PX262 Plan

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PX262 plan – term 1

Gavin Bell
Term structure
Quantum Mechanics and its Applications

Learning Objectives
Term 1 • Explain the origin of the n,l,m and s
Term 2
Gavin Bell quantum numbers and their relation to the Julie Staunton
periodic table
• Explain the significance of Hermitian
operators, eigenvalue equations and the
correspondence principle
• Use quantum mechanics to find the
electronic states of a hydrogen atom
1st year electronics, • Explain the free-electron model of a metal
bass guitar, etc. • Discuss the concept of an energy band and
how this can be used to explain the
properties of metals and semiconductors
• Apply ideas from quantum theory to
explain phenomena observed in
elementary particles and nuclei
Term 1
Week Topics Activities Mathematics *
1 Failures of classical mechanics, TISE in 1D First live event Revise your partial derivatives
2 Harmonic oscillator First mini-quiz
3 Quantum mechanics in 3D, angular momentum … Grad in non-Cartesian coordinates
4 The hydrogen atom, spin and the Zeeman effect Separation of variables (PDE → ODEs)
Spherical harmonics
5 Spin-orbit coupling, screening, XPS Assessed test 1 (M. quiz)
6 Formal QM, the postulates, Dirac notation Kronecker and Dirac delta
Operators and eigenvalue equations
7 Operators, observables and the TDSE
8 Expectation values, generalised HUP Assessed test 2 (M. quiz) Revise mean and variance
9 Harmonic oscillator, this time using operators
10 Hydrogen atom, this time using operators Module completion 1h

* Primarily for Physics students; Maths/Phys have largely covered this material, or will in PX276 term 1. Purple – topic will be
covered in more detail in PX275 either term 1 or term 2. Black – topic mainly confined to this module.
Term 2 and 3rd year PX382 Quantum Physics of Atoms

Approximate methods
PX262 Term 2 is “applications”: • Perturbation theory
• Variational approach
• Multi-electron atoms → periodic table, XPS
• Bazillions of electrons → metals Revisit and extend atomic physics
• Semiconductors • Zeeman effect (strong and weak)
• QM and relativity → Dirac equation • Stark effect
• Elementary particles • Many-electron effects
• Nuclei
• A bit more Dirac notation Atoms and light
• Fermi’s Golden Rule
• Radiation from atoms
• The Laser
Term 1 activities Our research---
You’ll see some notes on how material links
to our research programmes in the Moodle
The topic of XPS is closely related to our
research work.
• read the Moodle book (chapter 1 = week by week study guide)
• watch the recorded material and make your own notes / summaries where appropriate
• my stuff is recorded in Lecture Capture (Echo360), other modules may be different
• tackle the problems (non-assessed, pen and paper)
• "key problem" each week designed for discussion in tutorials
• do the non-assessed mini-quizzes (check the feedback) on Moodle
• try QuVis simulations where directed (the questions, or “challenges”, are optional but useful)
• join in the live sessions
• Fridays 4pm Assessed Moodle quizzes
• contact me with questions beforehand Term 1 week 5 and week 8
• use the chat window during the session Two more in Term 2
• post on the forum Form the assessed component 15%
For all students (including non-core)

Suitable simulations linked from Moodle book

ISBN 978-3-319-68598-4 (eBook) Rae and Napolitano

Davies & Betts,

Bow tie


The Eleventh Doctor’s choice of

reading material
Quantum mechanics is a pathway to many
abilities, some considered to be… unnatural

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