8607 - Field Notes

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Teaching Practice – 1 (B.Ed 1.5 & 2.

5 Year)

Course Code: 8607

Field Notes (14)

Name of the School Visited:

Level of the School:



Name of Head Teacher of the School visited:

Official phone number:

Whats app number:

Email address:

Name of Cooperative Teacher:

Official phone number:

Whats app number:

Email address:
Field Note 1

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


Wednesday is first day I visited the school. I reached the school at 8 a.m. just before
the Assembly ceremony. Before the PT started arranging the students in lines for assembly
ceremony. I roamed in all school and observed the infrastructure of the school. As the Students
stood up in Straight lines. The discipline of the boys was unique during the assembly. PT started his
physical training and gave them different warm ups. Then Qari saab Started the recitation of the
Holy Quran, Students were attentive and were standing in respectable manner. Then some students
standing on stage started the national anthem. When the assembly ceremony finished student
rushed into classrooms in straight line where the Monitor of every class was trying to keep them in

I went to the staffroom where all the teacher reach and met one by one. Then my mentor
introduces me to them and also told my purpose of visiting school. Although I have visited the
school for two consecutive days but in those two days. I just met with my mentor and principle of
the school. As every teacher was preparing their teaching unit and some took their markers and
books, went to class rooms. The mentor assigned Sir Amir Muhammad to join his class for today. I
joined Sir Amir Mohammed and we walked to his class room when we entered into room all the
students stood up and then the teacher introduced me to his students and said me to sit down in
the first row of the class.

Sir Amir Muhammad teaches social studies. He asked the students to open their
books and revise yesterday lecture. Then he started asking questions from previous lecture and but
most of the students were unable to answer the questions as it was looking that they have not
understood the lecture properly. The teacher revised the lecture and then continued with new
topic. Although the teacher knew a lots of things about his subject but his students had not gained
that much. His method of teaching was awesome as he was trying to engage every single student.
He delivered lecture on importance of culture. Then he told the students about our culture and its
examples. He told the students about revolution in our culture. Then he gave some examples of
different nations and their culture. He tried to involve the students in this discussion. I enjoyed his
lecture and it boosted my knowledge about culture.


Mr. Anwar was a keen observer I found him very sensible modest and hard worker he
observed the class activities and students-teacher relation I hope this will help him in his teaching
Field Note 2

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


On second day I reached school at 9:30am. I went straight to the staff room and met there with
some teacher. I waited for my mentor to come out of class. When he came then I asked him to tell
different types of register present in school and their purpose. He took me to the Principle office
and showed me different record registers. There were the following registers,

 Students attendance register: To note down the presence of students. It is kept by Incharge
teacher of every class.
 Teacher attendance register: The presence of school’s staff is noted down in this register.
 Students Entrance and discharge Register: The record of students’ admission and discharge
is kept in this register. The focal person of school is responsible to write down students’
 Annual result record register: The record of the students’ annual result is kept in this
 Stock register: each and everything that is brought to school and record of this stock is
noted down in this register.
 Dispatch register: It is for the teacher and their record is presented in this register, it
contains the record of all those things which are gone away from school

After telling different types of registers we came out of office and he assigned me to Sir Yar
Muhammad, who was going to take 7 th grade science subject. Sir Yar Mohammed is one of the most
senior teacher of government high school Dukki. First he introduced me to his students and he also
told about my purpose of visiting their school. In his lecture he discussed about five sense organs of
human being and their function.

Most interesting thing, I learned from his lecture was that he used practical and daily life example
which made the topic very easy for his students. He realized to his student that all organs are
blessing of Allah and we should use them for what they are given to us, not for our ill wills. I found
him cooperative, kind and honest in his classroom and teaching.


As a teacher I found the trainee keen to learning he attended the class with full activeness.
Field Note 3

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


Today I reached school on time that my mentor Asked me to come on, after 9:00 o’clock when I
reached school I asked my mentor to tell me about preparation for examination and issuance of
examination date sheet. He told me about total number of examination they take in their school. It
includes one mid-term and one find annual exam. The mid-term examination was taken in month of
July and the final annual exam will occur in month of December. Then he continued that we give 15
days to students before the examination to revise their lessons/ units they have already studied.
When they revise, we prepare the date sheet for the examination and share it with them a week
before the examination. We take their papers in a sequence according to the date sheet and their
results are share with them on specific day where their parents are also called for results. For annual
examination we give them one and half month so they will revise their final course. The students are
preparing from their notebooks and memorizing the questions for examination. In the same way we
share date sheet two weeks before the examination and then according to the date sheet take their

After a long discussion about examination he assigned me to Sir najeeb ullah to attend his class for
today. He is a teacher of English. He has vast knowledge of the subject and he has the power of
importing the lecture to his students. In today’s lesson he taught and give lecture on the parts of
speech. He wrote parts of speech one by one on whiteboard and explain the nitty gritty of it to his
students. After completing each part of the topic, he goes toward the exercise and asked students to
solve them on their notebooks. When the students were done with answers, the teacher was checking
everyone answer and was telling them their mistakes. Sometimes he stood up a single student to tell
him the answer and if the student did not know the answer then he asked the second one. In this way
he was trying to get involve every single student. I really like his way of teaching and the students were
also very attentive and keen to learning.

He used examples in order to convey his message. His communication is unique. Students
engagement were amazing he has the neck of this I was enjoying, students’ participation work great.


Trainee Mr Anwar has attended the class in the way of learning and gaining
methods of teaching I am hopeful that he has gotten methods of teaching.
Field Note 4

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


When I reached to school Sir najeeb asked me to join his class again for today. As there are nine
parts of speech and he did not explain all of them in previous class. Today he started the remaining
parts of speech. Before starting new lecture, he revised the pervious lecture of verb, pronoun, noun
and adjective and ask questions from his students. Today he started with the adverb he explained
adverb and its types in a very easy way. He did the exercise for it and then taught the rest of parts of
speech after completing their exercises, he took out one-page story and asked the students to
highlight different parts of speech. This activity was really good for students to analyze their
knowledge that how much they have understood the lecture. When this was done he checked the
answers of students.

In last for revision once again he started from the beginning of parts of speech. For this he was
calling the students to tell the rest of class that specific part of speech and make some sentence
related to that part of speech. I observed that every student was busy in making sentences on his
notebook so when he will get chance then he will share it with his class fellows. No doubt it was a
great idea and best teaching practice to get involve every single student in activity.

I really enjoyed the way of teaching the teacher was using, his pronounciation and fluency in
speaking English was clear which is very necessary for a language teacher. It was his way of teaching
that he managed strength of 40 students in a class. All were to learning and were calm during the
class. The teacher engaged them all to participate in the activity. I learned how to manage and unite
students in a class.


Trainee is fascinated from the lecture yesterday. today he learned more about teaching
method of English.
Field Note 5

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


On 5th day when I reached to school I went to the staff room. I took tea with teachers and then
I went with Sir Abdul Majid, he is teaching mathematics at the school. At 10:30 he went to 8 th grade
and I was also with him when we entered the classroom the students stood up and greeted with
Assalamualikum teacher. Then the teacher asked me to sit in front row of the class and observe his
way of teaching. When the class started the teacher asked the students about their previous
homework. which he assigned to them last day. The students one by one was going to the teacher’s
table and showing their homework and some of them who were not able to solve the questions, the
teacher stood them in front of the class and ask the reason for not solving the homework. He tried to
explain again the previous lecture and solved some questions from previous exercise to those students
who did not understand the previous lecture and tried to solve the exercise. He also punished some
students who did not at least tried to solve the question. His punishment was just to make them
punctual in their home works. He also advised his students to do their homework on time and be
functional in their works. This time they promised to do homework on time.

When the homework was checked then the teacher started a new exercise first he introduces
the purpose of knew topic. He gave lecture on algebra before exercise practice he shed light on origin
of algebra. He told us that a Muslim mathematician Al Khwarizmi introduce algebra. He also told that
zero was first time introduced by Al Khwarizmi. Since math is a tricky subject but it is interesting too.
Teacher had a lot of experience in his subject, he knows how to convince students and how to make
easily understand the topic. The most interesting thing I noticed that he told the application of algebra
in daily life. Then he started his start to solve some questions from the first exercise of the chapter. At
the end he gave a question to students to solve and students did it. In last he assigned some questions
for home work. I really liked and enjoyed his way of teaching.


Overall observational experience of trainee teacher was quiet good. He had learnt new
Methods of mathematics and will help him in his future.
Field Note 6

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


Today when I reached school it was too late and was almost break time so I decided to stay for
some time in staffroom. I sat there for half hour and discuss different aspects of teaching with teachers
sitting there. I got the benefit of time and tried my best to learn from senior teachers of school. They
also gave some suggestions that how to become a successful teacher. They also shared some
experiences they had in their life and what challenges they faced when they firstly entered in the field
of teaching. It was awesome for me to enhance my knowledge about teaching. At the break I asked Sir
Jamal Uddin to give me a chance so I will learn from his teaching experience.

Islamiyat being a compulsory subject is worth understanding. There are many teachers who
have good knowledge in this subject and Sir jamaludin is one of them. He has been teaching this
subject for the last 20 years. He knows much about Islam, its principles, fundamentals and above all
Quran and Sunnah. He delivered a lecture about tolerance and the need of tolerance in modern time.
He also told his students the importance of tolerance and the rewards for it here after. Then he
resembled the topic with the life of prophet (PBUH) at the early stage of Islam that how much he
struggled and suffered when he announced that he is the last prophet of Allah almighty. His own uncle
and family became his enemy. His daughters were divorced and his life was put in trouble. They also
offered him different things to just leave Islam and its preaching but he didn’t. Then the teacher moved
toward the lives of prophet’s companions and he told them the story of Hazrat Bilal (RA) when he
embraced Islam what challenges he faced and what he sacrificed for Islam. Above all I observed that all
the students were attentive to listen him and it was looking that they want to carry this class for a long
time. Although they were students of 5 th class but their questions and interest was showing them the
learners of high classes. I considered it was just of the best teaching techniques and friendly learning
environment of their teacher. He was trying to eliminate their hesitation and lower confidence.
Students were talking to him like they do with their parents. They were really respecting their teacher
and were showing positive attitude toward him.


Trainee has attended my class carefully. He is sensible and I am hopeful that he will used this
method of teaching in his own lecture.
Field Note 7

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


Today when I entered the school so I met with my mentor and he assigned me to Sir Usman Ali who
was teaching Urdu at the School and has done his Master’s degree in Urdu literature. The teacher
asked me to go to 6th class. When I went there I found that all the students were busy in preparing
their quiz. They stood up and greeted me Assalamualikum, I asked them to sit and prepare for the quiz.
When the teacher entered in the classroom, he firstly introduced me to them and then he asked them
whether they have prepared for the test or not. They said, we have already completed our preparation
for the quiz So the teacher took out question papers and ask them to sit apart from one another. They
took their places and teacher distributed question papers among them. All of them were well prepared
for the quiz without teacher request they sat in a well Manner. They were well trained that how to sit
for a test or quiz. When the quiz stared everyone was focusing on his own quiz and they were not
looking here and there for help of others. The teacher was there to help the students and was asking if
there was any problem they should ask him. When the quiz was end up the teacher collects all the
quizzes and asked them on their desks.

He continued with a new unit first he read out the unit with translation in Pashto, then he told them
the purpose of this unit and what will they learn from it. How they utilize it in their daily life. It was
related to the unity “Itefaq mai barakat”. He said that when we are being unite we can chase any
problem and we can be a support for one another in time of hardship. He defended his arguments with
real time examples that the brothers living in a joint family have a prosperous life and living a luxury
life where as those who are living alone are under poverty and suffering problems. The teacher
resembled this with a very simple story. That a man had four sons and they were always quarreling on
petty things. The father wants to them living in harmony. He took some sticks and ask them to break
one by one they did it easily. When they were given a bunch of sticks to break then they were not able
to do so. The father told them that in the same way if you people live in unity so no power can break
you and you will have a prosperous life.

The teacher was little bit strict and the students were not that much confident to ask a lot of
questions. They were quiet throughout the class and I didn’t observe their participation in the class.
Which I considered an alarming condition for the students. So when the class was over, I came out of
class with teacher and told him the situation of his class. I requested him to not be strict to your
student because this strictness will suppress their confidence and will always be hesitating to perform
any task in life.

Mentors comments

Trainee has attended and observed the class activity he was quite sensible and industrious and hard
working. This will help him in teaching practic
Field Note 8

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


Today when I reached school I met with my mentor and he assigned me again Sir Amir. As I already
attended one of his class last time but this time we went to another class and he was teaching
geography. They were students of class four. The topic of day was geography of Pakistan. firstly, he read
the unit and made them to understand the topic and its purpose. When everything was clear to students
then he took out a map which contains different lines and colours to demonstrate the geography of
Pakistan. The lines were used for roads, rail tracks, borders, rivers and highways. Whereas the colours
were used for the demonstration of different provinces, valleys, deserts, mountains, oceans and seas. he
was calling a couple of students to his table and was trying to making them understand the map. It was
really good for a couple of students to understand the map properly and in this way he taught to the
whole class the geography of Pakistan. Later on he wrote down some questions on the whiteboard it
was related different rivers, desert, mountains, seas etc. present in Pakistan, he also gave some extra
information about Pakistan’s geography. He shared this information in a question-answer session and
ask his students to answer. These questions were related to the knowledge of oceans in Pakistan, rivers
desert, mountains, and some other question related to the geography of Pakistan. Then he told them
some of the mountains, rivers, valleys present in our region. He was always trying to make a discussion
with students and he was giving chance to every single student to share his knowledge about the
geography of Pakistan. It was unique method of learning and the students were quite attentive to take
part in discussion. Sir Amir as usual was very friendly and cooperative to his students. It was best
experience for me to enhance my teaching skills and learn more about the class management.

The most important point I learned here in Sir Amir’s class was the participation of student is very
important in order to make them active in class. Above all the Questions-Answers session was fantastic
for smart learning. It was looking that students didn’t want to let the teacher go out of class and want to
gain more knowledge about the topic.

Mentors comments;

As usual the trainee Mr. Anwar listened to the lecture with care and full attention. He was very
sincere in his studies and this class may help him in his own teaching.
Field Note 9

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


Today when I reached to school, I met my mentor and asked him to tell me about the Diary
writing. As in last eight days, I observed it at the ends of every class the teacher was asking the monitor
of the class to collect Diaries from students and then the monitor was putting them on the teacher’s
table. Later on the teacher was writing something in Diaries, so I asked my mentor to tell me about the
purpose of diary writing. He told me that is the end of every class we are collecting Diaries from students
in order to write the activities of the upcoming days that we will have in future. These activities included
notebooks checking date, quizzes dates, examination date, student’s performance at the class, last day
fee submission etc. He further added that students who are not able to read these diaries by themselves
so their parents will check their diaries and make them to do that preparation for quizzes, examination,
or they have to complete their notebooks before the deadline. It is very necessary to remind the parents
about the parents-teacher meeting, fees submission and the performance of the student in his class.

Later on he told me about the parents-teachers meeting that we hold one day in a month for
teacher-parents meeting and we discuss the performance of their children and the strategies for the
upcoming studies. Indeed, it is very necessary to let the parents know about the performance of their
children and the plan of the school. Which they have made for their study and for the bright future of
the students.

Today I had privilege of listening to one of my best teacher Sir jamaluddin Akanzada. He is one
of the most senior teacher of the school. He had taught me when I was studying in this school, he
knows me very well and more than any other newly appointed teacher. When I went to 8 th class, first
he introduces me to his students and told them my performance and ability, when I was with him. In
today’s lecture he pointed out importance of fundamentals of Islam and their importance in our daily
life. As usual he has given reference from Quran and Sunnah. From my student life at school I like him
the most and his way of teaching because he didn’t bound himself to units only but he was also giving
extra information about Islam. He was teaching the evils present in our and how to overcome these
evils. How to lead a prosperous society and spend life according to Sunnah of prophet (PBUH)? His
method was still so conductive for learning and every time I listen to him I get more valuable
knowledge from him. He knows how to make student in discipline without beating.

mentor’s comments;

Mr. Anwar He’s been a regular throughout his visit to our school. He is dedicated to hard working
and arranged some good lectures this is good for his teaching practice.

Field Note 10
Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


It has always been my priority join the class of a senior teacher of the school. As it is obvious that we
can learn more from experienced teacher than newly appointed teachers or from books that is why
today I once again managed to join Sir Yar Mohammed again in class 6th. He is also senior teacher of
this institution. As he always teaches Science subjects at the school. He has vast experience in his
field apart from his field he knows more about teaching character building and other moral values. In
today’s topic he discussed about Science and Technology. First he read out the book. Where he told
the students about science and Technology. He discussed different parts of Technology and when
they were invented and by whom.

He also told about the participation of Muslims in science and Technology. He told the inventors’
name of different devices and things. He shaded light on difference between developing countries
and developed countries and also taught this gap is increasing day by day. He also highlighted
backward of our country and flaws of our education system. He didn’t only teach about Science and
Technology but also its importance in modern life. He told that how Technology has made our life
easier and removed obstacles.

He took out his mobile and searched for some early inventions. He showed them to his students and
the upgradation of these inventions with the passage of time. How much they were looking from
now. He also encourages his students to think and do some local inventions. If not that so they
should at least try to understand the mechanics of machineries present at their houses. Which I
considered the most important point to create an idea of research in students. In this they will also
try to use Technology in a positive way and will get benefits. I considered this class very fruitful for
students and for their upcoming life. If they got the idea of research and Technology at this stage,
they will surely build their career in science and Technology.

mentor’s comments;

As usual Mr. Mohammed Anwar sense of vision perfectly matched to learning. it will help him in
his own teaching. I wish him best of luck.
Field Note 11

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


Today when I reached school I met with my mentor and he told me that today he will take me to the
laboratory. He told me that he will show me different equipment and gauges present in the laboratory.
He told me that he has a physics class with class 10 th and we went to the classroom. First of all, he
introduced me to his students then he asked them to take out books. Topic of the day was
measurement of length and radius. First the teacher told them about radius and the formula to measure
it. He also taught them length, Area, and volume. When they understood all about radius and its
measurements. Then he told them about the devices to measure it. Which includes measuring tape,
measuring scale, Vernier Clippers and screw gauge. Then he took the students to the laboratory. When
we entered laboratory, he asked the students don’t touch anything without permission. He taught them
the instructions of the laboratory. He took out the keys and open the cupboard. He took out four boxes
which contained screw gauges and Vernier Clippers. He kept them on the table and also took out three
spheres of different sizes. Then he took out a box containing different radii of wires. He first measured
the radius of different spheres and also give chance to his students to measure them and told them
different parts of the screw gauge and Vernier Clippers. Before the measurement, he told them different
types of errors present in the measurement. These errors include Personal errors, systematic errors,
Random errors. How to remove these errors from measurements? Once the Vernier Clipper
measurement was clear to every student. Then he showed them measurement through screw gauge
and measured the radius of different metal wires. He also taught them the different parts of the screw
gauge and types of the errors occurs with the screw gauge. he gave chance to every student to perform
the experiment and measure the thickness of different wires in the presence of teacher. It was really
quiet and friendly learning environment. Students were very attentive and were asking different
question about the devices. I found that the students were too attentive and keen to learn the Physical
experiment. In last the teacher asked students to keep everything on its place and go back to classroom.

My mentor showed me all of the equipment present in the laboratory and their function. There were
two types of microscopes with different lenses, devices for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. He showed
me the register where the names of all equipment and their arrival date were written. He also told that
at the beginning of every year, they bring the required stock for laboratory.

Mentor’s commands;

Trainee remain active during the experiment and addressed properly. He listened and analyzed
the lecture carefully. He is quite sensible and hope he has learned a lot of things.
Field Note 12

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


Today when I reached school I found that my mentor was absent. So I asked the Physical teacher if
today he will briefly tell me about the different activities he is teaching to students at school. First he
told me that we are always organizing one week for the sports to give chance to every student to
participate in it. Before the sport weeks starts we take trials from students so only those students will be
selected who are good at that proper sport. We make one team from every class specially and the
remaining students participate in other games. Mostly they play football, volleyball, cricket, and
basketball in the school. then he told me part this one week we are also doing our curricular activities
only those teams only those classes which hill dear match the our is the ground the rest of classes they
are learning and studying there classes the attending their classes he also told me to make active earth
the evening at the morning I give them different warm ups in order to make them active so that they will
be physically fit and mentally fit for the studies then he took me to the store room where different
where different where different things of sport were present including bait balls footballs basketballs
gloves and some there was a box at the corner for the first aid treatment and he also told me that in a
month or in a month we could chance to every class for once or twice in a month to play different sports
is the school he told me it is very essential for the students to mentally and physically fit and they will
enjoy their life at the school and they will never get bored with the studies. Then he showed me some
awards and achievements which day their school teams have won in last 20 years in these achievements
and awards some water somewhere from digest in interdistrict tournaments is somewhat worn in the
inter professional tournaments and this achievements and cups in the words his also I’ve written the
name of the winner and the heir of the in which they have warned this achievement or reward then we
went out of the store room and I went to the stop room then sit there

Previous attended class really helped me in the delivering of lecture ,teacher students interaction in
the class and the way to improve communication skills .Today class was about how to engage
students in the class when they feel sometimes Sir uses multiple tricks to support his views before
students for example he asked question from one of his people and then moved to answer from
other students one by one this was quite interesting for me and I liked is this way of the engaging
students in the class and this lead to zero boredom.

Mentors comments

Today Mr Anwar came and attended my last lecture attentively. I found him very hard worker and
deep observer .He observed the oral student teacher relation and will assist him in his bright
Field Note 13

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


After having and analysing the class environment I have learned how to deal with students how to
handle them when they feel bored how to deliver the lecture how to communicate with them how
to respond to their questions how to engage them in the lecture how to sort out their problems in
the class.

Above all observed in last 12 days. Today Sir teach us about the process of marking how to Mark’s
tests homework and exam papers Sir elaborate each and every step Plainly this will help me in
checking process of test and papers in future.

Mentors comment;

In this lecture we have discussed communication and importance of Answer question and transfer of
communication skill between teacher and students trainee will Be benefited from this lecture.
Field Note 15

Time: _______ to ___________ Date:


I have keenly observed the lecture delivered by different teachers of government high school dukki
bazaar. I was told and analyzed about all the effective tools of teaching communication engaging asking
questions being calm in class respect student questions and respond in effective way more importantly
all honorable teachers are unique in their own method of importing lecture . This has already helped
me a lot and I will use all these effective ways of teaching in the future . My way of knowledge,
thinking ,vision is boosted greatly

Mentors comments;

The observation technique analyzed and learned techniques will boost his knowledge about teaching
and it’s practices.

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