Sulfide Saturation in Mafic Magmas: Is External Sulfur Required For Magmatic Ni-Cu - (PGE) Ore Genesis?

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2013 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

Economic Geology, v. 108, pp. 4558

Sulfide Saturation in Mafic Magmas: Is External Sulfur Required for

Magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) Ore Genesis?
Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405

The importance of externally derived sulfur in the genesis of sulfide-rich, magmatic Ni-Cu-(platinum group
element [PGE]) deposits remains a key, yet unresolved, issue. Calculations utilizing a variety of mafic magma
types indicate that, in general, sulfide saturation by fractional crystallization occurs after Ni has been depleted
due to olivine crystallization. Cu- and PGE-rich layers may form during relatively later stages of closed-system
crystallization, but unless the collection of the cotectic proportion of immiscible sulfide is extremely efficient,
the mass of sulfide is too small to produce an economic deposit. We show that there are numerous processes
that may lead to early sulfide saturation in mafic/ultramafic magmas. Contamination of mantle-derived mag-
mas by siliceous country rocks or their partial melts will lower the sulfur content needed to induce sulfide liq-
uid saturation, typically by amounts ranging from 200 to 700 ppm. The mixing of magmas, particularly if the
result is to lower the liquidus temperature of the mixed magma, may also lower the sulfur content needed to
attain sulfide saturation by similar amounts. An increase in magma fO2 related to the addition of volatiles such
as H2O and CO2 is less effective in decreasing the sulfur concentration needed to achieve sulfide liquid satu-
ration. Contamination processes that lead to an increase in the activity of SiO2 in the melt, and hence may pro-
mote orthopyroxene rather than olivine crystallization, aid in generating relative Ni enrichment in remaining
liquid as a result of the lower DNi (mineral melt) value of orthopyroxene relative to olivine. Although conta-
mination and magma mixing may produce early sulfide saturation without the addition of externally derived
sulfur, Ni-rich sulfide deposits can form in such cases only from large-volume, open systems, where the effi-
ciency of sulfide collection is high. No matter what the liquidus minerals may be, without the addition of coun-
try rock-derived sulfur, the mass of sulfide necessary to generate economic Ni-Cu-(PGE) concentrations
requires efficient sulfide collection from large, but not necessarily unrealistic, volumes of magma. Small
deposits (430 Mt of sulfide) may form from the collection of cotectic proportions of sulfide from less than 50
km3 of magma. Larger deposits such as those at Norilsk could involve more than 200 km3 of magma; this vol-
ume of magma is not unreasonable, particularly in rift/plume-related settings. Despite such possibilities, sulfur
isotope data clearly indicate that externally derived sulfur has been involved in the formation of many large de-
posits, and that collection of mantle-derived sulfide in sufficient quantities to produce orebodies is a rare
process. We propose that magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide ore formation normally requires significant sulfide
supersaturation, and that the addition of sulfur derived from xenoliths is the most viable mechanism for pro-
ducing sulfide well above the cotectic proportion in mafic/ultramafic magmas.

Introduction crystallization or the introduction of external sulfur must

THE ATTAINMENT of sulfide saturation of a magma and the occur. The experimental data on sulfide and sulfate solubility
separation of immiscible sulfide liquid, together with the in mafic magmas that are now available can be used to illus-
presence of an appropriate physical environment for the col- trate that several processes of contamination of mafic magma,
lection and concentration of the metal-rich sulfide liquid, are or mixing of magma types, can lead to the saturation of a
key ingredients for the formation of magmatic Ni-Cu-(plat- mafic magma with sulfide or sulfate liquid. However, one of
inum group element [PGE]) deposits. Experimental studies the major questions still posed with respect to magmatic Ni-
of the solubility of sulfur in mafic magmas (e.g., Haughton et Cu-(PGE) ore deposition is if externally derived sulfur is an es-
al., 1974; Shima and Naldrett, 1975; Buchanan and Nolan, sential ingredient in the process. Recent articles illustrate the
1979; Danckworth et al., 1979; Wendlandt, 1982; Mavrogenes strongly contrasting points of view. For example, Keays and
and ONeill, 1999; Holzheid and Grove, 2002; ONeill and Lightfoot (2010) state that crustal sulfur must be added to
Mavrogenes, 2002; Clemente et al., 2004; Jugo et al., 2005; mantle-derived magmas to promote ore genesis, whereas Seat
Scaillet and Macdonald, 2006; Liu et al., 2007; Moune et al., et al. (2009) provide evidence from the Nebo-Babel deposit
2009) have shown that several processes can lead to the at- that mantle S can be sufficient to promote ore formation.
tainment of sulfide saturation in a mafic magma. Mavrogenes The only process for the attainment of sulfide saturation in
and ONeill (1999) showed that the solubility of sulfide in a a mafic magma that does not require some type of interaction
mafic magma increases with decreasing pressure, and there- with country rocks, or mixing of magmas, is fractional crystal-
fore concluded that mafic magmas that are emplaced at rela- lization. The increase in S concentration of a melt as a result
tively shallow depths are unlikely to be sulfide saturated. of crystallization of olivine, pyroxene, feldspar, etc., may lead
They noted that, in order for sulfide saturation to be achieved to the separation of what is known as cotectic proportions of
in the low-pressure environment, either extensive fractional sulfide liquid. Sulfide-poor but PGE-enriched layers such as
that found in the Sonju Lake intrusion (e.g., Miller, 1999; Park
Corresponding author: e-mail, [email protected] et al., 2004) are thought to result from fractional crystallization
Submitted: February 27, 2012
0361-0128/13/4082/45-14 45 Accepted: May 16, 2012

of a tholeiitic melt. Tao et al. (2007) proposed that sulfide sat- 1987; Lee and Ripley, 1995; Arcuri et al., 1998; Ripley et al.,
uration was achieved due to olivine and chromite crystalliza- 2007), Voiseys Bay (Ripley et al., 1999, 2002), Uitkomst (Li et
tion in magma that gave rise to PGE-enriched disseminated al., 2002), and the recent discoveries of Kabanga in southern
sulfide zones in the Jinbaoshan intrusion in China. Africa (Maier et al., 2011). In fact, it is often the absence of
Most, but perhaps not all, of the worlds large Cu-Ni-(PGE) compelling S isotope evidence that has led researchers to
deposits exhibit evidence for mixing processes in their evolu- seek alternatives to external S addition to promote sulfide sat-
tion, either involving a compositionally distinct mantle-derived uration in mafic magmas (e.g., Seat et al., 2009). There are at
magma or a crustal contaminant. Chemical mixing of magmas least two reasons why 34S values of sulfide ores that fall in
has been proposed as an integral process in the formation of the range generally considered to be normal for S in the upper
high-grade PGE deposits, such as those of the Merensky Reef mantle (~0 to 2, Ripley, 1999, and references therein)
in the Bushveld Complex and the JM Reef in the Stillwater should not necessarily be taken as an indicator that S conta-
Complex (e.g., Campbell et al., 1983; Naldrett and von mination has not occurred. One is the situation discussed by
Gruenewaldt, 1989), and has recently been proposed by Ripley et al. (2002) for the Voiseys Bay deposit. At Voiseys
Godel et al. (2011) as a key process in the generation of the Bay, only the ores in the Reid Brook zone show 34S values
Nebo-Babel deposits. Li and Ripley (2009) showed that mix- that are different from those of mantle S. However, when
ing of two magmas could lead to the attainment of sulfide sat- examined in detail, it is clear that the Proterozoic Tasiuyak
uration in the mixed magma. However, the degree of sulfide Gneiss, a locally sulfidic/graphitic pelite that is a likely source
saturation is critically dependent on the sulfur contents of the of externally derived S, is characterized by a wide range of
end-member magmas, and the amount of sulfide liquid that 34S values (~ 17 to +18; Ripley et al., 2002). These val-
may form will typically be small. Sulfide-poor but PGE-rich ues are not unusual for sulfide found in sedimentary rocks,
deposits could result, but it is not clear whether sulfide-rich, and of particular significance is the fact that the weighted av-
large tonnage Cu-Ni-(PGE) deposits could be produced. erage 34S of the Tasiuyak Gneiss is 1.4. Clearly, if ho-
Another type of mixing involves mafic magmas and partial mogenization occurred in the magma, anomalous 34S values
melt derived from assimilated, siliceous wall rocks. Irvine should not be expected. This example holds for any situation
(1975) deduced that the addition of SiO2 to a mafic magma where the 34S value of country-rock S is near 0. A second
could decrease sulfide solubility and promote the formation possibility is that if sulfides accumulated in a chamber where
of an immiscible sulfide liquid. Magma silicification or felsifi- additional uncontaminated magma passed, isotopic exchange
cation has been proposed as a mechanism to induce sulfide reactions (Ripley and Li, 2003) could result in 34S values that
saturation in mafic magmas by Irvine (1975), Li and Naldrett approach those of mantle values. This process would be
(2000), Lightfoot and Hawkesworth (1997), and Seat et al. expected in conduit systems where magma passage may have
(2009). Li and Ripley (2005) also showed that silicification of led to increases in the tenor of accumulated sulfide. In
a mafic magma can lead to sulfide saturation, but questions Archean systems, where sedimentary sulfides may be charac-
similar to those for magma mixing remained, in terms of the terized by 34S values that depart only slightly from those of
mass of sulfide that could be sequestered as a result of such a mantle values, the use of multiple S isotopes (e.g., 33S as well
process. as 34S) has proven valuable in the determination of externally
Lehmann et al. (2007) and Holwell et al. (2007) have called derived S from Archean rocks. Archean sedimentary sulfides
upon the assimilation of carbonate to increase magma fO2 and often record anomalous 33S values (deviation from the ter-
decrease the sulfide solubility of magmas related to the Ni- restrial fractionation line), thought to be linked to low oxygen
Curich ores of the Jinchuan deposit and the PGE-rich occur- values in the Archean atmosphere (e.g., Farquhar and Wing,
rences in the Platreef of the Bushveld Complex, respectively. 2003). Anomalous 33S values have been utilized by Bekker
Changes in magma fO2 are related to changes in key composi- et al. (2009) to confirm the importance of crustal S in komatiite-
tional values such as the FeO/Fe2O3 ratio. Experimental related deposits. For magmatic deposits where Archean rocks
results suggest that at relatively low fO2 conditions, where sul- are unlikely to have supplied S to the magma, 33S will be of
fide is the predominant sulfur species, small increases in fO2 little value as an indicator of external S addition where 34S
of a magma coupled with decreased amounts of FeO will de- values are near 0. There can be little argument that crustal
crease the S concentration needed to attain sulfide saturation. S has played a significant role in ore genesis in those deposits
However, whether this process can account for the large where S isotope values are strongly anomalous. In their
amounts of sulfide in systems such as Jinchuan remains un- recent paper, Keays and Lightfoot (2010) used chalcophile
clear. Perhaps the most obvious contaminant to induce sulfide element geochemistry of basaltic rocks at Norilsk compared
saturation in magmas is S itself. This was pointed out by to those of the Deccan to arrive at their conclusion that crustal
Mavrogenes and ONeill (1999) as a result of their experi- S is essential for the genesis of magmatic Ni-Cu deposits.
mental work on the effect of pressure on sulfide solubility, Others (e.g., Lehmann et al., 2007; Seat et al., 2009) refute
and has been proposed by many researchers based on physi- such a claim, and the question remains if other mechanisms
cal parameters such as the spatial proximity of S-rich country which can promote sulfide saturation in a magma can lead to
rocks or S isotope results. Sulfur isotope results have provided the generation of magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide orebodies. In this
strong evidence for the introduction of S in komatiite-related paper we review many of the processes that can lead to the at-
deposits (e.g., Naldrett, 1966; Lesher and Groves, 1986; Bekker tainment of sulfide saturation in a mafic magma and attempt
et al., 2009), the deposits at Norilsk (Grinenko, 1985; Gor- to constrain some key parameters that are of importance in
bachev and Grinenko, 1973; Li et al., 2003b), sulfide deposits situations where the addition of externally derived S to a
in the Duluth Complex (e.g., Ripley, 1981; Ripley and Al-Jassar, magma is not indicated, and hence may not be of significance

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for Ni-Cu-(PGE) ore formation. We utilize the equation of Li Fractional Crystallization and Sulfide Saturation
and Ripley (2009) to estimate the concentration of sulfur at In Figure 1 we illustrate the sulfide saturation curves for a
sulfide saturation (SCSS) in a mafic magma; the equation is high-Al olivine tholeiite (HAOTTable 1) liquid thought to
based on experimental results from a variety of sulfide-satu- be a reasonable parental magma for troctolitic rocks (e.g.,
rated and compositionally variable systems (see above) and Duluth Complex and, potentially, Voiseys Bay; Ripley et al.,
gives results that are similar to the equation of Liu et al. 2007; Scoates and Mitchell, 2000), a high-FeO picritic liquid
(2007). We use the equation in conjunction with the MELTS
thought to be a potential parental magma for rocks that host
routine of Ghiroso and Sack (1995) to evaluate how processes
the Eagle deposit (Ding et al., 2010), and a high-FeO,
such as fractional crystallization, compositional variations re-
siliceous high-MgO basalt liquid similar to the B1 magma
lated to contamination, and changes in intensive parameters
type proposed by Barnes at al. (2010) as a potential parental
such as fO2 affect the attainment of sulfide saturation in mag-
mas. We also evaluate the importance of the mass of magma magma to the Lower and lower Critical zones of the Bushveld
involved in potential ore-forming systems where the intro- Complex. In this discussion the magmas are assumed to be
duction of externally derived S may not have occurred. anhydrous; the effect of H2O on the sulfide saturation curve
It should be noted that the equation for SCSS by Li and is discussed below. For the high-Al olivine tholeiite (Fig. 1a)
Ripley (2009) does not take into account chalcophile ele- the sulfide saturation value rises slightly from that of the 1-kb
ments such as Ni and Cu. Ariskin et al. (2010) and Evans et liquidus due largely to iron enrichment in the liquid related
al. (2008) have shown that chalcophile elements, in addition to crystallization of plagioclase and olivine in a ratio of 3:1
to Fe, may exert a significant control on the solubility of S in (Table 2). It is not until later in the sequence, and particularly
mafic to ultramafic magmas. The potential influence of Ni when spinel becomes a liquidus mineral, that the sulfide sat-
and Cu on sulfur solubility is particularly important when uration value begins to decrease. In the case of a picritic
assessing the role of mantle-derived S in ore genesis. As S is parental magma, the S content required for saturation at the
held primarily within Ni, Cu, and Fe sulfide minerals in the liquidus is considerably higher than that required to saturate
mantle, complexing with these metals is to be expected. This the HAOT liquid, but the saturation value decreases as
will be true for high-degree or second-stage mantle melts, olivine initially crystallizes, followed by olivine plus clinopy-
where immiscible sulfide liquid may ultimately dissolve in roxene (Fig. 1b; Table 2). Where clinopyroxene and plagio-
silicate liquids. There is no reason for the breaking of S-Cu clase begin to crystallize, the FeO content of the residual
or S-Ni bonds in favor of S-Fe, and both Ni and Cu must magma rises, and the S content required for sulfide liquid
exert a control on the capacity of a mafic magma to dissolve saturation increases as well. In the case of the FeO-rich,
sulfide. If S is introduced into a mafic/ultramafic melt in a siliceous high-MgO basalt, the SCSS progressively declines,
form that does not involve metal complexing, such as H2S, as initial olivine crystallization is quickly followed by orthopy-
the mass action effect will strongly favor the formation of Fe- roxene (~3.5% crystallization), and then clinopyroxene and
S complexes. ONeill and Mavrogenes (2002) have stated plagioclase. These three examples illustrate the types of vari-
that the sulfide capacity of a melt with ~10% FeO is con- ations in the SCSS trajectories that may characterize mafic
trolled mostly by the Fe content. Until additional experi- magmas.
mental data that treat the effects of chalcophile element Treating S as a perfectly incompatible element during sili-
concentration on sulfide solubility over a broad range of cate crystallization, we indicate when fractional crystallization
compositions are available, we are unable to update our re- should induce sulfide saturation in the HAOT and picritic
gression equation. magmas. A value of 1,000 ppm S is representative of a melt

TABLE 1. Composition of Magmas Used to Assess SCSS (values in wt %)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SiO2 47.77 46.56 48.95 52.30 55.37 48.00 47.26 71.42

TiO2 1.29 1.25 2.84 1.17 0.38 1.81 0.27
Al2O3 19.90 19.40 12.82 12.70 11.53 11.69 6.55 13.70
Fe2O3 0.71 1.62 2.05 1.17 1.32 1.84 1.27
FeO 10.37 10.74 10.06 5.87 8.16 10.91 8.83 1.20
MgO 7.10 6.92 7.73 13.08 13.79 13.67 30.23 0.28
CaO 9.69 9.44 12.52 9.56 6.58 9.83 5.04
Na2O 2.67 2.60 2.51 3.73 1.85 1.75 0.45 5.40
K2O 0.50 0.49 0.51 0.43 1.02 0.48 0.10 4.03
H2O 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00

Columns: 1) High-Al olivine tholeiite; Ripley et al., 2007; liquidus T = 1,229C

2) High-Al olivine tholeiite, 1 wt % H2O; Ripley et al., 2007; liquidus T = 1,169C
3) Ocean island tholeiite; Kent et al., 1999; liquidus T = 1,205C
4) Siliceous high-MgO basalt; e.g., Barnes, 1989; liquidus T = 1,347C
5) High-FeO, siliceous high-MgO basalt; e.g., Barnes et al., 2010; liquidus T = 1,382C
6) High-FeO picrite; Ding et al., 2009; liquidus T = 1,337C
7) Komatiite; Barnes, 2007; liquidus T = 1,617C
8) Partial melt from pelite; Hoffer and Grant, 1980

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FIG. 1. Sulfur content at sulfide liquid saturation versus wt % of magma crystallization. The sulfur axis refers either to the
sulfur content at sulfide liquid saturation or, in the case of fractional crystallization, to the sulfur content of the remaining
liquid. Fractionating assemblages are given in Table 2. All calculations were done using a pressure of 1 kbar. Note the rela-
tively small differences between the HAOT at QFM and QFM-2 (a), and a similar relationship for the high-FeO picrite (b).
Trends for the contaminated magmas, and the hydrous HAOT, are similar, with much lower SCSS values than their anhy-
drous and uncontaminated counterparts. Sulfur enrichment due to fractional crystallization is illustrated for initial concen-
trations of 800, 1,000, and 1,500 ppm. Sulfide saturation is attained at less than ~20% crystallization in contaminated mag-
mas with 1,000 ppm S. Of particular note is the fact that orthopyroxene is the fractionating phase rather than olivine and
plagioclase in the HAOT magma contaminated with 15% SiO2 (Table 2). Although the S content of the magma contaminated
with SiO2 only would drop to 850 ppm, saturation would still be attained at ~10% crystallization. Orthopyroxene is the frac-
tionating phase at ~3.5% crystallization for the high-FeO, siliceous high-MgO basalt (c). Because DNi(mineral-melt) values
are lower for orthopyroxene relative to olivine, the crystallization of orthopyroxene may be relevant for the formation of Ni-
rich sulfide orebodies where sulfide saturation was attained after significant magma crystallization.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 48

TABLE 2. Fractionating Minerals from the Magmas Illustrated in Figure 1 troctolitic rocks from the Duluth Complex that show no evi-
dence for crustal contamination contain from 500 to 600 ppm
Magma fO2 (first appearance) Minerals1 S and suggest that the parental HAOT contained far less than
1,000 ppm S (Ripley et al., 2007). For comparative purposes,
HAOT QFM-2 1,233 pl we show S trajectories as a result of fractional crystallization
1,198 pl,ol for initial concentrations of 800, 1,000, and 1,500 ppm. In the
1,118 pl,ol,sp
1,078 pl,cpx,sp
case of the picritic magma, saturation at 1 kb is reached at
~40% crystallization for a starting magma with 1,000 ppm S.
HAOT QFM 1,229 ol For the HAOT, ~40% crystallization is also required to in-
1,209 pl,ol duce sulfide liquid saturation. Of additional note is that, due
1,140 pl,ol,opx,cpx to the shallow trend of the SCSS curve where plagioclase and
1,120 pl,ol,cpx
1,100 pl,cpx,sp clinopyroxene are liquidus minerals (Table 2), and the posi-
tive slope where Fe enrichment accompanies the cessation of
HAOT, 1% H2O QFM 1,169 ol olivine crystallization, only small amounts of immiscible sulfide
1,161 pl,ol liquid can be generated as a result of fractional crystallization
1,079 pl,ol,sp
1,069 pl,ol,sp,cpx
until late stages of the process. In strong contrast, sulfide sat-
uration is attained in the high-FeO, siliceous high-MgO basalt
HAOT + 10% pelite melt QFM-2 1,187 pl,ol at ~17% fractional crystallization for a magma with an initial
1,060 pl,ol,sp S concentration of 1,000 ppm.
1,040 pl,cpx,sp Concentrations of platinum group elements and Cu are
HAOT + 30% SiO2 melt QFM-2 1,207 opx expected to increase during fractional crystallization due to
1,180 pl,opx their high degree of incompatibility. This is not the case for
1,060 pl,opx,sp Ni, which is readily accepted into the olivine structure. Dis-
tribution coefficients for Ni between olivine and liquid in sul-
High-FeO picrite QFM-2 1,337 ol
1,175 ol,pl,cpx
fide-undersaturated conditions are a strong function of MgO
1,150 pl,cpx contents and range between 4 and 20 at MgO concentrations
from 22 to 4 wt % (see summary in Li et al., 2003a). For the
High-FeO picrite QFM 1,337 ol picritic parental magma (assuming an initial concentration of
1,200 ol,cpx Ni = 300 ppm), where the ratio of olivine crystallized to pla-
1,175 cpx,pl
gioclase plus clinopyroxene at the point of sulfide saturation
High-FeO picrite + 10% QFM 1,321 ol is ~1.7, the concentration of Ni in the residual liquid drops to
pelite melt 1,170 cpx 127 ppm using an olivine/liquid D value of 7. The drop in Ni
1,140 cpx,pl concentration for the HAOT at the 40% crystallized point,
1,000 cpx,pl,sp
where sulfide saturation is predicted, is similar (139 ppm) due
High-FeO, siliceous QFM 1,382 ol in part to an olivine/liquid D value of 15. The drop in Ni con-
high-MgO basalt 1,356 opx centration is far less extreme for the high-FeO, siliceous high-
1,191 cpx MgO basalt, where orthopyroxene replaces olivine as a liq-
1,183 cpx,pl uidus phase before sulfide saturation is attained. Because the
High-FeO, siliceous QFM 1,361 ol DiNi (orthopyroxene-liquid) value for orthopyroxene (~13,
high-MgO basalt, 1% H2O 1,240 opx Hashizume and Hariya, 1992; Frei et al., 2009) is consider-
1,110 cpx ably lower than the DiNi (olivine-liquid) value, higher con-
1,090 cpx,pl centrations of Ni will be available for partitioning into sulfide
990 cpx,pl,sp
liquid. Of obvious concern is whether sulfide-saturated mag-
High-FeO, siliceous QFM 1,363 ol mas where prior crystallization of olivine is indicated and that
high-MgO basalt + 1,322 opx contain less than 140 ppm Ni can produce Ni sulfide-rich ore-
10% pelite melt 1,132 cpx,pl bodies. We will return to this point below, but end the current
1,032 cpx,pl,sp discussion with an example where fractional crystallization
1 cpx = clinopyroxene, ol = olivine, opx = orthopyroxene, pl = plagioclase,
appears to have played a strong role in the distribution of S
sp = spinel
and metals in an intrusion.
The Sonju Lake intrusion is a relatively small (~1,200 m
thick) layered body in the Beaver Bay Complex associated
with the ~1.1 Ga Duluth Complex (Miller and Ripley, 1996).
derived from 20% melting of a mantle with 200 ppm S (Palme Miller (1999) and Park et al. (2004) have described the pres-
and ONeill, 2004). Lower degrees of melting may produce ence of Cu- and PGE-enriched zones in the layered sequence
melts with higher S concentrations, but, if sulfide saturation at the level of Fe oxide-rich gabbro (Fig. 2). Miller (1999)
is attained, immiscible sulfide may be retained in the mantle suggested that the reef represents the level at which sulfide
(e.g., Keays, 1995; Naldrett, 2011). In the case of a magma saturation was achieved in the crystallizing magma. Li and
such as a HAOT, which may be itself derived from fractional Ripley (2005) confirmed that sulfide saturation should have
crystallization of a more primitive liquid, the S concentration been achieved at the time that spinel became a liquidus min-
of the derivative liquid may be more elevated. However, eral using an equation which is the predecessor to that used

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FIG. 2. Stratigraphic column from the Sonju Lake intrusion, showing the depletion of Ni upward, and the enrichment in
Pt and Pd in the ferrogabbro (modified from Miller, 1999, and Park et al., 2004). Abbreviations: Units in the Sonju Lake
intrusion are preceded by the abbreviation sl: Sonju Lake apatite diorite (slad), dunite (sld), ferrogabbro (slfg), gabbro
(slg), monzodiorite (slmd), melatroctolite (slmt), and troctolite (slt). Country rocks are the Finland quartz monzodiorite
(fqmd) and Finland granite (flg).

in this manuscript (Li and Ripley, 2009). What is particularly H2O + 2 FeO = Fe2O3 + H2. However, Carmichael (1991) and
important is the fact that at the level of the Cu and PGE Righter et al. (2008) have discussed the uncertainty of H2O
enrichment, the concentration of Ni has dropped to values of addition to a magma resulting in an increase of magma fO2.
less than 20 ppm. The field and geochemical evidence This is particularly true if H2O dissolution is via molecular
strongly suggests that Ni was sequestered by olivine prior to H2O rather than an OH complex. Even without a substantial
the attainment of sulfide saturation in the magma. The Sonju change in fO2, the SCSS of an H2O-bearing mafic magma may
Lake intrusion perhaps represents an end-member case be much lower relative to the anhydrous counterpart. In Fig-
where extensive Ni depletion occurred prior to the arrival of ure 1a the SCSS curve for an HAOT with 1 wt % H2O at
sulfide saturation in the magma by fractional crystallization. QFM is shown to be lower than that of the anhydrous variety
by ~280 ppm at liquidus temperatures. Ripley et al. (2007)
Contamination and Sulfide Saturation have shown that a value of 1 wt % H2O is reasonable for many
of the magmas that produced sulfide-bearing intrusions in the
Assimilation of volatiles Duluth Complex. A large part of the H2O may have been de-
The addition of volatile species such as H2O, CO2, CH4, rived via assimilation of fluid produced as country rocks were
and H2S to a magma may occur without melting or dissolution dehydrated. In the case of the high-FeO, siliceous high-MgO
of major minerals. We will treat the potential for the addition basalt, the addition of 1 wt % H2O lowers the SCSS by ~135
of volatile S species to a magma below. The role of H2O in the ppm at the liquidus, and by greater values throughout the
solubility of S in mafic magmas has received only minor course of crystallization. The effect is very similar to that pro-
attention (e.g., Liu et al., 2007; Gorbachev and Bezman, 2011; duced by the assimilation of a pelite-derived partial melt (see
Moune et al., 2009), and further experimental study is re- below). Although additional study of the effect of H2O addi-
quired to assess the importance of species such as H2S and tion on the solubility of S in mafic magmas is warranted, it ap-
HS in sulfide dissolution within mafic magmas. The addition pears that hydrous magmas may attain sulfide liquid satura-
of H2O to a magma is frequently linked to an increase in fO2 tion much sooner than low-H2O magmas.
and decrease in FeO content (and hence the capacity of a A similar uncertainty in terms of increases of magma fO2 is
magma to dissolve sulfide) via a reaction such as the following: associated with assimilation of CO2. Dissolution mechanisms

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of carbonic species in a magma are important in evaluating so the potential effect of H2O on sulfide saturation is included
potential magma fO2 increases. At relatively high pressure, in the assessment.
CO2 dissolves as CO2 3 (e.g., Blank and Brooker, 1994) with In Figure 3, we have compared the sulfide saturation value
relatively little variation in magma fO2. Stanley et al. (2011) at the liquidus temperature (1 kb) for a variety of mafic mag-
found no correlation between CO2 concentration and the mas and the corresponding values at the liquidus for the same
ratio of Fe3+ to total Fe in a basaltic liquid. In contrast, Wen- magmas after 10% assimilation of the Hoffer and Grant (1980)
zel et al. (2002) proposed that CO2-rich fluids released during partial melt. All sulfide saturation values decreased from a
the decomposition of dolomitic xenoliths in the Ioko-Dovyren high (in terms of differences between contaminated and un-
intrusion resulted in locally elevated magma fO2 values. Mollo contaminated liquids) of 681 ppm S in a komatiitic liquid to a
et al. (2010) suggested the oppositethat carbonate assimila- low of 246 ppm in a siliceous, high-MgO basalt liquid. As ex-
tion involving magma-H2O-CO2 interaction may lead to a pected, the more siliceous the initial magma, the less decrease
decrease in magma fO2 values. Methane may be a component recorded by the addition of the partial melt. Starting basaltic
of fluids produced by dehydration of carbonaceous pelites compositions with 47 to 48 wt % SiO2 showed decreases in
(e.g., Ohmoto and Kerrick, 1977; Andrews and Ripley, 1989). sulfide saturation values from 365 to 488 ppm. The computa-
The assimilation of CH4 is expected to reduce the fO2 of the tions illustrate the exceptionally strong effect that assimilation
magma and may be of significance in the reduction of sulfate may have on komatiitic and picritic magmas, but, in all cases,
in magmas with oxidation states that permit sulfate plus sul- the assimilation of a granitic contaminant by a mafic magma
fide coexistence or the presence of sulfate only (e.g., Jugo et lowers the SCSS and may lead to early generation of a sulfide
al., 2005; Jugo, 2009). The assimilation of graphite, perhaps liquid.
accompanied by CH4, by relatively oxidized, sulfate-bearing We utilize the SiO2-only contaminant with the HAOT to
magmas has also been proposed as an important process for illustrate a potentially important change in the mineralogy of
decreasing magma fO2 and causing the reduction of sulfate in fractionating phases in the contaminated magma (Table 2).
the magma to sulfide (e.g., Nixon, 1998; Jugo and Lesher, With 10% contamination by the Hoffer and Grant (1980)
2005; Thakurta et al., 2008a, b). Tomkins et al. (2012) have melt, all resultant magma compositions retained olivine as an
also suggested the assimilation of graphite-bearing felsic mag- early crystallizing mineral. With the addition of 15% SiO2 to
mas by oxidized arc basalts as a mechanism to promote the HAOT composition, not only is the sulfide saturation
magma reduction and the formation of immiscible sulfide value decreased by 569 ppm, but the liquidus phase changes
liquid. to orthopyroxene. In the case of the high-FeO, siliceous high-
The assessment of sulfur-free volatile assimilation on sul- MgO basalt, the elevated initial SiO2 concentration drives the
fide solubility in mafic magmas remains difficult because fO2 early crystallization of orthopyroxene, without assimilation of
changes in natural magmas are often linked with assimilation a siliceous contaminant (although such assimilation may have
processes that alter magma compositions other than Fe2+/Fe3+ been responsible for the elevated SiO2 content initially). As
ratios. Li and Ripley (2005) showed that fO2 /fS2 ratios in many noted above, because of the lower DiNi (orthopyroxene-liquid)
of the experiments listed above can be expressed as a function value for orthopyroxene relative to olivine (Hashizume and
of melt composition. The effect of crystallization at QFM Hariya, 1992; Frei et al., 2009), increased concentrations of
rather than QFM-2 on sulfide saturation in the HAOT and Ni will be available to sulfide liquids where similar percent-
high-Fe picritic liquids is shown in Figure 1a and b. Saturation ages of orthopyroxene crystallize rather than olivine. We sug-
values at QFM are lower than those at QFM-2, as expected, gest that such a process may be significant for norite-hosted,
but the effect is small compared to variations in sulfide satu- Ni-rich orebodies. In this case, not only does assimilation
ration values related to assimilation of nonvolatile elements reduce the capacity of the magma to dissolve sulfide, but Ni
(see below). Jugo (2010) also noted that changes in fO2 below availability is also enhanced relative to magmas from which
~QFM resulted in little change in the magma Fe2+/Fe ratio, olivine is the primary early crystallizing ferro-magnesian min-
and hence little change in the SCSS. Increases in the magma eral. Figure 3 also illustrates that very little, if any, fractional
fO2 above QFM result in decreases in the Fe2+/Fe ratio, as crystallization is required to promote sulfide saturation in
well as oxidation of sulfide to sulfate. Due to the increase in S contaminated siliceous magma. To summarize, analysis of sul-
solubility within oxidized magmas, the concentration of S fide solubility systematics of mafic magmas clearly shows that
needed to obtain sulfide liquid saturation also rises (e.g., assimilation of siliceous contaminants will cause a significant
Jugo, 2009). drop in the S concentration needed for the attainment of sul-
fide saturation. In most cases, little, if any, fractional crystal-
Assimilation of siliceous country rocks lization of the contaminated magma is required to achieve
We utilize two compositions of contaminants to illustrate sulfide saturation. Where the aSiO2 is sufficiently elevated, ortho-
the effect of the assimilation of siliceous country rocks on the pyroxene, rather than olivine, is an early crystallizing mineral
sulfide saturation state of a mafic magma. One composition is and, because of the lower DNi value of orthopyroxene relative
the granitic partial melt produced from a pelite in the exper- to olivine, additional Ni is available for incorporation into a
iments of Hoffer and Grant (1980; Table 1). The second is sulfide liquid. Fractional crystallization of most low-SiO2 mafic
simply addition of SiO2 only, as may result from magma inter- magmas will not promote sulfide saturation until 20 to 40%
action with an SiO2-rich sedimentary or metamorphic rock, or crystallization. Although PGE and Cu contents may continue
as may result from disequilibrium and polystage melting of to rise with crystallization, significant Ni will be sequestered
pelitic rocks (e.g., Ripley and Alawi, 1988; Mariga et al., in olivine. Assimilation of volatiles such as H2O and CO2 may
2006). The Hoffer and Grant (1980) melt contains 4% H2O, or may not result in fO2 increases of the crystallizing magma,

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FIG. 3. Comparison of the SCSS from uncontaminated magmas and those contaminated with 10% of the partial melt de-
rived from a pelite (Table 1; Hoffer and Grant, 1980). Number 7 is a mixture of 30% HAOT with 1 wt % H2O and 70% high-
FeO picrite. The SCSS of the mixed magma is somewhat less than that caused by contamination of the high-FeO picrite by
10% of the pelite-derived melt. Calculations performed using a pressure of 1 kbar.

but, in any case, the drop in the sulfide saturation value shown in Figure 4. The degree of sulfide supersaturation (de-
caused by fO2 increase (up to ~QFM) alone is minor com- fined as the difference in the sulfur concentration and that of
pared to that caused by assimilation of Si-rich contaminants. the SCSS, which is the minimum necessary to promote the
formation of sulfide liquid droplets) that may be attained as a
Mixing of magmas result of mixing is a strong function of the shape (concavity)
Li and Ripley (2005) confirmed that mixing of two magmas of the SCSS curve. Figure 4a illustrates that the concavity of
may induce sulfide saturation of the resultant magma. We will the high-FeO picrite-HAOT mixture is so slight that only mix-
not dwell on this point as the systematics are much the same tures of magmas very near the end-member saturation values
as contamination involving country rock. We illustrate that will attain sulfide saturation upon mixing. In contrast, where
the SCSS for a mixture of 70% high-Fe picrite with 30% of variations in SCSS values of mixtures are more strongly con-
HAOT containing 1 wt % H2O is lower than that of the un- cave (e.g., Li and Ripley, 2005) or vary as shown in Figure 4b
contaminated picrite by ~300 ppm. This amount is slightly for an ocean island tholeiite-HAOT mixture, mixing of mafic
less than that produced by assimilation by the HAOT of 10% magmas can be a mechanism to produce sulfide supersatura-
of the melt produced by pelite partial melting (Fig. 3), but tion. Figure 4b illustrates that even in this case the mixing
illustrates that mixing of chemically distinct magmas is a viable process will be effective only if the end-members are within
mechanism to reduce the sulfur concentration necessary to ~100 ppm of their sulfide saturation values. Tomkins et al.
saturate a resultant magma in sulfide liquid. In the case of the (2012) have shown how the mixing of an S-bearing oxidized
picrite-HAOT mixture, the FeO content of the mixed magma arc basalt with a reduced graphite-bearing felsic melt could
differs only slightly from either of the end-members; the prin- result in reduction of sulfate and sulfide supersaturation in
cipal control on the lowering of the saturation value is the the mixed magma.
drop in the liquidus temperature of the mixed magma.
Although a lower SCSS value may result relative to that of Addition of externally derived sulfur
fractional crystallization by any of the processes mentioned Perhaps the most efficient means of causing prolonged sul-
above, the mixing of mafic magmas alone will be unlikely to fide supersaturation in a mafic magma is through the addition
produce sulfide saturation unless both end-members are of S derived from country rocks. As outlined above, in many
close to their saturation values. This feature has been pointed localities the combination of isotopic (e.g., Ripley and Li,
out by Naldrett (2011) and is illustrated in what is essentially 2003) and geochemical (e.g., Keays and Lightfoot, 2010) data
an end-member case for the high-FeO picrite-HAOT mixture strongly points to the involvement of externally derived S in

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are clearly of potential significance in the generation of mag-

a matic, sulfide-rich Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. However, as we have
illustrated above, many processes that do not involve the in-
corporation of external S may promote sulfide saturation of a
mafic magma. Whether an economic accumulation of sulfide
may result is a function of the size of the magmatic system,
rate and duration of magma emplacement, and efficiency of
sulfide collection.
The Importance of Magma Volume and Chamber Shape
Given that mafic magma may reach sulfide saturation as a
result of fractional crystallization, and much sooner via con-
tamination involving a siliceous end-member or by magma
mixing, the question remains whether an economic sulfide
accumulation may be produced without the addition of exter-
nal S. In all cases described above, except those of xenolith
b digestion or thermomechanical erosion, the amount of sulfide
liquid produced is that of, or very near, the cotectic propor-
tion (Barnes, 2007; Li and Ripley, 2009). Both Barnes (2007)
and Li and Ripley (2009) describe methods to calculate the
cotectic proportion of sulfide. The amount of sulfide liquid
produced per crystallization increment is small (generally
<1.5 wt %), and very efficient collection is required to pro-
duce horizons with more than ~2 vol % sulfide. In the case of
a magma with a sulfide saturation value that has been decreased
due to contamination and mixing, the mass of collectible sul-
fide is constrained by the initial concentration of sulfide in the
system. This is an obvious point, but one of extreme impor-
tance when considering ore-forming systems. For example,
for the Sonju Lake intrusion the parental magma is estimated
to have contained no more than 1,000 ppm S. Miller and Rip-
ley (1996) estimate that the intrusion is considerably larger
FIG. 4. Comparison of SCSS trajectories for mixed magmas: (a) high-FeO than its exposed area of 9 km2, with a strike length of ~20 km.
picrite and HAOT, and (b) ocean island tholeiite and HAOT. Mixing of mafic We estimate a potential volume of ~30 km3 of magma, but of
magmas is potentially important for the attainment of sulfide supersaturation
where end-member S concentrations are close to those required for sulfide particular significance is the fact that, even with the improb-
saturation and the shape of the SCSS curve for the mixture is strongly con- able collection of all available sulfide, only a ~2-m-thick mas-
cave or has a pronounced inflection. sive sulfide horizon could be produced in the intrusion. As
stated above, Ni concentration dropped to extremely low val-
ues prior to sulfide saturation. When sulfide saturation was
ore genesis. The importance of external S in magmatic Ni- attained in the intrusion as a result of fractional crystalliza-
Cu-(PGE) ore genesis has been highlighted, and debated, by tion, the R-factor would have been ~260, assuming sulfide
many authors, and it is not the purpose of this manuscript to saturation affected all portions of the remaining 60% liquid.
further review the premise. However, two points regarding A 2-m-thick massive sulfide would grade ~3 wt % Cu (100
external sulfur addition to mafic magmas deserve further ppm Cu in the parent magma) and 1.3 ppm Pt (3.5 ppb Pt in
mention. One is that the addition of H2S- or HS-bearing flu- initial liquid). A 2-m-thick massive sulfide would be an un-
ids from country rocks in a contact aureole is unlikely to pro- likely candidate for a Cu ore, but a PGE reef could be pro-
duce sulfide in excess of the cotectic proportion. This is duced. In the Sonju Lake intrusion, the zone of PGE and Cu
largely due to the fact that external fluids will be added to enrichment is dispersed over ~100 m rather than 1 or 2 m,
magmas only up to their solubility limits. In many cases, fluid with grades of ~0.06% Cu and 30 ppb Pt, but less than 70
in country rocks will be channeled either by layer-parallel ppm Ni. These are expected values for dispersion of the
flow or away from the magmatic heat source. Where sulfide is immiscible liquid with the composition described above.
derived from xenoliths, the concentration of S in the contam- Without the addition of external S, most magmas that crys-
inated magma may far exceed saturation values for the pre- tallize as closed systems (whether uncontaminated or after
vailing temperature. In the case of komatiites, the process of contamination involving S-poor country rocks) are unlikely to
thermomechanical erosion described by Lesher and cowork- produce sufficient quantities of sulfide to form economic
ers (e.g., Lesher and Keays, 2002; Houl et al., 2012) also pro- deposits, unless the volume of magma from which sulfide is
vides a mechanism for the incorporation of sulfide (whether derived is large. Barnes (2007) evaluated whether cotectic
derived via devolatilization, sulfide dissolution, or sulfide melt- amounts of sulfide were sufficient to account for the large,
ing) that greatly exceeds saturation values. Processes such as disseminated sulfide orebody at Mt. Keith. Large, dissemi-
these that promote sulfide supersaturation in a mafic magma nated sulfide-bearing intrusions are logical candidates where

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 53

crystallization of cotectic proportions of sulfide may have km3 of magma. For both of these systems the required
been responsible for ore generation. Barnes (2007) con- amounts of magma may not be unreasonable; the involve-
cluded that sulfide in excess of cotectic amounts was required ment of 100 km3 in an ore-forming system represents only a
to produce the Mt. Keith orebody and proposed the mechan- small fraction of that which generated the Siberian Traps
ical deposition of transported sulfide, formed in response to (e.g., Reichow et al., 2009). For the small but high-grade
the introduction of sulfur from country rocks. (~3.5% Ni) Eagle deposit, the 4-Mt sulfide orebody could
In a very large volume system such as the impact melt sheet have been generated from as little as 0.5 km3 of magma con-
at Sudbury, concentrations of 600 to 1,000 ppm S (as esti- taining 1,000 ppm S. A more realistic estimate for the Eagle
mated by Keays and Lightfoot, 1999; Lightfoot et al., 2001) deposit also serves to illustrate that Ni contents in parental
are consistent with the estimated mass of sulfide in the Sud- magmas of ~150 ppm may give rise to sulfide assemblages
bury ores (Lesher and Thurston, 2002; Keays and Lightfoot, with tenors similar to those found in many deposits. Figure 1b
2004; Fig. 5). For a system such as Norilsk (sulfide content shows that sulfide saturation of a picritic magma contami-
between 275 and 750 Mt; Lightfoot and Hawkesworth, 1997; nated with a partial melt from a pelite may occur at ~15%
Naldrett, 2011), the amount of sulfide present far exceeds crystallization. The Ni content of the liquid at this time would
that which could be collected from closed-system crystalliza- be ~155 ppm. Crystallization of an additional 10% involves
tion of magma that produced tabular, ~1,000-m-thick (or less) clinopyroxene and results in the Ni content of the liquid
sills. If contamination not involving S addition is a key process falling to no less than 140 ppm. The computed mass of
for the attainment of saturation, then open-system processes immiscible sulfide available for collection from the residual
are likely to have been operative to result in the concentration liquid over this interval is ~0.3 wt %, resulting in an R-factor
of sufficient quantities of sulfide. The mass and grade of sul- of ~335. With Ni contents in the residual liquid of 140 to 150
fide at Norilsk have been the focus of many studies, virtually ppm, R-factors of 200 to 350 will produce Ni tenors in the sul-
all of which focus on sulfide collection from passing magmas fide liquid of 2 to 3 wt %. Hence, collection of this sulfide
in a conduit system, followed by some type of metal upgrad- could generate an orebody similar in grade to many of the
ing (e.g., Brgmann et al., 1993; Naldrett and Lightfoot, worlds large deposits. For the small, 4-Mt orebody at Eagle,
1999; Arndt et al., 2003; Kerr and Leitch, 2005; Lightfoot and the amount of silicate magma needed based on the above cal-
Keays, 2005; Li et al., 2009). Figure 5 illustrates that for the culation is ~2 km3 .These values would appear to be very rea-
Norilsk ores, the estimated sulfide mass, if collected from sonable quantities of magma to be delivered in a developing
magma with ~1,000 ppm S available as immiscible sulfide, rift system. The example from the Sonju Lake intrusion also
would require between ~34 and 100 km3 of magma. For com- serves to emphasize that if the amount of mantle-derived sul-
parison, the 30-Mt Ovoid orebody at Voiseys Bay (Lightfoot fide present in a moderate-sized, sheet-type intrusion were
et al., 2012) would have required sulfide collection from ~3.7 to have been collected in a restricted magmatic conduit, an

FIG. 5. Plot of tonnes of sulfide in ore versus S concentration in a source magma. Cubic kilometers of magma are shown
assuming that all the sulfur in magma is collected to generate the ore. For example, if only 200 ppm S is available as immis-
cible sulfide during magma crystallization, deposits similar in size to those at Norilsk (between 275 and 750 Mt) can be gen-
erated from between 200 and 300 km3 of magma. Small orebodies such as Eagle can be formed by collection of immiscible
sulfide from less than 10 km3 of magma.

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economic ore accumulation could have resulted. The conduit our understanding of all processes that may lead to the for-
environment provides a physical setting where small amounts mation of magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits.
of sulfide from large volumes of magma may collect; in addi-
tion, subsequent upgrading may occur as sulfide-undersatu- Conclusions
rated magmas utilize the conduit and partially dissolve the An assessment of mechanisms that can promote sulfide sat-
accumulated sulfide (e.g., Kerr and Leitch, 2005; Li et al., uration in mafic magmas indicates that externally derived S
2009). Ni enrichment of a low-Ni sulfide that initially formed may not be required for Ni-Cu-(PGE) ore formation in open
from a system where Ni was sequestered by olivine could also systems where the volume of magma involved is large and an
occur. Maier et al. (2001) pointed out the importance of con- efficient process of sulfide collection is operative. Conduits
duits in the formation of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide provide a physical environment where sulfide collection and
deposits, as well as the lack of such deposits in large layered upgrading may occur, related in part to the passage of multi-
intrusions. The point here is that geochemical data are con- ple pulses of magma. The fact that many large Ni-Cu-(PGE)
sistent with the mineralization that is found in intrusions such sulfide deposits show strong evidence for the incorporation of
as Sonju Lake being related to processes that did not involve crustally derived S suggests that efficient collection of man-
the introduction of external S (or even significant contamina- tle-derived sulfide is a rare process, and that sulfide supersat-
tion of any type). Had this sulfide been able to accumulate in uration is often required. Sulfide supersaturation in magmas
a conduit setting, there appears to be little reason to suspect is accomplished via the liberation of sulfur from xenoliths in
that an orebody could not have resulted. Barnes et al. (2011) intrusions or via similar transport due to thermomechanical
have recently described an Ni-rich disseminated sulfide ore- erosion near the base of komatiite lava flows.
body that occurs as a stratiform layer in the Fazenda Mirabela Closed-system fractional crystallization of mantle-derived
intrusion of Brazil. The authors note that this is a very unusual magmas will be unlikely to produce sulfide accumulations of
occurrence produced as a result of mixing of two composi- sufficient size for economic exploitation. Sulfide saturation in
tionally distinct magmas, one of which contained suspended most uncontaminated mantle-derived magmas will not occur
sulfide droplets. 34S values of sulfide minerals (1.00.5) via fractional crystallization until ~20 to 40% crystallization.
are consistent with the premise that sulfur is of mantle origin Sulfide accumulations that may form will be Ni poor because
(Almeida Lazarin, 2011). of sequestration of Ni by early crystallizing olivine. Systems
Isotopic data from Norilsk (e.g., Gorbachev and Gri- with sufficient volume have the potential to generate Cu-rich
nenko, 1973; Grinenko, 1985; Arndt et al., 2003; Li et al., PGE reefs. The contamination of mafic magmas by siliceous
2003b), Voiseys Bay (Ripley et al., 1999, 2002), and Eagle country rocks, or mixing of magma types, will cause a reduc-
(Ding et al., 2012) indicate that externally derived S has tion in the S concentration necessary for the attainment of
been involved in ore genesis in each of these systems. Sulfur early sulfide saturation of between ~ 200 and 700 ppm. This
isotope data (e.g., Ripley et al., 2010) suggest that as much facilitates sulfide saturation but does not necessarily trigger it.
as 50% of the S contained in the Norilsk deposits is of coun- Where the aSiO2 is sufficiently elevated to cause orthopyrox-
try-rock origin; this permits the speculation that, consider- ene rather than olivine crystallization, more Ni is available for
ing the size of the Norilsk deposits, economic deposits incorporation into sulfide. Ni sulfide-rich ores could form
could have formed even without the addition of external S. preferentially in orthopyroxene-bearing rocks, but only from
Recent evaluations suggest that this is an unlikely scenario large-volume systems.
(Keays and Lightfoot, 2010). However, it is clear that ex- Addition of volatiles such as H2O and CO2 to mafic magmas
tremely efficient collection of mantle-derived sulfide from is frequently linked to an increase in magma fO2 and a lower-
appropriate volumes of magma will reduce the importance ing of the SCSS. Assimilation of oxygen-bearing volatiles does
of externally derived S in the formation of magmatic ore de- not necessarily result in an increase of magma fO2; in addition,
posits. The fact that many large Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits show at QFM and below an increase in fO2 results in only small
evidence for external S addition suggests that such efficient changes in the SCSS of the magma. Assimilation of siliceous,
collection of immiscible sulfide derived solely from mantle and potentially hydrous, partial melts derived from country
S is a rare process. Early attainment of sulfide saturation rocks and mixing of chemically distinct magmas are more
may be pivotal not only for Ni availability but also for poten- viable processes for decreasing the SCSS of a mafic magma,
tial sulfide collection in conduits prior to dissemination relative to increased fO2 alone. Methane, as well as graphite,
within sheet- or sill-like intrusions. The external addition of may serve as a reductant in high fO2 magmas where sulfate is
S to a mafic/ultramafic magma may not only supply addi- predominant and the solubility of S is considerably higher
tional sulfide mass, but also trigger early sulfide saturation than in reduced magmas.
and, potentially, more rapid collection of immiscible sulfide
liquid. Given that early attainment of sulfide saturation is Acknowledgments
possible in contaminated magma as we have shown above, Discussions with A.J. Naldrett, C.M. Lesher, R.R. Keays,
the mechanisms of collection of immiscible sulfide liquid re- Jon Hronsky, P.C. Lightfoot, W.D. Maier, S.-J. Barnes, M.
main as important topics for researchers concerned with the Fiorentini, and S.J. Barnes regarding S saturation in mafic
genesis of magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits. Mungall and Su magmas are appreciated and helped to stimulate the writing
(2005), Chung and Mungall (2009), and de Bremond dArs of this manuscript. Reviews by Wolf Maier and Alexey Ariskin
et al. (2001) have provided constraints on physical proper- improved the manuscript presentation. We thank Steve Barnes,
ties related to the collection of immiscible sulfide liquid who served as associate editor for the manuscript, and Editor
droplets. Additional research of this type is vital to enhance Larry Meinert, for their comments and supervision. Research

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on magmatic ore deposits at Indiana University has been sup- Midcontinent Rift System, upper Michigan: Geochronology and petrologic
ported by NSF Grant EAR 1016031 to E.M. Ripley and C. evolution: Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, v. 11, 22 p., doi: 10.1029/
2009 GC002546.
Li. A gift to the Indiana University Economic Geology pro- Ding, X., Ripley, E.M., Shirey, S.B., and Li, C., 2012, Os, Nd, O and S iso-
gram from Rio Tinto is gratefully acknowledged. tope constraints on country rock contamination in the conduit-related
Eagle Cu-Ni-(PGE) deposit, Midcontinent rift system, upper Michigan:
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