Intro To Philo DLP wk6 Day4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., [email protected] (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

GRADES 1 to School Grade Level 11 Semester 1
12 DAILY Learning Introduction to the Philosophy
LESSON Area of the Human Person
PLAN Teaching Date and Time

A.Content Standards The learner understands the human person as an embodied spirit
The learner distinguishes his/her own limitations and possibilities for his/her

B.Performance Standards
Recognize own limitations and possibilities (PPT11/12-If-3.1)
1.Define externality and dignity
C. Learning Competencies/
2.Compare and contrast externality and dignity
3. Appreciate that humans have dignity and has the capacity to reach out and
interact with others and the world
II. CONTENT (Subject Matter/Lesson) Human Person as Embodied Spirit
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Teacher’s Manual by Roberto
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

D. Abella. P.13

2. Learner’s Materials
Not available
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Roberto D. Abella. p. 48-
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource portal
Pambungad sa Pilosopiya ng Tao by Geoffrey Guevarra, Introduction to the
B. Other Learning Resources
Philosophy of the human Person by Christine Carmela Ramos
The teacher reviews previous lesson by asking the following questions:.
1. What is self-determination?
A.Reviewing previous lesson or
2. What is free-will?
presenting the new lesson
3. What is consequence?
4. What is morality?

Imagine waking up one morning and finding that all people in your community

have disappeared. Your family, friends and all other persons are gone without
B.Establishing a purpose for the trace.
lesson 1. Can you imagine living in a place or world where there are no people?
2. Will you be able to provide for your needs now that you are alone?
3. How will you get your food and other things needed for survival?
4. Do you see yourself living normally now that you have no one to talk to?
C. Presenting Reflect on the relationships you have established ever since and ask the following
examples/instances of the questions:
new lesson 1. Can you say that you have grown as a person because you had
meaningful interactions with the people you met throughout your life?
2. Am I a person?
3. Do I value others?
4. Do I interact with others in meaningful ways?

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., [email protected] (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

5. Do I value others?
6. Do I interact with others in meaningful ways?
7. Do I value my relationship with others
The teacher discusses dignity by asking the students the following questions:
D. Discussing new 1. Are you a person with dignity?
concepts and practicing new 2. Do you recognize that others also have dignity?
skills #1 3. Do you uphold dignity in my thoughts and actions?

Let the students share in dyad their experience in reaching out or interacting with
people such as:
a. Family
b. Friends
c. Acquaintances
E.Discussing new concepts and
d. Neighbors
practicing skills #2
e. Strangers
How did you get along with the different people?
Do you easily interact with strangers?
Do you extend help to strangers or with just you family and friends only? Why?
Why not?
Divide the class into four groups. Choose a leader, secretary, and reporters.
Address one situation only and let the learners address the following situations.
a. Your classmates are teasing your cross-eyed classmate because they
find her funny-looking. How would you react?
b. Your friend confided in you that his girlfriend told him that she was
pregnant. He is asking your advice on what to do.
c. You discover that your 4 year old sister likes to draw and daydream. She
shows you drawing of a green flying elephant which she tells you is her
F.Developing mastery imaginary friend. What do you say to her?
d. Your teacher invites you to join him in an outreach program where you
will be spending the whole summer break helping impoverish
communities. Will you join? Why or why not?

The teacher discusses the following concept:

1.Externality-it is the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world.
2.Dignity-it is the innate right to be valued and respected

The student will make a generalization in two to three sentences what they learn
about the lesson.
G. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the Expected responses:
lesson 1. Externality-refers to the capability to reach out and interact with others
and the world.
2. Dignity-refers to the innate right to be valued and respected.
H. Finding practical Look for an article in the newspaper where persons with disabilities (PWD’s) are
applications of concepts and given opportunity to work in business establishment.
skills in daily living
I. Evaluating learning

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., [email protected] (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

In a half sheet of paper, cite 5 concrete examples for each of the following:
1. Externality
2. Dignity

J. Additional activities for Visit an orphanage or home for the aged during the weekend and share the things
application or remediation you have.

A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B.No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up w/ the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F.What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


DLP Writer

Reviewed by:


Content Editor Content Editor Language Editor

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., [email protected] (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte



“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing


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