Clinical Reasoning

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Identify: Good morning Doc, I am Twinkle Mae Egay, a student nurse. I would
like to endorse to you Patient Roberto Dutwenty, a 60-year-old white male
who presents to the emergency department on September 24, 2022
@ 9:00AM with acute onset shortness of breath.
Situation: The patient came in due to shortness of breath and wanting to
sleep. He does report difficulty breathing at rest, forgetfulness, mild fatigue,
feeling chilled requiring blankets, increased urinary frequency, incontinence,
and swelling in his bilateral lower extremities that is new onset and worsening.
Subsequently, he has not ambulated from bed for several days except to use
the restroom due to feeling weak, fatigued, and short of breath.
Background: Mr. Dutwenty had similar symptoms approximately 1 year ago
with an acute, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation
requiring hospitalization. He is positive for smoking tobacco use at 30
pack years. He quit smoking 2 years ago due to increasing shortness of
breath. He denies all alcohol and illegal drug use. Past medical history is
significant for coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction,
COPD, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus,
peripheral vascular disease, tobacco usage, and obesity. Past surgical history
is significant for an appendectomy, cardiac catheterization with stent
placement and nephrectomy. His current medications include Roflumilast 500
mcg PO q day (given at ED), DuoNeb 1 nebule inhaled q4 hr,
Spiriva Respimat: 5 mcg inhaled PO q day, budesonide 1 neb q6hr. He is on
IVF PNSS 1L @ KVO. O2 inhalation @ 8LPM was also initially given to the
patient via face mask. Spot check was routinely done. He was also given with
the following medications: hydralazine 50 mg by mouth, 3 times per
day, hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg by mouth daily, levothyroxine 175 mcg by
mouth daily, metformin 500 mg by mouth twice per day, nebivolol 5 mg by
mouth daily, aspirin 81 mg by mouth daily, vitamin D3 1000 units by mouth
daily, clopidogrel 75 mg by mouth daily, isosorbide mononitrate 60 mg
by mouth daily, and rosuvastatin 40 mg by mouth daily.His laboratory and
Radiological tests as of September 24, 2022, X-Ray
result reveals pneumonia, WBC at 14,000, RBC & platelets normal. Stool and
urine analyses are also normal.
Assessment: Patient’s Dutwenty’s vital signs  for the RR 26 bpm the patient is
tachypneic, T 38.2C he is also febrile, PR 110bpm he is also tachycardic, and
his SPO2 92% which is below the normal range, with irregular, shallow,
breathes through mouth, uses accessory muscle for breathing, unable to
breathe in supine position, audible breath sounds within few feet. Auscultation
reveals bilateral course crackles on lower lobes with decreased breath sounds
at posterior area. The patient is on IVF of PNSS 1L @ KVO and an O2
inhalation @ 8LPM was also initially given to the patient via face mask. 
Recommendation: Can we weigh the patient daily to monitor the swelling in
his bilateral lower extremities that is new onset and worsening. And is there
anything you need me to do or organize before you come to see the patient?

Clinical Reasoning (Ethico-Moral-Legal Considerations)

Nursing As a student nurse, I must first identify the values that may influence
Action and relate to Sir Roberto's decision. I will discuss the process to help
him decide, starting with examining the possible benefits and
consequences he will face whether he gets the influenza vaccine or
not, and making sure that he will understand the result. Moreover, I will
give him the will to choose freely without external influence to ensure
wise decisions, and we will verify the effects of the decision. A
conversion like this will depend on the nurse's responsibility and
relationship with clients. As student nurses, we have to explain
thoroughly to encourage them and make sure that it is reasonable or
proportionate in the client's understanding for it to be useful for the end
client, which may change his decision.

Ethical The ethical principle that needs to be upheld is the value of autonomy.
Principle Every client is unique and they have the right to choose their personal
Upheld goals, so we student nurses must treat clients with consideration as
long as it will not harm the client. Since many of the germs that cause
respiratory diseases are spread by droplets in their close contact, we
really must encourage Sir Roberto to get a vaccine to protect himself.
Next is the concept of beneficence, or doing good, such as
implementing actions that the client can benefit from, like encouraging
her and teaching him to read from reliable sources/studies, and
nonmaleficence, for not placing the client at risk of harm by giving her a
vaccine that can protect him.
C I am concerned with what my co nurses did. I noticed that they were not giving

Antibiotics on time.

U I am comfortable seeing them doing that. Giving antibiotics improperly might

Increase the chance of the client developing medicine -resistant bacteria

S This is a safety issues that needs to be addressed. Antibiotics need to be given on

Time so that the maximum affect circulates evenly over the course of the day and

To prevent the bacterium form defending itself and to guarantee that the illness

Caused by the bacteria is eliminated

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