Parte 3 Capitulo 26-Rca

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This chapter identifies common gearbox (also called reducer) problems and their
causes. Table 26-1 lists the more common gearbox failure modes. A primary cause of
failure is that, with few exceptions, gear sets are designed for operation in one direc-
tion only. Failure often is caused by inappropriate bidirectional operation of the gear-
box or backward installation of the gear set. Unless specifically manufactured for
bidirectional operation, the “nonpower” side of the gear’s teeth is not finished. There-
fore, this side is rougher and does not provide the same tolerance as the finished
“power” side.

Note that it has become standard practice in some plants to reverse the pinion or
bullgear in an effort to extend the gear set’s useful life. While this practice permits
longer operation times, the torsional power generated by a reversed gear set is not as
uniform and consistent as when the gears are properly installed.

Gear overload is another leading cause of failure. In some instances, the overload is
constant, which is an indication that the gearbox is not suitable for the application. In
other cases, the overload is intermittent and occurs only when the speed changes or
specific production demands cause a momentary spike in the torsional load require-
ment of the gearbox.

Misalignment, both real and induced, is another primary root cause of gear failure.
The only way to assure that gears are properly aligned is to hard blue the gears imme-
diately following installation. After the gears have run for a short time, their wear pat-
tern should be visually inspected. If the pattern does not conform to vendor’s
specifications,the alignment should be adjusted.

272 Root Cause Failure Analysis

Table 26-1 Common Failure Modes of Gearboxes and Gear Sets

Source: Integrated Systems, Inc.

Poor maintenance practices are the primary source of real misalignment problems.
Proper alignment of gear sets, especially large ones, is no easy task. Gearbox manu-
facturers do not provide an easy, positive means to assure that shafts are parallel and
that the proper center-to-center distance is maintained.

Induced misalignment also is a common problem with gear drives. Most gearboxes
are used to drive other system components, such as bridle or process rolls. If mis-
alignment is present in the driven members (either real or process induced), it also
will directly affect the gears. The change in load zone caused by the misaligned driven
Gearboxes or Reducers 273

component will induce misalignment in the gear set. The effect is identical to real
misalignment within the gearbox or between the gearbox and mated (i.e., driver and
driven) components.

Visual inspection of gears provides a positive means to isolate the potential root cause
of gear damage or failures. The wear pattern or deformation of gear teeth provide
clues as to the most likely forcing function or cause. The following sections discuss
the clues that can be obtained from visual inspection.

Figure 26-1 illustrates a gear that has a normal wear pattern. Note that the entire sur-
face of each tooth is uniformly smooth above and below the pitch line.

Figures 26-2 through 26-4 illustrate common abnormal wear patterns found in gear
sets. Each of these wear patterns suggests one or more potential failure modes for the

Abrasion creates unique wear patterns on the teeth. The pattern varies, depending on
the type of abrasion and its specific forcing function. Figure 26-2 illustrates severe
abrasive wear caused by particulates in the lubricating oil. Note the score marks that
run from the root to the tip of the gear teeth.

Figure 26-1 Normal wear pattern.

274 Root Cause Failure Analysis

Figure 2 6 2 Wearpattern caused by abrasives in lubricating oil.

Chemical Attack or Corrosion

Water and other foreign substances in the lubricating oil supply also cause gear degra-
dation and premature failure. Figure 26-3 illustrates a typical wear pattern on gears
caused by this failure mode.

Figure 26-3 Pattern caused by comsive attack on gear teeth.

Gearboxesor Reducers 275

Figure 2 6 4 Pitting caused by gear overloading.

The wear patterns generated by excessive gear loading vary, but all share similar com-
ponents. Figure 26-4 illustrates pitting caused by excessive torsional loading. The pits
are created by the implosion of lubricating oil. Other wear patterns, such as spalling and
burning, also can help identify specific forcing functions or root causes of gear failure.

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