Nanoparticles, Their Synthesis, Effects and Their Applications in Nanotechnology

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10 X October 2022
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue X Oct 2022- Available at

Nanoparticles, Their Synthesis, Effects and Their

Applications in Nanotechnology
Sushma J Ballal1, Yashwanth C1, Chethana BR1, Dr. Anuroopa2
PG Students, Department of Microbiology, Nrupatunga University, Government Science College, Bangalore-01, India
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Nrupatunga University, Government Science College, Bangalore-01, India

Abstract: Nanoparticles are defined as the particles at the scale measuring from 1-100 nanometers. Nanotechnology is embedded
in the operation of all miniscule particles measuring in factor of 10-9. These materials have a significant role in medicine,
pharmacy, biotechnology, environment and other fields. Nanoparticles are used as agents in drug and gene delivery for the
treatment of certain tumor and cancer treatment. However, nanoparticles are environmentally toxic and pose challenges to the
society with respect to their removal. This review would present a well refined knowledge of the nanoparticles, types, synthesis by
chemical and biological methods, with their applications. Along with them the review presents about the nanotechnology, the
fields it’s being utilized and techniques involved, and the recent updates in this evolving branch of science.
Keywords: Nanoparticles, nanotechnology, toxic, types, synthesis, chemical, biological method, applications, effects, recent

Understanding and maneuvering the particles at nano scale has its own applications, like in the field of medicine (Salata, 2004),
industries (Stark, 2014), agriculture, etc; There are many types of nanoparticles for example; gold, silver, copper, fluorescent
nanoparticles like cadmium containing quantum dots, fluorescent carbon nanoparticles (FCNPs) (Sanni, 2021) etc. Knowledge
of the various kinds of nanoparticles, their synthesis, also their applications will lead to appropriate use of them in various fields.
The techniques employed for the preparation are physical methods like laser ablation, evaporation-condensation etc.(Iravani,
2013), chemical methods like chemical reduction, solvothermal method, polyol process etc.,and biological methods makes use of
living biological systems to synthesize nanoparticles. This is called biogenic synthesis and is done from various bacteria, fungi,
algae, yeasts, actinomycetes, viruses and plants (Sastri, 2003).
The advancement in this field has brought various beneficial and harmful effects on the environment (Soares, 2021), micro-
organisms (Theivasanthi, 2011) and to human beings. Like the star clusters that build up the galaxies these nanoparticles build
up the nanotechnology where it is used as a prominent tool for diagnostics, in agriculture, in industries etc;Nanotechnology ideas
and concepts were first introduced by American physicist Richard Feyman. The invention of scanning tunneling microscope in 1981
led to the unfolding of the manipulation and control over the individual atoms.The tools and techniques involved and the recent
updates in this field, through this review can prove helpful in having a better understanding of nanoparticles and nanotechnology,
and its wide application.


1) Silver: Silver is known to be highly reflective and easy to work with, this nanoparticle can be synthesized biologically by
bacteria, plants, fungi and algae e.g. Spirulinaplatensis, Azadirachtaindica etc; (Iravani, 2013) or even by chemical and
physical methods. Due to its versatile applications in numerous fields like medicine, textile industries (Hasan, 2015) and
environmental applications (Vithiya, 2011) etc; their synthesis is considered to be on top in the list.
2) Gold: Gold, like silver, can be synthesized by biological, chemical, and physical methods (Rafiyabano, 2022). It is proven
that gold nanoparticles can increase shelf-life of food products in association with bacteriocins (Sulthana, 2020), and they
are also used in the field of microscopy (Dykman, 2011). Gold Nanoparticles have been used to combat Tuberculosis by
coating them on the outer membrane vesicles of Mycobacterium which mediated immune response (George, 2022)
3) Copper: Copper, due to its low cost, its synthesis is necessary and of high priority. Their antibacterial property against
pathogenic bacteria like Klebsiella pneumoniae (Chaudhary, 2019) makes it an important nanoparticle in the field of
medicine. They can be chemically synthesized by various techniques like reduction (khan and even biologically.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue X Oct 2022- Available at

4) Silica: Silica nanoparticles have great stability and pore size which makes them amicable for construction of composites and
drug delivery. They are synthesized by various green methods (Karande, 2021). Nano SiO2 induced model has shown its
value in the field of research in studying granulomas and fibrosis (Guan, 2022)
5) Fluorescent Nanoparticles: These particles emit specific wavelength of light upon exposure. They may be organic or inorganic,
amorphous or crystalline particles. There are of different types like semiconductor quantum dots (SQDs), fluorescent carbon
nanoparticles (FCNPs) and rare-earth doped nanoparticles etc; They are used in bacterial enhancement imaging, chemical
sensing, animal cellular tracing etc.(Farkkila, 2021).


A. Chemical Synthesis
This is basically a bottom up approach, where the atoms form clusters, resulting in the formation of nanoparticles (Abid, 2021).
Chemical synthesis is basically using certain chemicals to obtain a desired product.

There are various methods that have been developed to procure the desired nanoparticles:
1) Template / Surface Derivatized Methods: Using a pattern, like in this case it can be a soft template, where surfactants
(Fernandez, 2007) or organic molecules (Poolkkandy, 2020) are used and the next one is hard template where meso-
channels are filled (Hernandez, 2019) and these are made from porous solids like silica (Fernandez, 2007).
2) Chemical Reduction Method: Reduction itself gives us a clue of the usage of a reducing agent in this method like sodium
borohydride (NaBH4), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), ascorbate etc; used in AgNP synthesis. Primarily reduces the Ag+ ions
to Ag metal followed by cluster formation which is then stabilized by certain agents and the AgNP is obtained (Chugh,
3) Solvothermal Methods: There is a usage of surfactant agent that is added after the metals are thermally decomposed by boiling
or under high pressure (Fernandez-Garcia, 2007). Mainly used for ferrite and their corresponding composites (Shaikh,
4) Polyol Process: In this method a glycol solvent like ethylene glycol is used (Chugh, 2021) and upon several hours of
heating is needed to synthesize NPs. Semiconductor NPs, Metallic oxides, alloy NPs are synthesized using this method
(Bensebaa, 2012)
5) Tollen’s Method: This method is easy where there is usage of tollen’s reagent [Ag(NH3)2]+ , Ag+ as source and as a stabilizing
agent for the synthesis of AgNPs (Chugh, 2021). There has also been a hybrid technique that has come up where tollen’s
method is used in combination with phytochemicals using olive leaf extracts and rosemary leaf extracts to synthesize silver
nanoparticles (Abudalo, 2019).

B. Biological or Green Synthesis

This is also a bottom up approach of synthesis. As chemical synthesis involves usage of chemicals, few of them are hazardous; it
was more apt for the usage of biological organisms for the synthesis of nanoparticles for its more natural and has become more
attractive than other traditional methods.

There are two ways in this synthesis:

1) Extra Cellular Synthesis: Where the process of synthesis takes place outside the living cells. Cell biomass filtrate synthesis of
NPs (Hamida, 2021) cell-free, culture medium based synthesis of NPs.
2) Intracellular Synthesis: Mainly the production of NPs is inside the living cell as to the counterpart synthesis. This is more
complicated than the former synthesis as there can be errors or complications during this method but both are eco-friendly
3) Green Synthesis System: This involves the usage of the pigments, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates etc; for the NPs production.
Eg; pigments like C-phycoerythrin, carotenoid etc; are used in the NPs production (Hamida, 2021).

C. Living Organisms for NPs Synthesis

This involves using plants, fungi, bacteria, viruses (Kapoor, 2021), lichens (Hamida, 2021), actinomycetes, diatoms etc;
for NPs synthesis.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 279
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue X Oct 2022- Available at

The nanoparticles synthesized for these beings will possess the same property as the chemical or physically synthesized ones like
AMA, antioxidants and for characterization UV visible spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction etc;
are used (Baran, 2021) e.g.; Using virus, the quantum dots can be produced, this is used in DNA engineering & in
pharmaceutal industry, and marine microbes like Oscillatoriawillei are utilized for inorganic nanoparticle production (Kapoor,


The types and synthesis of nanoparticles can lead us into the next section of the review, regarding their effects that they can cause to
the environment, human beings and microorganisms.
The first thing to be considered is the source of nanoparticles. They can be stationary sources like coal, oil, and gas fired stationary
combustion sources (Biswas, 2005), mobile emissions like diesel, LPG, CNG Vehicles, occupational setting like industrial
processes, cleaning, disposal etc.

A. Effects on Human Health

These nanoparticles can get deposited in respiratory regions for e.g., Fine PM2.5 (Particulate Matter 2.5) particles leading to fatal
respiratory problems. (Biswas, 2005), Airborne nanoparticles have high mobility leading to their deposition in the alveolar
tissue causing adverse effects, like chronic bronchitis, the NPs like TiO2 can also induce aging (Wu et al, 2009), Translocation
occurs at the interstitial sites in the olfactory pathways and HT29 (Human colorectal adenocarcinoma) cells had reduced viability
due to AuNPs. (Sani et al, 2021)

B. Effects on Environment
The nanoparticles can get released into the environment from industries, waste management or from the other sources mentioned
They can get accumulated in the soil disrupting the soil enzymes like nitrate reductase, β- galactosidase etc. The research also
revealed that NPs oxidation lead to the ROS production in living cells.
There have toxic influences on plant physiology like lowering of transpiration rate, decline in the growth and development of the
zooplanktons and phytoplankton (Khanna et al, 2021).

C. Effects on Microorganisms
NPs have shown negative effects on the pure cultures of E.coli, Bacillus subtilis etc. (Khanna et al, 2021). There has been cell wall
damage in S.cerevisiae due to the exposure of ZnO NPs (Soares, 2021), there was even loss of membrane integrity and apoptic
cell death. CuO and Fe3O4 showed negative impact on soil microbial population in the exposed soil region (Khanna, 2021). The
ZnO and Ag NPs inhibit the natural gut microflora (Yoo, 2021).
There are not all harmful outcomes of NPs, they have helped mankind and there have been a lot of developments in the technology
and strategies like material substitution, sensor detection, process emission control etc; to overcome the above-mentioned problems.
There are devices or instrumentation to collect these NPs like Thermophoretic collection, Electrostatic collection, filtration etc.
(Biswas, 2005).

D. Nanotools
To recognize and understand the data we have in this field various tools and software. There have been various algorithms like
GTDWFE that is used for prediction; PARGT is a software that was created using R software and Python (Nahvi, 2022). This
helped in learning the potentiality of chemotherapy with nanotechnology efficacy.
There has been utilization of bacteriophages and whole virions for pathogenic bacterial detection for biosensors have been used as
the nanotools for diagnostics e.g., when T4 phage was seen successfully oriented on to the Au surface (biosensor) (Richter,
2018) (Paczesny, 2020) (Agnihotri, 2022).
There are even tools that is previously mentioned for characterization of the nanoparticles like UV-spectroscopy, TEM, SEM, AFM,
for the production of biofuel and bioenergy and numerous other fields (Nalluri, 2021) and there are a few lithography and
fabrication systems as well (Tinker, 2004).

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 280
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue X Oct 2022- Available at


There are numerous latest applications in this field that are generating and being found every single day in numerous fields.

A. Medicine
1) Using Proteusmirabilis which is a gram-negative bacterium, the silver nanoparticles synthesized from them are being used in
treatment of burn infections induced by bacteria like Klebsiellapneumoniae, Staphylococcusaureus etc. (Yasr, 2022).
2) Chitosan nanoparticles have proved to have good pharmaceutical properties and also help in stimulation of interferon synthesis
by macrophages to act against antiviral infections (Boroumand, 2021).
3) Hemophilusinfluenzae that causes numerous diseases and infections like septicemia, cellulitis, and meningitis can be detected
much early without time consuming by loop mediated isothermal amplification associated with nanoparticle-based lateral flow
biosensor assay (Cao, 2022).
4) Rapid detection of Brucellosis infection by biosensors with functionalized nanoparticles i.e., Nano biosensors have been
promising (Ahangari, 2021).
5) Copper oxide NPs synthesized from Streptomyces sp MHM38 has proven effective against Paracetamol - induced liver and
kidney damage and against Paracetamol-induced oxidative stress (Bukhari, 2021).

B. Agriculture
Metal Nanoparticle products obtained by green synthesis approach like Nano fertilizers, Nano pesticides, Nano fungicides have
shown increase in the productivity of yield (Bahrulolum, 2021).

C. Industrial Applications
1) Super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized by precipitation have been useful in drug delivery, magnetic imaging
and many more.
2) With the soluble nanoparticles and the robust template methods they have been beneficial in fuel cells and multiphase systems
(Stark, 2012) and solar panels (Mughal, 2021).
3) Organic nanoparticles (lipid, liposomes etc) are helpful in xenobiotics, essential oils production (Kutawa, 2021).
4) Carbon nanoparticles in the orthopedic implants, atomic force microscopes probe (Kutawa, 2021).

D. Miscellaneous
1) Antimicrobial activity: Biosynthesis of Copper NPs using a psychrophilic marine bacterium has shown AMA (antimicrobial
activity) according to the studies (John, 2021) proven beneficial to biomedical science. Copper NPs have shown similar
AMA property synthesized from ginger roots (Abbas, 2022) against E.coli and S.aureus. Similarly Silver NPs from
Lactobacillus gasseri bacteria (Jabbar, 2021).
2) There has been a study showing micropolar fluid having nanoparticles in coalesce with gyrotactic microorganisms of
microelements to understand the dynamics of hydromagnetic flow of the micropolar fluid which is beneficial in microbial
enhanced oil recovery by bioconvection (Koriko, 2022).
3) Silver and Copper NPs have shown a positive consequence in inhibiting biofilm formation by the Mastitis pathogens. (Lange, 2021) (Hussein, 2021).

There are a few companies like Alnis Bioscience, Inc., BASF, Immunicon, Nanosphere, Inc.,NanoPharm AG that commercializes
nanomaterials for bio and medical applications (Salata, 2004).

Even though Nanotechnology requires high intricate methods and proficient skills to handle and work with, their evolving
applications in heterogenous fields are worth the effort, but their risks should also to be kept in mind while using them. Although the
availability of raw products to produce the NPs are many, their processing and commercializing will take time and is not a layman’s
forte. Their types, synthesis, effects of NPs, tools and software used, applications can be a holistic view in comprehending them for
universal betterment with minimal consequences.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue X Oct 2022- Available at

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