Magnetic Effects of Alteration in Mineral-Systems

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The document discusses how hydrothermal alteration can create or destroy magnetic minerals in rocks, affecting magnetic signatures. It focuses on modeling magnetic properties of porphyry copper and IOCG deposits under different geological conditions.

Hydrothermal alteration can either create magnetic minerals like magnetite through processes like sodic and potassic alteration, or destroy them through hematite-forming alteration like sericitization. This impacts the overall magnetic susceptibility and remanence of the rock.

Some common alteration types discussed are sodic, sodic-calcic, sodic-potassic, potassic-calcic, and potassic alteration. They are characterized by mineral assemblages containing magnetite, hematite, albite, K-feldspar, epidote, calcite, chlorite and more.

Magnetic effects of alteration in mineral systems

David A. Clark[1]

1. CSIRO Manufacturing, Superconducting Systems and Devices Group, & CSIRO Mineral Resources


Magnetic anomaly patterns can be used as a tool for mapping lithology, metamorphic zones and hydrothermal alteration systems, as well
as identifying structures that may control passage of magmas or hydrothermal fluids associated with mineralization. Reliable geological
interpretation of mineralized systems requires an understanding of the magmatic, metamorphic and hydrothermal processes that create,
alter and destroy magnetic minerals in rocks. Predictive magnetic exploration models for porphyry copper and iron oxide copper-gold
(IOCG) deposits can be derived from standard geological models by integrating magnetic petrological principles with petrophysical data,
deposit descriptions, and modelling of observed magnetic signatures of these deposits. Even within a particular geological province, the
magnetic signatures of similar deposits may differ substantially, due to differences in the local geological setting. Searching for “look-
alike” signatures of a known deposit is likely to be unrewarding unless pertinent geological factors are taken into account. These factors
include the tectonic setting and magma type, composition and disposition of host rocks, depth of emplacement and post-emplacement
erosion level, depth of burial beneath younger cover, post-emplacement faulting and tilting, remanence effects contingent on ages of
intrusion and alteration, and metamorphism. Because the effects of these factors on magnetic signatures are reasonably well understood,
theoretical magnetic signatures appropriate for the local geological environment can qualitatively guide exploration and make
semiquantitative predictions of anomaly amplitudes and patterns. The predictive models also allow detectability of deposit signatures to be
assessed, for example when deposits are buried beneath a considerable thickness of nonmagnetic overburden, are covered by highly
magnetic heterogeneous volcanic rocks, or there is a strong regional magnetic gradient. This paper reviews the effects of hydrothermal
alteration on magnetic properties and magnetic signatures of porphyry copper and iron oxide copper-gold systems and presents examples
of predictive magnetic exploration models, and their predicted signatures, in various geological circumstances. This paper also presents a
list of criteria for interpreting magnetic surveys and magnetic petrophysical data, which are aimed at guiding exploration for porphyry,
epithermal and IOCG deposits.

amplitude magnetic anomaly patterns of the heterogeneously

INTRODUCTION magnetized unaltered volcanics.
Magnetic surveys rapidly provide cost-effective information on Readers are referred to Clark (1997) for a review of magnetic
the magnetization distribution of the Earth’s crust, at all scales petrophysics and principles of magnetic petrology. Clark (1999)
from local to global. In particular, aeromagnetics is the most discussed the magnetic petrology of igneous intrusions and
widely used geophysical method in hard rock mineral discussed implications for exploration. Clark (2014) published a
exploration from prospect to province scales. The anomaly comprehensive review of magnetic effects of alteration in
patterns revealed by such surveys can be used as a tool for porphyry copper and iron-oxide copper-gold (IOCG) systems.
mapping lithology, metamorphic zonation and hydrothermal Useful case histories of magnetic signatures of hydrothermal
alteration assemblages, as well as identifying structures that alteration effects include Criss and Champion (1984), Criss et al.
may control passage of magmas or hydrothermal fluids (1985), Lapointe et al. (1986), Allis (1990), Irvine and Smith
associated with mineralization. Magnetic anomalies can also (1990), Finn et al. (2001, 2002, 2007) and Airo (2002).
provide a direct indication of certain types of ore deposit or
mineralized system. A non-exhaustive list includes Kiruna-type MAGNETIC PETROLOGY OF IGNEOUS
magnetite-apatite deposits, iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG)
deposits, gold-rich porphyry copper deposits, magnetite and/or
pyrrhotite-bearing volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, MINERALIZATION
pyrrhotite-rich massive nickel sulfide deposits, and
diamondiferous kimberlite pipes. Significance of oxidation state
Magnetic signatures of mineralization are not always Igneous rocks associated with mineralized systems can be
associated with strongly magnetic sources, but can be indicated classified into four groups on the basis of the oxidation state:
by zones of anomalously weak magnetization. For example, strongly reduced, reduced, oxidized, or strongly oxidized
epithermal precious metal deposits hosted by mafic or (Champion and Heinemann, 1994). These categories can be
intermediate volcanic rocks are often associated with smooth determined on the basis of chemistry, if ferrous and ferric iron
magnetic lows, produced by magnetite-destructive alteration, contents are known, as shown in Figure 1, or mineralogy.
surrounded by the characteristic short wavelength, large

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-1

Figure 2. Range of CGS mass and volume susceptibities and
Figure 1. Classification of oxidation state of igneous rocks opaque mineral contents for granitoids associated with
on the basis of Fe2O3/FeO (both expressed as weight per porphyry Cu, granitoid-related Mo deposits and granitoid-
cent). Fields for strongly oxidized, oxidized, reduced and related Sn-W deposits (Gd = granodiorite, Tn = tonalite, G =
strongly reduced rocks are taken from Champion and granite, Qmd = quartz monzodiorite). (b) Proportions of
Heinemann (1994), following Ishihara et al. (1979) and mineral deposits, of a variety of commodities, that occur
Blevin and Chappell (1992). Strongly oxidized igneous within magnetite-series and ilmenite-series granitoid belts.
rocks contain magmatic magnetite + primary sphene  Hatched regions represent WFM magnetite-series granitoids.
hematite. Oxidized rocks contain (titano)magnetite  The mineral deposits are inferred to be genetically related to
ilmenite with high Fe3+ or high Mn. Reduced igneous rocks granitoids or to their associated volcanics. Pegmatite refers to
contain ilmenite without magnetite and strongly reduced stanniferous pegmatite deposits. SI volume susceptibility =
igneous rocks contain ilmenite, with low Fe3+ and Mn, plus CGS volume susceptibility (G/Oe)  4; mass susceptibility =
pyrrhotite, with no magnetite. volume susceptibility/density (after Ishihara, 1981).
Significant differences in magnetic susceptibility, at equivalent
degrees of differentiation, are found for mantle-derived (M- Influence of host rocks
type) intrusions, found typically in island arcs, and I-type The nature of the country rock is crucial in the case of magmatic-
granitoids in continental arcs. Intrusions associated with gold- hydrothermal skarn deposits, which develop in carbonate rocks
rich porphyry copper deposits are more oxidized than those that have been metamorphosed and metasomatized by the
associated with gold-poor porphyry copper deposits, and mineralizing intrusion. In most cases emplacement of the
accordingly contain more abundant igneous (titano)magnetite intrusion into non-carbonate rocks would not have resulted in
and produce greater quantities of hydrothermal magnetite economic mineralization. The review of Einaudi et al. (1981)
during early potassic alteration. Although primary magmatic contains much useful information relevant to magnetic petrology
hematite can also occur in association with magnetite, magmas of skarn deposits. Magnetite contents of magnesian skarns
that are sufficiently oxidized to precipitate abundant hematite, developed in dolomite are generally higher than those of calcic
with little or no magnetite, are unusual. An empirical skarns developed in limestone, because Fe-rich calc-silicates are
association between Au-rich (> 0.4 g/t) porphyry copper not stable in a high-Mg system. However both island arc-type
deposits and abundant magnetite in the potassic core has been calcic skarns (associated with gabbros and diorites in volcano-
documented by Sillitoe (1979, 1990, 1993, 1996) and con- sedimentary sequences) and Cordilleran-type magnesian skarns
firmed by many other workers. The corresponding magnetic (associated with quartz monzonites or granodiorites intruding
signatures also differ profoundly, with more prominent dolomites) have been mined for magnetite. Such deposits are
anomalies associated with gold-rich porphyry copper deposits evidently associated with very large magnetic anomalies.
than with gold-poor deposits. Clark (1999, 2014) has
extensively reviewed the association between oxidation state Cu skarns (mostly associated with epizonal quartz monzonite and
and metallogeny. granodiorite stocks in continental settings) are associated with
oxidized assemblages, including magnetite + haematite, with the
Studemeister (1983) pointed out that the redox state of iron in less common magnesian skarns exhibiting higher magnetite and
rocks is a useful indicator of hydrothermal alteration. Large lower sulfide contents than calcic skarns. Tungsten-bearing
volumes of fluid or high concentrations of exotic reactants, skarns (associated with mesozonal calc-alkaline quartz monzonite
such as hydrogen or oxygen, are required to shift Fe3+/Fe2+ to granodiorite intrusions) have a more reduced calc-silicate and
ratios. When reactions associated with large water/rock ratios opaque mineralogy than Cu-skarns, but typically contain minor
occur, the change in redox state of the rocks produces large magnetite and/or pyrrhotite and would therefore be expected to
changes in magnetic properties due to creation or destruction of exhibit a relatively weak, but nevertheless detectable, magnetic
ferromagnetic minerals. signature in most cases. Calcic Zn-Pb skarn deposits associated
with granodioritic to granitic magmatism and Mo skarns

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associated with felsic granites appear to contain relatively little Table 4 summarizes the differences between alteration
magnetite. Sn skarns are associated with reduced ilmenite- assemblages developed around porphyry copper deposits in
series granites and have relatively low sulfide contents. The mafic, felsic and carbonate host rocks.
skarns themselves contain magnetite  pyrrhotite and exhibit a
Intense epithermal-style alteration, whether low- or high-
substantially larger susceptibility than the paramagnetic granite
sulfidation, is invariably magnetite-destructive. The magnetic
and unaltered host rocks. Massive sulfide replacement tin
signature is strongly dependent on the host rocks. Epithermal
orebodies in dolomite (e.g. Renison and Cleveland deposits,
alteration systems hosted by magnetic volcanic rocks are
Tasmania) are rich in monoclinic pyrrhotite and have high
characterized by smooth, flat magnetic low zones within the
susceptibilities, with substantial remanent magnetization. This
overall busy magnetic texture. Similar systems within non-
type of orebody may represent the low temperature distal
magnetic sedimentary rocks have negligible magnetic expression.
analogue of magnesian Sn skarns.
High sulfidation systems may have a diffuse intrusion + alteration
Webster (1984) analyzed magnetic patterns over a number of high due to a deeper porphyry system within a few hundred
granitoids associated with tin mineralization in the Lachlan meters to a few kilometres of the deposit. This may be more
Fold Belt and contrasted these with unmineralized and Cu-Mo- prominent if post-formation faulting has brought the intrusion
W mineralized granitoids. The characteristic magnetic closer to the surface, or the porphyry and epithermal systems are
signature of granitoid-associated tin mineralization is: a telescoped by rapid uplift during formation.
granitoid with low magnetic relief, surrounded by a more
magnetic aureole, with significant magnetic anomalies PREDICTIVE MAGNETIC EXPLORATION
associated with the mineralization.
Wyborn and Heinrich (1993a,b) and Wyborn and Stuart-Smith Clark et al. (2004) developed the concept of predictive magnetic
(1993) have suggested that particular host rocks favour exploration models for porphyry copper, volcanic-hosted epi-
deposition of Au mineralization from oxidized fluids that thermal and IOCG deposits. Purucker and Clark (2011) presented
emanate from felsic granitoids and move up to 5 km from the some examples of these models. The predictive models are based
granitoid contact. Graphite-, sulfide- and magnetite-bearing on magnetic petrological principles, standard geological models,
lithologies are capable of reducing the fluids and depositing Au deposit descriptions, magnetic petrophysical data from deposits
and Cu, whereas Pb and Zn are preferentially deposited in and observed magnetic signatures. They are designed to predict
carbonate rocks. Au-only mineralization will preferentially be what the magnetic signatures of these deposits should look like in
deposited within graphite-bearing but magnetite- and sulfide- a variety of different geological settings, by taking into account
poor rocks, whereas magnetite and or iron sulfide-rich rocks the geological factors that control the magnetic signatures. These
tend to precipitate Cu and Au together. These relationships factors include the tectonic setting and magma type, composition
appear to have been observed in the eastern Mount Isa Inlier and disposition of host rocks, depth of emplacement and post-
and the Pine Creek Inlier. Thus a rock unit that is strongly emplacement erosion level, depth of burial beneath younger
magnetic, indicative of high magnetite content, may be a cover, post-emplacement faulting and tilting, remanence effects
favorable site for deposition of Au-Cu mineralization sourced contingent on ages of intrusion and alteration, and
from a nearby granitoid. metamorphism. Even within a particular geological province,
these factors may vary greatly and the magnetic signatures of
similar deposits may therefore differ substantially. Searching for
Alteration in porphyry copper systems
“look-alike” signatures of a known deposit is likely to be
The types of hydrothermal alteration that are important in unrewarding unless the local geological setting is taken into
porphyry copper systems and their magnetic effects are account.
summarized in Table 1. The magnetic mineralogy of the altered
rock depends on the abundance and composition of primary
magnetic minerals, their stability under the prevailing
Oxidized gold-rich porphyry copper model
hydrothermal conditions, and on the ability of the protolith to Phyllic alteration, argillic alteration and intense propylitic
create secondary magnetic minerals during reaction of the alteration associated with porphyry intrusions tend to destroy
hydrothermal fluid with the pre-existing mineralogy. For magnetite within the intrusion and in surrounding rocks. Weak to
example, mafic wall rocks have greater capacity to form moderate, but pervasive, propylitic alteration may leave most of
secondary magnetite during potassic alteration than do the magnetite in host rocks relatively unaffected. On the other
relatively iron-poor felsic rocks. hand, the potassic alteration zone associated with oxidized,
magnetic felsic intrusions is often magnetite-rich. This is
Alteration zoning patterns within carbonate wall rocks, which commonly observed for Au-rich porphyry copper systems
are highly reactive and acid-neutralising, differ profoundly (Sillitoe, 1979). Clark et al. (1992) presented a theoretical
from those in silicate wall rocks. Porphyry systems emplaced magnetic signature of an idealized gold-rich porphyry copper
into carbonate host rocks develop mineralogically and deposit, based on the Sillitoe (1979) model and magnetic
magnetically zoned skarns. Table 2 lists magnetic properties of petrological concepts. This model underwent further develop-
skarns inferred from these descriptions and Table 3 gives ment, incorporating petrophysical, geophysical and geological
estimated zonation of magnetic susceptibility inferred from data from well-characterized gold-rich porphyry copper deposits
reported modal mineralogy for a typical copper skarn. (Clark et al., 2004; Clark, 2014).

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-3

Figure 3 shows the geometry of an end-member gold-rich Figure 5 shows magnetic profiles over an uneroded gold-rich
porphyry copper model, with maximal development of porphyry copper model with a typical development of a biotite-
magnetite in the potassic zone, hosted by intermediate-mafic magnetite assemblage in the potassic alteration zone, for differing
oxidized igneous rocks (nominally “andesite”). In this case host rocks and erosion levels. For magnetic mafic-intermediate
there has been insufficient erosion to expose the deposit. The igneous host rocks (represented by andesite in Figure 3) the
top of the mineralization lies 500 m below the surface and the signature of the uneroded deposit is a magnetic low, reflecting the
only sign of the mineralized system at the surface is a patch of negative magnetization contrast between the large volume of the
propylitic alteration that could easily be overlooked or, if magnetite-destructive phyllic and propylitic zones and the
observed, assumed to be of little significance. Table 5 lists the surrounding magnetic unaltered rocks. As deeper levels of the
dimensions and susceptibilities incorporated into this model. system are exposed the signature gains a central high within an
annular low. For weakly magnetic felsic host rocks the effects of
The inner potassic zone is strongly mineralized and magnetite- magnetite-destructive alteration are less important and the
rich. It is surrounded by an outer potassic zone that contains signature for an eroded system is a broad high, reflecting the
less abundant, but still significant, magnetite. The inner deeply buried magnetic potassic core of the system. For an
potassic zone represents relatively intense development of uneroded system hosted by felsic rocks the signature is very weak
quartz-magnetite-K feldspar veins, whereas the outer potassic (amplitude 31 nT), as the most significant magnetization contrast
zone corresponds to biotite-K feldspar-quartz-magnetite corresponds to the deeply buried potassic core, which has lower
alteration. A shell of magnetite-destructive phyllic alteration magnetization than the corresponding zone in Figure 3.
with very low susceptibility envelops the potassic zones. At
upper levels this alteration may grade into intermediate argillic
and shallow advanced argillic alteration, but the magnetic
properties are equivalent for these alteration types and a single
shell is sufficient to model the effects. The phyllic zone is
surrounded by a zone of intense propylitic alteration, which is
partially magnetite-destructive, which passes out into weak
propylitic alteration and then into unaltered andesite. This
model is largely based on the Bajo de la Alumbrera deposit in
Argentina, which has a spectacular “archery target” magnetic
signature (Figure 4).

Figure 4. RTP magnetic anomaly pattern over the Bajo de la

Alumbrera Cu-Au porphyry deposit, Catamarca Province,
Figure 3. Alteration zonation model of a gold-rich Argentina, hosted by magnetic andesitic volcanics of the
porphyry copper system with maximal development of a Farallon Negro Formation. The central magnetic high is due
biotite-magnetite assemblage in the potassic zone. There is to the potassic (biotite-magnetite) core zone and the annular
no vertical exaggeration. Intense potassic alteration in the magnetic low is due to magnetite destruction within the
core of the deposit is shown in bright red, the surrounding surrounding phyllic zone. In the outer propylitic zone the
shells of less intense potassic, phyllic, intense propylitic and magnetic response gradually returns to the background level
moderate propylitic alteration are shown in purple, yellow, and to the busy texture associated with the andesitic host
dark green and light green respectively. The host rock rocks.
shown in blue represents magnetic mafic-intermediate
rocks (nominally andesite) belonging to an oxidized These models have been extended to include other geological
magmatic suite. The location of the calculated magnetic settings, including emplacement into different host rocks, or
profile over the uneroded deposit is indicated by the dashed along a contact between contrasting lithologies, post-emplace-
black line. The black horizontal lines indicate exposure ment tilting and faulting of deposits, different erosion levels, and
level of the system after removal of 250, 500, 750 and 1000 burial by younger overburden, all of which affect the predicted
m by erosion. signature (Clark et al., 2004; Clark, 2014). Models of other types

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-4

Figure 5. Theoretical RTP magnetic profiles over a gold-
rich porphyry copper model with a typical development of
a biotite-magnetite assemblage in the potassic alteration
zone, for differing host rocks and erosion levels. Profiles
were calculated as described in Figure 3. The inset shows
the low amplitude (30 nT) signature of the uneroded system
in felsic host rocks, which is not clearly visible at the scale
of the main plot.

of porphyry copper and epithermal gold deposit that have been

developed include high- and low-sulfur variants of the Lowell Figure 6. IOCG models hosted by an oxidized mafic lithology
and Guilbert (1970) quartz-monzonite model, models of (blue). Dimensions of the block models are 12.8 km  12.8 km
Chilean giant porphyry copper deposits with supergene  4 km. The other zones are: outer hematite halo (yellow),
blankets, reduced porphyry models, and high- and low- inner hematite halo (orange), hematite breccia (red), quartz-
sulfidation volcanic-hosted epithermal gold deposits. hematite core (light brown), potassic alteration (mid brown),
massive hematite (dark brown), deep sodic alteration (lemon
IOCG models yellow), discrete massive magnetite bodies (black). Top left:
Clark et al., (2004) developed a suite of predictive magnetic uneroded system; top right:after 400 m removed by erosion;
exploration models for IOCG deposits, some of which have bottom left: after vertical dip-slip fault has juxtaposed
been presented in Clark (2014). In a typical vertically zoned magnetite- and hematite-rich portions of system; bottom
IOCG system, magnetite-destructive, hematite-rich HSCC right: after tilting of system through 45°.
alteration dominates upper levels, whereas magnetite-rich faulting of the magnetite-rich deeper portion of the system
alteration dominates at depth. Thus the current erosion level (Figure 6, bottom left) results in strong signatures over this
determines whether the exposed or near-surface portions of the segment of the system, juxtaposed with more subdued anomalies
system are hematite-rich or magnetite-rich. Magnetite is also over the hematite-rich segment. This scenario is analogous to the
abundant peripheral to the upper hematite-rich zones. Prominent Hill, South Australia IOCG deposit, where the Cu-Au
The general zoning pattern inferred for IOCG deposits is mineralization occurs within a weakly magnetic massive hematite
shown in Figure 6 and Table 6 lists the characteristic zone that is outlined by a gravity high, separated by a fault from
mineralogy of the alteration zones. Magnetic properties of the the strongly magnetic and dense magnetite-rich zone that
zones are listed in Table 7. This pattern may be altered by represents an originally deeper portion of the system, prior to
tectonic tilting of the system or by faulting. Therefore the faulting (Belperio et al., 2007). Juxtaposed hematite-rich and
magnetic and gravity signatures of IOCG deposits should magnetite-rich segments of an IOCG system can also result from
generally reflect superposed or juxtaposed gravity and tectonic tilting (Figure 6, bottom right) with a predicted signature
magnetic anomalies. Positive gravity anomalies arise from both shown in Figure 7 (bottom right).
magnetite-rich and hematite-rich zones, whereas the deeper, The predictive models provide insights into the highly variable
peripheral, or adjacent magnetic sources correspond to the magnetic signatures of known IOCG deposits, their varying
magnetite-rich zones. relationships to the associated gravity anomalies, and the
Figure 7 shows images and contour maps of predicted RTP dependence of the potential field signatures on the geological
signatures of IOCG systems. Uneroded systems produce history of each deposit. Overall the magnetic sources of
substantial magnetic anomalies whether developed within anomalies associated with IOCG deposits tend be deeper and
mafic or felsic host rocks, due to high concentrations of iron more laterally extensive than the gravity sources.
oxides, associated with strong Fe metasomatism, over large
volumes. Magnetic signatures are predicted to be stronger for CONCLUSIONS – EXPLORATION CRITERIA
more mafic systems and amplitudes also increase substantially
AMIRA International project P700 developed exploration criteria
if deeper levels of the system are exposed by erosion. Up-
for porphyry, epithermal and IOCG deposits, based on
petrophysical and geophysical case studies and on insights gained

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-5

from model studies (Clark et al., 2004). These exploration  Anorogenic settings, e.g. failed continental rifts and
guidelines are summarized below. passive Atlantic-type continental margins, are
favourable for IOCG deposits, particularly of
Precambrian age. Buried terrains with this character
may be recognizable from linear rift-parallel regional
gravity and magnetic highs along the ancient
continental margin, with a quiet magnetic zone
outboard of the regional highs and relatively busy
magnetic patterns inboard of the margin.
 Bimodal magmatism associated with anorogenic
settings is characterized by contrasting highly magnetic
and weakly magnetic intrusions, which are often
evident in regional magnetic and gravity data.

Indicators of favourable structures

 At a regional scale major structures that control the
emplacement of mineralizing or heat-engine magmas,
or channel flow of crustal fluids, are often evident in
suitably processed gravity and magnetic data sets.
These features may also be visible in satellite imagery.
Intersections of lineaments appear to be particularly
favourable for IOCG mineralization.
 Structural controls at a range of scales, from province to
Figure 7. Predicted magnetic signatures of IOCG systems prospect scale, may be evident in detailed magnetic
depicted in Figure 6. Top left: uneroded system hosted by data. Intersections of such lineaments appear to be
moderately magnetic oxidized felsic rocks (contour interval favourable for porphyry and/or epithermal
200 nT); top right: uneroded system hosted by oxidized mineralization.
magnetic mafic rocks (contour interval 200 nT); bottom  Identification of favourable orientations of structures
left: faulted system hosted within mafic rocks (contour may be possible if senses of movement, block rotations
interval 600 nT); system hosted by mafic rocks, tilted 45° etc. are known. Anomaly offsets and abrupt changes of
(contour interval 500 nT). Dimensions of the magnetic trend in magnetic images can help to define tectonic
images are 12.8 km  12.8 km. movements. Paleomagnetic studies can also be useful
for defining rotations and tilting within and around
Indicators of tectonic setting deposits.
 In areas of extensive cover, regional potential field
data sets, supplemented by seismic, magnetotelluric Indicators of fractional crystallisation
or other deep-penetrating methods, may be useful for  At a semi-regional scale, zoned plutons, with
delineating favorable geological environments for correspondingly zoned magnetic properties, densities
ore deposits of particular types. and radioelement concentrations, are indicative of
fractional crystallisation and suggest potential for
 Subduction-related magmatic arcs are favorable
development of magmatic-hydrothermal systems.
settings for porphyry, epithermal and some, generally
younger, IOCG deposits. These areas are  Multiple/nested intrusions, with a substantial range of
characterized by linear parallel belts of gravity and magnetic properties, densities and radioelement
magnetic highs and lows. contents, particularly when there are geophysical
indications of an underlying magma chamber , are also
 Magnetic high zones correspond to belts of
favourable indicators of fractional crystallisation.
magnetite-series granitoids and are most favourable
for porphyry Cu, Cu-Au, and Cu-Mo deposits, HS  Well-developed contact aureoles are indicative of
and LS epithermal deposits and IOCG deposits. emplacement of high-temperature, melt-rich magma
capable of undergoing substantial fractional
 Magnetic low belts may correspond to sedimentary
basins (e.g. back arc basins), which can be
recognized from their gravity lows, or to belts of  Strong contact aureole effects produce substantial
reduced, ilmenite-series granitoids, which are mineralogical changes in the metamorphosed and
prospective for Sn and also for intrusive-related Au metasomatized host rocks, often with pronounced
and reduced porphyry Au-(Cu) deposits. changes in magnetic susceptibility (particularly
increased susceptibility due to creation of secondary
magnetite and/or pyrrhotite).

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-6

 Strong remanent magnetization of contact aureoles is Use of predictive models to prioritise targets
diagnostic of high temperature emplacement or  The predictive exploration models can assist
substantial metasomatism. recognition of deposit signatures that are appropriate
for the local geological setting. Predicted signatures
Understanding effects of primary composition and vary greatly depending on the deposit type, the host
alteration on magnetic properties rocks, post-formation faulting or tilting and so on.
 Understanding the effects of protolith composition  Predictive models can also be used to assess the
and alteration type on magnetic properties is crucial detectability of particular types of deposit in the local
for evaluating magnetic signatures of hydrothermal geological setting. For example, an intact gold-rich
systems. Cu-Au is associated with more magnetic porphyry copper deposit buried beneath 100 m of
magmatic-hydrothermal systems than Cu-Mo; W- magnetic volcanics should be detectable in most cases,
Mo-Bi and Au in tin provinces is much less whereas a typical giant porphyry copper of the Chilean
magnetic. In oxidized Au-bearing systems, Au Andes would be difficult to detect beneath such cover,
mineralization is often associated with the felsic end although it should be visible beneath sedimentary
of magmatic evolution and is then associated locally overburden, provided it is emplaced into fairly
with a weaker magnetic character and higher magnetic rocks.
radioelement contents.
 The observed signatures depend not only on the local
 Strong alteration zoning of magnetic character is geological environment, but on local to semi-regional
favourable: early potassic alteration, particularly of geomagnetic field gradients, which can distort the
mafic protoliths, is often magnetite-rich, contrasting signatures substantially. Calculated grids generated for
strongly with phyllic overprinting, which is each model can be used to study the effects of
magnetite-destructive. Large zones of contrasting geomagnetic field distortion and aid recognition of
intense alteration suggest development and distorted signatures.
preservation of a mature hydrothermal system.
Other considerations
Superposed or Juxtaposed Gravity and Magnetic
 Although magnetics can be a very useful tool for
locating prospective hydrothermal systems, location of
 Iron oxide copper-gold deposits occur within Fe- ore zones within the system often requires alternative
metasomatic systems that are typically zoned from methods. Electrical and, in some cases, electromagnetic
magnetite-dominant to hematite-dominant. methods, are generally more sensitive to sulfide-rich
 The primary zonation is usually from magnetite-
dominant at depth to hematite-dominant at shallower  An empirical tendency for remanent magnetic
levels, producing magnetic and gravity highs that are signatures to be more common in mineralized intrusive
superposed not simply coincident, i.e. detailed systems than barren systems is suggested by case
analysis of the anomalies should reveal that the studies.
magnetic source is deeper than the gravity source.
 Subtle alteration zoning of magnetic mineralogy may
 Tilting or faulting of an IOCG deposit may juxtapose be detectable paleomagnetically. For example the host
the magnetite-dominant and hematite-dominant rocks to the Mount Leyshon Au deposit in Queensland
zones, producing juxtaposed gravity and magnetic carry syn-mineralization overprints that are detectable
anomalies well beyond the zone of visible alteration and are zoned
from proximal magnetite to distal hematite (Clark and
 Even without tilting or faulting, magnetite-enhanced
Lackie, 2003).
alteration often occurs peripheral to hematite-
dominant systems. This again will produce
juxtaposed, rather than coincident, magnetic and REFERENCES
gravity anomalies. Airo, M. L., 2002, Aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric response to
 Hematite-rich deposits that have undergone high- hydrothermal alteration: Surveys in Geophysics, 23(4), 273-302.
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Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-9

Table 4. Porphyry copper deposits: equivalent alteration stages/differing host rocks (Beane, 1994)

Stage Quartz Monzonite Diorite Limestone

Early K-feldspar + biotite + pyrite + Biotite + KF + albite + epidote + Garnet + pyroxene

magnetite or hematite magnetite

Copper mineralization KF + chlorite + sericite + pyrite  Chlorite + epidote + pyrite + Actinolite + epidote + pyrite +
hematite magnetite magnetite

Late Sericite + pyrite Chlorite + anhydrite + pyrite + Quartz + pyrite

hematite + ?zeolite

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-10

Table 1. Characteristic Mineral Assemblages of the Main Alteration Types in Porphyry Systems and Associated Magnetic Properties
Early magnetite  amphibole  Quartz-magnetite  amphibole  plagioclase, sulfide-poor veins; Fe-metasomatism (Clark and Arancibia, 1995) [abundant
plagioclase veins (M veins) multidomain magnetite created: high k, Q < 1]
Potassic (K-silicate) K-feldspar and/or biotite, plus one or more of: sericite, chlorite and quartz (e.g. in the interior zone of porphyry copper deposits)
[Usually magnetite-producing (increased k, Q < 1): up to 5 vol % in mafic/intermediate rocks (e.g. gold-rich porphyry copper
deposits); minor magnetite addition in felsic rocks; often associated with early quartz-magnetite-(amphibole) veins. Sometimes
magnetite-destructive in high sulfidation systems.]
Phyllic (Sericitic) Quartz-sericite-pyrite-chlorite (e.g. in large halos around porphyry copper deposits) [Magnetite-destructive (pyrite + hematite
produced); decreased k]

Intermediate Argillic Smectite and kaolinite, commonly replacing plagioclase (e.g. variably developed zone outside sericitic zone in some porphyry
coppers) [magnetite-destructive; decreased k]
Propylitic Albite (or K-feldspar in potassic rocks), chlorite and epidote group minerals; with only minor change in bulk composition (e.g.
outermost alteration zone of porphyry copper deposits) [strong: Partially to totally magnetite-destructive (Fe in pyrite, hematite,
epidote, chlorite, actinolite), decreased k] [weak: magnetite stable, k unchanged]
Albitic Na-rich plagioclase + epidote and other propylitic minerals; with substantial addition of Na [magnetite-destructive, decreased k]
Sodic-calcic Sodic feldspar and epidote  actinolite  chlorite (e.g. adjacent to intrusion at depth, beneath certain porphyry copper deposits)
[magnetite-destructive, decreased k]
Advanced Argillic Quartz plus one or more of: kaolinite, dickite, pyrophyllite, diaspore, pyrite, alunite, zunyite, topaz (e.g. in epithermal systems that
may overlie porphyry systems) [magnetite-destructive, decreased k]
Carbonate Calcite, dolomite, ankerite, siderite plus sericite, pyrite and/or albite [partially magnetite-destructive, decreased k]
Skarn Ca and Mg silicates (limestone protolith: andradite and grossular, wollastonite, epidote, idocrase, chlorite, actinolite; dolostone
protolith: forsterite, serpentine, talc, brucite, tremolite, chlorite) [see Tables 3 and 4]
Supergene oxidation Alunite, allophane, jarosite, Fe oxides, sulfates [magnetite- and pyrrhotite-destructive; hematite and goethite produced; decreased k]

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-11

Table 2. Typical magnetic properties of skarns

LITHOLOGY Av. k  SE (10-3 SI) Bz (nT)* Average NRM  SE [Range] (A/m)
[Range] Average Q  SE [Range]

Oxidized Magnetite Skarn† 650  160 16,250  4000 J = 50  20 [0.3 – 210]

[120 - 2000] [3000 - 50,000] Q = 1.4  0.4 [0.05 – 4.5]

Reduced Pyrrhotite Skarn† 52 125  50 J = 14  8 [1 – 34]

[1 - 8] [25 – 200] Q = 16  4 [8 – 25]
Reduced pyroxene  garnet† skarn (mt rare or absent) 1.1  0.2 28  5 J < 0.02
[0.1 - 2] [2.5 – 50] Q << 1
Calcic Fe (Cu, Co, Au) skarn‡ 2000 50,000 J : [5 – 300]
( mafic intrusion; island arc or rifted continental margin) [1200 - 3500] [30,000 – 175,000] Q ~ 1 [0.1 – 5]
Magnesian Fe (Cu, Zn) skarn‡ 2000 100,000 J : [5 – 220]
(felsic intrusion; continental margin) [1200 – 2700] [60,000 – 87,500] Q ~ 1 [0.1 – 5]
Calcic Cu (Mo, W, Zn) skarn - proximal‡ [30 - 400] [750 – 10,000] J: [ 1 – 50]
(Grd-Qmz; continental margin) Q ~ 1.5 [0.1 – 5]
Magnesian Cu (Mo, W, Zn) skarn‡ [800 -1700] [20,000 – 42,500] J: [ 5 – 100]
(Grd-Qmz; continental margin) Q ~ 1.5 [0.1 – 5]

*Bz is the maximum associated magnetic anomaly (steep field, non-magnetic country rocks, diameter >> depth below sensor,
great depth extent), calculated from total magnetization for case where remanence is parallel to induced magnetization. The
effective susceptibility is therefore taken to be k(1+Q). †Averages from P700 Database and from CSIRO Catalogue of Magnetic Properties (Clark, 1988). ‡Inferred
values from data in Einaudi et al. (1981).

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-12

Table 3. Zonation of mineralogy and magnetic properties of a typical copper skarn (deep skarn, Carr Fork mine, Bingham Mining District, Utah)

Distance from GANGUE SULFIDES Cu (wt %) Magnetite k* (10-3 SI)

ZONE intrusive contact (m) (vol %)

Bingham stock > 100 qtz, Kfsp, bio cp, bn, py 0.65 (shallow) 0.1 –1 3.5 – 35
(potassic zone) < 0.1 (deep)

Endoskarn (Bingham < 100 act, ep (0.5 vol %) < 0.1 ~ 0.1 ~ 3.5
stock) mb > cp
Proximal exoskarn 0-50 and > di, cal, qtz, (1-2 vol %) ~0.2 1-2 35 - 70
cp, (bn)
Exoskarn 50 – 100 and (2-5 vol %) ~ 0.6 2-5 70 - 180
cp > py
Exoskarn 100 – 300 and >> di (15 vol %) ~8 5 – 10 180 - 380
cp  py
Exoskarn 300 - 350 and  di (5 vol %) ~ 0.5 2 70
cp:py = 0.2
Exoskarn 350 – 400 wo (gar, di) (1 vol %) ~ 0.5 < 0.1 < 3.5
bn, cp, sph, (py)
Distal exoskarn 400 - 600 wo-di-qtz; wo-cal; (0.5 vol %) < 0.5 < 0.1 < 3.5
marble bn, cp, sph, gal
Marble, limestone > 600 cal, marble (< 0.1 vol %) 0 0 0
(sph, gal, py)

Ore zone (~120-600 m from contact) average grades: ~2.3 % Cu, 0.6 g/t Au, 12 g/t Ag, 0.03 % Mo.
Mineralogical and chemical data from Einaudi (1982).
*Susceptibilities calculated using equation (3) from petrographically estimated modal magnetite contents.

Table 5. Dimensions and susceptibilities of zones comprising the gold-rich porphyry copper model with maximal development of a magnetite-rich potassic core
Zone Diameter* (m) Width* (m) Depth extent (m) Susceptibility (SI)
Inner potassic 360 360 2400 0.351

Outer potassic 600 120 2500 0.173

Phyllic 1000 200 3000 0.003

Strong propylitic 1200 100 3000 0.007

Weak propylitic 1500 150 3000 0.027
Andesite/Basalt/ Very large Very large 3000 0.043

* Diameters and widths of zones are maxima (at a depth 2000 m below the top of the phyllic zone for the propylitic and phyllic zones, and 1000 m below the top of the phyllic
zone for the potassic zones).

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-13

Table 6. Characteristic Mineral Assemblages of the Main Alteration Types in IOCG Systems
Sodic extensive albitisation of host rocks, accompanied by magnetite  scapolite  chlorite  actinolite  hematite [abundant multidomain
magnetite created: high k, Q < 1]
Sodic-calcic plagioclase-magnetite-epidote-calcite-sphene  scapolite chlorite  actinolite  garnet  hematite
[abundant multidomain magnetite created: high k, Q < 1]
Sodic-potassic albite-K feldspar-magnetite-quartz  sericite  biotite  hematite  chlorite  actinolite
[abundant multidomain magnetite created: high k, Q < 1]
Potassic-calcic K feldspar-biotite-magnetite-epidote-calcite-sphene  chlorite  actinolite  garnet  hematite
[abundant multidomain magnetite created: high k, Q < 1]
Potassic K feldspar-sericite-magnetite-quartz  biotite  hematite  chlorite  actinolite
[abundant multidomain magnetite created: high k, Q < 1]
Sericite-hematite (HSCC, argillic, sericite-hematite-chlorite-carbonate  quartz
hydrolitic) [abundant multidomain hematite created: low k; Q < 1, unless high-grade metamorphosed]

Table 7. Typical magnetic properties and densities of IOCG-style alteration systems (low metamorphic grade)
ZONE Vol. % magnetite Vol. % hematite Calculated susceptibility* Calculated Density
(10-3 SI) (kg/m3)
Felsic Host 0.15 0 5.2 2650
Outer hematite halo - upper (HSCC) zone 0.2 2 7.7 2710
Inner hematite halo - upper (HSCC) zone 2 4 72 2800
Hematite breccia - upper (HSCC) zone 1 36 49 3590
Hematite-quartz breccia - upper (HSCC) zone 0 37 15 3590
Massive hematite lens 0 60 24 4180
Potassic/Potassic-calcic/sodic/sodic-calcic deep zones 3.5 0 124 2740
Massive magnetite lens 60 0 4110 4180

Mt-rich Mafic Host 5.2 0 187 3000

Outer hematite halo - upper (HSCC) zone 2 5 72 3040
Inner hematite halo - upper (HSCC) zone 2 9 74 3140
Hematite breccia - upper (HSCC) zone 1 41 51 3810
(G = 2800)
Hematite-quartz breccia - upper (HSCC) zone 0 42 17 3810
(G = 2800)
Massive hematite lens 0 60 24 4240
(G = 2800)
Potassic/Potassic-calcic/sodic/sodic-calcic deep zones 8.5 0 315 3080

Massive magnetite lens 60 0 4110 4270

* Susceptibility calculated from magnetite and hematite contents, using equation (3).
G = assumed gangue density (2650 kg/m3 for felsic host; 2880 kg/m3 for mafic host, except where sericitic alteration is dominant). Density is calculated as
 = GANGUE + (OXIDES  GANGUE)(fMT + fHM), where OXIDES = 5200 kg/m3.

Exploration '17 Petrophysics Workshop: 10-14

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