Capstone Project 1 Origin

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The key takeaways are that an online agriculture store website is being proposed to facilitate farmers' purchase of seeds, pesticides and fertilizers online. A business process model and SWOT analysis are suggested to evaluate the project.

For the SWOT analysis, Mr. Karthik should consider the project's strengths (such as previous success), weaknesses (such as lack of resources), opportunities (such as being the first to capture the market) and threats (such as budget constraints).

In the gap analysis, Mr. Karthik should compare the current process of traditional purchasing from markets versus the future process of online purchasing through a website, which will provide quick and easy access to products.

Capstone Project 1

1.Identify Business Process Model for Online Agriculture Store – (Goal, Inputs, Resources,
Outputs, Activities, Value created to the end Customer).
a. Goal-To facilitate farmers with the website that will help to buy seeds, pesticides, and
fertilizers from anywhere through internet connectivity.
b. Inputs- The farmers requirements and their needs, Budget allocation for the project(2crores),
best team resources for the project, Time and efforts given towards the project.
c. Resources-The project Team which includes (project manager, BA, developers,
coders ,Testers),Financial resources (Funds),research team ,Time.
d. Outputs-Website for Farmers for purchasing of products.
e. Activities-Planning for the project, requirements gathering , budget allocating, coding, testing
,Implementing of the project.
f. Value created to the end Customer-User friendly and easily accessible.
2. Mr. Karthik is doing SWOT analysis before he accepts this project. What Aspects he Should
a. Strengths
Getting a project from the SOONY company due to his previous project success.
b. Weaknesses
Lack of existing efficient resources for doing such project.
c. Opportunity
This kind of project they are launching for the first time this is the opportunity to capture the
whole market.
d. Threats
Budget constraints(less allocated budget).
3. Mr Karthik is trying to do feasibility study on doing this project in Technology (Java), Please help him
with points


HW developers: Not required because we are building websites we don’t require any feasibility study
SW developers: We can go with 7 software developers will be software developers which include
testers ,Java developers and network admin

Trained Resources our java are having expertise but need to some training for the testers.

Timeframe: we have got 18 months Duration but we can complete it on 15months and keep 3 months
extra incase of any problem or change request.

Budget: we have got 2cr budget we can complete with this budget.

4.Mr Karthik must submit Gap Analysis to Mr. Henry to convince to initiate this project. What points
(compare AS-IS existing process with TO-BE future Process) to showcase in the GAP Analysis


AS-IS existing process

-We don’t have any existing process or web application at present for ordering things.

-Traditional way to purchase products . i.e just from market

TO-BE future process

-To build web application where the farmers can easily order the pesticides.

-will provide quick and easy way to purchase item.

5.List down different risk factors that may be involved


BA Risks: Improper requirement gathering from the farmers, Improper planning for the project,

Process Risk: lack of team support, continuous change requirement.

Project Risks: website not working properly, farmers not able to put details in website, Unrealistic
expectation from the client.

6. – Stakeholder Analysis (RACI Matrix)


Responsible- I will be responsible (BA).

Accountable- Mr. Vandanam project Manager will be accountable

Consultant- Teyson, Ms. Lucie, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Bravo, Mr. Mike, John Mr. Jason and Ms. Alekya this pe

Informed- Mr. Henry, Mr. pandu , Mr. dooku

Supportable- Mr. Henry

7. Business Case Document

-The project is initiated because there was demand for pesticides in the farmers and there was no
availability. So, this website will act as a felicitate role between the company and farmers.

-The current problem is that farmers are facing pest problem because of unavailability of pesticides in
the market. The crops get destroyed due to unavailability of pests.

-with this project the problems could be solved are

a. The pesticides will be available in quick time to farmers.

b. There will be no middlemen in between so they can get the products at cheaper rates.

c. No need for the farmers to go the market in search of pesticides it will delivered to their house.

-The resources required are

a. We need a good set of technical team (developers, testers, designers)for the project.

b. we need 2crore of funds for the project.

c. high speed internet facility.

-organizational changes required to adopt this technology are:

There will be no such organizational changes for adopting this technology.

-time frame to recover ROI will be of 3 years as we are expecting good number of farmers and
companies will enroll.

8. – The Four SDLC Methodologies are

The four methodologies like Sequential Iterative Evolutionary and Agile are:


The entire project is delivered at the end of developing life cycle.


With frequency some modules are delivered. In this model, the total software development is divided
into iterations and each iteration has design, development, testing and review.


With in the scope they will continuously evolve they will try and fail and then they will start adding


Continuous delivery in the every stage of the project.

5 years project 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021




9.The different methodologies are:

Waterfall model

It is an traditional model and it follows a structured approach with each phase having specific

V Model

It is an verification and validation model in which each phase must be completed so that next phase
begins. Testing of the product is planned in parallel with a corresponding phase of development in V-

RUP Model

RUP stands for Rational Unified Process, Where phase /module wise (long term project) application is
developed. Hence we can track the defects at early stages. This avoids the downward flow of the

Spiral Model

The spiral model is a risk-driven process model generator for software projects. The spiral model has
four phases: Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering and Evaluation.

Scrum Model

scrum is a process framework used to manage product development. Scrum is empirical in that it
provides a means for teams to establish a hypothesis of how they think something works, try it out,
reflect on the experience, and make the appropriate adjustments.

10.Write down the differences between waterfall model and V model.

waterfall model

- we work in phase wise once the phase is complete we will take review -once the completion of the 1 st
phase only 2nd phase will start.
-Its not flexible as changes in between cannot be initiated in between

-Its cheaper then the V Model.

In V model model

-In V model after one phase is completed then we will do design and testing and then only we can start
with the next phase.

-Its more flexible we can update changes in between.

-Its more costly compare to waterfall model.

11.Justify your choice.

- we will use V model because these type of project is quite new for the company and its require more
time on design and testing .so In V model after one phase is completed then we will do design and
testing and then only we can start with the next phase.

12. Gantt Chart

PM, BA, Java Developers, testers, DB Admin, NW Admin.


3M 6M 12M 15M 24M




DB Admin

NW Admin

13.Fixed Bid project Vs Billing Project


Fixed bid Project

-In fixed bid, Based on the milestones the funds are being released.
for ex-1st part documentation completed 20,000$ then after design phase completed 25,000$ and so

-Time and budget is fixed in this process.

Billing Project

-In billing projects the funds are being released on the amount of work the team have been worked.

EX-Suppose 8hour working day MR.A, MR.B,MR.C and MR.D are working then it will be (8x4=32)

-Bill the client as per the resources and Paid according to hours worked by the employees.

14. Requirement Gathering Timesheet of a BA

Time Sheet
Employee Name Ranjan Date 20/08/22
Project No:2216 Type: Requirement Gathering
9:00 to 11:00 Did SWOT Analysis of the project
11:00 to12:00 Worked on BA approach strategy
12:00 to 2:00 Stakeholder analysis
2:00 to 4:00 Requirement gathering

15.Requirement Analysis Of BA

Employee Name Ranjan Time Sheet Date 21/08/22

Project No:2216 Type: Requirement Analysis
9:00 to 11:00 Validated the requirement
11:00 to12:00 Verify thhe requirement
12:00 to 2:00 organized the rquirement
2:00 to 4:00 prepared use cases
4:00 to 6:00 prepared querylog

16.Design timesheet of BA
Employee Name Ranjan Time Sheet Date 22/08/22
Project No:2216 Type: Design Stage
9:00 to 11:00 discussed about the technical design
11:00 to12:00 engaged testing team
12:00 to 2:00 organized the rquirement
2:00 to 4:00 asked about test plans
4:00 to 6:00 did weekly status meeting

17. Development Timesheet of a BA

Employee Name Ranjan Time Sheet Date 23/08/22

Project No:2216 Type: Development Stage
9:00 to 11:00 unit test plan
11:00 to12:00 prepareunit test case
12:00 to 2:00 ask team test case walk through
2:00 to 4:00 checked the development stage
4:00 to 6:00 conducted weekly status meeting

18.Testing Timesheet of a BA

Employee Name Ranjan Time Sheet Date 24/08/22

Project No:2216 Type: Testing Stage
9:00 to 11:00 checked the sIT plan
11:00 to12:00 went through the test case
12:00 to 2:00 checked SIT result
2:00 to 4:00 talked with the testing team
4:00 to 6:00 weekly review meeting with the testing team

19. UAT Timesheet of a BA

Employee Name Ranjan Time Sheet Date 25/08/22
Project No:2216 Type: UAT Stage
9:00 to 11:00 checked with BRD that requirements are being fullfilled
11:00 to12:00 had brief discussion with client about the project
12:00 to 2:00 checked the project infront of client
2:00 to 4:00 had signoff meeting
4:00 to 6:00 conducted weekly status meeting

20. Deployment n Implementation Timesheet of a BA


Employee Name Ranjan Time Sheet Date 26/08/22

Project No:2216 Type: Deployment nd Implementation
9:00 to 11:00 discussed with the team about the project
11:00 to12:00 the project gots initiated by the client
12:00 to 2:00 had made understand client website features
2:00 to 4:00 had discussion about process changes
4:00 to 6:00 discussed about essential takeouts from the project

21. What is your knowledge on how these Audits will happen for a BA ?

Ans: Internal audit checks how well a company maintains operational efficiency and manages accounting
processes while complying with its standard rules and regulations. Conducting audits from time to time
ensures the firms are strict enough in following the administrative fundamentals and sticking to a
maximum accuracy rate so far as financial reporting is concerned.

For a BA ,Internal audits will go through the

-Are the project is progressing with the companies objective or not.

-weather various risks are being managed effectively by BA .

-Are the process are being followed properly by bA.

-What all process can be improved are being suggested.

22. BA Approach Strategy

ANS: The steps I would need to start with to complete this project are:

Business requirement initiation (gathering stage)

Identifying the stakeholders through the ILS. i.e., Identify the stakeholders, List the stakeholders,
summarize the stakeholder.

Business stakeholders-Mr. Henry, Mr. Pandu and MR. Dooku Peter, Kevin, and Ben

Project stakeholders- Project Manager - Mr Vandanam Senior Java Developer - Ms. Juhi Java Developers
Mr.Teyson, Ms.Lucie, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Bravo Network Admin ,Mr. Mike DB Admin Mr. John. Testers – Mr.
Jason and Ms. Alekya BA - You

3rd party stakeholder- Peter, Kevin, and Ben

-Applying elicitation technique to gather requirements from these stakeholders for the project.

For this of projects we will apply interviews like it can take the interview either it in individual or groups .
so that actual need of the stakeholders are being collected. we can do the group interview for collecting
relevant information about the project.

Also, we can use brainstorming sessions for better understanding of requirements

-Ideation- we can list out ideas to convert BRD to FRD.

Prioritize the requirement

We will apply MOSCOW technique to prioritize the requirement from the client. So that we can reach to
a mutual understanding with the stakeholder on the importance of each requirement.

M is Must for the project scope.

S is should be for the project.

C is could be for the project.

W is as per for the future aspect of the project.

23 – 3-Tier Architecture?

Ans: Three-tier architecture is a well-established software application architecture that organizes

applications into three logical and physical computing tiers: the Business logic layer; the application tier,
where data is processed and the data tier, where the data associated with the application is stored and
pages, screens ,validations on pages

----------------------------Application layer--------------------------

All reusable components , frequently changing components, governing body rules and regulations.Ex-
printer, payment gateways.

--------------------------In Business logic layer-----------------------

Data base components connecting to databases.

-------------------------------Data Layer---------------------------------

24 – BA Approach Strategy for Framing Questions

Ans: Before framing question we should take care 5W 1H

For gathering information from the stakeholder we should use the

-What is this product.

-Why this project was initiated.

-who are the benefitted from this project.

-where did requirement was spotted.

-when will the project get initiated

-how we should be doing the project.

Next we should check weather the requirement collected is being SMART or not.







Then while preparing question we need to figure out who comes under which category so we use the
RACI Matrix .i.e responsible ,accountable, consultant and informed.

Then we will prepare 3tier architecture under which we will be categorizing in 3 different stages

-Application layer, business logic layer and data layer.

-then we will prepare to identify the requirement. Use case is prepare to know how external system is
interacting with the system.
While preparing use case we will be looking at use case specs.i.e use case specification.under which we
need to categorize the requirements gathered under basic flow and alternative flow.

An activity diagram is drawn to model how the system should function in order to achieve Business
Logic, Business Functionality and Business Objectives. Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to
represent the flow form one activity to another activity.

We will use either use case or activity to prepare the model the requirements.

25. – Elicitation Techniques?


a. Document Analysis

Document analysis is done through reading a document and understanding the product,process and

b. Reverse Engineering also called back engineering, is the processes of extracting knowledge or design
information from anything man-made and reproducing it or re-producing anything based on the
extracted information.

c. Focus Groups A focus group is a means to elicit ideas and attitudes about a specific product, service or
opportunity in an interactive group environment.

d. Observations Observing, shadowing users or doing a part of their job, can provide information of
existing processes, inputs and outputs.

e. Workshop A requirement workshop is a structured approach to capture requirements. A workshop

may be used to scope, discover, define, prioritize and reach closure on requirements for the target

f. JAD (Joint Application Development) Application developed through JAD has higher customer
satisfaction and less number of errors as user is directly involved in the development process.

g. Interview-An interview is a systematic approach where interviewee is going to ask relevant questions
related to software and documenting the responses.

H. Prototyping Prototyping is an attractive idea for complicated and large systems for which there is no
manual process or existing system to help determining the requirements.

I. Survey/ Questionnaire Questionnaire can be useful for obtaining limited system requirements details
form the users/ stakeholders, who have minor input or are geographically remote.

j. Brainstorming- Brainstorming is an effective way to generate lots of ideas on a specific issue and then
determine which idea is the best solution.

26. Which Elicitation Techniques can be used in this Project and Justify your selection of Elicitation

Ans: Brainstorming can be used in this project because this type of project is completely new so
understanding the requirement sitting together what possible needs of the farmers and to make it a
userfriendly we need the client too. We can have multiple ideas coming from other side would also add
helping hand to the project.

27 .10 Business Requirements.


BR001 – Farmers should be able to search for available products in fertilizers, seeds, pesticides.

BR002 – Manufacturers should be able to upload and display their products in the application.

BR003- A Farmer should be able to browse through the products catalog once they visit the website.

BR004- The website should have a search option so that they can search for any product they need.

BR005- Everyone should be able to log in to the website as the users.

BR006- A product catalog of fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, and a search option to search for products,
payment process, and delivery tracking should be there.

BR007-Any farmer wants to buy any product or add them to buy-later list, they need to do the login first
using their email id and password.

BR008- The new user should be able to create a new account by submitting their email ID and creating a
secure password.

BR009-If a Farmers wants to purchase, they should have an easy-to-use payment gateway which should
include cash-on-delivery (COD), Credit/Debit card and UPI options.

BR010-The user should get an email confirmation regarding their order status. A delivery tracker to track
the whereabouts of their order.

28. Assumptions

The assumptions for the project are

-Application built for the project will deliver the product to farmers in quick time.

-The manufactures would be able to look at mostly ordered items and can able to maintain stocks by
knowing it.

-In offline mode the farmers can track the orders.

-The website would require very less maintenance.

29. – This project Requirements Priority.


BR001 Farmer Search for Farmers should be able 8
Products to search for available
products in fertilizers,
seeds, pesticides
BR002 Manufacturers upload Manufacturers should 6
their Products be able to upload and
display their products
in the application
BR003 Farmers browse A Farmer should be 7
through the products able to browse through
the products catalog
once they visit the
BR004 Website search option The website should 4
have a search option so
that they can search
for any product they
BR005 Everyone can do the Everyone should be 1
logins on website able to log in to the
website as the users
BR006 Product catalog and A product catalog of 3
search option in fertilizers, seeds,
website pesticides, and a search
option to search for
products, payment
process, and delivery
tracking should be

BR007 Farmers need to login Any farmer wants to 5

to order buy any product or add
them to buy-later list,
they need to do the
login first using their
email id and password.
BR008 For New user create The new user should 9
accounts be able to create a new
account by submitting
their email ID and
creating a secure
BR009 For purchasing items If a Farmers wants to 10
payment gateway purchase, they should
have an easy-to-use
payment gateway
which should include
cash-on-delivery (COD),
Credit/Debit card and
UPI options.
BR010 E-mail confirmation The user should get an 2
regarding order status email confirmation
regarding their order
status. A delivery
tracker to track the
whereabouts of their

30.Use Case Diagram

Ans: Website for online store

login New user

Farmers Performs



availabilty ID



31. Prepare use case specs for all use cases.

Ans: (1)

Use case spec-Login

Description-username, password

Actors-Farmers, website

Preconditions-active internet connection,2.browser compatible

Postconditions-home page should be displayed

Basic flows: username and password is correct

Alternate flow: password is wrong

User name is wrong

Username and password is wrong

Exceptional flow: forget password

Forget username

Assumptions: users have basic computer knowledge, English

Constraints: usernames cannot be special character

Dependents: user should exist-registered done

Inputs: username an password

Output: status flag or error code.

Business rules-username should use valid maild password should use special character

Mis information-interactive design and browser compatible.


Use case spec-Order items

Description-add to cart, purchase

Actors: farmers ,website

Preconditions: active internet connection,browse through different products

Postcondition: able to add items to cart and directed to payment page.

Basicflow: items selected are correctly captured by the system

Alternative flow: wrong items captured while adding to cart.

Exceptional flow: While adding to cart different pages pops out.

Not directing to payment page

Assumptions: users should know how to add product to cart.

Constraints: at least 2 products to be added to cart.

Dependencies: the product should be available with the company.

Input: the chosen product

Output: the order gets through to the payment site.

Business rules: visa cards and maestro cards for payment

Misc info:-good looking payment page

(3)New user

Use case spec-New user

Description-registration and email verification

Actors-Farmers, website

Preconditions-active internet connection,2.have gmail account

Postconditions-able to register and login to website

Basic flows: otp verification and gmail verification done

Alternate flow: OTP is not going to the number

Verification mail is not going to the mail

Otp and verification mail not going to the mail

Exceptional flow: gmail account not there

Number out of service

Assumptions: users have basic mobile knowledge, have a gmail account

Constraints: both mobile and gmail need to verified to do the registration

Dependents: user should have gmail and number to be linked

Inputs: OTP and Gmail

Output: registration done and able to login the website

Business rules-username should use valid maild password should use special character

Mis information-interactive design and browser compatible.

(4)upload products
Use case spec-upload products

Description-track item, refill stock

Actors-manufacturers, website

Preconditions-stock replenishment data to be generated, easy controlling of website

Postconditions-stock are available all the time for demanded products

Basic flows: stock information is provided correctly

Alternate flow: stock information is not provided correctly

Exceptional flow: takes more time show stock data

No control on the data

Assumptions: manufacturers gets notified about the stock of products.

Constraints: stock cannot be refilled for just one product

Dependents: if order is there the stock are being met

Inputs: refill signal goes to manufacturer

Output: product available or not available

Business rules-once all old stock is finished then only new stocks will be come.

Mis information-interactive design and browser compatible.

(5) Use case spec-Payment

Description-card details, paymentoption

Actors-farmers, website

Preconditions-the item to be in the cart

Postconditions-the farmer to be able to make payment through UPI card or cod

Basic flows: able to make payment

Alternate flow: not able to make payment

Exceptional flow: card blocked

UPI not registered

Assumptions: have basic knowledge about using cards ,know how to make UPI payments.

Constraints:from gpay cannot make payment

Dependents: orders need to be in cart

Inputs: card details

Output: payment gateway or error page

Business rules-card should be either visa or maestro.

Mis information-interactive design and browser compatible.

32.Activity diagrams.


33.identify minimum 20 functional requirement.



FR0001 Farmer Farmers should be able must
Registration to register with the
FR0002 Farmer Farmers should be able should
Search for to search for available
Products products in fertilizers,
seeds, pesticides
FR0003 Printer print the When an order is should
package slip fulfilled, the local
printer shall print a
packing slip
FR0004 Adding the product to Farmer should be able could
the cart to add to cart once
they select the product
FR0006 Product tracking Farmers should be able must
to track the ordered
FR0007 New user email For a new customer he could
verification has should do the
email verification for
the doing login
FR0008 Payment option for the The farmers should must
customer have the payment
options either upi cod
or through cards
FR0009 After Cancellation After cancellation is must
refund option initiated the refund to
be followed.
FR0010 Manufacture tracking Manufacture should be could
facility able to track the stock
FR0011 OTP initiation for When item is in the could
payment payment the OTP is
send to registered
mobile number.
FR0012 Address update option the farmer should be would
able to update his
address every time of
NFR0013 Page Each Page should load could
Loading within 2 seconds time
NFR0014 Payment receipt The farmer should get must
the receipt with in a
hour of order.
NFR0015 Page timeout After 15minute of would
activity the page will
NFR0016 Fascinating Home page The home page should could
not contain much
information and should
look good.
NFR0017 Quick Payment option Payment options wont
should be quick and
FR0018 Review option After every order must
customers should be
able to give review.
NFR0019 Security of data Information of farmers could
shouldnot be shared
NFR0020 WCAG 2.1. The system must meet could
Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines
WCAG 2.1

34.Minimum 5 page designs

35. Tools (Visio, Balsamiq)

- Microsoft Visio is software for drawing a variety of diagrams. These include flowcharts, org charts,
building plans, floor plans, data flow diagrams, process flow diagrams, business process modeling,
swimlane diagrams, 3D maps, and many more.

- Basically utilized for formats and charts. They can be utilized for building pictures like flowcharts,
choice graphs and network diagrams. It indeed has sufficient charts to form arranging a straightforward
space format for a conference precise
-Balsamiq Wireframes is a user interface design tool for creating wireframes (sometimes called mockups
or low-fidelity prototypes). You can use it to generate digital sketches of your idea or concept for an
application or website, to facilitate discussion and understanding before any code is written.




FR0001 Farmer Farmers
Registration should be
able to
register with
FR0002 Farmer Farmers
Search for should be
Products able to
search for
products in
FR0003 Printer print When an
the package order is
slip fulfilled, the
local printer
shall print a
packing slip
FR0004 Adding the Farmer
product to should be
the cart able to add
to cart once
they select
the product
FR0006 Product Farmers
tracking should be
able to track
the ordered
FR0007 New user For a new
email customer he
verification has should
do the email
for the doing
FR0008 Payment The farmers
option for should have
the the payment
customer options
either upi
cod or
FR0009 After After
Cancellation cancellation
refund is initiated
option the refund to
be followed.
FR0010 Manufacture Manufacture
tracking should be
facility able to track
the stock
FR0011 OTP When item is
initiation for in the
payment payment the
OTP is send
to registered
FR0012 Address the farmer
should be
able to
update his
every time of
NFR001 Page Each Page
3 should load
within 2
seconds time
NFR001 Payment The farmer
4 should get
the receipt
with in a
hour of
NFR001 Page After
5 15minute of
activity the
page will
NFR001 Fascinating The home
Home page
6 page should
not contain
and should
look good.
NFR001 Quick Payment
7 options
should be
quick and
FR0018 Review After every
should be
able to give
NFR001 Security of Information
9 of farmers
shouldnot be
NFR002 WCAG 2.1. The system
0 must meet
Web Content
WCAG 2.1

37.10 Test case documents


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name login
Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website
PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam
Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test

Scenario: website for online shopping of farm products, in that we have login we have 4inputs
3compulsory 1 optional and after that results are being shown
Link to that page

Set 1
Inputdata 1.Userid

Expected Home page

behavior /error page
pops up
Actual Home page
behavior /error page
pops up
comments Test was good
Pass/fail Pass


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name New user

Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website
PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam
Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test

Scenario: website for online shopping of farm products, in that we have new user we have 1
4compulsory 1 optional and after that results are being shown
Link to that page:
Inputdata 1.username
4.capcha otp
Expected Registered
behavior done and
home page
Actual Homepage
behavior comes
comments Test was good
Pass/fail Pass


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name Online purchasing

Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website
PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam
Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test

Scenario: :website for online shopping of farm products, in that we perform online purchasing we
have 1 compulsory 1 optional and after that results are being shown
Link to that page:

Inputdata 1.product
Expected Product
behavior options
Actual Different
behavior product pops
comments Test was good
Pass/fail pass


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name Product availability

Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website
PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam
Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test

Scenario: :website for online shopping of farm products, in that we should have product available in
which we have 3 inputs 3 compulsory and after that results are being shown
Link to that page

Inputdata 1.manufacturing
Expected stock
behavior information
Actual Same as
behavior expected
comments Test was good
Pass/fail Pass


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name Payment gateway

Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website
PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam
Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test

Scenario: website for online shopping of farm products, in that we have payment gateway in which
we have4 inputs 4 compulsory and after that results are being shown
Link to that page

Inputdata 1.expiry

Expected Transaction
behavior page
Actual Same as
behavior expected
comments Test was good
Pass/fail pass


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name Browse product

Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website
PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam
Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test

Scenario: website for online shopping of farm products, in that we have browse product option in
which we have4 inputs 4 compulsory and after that results are being shown
Link to that page

Inputdata 1.category
4.price range
Expected Different
behavior product
Actual Same as
behavior expected
comments Test was good
Pass/fail Pass


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name Experience rating

Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website

PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam

Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test

Scenario: : website for online shopping of farm products, in that we have experience option in
which we have4 inputs 3 compulsory and after that results are being shown
Link to that page
Inputdata 1.experience
Expected Review done
Actual Same as
behavior expected
comments Test was good
Pass/fail Pass


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name Product cancel

Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website
PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam
Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test
Scenario: website for online shopping of farm products, in that we have product cancel option in
which we have2 inputs and click ok and after that results are being shown.
Link to that page

Inputdata Order id
Expected Order
behavior cancellation
Actual Yes same a
behavior expected
comments Test was good
Pass/fail Pass


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name Helpline

Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website
PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam
Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test
Scenario: website for online shopping of farm products, in that we helpline option in which we
have4 inputs and click ok and after that results are being shown.
Link to that page

Inputdata Name
Expected Call person
behavior calls you
Actual Same as
behavior expected
comments Test was good
Pass/fail Pass


Test Case ID PQ9437 Test Case Name Download Payment

Project ID 1234 Project Name Farmers website
PM ID 786 PM Name Mr Vandanam
Test strategy ID PQ9437 Tester ID
Test plan ID PQ9437 Tester name
Test schedule ID PQ9437 Date of test

Scenario: website for online shopping of farm products, in that we have payment receipt option in
which we have3 inputs and click ok and after that results are being shown.
Link to that page

Input data Order id


Expected Shows
behavior Payment
Actual Same as
behavior expected
comments Test was good
Pass/fail Pass

38.DB Design
39. What is a data flow diagram? Draw a data flow diagram to represent the in-flow and out-flow of data
when a Farmer is placing an order for the product

-A data-flow diagram is a way of representing a flow of data through a process or a system (usually an
information system). The DFD also provides information about the outputs and inputs of each entity and
the process itself. A data-flow diagram has no control flow there are no decision rules and no loops.
Specific operations based on the data can be represented by a flowchart.

40. Due to change in the Government Taxation structure. we should change the Tax structure

How do you handle change requests in a project?

-A change request is a formal proposal for an alteration to some product or system. In project
management, a change request often arises when the client wants an addition or alteration to the
agreed-upon deliverables for a project. Such a change may involve an additional feature or
customization or an extension of service, among other things.

When there is sudden change in the tax structure by the government the entire project cost gets
effected we will call for a meeting and discuss how we are going to tackle the system. We will discuss
the areas where we can do the cost cutting and if we are not able to do it then we will reach to our
client and make him understand the situation and then convince him to increase the budget.

-There are a lot of obstacles to overcome when trying to deliver on a project. A change request will
often come up throughout the course of most projects so it is a good idea to have a plan for how to
handle them ahead of time.

Often, change requests are necessary and can offer many benefits. Managing this process in an effective
way can allow for greater internal communication, efficiency, and alignment with overall business goals.
Here are five tips on effectively managing change requests:

Request any supporting materials

You want the person who is making the change to be as specific as possible. Ask that person to put their
request in writing and provide any supporting materials that might be helpful.

Have that person articulate why they are requesting this change and what the anticipated benefit of
their change request is. This will help your team determine whether or not the change request is worth
the effort.

Determine whether the change request is in inside or outside the scope

It is a good idea to consider what the scope of the change request is. If your team chooses to implement
this change, what new requirements will this put on the project? You will want to consider all aspects of
the project that will be impacted by implementing this change request.

If the request is outside of the scope, a lot of problems might end up popping up – going over-budget,
for example. Or having to waste too much time on a project you’d never even agreed on.

Have your team assess the priority of the change request

Before your team implements any changes to the project you should consider any possible risks. What is
the expected benefit of the change being proposed? Is this change request the result of an actual need
to respond to a change in the marketplace or would it simply be nice to have?

You can consider the opinion of the person who proposed the change request, but at the same time, use
common sense. The client might not know what’s in their own best interests.

Have clearly defined guidelines for evaluating the urgency as there may be varying opinions amongst
team members.

Approve or reject the change request

Now that you know how important (or unimportant) the change request is and understand the impact it
will have on the project, the team can either approve or reject the request.

Different organizations will have different ways of going about the approval process. Generally, a change
request that will require minimal additional work can be approved within the team. Whereas a change
request that would require a month’s worth of additional work may require executive approval.

Decide on a course of action going forward

If the change request is approved then the project deliverables will need to be updated. This can include
plans and schedules, business process documents, and the requirements documents.

Once these updates have been made, the project manager can communicate the new course of action
to everyone who will be impacted. Now you can delegate the necessary tasks to the people in charge of
implementing these new changes.
41. – Change Request Vs an Enhancement

Ans: It is a chanage request because they said Farmers should be able to sell their crop yields through
this applicationbut it was initially not told .so it is an change request.

42. Come up with estimations – How many Manhours required?

Total man hours as a whole we required is 700 man hours

-Project Manager - Mr Vandanam-100 men hours

Senior Java Developer - Ms. Juhi-100 men hours

Java Developers - Mr Teyson, Ms Lucie, Mr Tucker, Mr Bravo-100 men hours

Network Admin - Mr Mike-50 men hours

DB Admin - Mr John.-50 men hours

Testers - Mr Jason and Ms Alekya-200 men hours

BA – me-100 men hours

42.UAT process

Ans: 1. Planning

Planning is all about outlining your strategy for the UAT test that has to be performed on your product.
There is no one strategy used here; in fact, people have different approaches to outlining the strategy,
but you should always go for the one that aligns with your business requirements in the best possible
way. For example, what part of the app should you perform the tests on? Which end-user will test which
part of the app?

2. Test Scenarios

Once you have planned the UAT test, it is time to think of the different test scenarios. Here we are
referring to all the situations that can arise while using the product and what needs to happen in each
situation. These scenarios help with the creation of test cases. Let us assume that you have asked a web
development agency for an e-commerce website. One test case would be to test the website during the
sales season. As there would be many customers, testing the web site's functionality, load speed, and
overall user experience is a must-have test scenario.

3. Execution

Once the previous steps are complete, it is time to begin the UAT testing. It is best to record and
document the entire process. While the developers are not a part of the UAT team, ensure that they
witness the entire UAT session. The reason for this is because the end-users might not explain the
problems in a way that developers expect or need. So, by having them witness the entire test, they will
understand potential issues better. Furthermore, there may be times when end-users don’t report a
problem, but developers see it themselves when watching the UAT session. So it is well worth the time
of your developers to witness the UAT session.

4. Final Decision

The UAT test is there to analyze if the product is per the business requirements or not. If the answer
comes in positive, the product is ready for launch into the market. If the answer is negative, you'll have
to go through another round of UAT testing after fixing all the bugs and glitches.

44. Explain Project closure document

Ans: This document is the final deliverable submitted when the project ends and it determines the
prosperity of the project generally. It is the responsibility of the project manager to keep a record of all
the details of every stage of the project.

This assists the managers along with senior members to estimate the progress and find out the areas
where more effort is needed. With the aid of this report, an organization can evaluate the ways to
enhance efficiency in the future. Such reports also depict the hard work of the team and the way they
accomplished their particular objectives.

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