PLC Presentation Lesson Plan

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EDUC 212-03 Lesson Plan Using the edTPA Framework

Name: Joselyn Navarro

Grade level this plan is for: Materials you’ll use: projector, computer
College/EDUC 212

Central Learning Focus and Planned Learning Outcomes

Central Focus Understand what homeschooling is truly about and that it has become a viable option for many
students and families.
ELA Anchor Standards N/A

Standards for Mathematical

Learning Standard(s) for the N/A
Content Focus
Objectives based on the • Students will be able to state what homeschooling is
Learning Standards listed • Students will be able to justify their opinions on homeschooling
Prior Academic Knowledge Students should have some form of understanding of what home schooling is.
Anticipated issues Going off of recent events, the fire alarm may go off. This will delay the lesson and cause us to
stop at whatever point we are at. The power could possibly go out therefore, we will not be able
to use the projector to display the presentation.

Academic Language Demands

Language Used (Vocabulary, Homeschooling- parent-led, home-based education
Syntax, Discourse)
Meeting the Language Demands It will be defined on the second slide; very short definition.

Assessment Type (Informal Assessment Task Description Planned Modifications to Evaluation Criteria and
or Formal) (Student Tasks) Assessment Tasks Feedback for Students
(Teacher Tasks - What
evidence of student learning
related to the learning
objectives and central focus
does the assessment task
provide? What feedback will
you provide the students?)
Informal Students will be asked at the Students who are not very We are not looking for a right
beginning of the lesson what comfortable talking aloud can answer to the question. The
(During Instruction)
they know about write their answers on a piece main objective of this
homeschooling. This will be a of paper so that we may see discussion is to see what
class discussion their opinions. everyone's views are of
homeschooling and
homeschooled children.
Informal Students will be asked if their Students who are not very There is no exact answer to
perception of home-schooling comfortable talking aloud can this discussion. The priority is
(During Instruction)
has changed after the write their answers on a piece to see the evolution compared
presentation. They should be of paper so that we may see to the first discussion. Even if
using information or examples their opinions. their answer is the same, they
to support their opinion. can use information from the
presentation to better support
Formal Students need to use some for Students who do not have a After each answer, the system
technological device (phone, technological device can do shows the number of students
(After Instruction)
computer, etc.) to log onto the activity with someone near who got the question correct.
Kahoot. There they will them. Since the questions are This will show immediately
answer questions based on the timed, if we notice that they whether or not the class
presentation just given. were unable to answer grasped the topic at hand.
questions due to the time limit,
we can offer them a paper with
the same questions and see if
that works better.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Launch / Motivation / Students will be sitting in seats at the start of class. A presentation will be loaded onto the
Anticipatory Set front of the classroom. The students will be asked what their prior knowledge is of
homeschooling or what the preconceived ideas are regarding the topic. This will enable the
class to hear the different views this form of learning entails. After we finish the discussion,
the PowerPoint will be presented which has information about the types of homeschooling,
Instructional Core Sequence pros and cons, regulations, reasons why it is chosen, and demographics/statistics.

(Explore, Explain, Elaborate)

Structured Practice & Students will be participating in a Kahoot— a game-based learning platform—towards the
Application end of the lesson.
(Formal Assessment or Evaluate)
Closure The closure activity will be an ending discussion and it serves as an exit ticket. After the
presentation and Kahoot, students will be asked if their ideas of homeschooling have
How does your lesson plan N/A
include language arts, math, or
social studies content?
Extension Activity In the Kahoot the students are playing as a class and therefore, they can not continue until
everyone is done but there is a timer so not much time has to be spent waiting.
Differentiation/Planned Any people who have trouble keeping up with the presentation can get a digital or paper copy
Additional Support upon request.
(Special Needs, ELL, Gifted,

Kahoot! (2019, April 14). Retrieved from

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