial dynamics. In reference [21], Nguyen performed this The spatial oscillation model is described in Figure 1.
combo. However, constructing this model is quite difficult. Equations (1) to (11) are used to describe this model.
Today, multiple methods have been implemented to Total forces acting on the sprung mass:
improve the vehicle’s stability at high speeds. According to
Nguyen, the stabilizer bar can decrease the body roll angle À Á
F ims = 〠 F Kij + F Cij : ð1Þ
during steering [22]. Moreover, the adaptive suspension sys- i, j=1
tem enhances the vehicle’s stability [23–26]. In addition,
redistributing power to the driving wheels helps lower the
Total moments acting on the vehicle body (roll):
incidence of rollover [27]. If the rollover limits are prede-
fined, the phenomena of rollover may be accurately pre- 2
 À Á Ã
dicted. Several methods are used to determine the roll M ϕ = 〠 ð−1Þ j−1 F Kij + F Cij t wi
limit, such as predicting the vehicle’s roll angle [28–30], i, j=1
the roll index [3, 4], etc. In general, they are quite complex.
Additionally, there are many solutions used to avoid n h   i o
rollovers. In reference [31], Bencatel et al. propose the appli- + gsinϕ + v_ y + β_ + ψ_ vx cos ϕ ms hϕ : ð2Þ
cation of the reference governors (RG) to control the car
steering system. In reference [32], Edlund et al. introduce
the use of the rollover protection systems (ROPS) anti-roll Total moments acting on the vehicle body (pitch):
system for quad bikes. The sharing of the active steering
(AS) and active anti-roll bar (AARB) to reduce the rollover À Á
M θ = 〠 ð−1Þi−1 F Kij + F Cij ai : ð3Þ
phenomenon has been shown in reference [33] by Liu i, j=1
et al. Nguyen et al. also show in reference [34] how to use
an active stabilizer bar to reduce the roll angle of the vehicle Total forces acting on the unsprung masses:
body. In addition, many other control algorithms that help
limit the rollover phenomenon have also been introduced
F imuij = F KTij − F Kij − F Cij i, j = 1, 2: ð4Þ
by many authors [35, 36]. In addition, many studies examin-
ing the dependence of rollover on other factors have also
been published in the past few years. For instance, in refer- Where:
ence [37], Alrejjal et al. indicate variables related to external Force of inertia (sprung mass), Fims:
factors, such as weather, roadways, etc. In reference [38],
Hassan et al. state the influence of tires on lateral stability F ims = ms€z s i, j = 1, 2: ð5Þ
and rollover when steering. Besides, the vehicle’s mass also
dramatically influences the vehicle’s rolling stability, accord- Force of inertia (unsprung mass), Fimuij:
ing to Alrejjal and Ksaibati [39]. However, studies on the
influence of vehicle speed and height on rollover are rarely F imuij = muij€z uij i, j = 1, 2: ð6Þ
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 3



2t wi
X ms
K21 C21
Zu12 Zr22
KT12 mu21

Z u21

C11 KT21
Zr12 K11

mu11 Zr21


Figure 1: A model of the oscillation.

Force of spring, FKij: Total forces acting on the vehicle (lateral):

 à 2
F Kij = K ij z s − z uij + ð−1Þ j+1 t wi ϕ + ð−1Þi+1 ai θ i, j = 1, 2: ð7Þ À Á
F iy = 〠 F xij sin δij + F yij cos δij − F 2 − F cey : ð13Þ
i, j=1
Force of damper, FCij:
h i Total moments acting on the vehicle (yaw):
F Cij = C ij z_ s − z_ uij + ð−1Þ j+1
t wi ϕ_ + ð−1Þi+1 ai θ_ i, j = 1, 2: ð8Þ
 À Á
M ψ = 〠 ð−1Þ j F xij cos δij − F yij sin δij t wi
Force of tire, FKTij: i, j=1

F KTij = K Tij zrij − z uij i, j = 1, 2: ð9Þ À Á
+ ð−1Þi+1 F xij sin δij + F yij cos δij ai + F i ci − M zij Š: ð14Þ
Moment of inertia (roll), Mϕ:
  Force of inertia (longitudinal):
Mϕ = J ϕ + ms h2ϕ €
ϕ: ð10Þ

Moment of inertia (pitch), Mθ: F ix = ms + 〠 mij v_ x : ð15Þ

i, j=1
M θ = J θ + ms h2θ €θ: ð11Þ Force of inertia (lateral):
The components related to motion, such as lateral veloc- 2
ity vy, longitudinal velocity vx, and yaw angle ψ, are F iy = ms + 〠 mij v_ y : ð16Þ
unknowns. They can be calculated through a motion model i, j=1
with three degrees of freedom (Figure 2).
Total forces acting on the vehicle (longitudinal): Centrifugal force (longitudinal):
À Á 2  
F ix = 〠 F xij cosδij − F yij sinδij − F 1 + F cex : ð12Þ F cex = ms + 〠 mij β_ + ψ_ vy : ð17Þ
i, j=1 i, j=1
4 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

2tw1 a3 F z 2 + a4 F z ð25Þ
BCDx = ,
δ 11 δ 12 ea5 F z
F x11 c1 F x12 Bx = , ð26Þ
C x Dx

Ex = a6 F z 2 + a7 F z + a8 : ð27Þ
F y11 F y12

Lateral force:
ψ Â À ÁÃ
F y = Dy sin Cy ar tan By κy + Svy : ð28Þ

δ 21 δ 22
F2 À ÁÀ Á Ey  À ÁÃ
a2 κy = 1 − Ey α + Shy + arctan By α + Shy : ð29Þ
F x21 F x22
C y = 1:30: ð30Þ

F y21 F y22 Dy = a1 F z 2 + a2 F z , ð31Þ

BCDy = a3 sin ½a4 ar tan ða5 F z ފ, ð32Þ
Figure 2: A model of the motion.
By = , ð33Þ
Centrifugal force (lateral): C y Dy

! Ey = a6 F z 2 + a7 F z + a8 , ð34Þ
F cey = ms + 〠 mij β_ + ψ_ vx : ð18Þ
i, j=1 Shy = a9 γ, ð35Þ
Moment of inertia (yaw): Svy = a10 F z 2 + a11 F z γ: ð36Þ

Aligning moment:
Mψ = J ψψ ð19Þ
M z = Dz sin ½C z ar tan ðBz κz ފ + Svz : ð37Þ
Heading angle:
β = arctan : ð20Þ
vx Ez
κz = ð1 − Ez Þðα + Shz Þ + arctan ½Bz ðα + Shz ފ, ð38Þ
The longitudinal force, lateral force, and moment at the
wheel can be determined by the tire model. Tire modelling C z = 2:40, ð39Þ
can be simple or complex, depending on the intended use
of the studies. In this work, the author proposes using the Dz = a1 F z 2 + a2 F z , ð40Þ
Pacejka tire model to determine the above unknowns.
Longitudinal force: a3 F z 2 + a4 F z ð41Þ
BCDz = ,
ea 5 F z
F x = Dx sin ½Cx artanðBx κx ފ: ð21Þ
Bz = , ð42Þ
C z Dz
Ez = a6 F z 2 + a7 F z + a8 , ð43Þ
κx = ð1 − Ex Þλ + x arctan ðBx λÞ: ð22Þ
Bx Shz = a9 γ, ð44Þ
Svz = a10 F z 2 + a11 F z γ: ð45Þ
Cx = 1:65: ð23Þ
After the dynamic modelling process is completed, the
Dx = a1 F z 2 + a2 F z : ð24Þ simulation process will take place.
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 5

Steering angle (deg)




0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time (s)
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3

Figure 3: Steering angle.

3. Results When the speed increases up to v = 80 (km/h), the maximum

value of the roll angle will continue to increase, reaching 6.94°.
Numerical simulation is performed to evaluate the depen- This number can go up to 7.47° once the velocity reaches the
dence of the roll angle on other factors. MATLAB® software limit of the investigation process, v = 85 (km/h). After these
is used for this purpose. Three cases correspond to the three values peak, they tend to decrease over time, even though
steering angles used to simulate car oscillations (Figure 3). the steering angle does not change. This happens because of
These three steering angles have differences in both magni- elastic tire deformation, which is described by a complex non-
tude and steering acceleration. Their values are not much linear tire model. These values tend to converge in a specific
different but can be enough to cause a rollover (for the sec- domain. However, there is still a small difference between
ond case and third case) when the vehicle travels at high the values. The most significant decline is when the vehicle
speed. In each case, the vehicle speed and height will be var- moves at top speed and vice versa.
ied to determine this relationship. The parameters that serve When the vehicle body roll angle changes, the rollover
the simulation process are given in Table 1. These values are index (RI) value also changes accordingly. The change in
referenced in the CARSIM® application. CARSIM® software RI is depicted in Figure 5. The trend of the change in the
is a specialized application for simulating car oscillations. values in Figure 5 is similar to the values in Figure 4. The
This software can be used independently or in conjunction peak of the values is still reached at time t ≈ 3:7 (s). This is
with other software, such as MATLAB® [40], Python® the time after the steering angle has reached its maximum
[41], and LabVIEW® [42]. Many studies often refer to the at t = 2 (s). The maximum roll index obtained is 0.93, corre-
specifications of cars using this software. Some parameters sponding to a speed of v = 85 (km/h). If the velocity
can be slightly adjusted to suit the actual conditions. decreases, the value of RI also decreases accordingly. The
values of RI obtained are 0.87, 0.80, 0.74, 0.67, and 0.60,
3.1. The First Case. In the first case, the steering angle is respectively, corresponding to the speed range v = {80; 75;
minor (Figure 3). The dependence of the roll angle on the 70; 65; 60} (km/h). After reaching the peak, their values will
velocity is shown in Figure 4. In this case, the distance from gradually decrease and converge in a certain domain.
center of gravity (CG) to roll axis (RA) is constant, with h = If the vehicle’s speed is fixed and the distance from CG to
550 (mm). It is clear that the roll angle will increase if the vehi- RA varies, the vehicle’s roll angle also changes according to
cle speed increases. According to this result, the peak of the the value of the distance. Compared with the two graphs
roll angle reached 4.84°, 5.37°, 5.90°, and 6.43°, respectively, above, the changing trend of the values in Figure 6 is differ-
corresponding to the speed range from 60 to 75 (km/h). ent. However, this difference is not so significant. According
6 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

Table 1: The simulation parameters.

No. Symbol Description Value Unit

1 K 11/K12 Spring stiffness of the front axle 45,200 N/m
2 K 21/K22 Spring stiffness of the rear axle 44,600 N/m
3 K T11/KT12 Spring tire of the front axle 178,000 N/m
4 K T21/KT22 Spring tire of the rear axle 178,000 N/m
5 C 11/C12 Damper coefficient of the front axle 3300 Ns/m
6 C 21/C22 Damper coefficient of the rear axle 3220 Ns/m
7 ms Sprung mass 1740 kg
8 muij Unsprung mass 41 kg
9 twi Half of the track width front/rear axle 805/815 mm
10 ai The distance between the center of gravity to the front or rear axle 1190/1360 mm
11 Jϕ Moment of inertia (longitudinal-axis) 720 kg/m2
12 Jθ Moment of inertia (lateral-axis) 2700 kg/m2
13 Jψ Moment of inertia (vertical-axis) 2680 kg/m2

The change of the roll angle (deg)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

v = 60 (km/h) v = 75 (km/h)
v = 65 (km/h) v = 80 (km/h)
v = 70 (km/h) v = 85 (km/h)

Figure 4: The change of the roll angle (the first case—velocity change).

to this finding, the roll angle will increase once the distance Because the difference in roll angles for different dis-
from CG to RA increases accordingly. Their peak values are tances is not too much, the change of RI, in this case,
still reached at t ≈ 3:7 (s), then gradually decreasing over is not too significant (Figure 7). The changing trend of
time. The difference between the values corresponding to RI still follows the changing direction of the vehicle roll
the distances is not large and relatively even. The peak value angle, which has been proved by the results obtained
of the roll angle corresponding to h = 550 (mm) is only 4.84°, above. In this case, the difference between RImin and
while this value can reach 5.82° if the distance increases to RImax is only about 0.14, and the gap between the values
h = 650 (mm). is quite even.
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 7



The change of the roll index







0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

v = 60 (km/h) v = 75 (km/h)
v = 65 (km/h) v = 80 (km/h)
v = 70 (km/h) v = 85 (km/h)

Figure 5: The change of the roll index (the first case—velocity change).

The change of the roll angle (deg)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

h = 550 (mm) h = 610 (mm)

h = 570 (mm) h = 630 (mm)
h = 590 (mm) h = 650 (mm)

Figure 6: The change of the roll angle (the first case—distance change).
8 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering



The change of the roll index






0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

h = 550 (mm) h = 610 (mm)

h = 570 (mm) h = 630 (mm)
h = 590 (mm) h = 650 (mm)

Figure 7: The change of the roll index (the first case—distance change).


The change of the roll angle (deg)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

v = 60 (km/h) v = 75 (km/h)
v = 65 (km/h) v = 80 (km/h)
v = 70 (km/h) v = 85 (km/h)

Figure 8: The change of the roll angle (the second case—velocity change).
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 9



The change of the roll index







0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

v = 60 (km/h) v = 75 (km/h)
v = 65 (km/h) v = 80 (km/h)
v = 70 (km/h) v = 85 (km/h)

Figure 9: The change of the roll index (the second case—velocity change).

The change of the roll angle (deg)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

h = 550 (mm) h = 610 (mm)

h = 570 (mm) h = 630 (mm)
h = 590 (mm) h = 650 (mm)

Figure 10: The change of the roll angle (the second case—distance change).
10 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering



The change of the roll index 0.7







0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

h = 550 (mm) h = 610 (mm)

h = 570 (mm) h = 630 (mm)
h = 590 (mm) h = 650 (mm)

Figure 11: The change of the roll index (the second case—distance change).

The change of the roll angle (deg)




0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

v = 60 (km/h) v = 75 (km/h)
v = 65 (km/h) v = 80 (km/h)
v = 70 (km/h) v = 85 (km/h)

Figure 12: The change of the roll angle (the third case—velocity change).
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 11



The change of the roll index







0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

v = 60 (km/h) v = 75 (km/h)
v = 65 (km/h) v = 80 (km/h)
v = 70 (km/h) v = 85 (km/h)

Figure 13: The change of the roll index (the third case—velocity change).

3.2. Second Case. The steering angle in the first case is rela- rollover mechanism. The roll angle variation also highly
tively small, so it is necessary to use a larger steering angle depends on the range of speeds and distances chosen to per-
to investigate the car’s oscillations comprehensively. In the form the simulation. Generally, the changing trend of the
second case, the values of the steering angle and the steering roll angle and roll index in the second case is similar to the
acceleration increase (Figure 3). The change of the roll angle first. However, their value is larger than in the other case.
at a fixed distance, h = 550 (mm), and the difference in speed If the peak of the roll angle is not too large, the value of RI
are shown in Figure 8. According to this result, if the velocity will also not be considerable (Figure 11).
rises, the roll angle increases accordingly. The peak values of
the roll angle at speeds from 60 to 75 (km/h) are 5.47°, 6.09°, 3.3. Third Case. In both cases mentioned above, only the J-
6.68°, and 7.28°, respectively. At higher speeds, v = 80 (km/ turn steering angle is used. Therefore, it is necessary to use
h), the rollover occurs at time t ≈ 7:8 (s), i.e., the vertical another steering angle to describe the vehicle’s oscillation.
force at the wheel approaches zero. The main cause of this A sine-like steering angle, which describes the double lane
phenomenon is that the steering angle is too large, and the change of the vehicle, is shown in the third case. The ampli-
vehicle is traveling at high speed, which causes the vehicle’s tude of this steering angle is larger than the amplitude of
roll angle to increase suddenly and drastically reduce the both the first and second cases.
value of the vertical force at the wheel. Once the car is rolled During the first oscillation phase, the roll angle of the
over, the roll angle will reach its maximum value. In this sit- vehicle body increases rapidly (Figure 12). Their peak values
uation, the peak value of the roll angle goes up to 7.77°. Once reach 5.84°, 6.47°, and 7.11°, respectively, with the speed
the speed increases, v = 85 (km/h), the car rolls over earlier v = {60, 65, 70} (km/h). If the speed increases to v = 75
at time t ≈ 3:1 (s). So, the maximum roll angle will be (km/h), a rollover will occur. The limited roll angle that
smaller, only about 7.63°. the vehicle can achieve is 7.82°. Once the speed reaches v
Once a rollover occurs, the value of the roll index = 80 (km/h) or v = 85 (km/h), rollover occurs sooner.
approaches 1, as demonstrated in Figure 9. This index can Therefore, the limited roll angle is only 7.74° and 7.68°,
be reduced if the vehicle uses modern anti-roll systems, respectively, for these two velocity values. In the second
decreasing the risk of rolling over. phase of the oscillation, the value of the vehicle body roll
Compared with the above situation, if the speed is fixed angle is smaller than that of the first phase. This is because
at v = 60 (km/h) and the distance changes, the rollover of the elastic deformation of the tire caused when using a
may not occur (Figure 10). This is not to say that velocity nonlinear tire model. In general, as the speed increases, the
has a more significant influence than the distance in the car’s roll angle also increases accordingly.
12 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

The change of the roll angle (deg)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

h = 550 (mm) h = 610 (mm)

h = 570 (mm) h = 630 (mm)
h = 590 (mm) h = 650 (mm)

Figure 14: The change of the roll angle (the third case—distance change).



The change of the roll index







0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Simulation time (s)

h = 550 (mm) h = 610 (mm)

h = 570 (mm) h = 630 (mm)
h = 590 (mm) h = 650 (mm)

Figure 15: The change of the roll index (the third case—distance change).
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 13

The rollover phenomenon is more clearly described by FCij: Damper force, N

the rollover index (RI) (Figure 13). Their values have Fims: Sprung mass forces, N
approached 1, corresponding to situations where the vehicle Fimuij: Sprung mass forces, N
has a speed of v = {75, 80, 85} (km/h). Meanwhile, the value Fix: Inertia force (longitudinal), N
of RI obtained is smaller as the vehicle’s speed decreases. Fiy: Inertia force (lateral), N
Figures 14 and 15 depict a situation where the height is FKij: Spring force, N
changed while the velocity is fixed. According to this finding, FKTij: Tire force, N
the roll angle and rollover index values increase with Fxij: Tire force (longitudinal), N
increasing height. The increase is relatively even. However, Fyij: Tire force (lateral), N
the rollover phenomenon does not occur even when the car’s g: Gravitational acceleration, m/s2
moving speed is up to v = 85 (km/h). In this situation, the hϕ: Distance from the center to roll axis, m
peak value of the roll angle is only 7.06°, corresponding to Mϕ: Sprung mass moments (roll), Nm
RI = 0.90. It can be seen that the influence of velocity is more M θ: Sprung mass moments (pitch), Nm
significant than that of distance (this is only true in the situ- Mψ: Total moments (yaw), Nm
ation under consideration). twi: Half of the track width, m
v x: Vehicle velocity (longitudinal)
4. Conclusions v y: Vehicle velocity (lateral)
zs: Vertical sprung mass displacement, m
The phenomenon of vehicle rollover usually occurs when zuij: Vertical unsprung mass displacement, m
the driver makes a sudden turn to avoid obstacles. Therefore, β: Heading angle, rad.
it depends a lot on the steering angle and steering accelera-
tion. Besides, this phenomenon also depends on the speed
Data Availability
of travel as well as the size of the vehicle. This phenomenon
occurs once the vehicle body’s roll angle reaches the limit The data used to support the findings of this study are
state, i.e., the vertical force at the wheel is reduced to zero. included within the article.
The consequences of this phenomenon are often very severe,
so it is necessary to identify the factors affecting the rollover
and prevent it. Conflicts of Interest
In this paper, the author has established a complex
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest
dynamic model to simulate vehicle oscillation. This complex
regarding the publication of this paper.
model includes component models such as the spatial oscil-
lation model, nonlinear motion model, and nonlinear tire
model. The simulation takes place in three specific cases in Acknowledgments
the MATLAB® environment. In each case, the factors’ values
are changed flexibly, so that a comprehensive assessment of This research received no specific grant from any funding
the dependence of the roll angle on other factors can be agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
According to research findings, the roll angle can References
increase if the speed or height increases. Besides, if the steer-
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