Detailed Lesson Plan MAPE 7 Cooperation

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Detailed Lesson Plan

MAPE 5 – Non-Locomotor Movements

I. Objective

At the end of lesson the students will be able to

A. Identify the different Non -Locomotor Movements

B. Know the importance Of Non - Locomotor Movements

C. Execute the different Non - Locomotor Movement

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic : Non - Locomotor Movement

B. Reference : MAPEH textbook pages 254-263

C. Materials : Instructional Material and Pictures

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
-Good Morning Class -Good Morning teacher Norhanifa.
-OK! Kindly pick-up pieces of papers and arrange -finish Teacher James.
your chairs after.
-ok, please arise and may I request Mohaysin to - Recites the ( Surah al- Fatiha. (prayer)
lead the prayer. -AMEN


-kindly take your seats

-So, once again Good Morning class! -GOODMORNING teacher Norhanifa.

-How was your day? -were fine teacher.

-that’s good!

B. Motivation

-So, before we start our class today, who wants to -me teacher!
give an ice breaker?
-ok, so here is the mechanics-
- I’m going to show you some pictures and you
memorize it and then perform it. -yes Teacher Norhanifa.
-ok very good
-I will ask some questions and you will answer me
by what you understand in the picture, -yes Teacher!

-ok! Are you ready? -yes teacher!

Ok! First picture, this is the first thing to do before (thinking of words)
-very good group 3 -warm up

-question number 2, after you exercise what will -(thinking of words)

you do next? - Cool down!

-very good group 5 !

-ok, last exercise helps us to be what?

-FIT !
-very good group 1, I think we have a triple tie ,
So let’s break the tie.

-may I request group 1,3, and 5 and the rest you

may now take your seats

-ok, group 1,3 and 5 are you ready? -YES TEACHER !

-question, it is a 8 letter word that we perform for (thinking of words)

us to be fit? -EXERCISE!

-very good group 3 -thank you Teacher

C. Presentation

-so, class how was our game? -fun and enjoy Teacher
-very good

-so, our lesson for today is inclined with what we

do today

-our lesson is all about Non - Locomotor

-while you are answering the question earlier you -yes teacher!
move and think but still standing in your spot just
to form the word, right?

-so, it means, you are already performing Non - -ahh.

locomotor movements

D. Discussions

-first and foremost, what is non-locomotor? -(everybody is thinking)

-anyone? You Raihanie? -Non- locomotor is moving your body but your still
in the same place.
Thankyou teacher!

-very good Raihanie?

-ok! Non - Locomotor is moving your body without

changing your location to another.
-so, I have here some exercises to perform Non -
locomotor movements but before that there are
two basic locomotor movements.
-these are stretching, shaking, -stretching, shaking

-again, what are the two basic Non - locomotor


-very good -yes Teacher!

So class I have here four Non - locomotor
exercise variation
-so here are the steps, Rotate your right hands,
backward, and then clockwise and counter
clockwise, same with your right hand get it? -yes Teacher!
-very good
-next, jog in place but hands are moving upwards,
Get it?
-next variation is dodging.
-first, dodging side to side with arms at the back.
-second, wiggle forward and backward
-third, sway your hips side by side. -yes teacher!
-last is the jumping jack, understand?
-and our last variation is the shaking variation.
So class do you understand?

E. Formative check Moving your body without changing to another

-ok, again class, what is Non - locomotor?
-very good class! -jumping, walking, hoping and jogging

-so, how about the four basic movements? -walking variation, jumping variation, jogging
-very good class! variation, and hoping variations.

-how about the four variation?

-very good class so I think that you are ready on
our activity today.

F. Application -yes teacher.

-ok! Class I want you to find a group with 5

members and perform the four locomotor -yes teacher.
movements variations.
-ok I will give you 20 minutes to rehearse.
-times up are you ready to perform? Kindly write
Your group name and your members on a ¼ sheet
of paper.
-very good
-now lets start with the first presentor.
-very good
-next presentor.
-very good. -its enjoy and fun.
-last presentor. -I learn about the locomotor and its variation
-very good
G. Generalization
-so, class, how was our performance?
-very good -locomotor movements is important because it
-so, what did you learn for today’s lesson? helps us to be fit and help us to live a well being
Shiela olivar? life.
-very good
-now in your words, is locomotor movement
important? Andy?
-very good

-yes teacher
-done teacher

IV. Evaluation
-ok class get a ¼ sheet of paper we will have a quiz
-write your name, section and the date today
-number 1-4 what are the basic locomotor
-5-8, what are the four variations of locomotor
-9-10, for 2 points what is locomotor?
-finished or not hands up!
-pass it to the front
V. Assignment
-on a 1 whole sheet of paper, draw a picture of
yourself 5 years from now

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