Mutual Coupling Compensation Techniques Used For Distance Protection of Parallel Lines
Mutual Coupling Compensation Techniques Used For Distance Protection of Parallel Lines
Mutual Coupling Compensation Techniques Used For Distance Protection of Parallel Lines
Mutual Coupling Compensation Techniques Used for Distance
Protection of Parallel Lines †
Michael O Donovan 1, * , Noel Barry 1 , Joe Connell 1 and Eoin Cowhey 2
Abstract: When a distance relay protects a transmission line located on a dual circuit tower, a
coupling effect will occur between the two circuits. Transposition of the circuits can reduce the
mutual impedances, but this does not cater to the zero-sequence mutual coupling impedance during
earth faults. As a result, the impedance measured by a distance relay under phase-to-earth fault
conditions in these circumstances will not represent the correct impedance to the fault point unless
these effects are taken into account. On multi-circuit lines, primarily if they operate in parallel, a zero-
sequence mutual coupling should be considered when calculating settings for distance protection
function. A 220 kV parallel line sharing the same tower was analysed using DigSilent Power Factory
in the simulations. Phase-to-earth faults in different configurations were analysed on this system,
and the reach of the protection relay was then estimated for operation. The results confirm how a
protection relay can overreach and underreach in a distance protection scheme due to the influence
of mutual coupling.
Citation: O Donovan, M.; Barry, N.;
Connell, J.; Cowhey, E. Mutual Keywords: mutual coupling; earth fault; distance protection; mutual compensation
Coupling Compensation Techniques
Used for Distance Protection of
Parallel Lines. Energies 2021, 14, 1982. 1. Introduction
Mutual coupling of overhead lines occurs when two or more circuits are in close
Academic Editor: Gianfranco Chicco
proximity in the same corridor. Parallel circuits are widely utilised in transmission networks
to improve the reliability and security of the system. Today, environmental conditions
Received: 13 February 2021
and planning restrictions are forcing utilities to install more and more parallel lines. This
Accepted: 1 April 2021
Published: 2 April 2021
configuration imposes a unique problem for the associated line protection relays [1]. The
vast majority of the short circuits that occur in the transmission system are phase-to-earth
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
faults [2]. The mutual coupling between parallel lines complicates power systems analysis.
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
It also complicates the setting of overhead line protective relays, particularly for earth fault
published maps and institutional affil- protection. The mutual coupling has a substantial impact on impedance protection, which
iations. will ultimately result in suboptimal impedance settings.
Some factors that influence the amount of mutual coupling are the characteristics
of the transmission line (conductor type, tower configuration and spacing), grounding
(earthing) and the direction of the current [3]. The length that the lines are in parallel and
if the line is homogenous (fed from the same busbar) or non-homogenous contribute to
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
mutual coupling. Distance relays and fault locating algorithms generally assume that the
This article is an open access article
line is homogeneous [4] from terminal to terminal.
distributed under the terms and
Several types of relays can protect transmission lines; however, the most common
conditions of the Creative Commons practice to protect transmission lines is to equip them with distance or impedance relays [5].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// The setting of distance relays and fault location equipment is of the utmost importance for protecting transmission lines in the event of a fault. According to [6], approximately
4.0/). 65% of the misoperations occurred due to incorrect settings/logic/design errors, relay
2. Background
The input to the distance protection relay are the phase voltages and line currents
transformed with voltage and current transformers, as shown in Figure 1. If a fault occurs
on the protected line, the fault currents and voltages are monitored at the protection relay.
The voltage drop along the transmission line is equal to the product of the fault current Ie
and the impedance fault Za .
Distance relays must be compensated against the coupling effect between parallel
lines since the current flowing in one phase of one line induces voltage onto adjacent phases
of the other parallel line. This will otherwise affect the measured impedance under fault
conditions. However, in the case of phase faults in one line, this is remedied by taking the
difference between relevant phase quantities. For example, the impedance Zbc apparent to
the b and c phase elements of a relay is calculated from [9]:
Vb − Vc
Zbc = (1)
Ib − Ic
Energies 2021, 14, 1982 3 of 15
However, in the case of an earth fault, the residual compensation factor, k0 , must
be used,
1 ZL0
k0 = −1 (2)
3 ZL1
where ZL0 is the zero-phase sequence line impedances and ZL1 is the positive phase
sequence line impedances.
The apparent impedance seen by the relay for an earth fault in phase a is
Za = (3)
I ph + k0 Ie
where Za is the relay phase to earth impedance, Vph−e is the phase to earth short-circuit
voltage at the relay located on the faulted phase, Iph is the short-circuit current in the faulted
phase and Ie is the earth fault current.
The correct operation of earth fault elements in distance relays is highly dependent
on the correct application of k0 . Various relays vendors have different forms of naming,
defining and applying these factors [10].
The impedance characteristic of most modern distance protection devices, both digital
and numerical distance protection relays, use this characteristic to adjust their resistive
and reactive reach independently. The quadrilateral characteristic allows for the setting
of the resistive reach (R+) of the phase-to-phase measuring elements and the phase-to-
earth measuring elements separately. By setting the compensate earth and mutual earth
factors, the effects of zero-sequence mutual coupling on parallel operating lines can be
accommodated. The quadrilateral impedance characteristics are highly flexible in terms of
fault impedance coverage for both phase and earth faults [12].
During normal load conditions, the distance relay measures an apparent impedance
according to the actual voltage and current at the relay location. Under normal conditions,
the load angle (φLoad ) lies in the range of ±30◦ . The apparent impedance is proportional to
the load impedance ZLoad . Meanwhile, during fault occurrence, the impedance value jumps
to a much smaller short-circuit impedance. The value depends on the distance between the
location of the relay and the fault. Moreover, the fault resistance RF present in the faulted
point will shift the fault impedance because it adds a resistive component to the measured
impedance, as shown in Figure 3. To incorporate for the effects of a close-in fault, α1 is set
to 115◦ , and the directional angle α2 for distance protection is adjusted to −15◦ [13].
Because of measurement errors, Zone 1 reach is usually set to 70–85% of the circuit
length [14]. Generally, a grading factor of 85% is used for numerical relays. The factor of
85% is selected to consider measurement errors, inaccuracy of line impedance data and
transducer errors. Zone 1 operates with no intentional time delay.
Zone 2 on a distance relay, where possible, should reach 20% beyond the line end. The
Zone 2 reach must be set to cover the protected line plus 50% of the shortest adjacent line
or 120% of the protected line, whichever is the greater [15]. Zone 2 usually has a time delay
of approximately 0.4 to 0.5 s.
Zone 3 is mostly used as a back-up zone for Zone 1 and Zone 2. Zone 3 can also be
used as a reverse function as back-up protection for busbars and transformers.
The coupling impedance Zmo between the zero-sequence systems of two lines with an
earth-wire is estimated using the following equation [17]:
πµ0 υ
Zmo = · f + jµ0 · f ·ln
4 Dab km
−4 S
µ0 = 4π ·10 Ω· (4)
υ = 658
where υ is the depth of penetration in the ground, f is the frequency in Hz, ρ is the specific
resistance in Ω/m and Dab is the spacing in meters between the two conductors.
Alternatively, Zmo can be measured using test equipment when a line is out of service.
For the typical case of parallel lines A and B of length l, connected at the local and
remote busbars, as shown in Figure 4, the apparent impedance Za of line A seen by the
ground distance function for an earth fault in phase a is [18]
Zm0 x
x x 3· ZLa 2l − x
Za = · ZLa + · ZLa (5)
l l 1 + k0
For the protection of phase-to-earth faults, a measuring error occurs. In general, the
error appears because the parallel line earth current (Ie-b = 3 I0 ) induces a voltage Ie-b ×
(Zm0 /3) into the fault loop.
From Equation (5), it can be deduced [16]:
• The error is proportional to the mutual coupling factor Zmo /3 ZLa .
• The error increases with the parallel line earth current Ie-b in relation to the relay
current Iph -a + k0 Iea .
• The relay underreaches when the parallel current Ie-b is in phase with Iph-a and Ie-a .
• The relay overreaches when Ie-b and Iph-a /Ie-a have opposite signs.
Short-circuit models are critical to developing settings and studying the effects of
elements on the system. Simulations demonstrate that a relay, using fixed settings to protect
85% of the total line length, protects at a specific moment only 50% of the line, while at
another moment its actual coverage is more than 100%, depending on the power system
configuration [19].
For lines having only one supply at one end of the line, these values become even
worse. The actual coverage is so widespread that the relay settings must be adapted to the
double-circuit line’s operation mode.
In the following analysis, different scenarios and switching states of the parallel line
system and the measured impedances are discussed. In each case, for a fault at the end of
the parallel line, the following assumptions are made:
• The phase current and zero-sequence current of the protected line are equal (Iph−a = 3 I0 )
Energies 2021, 14, 1982 6 of 15
• The parallel line residual current is equal to the residual current of the protected line.
2.3.2. Double-Circuit Lines with Lines B Disconnected and Earthed at Both Ends
The worst case regarding the effects of zero sequence mutual coupling on distance
relays’ performance is the overreaching. This occurs when the parallel circuit is out of
service and earthed at both ends, as shown in Figure 6.
In this case, the earth fault current of the energised circuit can induce current flow
in the opposite direction in the earth loop of the earthed circuit, causing the distance
protection of the energised circuit to overreach. The distance protection overreaches as
the earth impedance is reduced due to the parallel connection of both lines’ zero-sequence
2.3.3. Double-Circuit Lines with Line B Disconnected (One or Both Ends Isolated)
With only one of the parallel circuits connected, the energised circuit’s distance protec-
tion measures the fault impedance correctly, as shown in Figure 7.
Za = ZLa (8)
Energies 2021, 14, 1982 7 of 15
Figure 8. Mutual compensation using the zero-sequence current from line B into the ground distance
relay in line A.
Figure 9. (a) Relationship between source-to-line ratio of a power system, (b) SIR < 0.5; (c) SIR > 4 [21].
Figure 10. Variation of relay voltage with the system source-to-line impedance ratio [18].
The polarisation voltage measurement used by some relays can be taken from the
faulted phase voltages (self-polarisation) or a scaled vector of the positive sequence voltage
(cross-polarisation) [22].
When a fault is close to the protection relay, memory filters are often used to overcome
the problem of voltage drop. Most intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) use the technique of
healthy phase voltage polarisation combined with memory voltage polarisation. Memory
voltage polarisation uses pre-fault voltage during certain type of faults. Quadrilateral relays
tend to use an adaptive polarisation approach; they select the most suitable polarisation
voltage depending on system configurations, fault case, magnitude of voltages and elapsed
time after fault inception [23].
3. Results
To demonstrate the effects of mutual coupling, a simulation was conducted using
DigSilent PowerFactory, as shown in Figure 11. It includes three 220 kV busbars and two
transmission lines 50 km long, coupled at the same tower and feed from a common busbar.
Energies 2021, 14, 1982 9 of 15
An external grid feeds a 200 MW load connected by the two coupled lines and a single
220 kV line, also 50 km long. The protection relay vendor uses a particular definition to
determine the compensate earth faults and mutual coupling effects. Instead of directly
using the k0 and km0 values as per the usual definition, it decouples the resistive and
inductive components. Table 1 contains the overhead line data with the mutual zero-
sequence values calculated from PowerFactory.
Figure 12. Slot definitions in protection relay with mutual coupling CT_L2 included.
Table 2 shows the distance protection settings for Zones 1 to 3. Within DigSilent
PowerFactory, and using the IEC 60909 method, an SLG fault, shown in Figure 13, was
performed at 10% intervals of line A with the parallel line energised and de-energised,
from where the relay is.
Figure 13. Single line-to-ground (SLG) fault at line A with line B disconnected.
Figure 14. Short-circuit sweep (a) Both lines connected and (b) line B disconnected.
3.1.1. Analysis of an SLG at 80% on Line A with (a) Line A and B Connected and (b) Line B
Disconnected. (Compensated)
An SLG fault is applied at 80% of the line. Mutual compensation has been applied.
Figure 15a shows that when both lines are in service, the relay correctly measures the fault
impedance. With line A compensated and line B disconnected, the relay of the energised
circuit measures the fault impedance correctly, as shown in Figure 15b. The relay correctly
operated for a fault in Zone 1 for both scenarios.
Figure 15. R-X plot for an SLG fault at 80% of line A, with (a) both lines connected (b) line B disconnected.
(a) (b)
Figure 16. R-X plot for an SLG fault at 80%, with (a) both lines A and B, connected with no compensation (b) line B dis-
connected and earthed with no compensation.
Figure 16b shows a different apparent impedance for the protection relay when one
of the parallel lines is out of service and earthed on both ends. An SLG fault on the in-
(a) line shows a considerable overreach of the impedance (b) measurement is possible.
The resulting apparent impedance of 13.94 Ω for a line length of 17.86 Ω corresponds to
Figure 16.
Figure 16. R-X
R-X plot
SLG fault
both lines
both A and
lines B, connected
A and with
B, connected no compensation
with (b) line
no compensation B dis-
(b) line B
an overreach of about 22%.
connected andand
disconnected earthed with
earthed no no
with compensation.
3.1.3. Analysis of an SLG at 80% on Line A, with (a) Line A and B Connected and (b)
Figure 16b shows a different apparent impedance for the protection relay when one
Line of an SLG
Disconnected, withata 80%
Faulton Line A, with
Resistance of 18(a)ΩLine A and B Connected and (b) Line
of the parallel lines
B Disconnected, withisaout of Resistance
Fault service andofearthed on both ends. An SLG fault on the in-
18 Ω (Compensated)
service line showsto Warrington’s
a considerable formula, the of
overreach maximum expected
the impedance fault resistance
measurement for an
is possible.
SLG According to
fault wasapparentWarrington’s
calculated formula,
to be 18 Ω. the maximum expected fault resistance forwas
The resulting impedance ofThis
for aincluded in the
line length SLG fault
of 17.86 path. It
Ω corresponds to
SLG fault was calculated to be 18 Ω. This is now included in the SLG fault path. It was
observed that of
an overreach relay operated
about 22%. correctly for both scenarios, as shown in Figure 17.
observed that relay operated correctly for both scenarios, as shown in Figure 17.
3.1.3. Analysis of an SLG at 80% on Line A, with (a) Line A and B Connected and (b)
Line B Disconnected, with a Fault Resistance of 18 Ω (Compensated)
According to Warrington’s formula, the maximum expected fault resistance for an
SLG fault was calculated to be 18 Ω. This is now included in the SLG fault path. It was
observed that relay operated correctly for both scenarios, as shown in Figure 17.
(a) (b)
Figure 17.
17. R-X
SLGfault at at
fault 80%, with
80%, (a) (a)
with both lineline
both A and B connected
A and and and
B connected faultfault
resistance of 18 of
resistance Ω 18
Ω com-
pensation (b) line B disconnected.
compensation (b) line B disconnected.
3.1.4. Analysis of (a) an SLG at 80% on Line A with Both Lines Connected, and (b) with
3.1.4. Analysis of (a) an SLG at 80% on Line A with Both Lines Connected, and (b) with
Line BB Disconnected
Disconnected and
and Earthed
Earthed with
with aa Fault
Fault Resistance
Resistance ofof 18
18 Ω
Ω (No
(No Mutual
Mutual Compen-
(a) Applied)
Compensation Applied) (b)
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 15
Figure 18a
18a shows
shows an
an SLG
SLG fault
fault is
is applied
applied at
at 80%
Figure 17. R-X plot for an SLG fault at 80%, with (a) both line A and B connected and of
Figure 80% of line
fault AA with
with both
resistance 18 lines
of Ωlines
Figure 18b shows
pensation (b) line B disconnected. shows the
LineB Bdisconnected
disconnected and earthed.
and Mutual
earthed. Mutualcompensation
has removed for both
removed cases.
for both cases.
3.1.4. Analysis of (a) an SLG at 80% on Line A with Both Lines Connected, and (b) with
Line B Disconnected and Earthed with a Fault Resistance of 18 Ω (No Mutual Compen-
sation Applied)
Figure 18a shows an SLG fault is applied at 80% of line A with both lines connected.
Figure 18b shows the result of Line B disconnected and earthed. Mutual compensation
has been removed for both cases.
(a) (b)
Figure 18.
Figure 18. R-X
R-X plot
plot for
for an
an SLG
SLG fault
fault at
at 80%,
80%, with
with (a)
(a) both
both line
line A
A and
and BB connected
connected and
and fault
fault resistance
resistance of 18 Ω
of 18 Ω with
with no
compensation (b)
compensation (b) line
line BB disconnected
disconnected and
and earthed
earthed at
at both
both ends.
It was observed that the fault (80%) was outside of zone 1 as shown in Figure 18a.
Figure 18b shows that overreaching occurs of the relay again. This is due again to the
mutual coupling effect.
For comparison, Table 3 shows the results obtained in the simulation for different
Energies 2021, 14, 1982 13 of 15
It was observed that the fault (80%) was outside of zone 1 as shown in Figure 18a.
Figure 18b shows that overreaching occurs of the relay again. This is due again to the
mutual coupling effect.
For comparison, Table 3 shows the results obtained in the simulation for different
Table 3. Result of simulations for a compensated and uncompensated double-circuit line (RF = 0 Ω).
Fault Location Line A No Compensation both With Compensation both No Compensation One Line
(50 km) Lines Connected (% Error) Lines Connected (% Error) Earthed (% Error)
10% 2.20 0.00 −2.78
20% 4.57 0.00 −5.58
30% 7.20 0.03 −8.36
40% 10.31 0.06 −11.13
50% 13.74 0.08 −13.76
60% 17.60 0.11 −16.70
70% 22.18 0.14 −19.47
80% 27.45 0.17 −22.45
90% 33.67 0.21 −25.03
100% 41.90 0.80 −27.41
4. Discussion
Due to the zero-sequence mutual coupling, and depending on the feeding arrange-
ment, the neutral current’s magnitude and direction in the parallel line, a distance protec-
tion relay will either overreach or underreach.
When both parallel lines are in service, and an earth fault occurs on one of the lines,
a considerable increase in the apparent impedance measurement is possible. A single
line-to-ground fault at 90% of the line corresponds to an underreach of about 34%. The
maximum value occurs for a fault at the remote end (100%) of the line length.
When one of the parallel lines is taken out of service and earthed, an induced neutral
current can flow through the line. A considerable decrease of the apparent impedance
measurement is possible for a single line-to-ground earth fault on the in-service line.
Simulations of the line show a decrease in the apparent impedance for a line length. A
single line-to-ground fault at 90% of the line corresponds to an overreach of about 25%.
Zero-sequence coupling compensation can overcome many of the distance relay
problems on double-circuit lines. The compensation of the parallel lines’ mutual effects
by referencing the residual current from the parallel line into the distance relay of the
protected line is complex and can lead to incorrect operation and testing. Further, many
system configurations will defeat this method of compensation. It is also impossible to
compensate when several lines are in parallel or when a line is out of service.
Most distance protection relays accommodate a setting value for the mutual coupling
impedance. This allows the relay to compensate without using a coupling CT and avoiding
any under or overreach of any tripping zone.
IEDs will allow the use of different setting groups to be accommodated for different
line scenarios. However, this will require a thorough study and simulation of the system to
accommodate the different settings. In the future, the IEC 61850 communication standard
should implement a method of updating settings to adapt the relay to a different network
and feeding arrangement.
The COMTRADE file standard can be used to exchange various types of fault, test and
simulation data between a protection relay and DigSilent. The COMTRADE files generated
from simulations can be used to test the distance relays. The files can be played back to
distance protection relays to determine if they operate correctly for different scenarios.
Energies 2021, 14, 1982 14 of 15
5. Conclusions
Inaccurate zero-sequence impedance settings caused by mutual coupling strongly
affects zone reaches, and the accuracy of distance protection relays in the event of a
single line-to-ground fault. This distance protection relay must be compensated for the
coupling between parallel lines to avoid maloperation during faults and different system
Techniques such as referencing the residual current from the parallel line are complex
and are impossible to use when several lines are in parallel or when a line is out of service.
The calculation of Z0 is influenced by the soil return path properties, such as soil
resistivity, and other parallel buried conductors such as cables and pipes. All of these
properties are estimated and therefore, can make the calculation inaccurate.
The best way to ensure that the distance protection relay settings are correct requires a
thorough knowledge of the relay’s reach and system configurations and actual measure-
ment values of Z1 and Z0 .
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