Main Task 1 Set A

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Global Senior High School
Panganiban Drive, Naga City

Main Task in Precalculus

General Directions: Read the instructions carefully. Be guided with the questions as you do your tasks. Show your complete
solutions. Illustrate the problem whenever necessary. Remember, this is part of your Quarterly Assessment. Take this seriously. If at
first, you cannot get the answer, do not give up. Take some time to rest. Eat pizza. Drink some coffee. Sleep. Read books. Consult any
reference book, your notes, or the internet. If you need help from your classmate or other people, ask about the process. Do not just copy
the answer. You will not learn by just copying. Lastly, avoid procrastination. The deadline is on October 19, 2020. Your output
should be presented using PPT and saved as pdf with filename: MainTaskA_LastName. Submission will be done thru Schoology.
Go to Materials > Midterms > Main Task.

Task 1: Equation of a Circle

a. What is the equation of the circle in center-radius form whose center is at (8, 1) and the circle contains the
intersection of the lines 𝑥 + 𝑦 = −1 and 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 9?
b. What is the equation of the circle in general form whose center is at (−4, 3) and the circle is tangent to the
line 𝑦 = − 𝑥 + 6?

Guide Questions: (These questions are hints to what you need to answer the problems.)
1. What is/are the concept/s in Math that was/were mentioned in the question?
2. What do/es this/these concept/s tell us?
3. What is your solution?
4. What is your final answer?

Task 2: Solving Problems involving Parabolas

Scenario: The lowest point of the cable of a suspension bridge with 100-ft tall towers is 20 ft above the road
surface. The bridge spans for about 600 feet. The architect wants that hangers be suspended at equal horizontal
distances from the lowest point of the cable.
1. If the second hanger from the lowest point of the cable is 15-ft long, what is the horizontal distance of
the second hanger to the lowest point of the cable?
2. If the same horizontal distance is used, how many hangers can be placed to support the bridge?
3. Another tower will be constructed passing through the lowest point of the cable to evenly distribute the
weight of the bridge. Each hanger will be tied to a certain point on the middlemost tower. How far from
the road should this point be so that the pressure exerted on the hangers is evenly distributed?


4 3 2 1
Identifies special factors
Understands enough to Does not understand
Understands the that influences the Understands the
solve part of the problem or enough to get started
Problem approach before starting problem
to get part of the solution or make progress
the problem

Explains why certain

Uses Information Uses all appropriate Uses some appropriate Uses inappropriate
information is essential
Appropriately information correctly information correctly information
to the solution

Applies Explains why procedures Applies completely

Applies some appropriate Applies inappropriate
Appropriate are appropriate for the appropriate
procedures procedures
Procedures problem procedures

Uses a representation
Uses a representation Uses a representation that
Uses a representation that gives little or no
Uses that is unusual in its gives some important
that clearly depicts significant
Representations mathematical precision information about the
the problem information about the
enhanced by illustrations problem
Correct solution of the Copying error,
problem and made a computational error, partial
No answer or wrong
Answers the general rule about the answer for problem with
Correct solution answer based upon
Problem solution or extended the multiple answers, no answer
an inappropriate plan
solution to a more statement, answer labeled
complicated solution incorrectly

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