3 Udl Lesson Plans

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Lesson Overview: Title: Civil War Author: Melissa Childs Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 7-8

Unit Description:In this unit, entitled The Civil War, students will begin to learn about how the people during the 1800 s lived, as the United States was at war against itself. In order for the students to be able to learn to their fullest, I will provide many different ways to present them with information and also provide many ways in which they can express what they have learned. This Civil War unit should take 5-6 class periods. The UDL approach used in this unit provides the following:

varied strategies and techniques to reach all students-Throughout the unit, I will be providing them with information through the textbook, slideshows, videos, and projects that they will be working on. multiple options to allow all students to be accessible to the information presented- They can either view the material on sheets that I hand out or they can look at it on the computers in the classroom motivating projects to allow each student to get involved in the learning process-They will be participating in a fun project that will hopefully motivate them to learn about the material flexible classroom management techniques that increase opportunities for all students-They will be working in groups, therefore they will be able to choose the tasks that are assigned to each person in the group.

Lesson Description of the Day: The students will form groups of 3 or 4. Within their groups, they will be assigned to talk about what life would have been like from the perspective of any single person during the time of the Civil War. They could choose a Confederate, a Union person, a black slave, or any other people that they came up with to talk about. After they choose which they want to do, they are to write a day in a journal as if they were actually that person. They will also have to make a drawing to show something about the person so that we will know who they are. After each group finishes, they will present their diary and drawing to the class. How Students will Convey Their Knowledge: Students will be able to convey their understanding through creating a journal through the eyes of a person in history. They will be able you use the computer to complete this assignment if they would prefer. Also, they will be able to show what they

are thinking through drawing a picture of the person that they are thinking about. Doing this allows them differing ways to show that they understand what is being taught to them. Co-teachers Roles: I would like the co-teachers to walk around the classroom and make sure that each student is being included in the project. Some of the groups may need help, and I would like the coteachers to be willing to help them out and also keeping an eye out for the students with disabilities, to make sure that they are able to understand and participate. Goals: 1. Students will understand what a day in the life of people from the time of the Civil War was truly like. 2. Students will be able to work together and form better social skills. 3. Students will be able to take what they learned previously and apply it to a real life project.

Lesson Overview: Title: Civil Rights Movement: Author: Melissa Childs Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 7-8

Unit Description: In this unit, The Civil Rights Movement, students will learn what it was like during the 1900 s, as the blacks in the United States, especially in the South. For the students to be able to learn their best, I will be showing them the information through multiple sources and differentiated techniques. The Civil Rights Movement Unit should take 3-4 class periods. The UDL approach used in this unit provides the following: -Presentational options to make information accessible to all students by using power point presentations on the smart board, verbally discussing the information, and by viewing video clips about the time period.

-Varied techniques for students to be provided the information and to work with their new knowledge by allowing them to discuss the information among themselves and as a class and also be given information in different ways. -Differentiated tasks for the students to complete to help them understand what things were really like during the Civil Rights Movement

Lesson Description of the Day: 1. For the first lesson in this unit, I will hand out KWL worksheets that allow them to communicate to me what they already know about the topic and also show me what they have learned after we complete the unit. The students will also be able to complete the worksheets on a word processor, instead of on the worksheet, if they prefer. 2. I will be showing the students a short video clip about Martin Luther King to peak their interest in the subject. This will also give the students a different way to gain information, rather than just reading or listening to me give them a lecture. 3. I will ask the students some of the ways that they can think of, from the reading that they have completed, about nonviolent ways that the civil rights activists tried in order to help their cause. I will write them all out on the board, and we will talk as a class about the effects that each one brought about. 4. I will use the smart board and go over a power point presentation for an overview of the Civil Rights Movement. This will allow them to gain the background information that they will need as they move on in the chapter. How Students will Convey Their Knowledge: Students will be filling out the KWL worksheets, which will allow me to see what they already know about the subject. Also, after we finish out the unit, they will be filling out the information that they have learned throughout the class. This will allow me to see what areas they have learned and still need help with. Also, I will be able to see through the answers that they come up with in class discussion, how much of the material they understand. I will also be giving a test at the end of the chapter that will allow me to see if they are retaining the information. Co-teachers will be available to read the test to any students that need it and they will also be able to take the test in a separate room with extra time if they prefer. Tests will also be available on the computer, if they would rather take it on there. Co-teachers Roles: Co-teachers will be able to help the students in filling out any worksheets that I hand out and help the students take notes as I present new information on the smart board. Co-teachers will also be there to help students as they are taking the test. They can either have the students taken to a separate room or read the test to them. Goals:

1. Students will understand what took place during the Civil Rights Movement, as blacks were gaining their freedom in the United States. 2. 3. form. Students will be forming social skills as we talk as a group within the classroom. Students will gain note-taking skills as I present new information to them in verbal and visual

Lesson Overview: Title: Geography of the World Author: Melissa Childs Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 7-8

Unit Description: In this unit, students will become familiar with different places around the world. They will be able to understand what it would be like to live in a different country somewhere throughout the world. I will allow them to work on projects to gain the understanding and to portray what they have learned in different ways. This unit should take 2-3 class periods. The UDL approach used in this unit provides the following: -Multiple options to allow students to gain the information by using the internet or books to find out what it would be like to live in a certain place -Varied strategies to reach all students- I will be allowing them to choose from two projects, which one they want to complete. This will let them pick the one that would be more interesting to them and using the skills that they have. -Motivating projects that allow the students to choose the task that they are completing and choose the countries that they decide to research. It will allow them to have their personal preferences included within the classroom. Lesson Description of the Day: The students will be presented with two projects that they can choose from.

1. They can create a travel brochure, in which they will be describing 4 areas that the student decides. For each area, they will provide the name of the place, the climate, languages, economics, foods, religions, and any other information that they find about each country. They will be able to be creative and decide which 4 places they would like to research. OR 2. They can create a short story, where they tell what a day in the life of a person living in a place that they choose is like. They will have to explain what a normal person in the place would do for work or what they would eat. They will be graded on how realistic their story is compared to real life. In order to complete this, the students will have to research what a specific country, of their choice, is like. These two projects will allow the students to choose a place or places that they would like to learn more about. Co-teachers Roles: I would like the co-teachers to be there for the students to ask any questions that they have. I want the co-teachers to make sure that the students are motivated and staying on task and also helping out if they need any help in the research process. Goals: 1. 2. 3. way. Students will understand what life is like in other countries throughout the world. Students will be able to use technology and other materials in order to research their topics. Students will be able to portray the information that they have learned in a new and different

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