Docd Portion de Venecia
Docd Portion de Venecia
Docd Portion de Venecia
WHEREAS, the SELLER is offering for sale her rights, interests and
participation of the UNDIVIDED FIVE HUNDRED (500) PORTION of the
above-mentioned subject property for a total consideration of FIVE HUNDRED
THOUSAND PESOS (Php500,000.00), Philippine Currency, free from all liens
and encumbrances to any person interested the same;
WHEREAS the BUYER, hereby accept the offer of the SELLER and as
such hereby proposes the following terms and condition for the payment of the
consideration herein mentioned , to wit;
1. That the BUYER shall pay the amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND
PESOS (Php100,000.00) Philippine Currency, representing down payment
upon execution of this contract;
3. That the VENDEE hereby reserves the exclusive right to purchase the
aforementioned subject property and the VENDORS cannot offer the
aforementioned properties to any third party until all issues are settled;
BEFORE ME, notary public for and in the Province of Tarlac, this
_________, day of ___________, at Tarlac City, personally appeared the above
named persons known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
Deed of Conditional Sale, consisting of the two (2) pages, including this page
wherein this acknowledgement is written, signed, by the parties and their (2)
instrumental witnesses on each and every page thereof and they acknowledged
before me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
Doc. No. ______________;
Page No. _____________ ;
Book No. _____________ ;
Series of 2019;