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COEPD – Prep Exam 3

Case Study 1 (Q1-Q6 → 12 Marks) A customer can make a payment either

by Card or by Wallet or by Cash or by Net banking.
Q2. Derive Boundary Classes, Controller classes, Entity Classes. - 2 Marks

Answer :
Boundary Classes :
The Boundary class is a class that is the boundary of the system and other
system or user ( which is actor in the use case diagram ).

The followings are the feature of the Boundary class.

1. This class is more easy to be changed than the Entity and Control
2. The attribute of this class and screen layout are defined at the basic
3. In a class diagram , there are cases that the stereotype
(<<boundary>>) is added.
4. In a class diagram , there are cases that is shown by the following

Controller classes :

The followings are the feature of the Control class.

1. This class has a few attribute.

2. In a class diagram , there are cases that the stereotype (<<control>>)
is added.
3. This class is a class to achieves use cases in the Use case diagram.
4. In a class diagram , there are cases that is shown by the following
Entity Classes :

The Entity class is a class that has data.

The "E" of the ER diagram means "Entity" too, if you know the ER
diagram, you easily understand.

The followings are the feature of the Entity class.

1. There are many cases that this objects of this class are perpetuated 1 in
the DB.
2. The extraction of the class is like ER diagram 2.
3. This class is related to the DOA (Data-oriented approach) 2.
4. The module cohesion of this class is high 3, and is not easy to be
5. In a class diagram , there are cases that the stereotype (<<entity>>) is
6. In a class diagram , there are cases that is shown by the following
Q3. Place these classes on a three tier Architecture. - 2 Marks

Q4. Explain Domain Model for Customer making payment through Net
Banking - 2 Marks
Q5. Draw a sequence diagram for payment done by Customer Net
Banking - 2 Marks
Q6. Explain Conceptual Model for this Case - 2 Marks

Q7. What is MVC architecture? Explain MVC rules to derive classes

from use case diagram and guidelines to place classes in 3-tier
architecture - 4 Marks

Ans :

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a well-known design pattern in

the web development field. It is way to organize our code. It specifies
that a program or application shall consist of data model, presentation
information and control information. The MVC pattern needs all these
components to be separated as different objects.

o Model: It represents the business layer of application. It is an

object to carry the data that can also contain the logic to
update controller if data is changed.
o View: It represents the presentation layer of application. It is
used to visualize the data that the model contains.
o Controller: It works on both the model and view. It is used to
manage the flow of application, i.e. data flow in the model
object and to update the view whenever data is changed.
Advantages of MVC Architecture

The advantages of MVC architecture are as follows:

o MVC has the feature of scalability that in turn helps the growth
of application.
o The components are easy to maintain because there is less
o A model can be reused by multiple views that provides
reusability of code.
o The developers can work with the three layers (Model, View,
and Controller) simultaneously.
o Using MVC, the application becomes more understandable.
o Using MVC, each layer is maintained separately therefore we
do not require to deal with massive code.
o The extending and testing of application is easier.

Three-tier architecture, which separates applications into three

logical and physical computing tiers, is the predominant software
architecture for traditional client-server applications.
Q8. Explain BA contributions in project (Waterfall Model – all Stages)
– 4marks


A waterfall model is very old and traditional model in IT industries. It

is a progressive implementation of the projects which is divided into
different phrases of SDLC.

The business analyst will verify the product is delivered as per the
requirements and it is meeting the business need. Maintenance: Once the
implementation is done the team has to give support by installing patches,
handling change requests, etc.

Stages in Waterfall Model.

1. Requirement Gathering and Analysis

2. Designing
3. Coding
4. Testing
5. Deployment
6. Maintenance
 Requirement Gathering and Analysis:

This is the initial stage of the project where is an involvement of the BA. BA is
responsible for preparing BRD document (Bussiness Requirement
Document )

Artifacts: Functional Specification document. Bussiness Requirement


 Designing:

In this phase the artitect will start designing the system based on the
bussiness analyst inputs and requirement documents. The BA helps him to
clear the doubts about the requirements.

Artifacts: Design Documents and UML diagrams get ready in this phase.

 Coding :

This phase is quite lengthy as the core development starts in this phase.
Developer start product development based on the requirement document
prepared by the BA. Developer may ask questions to BA regarding the
requirement and he needs to answer the questions as and when required.

Artifacts: Code

 Testing :

After coding, the testing phase will start, In this phase BA helps the testing
team to understand the requirements so that they will build proper functional
test cases. BA has to review whether the test cases covering the whole

Artifacts: Test Cases and test results.

 Deployment:

Once the code is developed and tested,It is ready to deploy in the production
environment. The BA will verify the product is delivered as per the
requirements and it is meeting the business needs.
Artifacts: Implementation Review document.

 Maintenance:

Once the implementation is done the team has to give support by instaling
patches, Handling change requests, Etc.

A BA is the personwho knows every nook and corner of the project. So every
change request has to be reviewed by him and based on his inputs and
reports the team will respond.

Artifacts: User Satisfaction review and change request review.

Q9. What is conflict management? Explain using Thomas – Kilmann

technique – 3Marks

In the 1970s, researchers Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann developed

a model for conflict resolution. It was called the Thomas-Kilmann model
after them. Under this model, the term ‘conflict’ is described as the
condition in which people’s concerns can’t be compared with the others. If
two or more people or groups care about things that are contradictory to
each other, then the outcome is conflict.

This model describes the two core dimensions while choosing a mode of
conduct in a situation of conflict: ‘assertiveness’ and ‘cooperativeness’.
Assertiveness is the extent to which you try to solve and resolve for your
preferred outcomes. Think of this as the factor on the Y-Axis of a graph. On
the other hand, Cooperativeness is the level to which you try to resolve the
other party’s problems. This is the factor on the X-Axis of the graph.

Thomas-Kilmann’s Five Modes For Handling Conflicts

From the correlation of these two and the scale of implementation,

Thomas-Kilmann gave us the following five modes for handling the
presented conflicts:

 Competing

Competing, the first Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode is assertive and non-

cooperative. It refers to addressing only one’s own concerns at the cost of
the concerns of the other. It is a power-oriented mode—one uses whatever
power dynamic seems appropriate to get a favorable outcome for oneself.
An individual’s ability to debate, their position in the hierarchy, or their
financial power matters the most. Competing is defensive—it strictly means
standing up for your individual beliefs and simply trying to win.

 Accommodating

According to the Thomas-Kilmann model, the Accommodating mode is

both accepting and cooperative. It is the opposite of competing. While
accommodating, the individual in question neglects their own problems or
beliefs to address the problems of the other party. The element of self-
sacrifice is highlighted in this mode. Accommodating typically involves
selfless understanding, generosity, or charity. At times, accommodating
would require you to follow the other person’s orders when you would not
like to do so, or submit to the other’s perspective or decisions.

 Avoiding

In the Thomas-Kilmann model, avoiding is both unassertive and

uncooperative. The individual wants to neither address their own problems
nor the problems of others. This ultimately means that they do not want to
engage in the conflict at all. Avoiding might be seen at times as a
diplomatic move involving bypassing or ignoring the issue. It could also
involve putting off the issue until the time is favorable, or simply stepping
back from an uncomfortable or hazardous situation.

 Collaborating

Collaborating, the most beneficial outcome in the Thomas-Kilmann conflict

model. is both assertive and cooperative. This mode is the complete
opposite of avoiding. Collaborating includes a voluntary effort to work
alongside the opposition to find a perfect solution that wholly addresses the
collective problem. Collaborating involves deep-diving into an issue to
locate the critical demands of the concerned individuals or parties.
Collaborating between two or more people might take the form of a quest
to understand the ‘why’ of the disagreement. It involves striving to look for
creative answers to interpersonal issues and enriching yourself from the
other person’s insights.

 Compromising

The last outcome in the Thomas-Kilmann conflict model falls on the

average point on both the assertiveness and cooperativeness scales. The
goal here is to find a mutually acceptable and robust solution that, in some
ways, satisfies both the individuals. It comes midway between competing
and accommodating. It addresses an issue more directly than avoiding but
falls short of investigating it with as much depth and rigor as collaborating.
In certain situations, compromising might involve seeking middle-ground
solutions, providing concessions, or looking for a quick solution that
provides some way forward from the impasse.
The Thomas-Kilmann Model is based on two dimensions: assertiveness
and empathy. There are 5 conflict resolution strategies: Compete, Avoid,
Accommodate, Collaborate and Compromise. Each strategy has its
benefits and disadvantages. Choose the appropriate one according to the

Q10. List down the reasons for project failure – 3 Marks


1. Poor planning

Although sometimes overlooked in importance, lack of planning can make a

project fail.
Having a successful project depends on properly defining in detail the scope,
the time frame, and each member’s role. This way, you’ll have a route laid out
to follow.
2. Inconsistently defined resources

Let’s be clear: planning shouldn’t be limited to agendas, meetings, and

responsibilities. It should also include human, intellectual, financial, or
structural resources. If these are not consistently determined, deadlines can’t
be met, which can jeopardize the project’s conclusion.
3. Unclear objectives

objectives should be clearly defined, so as time goes by, you’ll know if you’re
doing what’s right or not. Remember that choosing measurable goals helps
you better visualize your progress and helps you see how close you are to
achieving your results.
4. Lack of detail control

Monitoring is essential for successful projects, even knowing the details of

many projects simultaneously can be very challenging.
As a result, it’s important to know how your project is going, if it is on schedule
and if the budget is under control. This way, if there are any divergences from
the initial plan, you can still correct them.
5. Lack of transparency

It’s essential that everyone involved in the projects have complete project
visibility so that it doesn’t fail – not only the project manager, but other team
members too.
This includes clear communication, good document management, and
transparency about tasks’ status, all of which can be achieved with
centralized, all-digital files.
6. Lack of communication

Communication is the key to good project management. Without the right

tools and processes to allow interaction among team members and the
project manager from the beginning, efficient communication can seldom be
7. Change of direction

Among the ways projects fail, a very common one is scope creep. This
concept refers to changes requested when the project has already started
which had not been planned before. This is very common when projects are
not appropriately documented and defined beforehand.
8. Unrealistic expectations

When you want to do something fast, with a limited budget, and a reduced
team, it can really make your project fail. You should be realistic when it
comes to your teams’ capabilities, deadlines, and the resources available –
only then can you obtain the results you want.
9. Lack of monitoring

Providing a schedule to the team is not enough for a project to be successful.

You should also make sure everything goes as planned. This means
having frequent progress checks or meetings, as well as making adaptations,
when necessary, is essential.
10. Unrealistic due dates

Planning co Unrealistic due datesmplex tasks for short due dates is

definitely one of the causes for project failure. It is vitally important to carefully
consider how long each project phase will take, in addition to extra time for
unexpected events. This is the only way to develop a quality project.
11. Poorly assigned roles

When each team member receives their responsibilities clearly, they will know
what, when, and how to perform their activities without someone needing to
constantly ask for it.

Q11. List the Challenges faced in projects for BA – 3 Marks


A BA is responsible for multiple tasks at the same time. From handling the
projects, maintaining client relationships, interacting with stakeholders, and
managing project deadlines, Business Analysts got a lot on their plate. Read
below to find out the challenges faced by business analysts and a possible
solution to them

1. Lack Of Domain Knowledge

A Business Analyst needs to collaborate with the business users to

understand the requirements. Domain knowledge plays a vital role in having a
clear and complete understanding of the requirements.
It is challenging for Business Analysts to be assigned to a wide
variety of projects as learning new domains needs time and energy.

Possible solution: Whenever you are assigned a new project, sit

with the responsible person and understand the project
requirements. Take notes whenever necessary and understand them
thoroughly. It is challenging to learn new domains sometimes, but
you must make mistakes.
Hence, go on a loop until you make a very bit of your knowledge
count on your fingertips. It will help you while implementing and
processing the outcome of the project.

2. Lack of Up To Date Process

The success of a project does not happen overnight. First, much
effort and mental exhaustion are poured in to bring results.
Following this, the lion’s share is the up-to-date process of
maintaining and evolving the project. The biggest challenge is the
lack of up-to-date techniques and documentation. In most cases,
the Project Documentation is incomplete, which hampers

Possible solution: Testing a system is the most remarkable

technique to learn about an existing project. It may seem odd, but it
has been used for a long time. To further understand the flow,
request a demo from a staff member or SME. Afterward, conduct
extensive testing.

3. Changing Business Needs or

Business stakeholders frequently request revisions to requirements
even after they have been finalized and approved, as experienced
by Business Analysts.

It might happen more once, even for the exact requirement, making
it one of the most frequent issues. These adjustments could have an
impact on the Business Analysis effort as well as the total project
effort, cost, and schedule.

Possible solution: A change in the implementation cycle might

impact the delivery process even if there are approaches that, like
Agile, accept change. Business Analysts and other essential
stakeholders must therefore determine how the difference may be
implemented in the best way.

4. Inadequate Stakeholder Involvement

One of the essential success criteria for every project is stakeholder

involvement. You might encounter any of the following as a Business

Lack of crucial stakeholders:If this occurs, there will be multiple

problems since they will not be up to date on discussions about the
most recent requirements. Either they won’t be able to express their
ideas, or they will subsequently propose revisions.

Stakeholders’ Lack of Cooperation: Occasionally, you may

encounter one or more stakeholders who are unwilling to cooperate.
It could cause delays, sign-off problems, and even approval

Possible solution: Business analysts may record the

requirement discussions, particularly significant decisions made,
and distribute them to all stakeholders in the meeting minutes.
Before the scheduled requirements sessions, they may ask
everyone who wasn’t present to review the points. This will reduce
the likelihood of miscommunication and reopening requirements
items that have already been closed.

5. Unrealistic Timelines
As a Business Analyst, you may find yourself in a problematic
situation where timelines might be the concern. In that case,
pressure is created, which might hamper your work. In that case,
understand how to tackle such a situation while maintaining the
quality of the work.

Possible solution:Sales Team may be forced to accept a difficult

situation for tactical reasons. As a Business Analyst, you cannot
change the terms of the agreement, but you can evaluate its effects
and inform management of the probable costs and losses. You have
the option of starting over. Unrealistic Expectations from
stakeholders are widespread. It’s crucial to manage these
expectations balanced without permanently damaging the

6. Technical Skills
When it comes to Business Analysts, it’s a myth that they don’t
require technical skills. On the contrary, most of them are
champions in coding, know how to maintain business processes, and
have a knack for technically undertaking the requirements.
Moreover, Business Analysts are involved in every step of the
product development cycle; hence, they must understand the
technical and functional side of the business as well.

Possible solution: Working with multiple clients, customers, and

stakeholders is not easy. It requires a lot of skills to put in to bring
the best results. Therefore, develop your skills over time. Whenever
you are available, read, take courses and understand the
technicality of the Project and the business. This will help you in
developing better Project documents and will help in multiple ways.

7. Professionalism
Business analysts are one of the most underappreciated, underpaid,
and ignored members of the IT world. They frequently serve as the
binding agent between a project’s technical and business aspects.
They are the one who contributes to the development of the project
plan and who supports the project from beginning to end. They will
collaborate with developers to ensure the project is constructed
following the most current standards and satisfies the business’

8. Managing Communication
When you communicate effectively, you aid developers in
understanding the needs, limits, and requirements of the
business.You contribute to the development of solutions that benefit
the client as well as the company. You guarantee the work is
completed on schedule and to the required standards. But
communicating the point is difficult. It involves a variety of abilities
and trade secrets.

Possible solution:Soft skills are part of better work opportunities

and personality. Try to communicate your views clearly and
confidently to your team so they can understand them easily. It will
help incur the communication gap between the team. While
intersecting with the stakeholders, try to break the idea into
pointers and explain the leads to them.

9. Conflict with Users

Sometimes, you might find yourself in a situation where you cannot
understand the user’s complaint. It happens during the product
release stage and might come as rude feedback. Even conflict
between stakeholders and business analysts may arise when a team
suggests a new strategy pertinent to the existing business process.

10. Mindset
Business analysts must be prepared to deal with various difficulties
throughout their work, from limitations of the technologies they
employ to pushback from stakeholders and other team members.
But how one approaches their task can significantly alter if they are
ready for the most typical obstacles.

Q12. Write about Document Naming Standards – 2 Marks


1. Keep file names short, but meaningful.

Correct - /…/Orientation/20181105SchdlVlntrs.pdf
Incorrect -

2. Avoid unnecessary repetition and redundancy in file

names and folder names/file paths.

Correct - /…/Doe/Events/KidsNSibs/20181105BnceHsRsrvtn.pdf
Incorrect - /

3. The most preferred is title case (FileName). Less preferable

are, no separation (filename), underscores (file_name), dashes (file-
name), or spaces (File Name).
Correct/Preferred – PSYCSyllabus.docx
Incorrect/Not Preferred – PSYC_syllabus.docx, psych syllabus.docx
4. When including a number, use leading zeros to ensure
files sort properly, i.e., “001, 002…101” instead of “1, 2…
Correct – (In alphanumeric sort order) ) Image01.jpg, Image02.jpg,
Image03.jpg, Image10.jpg, Image11.jpg, Image20.jpg
Incorrect – (In alphanumeric sort order) image1.jpg, image10.jpg,
5. Date format should be YYYYMMDD (or YYMMDD) so years
of files sort in chronological order.
Correct - 2018FAPSYC100SmithTest01V02.docx,
Incorrect - test psychology smith Fall 18.docx, smith psych 100
syllabus Fall 2018.docx

6. When including a personal name in a file name give the

family name first followed by the initials.
Correct - DoeJL20180421.jpg
Incorrect -John-L-Doe20180421.jpg

7. Avoid using common words such as “draft” or “letter” at

the start of file names.Avoid using common words such as
“draft” or “letter” at the start of file names.
Correct – SyllabusV02Draft.docx, SyllabusV03Final.docx,
TestV01Draft.docx, TestV04Final.docx
Incorrect - DraftSyllabusV02.docx, DraftTestV01.docx,
FinalSyllabusV03.docx, FinalTestV04.docx

8. Order the elements in a file name in the most appropriate

way to retrieve the record.
Correct -
Incorrect -

9. The file names of records relating to recurring events

should include the date and a description of the event,
except where the inclusion of either of these elements
would be incompatible with rule 2.
Correct - KidsNSibs20181012.docx, KidsNSibs20191016.pdf,
Incorrect – SibsWeekend.docx, WeekendWithTheKids.docx,

10. The file names of correspondence should include the name of

the correspondent, an indication of the subject, the date of the
correspondence and whether it is incoming or outgoing
correspondence, except where the inclusion of any of these
elements would be incompatible with rule 2.
Correct – /…/Returns/DoeJL20180815rcvd.txt
Incorrect – LetterFromJohnDoeReReturnAug18.txt

11. The version number of a record should be indicated in its file

name by the inclusion of ‘V’ followed by the version number and,
where applicable, ‘Draft’.
Correct – SyllabusV02Draft.docx, SyllabusV03Final.docx,
TestV01Draft.docx, TestV04Final.docx
Incorrect - DraftSyllabusV02.docx, DraftTestV01.docx,
FinalSyllabusV03.docx, FinalTestV04.docx

12. Avoid using special characters, i.e., ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ` ; < >

Correct - GardenParty20040630.rtf
Incorrect – “Picnic & Garden Party, June 30, 2004”.pdf

Q13. What are the Do’s and Don’ts of a Business analyst – 3


1-Every problem of Client has uniqueness, so talk to the client with a
plain mind with no assumptions from your previous experience.
2-Never come to any conclusion before listening or understanding
all the aspect of requirement from client, if you have a slight
amount of doubt about any demand or change it’s always preferable
to clear it with the client, subject matter expert, or with your team

3-You can take inputs from experienced people about any

requirement and for that conducting meeting with them is not the
only way, you can have coffee with them, have a walk, meet them
sometime in between or end of the day; you can use your own
creative ideas to interact with them.

4-Listen very carefully and completely to the client as well as to the

end user and then ask question, don’t interrupt them in between,
sometimes the solution are itself hidden in the problem.

5-Always remember to use best of your time, it’s not always

compulsory or beneficial to attend the entire meeting, try to
prioritise them, and always have a prior discussion with your project
manager and sponsor before conducting a meeting.

6-Maximum try to extract solution from client itself.

7-Don’t be washed away by add on functionalities; just make sure to

prioritize them.

8-Always try to build a repo with your senior, colleague and your
team, Take care not to break confidentiality, earn their trust.

9-Make sure that you have gathered all the requirements from the
stakeholder for your project , missing out any information can
results to unwanted redo the work as well as delay projects and
increase cost.

10-It’s better to ensure the activities of your analysis plans are

synchronizing with the project manager schedule time to avoid any
delay in project deliverables.

11-Sometimes non functional requirements of client are not feasible

because of budget or time constraint, so it’s always better to liaison
with your PM to find out what is out of scope so that all will be in the
same page and avoid misunderstanding.

12-In a project, PM aim is to minimize new requirement to add in

project scope, so as a BA we need to understand this and help to
minimize the scope creep.

13-As a BA understand the root cause of the problem, to facilitate

the solution don’t jump into the conclusion.
14-Prepare your mind to work through challenging situation to
negotiate and facilitate the project to complete on time.

Q14. Write the difference between packages and sub-

systems – 2Marks

A Packages is a grouping and organizing element in which other
elements reside, which must be uniquely named. In the UML,
packages are used in a manner similar to the way directories and
folders in an operating system group and organize files. For
example, the project management system may be decomposed into
a collection of classes organized into packages as follows:
Sub-Systems :
Recall that a system is an organized collection of elements that may
be recursively decomposed into smaller subsystems and eventually
into non decomposable primitive elements. For example, the project
management system may be decomposed into the following:
A user interface subsystem responsible for providing a user
interface through which users may interact with the system
A business processing subsystem responsible for implementing
business functionality
A data subsystem responsible for implementing data storage

While a package simply groups elements, a subsystem groups

elements that together provide services such that other elements
may access only those services and none of the elements
themselves. A subsystem is shown as a package marked with the
subsystem keyword.
Q15. What is camel-casing and explain where it will be used-
2 Marks


Camelcase is a naming convention for writing file or object names

using compounded or joined words with at least of those words
beginning in a capital letter.
Camelcase is used in programming language to name different files
and functions without violating the naming laws of the underlying
Camelcase is also known as medial capitals and Pascal case.
The term camelcase is derived from its appearance, which can
resemble a camel's back. It is used in many programming language
that doesn't allow spaces in file names. Camelcase enables the
creation of names that are more unique and have more meaning for
the developer.
For example, file names Bigball, BigBall and bigBall can be read
much more easily than bigball
CamelCase is a way to separate the words in a phrase by making
the first letter of each word capitalized and not using spaces. It is
commonly used in web URLs, programming and computer naming

Q16. Illustrate Development server and what are the

accesses does business analyst has? -3 Marks
A development server is a type of server that is designed to
facilitate the development and testing of programs, websites,
software or applications for software programmers. It provides a
run-time environment, as well as all hardware/software utilities that
are essential to program debugging and development.
A development server is the core tier in a software development
environment, where software developers test code directly. It is
comprised of the essential hardware, software and other
components used to deploy and test the software under
development, including bulk storage, development platform tools
and utilities, network access and a high-end processor. Upon testing
completion, the application is moved either to a staging server or
production/live server.
Busniess Analyst has the visualizing access in development server.
BA has the access to all the functional servers and not to the
technical servers.

Q17. What is Data Mapping 2 Marks

Data mapping is the process of matching fields from one database
to another. It's the first step to facilitate data migration, data
integration, and other data management tasks.
Data mapping bridges the differences between two systems, or data
models, so that when data is moved from a source, it is accurate
and usable at the destination.
Data mapping has been a common business function for some time,
but as the amount of data and sources increase, the process of data
mapping has become more complex, requiring automated tools to
make it feasible for large data sets.
Data mapping is an essential part of many data management
processes. If not properly mapped, data may become corrupted as it
moves to its destination. Quality in data mapping is key in getting
the most out of your data in data migrations, integrations,
transformations, and in populating a data warehouse.
Data mapping is an essential part of ensuring that in the process of
moving data from a source to a destination, data accuracy is
maintained. Good data mapping ensures good data quality in the
data warehouse.

Q18. What is API. Explain how you would use API integration
in the case of your application Date format is dd-mm-yyyy
and it is accepting some data from Other Application from
US whose Date Format is mm-dd-yyyy 3 Marks
An API, is Application Programming Interface, is a software-to-
software interface. APIs provide a secure and standardized way for
applications to work with each other and deliver the information or
functionality requested without user intervention.
An API, or application programming interface, is a set of defined
rules that enable different applications to communicate with each
other. It acts as an intermediary layer that processes data transfers
between systems, letting companies open their application data and
functionality to external third-party developers, business partners,
and internal departments within their companies.
Q19. What is the difference between Brainstorming and JAD
Sessions? 2 Marks
 Brain storming:brain storming technique contain group of stake
holders to give deep thought about particular topic.This
technique basically useful in developing new ideas.
 JAD: JAD is conducted by bringing Stake holder and developer
together at same place. JAD provide high accurate level of
requirement.Though JAD are conducted for different types
purpose in SDLC JAD is Mostly conducted in two Ways, One is as
eliciting technique and second is to clarify development teams
 Brainstorming: group discussion among stakeholders to collect
ideas to include the relevant requirements.
 JAD session: the session conduct among selected stakeholders
(business client+system developer) to get more refined
 Brainstorming : Brainstorming can be done either individually or
in groups. The ideas collected can then be reviewed/analyzed
and where relevant included within the system requirements.
 JAD technique is an extended, facilatated workshop. It involves
collaboration between stakeholders and systems analysts to
identify needs or requirements in a concentrated and focused
 Brain Storming tehniques last for about 2-3 hours
 JAD Sessions last for about 2-3 days
 Brain Storming covers all of the mentioned subjects.
 JAD covers technology used for the development.

Q 20. Why Document Analysis is one of the compulsory

technique we use in a Project? Justify – 2 Marks

Document Analysis is one of the compulsory elicitation technique for

any project.
Documentation of the system could provide lot of information which
may include interface details, user manuals and software vendor
manuals. It would be easy to transfer lot of information to a new
system requirements documents.
we have documentation about the current system which could
provide some of the input for the new system requirements. Such
documentation could include interface details, user manuals and
software vendor manuals

You may have documentation about your current system which

could provide some of the input for the new system requirements.
Such documentation (if it exists) could include interface details, user
manuals, and software vendor manuals.
Could be a lot of information and easy to transfer to a new system
requirements document.
Document Analysis is an important gathering technique. Evaluating
the documentation of a present system can assist when making AS
-IS process documents and also when driving the gap analysis for
scoping of the migration projects.

Q21. In Which Context we will use Reverse Engineering? - 2

Reverse engineering is a process that is designed to extract enough
data from a product and then to be able to reproduce that product.
It may involve moving to creating a product from scratch or from
pre-developed components. It can be applied to any product (such
as computer technology, manufactured products, biological
products, chemical products, etc.) to determine how the
components are put together and how it works.
Reverse engineering is a useful design and development technique
with many potential applications. However, it is always important to
get legal advice prior to conducting reverse engineering exercises
and doubly so if you intend the outputs of your reverse engineering
to become commercially available. There is no single process across
industries for reverse engineering it is simply a process by which
you take an end product and deduce how it is made and works.

Q22. What is the difference between Brainstorming and

Focus Groups? - 2 Marks
Here are the main differences between the two techniques:

Brainstorming Focus Group

Purpose Generate ideas Improve existing ideas

Trigger A need to solve a A need to study an existing ide

problem solution or process

Condition Problem exist Idea, solution or process exist


Number of participants 6-8 6 - 12

Participant types Heterogeneous Can be homogeneous or


Person running the show Facilitator Skilled moderator

Knowledge of topic of Not necessary In depth knowledge of topic of

discussion discussion

Guide Develop criteria for Create a discussion guide and

evaluating and rating moderator scripts

Game Time

Ground rules Must have Nice to have

Duration Restrict time to 1 – 2 hrs and sometimes over

produce ideas several days
1 – 2 hrs

Type of questions to ask Progressive closed- Can be open-ended to generat

ended to generate and qualitative data or closed-ende
build on ideas to generate quantitative data

Observers No Yes

Result List of ideas combined Report of findings

to form themes
Could be
- bullet list of information learn
- comparative analysis between
to solutions
- summary of response collecte
for each question

Q23. Observation Technique – Explain both Active and

Passive approaches - 2 Marks
Business analysts use observation techniques to gather information
by watching and understanding workplace activities.
It is used to identify needs and opportunities, understand business
processes, create performance standards, assess solution
performance, and facilitate training and development.
Observation of activities or job shadowing, is the act of studying a
work activity as it is being performed. It can be performed in either
the user’s work environment or in a recreated test environment.
There are two approaches for observation and they are:
 Active/noticeable: while observing an activity the observer can
ask any questions as they occur. Despite this interruption to the
workflow, the observer can quickly understand the reasoning
and any undocumented processes within the activity.
 Passive/unnoticeable: in this approach, the observer does not
interrupt the work while the user is performing the work activity.
Any questions would be asked once the observation is over. This
allows the a natural flow of events to be observed without
interference by the observer, as well as the measurement of the
time and quality of work.

Q24. How do you conduct the Requirements Workshop- 2

 This is a structured meeting with the specific goal of capturing
requirements. It is used to define, prioritize and hopefully finalize
requirements for the new initiative that you’re working on.
Requirements workshops typically last between one and a few
days. They should also be a highly focused event that is let by a
seasoned facilitator. Some benefits and disadvantages of the
requirements workshop are identified in the following table:
Benefits Disadvantages
 Get to a set of meaningful  There can be a lot of time,
stated requirements in a coordination
short, and finances required.
intensive session.Having the  Getting the right resources in
right stakeholders involved the same room, at the same
that will allow for a much time with the proper authority
easier buy-in. to speak on the subject
 Requirements are matter.
considered, discussed, and  You may have to run several
understood before going to workshops
final approvals

Q25. In which context, Interview Technique can be

conducted by a BA ? How may approaches are there in
conducting Interviews? (Structured – Unstructured) Explain
them. Explain the difference between Open Ended Questions
and Closed ended Questions – 4 Marks
Interview Technique can be used to verify the facts, clarify
ambiguity, trigger enthusiasm, engage end users, identify
requirements, and the opinions and ideas. It is used to get more
information from the people in an formal or informal setting by
asking questions and documenting the responses.
It involves direct communication with the individuals or a group of
people who are part of an initiative. There are two basic types of
interviews. They are,
 Structured Interview - in which the interviewer has the
predefined set of questions. It is a stuctured way of interview.

 Unstructured Interview - in which the interviewer does not

have the predetermined set of questions and it may vary based
on the stakeholder responses and interactions.
 Open Ended Questions - Open-ended questions are those that
provide respondents with a question prompt and provide them a
space in which to construct their own response
 Closed-ended questions Often the answer is a single word (e.g.
Yes or No) or less commonly a short phrase. You are not looking
for an explanation or an elaboration to the question in the
answer given to the question.

Q26. Questionnaire Technique – Where we will use? Give one

example - 3 Marks
A questionnaire is a research instrument that consists of a set of
questions or other types of prompts that aims to collect information
from a respondent. A research questionnaire is typically a mix
of close-ended questions and open-ended questions.
Open-ended, long-form questions offer the respondent the ability to
elaborate on their thoughts. The data collected from a data
collection questionnaire can be both qualitative as well
as quantitative in nature. A questionnaire may or may not be
delivered in the form of a survey, but a survey always consists of a
A survey or questionnaire is used to elicit business analysis
information including information about the customers, products,
work practices, and attitudes from a group of people in a structured
way and in relatively short period of time.
Surveys are the preferred elicitation technique when faced with a
large number of stakeholders or when stakeholders are
geographically dispersed and you need to gather the same
information from them.
Examples :
1. How many times have you visited [website] in the past month?
More than once
2. What is the primary reason for your visit to [website]?
To make a purchase
To find more information before making a purchase in-store

To contact customer service

3. Who did you purchase these products for?

 Self

 Family member

 Friend

 Colleague

 On behalf of a business

 Other

Q27. How to Sort the Requirements – Where we will use?

Give one example - 3 Mark


When all the requirements are gathered there are chances of

redundancy in those requirements so basically all the scattered
requirements are put together and the repetition of requirements are
removed which is known as sorting of requirements. The process for
sorting is:
1. Identification of requirements.
2. Dividing the identified requirements into functional and
nonfunctional requirements
3. If identified requirements are similar then they are put together and

We will sort the requirements in two ways such as functional

requirements and Non-Functional requirements.

 Functional requirements define a function that a system or

system element must be qualified to perform and must be
documented in different forms. The functional requirements
describe the behavior of the system as it correlates to the
system's functionality.

Examples of functional requirements are authentication, business

rules, audit tracking, certification requirements, transaction
corrections, etc.

 Non-functional requirements are not related to the software's

functional aspect. They can be the necessities that specify the
criteria that can be used to decide the operation instead of
specific behaviors of the system.
 Examples - usability, reliability, security, storage, cost, flexibility,
configuration, performance, legal or regulatory requirements, etc

Q28. Prioritise the Requirements – –Where we will use? Give

one example - 3 Marks


Large software systems have a few hundred to thousands of

requirements. Neither are all requirements equal nor do the
implementation teams have resources to implement all the
documented requirements. There are several constraints such as
limited resources, budgetary constraints, time crunch, feasibility,
etc., which brings in the need to prioritize requirements.

Most customers on their part have a reasonable idea of what they

need and what they want. But during requirements elicitation the
customer provides the Business Analyst (BA) with all the
requirements that he feels will make his work easier. The customer
is not wrong on his part; the BA needs to understand the needs of
the business to prioritize the requirements

Most requirements are interdependent and you will hardly find any
requirement that exists independently. To understand why we need
a dependency map – let us take a scenario where you have 8
requirements X,Y,Z,P,Q,R,M,O and N with priorities, on a 5- level
scale where 1 is most critical and 5 least critical, as
1,2,1,4,5,1,2,2,3. So, with these priorities it would be logical to begin
with requirements X, Z and R

2. MoSCoW – This prioritization technique was developed by Dai

Clegg of Oracle UK Consulting. it is one of the more widely used
techniques for its simplicity and ease of use. The letters of the word
MoSCoW stand for Must, Should, Could and Won’t.

 Must have (or Minimum Usable Subset) – These are features that
must be included before the product can be launched.
 Should haves are features that are not critical for the launch, but
are considered to be important and of a high value to the user.
 Could haves are features that are nice to have and could
potentially be included without incurring too much effort or cost
 Won’t have - are features that have been requested but are
explicitly excluded from scope for the planned duration and may
be included in a future phase of development.

MoSCoW method works better than the numeric rating system as it

is much easier for the stakeholders to rate the requirements as
Must, Should, Could or Would.

Defines a requirement that has to be satisfied for the final solution
to be acceptable e.g. The HR system “must” store employee leave


This is a high-priority requirement that should be included if

possible, within the delivery time frame. Workarounds may be
available for such requirements and they are not usually considered
as time-critical or must-haves. e.g. The HR system “should” allow
printing of leave letters.


This is a desirable or nice-to-have requirement (time and resources

permitting) but the solution will still be accepted if the functionality
is not included e.g. The HR system “could” send out notifications on
pending leave dates.


This represents a requirement that stakeholders want to have, but

have agreed will not be implemented in the current version of the
system. That is, they have decided it will be postponed till the next
round of developments e.g. The HR system “won’t” support remote
access but may do so in the next release.

Q29. Weekly status reporting – How we will drive? 2 Mark


A weekly status report, also known as a weekly check-in, is a

communication tool that project managers use to keep tabs on their
employees' work experiences. While a team lead can do a weekly
status report in person, it's easier to do it online.

A weekly status report is a complete overview of your week at work,

covering projects you've completed, ones that are still in progress
and upcoming plans for the future.

A weekly report is a review of your workweek and provides a

summary of what you completed, what projects are in progress and
plans that outline your workflow for the next week. Typically, weekly
reports are brief and concise and only one page long. Most
professionals send weekly reports on Friday afternoons to establish
consistent communication with team members and supervisors.
Additionally, a weekly report can benefit both you and your
employer by providing insight into important aspects of the work
you complete.
Q30. Meeting Minutes Document – prepare one Sample -2

Minutes is to create an official record of the actions taken at a
Meeting. Minutes serve to both memorialize the actions taken for
those attending the Meeting as well as for those who were unable to
attend the Meeting.

Meeting minutes are notes that are recorded during a

meeting. They highlight the key issues that are discussed,
motions proposed or voted on, and activities to be

Meeting/Projec Sprint Review Meeting
t Name:

Date of 23.01.2023 Time: 09:30


Meeting Business Analyst Location: Pune


1. Meeting Objective

1. Discuss status of sprints

2. Discuss progress report of project
3. Discuss about impediments if any.
4. Suggest Solutions

2. Attendees

Name Department/Divisi E-mail Phone


Harshad Kharate Development Team [email protected] xxxxxxxxxx

Rajendra Kharate Technical Team XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX
Rakesh Business Analyst XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX

3. Meeting Agenda

Topic Owner Time

Decission about the actions n sprints Deveopement Team
Decission on WIP items Deveopement Team
Q31. Change Tracker – Document - – prepare one Sample -2
The role of BA in change request is very important as the change
requests differ in number and complexity across business projects
and may come in before, during or after implementation of a

Below are the steps to follow

-->Understand the reason for the change

-->Understand the impact of the change
-->Understand the effort required to implement the change
-->Ensure that the change request follows the predetermined
approval process

Q32. Difference between Traditional Development Model and

Agile Development Models – 5 Marks
Traditional model:

- Used to develop Simple Software

- In this testing is done once the development phase is totally
- It provides less security
- It provides less functionality in the software

- It supports fixed development model

- Development cost is less

- It consists of five phases

- Expectation is favored in the traditional model

- product delivered at the end of the project

- It is rigid to accept the change

- Models based on traditional software development- spiral,

waterfall, V model, incremental model.

Traditional project management focuses on the linear approach. In

the agile world, this project management approach is often known
as the ?waterfall approach.? In the traditional method, all the project
phases are completed in sequential order. This rigid, top-down
approach contains some fixed stages, such as plan, design, build,
testing, user acceptance, deployment, release, etc. Unlike agile,
traditional project management plans everything beforehand and
not empirically.

In this approach, requirements are fixed, and budget and time get
agreed on earlier. For this reason, teams often face budget and
timeline problems with this approach. You can?t use traditional
project management to develop complex products, as this approach
leaves no room for changing the requirements. However, studies
suggested that the waterfall or traditional approach?s failure rate is
nearly 21% while the agile failure rate is 8%.

Agile model:

- It is used to develop complicated software

- In this testing and development process are performed
- it provides less high security
- It provides all functionality needed by the users
- It is used by professionals

- It supports changeable development model

- Development cost is higher
- It consist only three phases
- Adaptability is favored in the agile methodology
- Product delivered frequently within couple of weeks to couple of
- Change accepted even in late development stage
- Model based n agile software development - Scrum, XP, Crystal,
Dynamic systems development method(DSDM), feature driven
development(FDD), Adaptive software development(ASD)
Agile Project Management:
In agile project management, projects are time-boxed in short
iterations. The iteration lasts for a maximum of a calendar month.
And after each iteration, you?ll get a new releasable product
increment. Agile project management focuses more on
implementing the client?s feedback and reviewing the product
periodically. Customer collaboration is a vital factor in agile. It
doesn?t follow a plan blindly and responses to changes quickly.

Today, agile methodology comes with different methods and

frameworks for project management. For example, Scrum, Kanban,
LeSS, SAFe, and Scrumban are great examples of popular agile
project management methods. These methods are the perfect
choices for preventing time consumption, increasing customer
satisfaction, and encouraging decision-making at every product
development step. Initially, agile project management was
considered for the software development industry and, in recent
times, successfully implemented in other sectors like architecture,
financial services, marketing, etc.

Q33. Explain Brainstorming Technique – Where to use? 2



The basic idea behind brainstorming is to find a conclusion for a

specific problem by gathering a list of
ideas spontaneously contributed by its member(s).
In other words, brainstorming is a situation where a group of people
meet to
generate new ideas and solutions around a specific domain of
interest by removing inhibitions
These meetings are used for solving a process problem,
inventing new products or product innovation, solving inter-group
communication problems, improving customer service,
budgeting exercises, project scheduling, etc.

1)Nominal group technique:In this technique Participants are asked

to write their ideas anonymously. Then the facilitator collects the
ideas and the group votes on each idea. The vote can be as simple
as a show of hands in favor of a given idea. This process is called

2)Group passing technique:In this technique Each person in a

circular group writes down one idea, and then passes the piece of
paper to the next person, who adds some thoughts. This continues
until everybody gets his or her original piece of paper back. By this
time, it is likely that the group will have extensively elaborated on
each idea.
3)Team idea mapping method:This method of brainstorming works
by the method of association. It may improve collaboration and
increase the quantity of ideas, and is designed so that all attendees
participate and no ideas are rejected.

4)Directed brainstorming:Directed brainstorming is a variation of

electronic brainstorming (described below). It can be done manually
or with computers. Directed brainstorming works when the solution
space (that is, the set of criteria for evaluating a good idea) is
known prior to the session.
There are many other techniques as well. Most important thing is
you have to decide which technique is most suitable for your team

You can use brainstorming throughout any design or work process,

of course, to generate ideas for design solutions, but also any time
you are trying to generate ideas, such as planning where to do
empathy work, or thinking about product and services related to
your project.

Brain storming: It is a creative technique to find a solution or to

understand the need or requirement by a group of people. As a BA,
by using brainstorming, we can gather the ideas and can creative
solutions for problems in short time.
The steps involved in brainstorming
1. Prepare for brainstorming: start a clear and concise objective for
the session. Generate as many ideas as possible and don’t limit the
creative ideas instead limit the time for session. Decide who all are
going to included in session and their role like participant or
2. Conduct brainstorming session: Share new ideas without any
discussion, criticism or evaluation. Record or note down all ideas.
3. Wrap up the brainstorming: once the time limit is reached create
a list of ideas and eliminate the duplicates. Rate the ideas and
prioritize the ideas using voting and distribute the final list of ideas.

Q34. What reports Accounts Departments will generate

(minimum 5 reports) – 5 Marks

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