The Diary of Anne Frank (Story)

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The Diary of anne frank

by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett

Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1929. When
she was four, her family moved to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to escape anti-
Jewish measures being introduced in Germany. In 1940, however, the Netherlands
surrendered to the invading German army. Anne and her family went into hiding
to avoid capture. Anne Frank started writing her diary in 1942, when she was
thirteen years old. The diary begins with stories of boyfriends, parties, and school
life. It closes two years later, just days before Anne is captured and put in a Nazi
concentration camp. Anne Frank’s diary recounts how she and her family lived in
hiding until they were discovered and imprisoned in 1944. She died of typhus in a
German prison camp when she was fifteen, but her story lives on through dozens
of translations and the stage adaptation you are about to read.

A READING FOCUS Occupants of the Secret Annex:
How many of the Anne Frank
characters are hiding in Margot Frank, her older sister
the secret annex during the

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play? By making inferences Mr. Frank, their father
how do you think the other
characters will factor into the
Mrs. Frank, their mother
action? Peter Van Daan
Mr. Van Daan, his father
Mrs. Van Daan, his mother
Mr. Dussel, a dentist
Workers in Mr. Frank’s Business:
Miep Gies,1 a young Dutchwoman
Mr. Kraler,2 a Dutchman A

1. Miep Gies (MEEP KHEES).

2. Kraler (KRAH LUHR).

Act 1, scenes 1 and 2 of The Diary of Anne Frank by Albert Hackett, Frances Goodrich Hackett,
and Otto Frank. Copyright © 1956 by Albert Hackett, Frances Goodrich Hackett, and Otto Frank.
Reproduced by permission of Random House, Inc.

278 The Diary of Anne Frank


Why is this scene setting

important to a drama?

© Anne Frank House, Amsterdam/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Setting: Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 1942 to August 1944;

November 1945.

Act One
The scene remains the same throughout the play. It is the top
floor of a warehouse and office building in Amsterdam, Holland.
The sharply peaked roof of the building is outlined against a sea
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of other rooftops stretching away into the distance. Nearby is the

belfry of a church tower, the Westertoren, whose carillon3 rings
out the hours. Occasionally faint sounds float up from below: the
voices of children playing in the street, the tramp of marching feet,
a boat whistle from the canal.4 B
The three rooms of the top floor and a small attic space
10 above are exposed to our view. The largest of the rooms is in the
center, with two small rooms, slightly raised, on either side. On the
right is a bathroom, out of sight. A narrow, steep flight of stairs at
the back leads up to the attic. The rooms are sparsely furnished,
with a few chairs, cots, a table or two. The windows are painted

3. carillon (KAR UH LAHN) n.: set of bells, each of which produces a

single tone.
4. canal n.: artificial waterway. Amsterdam, which was built on soggy
ground, has more than one hundred canals, built to help drain the
land. The canals are used like streets.

The Diary of Anne Frank 279

over or covered with makeshift blackout curtains. In the main
A LITERARY FOCUS room there is a sink, a gas ring for cooking, and a wood-burning
Which part of the drama stove for warmth.
is being explained here: The room on the left is hardly more than a closet. There is a
exposition, complications,
climax, or resolution? skylight in the sloping ceiling. Directly under this room is a small,
Explain your answer.
20 steep stairwell, with steps leading down to a door. This is the only
entrance from the building below. When the door is opened, we
see that it has been concealed on the outer side by a bookcase
attached to it.
The curtain rises on an empty stage. It is late afternoon,
November 1945.
The rooms are dusty, the curtains in rags. Chairs and tables
are overturned. A
Why do you think Mr. Frank
is crying? Do you think it
The door at the foot of the small stairwell swings open.
might be related to the play’s mr. frank comes up the steps into view. He is a gentle, cultured
conflict? Explain.
30 European in his middle years. There is still a trace of a German
accent in his speech.
He stands looking slowly around, making a supreme effort at
self-control. He is weak, ill. His clothes are threadbare.
After a second he drops his rucksack on the couch and moves
slowly about. He opens the door to one of the smaller rooms and

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then abruptly closes it again, turning away. He goes to the window
at the back, looking off at the Westertoren as its carillon strikes the
hour of six; then he moves restlessly on.
From the street below we hear the sound of a barrel organ
40 and children’s voices at play. There is a many-colored scarf
hanging from a nail. mr. frank takes it, putting it around his
neck. As he starts back for his rucksack, his eye is caught by
something lying on the floor. It is a woman’s white glove. He
holds it in his hand and suddenly all of his self-control is gone.
He breaks down crying. B
We hear footsteps on the stairs. miep gies comes up, looking
for mr. frank. miep is a Dutchwoman of about twenty-two. She
wears a coat and hat, ready to go home. She is pregnant. Her
attitude toward mr. frank is protective, compassionate.

280 The Diary of Anne Frank


Based on this conversation,

what inference can you
make about Miep and
FPO Mr. Frank’s releationship?

© Joan Marcus
50 Miep. Are you all right, Mr. Frank?
Mr. Frank (quickly controlling himself). Yes, Miep, yes.
Miep. Everyone in the office has gone home. . . . It’s after
six. (Then, pleading) Don’t stay up here, Mr. Frank. What’s the
use of torturing yourself like this?
Mr. Frank. I’ve come to say goodbye … I’m leaving
here, Miep.
Miep. What do you mean? Where are you going? Where?
Mr. Frank. I don’t know yet. I haven’t decided.
Miep. Mr. Frank, you can’t leave here! This is your home!
60 Amsterdam is your home. Your business is here, waiting for
you. … You’re needed here. … Now that the war is over, there are
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things that …
Mr. Frank. I can’t stay in Amsterdam, Miep. It has too many
memories for me. Everywhere, there’s something … the house
we lived in … the school … that street organ playing out there …
I’m not the person you used to know, Miep. I’m a bitter old man.
(Breaking off) Forgive me. I shouldn’t speak to you like this …
after all that you did for us … the suffering … C
Miep. No. No. It wasn’t suffering. You can’t say we suffered.
70 (As she speaks, she straightens a chair which is overturned.)
Mr. Frank. I know what you went through, you and Mr.
Kraler. I’ll remember it as long as I live. (He gives one last look
around.) Come, Miep. (He starts for the steps, then remembers
his rucksack, going back to get it.)
Miep (hurrying up to a cupboard). Mr. Frank, did you
see? There are some of your papers here. (She brings a bundle

The Diary of Anne Frank 281

of papers to him.) We found them in a heap of rubbish on the
A LITERARY FOCUS floor after … after you left.
What’s happening in Mr. Frank. Burn them. (He opens his rucksack to put the
this drama? Why does glove in it.)
the narration shift from
Mr. Frank, to Anne and Miep. But, Mr. Frank, there are letters, notes …
Mr. Frank together, to
just Anne?
Mr. Frank. Burn them. All of them.
Miep. Burn this? (She hands him a paperbound notebook.)
Mr. Frank (quietly). Anne’s diary. (He opens the diary and
begins to read.) “Monday, the sixth of July, nineteen forty-two.”
(To miep) Nineteen forty-two. Is it possible, Miep? … Only
three years ago. (As he continues his reading, he sits down on the
couch.) “Dear Diary, since you and I are going to be great friends,
I will start by telling you about myself. My name is Anne Frank. I
90 am thirteen years old. I was born in Germany the twelfth of June,
nineteen twenty-nine. As my family is Jewish, we emigrated to
Holland when Hitler came to power.”
[As mr. frank reads on, another voice joins his, as if coming
from the air. It is anne’s voice.]
Mr. Frank and Anne’s Voice. “My father started a busi-
ness, importing spice and herbs. Things went well for us until
nineteen forty. Then the war came, and the Dutch capitulation,

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followed by the arrival of the Germans. Then things got very
bad for the Jews.”
100 [mr. frank’s voice dies out. anne’s voice continues alone.
The lights dim slowly to darkness. The curtain falls on the scene.]
Anne’s Voice. You could not do this and you could not do
that. A They forced Father out of his business. We had to wear
yellow stars.5 I had to turn in my bike. I couldn’t go to a Dutch
school anymore. I couldn’t go to the movies or ride in an auto-
mobile or even on a streetcar, and a million other things. But
somehow we children still managed to have fun. Yesterday Father
told me we were going into hiding. Where, he wouldn’t say. At

5. yellow stars: The Nazis ordered all Jews to sew a large Star of David
(a six-pointed star) on their outer clothing so that they could be
easily recognized as Jews.

282 The Diary of Anne Frank

five o’clock this morning Mother woke me and told me to hurry
110 and get dressed. I was to put on as many clothes as I could. It B READ AND DISCUSS
would look too suspicious if we walked along carrying suitcases. Comprehension
It wasn’t until we were on our way that I learned where we were How have the writers
captured our interest in
going. Our hiding place was to be upstairs in the building where what will happen next?
Father used to have his business. Three other people were coming
in with us … the Van Daans and their son Peter … Father knew C VOCABULARY
the Van Daans but we had never met them. … B Selection Vocabulary
[During the last lines the curtain rises on the scene. The lights During the German
occupation of the
dim on. anne’s voice fades out.] Netherlands, Jews were
forced to wear yellow Stars
SCENE 2 of David on their clothes
so they would be easily
It is early morning, July 1942. The rooms are bare, as before, identifiable. Considering
120 but they are now clean and orderly. this, what do you think
conspicuous means?
mr. van daan, a tall, portly man in his late forties, is in the
main room, pacing up and down, nervously smoking a cigarette.
His clothes and overcoat are expensive and well cut.
mrs. van daan sits on the couch, clutching her possessions:
a hatbox, bags, etc. She is a pretty woman in her early forties. She
wears a fur coat over her other clothes.
peter van daan is standing at the window of the room on
the right, looking down at the street below. He is a shy, awkward
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boy of sixteen. He wears a cap, a raincoat, and long Dutch trousers,

130 like plus fours.6 At his feet is a black case, a carrier for his cat.
The yellow Star of David is conspicuous on all of their
clothes. C
Mrs. Van Daan (rising, nervous, excited). Something’s
happened to them! I know it!
Mr. Van Daan. Now, Kerli!
Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Frank said they’d be here at seven
o’clock. He said …
Mr. Van Daan. They have two miles to walk. You can’t
expect …
140 Mrs. Van Daan. They’ve been picked up. That’s what’s
happened. They’ve been taken …

6. plus fours n.: baggy trousers that end in cuffs just below the knees.

The Diary of Anne Frank 283

[mr. van daan indicates that he hears someone coming.]
A LITERARY FOCUS Mr. Van Daan. You see?
What conflict, or problem, [peter takes up his carrier and his school bag, etc., and
did Mrs. Van Daan fear goes into the main room as mr. frank comes up the stairwell
because the Franks were
late? What was the real from below. mr. frank looks much younger now. His movements
cause of their lateness?
are brisk, his manner confident. He wears an overcoat and carries
his hat and a small cardboard box. He crosses to the van daans,
shaking hands with each of them.]
150 Mr. Frank. Mrs. Van Daan, Mr. Van Daan, Peter. (Then, in
explanation of their lateness) There were too many of the Green
Police7 on the streets … we had to take the long way around. A
[Up the steps come margot frank, mrs. frank, miep
(not pregnant now), and mr. kraler. All of them carry bags,
packages, and so forth. The Star of David is conspicuous on all of
the franks’ clothing. margot is eighteen, beautiful, quiet, shy.
mrs. frank is a young mother, gently bred, reserved. She, like mr.
frank, has a slight German accent. mr. kraler is a Dutchman,
dependable, kindly.
160 As mr. kraler and miep go upstage to put down their
parcels, mrs. frank turns back to call anne.]
Mrs. Frank. Anne?

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[anne comes running up the stairs. She is thirteen, quick
in her movements, interested in everything, mercurial8 in her
emotions. She wears a cape and long wool socks and carries a
school bag.]
Mr. Frank (introducing them). My wife, Edith. Mr. and
Mrs. Van Daan (mrs. frank hurries over, shaking hands with
them.) … their son, Peter … my daughters, Margot and Anne.
170 [anne gives a polite little curtsy as she shakes mr. van
daan’s hand. Then she immediately starts off on a tour of
investigation of her new home, going upstairs to the attic room.
miep and mr. kraler are putting the various things they
have brought on the shelves.]

7. Green Police: Nazi police, who wore green uniforms.

8. mercurial (MUHR KYOOR EE UHL) adj.: changeable.

284 The Diary of Anne Frank

Mr. Kraler. I’m sorry there is still so much confusion.
Mr. Frank. Please. Don’t think of it. After all, we’ll have B VOCABULARY
plenty of leisure to arrange everything ourselves. B Word Study
Miep (to mrs. frank). We put the stores of food you sent in Using context clues and what
you know about Mr. Frank’s
here. Your drugs are here … soap, linen here. plan, write a definition for
180 Mrs. Frank. Thank you, Miep. the word leisure.

Miep. I made up the beds … the way Mr. Frank and Mr.
Kraler said. (She starts out.) Forgive me. I have to hurry. I’ve got
to go to the other side of town to get some ration books9 for you.
Mrs. Van Daan. Ration books? If they see our names on
ration books, they’ll know we’re here.
Mr. Kraler. There isn’t anything …
Miep. Don’t worry. Your names won’t be on them. (As she C READING FOCUS

hurries out) I’ll be up later. What can you infer about

Mrs. Frank from this
Mr. Frank. Thank you, Miep. coverstion?
190 Mrs. Frank (to mr. kraler). It’s illegal, then, the ration
books? We’ve never done anything illegal.
Mr. Frank. We won’t be living here exactly according to
regulations. C
[As mr. kraler reassures mrs. frank, he takes various small
things, such as matches and soap, from his pockets, handing them
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to her.]
Mr. Kraler. This isn’t the black market,10 Mrs. Frank. This
is what we call the white market … helping all of the hundreds
and hundreds who are hiding out in Amsterdam.
200 [The carillon is heard playing the quarter-hour before eight.
mr. kraler looks at his watch. anne stops at the window as she
comes down the stairs.]
Anne. It’s the Westertoren!
Mr. Kraler. I must go. I must be out of here and downstairs
in the office before the workmen get here. (He starts for the stairs
leading out.) Miep or I, or both of us, will be up each day to bring

9. ration books: books of stamps or coupons issued by the government

during wartime. People could purchase scarce items, such as food,
clothing, and gasoline, only with these coupons.
10. black market: place or system for buying and selling goods illegally,
without ration stamps.

The Diary of Anne Frank 285


Word Study
Interval can mean “space
between” or “time
between.” Which definition
makes more sense here?

© Bob Krist/Corbis

you food and news and find out what your needs are. Tomorrow
I’ll get you a better bolt for the door at the foot of the stairs. It
needs a bolt that you can throw yourself and open only at our
210 signal. (To mr. frank) Oh … You’ll tell them about the noise?
Mr. Frank. I’ll tell them.
Mr. Kraler. Goodbye, then, for the moment. I’ll come up
again, after the workmen leave.

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Mr. Frank. Goodbye, Mr. Kraler.
Mrs. Frank (shaking his hand). How can we thank you?
[The others murmur their goodbyes.]
Mr. Kraler. I never thought I’d live to see the day when a
man like Mr. Frank would have to go into hiding. When you
220 [He breaks off, going out. mr. frank follows him down
the steps, bolting the door after him. In the interval before he
returns, peter goes over to margot, shaking hands with her. A
As mr. frank comes back up the steps, mrs. frank questions
him anxiously.]
Mrs. Frank. What did he mean, about the noise?
Mr. Frank. First let us take off some of these clothes.

286 The Diary of Anne Frank

[They all start to take off garment after garment. On each of
their coats, sweaters, blouses, suits, dresses is another yellow Star B READING FOCUS
of David. mr. and mrs. frank are underdressed quite simply. Infer why Mrs. Van Daan
230 The others wear several things: sweaters, extra dresses, bathrobes, feels it was obvious that they
were up to something.
aprons, nightgowns, etc.]
Mr. Van Daan. It’s a wonder we weren’t arrested, walking
along the streets … Petronella with a fur coat in July … B and
that cat of Peter’s crying all the way.
Anne (as she is removing a pair of panties). A cat?
Mrs. Frank (shocked). Anne, please!
Anne. It’s all right. I’ve got on three more.
[She pulls off two more. Finally, as they have all removed
their surplus clothes, they look to mr. frank, waiting for him What are we learning in
240 to speak.] this scene? Follow-up:
What part does Miep play
Mr. Frank. Now. About the noise. While the men are in in their lives? Follow-up:
the building below, we must have complete quiet. Every sound What’s life like in the
hiding place?
can be heard down there, not only in the workrooms but in the
offices too. The men come at about eight-thirty and leave at
about five-thirty. So, to be perfectly safe, from eight in the morning
until six in the evening we must move only when it is necessary,
and then in stockinged feet. We must not speak above a whisper.
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We must not run any water. We cannot use the sink or even,
forgive me, the w.c.11 The pipes go down through the work-
250 rooms. It would be heard. No trash … (mr. frank stops abruptly
as he hears the sound of marching feet from the street below.
Everyone is motionless, paralyzed with fear. mr. frank goes quietly
into the room on the right to look down out of the window. anne
runs after him, peering out with him. The tramping feet pass
without stopping. The tension is relieved. mr. frank, followed by
anne, returns to the main room and resumes his instructions to
the group.) … No trash must ever be thrown out which might
reveal that someone is living up here … not even a potato
paring. We must burn everything in the stove at night. This is
260 the way we must live until it is over, if we are to survive. C

11. w.c.: short for “water closet,” or toilet.

The Diary of Anne Frank 287

[There is silence for a second.]
A LANGUAGE COACH Mrs. Frank. Until it is over.
Adding the suffix –ly to the Mr. Frank (reassuringly). After six we can move about …
end of a word often turns we can talk and laugh and have our supper and read and play
it into an adverb (a word
that modifies an action, an games … just as we would at home. (He looks at his watch.) And
adjective, or another adverb).
now I think it would be wise if we all went to our rooms, and
Underline the adverb in this
sentence. What action is it were settled before eight o’clock. Mrs. Van Daan, you and your
husband will be upstairs. I regret that there’s no place up there
for Peter. But he will be here, near us. This will be our common
270 room, where we’ll meet to talk and eat and read, like one family.
Mr. Van Daan. And where do you and Mrs. Frank sleep?
Mr. Frank. This room is also our bedroom.
Mrs. Van Daan. That isn’t right. We’ll sleep here and you
take the room upstairs.
Mr. Van Daan. It’s your place.
Mr. Frank. Please. I’ve thought this out for weeks. It’s the
best arrangement. The only arrangement.
Mrs. Van Daan (to mr. frank). Never, never can we thank
you. (Then, to mrs. frank) I don’t know what would have
280 happened to us, if it hadn’t been for Mr. Frank.
Mr. Frank. You don’t know how your husband helped me

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when I came to this country … knowing no one … not able to
speak the language. I can never repay him for that. (Going to mr.
van daan) May I help you with your things?
Mr. Van Daan. No. No. (To mrs. van daan) Come along,
Mrs. Van Daan. You’ll be all right, Peter? You’re not afraid?
Peter (embarrassed). Please, Mother.
[They start up the stairs to the attic room above. mr. frank
290 turns to mrs. frank.]
Mr. Frank. You too must have some rest, Edith. You didn’t
close your eyes last night. Nor you, Margot.
Anne. I slept, Father. Wasn’t that funny? I knew it was the
last night in my own bed, and yet I slept soundly. A

12. liefje (LEEF YAH): Dutch for “little dear one.”

288 The Diary of Anne Frank

Mr. Frank. I’m glad, Anne. Now you’ll be able to help
me straighten things in here. (To mrs. frank and margot) B VOCABULARY
Come with me. … You and Margot rest in this room for the Word Study
time being. (He picks up their clothes, starting for the room on Based on how Peter and
Anne interact in this
the right.) scene, what do you think
300 Mrs. Frank. You’re sure … ? I could help … And Anne unabashed means?

hasn’t had her milk …

Mr. Frank. I’ll give it to her. (To anne and peter) Anne,
Peter … it’s best that you take off your shoes now, before you
forget. (He leads the way to the room, followed by margot.)
Mrs. Frank. You’re sure you’re not tired, Anne?
Anne. I feel fine. I’m going to help Father.
Mrs. Frank. Peter, I’m glad you are to be with us.
Peter. Yes, Mrs. Frank.
[mrs. frank goes to join mr. frank and margot.
310 During the following scene mr. frank helps margot and
mrs. frank to hang up their clothes. Then he persuades them
both to lie down and rest. The van daans, in their room above,
settle themselves. In the main room anne and peter remove
their shoes. peter takes his cat out of the carrier.]
Anne. What’s your cat’s name?
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Peter. Mouschi.13
Anne. Mouschi! Mouschi! Mouschi! (She picks up the cat,
walking away with it. To peter) I love cats. I have one … a
darling little cat. But they made me leave her behind. I left some
320 food and a note for the neighbors to take care of her. … I’m
going to miss her terribly. What is yours? A him or a her?
Peter. He’s a tom. He doesn’t like strangers. (He takes the cat
from her, putting it back in its carrier.)
Anne (unabashed). Then I’ll have to stop being a stranger,
won’t I? Is he fixed?
Peter (startled). Huh?
Anne. Did you have him fixed? B
Peter. No.

13. Mouschi (MOO SHEE).

The Diary of Anne Frank 289

Anne. Oh, you ought to have him fixed—to keep him
A LITERARY FOCUS 330 from—you know, fighting. Where did you go to school?
Why can Peter and Anne Peter. Jewish Secondary.
remove their stars now Anne. But that’s where Margot and I go! I never saw you
without causing any conflict?
Peter. I used to see you … sometimes …
Anne. You did?
Peter. … in the schoolyard. You were always in the middle
of a bunch of kids. (He takes a penknife from his pocket.)
Anne. Why didn’t you ever come over?
Peter. I’m sort of a lone wolf. (He starts to rip off his Star of
340 David.)
Anne. What are you doing?
Peter. Taking it off.
Anne. But you can’t do that. They’ll arrest you if you go out
without your star.
[He tosses his knife on the table.]
Peter. Who’s going out?
Anne. Why, of course! You’re right! Of course we don’t need
them anymore. (She picks up his knife and starts to take her star
off.) I wonder what our friends will think when we don’t show up

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350 today? A
Peter. I didn’t have any dates with anyone.
Anne. Oh, I did. I had a date with Jopie to go and play
ping-pong at her house. Do you know Jopie de Waal?14
Peter. No.
Anne. Jopie’s my best friend. I wonder what she’ll think
when she telephones and there’s no answer? … Probably she’ll go
over to the house. … I wonder what she’ll think … we left every-
thing as if we’d suddenly been called away … breakfast dishes in
the sink … beds not made … (As she pulls off her star, the cloth
360 underneath shows clearly the color and form of the star.) Look! It’s
still there! (peter goes over to the stove with his star.) What’re
you going to do with yours?

14. Jopie de Waal (YOH PEE DUH VAHL).

290 The Diary of Anne Frank

Peter. Burn it.
Anne. (She starts to throw hers in, and cannot.) It’s funny, B LITERARY FOCUS
I can’t throw mine away. I don’t know why. What conflict does Anne
Peter. You can’t throw … ? Something they branded you have over her yellow
star? How does Peter feel
with … ? That they made you wear so they could spit on you? about his?
Anne. I know. I know. But after all, it is the Star of David,
isn’t it? B
370 [In the bedroom, right, margot and mrs. frank are lying
down. mr. frank starts quietly out.]
Peter. Maybe it’s different for a girl.
[mr. frank comes into the main room.]
Mr. Frank. Forgive me, Peter. Now let me see. We must find
a bed for your cat. (He goes to a cupboard.) I’m glad you brought
your cat. Anne was feeling so badly about hers. (Getting a used
small washtub) Here we are. Will it be comfortable in that?
Peter (gathering up his things). Thanks. C LANGUAGE COACH

Mr. Frank (opening the door of the room on the left). Look at the word awfully. If
you remove the suffix –ly,
380 And here is your room. But I warn you, Peter, you can’t grow what word do you have?
anymore. Not an inch, or you’ll have to sleep with your feet out What does it mean?

of the skylight. Are you hungry?

Peter. No.
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Mr. Frank. We have some bread and butter.

Peter. No, thank you.
Mr. Frank. You can have it for luncheon then. And tonight
we will have a real supper … our first supper together.
Peter. Thanks. Thanks. (He goes into his room. During the
following scene he arranges his possessions in his new room.)
390 Mr. Frank. That’s a nice boy, Peter.
Anne. He’s awfully shy, isn’t he? C
Mr. Frank. You’ll like him, I know.
Anne. I certainly hope so, since he’s the only boy I’m likely
to see for months and months.
[mr. frank sits down, taking off his shoes.]
Mr. Frank. Annele,15 there’s a box there. Will you open it?

15. Annele (AHN UH LUH): Yiddish for “little Anne” (like “Annie”).

The Diary of Anne Frank 291

[He indicates a carton on the couch. anne brings it to the
A READING FOCUS center table. In the street below, there is the sound of children
What can you infer about playing.]
Anne from what she says 400 Anne (as she opens the carton). You know the way I’m
going to think of it here? I’m going to think of it as a
boardinghouse. A very peculiar summer boardinghouse, like
the one that we— (She breaks off as she pulls out some photo-
graphs.) Father! My movie stars! I was wondering where they
were! I was looking for them this morning … and Queen
Wilhelmina!16 How wonderful! A
Mr. Frank. There’s something more. Go on. Look further.
(He goes over to the sink, pouring a glass of milk from a thermos
410 Anne (pulling out a pasteboard-bound book). A diary! (She
throws her arms around her father.) I’ve never had a diary. And
I’ve always longed for one. (She looks around the room.) Pencil,
pencil, pencil, pencil. (She starts down the stairs.) I’m going down
to the office to get a pencil.
Mr. Frank. Anne! No! (He goes after her, catching her by the
arm and pulling her back.)
Anne (startled). But there’s no one in the building now.

Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

Mr. Frank. It doesn’t matter. I don’t want you ever to go
beyond that door.
© Anne Frank Fonds-Basel/Anne Frank
House–Amsterdam/Getty Images

16. Queen Wilhelmina (VIHL HEHL MEE NAH) (1880–1962): queen of the
Netherlands from 1890 to 1948.

292 The Diary of Anne Frank

420 Anne (sobered). Never … ? Not even at nighttime, when
everyone is gone? Or on Sundays? Can’t I go down to listen to B LITERARY FOCUS
the radio? Why does Anne just now
Mr. Frank. Never. I am sorry, Anneke.17 It isn’t safe. No, you realize the seriousness of the
conflict she’s trapped in?
must never go beyond that door.
[For the first time anne realizes what “going into hiding” means.]
Anne. I see. B
Mr. Frank. It’ll be hard, I know. But always remember this,
Anneke. There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that
anyone can put on your mind. Miep will bring us books. We will
430 read history, poetry, mythology. (He gives her the glass of milk.)
Here’s your milk. (With his arm about her, they go over to the
couch, sitting down side by side.) As a matter of fact, between us,
Anne, being here has certain advantages for you. For instance,
you remember the battle you had with your mother the other
day on the subject of overshoes? You said you’d rather die than
wear overshoes? But in the end you had to wear them? Well now,
What does Mr. Frank
you see, for as long as we are here, you will never have to wear tell Anne to make the
play’s conflict seem more
overshoes! Isn’t that good? And the coat that you inherited from
manageable? Do you think
Margot, you won’t have to wear that anymore. And the piano! Anne will be convinced by
his reassurance?
440 You won’t have to practice on the piano. I tell you, this is going to
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

be a fine life for you! C

[anne’s panic is gone. peter appears in the doorway of his
room, with a saucer in his hand. He is carrying his cat.]
Peter. I … I … I thought I’d better get some water for
Mouschi before …
Mr. Frank. Of course.
[As he starts toward the sink, the carillon begins to chime the
hour of eight. He tiptoes to the window at the back and looks down
at the street below. He turns to peter, indicating in pantomime
450 that it is too late. peter starts back for his room. He steps on a
creaking board. The three of them are frozen for a minute in fear.
As peter starts away again, anne tiptoes over to him and pours
some of the milk from her glass into the saucer for the cat. peter

17. Anneke (AHN UH KUH): another affectionate nickname for Anne.

The Diary of Anne Frank 293

squats on the floor, putting the milk before the cat. mr. frank gives
A VOCABULARY anne his fountain pen and then goes into the room at the right.
Word Study For a second anne watches the cat; then she goes over to the center
Think of two synonyms table and opens her diary.
(words that have a similar
meaning) for the word In the room at the right, mrs. frank has sat up quickly at the
loathe. Are the synonyms sound of the carillon. mr. frank comes in and sits down beside
as effective in this sentence
as loathe? Why? 460 her on the settee,18 his arm comfortingly around her.
Upstairs, in the attic room, mr. and mrs. van daan have
hung their clothes in the closet and are now seated on the iron bed.
mrs. van daan leans back, exhausted. mr. van daan fans her
with a newspaper.
anne starts to write in her diary. The lights dim out; the
curtain falls.
Comprehension In the darkness anne’s voice comes to us again, faintly at first
What do we learn in this
and then with growing strength.]
Anne’s Voice. I expect I should be describing what it feels
C LITERARY FOCUS 470 like to go into hiding. But I really don’t know yet myself. I only
This portion of the drama know it’s funny never to be able to go outdoors … never to
closes with Anne’s voice breathe fresh air … never to run and shout and jump. It’s the
reading again. What’s
happening when the play silence in the nights that frightens me most. Every time I hear a
transitions from all of the
creak in the house or a step on the street outside, I’m sure they’re
characters speaking on

Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

stage to just Anne’s voice coming for us. The days aren’t so bad. At least we know that
Miep and Mr. Kraler are down there below us in the office. Our
protectors, we call them. I asked Father what would happen to
them if the Nazis found out they were hiding us. Pim19 said that
they would suffer the same fate that we would. … Imagine! They
480 know this, and yet when they come up here, they’re always cheer-
ful and gay, as if there were nothing in the world to bother them.
… Friday, the twenty-first of August, nineteen forty-two. Today
I’m going to tell you our general news. Mother is unbearable. She
insists on treating me like a baby, which I loathe. A Otherwise
things are going better. The weather is … B
[As anne’s voice is fading out, the curtain rises on
the scene.] C

18. settee (SEHT TEE) n.: small couch.

19. Pim: family nickname for Mr. Frank.

294 The Diary of Anne Frank

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