Week 2 - VP

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Discovering the Leader Within

My 12-Week Plan

 Vanessa Pecly

 Spring B 2023

 OGL 360 (Assessment of Leadership Effectiveness),

Arizona State University

Table of Contents Slides
 Week 1 – Find Your Purpose 4-7
 Week 2 - Learning Is Doing 8-11
 Week 3 – Lead the Way 12 -16
 Week 4 – Be the First to Trust (But Verify…) 17 - 23
 Week 5 - Inspire and ____ Vision # -- #
 Week 6 – Look to ______ _____ # -- #
 Week 7 – Challenge the _______ / Pivot! ##-- ##
 Week 8 – Enable _____ to Act 87 -- 91
 Week 9 – _________ Ubuntu # -- #
 Week 10 – Welcome ________/Opportunities # -- #
 Week 11 – Encourage ________ (Don’t Fear…) # -- #
 Week 12 – __________ Recognition ## -- ##
 Addendum 110
 References / Works Cited Slide 111
Module One
Week 1 & 2
“All of us are born leaders. We all have
leadership qualities ingrained. All that we
need is polishing them up and bringing them to the forefront ”

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 12).

I remember the day I realized that I had the potential to be a leader. During
my high school volleyball team practice, my coach pulled me aside and
said, "Vanessa, you bring the team together and push everyone to work
harder. Keep it up." From that day on, I began to pay more attention to
my leadership style and how I interacted with others. I pushed myself to
be a more collaborative and empowering leader, focusing on inclusivity
and support for my team members.

Through my experiences, I've learned that everyone has the potential to be

WEEK ONE: a leader. It's about recognizing those qualities within ourselves, and with
the proper guidance and support, anyone can become a successful leader.


WEEK ONE: “When people are worried, discouraged, frightened, and uncertain about the present, they often
struggle to focus on the possibilities of tomorrow, and the last thing they need is a leader who feeds those
FIND YOUR PURPOSE (CONT’D) negative emotions. Fear does not persuade people to move ahead by being innovative and taking
chances, but rather it motivates them to keep their heads down, hold on to the status quo, and stay out
of the way. Fear may bring about compliance, but it never generates commitment"

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 35).

TO DO TODAY: I recently witnessed a sales team meeting where the VP of sales led with fear,
just as the quote suggests. He was so focused on meeting the team's goals
• Start the day with a positive attitude that he threatened them with job loss instead of finding ways to support
and visualize the successful outcome them. It was evident in his eyes and tone that he was afraid, and I suspected
of the day's activities. that his boss had instilled that fear in him.
• Stay organized and focused on the
task at hand, avoiding distractions and Although I am not part of his team, he asked for my feedback, and I advised
him to identify pain points quickly but focus on positive outcomes and
solutions. During our conversation, I clarified to him that leading with fear is
• Lead by example and model the not a practical approach. Instead of motivating his team, it could cause them
behavior and attitudes you expect to become discouraged and focus on negative emotions rather than finding
from others. solutions. Therefore, leading with hope and confidence is essential,
especially during times of uncertainty.
“Deeds are far more important than words when
constituents want to determine how serious leaders really
are about what they say. Words and deeds must be
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 14).

Throughout my career, I've encountered many leaders who speak eloquently and
passionately about their values and beliefs but fail to live up to them in their
actions. As a result, I've learned to prioritize what people do rather than what they
TOD One experience that stands out to me was when I worked for a company that
O DO • Recognize my claimed to prioritize employee well-being and work-life balance. However, the
T accomplishments
• Write Thank-You note to company had a culture of overwork and burnout, with many employees working
my husband Bruno for the long hours and weekends. Despite the rhetoric from leadership, the company's
little things he does for me. actions spoke louder than their words, and I eventually left.
• End the day with a tickle
fight with my daughters.
Whether in personal or professional settings, I always strive to align my words with
my deeds and to hold others accountable for doing the same.
WEEK ONE: “You have to connect to what's meaningful to others and create the belief
FIND YOUR PURPOSE that people can achieve something grand. Otherwise, people may fail to see
how their work is meaningful and their contributions fit into the big
(CONT’D) picture”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 14).

This quote resonates with me deeply because I have learned through experience
that connecting with people personally and helping them understand how their
TO DO TODAY: work fits into the bigger picture is crucial to achieving success as a leader. One
• Brainstorm on how to
grow my business. experience that comes to mind was when I was leading a team through a major
• Tell my mom I project, and I noticed that morale was starting to dip as we approached a critical
appreciate her deadline. So, I called a team meeting and reminded everyone of the importance
• Try to stay calm when
things get difficult. of the project and how their contributions were critical to its success. I also
shared with them the project's impact on our clients and how it aligned with our
team's overall goals and vision.

By helping everyone see how their work fit into the bigger picture, I re-
energized the team and created a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.
When people feel a sense of purpose and meaning in their work, they are more
likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving outstanding
WEEK TWO: "You earn leadership from the people you aspire to lead. People choose, on
a daily basis, whether they are going to follow and commit completely their
LEARNING IS DOING talents, time, and energy. In the end, leaders don't decide who leads,
followers do“
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 27).
• Share thoughts and ideas This quote resonates with me because it reminded me of when I worked as a
with my business partner.
• Talk about “famous
waitress at a Mexican restaurant. One day, our management started to order the
failures” and great team to recycle the untouched chips that customers had left on their tables. I
successes with potential was not comfortable with this practice as it seemed unhygienic and dishonest. I
was unsure how to handle this situation, but fortunately, one of my co-workers
took the lead and inspired the team to stand against the management. This co-
worker was not a manager or in a position of authority, but her passion and
conviction were contagious, and the team followed her lead. Finally, we all
decided to stop the practice and demand a change.

This experience taught me that leadership is not about position or title but the
ability to inspire and motivate others to act. As this quote states, leaders earn
their position by gaining the trust and commitment of their followers. It was not
the management who decided who led in that situation; my co-worker earned
our respect and trust through her actions.
" If people doubt the leader's abilities, they're not going readily to
enlist in the crusade. Studies point out that when people perceive
their leader as incompetent, they reject the individual as well as
that person's position”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 32).

This quote resonates with me because when I convinced my best friend to quit her job and start our business together, I knew I needed to
demonstrate my competence and expertise to gain her trust and encourage her to join me in my entrepreneurial dream. I had to show her
that I had the skills and knowledge to lead us to success. I took the time to thoroughly research the industry and develop a comprehensive
business plan, which helped instill confidence in my abilities as a leader. Without that trust and belief in my competence, it's unlikely that
my friend would have joined me on this journey.

This experience taught me the importance of demonstrating competence as a leader to gain the trust and commitment of followers.
WEEK TWO: As an entrepreneur, I know firsthand the
importance of envisioning the future. When I
LEARNING IS DOING (CONT’D) started my business, My Body by Design, I
clearly envisioned what I wanted to achieve
and where to take the company. This vision
helped me to set goals and create a roadmap
" Credibility goes far beyond for the future. It also allowed me to inspire
and motivate my team, helping them
employee attitudes. It
understand how their contributions fit the
influences customer and
bigger picture.
investor loyalty, as well as
employee loyalty” Having a vision is important not just in
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. business but also in personal life. For
40). example, as a mother, I have a vision for my
daughter's future and the kind of adults I hope
they will become. This vision motivates me to
make the necessary sacrifices and work hard
to help them achieve their full potential. In
" Peoplealso must believe that their leaders know where they're headed and my personal and professional life, having a
clear vision for the future has helped me stay
have a vision for the future. Being forward-looking and having a vision is
focused, motivated, and committed to
what truly makes leaders unique from other people in an organization" achieving my goals.
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 38).
Module One Write-Up
A. The main themes or topics covered in the first two weeks included discovering the leader within, self-awareness, communication, empowering others,
and leading with purpose. These themes reflect on leadership by emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, authenticity, and taking intentional
steps toward personal growth and development as a leader.
B. “All of us are born leaders. We all have leadership qualities ingrained. All that we need is polishing them up and bringing them to the
forefront ” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 12).
“Deeds are far more important than words when constituents want to determine how serious leaders really are about what they say. Words
and deeds must be consistent” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 14).
C. These themes resonate with me, emphasizing the importance of integrity and follow-through in leadership. In my professional experience, I have seen
leaders who talk a big game but fail to follow through on their promises, leading to a loss of trust and respect from their team. On the other hand,
leaders who are consistent in their actions and words earn the trust and loyalty of their team. It also connects with my personal experience,
highlighting that leadership is not just for a select few but can be developed and honed by anyone. Through my journey in pursuing my education in
organizational leadership (after a long 12-year break from school) and growing my business, I have learned that leadership is not just a title but a
mindset and a set of skills that can be learned and practiced.

Additionally, my personal and professional experiences, such as my mother's resilience and determination as a single mother and an immigrant
woman in a male-dominated industry, my husband's unwavering support and encouragement, and my prior boss's inclusive and empowering
leadership style, connect with the themes of authenticity, supporting and empowering others, and the importance of staying true to personal values
and vision as a leader.
e Tw o
o d u l
M 3 & 4
Week 3: Model the Way
" People can only speak the truth when speaking in their true
voice. If you only mimic what others are saying, no one can
make a commitment to you because they don't know who you
are and what you believe in."
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 52).

As a leader, I have come to realize that people can only trust me

and follow me if I speak in my true voice. Mimicking what Odyssey synopsis:
others say or following the latest trends will not make me a
trustworthy leader. Just like Odysseus demanded to see his men “And I said, 'Circe, no man with any sense of what is
right can think of either eating
with his own eyes before eating or drinking at Circe's house, I
or drinking in your house until you have set his friends
need to have my own convictions and stay true to my values in free and let him see them. If
order to gain the trust and commitment of my team. Only then you want me to eat and drink, you must free my men and
can we work together towards our goals and achieve success. bring them to me that I
may see them with my own eyes” (Odyssey 2018, pg.13).
Week 3: Model the Way

" Leadership is not merely about your values. It's also about the values of your
constituents. Just as your values drive your level of commitment to the
organization, their personal values drive the degree of their commitment. They
will be significantly more engaged in a place where they believe they can stay true
to their beliefs. While clarifying your values is essential, understanding the values
of others and building alignment around values that everyone can share is equally
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 59).

As a leader, it's important for me to understand that my values alone

are not enough to motivate my team. Just as Odysseus understood Odyssey synopsis:
that he alone could handle the Sirens' song, but his crew could not, I
need to understand the values of my team members and how they “As they approach the Sirens Odysseus orders his
can contribute to our organization's success. I should build crew to bind him to the mast so he can listen to the
alignment around values that we all can share and provide sirens' song, yet he orders them to fill their ears with
wax---whether selfishly or wisely, you can decide---
opportunities for everyone to contribute to the organization's goals.
thus keeping the sublime and awesome experience
This will result in a team that is significantly more engaged and to himself” (Odyssey 2018, pg.17).
committed to our shared vision.
Week 3: Model the Way
• Hand a thank you note to my business partner
for always being supportive
" The energy that goes into coping with, and possibly fighting about, incompatible
values takes its toll on both personal wellbeing and organizational productivity”
• Bring in special snacks to my children for their
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 64). team meeting.

• Hand a thank you note to my children teachers

for loving my daughters
I remember a time when I was working on a project with a colleague whose
values were vastly different from my own. While I believed in working hard • Hand a thank you note to my mother in law for
and dedicating myself fully to the task at hand, my colleague seemed more helping us at home with the kids
interested in taking shortcuts and doing the minimum amount of work
required. This caused a lot of tension between us, as we constantly clashed
over what we believed was the right way to approach the project. The energy
I put into trying to change their behavior and adhere to my own values took a
toll on my personal wellbeing and also negatively affected the productivity “He poked the eye of
of the project. In hindsight, I realized that if we had both been more aware of Poseidon's son. And that
each other's values and worked to find common ground, we could have is the reason that it takes
avoided all that conflict and possibly even achieved greater success. 10 years to get back
home.” (Thug notes,
counter number 1:35)
Triumvirate (Co-Mentoring Team) Quotes & Reflections:

During our discussion on core values, Jessica mentioned that her values were
heavily influenced by her years as a Girl Scout. She recited the Girl Scout Law, "I
will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and
caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to
respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the
world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout." I was deeply inspired
by those values and even made the decision to consider enrolling my daughters in
the Girl Scouts program. As a mother of girls, I take my role very seriously and I
want to ensure that I raise leaders who will be able to confidently and
courageously lead their families and communities as strong, honest, and
compassionate women. I believe that by instilling these values in them at a young
age, they will be equipped to become the leaders of tomorrow and make a positive
impact on the world.
Week 4: Be the First to Trust (But Verify…)

" You need to be conscious of the choices you

" How you spend your time is the single clearest
make and the actions you take because they
indicator of what's important to you”
signal priorities that others use to conclude
whether you're doing what you say.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 73).

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 73).

I have learned that how I spend my time directly reflects
As a business owner, I've learned that being my priorities. I recall a time when I was juggling my
conscious of the choices I make and the actions I responsibilities as a mom, a wife, and a leader. I found
take is essential for the success of the company. myself working long hours at the office and coming home
My decisions and behaviors reflect my priorities exhausted, only to spend little quality time with my
and values, and they signal to our clients, family. It wasn't until my husband and kids started
employees, and partners whether I am doing what expressing how much they missed me that I realized I
we say we will. For instance, when we prioritize needed to re-evaluate my priorities. I shifted my focus to
customer satisfaction by ensuring prompt spending more time with my family and being present in
responses to inquiries and fast resolution of any the moment. As a leader, I am also mindful of how I spend
issues, our clients see that we value their business my time at work, making sure to prioritize tasks that align
and satisfaction. Ultimately, it's vital that we with the organization's goals and values. I believe that my
remain aware of the messages we send through actions, especially how I spend my time, set an example
our choices and actions, as they can make or for others to follow.
break our business's reputation and success.
Week 4: Be the First to Trust
(But Verify…) (cont’d)
“There is simply no way to get around the fact that you can't grow as
a leader without getting feedback”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 81).

One experience that stands out to me when thinking about this quote is when I
was working with my old boss Adam. Adam was a great mentor to me and
always encouraged me to seek out feedback from others. He emphasized the
importance of getting feedback from different perspectives and using it to grow
as a leader. At first, I was hesitant to receive feedback and thought that I could
handle everything on my own, but Adam pushed me to seek it out and helped
me to see the value in it. I realized that feedback is crucial for personal and TO DO today:
professional growth, and it has since become an integral part of my leadership 1. Recognize when I need a
style. Now, I make a conscious effort to seek feedback from my team, peers, break and take it. Meditate for
and other colleagues, and use it to improve and grow as a leader.
5 minutes
2. Write Thank-You note to
my oldest daughter for always
being so supportive and
helpful at home.
Week 4: Be the First to Trust
(But Verify…) (cont’d)
"Is it the gods fault that bad shit happens on earth? Or is humanity
responsible for all that mess?"
(THUG Notes, Counter Number 3:21).

As a Christian, I believe that this statement has some truth to it.

God has given us the power of choice, and we are responsible for
the consequences of our actions. However, it's important to note
One experience I had that relates to this quote is when I was a project that not all bad things happen because of individual choices. Some
manager for a team where a member made a critical mistake that had a events are out of our control, and it's not fair to blame individuals or
negative impact on the project. As a leader, I could have easily blamed the assume that they caused their misfortunes. It's important to strike a
team member or looked for external factors to place blame. However, I took balance between taking responsibility for our actions and
responsibility and used the mistake as a learning opportunity for the team. I acknowledging the role of external factors beyond our control.
sat down with the team member and discussed what went wrong and how we Ultimately, I believe that we should strive to do our best and make
could prevent it from happening again in the future. This experience taught
the best choices possible, while also being compassionate and
me that as a leader, it's important to take ownership of the actions of my team
and use mistakes as an opportunity for growth rather than placing blame or understanding towards others who may be struggling due to
making excuses. It's a reminder that bad things can happen, but as a leader, I circumstances beyond their control.
must take responsibility and find solutions rather than playing the blame
Insert a Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

How often did you try honestly to see things from another
person’s point of view?

I try to see things from another person's point of view on a regular basis. I
believe that understanding different perspectives is key to effective
communication and teamwork. When conflicts arise, I try to take a step
back and consider the other person's thoughts and feelings before reacting.
This allows me to approach the situation with empathy and work towards
finding a solution that works for everyone involved. In my personal
relationships as well, I strive to understand the perspectives of my loved
ones and consider their thoughts and feelings in my decisions.
Insert a Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

Thinking of the last month, give two examples of ways you

have "Challenged the Process" in seeking new learning
opportunities for your household.

In the last month, I have challenged the process in seeking new learning
opportunities for my household by implementing a weekly family game
night. This has allowed us to try new games and challenge ourselves in
different ways while spending quality time together. Additionally, I have
started a daily "word of the day" challenge with my children, where we
learn a new vocabulary word each day and incorporate it into our
conversations throughout the day. This has been a fun and educational way
to expand our vocabulary and challenge ourselves to learn new words in
Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Module Two Write-Up
A. In weeks 3 and 4, the main themes we covered were shared values and setting a positive example for others. During week 3, we discussed the importance of
not only identifying and clarifying our own values, but also understanding and valuing the perspectives and beliefs of those around us. In week 4, we delved
deeper into living out our shared values and examined what it means to be a role model in leadership by setting a positive example for our team.
B. "How you spend your time is the single clearest indicator of what's important to you” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 73).
“There is simply no way to get around the fact that you can't grow as a leader without getting feedback” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 81).
C. As a leader, I have experienced the importance of shared values and setting the example firsthand. In my previous role as a project manager, I worked closely
with my team to establish our shared values and ensure that we were all aligned in our goals and priorities. This allowed us to work together more effectively
and achieve better results.
One specific example that comes to mind is when we were facing a challenging deadline and one team member suggested cutting corners to meet it. As a
team, we were able to come together and remind ourselves of our shared values, which included honesty and integrity. We realized that cutting corners would
compromise those values and ultimately harm our reputation and relationship with our client. Instead, we found a more creative solution that met our
deadline while still upholding our values.
In my personal life, I have also experienced the importance of setting the example and living shared values. As a mother of two girls, I am constantly aware
of the messages I am sending and the behaviors I am modeling. I try to live by my values of honesty, kindness, and compassion, and encourage my daughters
to do the same. By setting a positive example, I hope to inspire them to be the best versions of themselves and make a positive impact on the world.
Module Three
Week 5 & 6
Week 5: Inspire and Create Vision
“The greatest achievement of the human brain is its ability to imagine
objects and episodes that do not exist in the realm of the real, and it is
this ability that allows us to think about the future . . . the human
brain is an ‘anticipation machine,' and ‘making future' is the most
important thing it does.”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 97).

As someone who has always been a planner, I can relate to the idea of the
human brain being an "anticipation machine". In my past experiences, I have "No men ever behaved better than they
always found it helpful to imagine future scenarios and plan accordingly. have done on this occasion”
Whether it was planning my academic and career goals, or planning a trip or
(Horwitz 2003, pg. 168).
event, I always found it easier to work towards something that I had
envisioned in my mind. It's fascinating to think that the ability to imagine
and plan for the future is what sets us apart from other species and has led to
some of humanity's greatest achievements. I believe that this ability to think
about the future is what allows us to be proactive and take actions that will
lead us towards success. In my own life, I have found that being proactive
and anticipating potential obstacles has helped me to achieve my goals and
navigate challenges.
Week 5: Inspire and Create Vision (cont’d)
“When people are part of something that elevates them to higher
levels of motivation and morality, they feel energized and more
committed; they feel that what they do matters..”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 110).

When my friend and I first started discussing the idea of starting

our Medical Tourism Agency, we both felt a sense of purpose and
excitement about the potential impact our business could have on
people's lives. As we worked on developing our business plan and
getting everything up and running, that feeling only grew stronger.
It was incredibly motivating to know that we were working towards
something that had the potential to make a real difference in our
client's lives. Even when we faced challenges or setbacks along the
way, that sense of purpose helped us stay focused and committed to
our goal. Looking back on our journey so far, I can say that being “Cook had accepted yet another mission impossible. His destination
part of something meaningful has been a key factor in our success. this time would be the top of the world…in quest of a channel instead
of a continent…the Northwest Passage, the much dreamed of
shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific..”
(Horwitz 2003, p. 325).
Week 5: Inspire and Create Vision (cont’d)
“Throughout his troubles on the reef, he’d displayed cool nerves,
keen nautical judgment, and absolute command over men he’d
trained expertly”
(Horwitz 2003, p. 201).

Leadership requires a certain level of composure and assertiveness

and the ability to inspire and guide others through difficult
situations. I can relate to displaying calm nerves and absolute
command over my team, even in times of trouble or uncertainty.
Maintaining a calm demeanor and making informed decisions is
crucial, especially when others are looking to you for guidance and
direction. Captain Cook serves as a model, exhibiting his
knowledge of nautical matters and remaining composed during his TO DO today:
troubles on the reef. I strive to show expertise and competence in 1. Meditate for 10 minutes in the morning
my field to earn respect and trust of those around me. When people focusing on my affirmations
see that their leader is confident and in control, it can help elevate 2. Watch a movie with my children and take
their motivation and commitment to the task at hand. them to the park
3. Celebrate a year as a small group leader of
my church
Triumvirate (Co-Mentoring Team)
Quotes & Reflections:
(Include at least one FAVORITE QUOTE from your co-mentors / triumvirate co-
leaders in your meeting. E.g., quote something they said in an email or in person,
during your Zoom/Skype meeting. This quote will be in their own words---it’s not a
quote OF a quote (it’s their ‘wit and wisdom’ you want).

Then explain the context and/or what this quote means to you. Why are you including
it here? How does it fit with themes of leadership?

(Remember that you will have a recording of your meeting each week, so you should never
“stop” your team’s conversation to write down a quote. And if you happen to miss a weekly
meeting---shame! (I know, right?)---you should still reach out to your team and ask for their
recording, to learn from them and to quote them.)
Week 6: Look to Help Others
Add’l Quote 8 (from another source, e.g., from a video, a song, a different course’s
textbook, or your mom):
_________________ (AUTHOR. DATE, pg ____)

{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the quote with your
personal experiences. Afterward, DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE.}
Week __: ________________(cont’d)

INSERT AN IMAGE HERE Add’l Quote on Capt. Cook (Horwitz’s Blue Latitudes):
(e.g., a meme of your own
choice, or a personal photo)
_________________________ (Horwitz 2003, pg ____)

{Add commentary here, relating your personal experiences

and/or memories to the quote, i.e., add specific examples from
Week 6: Look to Help Others (cont’d)
Kouzes and Posner quote 17
Add’l Quote 9 (from another source, e.g., from a
“______________________________ video, a song, a different course’s textbook, or your
_______________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________ _________________________________
________________.” (Kouzes and _________________ (AUTHOR. DATE, pg ____)
Posner 2017, pg. ___)
{Add another statement here, explaining or building
on the quote with your personal experiences. {Add another statement here, explaining or building
Afterward, DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE.} on the quote with your personal experiences.
Week 6: Look to Help Others (cont’d)
Kouzes and Posner quote 18

________________.” (Kouzes and 3 Add’l Quote 10 (from another source, e.g., from a video,
a song, a different course’s textbook, or your mom):
Posner 2017, pg. ___) _________________________________
{Add another statement here, explaining or building _________________________________
on the quote with your personal experiences. _________________ (AUTHOR. DATE, pg ____)
{Add another statement here, explaining or building on
the quote with your personal experiences. Afterward,
Insert a Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

Include a qualitative question (looking at your co-mentoring

survey questions and the “Resources” module for examples).

Include some annotations as well---that is, comments explaining your

preference for this question.

AND KEEP THIS “360-Degree” image beside each question: 

Insert ANOTHER Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

Include a qualitative question (looking at your co-

mentoring survey questions and the “Resources” module
for examples).

Include some annotations as well---that is, comments explaining

your preference for this question.

AND KEEP THIS “360-Degree” image beside each question.

Week 5 and Week 6 “Wrap-Up”:
After working on the TWO WEEKS for THIS THIRD MODULE, write two to three
detailed paragraphs to your “Future Self,” reflecting on the following:
A. What are the main themes or topics that I covered in these two weeks of my 12-Week
plan---and how do they reflect on leadership?

B. Within these paragraphs, what two or three quotes (from the preceding slides in this
module) resonate with me the most? (Repeat those quotes on this page, or at least include
excerpts from them if they are long.)

C. What are some personal or professional experiences, memories, or related examples---

details from my own life---which connect with these themes? (Remember, this is a plan for
the “Future You”---so make this personal.)
Module 4
Week 7 & Week 8
Module 4 Instructions
(for Week 7 & Week 8 of the 12 Week Plan)

1. Build on your work from previous modules, keeping all the slides you have

created so far. But revise some of that earlier material, especially as per the
instructor’s previous feedback.

2. Delete “Old Yeller” instructions---and any classic films about sweet dogs--and
check lists from those previous modules.
3. Insert quotes and illustrations as well as commentary as noted on the following
slides, but get creative.
4. Add material. Make this your own! Use more slides if you wish.
Week 7: Challenge the Process
Add’l Quote 11, from Virginia Woolf:

________________ (Woolf ____, pg. _____)

{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the

quote with your personal experiences. Afterward, DELETE THESE

TO DO (in a future…) today:

INSERT A Virginia Woolf
1. Challenge the Process by reading
IMAGE HERE (e.g., a meme
of your own choice, or the
2. Challenge the Process by viewing
results of a Google image
Week 7: Challenge the Process (cont’d)
Add’l Quote 12, from Virginia Woolf:
________________ (Woolf ____, pg. _____)

{Add commentary explaining your quotes and/or providing context.}

 Kouzes and Posner quote 19

____________________________________.” (Kouzes
and Posner 2017, pg. ___) TO DO today (…a future today):
1. Challenge the Process by
{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the quote. reading ___________________
2. Challenge the Process by
viewing _______________.
Week 7: Challenge the Process (cont’d)


dd’l Quote 13, from Arnold van Gennep: (e.g., a meme of your own
choice, or a personal photo)
_______________ (Van Gennep ____, pg. _____)

Add commentary explaining your quotes and providing context.}

Triumvirate (Co-Mentoring Team)
Quotes & Reflections:
(Include at least one FAVORITE QUOTE from your co-mentors / triumvirate co-
leaders in your meeting. E.g., quote something they said in an email or in person,
during your Zoom/Skype meeting. This quote will be in their own words---it’s not a
quote OF a quote (it’s their ‘wit and wisdom’ you want).

Then explain the context and/or what this quote means to you. Why are you including
it here? How does it fit with themes of leadership?

(Remember that you will have a recording of your meeting each week, so you should never
“stop” your team’s conversation to write down a quote. And if you happen to miss a weekly
meeting---shame! (I know, right?)---you should still reach out to your team and ask for their
recording, to learn from them and to quote them.)
Week 8: Enable Others to Act

 Kouzes and Posner quote 20

INSERT AN IMAGE HERE (e.g., ____________________________.” (Kouzes and
a meme of your own choice, or a Posner 2017, pg. ___)
personal photo)

{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the


Also change slide colors, images, and design elements to suite

your style or taste. AND afterward, DELETE THESE
Search online and INSERT Add’l Quote 14, from Arnold van Gennep:
AN IMAGE HERE related to
RITES OF PASSAGE (e.g., a “_________________________________
meme of your own choice, a ___________________________________
diagram, or a photo) ___________________________________
________________ (Van Gennep ____,
pg. _____)

{Add commentary explaining your quotes and

providing context.}
Week 8: Enable Others to Act (cont’d)

Add’l Quote 15, from Arnold van Gennep:

________________ (Van Gennep ____, pg. _____)
Week 8: Enable Others to Act (cont’d)

Add’l Quote 16, from Arnold van Gennep:

________________ (Van Gennep ____, pg. _____)

{Add commentary explaining your quotes and providing

(e.g., a meme of your own
choice, or a personal photo)
Insert a Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

Include some annotations as well---that is, comments explaining your

preference for this question.

AND KEEP THIS “360-Degree” image beside each question: 

Insert ANOTHER Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

Include a qualitative question (looking at your co-

mentoring survey questions and the “Resources” module
for examples).

Include some annotations as well---that is, comments explaining

your preference for this question.

AND KEEP THIS “360-Degree” image beside each question.

Week 7 and Week 8 “Wrap-Up”:
After working on the TWO WEEKS for THIS FOURTH MODULE, write two to
three detailed paragraphs to your “Future Self,” reflecting on the following:
A. What are the main themes or topics that I covered in these two weeks of my 12-Week
plan---and how do they reflect on leadership?

B. Within these paragraphs, what two or three quotes (from the preceding slides in this
module) resonate with me the most? (Repeat those quotes on this page, or at least include
excerpts from them if they are long.)

C. What are some personal or professional experiences, memories, or related examples---

details from my own life---which connect with these themes? (Remember, this is a plan for
the “Future You”---so make this personal.)
(e.g., a meme of your own
choice, or a personal photo)
Module 5
Week 9 & Week 10
Instructions for MODULE 5 PowerPoint
(Week 9 & Week 10 in the 12 Week Plan)
-- Insert appropriate quotes and media on each slide, following the guidelines on each slide and
adding even more material as you see fit.

-- As always (for ALL your classes), see the instructor’s feedback in the grade book --- and act on
ALL of it. FEEDBACK is a terrible thing TO WASTE.

-- Also add your own commentary on each slide, whenever you add quotes or media.
-- Allow PLENTY of time. Make sure you do your best work.

-- Since this is a cumulative assignment, keep showing ALL YOUR PREVIOUS Ppt work within
your updated presentation. (But delete any of the prof.’s old instructions and old check lists from
work you did on previous modules.)
(Instructions, cont’d)


(e.g., a meme of your own
choice, or a personal photo)
Week 9: Demonstrate Ubuntu

Add’l Quote 17, from Boyd Varty:

___________________________________________ Add’l Quote 18, from Varty or TRC:
________________ (Varty____, counter/timer: “__________________________________________
___) __________________________________________
{Add commentary explaining your quotes and ___________________________________________
providing context.} ____________________________________________(
______, counter/timer: ___)

{Add commentary explaining your quotes and

providing context.}
Week 9: Demonstrate Ubuntu (cont’d)
 Kouzes and Posner quote 21  Kouzes and Posner quote 22

“_________________________________________ “_______________________________________
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
_______________ _____________________
________________.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. ________________.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017,
___) pg. ___)

{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the {Add another statement here, explaining or building on the
quote. quote.
Also change slide colors, images, and design elements to suite Also change slide colors, images, and design elements to
your style or taste. AND afterward, DELETE THESE suite your style or taste. AND afterward, DELETE THESE
Week 9: Demonstrate Ubuntu (cont’d)
Add’l Quote 19, from Marcel Mauss:
“__________________________________________ related to THE GIFT (e.g., a
__________________________________________ meme of your own choice, or a
___________________________________________ personal photo)
________________ (Mauss ______, pg. ___)

{Add commentary explaining your quotes and providing

Week 9: Demonstrate Ubuntu (cont’d)
Add’l Quote 20, from Marcel Mauss:
________________ (Mauss ______, pg. ___)

Add’l Quote 21, from Marcel Mauss OR a related source:

________________ (______, pg. ___)

{Add commentary explaining your quotes and providing context.}

Triumvirate (Co-Mentoring Team)
Quotes & Reflections:
(Include at least one FAVORITE QUOTE from your co-mentors / triumvirate co-
leaders in your regular meeting. E.g., quote something they said in an email or in
person, during your Zoom/Skype meeting. This quote will be in their own words---it’s
not a quote OF a quote (it’s their ‘wit and wisdom’ you want).

Then explain the context and/or what this quote means to you. Why are you including
it here? How does it fit with themes of leadership?

(Remember that you will have a recording of your meeting each week, so you should never
“stop” your team’s conversation to write down a quote. And if you happen to miss a weekly
meeting---shame! (I know, right?)---you should still reach out to your team and ask for their
recording, to learn from them and to quote them.)
Week 10: Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities
TO DO today (in the…FUTURE!):
1. Challenge the Process by reading
2. Enable __________ to _________.
 Kouzes and Posner quote 23

_____________________________________________________________ INSERT AN IMAGE HERE
___________________ (e.g., a meme of your own
________________.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. ___) choice, or a personal photo)

{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the quote.

Also change slide colors, images, and design elements to suite your style or taste. AND
Week 10: _______________________
 Kouzes and Posner quote 24

________________.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg.

{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the


Also change slide colors, images, and design elements to suite

your style or taste. AND afterward, DELETE THESE
Week 10: Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities
 Kouzes and Posner quote 25 (e.g., a meme of your own
choice, or a personal photo)

________________.” (Kouzes and Posner
2017, pg. ___)
{Add another statement here, explaining or building
on the quote.

Also change slide colors, images, and design

elements to suite your style or taste. AND afterward,
Week 10: Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities

Add’l Quote 22, from Marcel Mauss or a related source, such

as a video explaining the theory of THE GIFT:
“__________________________________________ (e.g., a meme of your own
__________________________________________ choice, or a personal photo)
________________ (Mauss ______, pg. ___)

{Add commentary explaining your quotes and providing

Insert a Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

Include some annotations as well---that is, comments explaining your

preference for this question.

AND KEEP THIS “360-Degree” image beside each question: 

SELMA (Slide 1):
After you have had time to reflect, add a series of screen shots (your own, or
images you found online) from the film SELMA here:

Add quotes (or details about a scene) from the film SELMA here:
SELMA (Slide 2):
Add more images and excerpts based on your Co-Mentoring Team’s discussion of
the film SELMA here:
Insert ANOTHER Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

Include a qualitative question (looking at your co-

mentoring survey questions and the “Resources” module
for examples).

Include some annotations as well---that is, comments explaining

your preference for this question.

AND KEEP THIS “360-Degree” image beside each question.

Week 9 and Week 10 “Wrap-Up”:
After working on the TWO WEEKS for THIS FIFTH MODULE, write two to three
detailed paragraphs to your “Future Self,” reflecting on the following:
A. What are the main themes or topics that I covered in these two weeks of my 12-Week
plan---and how do they reflect on leadership?

B. Which two or three quotes (from the preceding slides in this module) resonate with me
the most? (Repeat those quotes on this page, or at least include excerpts from them if they are long.)

C. What are some key memories of SELMA (the film) that I should bring to the attention
of other leaders in the future? (Remember, this is a plan for the “Future You”---so make this
(e.g., a meme of your own
choice, or a personal photo)


(e.g., a meme of your own
choice, or a personal photo)
Module 6
Week 11 & Week 12
Instructions for MODULE 6
(Week 11 & Week 12)
--- Insert quotes and media on each slide.
--- Add annotations / commentary to explain all your quotes, media, and other elements.
--- Make sure you have “Interactive elements” well represented in each “Week” of your 12 Weeks,
such as “To-Do Lists” and reminders for action.

--- Insert “360-Degree Qualitative” questions as per the prof’s instructions as well as other questions
re. assessment of leadership effectiveness.

--- See the Module 6 AND Module 7 assignments, for final lists of requirements.
Week 11: ________
Add’l Quote 23, from one of our additional readings (Mauss, Van
Gennep, Woolf, etc.) or one of our assigned videos: INSERT AN IMAGE HERE
“__________________________________________ (e.g., a meme of your own
__________________________________________ choice, or a personal photo)
________________ (______, pg. ___)

{Add commentary explaining your quotes and providing context.}

TO DO today:
 Be humble when speaking
with ___________________.
 Say Thanks to ___________.
Week 11 cont’d:
________ Add’l Quote 24, from one of our additional readings
(Mauss, Van Gennep, Woolf, etc.) or one of our assigned
INSERT AN IMAGE HERE ___________________________________________
(e.g., a meme of your own ___________________________________________
choice, or a personal photo) ________________ (______, pg. ___)

{Add commentary explaining your quotes and providing


“The Asgardians of the

Week 11 cont’d:

Kouzes and Posner quote 26

 Kouzes and Posner quote 27

________________________________________ “________________________________
_____________________ _________________________________
________________.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, _________________________________
pg. ___) _________________________________
________________.” (Kouzes and
Posner 2017, pg. ___)
{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the

Also change slide colors, images, and design elements to

suite your style or taste. AND afterward, DELETE THESE
Examples of weekly employee recognition (encouraging the
Triumvirate (Co-Mentoring Team)
Quotes & Reflections:
(Include at least one FAVORITE QUOTE from your co-mentors / triumvirate co-
leaders in your meeting. E.g., quote something they said in an email or in person,
during your Zoom/Skype meeting. This quote will be in their own words---it’s not a
quote OF a quote (it’s their ‘wit and wisdom’ you want).

Then explain the context and/or what this quote means to you. Why are you including
it here? How does it fit with themes of leadership?

(Remember that you will have a recording of your meeting each week, so you should never
“stop” your team’s conversation to write down a quote. And if you happen to miss a weekly
meeting---shame! (I know, right?)---you should still reach out to your team and ask for their
recording, to learn from them and to quote them.)
Week 12: ______________________
 Kouzes and Posner quote 28

________.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. ___)

{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the quote.

Also change slide colors, images, and design elements to suite your
style or taste. AND afterward, DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE.}
TO DO today (… on a FUTURE DAY that is…):
 Be humble when speaking with ___________________.
 Say Thanks to ___________.
 Show thanks by ______________________.
 Take care of MYSELF by ____________________________.
Week 12 (cont’d): ________

 Kouzes and Posner quote 29

____________.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. ___)

{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the quote.

Also change slide colors, images, and design elements to suite your style or taste. AND afterward,
Week 12 (cont’d):
 Kouzes and Posner quote 30

______________________________.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. ___)

{Add another statement here, explaining or building on the quote.

Also change slide colors, images, and design elements to suite your style or taste. AND

TO DO today:
1. Celebrate ______ with
_____________by ______________
2. Reciprocate ______________by
Insert a Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

Include some annotations as well---that is, comments explaining your

preference for this question.

AND KEEP THIS “360-Degree” image beside each question: 

Insert ANOTHER Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:

Include some annotations as well---that is, comments explaining your

preference for this question.

AND KEEP THIS “360-Degree” image beside each question: 

Week 11 and Week 12 “Wrap-Up”:
After working on the TWO WEEKS for THIS SIXTH MODULE, write two to three
detailed paragraphs to your “Future Self,” reflecting on the following:
A. What are the main themes or topics that I covered in these two weeks of my 12-Week
plan---and how do they reflect on leadership?

B. Within these paragraphs, what two or three quotes (from the preceding slides in this
module) resonate with me the most? (Repeat those quotes on this page, or at least include
excerpts from them if they are long.)

C. What are some personal or professional experiences, memories, or related examples---

details from my own life---which connect with these themes? (Remember, this is a plan for
the “Future You”---so make this personal.)
12 Week Plan
“Big Picture” 12 Week wrap-up
{Insert a paragraph or two here as a comprehensive REFLECTION --- A conclusion
plus a “looking forward” note.}

You are writing INSERT AN IMAGE HERE
to your future self! (e.g., a meme of your own
choice, or a personal photo)
“Big Picture” Appreciation!
{Insert some THANK YOUs here – to teammates, etc.!}
Index of Authors Slide #s Where Quotes Are Found
Adelle (or some other author)……… #, #, #
Gennep, Arnold van ………………… #, #, #
Horwitz, Tony (re. Capt. Cook)……… #, #, #
Homer (The Odyssey) ………………….#, #, #
Kouzes and Posner (6th ed.)…………. #, #, #, #, #,#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #,
#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #
Malala Yousafzi ………………………… #, #
Mauss, Marcell ………………………… #, #
{Other Amazing Author TBD}………… #, #
Varty, Boyd ……………………………... #, #
Woolf, Virginia ………………………… #, #
{Add other favorite authors to your presentation} …………… #, #

Cited” slide at the END of the Ppt. Add to that as you go forward.}
References (Works Cited)

{The list below is incomplete… so you will need to fill it out.}

Davis, Stephen (2021). Synopsis of Homer’s Odyssey. _________________________________________________

Gennep, _______ van (1925). The _________ Passage. London: Routledge.

Horowitz, Tony (2003). Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before. New York: Picador

Kouzes, James, & Barry P_____. (2017). The Leadership ____________________________________________________

Mauss, Marcel (19___). _____________Add a title, city, and publisher name__or URL___________________


References (Works Cited)

{An extra slide for even more citations…}

Final Project Submission:
Make sure you review
ALL of MODULE 7 (the final project module)
prior to submitting this 12 Week Plan for a final grade.

You will do GREAT!

Your work ethic, creativity, and attention to detail are

greatly appreciated!
Examples from recent OGL students:
Ideas for Weekly
Themes / Titles
(Examples from previous students’
projects – to be deleted asap…):

{Delete this slide before you submit your Module 1 draft. Also delete other “instructions” and “example” slides---keeping only the
media and text that YOU have selected for presentation within your Final Project.}

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