English Literature (1000)

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Every person has the desire to be successful.

Success, in my opinion, is the

accomplishment of a goal following a protracted period of effort and hardship. For me,
success is an accomplishment, and a child is successful when he or she achieves the highest
level in life that is possible while also remaining humble while doing so and remembering the
support of those who have helped him along the way, including his or her parents, teachers,
and other good people.
I have been well-trained and disciplined since childhood, therefore I must work hard
for what I desire. Of course, we dream about and work toward achieving our goals before we
actually accomplish them. I constantly strive to do well academically since I have wanted to
be a teacher since I was a young child. Being born and nurtured in a household that values
education presents challenges for me because I have been expected to lead my class at school
at all times since I was very little. This keeps me from getting melancholy though because my
parents are proud of me for consistently doing well in school, which is an accomplishment.
When I was in elementary school at SDN 01 Enano, my achievement was that I
always won first place in a row from grade one to grade six and became the overall winner.
All of my accomplishments are always recognized by those closest to me, especially my
parents, who provide me with rewards, which fuels my desire to learn. This is certainly not
easy for me to achieve because I am always required to study continuously, leaving me with
very little time to play with my friends. My parents also had me enrolled in karate and
tutoring at night. At the time, all I could think about was how to keep all of my
accomplishments. In addition, I always represent my school in various competitions, both
academic and non-academic.
Until I graduated from elementary school, I continued my junior high school at SMPN
11 Kabaena Tengah. At the time of this junior high school, I rarely participated in the
activities that I used to do in elementary school, all because I had discovered a new
environment, new friends, and a new atmosphere in which learning was no longer my top
priority. I spent most of my junior high school years playing and hanging out with my
friends. Day after day passed until the study's results were released, and the results
disappointed me because, unlike in elementary school, where I was always the first winner,
my achievement declined in junior high school. That's because I mostly play with and hang
out with stubborn people, which disappoints my parents. Nonetheless, they encouraged me to
continue studying, forbade me from hanging out with just anyone, and limited the number of
hours I spent outside the house. I'm excited to learn again, thanks to my parents'
encouragement and support, and I'm reminded of the goals I want to achieve. It all started
when I joined organizations like OSIS in order to meet new people. My achievement was
back to good, even though I wasn't first, or even in the top three, but it was still appreciated
by my parents because the first school level was more difficult than elementary school, and
my rivals were no less great and smart. At junior high school, I realized that my enthusiasm
for learning was not the same as when I was in elementary school, when I was always
learning all the time. At this junior high school, I spent most of my time with my friends for
things that were not useful, but that was not a problem because I always tried to balance it
with my achievement to be the class champion.
After finishing junior high school, I continued my education at SMAN 08 Bombana.
This high school has a division of two majors, namely Natural Sciences (IPA) and Social
Sciences (IPS), which are determined by student scores. According to the division results, I
was placed in the science class because that is what I desired and where the majority of my
junior high school friends were placed. My school is distinct from others in that it is located
in an area without a network connection. Competition in the academic field was felt during
high school because most of my classmates were smart, but this competition motivated us to
study harder. At the beginning of entering high school, I still won the championship even
though it was not the first but I was very grateful because many wanted to be in my position
but couldn't because of the intense competition. I didn't have many accomplishments at the
time because I was too busy with activities outside of school, and the lack of attention I
received from my parents caused me to constantly skip class hours and go in and out of the
counseling guidance room, which caused me to be marked by the teachers. But, when I was
in the third grade of high school, my class got a homeroom teacher who was very kind and
cared about his guardian's children, including me. Being one of his closest students makes me
grateful because he always hears all of my complaints, from family problems to friends to
love, and he always reminds me if my actions in the past were not justified.
Entering college, I was faced with two choices: study in Makassar or Kendari. So I
decided to study in Makassar because Makassar was the city of my dreams for me to study in,
whereas Kendari was the choice of my parents, but when covid-19 began to enter Indonesia,
all my decisions became meaningless because the government imposed a policy of staying at
home and not traveling far. Finally, with a heavy heart, I decided to study in Kendari and
chose the Muhammadiyah University of Kendari as my university of choice. Fast forward, I
am currently in my fourth semester of college, majoring in English education. As I previously
stated, I aspire to be a teacher, which is why I chose this major so that my dreams can come
true in the future. I realized how much I had to be thankful for. After being sad because I
couldn't continue studying in the city of my dreams, I realized that I was very fortunate to be
one of the people who could study because I realized that there were still many friends out
there who wanted to study but couldn't because of financial constraints and parental support. I
am grateful because my parents are always supportive of my decisions because they always
want the best for me. Therefore, it has become my biggest hope that in the future I can be
successful and make them happy.

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