19-VAV-2022-Rev04 (Updated)

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RABIE VAV terminal boxes type RAV were developed for the control of air flow, especially
in variable volume systems.
They come in different models:
• RAVBS/BC Single Duct Terminal Box (VAV/CAV)
• RAVBP By-Pass Terminal Box

Factory fitted control package, ensures the most accurate setup of required flow rates.
The flow rate control is a closed circuit system with external power supply. RAV boxes
can be supplied with control components from any reputable manufacturer to suit the
project specification.

RAV contains a differential pressure sensor for air flow measurement (not for Bypass
type), a control damper and an integral sound attenuator for reducing the air regenerated

The control damper blade with seal insures best air tightness when closed.

RAV has a circular spigot connection up to 300 mm (12”) size, oval connection for larger
sizes on the fan side (high pressure end) and a rectangular flange connection on the
room side (low pressure end).

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Room temperature controller Supply/extract air tracking control

In VAV systems, the room temperature In individual rooms and closed-off office
control takes the form of a cascade control. areas, where the balance between supply
The primary controlled variable is the room and extract air flow rate has to be
temperature. The output signal of the room maintained. Otherwise, annoying whistling
temperature controller is fed directly to the noises can occur at door gaps, and the
control damper’s actuator. doors can be difficult to open. For this
The flow rate control also generates reason, the extract air should also have
minimum and maximum limits for the air variable control in a VAV system.
flow which has benefits in keeping the room The actual value of the supply air is fed as
temperature constant and for the an input signal to the extract air controller
functioning of the overall room air (slave controller). In this way, the extract air
conditioning system. flow rate automatically follows the supply air
flow rate, even in the case where this has
Flow rate measurement
not reached its set point value.
A sensor is necessary for the positive
measurement of air flows, this is achieved Bypass VAV - Pressure Dependent
by pressure measurement at several points Bypass VAV is usually installed in a
distributed over the cross-section and pressure dependent system (application),
provision of the resulting average value. where there is no variable speed control of
The differential pressure sensor is an the supply fan, and back pressure should
optimum solution in terms of economy and be avoided. For this reason a bypass VAV
product technology. requires a pressure relief damper (or
This sensor delivers exact results for most bypass damper) to avoid exceeding the
room air conditioning applications based on maximum pressure of the system. Flow
measurement is not possible for bypass
normal upstream flow conditions.
type and so the bypass VAV comes without
Volume flow control flow sensor. The control of Bypass VAV
The control of the flow rate takes place in a shall be directly from the setpoint of the
closed control circuit, i.e. measurement – room temperature controller or BMS.
comparison – control. Pressure Independent CAV Operation
A pressure transducer converts the CAV operation is principally the same as
pressure differential into an electrical signal, VAV Terminal Boxes but the concept of
which is interpreted as the actual value by function is different. The CAV is intended to
the controller. In most applications, the set keep preset constant air volume entering
point value comes from a room temperature the duct branch downstream of the box. To
controller. do so, the compact controller will receive a
signal of the preset volume flow required
The controller compares the actual value and the actuator will act to keep the flow
with the set point value and from the constant depending on differential pressure
difference between these two alters the measurement taken (corresponding to air
control signal to the damper actuator. speed).

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• Casing of galvanized steel sheet, gauge 22

• Lining in the sound attenuator section of 25mm thickness
• Control damper blade of galvanized sheet steel of Gauge 16 with suitable seal
• Sensor tubes of aluminum with plastic pipes to the actuator
• Nylon Bushing
• Controller fitted to the control damper made by Belimo or Siemens. Optionally we
can use any other controller if requested
• Flow rate range is 1:10 (according to selected controller accuracy)
• Flow range is setup and programmed in the factory as required by end-user, based
on data extracted from the calibration test rig
• An optional Air Heater can be supplied with RAV on request

1) Control Blade 5) Inlet Spigot

2) Controller 6) Acoustic Liner
3) Differential Pressure Sensor 7) DP Sensor plastic hoses
4) VAV Main Casing Box

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Side View Front View

Top View Rear View

Nominal Size Inlet Dx Dy A F G L Outlet Size (mm)

D Shape (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) W H
125 mm 5 inch Round 124 124 150 300 250 600 250 200
150 mm 6 inch Round 149 149 150 300 250 600 250 200
175 mm 7 inch Round 175 175 150 300 300 700 250 250
200 mm 8 inch Round 200 200 150 300 300 700 250 250
225 mm 9 inch Flat Oval 250 200 150 350 300 700 300 250
250 mm 10 inch Flat Oval 300 200 150 400 300 700 350 250
300 mm 12 inch Flat Oval 410 200 150 500 300 700 450 250
350 mm 14 inch Flat Oval 450 250 150 550 350 800 500 300
400 mm 16 inch Flat Oval 575 250 150 650 350 800 600 300
450 mm 18 inch Flat Oval 610 300 200 700 400 900 650 350
500 mm 20 inch Flat Oval 750 300 200 850 400 900 800 350
550 mm 22 inch Flat Oval 775 350 200 850 450 1000 800 400
600 mm 24 inch Flat Oval 910 350 200 1000 450 1000 950 400

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


• Casing in galvanized steel sheet gauge 22

• Lining in the sound attenuator section of 25mm thickness
• Control damper blade in galvanized sheet steel of gauge 16 with suitable seal
• Nylon Bushing
• Actuator fitted to the control damper made by Belimo or Siemens. Optionally we
can use any other controller if requested
• An optional Air Heater can be supplied with RAV on request

1) Control Blade 3.1) Bypass Casing Box (only for bypass

model RAVBP)
1.1) Bypass Blade (only for bypass model
RAVBP) 4) Inlet Spigot
2) Controller 5) Acoustic Liner
3) VAV Main Casing Box

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Side View Front View

Top View Rear View

Nominal Size Inlet Dx Dy A F G L Outlet Size (mm)

D Shape (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) W H
125 mm 5 inch Round 124 124 150 300 250 600 250 200
150 mm 6 inch Round 149 149 150 300 250 600 250 200
175 mm 7 inch Round 175 175 150 300 300 700 250 250
200 mm 8 inch Round 200 200 150 300 300 700 250 250
225 mm 9 inch Flat Oval 250 200 150 350 300 700 300 250
250 mm 10 inch Flat Oval 300 200 150 400 300 700 350 250
300 mm 12 inch Flat Oval 410 200 150 500 300 700 450 250
350 mm 14 inch Flat Oval 450 250 150 550 350 800 500 300
400 mm 16 inch Flat Oval 575 250 150 650 350 800 600 300
450 mm 18 inch Flat Oval 610 300 200 700 400 900 650 350
500 mm 20 inch Flat Oval 750 300 200 850 400 900 800 350
550 mm 22 inch Flat Oval 775 350 200 850 450 1000 800 400
600 mm 24 inch Flat Oval 910 350 200 1000 450 1000 950 400

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


Volumetric Flow Range and minimum differential pressure for each size
For Types RAVBS/BC and RAVBP (fully Open)
Volumetric Flow Rate Minimum Differential Pressure (Pa)
Nominal Size
D l/s m³/hr CFM Static Dynamic Total
30 110 65 20 3 23
60 220 125 20 6 26
125 mm 5 inch
120 430 255 35 24 59
250 900 530 55 106 161
45 160 95 20 3 23
100 360 210 20 17 37
150 mm 6 inch
190 680 405 30 61 91
350 1260 740 50 207 257
60 220 125 20 3 23
130 470 275 20 15 35
175 mm 7 inch
260 940 550 35 60 95
450 1620 955 50 180 230
80 290 170 20 3 23
170 610 360 20 13 33
200 mm 8 inch
330 1190 700 20 50 70
650 2340 1375 40 193 233
105 380 220 20 3 23
220 790 465 20 12 32
225 mm 9 inch
425 1530 900 30 44 74
900 3240 1905 45 198 243
130 470 275 20 3 23
260 940 550 20 10 30
250 mm 10 inch
520 1870 1100 30 40 70
1150 4140 2435 35 197 232
185 670 390 20 2 22
390 1400 825 20 11 31
300 mm 12 inch
775 2790 1640 25 42 67
1600 5760 3390 35 181 216
255 920 540 20 2 22
500 1800 1060 20 9 29
350 mm 14 inch
990 3560 2100 20 34 54
2200 7920 4660 30 167 197

Doted Range is not recommended due to high pressure drop and noise

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


Volumetric Flow Range and minimum differential pressure for each size
For Types RAVBS/BC and RAVBP (fully Open)

Volumetric Flow Rate Minimum Differential Pressure (Pa)

Nominal Size
D l/s m³/hr CFM Static Dynamic Total
320 1150 680 20 2 22
670 2410 1420 20 9 29
400 mm 16 inch
1330 4790 2820 20 36 56
2750 9900 5825 30 155 185
415 1490 880 20 2 22
830 2990 1760 20 8 28
450 mm 18 inch
1650 5940 3495 20 32 52
3600 12960 7630 20 152 172
530 1910 1125 20 2 22
1050 3780 2225 20 7 27
500 mm 20 inch
2100 7560 4450 20 29 49
4600 16560 9745 20 139 159
610 2200 1295 20 2 22
1250 4500 2650 20 8 28
550 mm 22 inch
2500 9000 5295 20 31 51
5250 18900 11125 20 135 155
745 2680 1580 20 2 22
1500 5400 3180 20 7 27
600 mm 24 inch
3000 10800 6355 20 28 48
6450 23220 13665 20 127 147

Doted Range is not recommended due to high pressure drop and noise

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Discharge Sound Power Level

For Types RAVBS/BC and RAVBP (fully Open)

Volumetric Discharge Sound Power Level Discharge Sound Power Level Discharge Sound Power Level
Nominal Flow Rate (dB) at ΔPst=100Pa (dB) at ΔPst=200Pa (dB) at ΔPst=500Pa








l/s CFM

30 65 45 31 27 16 19 15 6 <20 39 38 35 24 27 25 2 <20 48 47 45 34 37 34 11 <20

125 5 60 125 50 36 32 21 24 20 11 <20 44 43 40 29 32 30 7 <20 53 52 50 39 42 39 16 <20

mm inch 120 255 55 46 45 26 26 22 17 <20 56 53 48 34 34 32 19 <20 65 62 58 44 44 41 28 21
250 530 62 56 50 35 34 24 24 <20 66 63 58 43 42 34 29 22 75 72 68 53 52 43 38 33
45 95 47 33 35 19 21 17 8 <20 41 40 37 27 29 27 4 <20 50 49 47 37 39 36 13 <20

150 6 100 210 50 37 40 22 24 20 11 <20 46 44 40 30 32 30 9 <20 55 53 50 40 42 39 18 <20

mm inch 190 405 55 53 47 33 31 24 18 <20 63 60 55 41 39 34 26 <20 72 69 65 51 49 43 35 30
350 740 61 61 56 41 40 29 25 <20 71 68 64 49 48 39 34 29 73 70 66 53 50 44 36 31
60 125 43 34 30 21 23 18 5 <20 42 41 38 29 31 28 6 <20 51 50 48 39 41 37 15 <20

175 7 130 275 48 38 47 33 31 24 10 <20 46 45 58 45 41 37 13 <20 55 54 73 60 54 48 27 <20

mm inch 260 550 51 40 48 34 32 31 13 <20 48 47 59 46 42 47 15 <20 57 56 74 61 55 60 28 <20
450 955 55 55 51 35 34 32 19 <20 51 64 62 47 44 48 26 <20 60 76 77 62 57 61 38 27
80 170 51 34 31 21 23 18 12 <20 42 41 39 29 31 28 6 <20 51 50 49 39 41 37 15 <20

200 8 170 360 53 45 51 38 36 35 15 <20 43 54 64 52 48 53 20 <20 52 65 80 69 63 69 34 <20

mm inch 330 700 60 54 56 40 38 36 22 <20 48 64 70 54 50 54 27 <20 58 77 87 71 65 70 42 29
650 1375 65 62 61 48 45 42 28 21 52 73 76 64 59 63 35 23 62 79 87 84 76 81 44 31
105 220 51 34 35 25 26 21 12 <20 44 43 41 33 34 31 8 <20 53 52 51 43 44 40 17 <20

225 9 220 465 52 45 52 40 38 35 14 <20 44 57 61 52 49 51 20 <20 53 68 75 67 63 65 32 <20

mm inch 425 900 59 51 57 45 42 39 21 <20 49 64 66 58 54 56 26 <20 59 70 81 74 69 71 36 22
900 1905 62 60 61 52 50 45 25 <20 51 75 70 67 64 64 36 25 70 70 82 75 70 72 38 28
130 275 51 36 32 25 26 21 12 <20 44 43 40 33 34 31 8 <20 53 52 50 43 44 40 17 <20

250 10 260 550 53 45 54 45 44 42 15 <20 45 53 67 59 57 62 23 <20 54 64 83 77 73 80 39 20

mm inch 520 1100 58 52 56 50 47 43 20 <20 49 61 69 65 60 63 26 <20 58 73 85 84 76 81 41 26
1150 2435 64 61 63 55 52 50 27 20 54 71 77 71 66 73 35 21 63 84 89 91 83 93 51 37
185 390 53 39 34 27 28 23 14 <20 49 46 42 35 36 33 12 <20 58 55 52 45 46 42 21 <20

300 12 390 825 58 49 50 42 40 38 20 <20 54 57 61 54 51 54 21 <20 63 68 75 69 65 68 33 21

mm inch 775 1640 61 57 52 50 50 49 24 <20 56 66 63 64 63 69 29 <20 65 78 77 81 80 86 43 30
1600 3390 65 63 58 55 51 50 28 21 59 72 70 70 64 70 34 22 68 85 85 88 81 87 48 38
255 540 51 53 35 28 29 24 16 <20 51 48 43 36 37 34 14 <20 60 57 53 46 47 43 23 <20
500 1060 58 59 50 40 40 39 23 <20 58 52 61 51 51 54 21 <20 68 61 75 65 64 68 33 25
350 14
mm inch 990 2100 63 66 54 50 48 45 29 20 63 58 65 63 61 62 27 <20 73 68 79 80 76 78 38 31

2200 4660 68 73 63 60 55 53 35 27 68 64 75 75 69 73 34 25 78 75 91 95 85 91 49 38

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


Discharge Sound Power Level

For Types RAVBS/BC and RAVBP (fully Open)

Volumetric Discharge Sound Power Lev- Discharge Sound Power Lev- Discharge Sound Power Lev-
Flow Rate el (dB) at ΔPst=100Pa el (dB) at ΔPst=200Pa el (dB) at ΔPst=500Pa
Nominal Size








l/s CFM

320 680 51 52 35 29 30 25 16 <20 55 50 43 37 38 35 17 <20 64 59 53 47 48 44 26 20

400 16 670 1420 58 57 50 42 41 39 22 <20 62 54 61 53 51 54 24 <20 72 63 75 67 64 67 35 30

mm inch 1330 2820 64 65 60 51 50 46 29 21 68 61 73 64 62 63 32 25 78 71 76 69 65 68 40 37

2750 5825 70 72 66 61 60 55 35 28 74 67 80 76 74 75 38 32 79 75 77 72 70 72 42 38

415 880 53 53 34 36 33 29 17 <20 57 50 42 44 41 39 19 <20 66 59 52 54 51 48 28 22

450 18 830 1760 58 59 53 43 42 41 23 <20 62 56 65 52 52 55 25 <20 71 66 74 65 64 63 34 29

mm inch 1650 3495 67 65 61 53 51 50 30 24 71 61 74 64 63 67 34 28 72 67 74 65 65 62 35 30

3600 7630 75 74 70 62 61 60 39 34 79 69 84 74 75 80 43 38 73 66 72 66 67 62 35 31

530 1125 56 53 35 36 33 29 19 <20 59 51 43 44 41 39 21 <20 68 60 53 54 51 48 30 25

500 20 1050 2225 64 60 51 46 45 44 26 20 67 57 62 56 55 59 29 23 77 67 76 68 68 72 39 36

mm inch 2100 4450 71 68 61 55 53 52 34 29 74 64 74 66 64 69 36 32 79 75 80 80 79 84 44 38

4600 9745 75 75 70 65 64 63 39 34 78 70 84 78 77 83 43 37 83 82 82 81 80 82 47 43

610 1295 63 56 36 38 36 30 25 <20 61 52 44 46 44 40 22 <20 70 61 54 56 54 49 31 27

550 22 1250 2650 66 62 51 46 45 45 28 22 63 57 62 55 54 59 26 <20 72 66 76 66 66 72 36 30

mm inch 2500 5295 76 69 62 56 54 53 38 34 72 63 75 66 64 69 35 30 82 72 91 79 78 84 47 42

5250 11125 79 75 70 64 62 61 42 38 74 68 84 75 73 79 41 33 84 77 95 82 80 80 50 45
745 1580 64 59 37 38 36 30 26 20 62 53 45 46 44 40 23 <20 71 62 55 56 54 49 32 28

600 24 1500 3180 68 64 59 45 43 42 31 25 65 57 71 54 52 55 29 21 74 66 86 65 63 67 41 33

mm inch 3000 6355 75 71 68 56 53 52 38 33 71 63 81 67 64 68 37 29 80 72 98 80 77 82 52 41

6450 13665 78 73 73 65 63 61 40 37 73 64 86 77 76 79 41 32 82 73 98 85 80 80 52 43

ΔPst Static Differential Pressure
Performance Ratings of Air Terminals are in accordance with standards AHRI 880-2008 and ASHRAE 130-2008
Sound Level measurements are in accordance with standard ISO 3741 comparison method
Noise Criteria and dB (A) calculations are based on Standard AHRI 885-2008 (See page 14)

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


Case-Radiated Sound Power Level

For Types RAVBS/BC and RAVBP (fully Open)

Volumetric Radiated Sound Power Level Radiated Sound Power Level Radiated Sound Power Level
Nominal Flow Rate (dB) at ΔPst=100Pa (dB) at ΔPst=200Pa (dB) at ΔPst=500Pa
D 1000








l/s CFM

30 65 28 26 26 26 17 15 3 <20 31 27 26 27 20 15 4 <20 35 28 27 28 25 24 6 <20

125 5 60 125 40 33 26 21 17 15 5 <20 42 35 30 27 23 16 8 <20 46 40 37 34 31 27 14 <20

mm inch 120 255 45 39 31 25 22 16 10 <20 46 40 33 29 26 21 12 <20 50 43 40 36 33 29 17 <20
250 530 46 43 37 29 27 18 13 <20 49 45 40 34 31 25 16 <20 54 46 43 38 34 32 20 <20
45 95 28 23 25 21 15 15 0 <20 28 25 26 24 18 15 2 <20 33 28 28 29 28 24 7 <20

150 6 100 210 40 35 27 21 19 15 6 <20 42 37 31 27 25 19 9 <20 46 41 38 35 32 28 15 <20

mm inch 190 405 42 40 31 23 23 16 9 <20 45 42 35 29 28 23 12 <20 50 46 42 37 35 32 19 <20
350 740 46 46 38 31 27 22 15 <20 49 48 42 35 32 28 18 <20 54 51 47 40 36 35 23 <20
60 125 30 26 27 21 17 15 1 <20 30 28 28 25 20 17 3 <20 34 31 32 31 29 25 9 <20

175 7 130 275 41 36 27 22 20 20 6 <20 43 39 32 28 26 23 10 <20 47 44 40 36 33 30 16 <20

mm inch 260 550 43 42 31 24 24 21 10 <20 46 44 36 30 29 26 14 <20 51 48 43 38 36 34 20 <20
450 955 48 49 41 32 30 26 17 <20 51 51 44 37 34 32 20 <20 55 53 49 42 38 38 24 <20
80 170 32 29 28 20 18 15 3 <20 32 30 29 25 21 18 5 <20 34 34 36 33 30 26 12 <20

200 8 170 360 41 37 27 22 21 25 7 <20 44 41 33 29 27 27 12 <20 48 46 42 37 34 32 18 <20

mm inch 330 700 44 43 30 25 25 26 11 <20 47 46 36 31 30 28 15 <20 52 50 44 39 37 35 21 <20
650 1375 50 51 43 33 32 30 20 <20 53 53 46 38 36 35 23 <20 56 54 51 43 40 40 26 <20
105 220 32 29 27 22 17 15 2 <20 33 31 30 26 21 17 5 <20 35 35 35 33 31 26 11 <20

225 9 220 465 42 36 27 21 20 20 6 <20 45 41 33 29 27 24 11 <20 50 47 42 37 35 32 18 <20

mm inch 425 900 46 40 30 23 24 23 10 <20 49 45 37 31 30 28 15 <20 54 51 44 39 38 36 22 <20
900 1905 50 49 42 31 32 28 18 <20 54 52 46 37 36 34 22 <20 58 55 51 43 40 40 26 <20
130 275 31 29 26 23 15 15 2 <20 33 32 30 27 21 15 6 <20 36 35 34 33 31 26 11 <20

250 10 260 550 42 35 26 20 19 15 6 <20 46 40 33 29 26 21 12 <20 51 47 42 37 35 32 19 <20

mm inch 520 1100 47 37 29 21 23 19 10 <20 51 44 37 31 30 27 16 <20 56 51 44 39 38 36 22 <20
1150 2435 50 47 41 28 32 26 17 <20 54 51 45 35 36 32 21 <20 59 55 50 42 40 40 26 <20
185 390 36 27 25 22 15 15 2 <20 36 31 29 26 20 15 5 <20 38 38 37 34 32 28 13 <20

300 12 390 825 42 36 27 21 20 15 7 <20 46 42 34 29 27 24 12 <20 53 50 45 40 38 36 22 <20

mm inch 775 1640 47 42 37 26 28 21 13 <20 51 47 42 33 33 29 18 <20 58 55 48 42 41 40 26 <20
1600 3390 51 49 39 30 35 29 18 <20 55 53 44 36 39 35 22 <20 62 57 51 43 42 43 28 <20
255 540 37 30 27 24 18 15 4 <20 38 34 31 28 23 17 7 <20 40 40 38 36 34 30 15 <20

350 14 500 1060 42 37 27 23 23 17 7 <20 47 43 35 31 30 26 13 <20 55 53 46 41 39 38 23 <20

mm inch 990 2100 46 41 33 26 30 22 12 <20 52 47 41 34 35 31 18 <20 59 55 48 42 42 42 26 <20
2200 4660 56 51 42 31 37 31 21 <20 59 54 46 37 40 36 24 <20 63 58 51 43 43 45 29 <20

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


Case-Radiated Sound Power Level

For Types RAVBS/BC and RAVBP (fully Open)

Volumetric Radiated Sound Power Level Radiated Sound Power Level Radiated Sound Power Level
Nominal Flow Rate (dB) at ΔPst=100Pa (dB) at ΔPst=200Pa (dB) at ΔPst=500Pa
Size 1000








l/s CFM

320 680 38 32 28 25 20 15 5 <20 40 36 33 30 26 19 9 <20 42 42 39 37 36 32 16 <20

670 1420 42 37 26 24 25 18 8 <20 47 43 35 32 32 27 14 <20 56 55 47 41 40 40 25 <20

400 16
mm inch
1330 2820 45 39 29 26 31 23 11 <20 52 47 39 34 37 32 18 <20 59 55 48 42 42 43 26 <20

2750 5825 60 52 44 32 38 32 24 <20 62 55 48 37 41 37 27 <20 63 58 51 42 44 46 29 <20

415 880 39 35 30 27 23 15 7 <20 42 39 35 32 29 21 12 <20 44 44 40 39 38 34 18 <20

830 1760 42 38 26 26 28 20 8 <20 48 44 36 34 35 29 15 <20 58 58 48 42 41 42 26 <20

450 18
mm inch
1650 3495 44 38 25 26 33 24 10 <20 53 47 38 35 39 34 19 <20 60 55 48 42 43 45 26 <20

3600 7630 65 54 47 33 40 34 27 20 66 56 50 38 42 38 29 22 64 59 51 42 45 48 30 20

530 1125 40 37 31 28 25 15 8 <20 44 41 37 34 32 23 14 <20 46 46 41 40 40 36 20 <20

1050 2225 42 38 25 27 30 21 9 <20 48 44 36 35 37 30 16 <20 59 60 49 42 42 44 28 <20

500 20
mm inch
2100 4450 43 36 21 26 34 25 11 <20 53 47 36 35 41 35 20 <20 60 55 48 42 43 46 27 <20

4600 9745 69 55 49 34 41 35 31 26 69 57 52 38 43 39 32 26 64 59 51 41 46 49 30 20

610 1295 41 40 33 30 28 15 10 <20 46 44 39 36 35 25 16 <20 48 48 42 42 42 38 21 <20

1250 2650 42 39 25 29 33 23 10 <20 49 45 37 37 40 32 18 <20 61 63 50 43 43 46 30 <20

550 22
mm inch
2500 5295 42 35 17 26 36 26 11 <20 54 47 35 36 43 37 21 <20 61 55 48 42 44 48 27 <20

5250 11125 74 57 52 35 43 37 35 31 73 58 54 39 44 40 35 30 65 60 51 41 47 51 31 21

745 1580 42 42 34 31 30 15 12 <20 48 46 41 38 38 27 18 <20 50 50 43 43 44 40 23 <20

1500 3180 42 39 24 30 35 24 12 <20 49 45 37 38 42 33 19 <20 62 65 51 43 44 48 32 21

600 24
mm inch
3000 6355 41 33 13 26 37 27 12 <20 54 47 33 36 45 38 22 <20 61 55 48 42 44 49 28 <20

6450 13665 75 58 54 36 44 38 37 33 75 59 56 39 45 41 37 33 65 60 51 40 48 52 31 22

ΔPst Static Differential Pressure
Performance Ratings of Air Terminals are in accordance with standards AHRI 880-2008 and ASHRAE 130-2008
Sound Level measurements are in accordance with standard ISO 3741 comparison method
Noise Criteria and dB (A) calculations are based on Standard AHRI 885-2008 (See page 14)

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


NC levels of the different VAV boxes model RAV are calculated based on AHRI 885-2008
standard and under the following application assumptions:
• Octave bands 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 only are considered in the acoustical module.
• The VAV installation layout is as per Figure 1.
• The VAV distribute air into two branches.
• Critical paths of sound taken into consideration are Radiated Sound and Discharged

Figure 1: VAV installation layout

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


Discharge Sound Attenuation Factors table:

Octave Band Frequency, Hz

Sound Attenuation (Insertion Loss)
calculated as per AHRI 885-2008 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Environmental Effect 2 1 0 0 0 0
Lined (1" liner) Straight Duct size 300×600, 1.5m 2 3 9 18 16 12
Lined Duct Tee (1" liner) size 300mm 1 6 6 11 10 10
Lined (1" liner) Straight Duct size 300×300, 0.9m 1 2 6 12 12 8
Branch power division (2 branches) 3 3 3 3 3 3
Lined Flexible Duct 300mm, 0.9m 2 6 12 9 11 4
End reflection factor (300mm) 7 3 1 0 0 0
Space Effect (listener at 1.5m in a 60m³ room) 5 6 7 7 8 9
Total Discharge attenuation 23 30 44 60 60 46

Radiated Sound Attenuation Factors table:

Octave Band Frequency, Hz

Sound Attenuation (Insertion Loss)
calculated as per AHRI 885-2008 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Environmental Effect 2 1 0 0 0 0
Solid Gypsum board Ceiling Tiles attenuation 21 25 25 27 27 28
Total Radiated attenuation 23 26 25 27 27 28

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


• All RAV models can be optionally integrated with an electric air heater, attached to the
end of the unit. The unit will be with one control box sharing the same transformer and
fuse box so that one extension of power supply can be connected.
• Heater capacity in this case determines whether the unit should receive single or
three phase power supply as it is recommended to connect 3 phase input if the re-
quired capacity equals three KW or above. Single phase, however, is possible for
higher capacities up to 5 KW.

• D is the heater depth and depends on the number of heating elements

• L & A as per dimensional data on page no. 7

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation


Control Panel: • Room thermostat (optional)

Enclosure Type • Pilot light (optional)
IP10 (NEMA 1) enclosures constructed for • Disconnect switch (optional)
indoor use to provide a degree of
protection to personnel against incidental
contact with the enclosed equipment and Proportional Control (Modulating)
to provide a degree of protection against The control panel of a proportional electric
falling dirt heater includes the following components:
Control Principle: • Circuit breaker
The heater can be operated as stand- • Transformer and control fuse
alone control or to be compatible with • Automatic reset thermal cut-out
BMS. Controller should operate it as ON/
OFF or modulating control. • Manual reset thermal cut-out
• Airflow switch
On/Off Control • Contactor (s)
the control panel of an ON/OFF electric • Room thermostat
heater, whether single or multiple stages, • PWM control
includes the following components:
• Disconnect switch (optional)
• Circuit breaker
• Airflow switch
• Transformer and control fuse
• Contactor (s)
• Automatic reset thermal cut-out
• Room thermostat
• Manual reset thermal cut-out
• PWM control
• Airflow switch
• Disconnect switch (optional)
• Contactor (s)

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation



Where P in kW, Q in m³/s and T in °C

Imperial Units:

Q  (T2 − T1 )  1.08
Where P in kW, Q in CFM and T in °F

RTF Reserves The Right of Alternation




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