Srat-Lesson Idea

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Student Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Title Transforming the Parents

Content Area Algebra ll, 11th grade

Content Standards MGSE9-12.F.IF.9 Compare properties of two functions each represented in a

different way (algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal

Technology Standards ISTE Standard 1.1.c Empowered Learner: Students use technology to seek
feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways.

Reference or
Supporting Resources

Integrated Tool Kahoot!

Pacing Teacher-Paced

Hardware Used  Mobile Phone/Handheld Device

 Computer
 Tablet

Bloom’s Taxonomy  Remembering

Levels  Understanding
 Applying
 Evaluating

Integration Level LoTi Level 3 Infusion: Students use technology tools to focus on content
and the process.

Universal Design Kahoot is an SRAT tool that assess all students and can be easily accessed
Rationale via computers, phones, tablets, or any other wireless device. Students are
given instanct feedback on whether their answer is correct or incorrect.
However, students’ answers are anonymous, so only the students knows if
they answered correctly or incorrectly. This is a great way for students to self-
regulate on their understanding and as a review of the content. Students can
also use this tool in groups to collaborate, but for this specific they will work
individually to assess their knowledge.

Lesson Idea - Prior Prior to this SRAT activity, students will have explored and been modeled the
standards associated with the content. In this case, students would have just
finished previous lessons on parent functions, transformations, and graphing
based on their knowledge of key characteristics. The goal of the Kahoot will
be to review this content and assess knowledge prior to the test. Essentially,
a quiz to prepare students of what they are expected to know and
demonstrate and to check for understanding.

SRAT Purpose  Illuminate common misconceptions

 Formative assessment of content knowledge
 Test preparation

Question Types  Multiple choice

 Short response of fill-in the blank

Lesson Idea - During During the SRAT Activity, I will have student pull out their chosen device to
complete the Kahoot. Students will choose an appropriate nickname and join
the game. If students have chosen an inappropriate nickname, they will be
given a written activity of the questions from the Kahoot to turn in. Students
will need a pencil, paper, and calculator. Once they game starts, I will give
students a certain amount of time to answer each question (depending on the
level of the question). Students will then choose their answers and we will go
over the correct solution one everyone has “voted” as a class. The total time
to complete should be about 35-45 minutes.

Lesson Idea - After After the lesson, I will go over more example based on the questions that
were missed the most. I will then wrap up the lesson and give the big
takeaways and highlight that similar questions will be on the test the following
day. There will also be time to work one on one with students that have more
questions or seemed to be struggling if needed.

Data Plan In this specific lesson, the data will be used as a Quiz grade. Then I will
assess how well the students reacted to the activity. Did they like it? Did they
need more time for the activity? I will use these questions to help differentiate
instruction for the students. For example, if the students enjoy this form of
learning I can implement it in future lessons as a differentiated means of
representation, expression, and presentation.

Personal Learning The goal of this activity is to motivate and engage students to learn. Since the
Goals activity is a fun way for them to review, I am hopeful that it will get them to
participate more than they normally would. Reviewing an example after
students have answered the problems, will ideally clear up any questions or
misconceptions they have on the content.

Design Reflection After designing this lesson, I am very optimistic that it will have a beneficial
impact on student learning. I used this as a tool to review and check for
understanding but it could also be used as an introductory activity or
assessment of prior knowledge. To further extend this lesson, I could have
students create their own Kahoot with examples to have their peers complete

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