Assignment 2

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CYCLE 2020-02

Women’s shoe brand




Bernales Robles, Jennifer Aura U20171E945

Díaz García, Christian David U201613639
Huancas Mitma, Karen Elizabeth U201726182
Lavado Aguirre, Naomi Lisset U20171E982
Rivera Gayoso, Martha Sofía U201612361

Lima, October 12th - 2020

1. Consumer Profile 3
1.1 Target group 3
2. Market research 3
2.1 Focus Group analysis 3
2.2 Survey result 8
3. Diagnosis brand 22
3.1 Brand Equity (Keller Model) 22
3.1.1 Identity: Salience 22
3.1.2 Meaning: Performance and Imagery 22
3.1.3 Response: Judgments and Feeling 23
3.1.4 Relationship: Resonance 23
3.2 Brand Identity (Kapferer Model) 24
3.2.1 Externalisation 24 Physique 24 Relationship 24 Reflection 24
3.2.2 Internalisation 24 Personality 24 Culture 25 Self-image 25
3.3 Value proposal 25
4. Conclusions 26
5. Bibliography 26
Annexes 27


Figure 1 9
Figure 2 9
Figure 3 10

Figure 4 10
Figure 5 11
Figure 6 11
Figure 7 12
Figure 8 12
Figure 9 13
Figure 10 13
Figure 11 14
Figure 12 14
Figure 13 15
Figure 14 15
Figure 15 16
Figure 16 16
Figure 17 17
Figure 18 17
Figure 19 18
Figure 20 18

Table N° 1 19
Table N° 2 19
Table N°3 20
Table N° 4 20
Table N° 5 21
Table N° 6 21

1. Consumer Profile
1.1 Target group

● Geography: All the cities in Peru.

● Demography: Women who are between 18 and 30 years old, who belong to the
socioeconomic level B, C.
● Psychographic: They are people who like to be always in fashion, they like to dress
up, they like to visit shoe stores in the malls.

● Behavioral: They are looking for comfortable shoes with an average price. Besides,
they look for new designs according to the trend (Código, 2016).

2. Market research
2.1 Focus Group analysis

1. What is your favorite shoe brand?

Among the brands that respondents mentioned, those that were repeated frequently
were both Platanitos and Bata. In the case of the bananas, the choice was because they
had large sizes, beautiful designs, variety, long duration, and good quality. Also, this
brand is often used more in the summer, in turn, it offers comfort, especially this benefit
is more important when wearing formal shoes. In the Bata case, too, they told us that it
has beautiful designs and variety. In both brands, the respondents report that they have a
good price-quality ratio. On the other hand, the brands that were mentioned less
frequently were Ecco and Passarella.

2. What is the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the Platanitos brand?
Most of the participants mentioned that the first thing that comes to mind when
listening to Platanitos is comfort followed by quality. At the same time, they also
related him to good models and that he is always at the forefront, that is, in fashion.

3. What do you think about the Platanitos brand?

All the participants have a positive opinion about the Platanitos brand. Besides, they
tend to highlight their quality, durability and innovation. In the case of quality, the
participants relate it a lot to the materials that the shoes have. In the case of duration, it
always refers to the fact that the shoes can last more than a year and in good condition,
and can even go several years without deteriorating. Finally, regarding innovation, they
highlighted that their shoe models tend to be very different from one another. On the
other hand, they also highlighted that they love that Platanitos can offer a variety of
sizes, especially large sizes, which are not often offered to the female public. On the
other hand, they mentioned that it has an efficient delivery, since orders arrive quickly.
In turn, the orders you place in the store also comply with the agreed date.
4. Do you remember what the logo looks like and the colors it has? Why?
Most of the participants correctly remembered both the colors and the logo, as they
mentioned that they have distinctive colors. In turn, the name of the brand itself alludes
to the colors of the logo. On the other hand, the most repetitive comments regarding the
color were yellow and green, and they even pointed out that the yellow color
corresponded to the bananas and the green to the leaves in the upper part of the
plantains. It should be noted that one of the participants mentioned that she can identify
the brand just by seeing the plantains, that is, seeing the isotype.

5. Why would you buy the Platanitos brand?
One of the reasons for buying that was repeated the most in Platanitos was that they
have many points of sale since it can be found in most shopping centers and even on the
streets. In addition, again, they told us that other important factors are the variety of
sizes and the price they handle, which makes the brand accessible. In turn, other reasons
for purchase are due to its variety of models, its frequent offers, the good treatment of
its collaborators, and punctuality in delivery. It should be noted that their models are
unique since they told us that you cannot find their models in other places.
6. What are you looking for when you buy shoes? What are the benefits and attributes that
you value the most about shoes?
The participants mentioned the comfort, because if you are not used to wearing heels it
is very uncomfortable if the shoe does not conform to the person's foot. In addition, the
material, the quality, which is reflected in the durability of the shoes. They also value
the variety of sizes and that the price is related to the quality they offer.
7. By what means do you acquire Platanitos products?
Our participants stated that they currently purchase online due to the coronavirus
pandemic. However, they like to go to the point of sale so that they can observe the
material, the quality. In addition, they go to the same store because they want to live the
shopping experience, since they do not enjoy shopping online. Likewise, they like to
measure their shoe physically, so buying through an online store they have had bad
experiences due to the typical expectation and reality.
8. On what occasions do you usually buy shoes?
Most of our participants tend to buy shoes seasonally, in winter and summer. In
addition, they buy for special dates such as birthdays, they buy tacos for parties, events
or they also make impulse purchases, while they go to buy other things they can see
shoes and if it is possible they can buy them.
9. What opinion do you have regarding the models and designs of the Platanitos brand?
The opinion in relation to the models and designs of our participants is that they are
very versatile, because they can find heels, ankle boots, ballerinas, sandals that suit the
style of the person. Also, they consider that they have very varied designs and it is an
avant-garde brand and is always aware of fashion trends. In turn, it has models for all
10. What do you associate with Platanitos? why?
They associate with comfort, sizes, variety. They also highlighted the balance between
quality-price. However, one of our respondents mentioned that if she did not know the
brand by name, she would associate it with a fruit market so she would not makes sense
of the name in relation to what they offer.

11. ¿Have you observed communication from the Platanitos brand?
The women who participated in the spotlight mentioned that the brand always has
something to offer in its stores, they also saw advertising on their social networks. They
have also seen that the Platanitos brand has advertising for toys and clothes.
Subsequently, they mentioned that the brand through its communication channels, be it
a website or social networks, always mentions the biosafety protocols to be able to
purchase footwear.

12. ¿What do you think is the image that Platanitos shows with its consumers?
The focus participants indicated that the Platanitos brand seems to be a youth brand,
because it has a young audience, they also have different varieties of products for each
season. They also indicated that the brand reflects elegance due to the ample space of its
physical stores

13. ¿Do you think you identify with the Platanitos brand? ¿Why?
The vast majority of the focus participants indicated that they do identify with the
Platanitos brand, because their way of communicating with their audience tends to
connect with the consumer. They also indicated that they identify themselves because
the brand usually offers them different sizes, favorite design, quality in the different
shoes that usually come out each season. Some participants identify with winter boots
during, due to the durability of the footwear. Likewise, they also mentioned that they
identify with summer footwear, because they have a wide variety of sandals. They feel
that the Platanitos brand is always in fashion.

14. ¿What is the possibility of choosing Platanitos over other brands?

The focus participants indicated that the possibility of choosing the Platanitos brand,
either because of the variety of shoes and sizes it offers, because you can find your ideal
size and footwear, which you cannot find in other brands. Later, some mentioned that
the brand should have a category of sporty and elegant footwear at the same time, so
that in this way the brand can be their first option.
15. ¿What is the reason why you would buy at Platanitos again?
In general, the focus participants mentioned that one of the biggest reasons to buy again at
Platanitos is because its quality is very good. Also, reinforcing the idea of quality, they
stressed that the footwear of this brand lasts a long time. Also, another reason to buy again at
Platanitos is the variety of sizes it offers, so you can always find models. Finally, they would
buy in Platanitos again because of the experience of buying in their store, since the staff who
attend are attentive and friendly.
16.¿Would you recommend the brand to a family member or friend?¿ Why?

Users would recommend the brand and have previously done so to their friends and family.
One of the reasons why they recommend the Platanitos brand is because they have quality
products, and this has been confirmed by their friends and family. Another reason why they
recommend the brand is because they have several stores, so they can easily find them. Also,
another reason is that they have a variety of models with different prices, of good quality
that can be accessible to anyone who wants quality footwear. Finally, some share brand
posts with family and friends who just needed a shoe recommendation.
17. ¿Do you think that Platanitos offers better footwear than other brands? ¿ Why?
Participants think about which Platanitos stands out in shoe categories such as dress and
casual shoes. However, although it is a brand that stands out, they do not consider it to be
the best of all. This is because, as the users mentioned, Platanitos does not stand out in the
shoe category and they feel that there are better brands in that regard. It should be noted that,
for them to consider a brand as the best, it must be complete in all aspects. So, despite
considering Platanitos as a good brand, they feel that it still lacks something to be considered
the best compared to other footwear brands.
18. ¿Do you think you have a relationship with Platanitos? ¿How would you define your
relationship with Platanitos?
The focus participants had many definitions of their relationship with the brand. On the one
hand, they consider that they are not faithful because even though they like it, they are not
the only brand of shoes they consume. Another definition of the relationship with the brand
is that they consider it unconditional because they know and that they will find something
they like among Platanitos shoes. On the other hand, some have an occasional relationship
with the brand, as it is not their first choice within the types of shoes they use the most, but
they always visit the store together with that of other brands. Finally, it is the first choice of
some users when it comes to sandals or dress shoes, but it is not when it comes to sneakers.
They also consider having a close relationship with the brand, as they can always find good
shoes in Platanitos.
19. ¿What do you feel about the Platanitos brand? ¿Why?
Most of the participants indicated that they feel a lot of confidence, security and hope for the
Platanitos brand, since it is a place where they can find a wide variety of shoes in different
sizes and colors. They also pointed out that they feel that Platanitos is a very helpful brand,
friendly when dealing with their customers and they offer good quality footwear, as they last
a long time.
20. If the Platanito brand were a person, ¿what would it be like? To do this, they must assign
sex, age, socioeconomic level, lifestyle and personality.
Most of the participants pointed out that if the Platanitos brand were a person, it would be a
young avant-garde girl who is always in fashion with new trends. Also, she would be a great
friend who will always be by the person's side and offers suggestions. In turn, it values the
quality of the products and belongs to the socioeconomic level B and C.
21. Complete the sentence

a. Platanitos is ______________
The focus group participants pointed out that Platanitos is a close friend that if you
have a problem, she helps you solve it. It is also a cool and fun brand that builds
confidence and trust, and provides quality in its products.
b. With Platanos I feel _____________________
All the focus group participants indicated that they feel safe with Platanitos, as it is a
brand that will never fail them and they say they feel comfortable with Platanitos
c. Platanitos has ________________
The focus group participants pointed out that Platanitos handles a wide variety of
shoes and sizes. Likewise, it is a brand that manages quality in its products according
to prices.
d. I like Platanitos, because ____________
The focus group participants indicated that they like Platanitos because it always has
models that are in fashion. It is also a brand that understands its target audience and
the participants appreciate that.
22. ¿In what aspects should the Platanitos brand improve? ¿What new improvement would
you propose?
The focus participants indicated that they would like Platanitos to have new innovative
designs so that consumers buy more often than usual. Also, some participants mentioned
that they would like to expand the category of shoes.

2.2 Survey result

Figure 1

- Of the 102 surveys carried out, 99% of the target audience stated that they knew the
platanitos brand.

Figure 2

- Among the 102 respondents, it was found that 74.5% have an age range of 18 to 23
years, and 25.5% between 24 to 20 years of age.

Figure 3

- Of the 102 respondents, it was possible to obtain that 99% are women who carried out
the respective survey.

Figure 4

- Of the 102 respondents, 96.1% of women have worn or regularly use Platanitos brand
shoes, while 3.9% indicated that they did not wear Platanitos brand.

Figure 5

- Of the 102 respondents, as the first option chosen for the purchase of footwear, there is
the platanitos brand with 56.9%, followed by the Passarella brand with 19.6%.
Subsequently, the Bata brand with 11.8%, and finally with 9.8% is the Payless brand as
a purchase option in women's footwear.

Figure 6

- Of the 102 respondents, 96.1% indicated that they associate the Platanitos brand with
the category of women's shoes. While 3.9% indicated that it is related to the clothing

Figure 7

- Of the 102 respondents, the most important aspects that women consider when buying
footwear, 66.7% have the quality, with 59.8% the price, followed by the presentation of
the footwear with 39.2%, and 34.3% indicated that the variety of footwear is very
important. Finally, 11.8% indicated the promotions to be able to purchase footwear.

Figure 8

- Of the 102 respondents, 35.3% indicated that they usually buy Platanitos brand
footwear every 6 months, followed by 34.3% usually buy footwear every 3 months.
Subsequently, 20.6% buy footwear twice a month, and finally, 9.8% indicated they buy
the Platanitos brand once a month.

Figure 9

- Of the 102 respondents, the occasions in which they usually buy footwear, 49%
indicated that they usually buy on their birthdays, 48% on New Years, followed with an
equal 30.4%, they usually buy it on Women's Day or each new season and 24.5%
acquire it for Mother's Day. Finally, 1% indicated that they buy a shoe when they see a
model they like or because of an emergency.

Figure 10

- Of the 102 respondents, 65.7% perceive that the Platanito brand is good quality and
with an equality of 15.7% they indicated that they do not think it is poor quality / very
good quality.

Figure 11

- Of the 102 respondents, they associate the Platanitos brand with 32.4% as delicate, then
26.5% associate it as an elegant brand, 20.6% indicated that the brand is modern, and
finally, 16.7% associated the brand with what youth.

Figure 12

- Of the 102 respondents, 54.9% usually buy footwear through a physical store, followed
by the web with 34.3%, 6.9% usually buy through the application, and finally 3.9%
usually buy footwear through social networks.

Figure 13

- Of the 102 respondents, the most important attributes they consider when buying
Platanitos brand footwear, 54.9% indicated the quality of the footwear as an attribute,
with 49% considered the presentation important, followed with 47.1% considered the
price and with an equality of 29.4% was considered the promotions and varieties of
footwear that the brand can offer. Finally, 14.7% indicated that durability is an
important attribute to purchase footwear.

Figure 14

- Of the 102 respondents, on scale four 64.7% indicated that they are satisfied with the
Platanitos brand, on scale three 16.7% indicated that they do not feel totally
dissatisfied / totally satisfied. Finally, on scale five, 15.7% indicated that they feel
totally satisfied with the Platanitos brand.

Figure 15

- Of the 102 respondents, they believe that the needs that Platanitos satisfies, 42.2%
indicated that the brand has variety in shoes, 20.6% indicated that they complete their
outfit, followed by 19.6% the brand satisfies you in this fashion. Finally, 12.7%
indicated that the brand usually satisfies having seasonal footwear.

Figure 16

- Of the 102 respondents, they consider the communication of the Platanitos brand,
62.7% as a friendly brand, 19.6% indicated that it is a close brand, 9.8% indicated that
the brand is formal, and finally, 7.8% consider communication of the mark as

Figure 17

- Of the 102 respondents, they indicated that their experience of buying Platanitos brand
footwear, 33.3% was excellent, followed by 28.4% who had a good experience. Finally,
24.5% had a very good experience with the brand when purchasing footwear.

Figure 18

- Of the 102 respondents, they indicated the benefits that the Platanitos brand offers them,
with 35.3% good quality, followed by 26.5% that the footwear brand can be used on
different occasions. Subsequently, 19.6% indicated that the brand's designs are unique.
Finally, 13.7% indicated that the brand offers comfort.

Figure 19

- Of the 102 respondents, the feelings caused by the Platanitos brand in customers, 62.7%
indicated that it causes them happiness, followed by 32.4% said that the brand generates
satisfaction. Subsequently, 29.4% indicated that the brand causes liking. Finally, 14.7%
stated that the brand causes optimism.

Figure 20

- Of the 102 respondents, 49% indicated that the Platanitos brand provides good
customer service, followed by 37.3% indicated that they fully agree. Finally, 11.8%
indicated that they did not agree / disagree with the customer service provided by the
Platanitos brand.

Table N° 1

Source: Own Elaboration

Based on the shopping experience, the respondents who marked excellent as experience tend to
buy more frequently, since they make such purchases between 1 time a month to twice a
month, so it can be stated that they tend to buy in a frequent. On the other hand, the respondents
who scored good as experience tend to buy shoes every 3 to 6 months, so it can be said that
they buy frequently. Besides, the respondents who mark the experience as very good, usually
buy every 2 to 6 months, so the frequency of purchase has a rare trend. Likewise, the
respondents who marked regular tend to buy, mostly, every 6 months. Therefore it is affirmed
the experience influences the frequency of purchase.

Table N° 2

Source: Own Elaboration

Of those surveyed, 75 women between the ages of 18 and 23 stated that they wear or have
regularly worn Platanitos brand shoes. Subsequently, 25 women between 24 and 30 years old
indicated that they have habitually acquired the brand, while one respondent indicated that she
has not used the Platanitos footwear brand.

Table N°3

Source: Own Elaboration

Of those surveyed, 12 women indicated that the Bata brand is often their first choice for buying
footwear, followed by one respondent using the Converse brand as their first choice. Likewise,
one interviewee indicated that she does not usually have a preference for footwear brands,
because they usually give them away. Subsequently, 20 women surveyed indicated that they
usually have the Passarella brand as their first choice, and 10 indicated the Payless brand.
Finally, 57 women surveyed indicated having the Platanitos brand present as their first choice,
this brand being the most preferred by those surveyed.

Table N° 4

Source: Own Elaboration

It can be seen that the majority of surveyed associate the Platanitos brand with the adjective
"casual" which, for the most part, are people between 18 and 23 years old. Besides, “Chic
(elegant)” presents the second-highest number of associations with Platanitos by the target
audience. It should be noted that the respondents between 24 and 30 years old associated the
previously mentioned adjective more times. Also, there are adjectives such as “Juvenile” and
“Modern” with a lower number than those already mentioned. Finally, delicate and traditional
(vintage) obtained the fewest associations to the Platanitos brand. Therefore, the consumer

associates Platanitos as a casual, chic, youthful, and modern brand. Which shows us how they
perceive Platanitos as a brand.

Table N° 5

Source: Own Elaboration

It can be seen that the people who indicated that they have used or use the Platanitos brand, use
it because they want to have more variety in their shoes. In addition, they use it to be
fashionable and complete their outfit in less quantity. On the other hand, only 10 respondents
buy shoes to have seasonal footwear and only 5 people buy Platanitos brand products to
improve their image. So it can be affirmed that the people who acquired the Platanitos brand
products did so because it met their needs.

Table N° 6

Source: Own Elaboration

Through the analysis, it can be observed that most of the women surveyed (35 people)
indicated that Platanitos offers the benefit of having good quality products. Likewise, 27 of the
respondents indicate that the second benefit that stands out from the Platanitos brand is that it
can be used on different occasions. In addition, 20 of the respondents indicated that Platanitos
offers unique designs. It should be noted that the benefits that they obtained were: variety in
sizes and feeling comfortable.

3. Diagnosis brand
3.1 Brand Equity (Keller Model)

(associates good
treatment and

Judgments Feelings
Good quality
Innovative Happiness
Unique and Satisfaction
different Pleasure

Performance Main buying situations: new
season, women's day, birthday,
Durability new year
Accessible price Has a friendly personality
Good style and design Experience: Punctuality in
Variety of sizes delivery and good treatment and
attention from Platanitos

Category of women's shoes
The main needs that it satisfies are the following: having a variety of
shoes, completing the outfit and being fashionable

Source: Own elaboration

3.1.1 Identity: Salience

Platanitos is a shoe brand, focused especially on the category of footwear for women
since it is the main category with which respondents associate the brand. In addition,
among the main needs that the brand satisfies is having a variety of shoes, which
complete the outfit of the consumers and are fashionable.

3.1.2 Meaning: Performance and Imagery

The Platanitos brand in this part shows what it is in front of its consumers. So, in
performance, the users highlight the durability of the footwear, the accessible price, the
good style and the designs of this. It should be noted that in its performance it stands
out that it has a great variety of sizes, so you should not worry about it and choose from
the models that Platanitos offers.

Also, in imagery, the greatest reason for purchase is given by situations such as the new
season, Women's Day, birthdays and new years. Also, they highlight that the Platanitos
brand has a friendly personality with them. Finally, they add to this the experience they

have with the brand, since their deliveries are delivered on time and they always receive
good treatment from Platanitos employees.

3.1.3 Response: Judgments and Feeling

Regarding the response that Platanitos users have, we have in judgments that the brand
provides good quality in its products, it is also innovating in these since it has unique
and different models compared to its competitors. These ideas are reflected in the
surveys and the focus group. Also, among the feelings that the users of the brand evoke
are happiness, satisfaction and pleasure. Well, all this is felt when buying a product
from the Platanitos brand or simply going to their stores.

3.1.4 Relationship: Resonance

Through the responses of the focus group participants, it can be determined that there is
a positive perception. This is due to the good treatment provided by Platanitos
collaborators and the shopping experience, which is generally good as it offers a variety
of shoes and ease of purchasing the product, even though it is not in the store at that
time. Likewise, it was possible to perceive attachment towards Platanitos, since it is the
main brand selected when it comes to summer shoes, especially sandals.

3.2 Brand Identity (Kapferer Model)

Source: Own elaboration

3.2.1 Externalisation Physique
It is a brand that uses colors, green and yellow, which make up its logo. In
addition, the brand is represented by a hand of bananas, the colors are used in
its advertising campaigns. It transmits a quality image in your products. Relationship
It shows itself as a brand that always offers the latest models that are a trend
of the season. In addition, they have a variety and an affordable price. The
balance between price and quality of its products can be seen reflected.
Likewise, it highlights the good service with its customers. It shows itself as a
friendly brand. Reflection
It is projected as a brand with the latest fashion designs. In addition, as a
reliable brand because it offers the best quality in the market, providing
comfort in its products and with a first-class service that reinforces the bond
with its consumers.

3.2.2 Internalisation Personality
Platanitos is a brand that has a friendly personality with consumers, since it
offers them confidence and security when making a purchase. Likewise, it
also shows itself as a brand with a charismatic personality, as it is youthful
and modern. Culture
Platanitos is a brand that has been in the market for a long time, so it stands
out for offering good quality products. In turn, it shows commitment to
consumers and shows a great variety of shoes. Self-image
Platanito shows a modern and comfortable image. Likewise, it is a brand that
shows the quality of its products (shoes) and offers quality and a good price
at the same time. It should be noted that it shows an image close to

3.3 Value proposal

Once a quantitative and qualitative analysis of our respondents has been carried out.
First, the customer segment was analyzed where the following points were identified:
joys, frustrations and customer jobs. Subsequently, the value proposition that we want
to offer them is convertible shoes, because respondents always look for comfort for
different occasions and to be able to wear the same shoes. Therefore, to identify the
value proposition, it was analyzed which are the creators of joy, activators of
frustrations so that the customer feels satisfied when acquiring a Platanitos brand

4. Conclusions

● Platanitos is a well-known brand, so the female audience can recognize the isotype that
the brand has. In turn, they frequently associate Platanitos with good quality, a variety
of sizes, and unique designs, mainly. Therefore, it manages to satisfy correctly and in
consideration of the same target group the need for a variety of shoes. Likewise, the
focus group mentions that the brand has good value for money. Both aspects are the
most important to consider when making a purchase. It should be noted that consumers
tend to buy every 3 months, mostly. In turn, the occasion in which they usually buy the
most is on birthdays, followed by the New Year.
● There is a relationship between what the brand reflects and what consumers perceive.
For example, the brand wants to be seen as a brand that offers fashionable footwear and

consumers told us that they considered Platanitos as one of the updated brands in
fashion trends in women's footwear. Likewise, the brand reflects that it offers an
accessible price, to which the focus participants confirmed this statement. In addition,
they told us that the care provided by Platanitos is of quality and is what the brand
● In the results of the focus group and the polls, certain contradictions were seen. Well,
although they consider Platanitos as the first option to buy in the surveys, this was not
reflected 100% in the focus group. Therefore, when analyzing the different opinions in
this regard, a conclusion was reached. Although Platanitos is the first choice of several
consumers, this is especially true of certain products that it offers, such as sandals and
dress shoes. Well, Platanitos stands out more for those footwear compared to others like
sneakers, in which consumers have other options as their first option.
● It can be concluded that Platanitos offers good customer service, as it is a helpful brand
that helps the target audience if they are in search of the perfect shoe. They also
associate Platanitos as a modern, casual and youthful brand. On the other hand, it was
evidenced that both the focus group and the surveys that consumers perceive that
Platanitos offers good quality, unique designs, comfortable shoes and versatility when
using the shoes.

5. Bibliography

● Código. (2016). “Ha costado varios años para que Platanitos llegue a posicionarse como
lo hace ahora” .Recuperado de
platanitos-llegue-a-posicionarse-como-lo-hace-ahora/ [Consulta: 9 de noviembre de
● Survey Link:
● Link Focus:

11. Annexes

Survey questions
1. ¿Conoce la marca Platanitos?
a. Si
b. No

2. Edad
a. 18 a 23 años (Seguir con la encuesta)
b. 24 a 30 años (Seguir con la encuesta)
c. Más de 30 años (Agradecer y finalizar)

3. Indique su sexo

a. Hombre (Agradecer y terminar encuesta)
b. Mujer

4. ¿Has usado o usas habitualmente zapatos de la marca Platanitos?

a. Si
b. No
5. ¿Cuál es tu primera opción de marca para comprar un calzado?
a. Platanitos
b. Bata
c. Pasarrella
d. Payless
e. Otro:____

6. ¿Qué categoría asocias a Platanitos?

a. Zapatos de mujer
b. Ropa
c. Accesorios
d. Joyería
e. Carteras y monederos
f. Medias

7. ¿Qué aspectos importantes consideras a la hora de comprar calzados?

a. Precio
b. Calidad
c. Presentación
d. Variedad
e. Promociones
f. Otro:___
8. ¿Cada cuanto tiempo realizas compras de calzados de la marca Platanitos?
a. Una vez al mes
b. Dos veces al mes
c. Cada 3 meses
d. Cada 6 meses

9. ¿En qué ocasiones sueles comprar zapatos nuevos de la marca Platanitos?

a. Día de la mujer
b. Día de la madre
c. Cumpleaños
d. Año nuevo
e. Cada nueva temporada
f. Otro:___

10. De 1 al 5 de qué manera percibes los zapatos de la marca Platanitos, donde 1 es

“Mala calidad” y 5 “Muy buena calidad”

1 2 3 4 5
Mala calidad Regular calidad Ni buena ni Buena Muy buena
mala calidad calidad calidad

11. ¿Cuál de los siguientes adjetivos crees que se asocian con la marca Platanitos?
a. Casual
b. Chic (elegante)
c. Moderna
d. Tradicional (vintage)
e. Juvenil
f. Delicado

12. ¿Por qué medios compras tus zapatos?

a. En tienda
b. Web
c. Aplicación
d. Redes Sociales
e. Otro:___

13. ¿Qué atributos son importantes al momento de comprar calzados en la marca

a. Presentación
b. Precio
c. Calidad
d. Promociones
e. Variedad
f. Durabilidad
g. Otro:___

14. En una escala del 1 al 5, donde 1 es “totalmente insatisfecho” y 5, “totalmente

satisfecho”, ¿qué tan satisfecho te encuentras la marca Platanitos?

1 2 3 4 5
Totalmente Poco satisfecho Ni Satisfecho Totalmente
insatisfecho insatisfecho, ni satisfecho

15. ¿Qué necesidades crees que satisface Platanitos?

a. Tener variedad en los zapatos
b. Estar a la moda
c. Completar mi outfit

d. Tener calzado de temporada
e. Mejorar mi imagen

16. ¿Cómo considera la comunicación que la marca Platanitos tiene con los
a. Amistoso
b. Formal
c. Informativo
d. Corporativo
e. Cercano
f. Humorístico

17. ¿Cómo ha sido tu experiencia al comprar zapatos en Platanitos?

a. Excelente
b. Muy buena
c. Buena
d. Regular
e. Más o menos
f. Mala
g. Pésima

18. ¿Qué beneficios te ofrece Platanitos?

a. Buena calidad
b. Diseños únicos
c. Que se pueda utilizar en diferentes ocasiones
d. Sentirse cómodo
e. Variedad de tallas
19. ¿Qué sentimientos provoca la marca Platanitos en usted?
a. Felicidad
b. Optimismo
c. Satisfacción
d. Agrado
e. Incomodidad
20. ¿Está de acuerdo en que Platanitos brinda una buena atención al cliente?
a. Totalmente de acuerdo
b. De acuerdo
c. Ni deacuerdo, ni en desacuerdo
d. En desacuerdo
e. Totalmente desacuerdo


Pregunta de calentamiento:
Ahora con la cuarentena, ¿Has realizado compras en línea?

1. ¿Cuál es tu marca de zapatos favorita?
2. ¿Qué es lo primero que se te viene a la mente al escuchar la marca Platanitos?
3. ¿Qué opinas sobre la marca Platanitos?
4. ¿Recuerdas cómo es el logotipo y los colores que tiene?¿Por qué?
5. ¿Por qué comprarías la marca Platanitos?
6. ¿Qué estás buscando cuando compras zapatos? ¿Cuáles son los beneficios y atributos
que más valoras de la categoría de zapatos?
7. ¿Por qué medios adquieres los productos de Platanitos?
8. ¿En qué ocasiones sueles comprar zapatos?
9. ¿Qué opinión tienes con respecto a los modelos y diseños de la marca Platanitos?
10. ¿Con qué asocias a Platanitos? ¿por qué?
11. ¿Has observado comunicación por parte de la marca Platanitos? redes sociales
publicidad Podrías describir
12. ¿Cuál crees que es la imagen que muestra Platanitos con sus consumidores?
13. ¿Consideras que te identificas con la marca Platanitos? ¿por qué?
14. ¿Cuál es la posibilidad que existe en elegir Platanitos sobre otras marcas?
15. ¿Cuál es la razón por la cual volverías a comprar en Platanitos?
16. ¿Recomendaría la marca a un familiar o amigo?¿Por qué?
17. ¿Consideras qué Platanitos brinda mejores calzados que otras marcas?¿Por qué?
18. ¿Considera que tiene una relación con Platanitos? ¿Cómo definiría su relación con
19. ¿Qué es lo que siente por la marca Platanitos? ¿Por qué?
20. Si fuese persona la marca Platanito ¿cómo sería? Para ello deben asignarles sexo, edad,
NSE, estilo de vida y personalidad.
21. Completar la frase
a. Platanitos es ________________________
b. Con Platanitos me siento _____________________
c. Platanitos tiene ________________
d. Platanitos me gusta, porque ____________
22. ¿En qué aspectos debería mejorar la marca Platanitos?¿Qué nueva mejora propondrías?



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