Assignment 1

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Nama : Yuda Vatra Erlangga

NIM : 22/497874/KT/09880

The stages : Bengkulu, Sumatera, Indonesia, And World

Vatra, Pulai, And Om that is the people call me, but my real name is Yuda Vatra
Erlangga, the reason of my name is, I was born when Eid / Idul Fitri is happen, fourteenth
November two thousand and four, my first name is Fitri like the name of the Day, but I am a
boy so my parents changed my name to Fatra, and to be more unique, they change to Vatra,
and it is cool. Besides that, my parents choose Erlangga because They hope I can be a leader
like King Airlangga, and for Yuda, they do not talk anything about that, so I am still curious
about the name. 

I was born in Bengkulu city, especially I was born in my grandma's house, first day at
syawal, my family come together to celebrate the Eid day and lucky me, I born in the same
day, so when I born, all my family see me, and I think its special. My parents are local people
of Bengkulu, my father's name is Tamrin and he is from Malay tribe, now he works at the
product bricks and my mother's name is Ramida Sari, she is from Rejang tribe, and he works
at elementary school as a teacher. 

The first time I remember a moment is when Iam go to school at early childhood, I
don’t remember the year, but I am remembered. I was alone and I accidentally fell and my
knee was bleeding and like another children I cried, fortunately my neighbor saw me and
took me back to my home. Fun fact my mom said when my old is 2 years, I want study at
school like my friend 2 years above me, I could deny the fact but, my parents have a picture
about that, and I can't disprove that. Since that, my parents say I like to study anything around

Little me, grows up in bad social environment, my family has moved several times
because of the economy, but my parents will me grow at good environment, one of the proofs
is they send me to Madrasah Ibtidaiyah instead elementary school in front of my home. From
elementary school I have learned many things. I know my parents work extremely hard just
to my education, I am taught to brave, I going to home after school use public transportation
alone, since I grade 3 elementary school. I am also start to show my talent, I am has taken a
part in several competitions, but life is not as beautiful at imagined, I just win a competition
from many competitions I join, but it taught me to conscious I have learn more, to get more
award I wants, and I am having many experiences, I get to know many people from all
province in Indonesia. 

I am growing up and I entered a prestigious middle high school in my city. And

besides that, my mother gets permanent work, so I can school without worrying about the
economy again. In elementary middle school, I am getting many problems, I who fell smart at
elementary school turn into a student who feel even more stupid around her friends, but
I doesn’t show that, I keeps it, and I want to feel equal with my friends, but it's hard, I feels
like a fish in a pond, then going to ocean. Fortunately, after a year in middle high school I can
solve the problem, and I can graduate from the school with a satisfactory rating, but I still get
some problem and can't resolve that, but is not my fault, is from the people around it, I can't
change what I can control. 

I am growing up and start a new life again, at teenager I wants take a part at
prestigious high school but, the government make a new regulation, students just can choose
the school around their home, unfortunately, school around my home is not good like other
school, the government is bad, too many students do like they not a student, they smoking,
they thief, and many more. 

See the condition my parents search another school that have good environment, at
least student in there are the chosen students, after several school they search, my parents
friends recommended a school, the school is forestry vocational high school Pekanbaru, and
when my family see the brochure, we all think is good because the facilities, the achievement,
and the free cost of school, except me, because its first time I study at another city, and its
live in a dormitory, I can imagine about that, it's makes me scared. 

Fortunately, when I see the detail in entry requirements for students, they have a step
which makes me have big chance to fail in selection process, the step is physical test, at that
time my body weight is 85 kg, with my condition I can't do pull up, sit up, and push up. Time
keeps running, after several weeks I do all the test, the location of test is in Bengkulu and
Pekanbaru, which is I must go to Pekanbaru, after all the test, it makes me think, it's so hard
just to enter a forestry vocational high school, makes me grateful have family which always
do the best for me, but in my heart, I still hope I don’t become one of the students. 

Several weeks after the test, in evening when I am in angkot, the result of the test is
release, I feel happy but I feel sad Tho, because at least I have a school except the school near
my house, I can many friends from all over Sumatera Island, and eleven friends form my city,
but I am not ready to leave my city for study and I am not ready to live in a dormitory.
Finally, I gave in to my parents' hope, and after several weeks, my family went to Pekanbaru
just to escort me to my new school. 

The first time I start separate for my parents and I would never see each other again
for several month, I started crying, I don’t want take a part in this school, I just want with my
family, but, it happens, I never stop crying for several days when I am new student
orientation, but after that, life just goes on. For several activities I have shocked, because the
school is semi militated based, I have learned many things what makes me independent, it's
about discipline, neatness, manners, physical, relationship, my personal life, and others. 

My first opinion about lesson in forestry vocational school of Pekanbaru is easy,

because, it just forestry, maybe just about tree or animal in there, but it's gone wrong, I must
have much time to adaptation in the school, but, it just about time, for the first year, I have do
some competition, and I win it, but, is not easy as I say, because I must take some time for
my rest time, because In dormitory we have schedule to do, so I have learned if I want more,
I must sacrifice more. 

When I am in vocational high school I have ever to get blended learning, and it
changes me a lot, previously my day have schedule, but because covid, my schedule was
disorganized, I have adaptation again, but slowly it going normal until I know universities, in
that time I don’t know how to get the universities, I just know the basic, and I don’t have any
preparation for that. 

Class 3 semester 2, its time SNMPTN happened, I feel greatly confident I can get
Gadjah Mada University, because I take second place in my school, and I have some
achievement, because that I just have little preparation for SBMPTN, but when you greatly
confident, sometimes the result not match with your expectation, and it happen to me, it
brings me to lowest point of my life, because my friend has good result, they received for
other university, like IPB, Padjajaran University, and others. 
Fortunately, I have much friend who make me back to meet the next challenge, I tried
another entrance to Gadjah Mada University, I study so hard, day and night, and didn’t forget
to pray and hope blessing from my family, my study not going well, because I must study all
lesson from high school, I don’t know basic because Iam from Vocational school, and I just
study online because the economy, but, Iam still confident, I still learned. 

I have tried to in PBUB Gadjah Mada University, I was learned from SNMPTN, and I
don’t have much expect in this test, I am more focus on study for SBMPTN, and that’s true, I
don’t pass it again, it makes me study harder, and have more pray for SBMPTN. Honestly
when I am seeing my tryout result, I always feel I can't pass it, maybe it's my last chance,
sometimes in the night I am have overthinking about it, sometimes I cry, I fear I can't make
my family proud, but I just resigned it to the god, I am sure the result doesn’t betray the

The day SBMPTN come, I always pray to God for fluency in my test, but after test, I
think I can't pass it, that so hard, I am not sure about my answer, I am worried about the
result, because that I learned again for UTUL, I just prepare for the worst, I don’t want
repeating the same mistakes. Finally, the result was come, and I passed the test, I did it, my
family was happy, I was able to make my parents dream come true, it's one of happiest
moments in my life. 

I know it just another start of my life, my college life will be harder than my past life,
but it just other challenges what I must go thought, I must study harder and learn many things
again, I must to make a friend and adaptation again in my new life I Yogyakarta, don’t just in
college but in social life, I must study Javanese languages, and the manner. 

For the future I want study more in forestry, and didn’t forget about study at my
religion, I hope my self can like my role model, Basyasman, I want study like him and I want
have skill like him, whether it's in terms of religion, public speaking, language skill and the
manners, I still learned to do all of that. 

For my future college I hope I can be a winner in a competition, and I can get a good
relationship who can help me in future, study about many soft skills and I must graduate at
2026, not just that, I want continue my study at other country, like Russian, Germany, or
Australia, I want more experiences, in pas is Sumatra, now Indonesia, and future is all around
the world. For all of that, I must be study extremely hard from now, I must learn many things
which can bring me to my hope, like the language, the theory about forestry takes a short
study about soft skill and the others, but the first thing I must do is pray for continuity of my

Finally, my really hope is I want to be agent of change, I want change the toxic
environment at forestry, and make Indonesia have nice forest for the future, because is not
me, so who?

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