Module 3. Assignment 2 (MD2)
Module 3. Assignment 2 (MD2)
Module 3. Assignment 2 (MD2)
1. Copy the question below and write your answer/s on a separate sheet of paper
with red margin, half inches all sides; take a picture and paste it in MSWord;
2. Save the file as PDF file (so that it cannot be edited once it is submitted);
3. Save it in your Google Drive (create your personal Google Drive if you don’t have one);
4. Link the assignment file in the Online Text of the PhilCST LMS (do not forget to check
the share permission in your Google Drive);
5. Please do not forget to include your name, course & year, and date of submission
on your answer sheet (short bond paper).
6. Assignments that will not follow the first five (5) instructions will not be accepted by
the LMS / Or will not be credited (corrected) by the instructor.
7. Submit your assignment on or before the deadline (the PhilCST LMS will not accept any
assignment after the deadline); and,
8. Please observe academic honesty (do not submit files that were already submitted by your
9. Show complete solution. No solution, no score. Box your final answer.
1. A flanged bolt coupling consists of eight 20 mm diameter steel bolts space evenly
around a bolt circle 300 mm in diameter. If the coupling is subjected to a torque of
15.1 KN-m, determine the maximum shearing stress in the bolts.
4. A flanged coupling having 180 mm bolt circle and 19 mm thick uses 8 bolts, 16 mm
diameter to connect two shaft. It is used to transmit 60 Kw at 180 rpm. Determine
the factor of safety in bearing if yield point in compression is 448 Mpa.
5. A flange bolt coupling consist of six ½ in steel bolts evenly spaced around a bolt
circle 12 in. in diameter and four ¾ in. aluminum bolts on a concentric bolt circle 8
in. in diameter. What torque in kips-in can be applied without exceeding 9000 psi
in the steel or 6000 psi in the aluminum? Gst = 12x 106 psi and Gal = 4 x106psi.
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ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU),
Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions (PAMI)
The problem-solving questions will be assessed with a maximum score of 50 points
(10 points per requirement). The rubric below will guide you on how your answer will
be rated.
Excellent Very Good Average Unacceptable
(5) (4) (3) (1)
Approach Invalid
Valid approach Valid approach Little or no
chosen is approach that
Strategic with minor with multiple understanding
clearly shown, demonstrates
Approach errors that don’t errors that of how to
clearly written & little
(S) disrupt impede approach the
all elements understanding
understanding. understanding. problem.
are valid. of the problem.
that are fully
Appropriate At least one
understood Appropriate
concepts that concept Little or no
Physics (symmetries, concepts
are mostly identified understanding
Concepts conserved identified, but
understood but but unable to of physics
(P) quantities, not employed or
employed with demonstrate concepts.
etc.), clearly understood.
errors. understanding.
stated &
Correct starting
equations. All
steps are
Correct starting clearly shown Correct starting Incorrect
equations; All but minor equations. The equations;
Can identify at
mathematical errors yield mathematical demonstrates
Mathematical least one
steps are clearly wrong answer. steps are hard little or no
Concepts equation, but
shown and they OR to follow and understanding
(M) unable to apply
flow easily Correct starting errors begin to of mathematical
toward the equations with impede concepts
correct answer. correct final application. involved.
result but the
steps are
hard to follow.
100% correct Correct answer Incorrect Unable to reach No answer.
answer – analytically answer, but on a correct
Answer analytically (IA) (IA), but not the right path. answer on
(A) numerically (IA) numerically this path.
& conceptually (IA).