A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5

Bachelor of Elementary Education (Bulacan State University)

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. explain the process on dividing of simple fractions and whole numbers to another
2. solve word problems involving division of fraction and whole numbers using
AGONSA method through an activity; and
3. recognize the importance of the following steps in solving word problems.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Dividing simple fractions and whole numbers by a fraction or vice versa.
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of divisibility, order of
operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving
Performance Standard: The learner is able to apply divisibility, order of operations,
factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions in
mathematical problems and real-life situations.
Learning Competencies: The learner divides simple fractions and whole numbers by
a fraction and vice versa
Reference: math5_q1_mod16_division-of-simple-fractions-and-whole-numbers.pdf
Materials: Power Point Presentation

III. Presentation/ Procedure or Strategy

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening Prayer
Good morning, grade 5! Good morning, teacher!

Before we start our lesson for today, let us feel (The class President stands in the front and
the presence of the Lord. May I call the class lead the prayer)
President to lead the Prayer?
Dear Lord and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in
which you provide for us all.
For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and
Guide us by your eternal light as we discover
more about the world around us.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus.
2. Checking of Virtual Classroom Set-up
(Students check their devices.)

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Thank you! Before we start, make sure to

mute your microphones and cameras.
Let us now start.

3. Checking of Attendance
Class monitor, do we have any absentees? None, Ma’am.

Thank You! (The teacher notes the absentee/s

in the class record.)

4. Checking of Homework
Do we have any homework? None, Ma’am.

5. Drill/Review
Before we proceed to our lesson, let us have a
short activity about to our topic that we
discussed last time.

I will present online flashcards on my screen

and you need to identify the answers. Are you
ready? Yes, we are!

4 3 Answers:
× = 3
4 1) 7
9 2 2) 25
2) 10 × 15 =
3) 15
4 2 5
3) ×3= 4) 16
5 7
5) 12
3 5
4) 8 × =

7 2
5) × 3
6. Motivation
Now, will you please get pen and paper? <Sure, teacher!=
Kindly draw 3 squares. (The learners draw squares)

Are you done? <Yes, teacher=

Okay! Will you please divide each square 1 1

into two equal parts? 2 2

1 2 3 4 5 6
Are you done? <Yes, teacher=

(The learners start to count)

Now, how may halves do you have? Pupil: We have 6 halves of the squares,

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What do you think the mathematical Pupil: Teacher, 3 ÷ 12 = 6

expression did the illustration shown?

Very Good, the mathematical expression for

our first illustration is 3 ÷ 12 = 6

Now, let us have another example.

Will you please draw a rectangular shape on <Sure, teacher=

your paper?

How will you visualize the fraction to the
8 Pupil: Teacher, first, I will divide the rectangle
illustration you draw? into 8 equal parts and I will shade the 3 parts
of a whole rectangle.

Excellent! Now, let us divide 8 by 2. How will Pupil: Teacher, we will divide our rectangle
you draw it to your rectangle? horizontally to visualize that we divide 3/8 by

Great! Will you please show us your illustration?

Okay, (name) got the illustration of 3/8 ÷2.
The answer for this example is 3/16.

Why do you think it became 3/16?? Pupil: Teacher, I think it became 3/16 when
we count first the top shaded part of the
rectangle and then we count the total number
parts of a whole. The shaded parts are
Excellent! We will count first the top shaded
parts of the rectangle. (The learners start to count)
1 2 3

And then we will count the number of units (The learners start to count)
of 2.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
So, the answer is 3/16.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation
How did you find the activity? Is it hard or Pupil: Teacher, it is easy.

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Okay, great! Now, study the given


3 4 5 20 2
4÷ = × = �㕜�㕟 6
5 1 3 3 3
What did you observe in this expression? Pupil: Teacher, I observed that the improper
fraction was replaced to mixed number and
that is the quotient.

Great observation! Who else who wants to Pupil: Teacher, I observed we put 1 as the
share? denominator of the whole number 4.

Very good! Anyone who wants to share their Pupil: Teacher, the division sign was change to
other ideas? multiplication sign.

Okay nice! Any other one? Pupil: Teacher, 3/5 was change to 5/3.

Good job! How about this expression? Will Pupil: Teacher, I observed that we just copy
you please make an observation with this 4/7 even when we change the division into
given? multiplication sign.

4 2 4 3 12 6
÷ = × = �㕜�㕟
7 3 7 2 14 7

Great! Anyone else? Pupil: Teacher, we just simplify the answer of

the given expression.
Amazing! Will you please give me another Pupil: Teacher, we get the inverse of 2/3 and
observation? we change division sign to multiplication sign.

Excellent! All of you have wonderful

observations. I see that you analyze the
given expressions very well!
2. Discussion
Today, you will learn about division of
fractions and whole numbers by a fraction.

Will you please read the definition? (The learners raised their hands)

Did you know that there are step-by-step No, teacher.

procedures in dividing fractions and whole
(The teacher will explain)
Okay! In dividing fractions and whole
numbers, you need to follow the following
Will you please read? (The learners raised their hands)
To divide the whole number by a fraction:
a) Change the whole number to a fraction
with a denominator of 1.
b) Change the divisor to its reciprocal and
also the operation to multiplication.
c) Multiply both the numerator and

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d) Reduce the answer to the lowest term, if

Looking back at the given expressions lately,
4÷ =
How will you apply the first step in dividing Pupil: Teacher, first, we were going to change
whole number by a fraction? the whole number to a fraction by adding 1 as
Great! We were going to put 1 as the
denominator of 4.
3 4
4÷ =
5 1

Will you please apply the next step? Pupil: Teacher, we will change 3/5 to 5/3.

Great! She/he change the divisor to its

reciprocal so, we will change 3/5 to 5/3.

What will happen to the division sign? Pupil: Teacher, we will change it to
multiplication sign.
Exactly! The division sign will become
3 4 5
4÷ = × =
5 1 3

What would be the next step? Pupil: Teacher, we will now multiply
numerators and denominators.

Very good! We will multiply 4 by 5 and 1 by Pupil: Teacher the answer the answer is 20/3.
3. What will be the answer?
3 4 5 20
4÷ = × =
5 1 3 3

The last step, we will simplify 20/3. The Pupil: If our answer is improper fraction, we
answer is improper fraction. What do you will change it to mixed number by dividing
remember if our answer in in the improper numerator to denominator.

Great! Now let us divide 20 by 3. What will Pupil: Teacher, the final answer is 6 and 2/3.
be the final answer?
3 4 5 20 2
4÷ = × = �㕜�㕟 6
5 1 3 3 3

Excellent! Reminder: In simplifying the

answer it must be in proper fraction or mixed

How about if we have this kind of


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How will you solve this? Pupil: Teacher, I will apply the step-by-step
procedure in solving whole numbers by a
Great! What is the first step or rule in Pupil: First, we will change whole number into
solving whole number by a fraction? a fraction. We will add 1 as the denominator.

Very good! In our given expression the Pupil: 2, teacher.

divisor is, what?

Okay, we will change 2 into a fraction by

adding 1 as the denominator.
What will be the next step? Pupil: Teacher, we will just copy the first
fraction which is 3/5 and we will get the
reciprocal of the divisor which is 2/1 and
change the operation.
Great! We will copy 3/5 and change 2/1 into
1/2 and then change the division sign into
multiplication sign.
3 2 3 1
÷ = × =
5 1 5 2
For our next step? Pupil: Teacher, now, we will multiply the
numerators and denominators.
3 2 3 1
÷ = × =
5 1 5 2
Will you please solve the expression for us? Yes, teacher. We will multiply 3 by 1 so the
answer is 3 and we will multiply 5 by 2 and
the answer is 10. So now, I got 3/10.

That’s all in dividing whole number by a Yes, teacher

fraction. Do you understand the step-by-step

That’s good to hear! Now, let us proceed in

dividing fraction to another fraction.

Remember these steps on how to divide

simple fractions. Will you please read? (The learners raised their hands)
a. to divide simple fractions, copy the first
fraction and change the divisor to its
b. changes the division sign to multiplication
c. multiplies the numerators then multiply
the denominators; and
d. expresses the answer in the lowest term, if

Looking back to the second expression

4 2
÷ =
7 3

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How will you apply the first step in dividing Pupil: Teacher, first, we were going to copy
fraction by another fraction? first the 4/7 and get the reciprocal of 2/3. The
reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2.

Okay, very good! What will be the next Pupil: Teacher, we will change it to
step? multiplication sign.

Exactly! The division sign will become Pupil: Teacher, we will now multiply
multiplication. What would be the next step? numerators and denominators.
4 2 4 3
÷ = × =
7 3 7 2

Great! We will multiply both numerators and

4 2 4 3
÷ = × =
7 3 7 2
What will be the answer? Pupil: The answer is 12/14.
Will you please simplify your answer? Pupil: We will get the lowest term of 12/14.
To get the lowest term we will look for
number that we can divide both 12 and 14
which is 2. 12 ÷ 2 = 6 and 14 ÷2 = 7 so the
answer is 6/7.

Do you know that you can use the cross All: No, teacher.
cancellation in dividing whole numbers?

In dividing whole numbers, you can use

cross cancellation.

Now, what numerator and denominator we Pupil: Teacher, we can divide 4 and 2.
can divide?

Where we can divide 4 and 2? Pupil: We can divide them by 2, teacher.

Excellent! 4 ÷ 2 = 2 and 2÷2 = 1. Now we

will change 4 in 2 and change the 2 in 1.
Then, will you please multiply to get the
answer? Pupil: 2 x 3 = 6 and 7 x 1 = 7 so, we have 6/7.

Same answer, right? All: Yes, teacher!

Tips for solving whole numbers and

fractions to another fraction, remember the
three words CFM. Stands for Change the
operation, flip the divisor and multiply
numerators and denominators.

Now, will you please read and analyze this All: Yes, teacher.

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5 5
Paulo bought a rope with 6 meter long. A 6
meter rope is to be cut into pieces that are
meter long. How many pieces can be cut
from the rope?

To answer the given problem, we will use

AGONSA method. Do you know what is Yes, teacher
AGONSA method?

A stand for? All: Asked

Here, you will write what? Pupil: We will write what is asked in the
G stand for? All: Given
Here, you will write the? Pupil: We will write the given information or
data in the problem.
O stand for? All: Operation.
Here, you will write the correct what? Pupil: We will write what mathematical
operation should we use. Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication or Division.
N stand for? All: Number Sentence.
Here, you will write what? Pupil: We will write what is the mathematical
expression to be use in the problem.
S stand for? All: Solution.
Here, you will write your solution.

And A stand for? Pupil: Answer.

Yes! Here, you will write your final answer
with proper label and solution.

Now, let us solve the problem with

AGONSA method.

What is asked in the given problem? Pupil: The problem is asking for how many
pieces can be cut from the rope.
Great! What is are given? Pupil: The given information is Paulo bought a
rope with 6 meter long and it is to be cut into
pieces that are meter long.
What operation we were going to use? Pupil: In this problem, we were going to use
Multiplication and division.

What is the number sentence? Pupil: The number sentence in the problem is
5 1
÷ = �㕁
6 12
Very good! Will you please solve the Pupil: First, we were writing the number
problem? sentence.
5 1
÷ 12 = �㕁
Second, let us get the reciprocal of the
1 12
12 1

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Third, change the division sign to

multiplication sign.
5 1 5 12
÷ 12
= 6
× 1
Fourth, multiply the numerators then
multiply the denominators. But teacher I will
use cross cancellation.
5 1 5 122 10
÷ 12 = 6 × =
6 1 1
Fifth, I will simplify my answer. 10 ÷ 1 = 10
so the final answer is 10 pieces can be cut from
the rope.
Very good! The answer is 10 pieces can be cut
from the rope.

Now, let us have another problem. Analyze it


Each batch of cupcake mix requires 3 of a cup
of milk. According to the recipe, the batch can
make 8 large cupcakes. If Emma makes a
batch of large cupcakes, how much milk is
used for each cupcake?

What is asked in the given problem? Pupil: The problem is asking for how much
milk can be used for each cupcake.
Great! How about the given information in Pupil: The given information are 3 of a cup of
our problem? milk and the batch can make 8 large cupcakes.

Great! What operation will be use? Pupil: Teacher, multiplication and division will
be used.
Very good! What is our number sentence? Pupil: ÷ 8 = �㕁

Will you please solve the problem? Pupil: First, we will write the number sentence.
÷ 8 = �㕁
Second, we will change the divisor into a
fraction by adding 1 as denominator.

Third, change the 8/1 into its reciprocal 1/8 and

also change division sign to multiplication sign.
Fourth, multiply the numerators and
1 8 1 1 1
÷ = × =
3 1 3 8 24

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So, the answer is cup of milk is used for each
large cupcake. is in a simplest form so we do
not need to get the lowest term of it.
Good job! I am glad because you understand
well our lesson for today.

3. Application
Now, we will have an activity. I will divide
you into 3 groups. Each group will have
assign problem. You will answer the
problem using AGONSA method. Write
your answer in a clean sheet of paper. Later
you will present by the group leader.
Are you ready, class? Yes, teacher!

Do you have any questions? None, teacher.

4. Generalization
Again, class what are the steps in solving Pupil: a) Change the whole number to a
whole numbers by a fraction? fraction with a denominator of 1.
b) Change the divisor to its reciprocal and also
the operation to multiplication.
c) Multiply both the numerator and
d) Reduce the answer to the lowest term, if

How about dividing fractions to another Pupil: a. to divide simple fractions, copy the
fraction? first fraction and change the divisor to its
b. changes the division sign to multiplication
c. multiplies the numerators then multiply the
denominators; and
d. expresses the answer in the lowest term, if
To easily remember the steps, use CFM. Pupil: CFM stand for change, flip and
What is CFM again? multiply.

Thank you very much Grade 5 learner for

your active participation! Now, you will
have a short quiz.

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IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read and analyze the given questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
Test I
9 3
1. Find the quotients of ÷4
33 33 1
a. 1 b. c. 1 48 d. 1 9
2 3
2. Divide 3 by 5
a. 35 b. 1 9 c. 37 d.34
5 4
3. What is the quotient of 9 ÷ 5 ?
20 25 9 15
a. 60 b. 36 c. 7 d. 24
2 1
4. Find the answer ÷ =N
9 3
1 2
a. 5 b. 3 c. 3 d. 3
2 1
5. Divide by
10 5

a. 55 b.5 c. 50 d. 1
Test II.
Directions: Match the item in column A with their correct quotient in column B.
Column A Column B
6 2 1
6. 10 ÷ 3 = a. 2
2 4 9
7. 5 ÷ = b. 10
2 2 2
8. 6 ÷ 5 = c. 3
5 1 5
9. 6 ÷ 8 = d. 6
ā ÿ 2
10. �㗗 ÷ Ā = e. 6 3

Key to correction
Test I. Test II
1. a 6. b
2. b 7. a
3. b 8. d
4. d 9. e
5. d 10. C

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V. Assignment
Create a word problem based on the given illustration below. Analyze the illustration and then
answer the follow-up questions. Kindly write your answers on a clean sheet bond paper.
1 2


1. How did you interpret the illustration?

2. How many parts divide a whole?
3. Now, solve the problem using the AGONSA method.
4. What answer did you get?

Prepared by:
Mary Jane W. Manuel
Pre-service Teacher

Noted by:


Instructor, Teaching Math in the Primary Grades

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Power Point Presentation

Problem 3

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