LP Ariel Math 3
LP Ariel Math 3
LP Ariel Math 3
In Mathematics III
I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
A. Preparatory Activities
Cahilis, can you please lead the
prayer. Dear Lord..........
Good morning class! Good afternoon Sir Ariel!
Checking of attendance
Where is the secretary? Can you Sir, I’m glad to tell that no
please check the attendance? One absent today!
Checking of assignment
Last meeting I gave you an assignment
right? (the students follow my
Please pass it to the front, I’ll check it instruction)
B. Review
Last meeting, you learned how to
compare numbers. Using the numbers
you have arranged earlier, let us test
whether you really had understood the
discussion we had.
Yes, Sir.
Are you ready class?
1. 2 ____ 5
1. <
2. 7 ____ 6 2. >
3. >
3. 10 ____ 4 4. =
5. <
4. 3 ____ 3
5. 8 ____ 9
C. Motivation
Based on these pictures, which of the Circles A and D, sir!
following circles has objects that can be
grouped in pairs?
Very good!
Before we start our lesson, what should Listen and participate, sir!
a good pupil do?
F. Discussion Proper
Very good!
G. Application
1. 7 1. Odd
2. 12 2. Even
3. 16 3. Even
4. 11 4. Odd
5. 13 5. Odd
H. Generalization
Very good!
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Write E for Even numbers and O for Odd numbers on the blank.
___1. 16 ___6. 10
V. Assignment
On your Math Notebook, write 5 examples of Odd numbers and 5 examples of Even