Foundations of Mathematics Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus
Foundations of Mathematics Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus
Foundations of Mathematics Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus
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Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus
Philip Brown
Texas A&M University at Galveston
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4 Trigonometry
4.1 Introduction
5 Functions
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Relations and Functions
5.3 Visualizing Functions
5.3.1 Graphs of Equations
6 Techniques of Algebra
6.1 Introduction
7 Limits
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The Method of Exhaustion
7.3 Sequences
7.4 Limits of a Function
7.5 Continuity
7.5.1 Definition of Continuity at a Point
7.5.2 Discontinuity at a Point
7.5.3 Continuity on an Interval
7.5.4 Continuous Functions
7.5.5 More Continuous Functions
7.6 Computing Limits
7.6.1 Limits in the Domain of a Continuous Function
7.6.2 Limits Involving Piecewise-Defined Functions
7.6.3 Computing Limits by Simplification
7.7 Applications of Continuity
7.7.1 The Intermediate Value Theorem
7.8 Horizontal Asymptotes
7.9 Vertical Asymptotes of Rational Functions
8 Differential Calculus
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Definition of the Derivative
8.2.1 Graphs Tangential to the x-axis at the Origin
8.2.2 The Tangent Line to a Graph at the Origin
8.2.3 A Formula for the Derivative
8.2.4 Definition of the Derivative (General Case)
8.3 Derivative Functions
8.3.1 The Power Rule for Natural Numbers
8.3.2 Leibniz Notation
8.3.3 The Sum, Product, and Quotient Rules
8.4 Tangent Line Problems
8.5 The Power Rule for Rational Exponents
8.6 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
8.7 Some Basic Applications of Calculus
8.8 The Chain Rule
8.9 The Calculus of Vector-Valued Functions
8.10 The Calculus of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
8.10.1 A Formula for e
8.10.2 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
8.10.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
8.10.4 The Proof of the Power Rule
8.11 Derivatives of the Inverse Trigonometric Functions
9 Euclidean Geometry
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Euclid’s Elements
9.3 Terminology
9.3.1 Lines, Angles, and Polygons
9.3.2 Circles
9.3.3 Other Important Terms
9.4 Basic Problem Solving in Geometry
9.5 Elementary Theorems Relating to Lines and Polygons
9.5.1 Theorems about Angles
9.5.2 Theorems about Triangles
9.5.3 Parallelograms and Parallel Lines
9.5.4 Concurrency, Proportionality, and Similarity
9.6 Elementary Theorems Relating to Circles
9.6.1 Chords and Subtended Angles
9.6.2 Cyclic Quadrilaterals
9.6.3 Tangent Lines and Secant Lines
9.7 Examples and Applications
Chapter Appendix: Geometry Theorems
10 Spherical Trigonometry
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Planes and Spheres
10.2.1 Planes in Space
10.2.2 Spheres
10.2.3 Spherical Triangles
10.3 Vectors in Space
10.3.1 The Cross Product of Two Vectors
10.3.2 Parallelepipeds and Cross Product Identities
10.3.2 The Angle Between Two Planes
This book is intended primarily for university students. In particular, this book
can be used as a textbook or an additional reference book by university students
attending a course in algebra, trigonometry, geometry, or calculus. As a calculus
textbook, this book is unique in that it contains all the mathematics (and more)
that students will need to know in order to be successful in a calculus course. For
this reason, the book will be invaluable for students who may need to fill in
some “gaps” in their mathematical background, or review certain topics, while
attending a university level calculus course. (Calculus professors will normally
not have the time to do this!)
Mathematics can be appreciated and enjoyed more when it is presented as a
development of ideas. Hence, there is a strong emphasis in this book on the
unfolding and development of the concepts, and there are comments throughout
the book to help the reader trace the historical development of mathematics. Of
course, students also need to develop their skills. For this reason, there are many
exercises included at the ends of the chapters, and students are encouraged to do
all of them as an essential part of working through the book. The range of topics
in this book, and examples that demonstrate their interplay and
interconnectedness is another unique aspect of the book. This is a rewarding
aspect of learning mathematics, which university students are typically not
exposed to because of the way current-day university courses are organized.
The four chapters that make up the introduction to algebra are Chapters 1
(The Laws of Algebra), 2 (The Cartesian Plane), 3 (Solving Equations and
Factorizing Polynomials), and 6 (Techniques of Algebra). The chapters dealing
with trigonometry are Chapters 4 (Trigonometry) and 10 (Spherical
Trigonometry). They can be read independently (after the first two chapters have
been read, if needed). Chapter 5 (Functions), which is an introduction to
functions, can be regarded as the beginning of calculus because the operations of
calculus are applied to functions. The concepts and methods relating to the
calculation of limits, which underlie the operations of calculus, are introduced in
The chain rule is also presented first in the special case (at the origin), where it
can be demonstrated clearly that a tangent line to the graph of a composition of
functions is the composition of the tangent lines to the graphs of the functions.
One of the innovative aspects of this book is the introduction of vectors early
on, in Chapter 2. The concept of a vector is very natural, and vectors have
practical applications; however, the notation and terminology relating to vectors
may be confusing at first. The hope is that a gradual introduction to vectors will
give students more time to become comfortable with vectors. Vectors are
typically introduced for the first time in a course in vector calculus, causing great
alarm to the students!
Another surprise in this book is the inclusion of Spherical Trigonometry
(Chapter 10). Much of the material in this chapter was obtained from the book
“Plane and Spherical Trigonometry,” by K. Nielsen and J. Vanlonkhuyzen, first
published in 1944, which is one of a few texts available on this topic. The
purpose of including a chapter on spherical trigonometry is to give students the
opportunity to acquire a deeper understanding of trigonometry and also to give
students some exposure to non-Euclidean geometry. Chapter 10 also introduces
vectors in three dimensions, including the definition of the cross product of
vectors, which students normally do not see until they take a course in vector
calculus. Spherical trigonometry is interesting from a historical point of view
because many of the formulas relating to spherical trigonometry were discovered
by Arabic and Iranian mathematicians from the ninth to the thirteenth centuries.
A few comments regarding format, notation, and mathematical language are
in order: new terminology is presented for the first time in italics, the most
important definitions are presented as numbered definitions, statements that
make important clarifications are presented as numbered remarks, and examples,
theorems, corollaries, and lemmas are also numbered. A theorem is a general
mathematical statement which is proved on the basis of known mathematical
truths. A corollary is a consequence or a special case of a theorem that is
important enough to be stated separately from the theorem. Lemmas are
statements that can be used as stepping stones toward the proofs of more general
statements (theorems). Throughout this book, the biconditional phrase “if and
only if” is used when two statements are implied by each other.
This book can serve as a textbook, a reference book, or a book that can be
read for fun! Please tell your friends about it, if you like it.
The author should be contacted regarding any errors in the book so that
corrections can be made for future editions. Suggestions for future editions will
also be welcome.
Philip Brown
Galveston, Texas
February 2016
This book could not have been published without a considerable amount of
assistance from certain individuals and institutions. First, I would like to thank
my employers, Texas A&M University, for granting me leave in 2009 to begin
writing this book and I would like to thank Professor Johann Engelbrecht for
arranging that my leave time be spent at the Department of Mathematics at the
University of Pretoria in South Africa. Second, I would like to express a great
deal of appreciation to my editors, Ria Brown, Ronelda Jordaan, Laura
Robichaux and most of all, Ian White, for correcting errors, improving the
writing, and making many helpful suggestions. Third, the enthusiasm and
encouragement of many of my students, in particular, Sean Hennigan, while I
was working on this book made it a much lighter and enjoyable task. Last, I am
grateful to Mercury Learning and Information for the copyediting, formatting,
cover design, production, and marketing of the book.
This chapter is an overview of mathematics that schoolchildren typically learn
up to about grade nine. The presentation, however, is more axiomatic and set
theoretic than is taught in schools because this book is intended for students
preparing for a university course in mathematics.
This chapter begins (section 1.2) with a brief discussion of different
historical concepts of number and the relationship of these concepts to
mathematics and philosophy in general. It is convenient to identify the set of real
numbers with the infinite number line (sections 1.3–1.5) because this leads
easily to the notion of negative numbers, the ordering of real numbers, and the
identification of fractions (rational numbers) with fractional distances on the
number line. The disadvantage of this approach is that it does not explain how
the irrational numbers fill in the “gaps” in the number line. A satisfactory
explanation of the existence of irrational numbers requires a formal approach
that involves definitions of sequences of rational numbers, which is more suited
to an advanced study of real numbers that is not within the scope of this chapter.
The decimal number system is introduced in section 1.2 but not much is said
about it, because the ability to understand, read, and write large decimal numbers
is a skill that a reader of this book is expected to have (read aloud the number 3,
Absolute value notation is introduced in section 1.6; the basic operations of
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are introduced in section 1.7;
and the properties of real numbers with respect to these operations are explained
in section 1.8. The multiplication principle known to high-school students as
Numbers are expressed in terms of numerals or symbols. Many kinds of numeral
have existed through the ages. We will be using the Arabic numerals (or digits)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. These are known as Arabic because they were used
by Arabic mathematicians and merchants for many centuries, before being
introduced to western Europe during the time of the Italian Renaissance.
Originally, these numerals were used (perhaps invented) in India, in particular,
the first known instance of the use of the symbol 0 is an inscription that was
made about fifteen centuries ago on a rock in a cave in northern India.
Here are some useful and interesting ways we can think about numbers,
depending on our objectives.
left of zero, the same distance away, we label a point as “−1.” This is called a
negative number. Continuing in this way we label at equal distances apart, to
the right of zero, the points “2” up to “9,” and, to the left of zero, the
successive values “−2,” “−3” down to “−9.” We normally work in a base 10,
that is, the decimal number system. This means that the successor of “9” on
the number line is labeled as “10.” After that we label points “11,” “12,” and
so on and do the same for negative values.
4. Numbers as symbols. The Pythagoreans (about 550 BC) believed that the
meaning of all things was related to numbers, and they attached great
significance to certain numbers. For example, the number 7, or heptad, was
regarded as the number of religion, because it was believed that seven spirits,
or archangels, were controlling the planets, to whom mankind had to make
5. Numbers as entities. Philosophers after Pythagoras thought about numbers
more abstractly. For instance, Socrates and his followers, including Plato,
believed in a realm of perfect forms or entities. In this realm, every number
may be considered as its own entity. For example, try to imagine the number
“7” as an entity that exists by itself (see figure 1.3).
and multiples of these fractions inside the interval from zero to one. Note that
is to the left of (or that is to the right of ). This can be indicated using the
inequality symbol “<,” by writing < , meaning one-third is less than two-
fifths. Alternatively, we can write meaning two-fifths is greater than one-
[a, b], the set of all real numbers between a and b including a and b.
(a, b), the set of all real numbers between a and b but not including a and b.
[a, b), the set of all real numbers between a and b including a, but not
including b.
(a, b], the set of all real numbers between a and b including b, but not
including a.
(−∞, b], the set of all real numbers to the left of b and including b.
[−∞, b), the set of all real numbers to the left of b but not including b.
[a, ∞) the set of all real numbers to the right of a and including a.
(a, ∞), the set of all real numbers to the right of a but not including a.
The symbol “∞” that has been used above is the symbol that mathematicians use
for infinity. The meaning of infinity varies with the context. Here, −∞ means
there is no lower bound to the left of the point b on the number line, and ∞
means there is no upper bound to the right of the point a on the number line.
The symbol “∩” is used to form the intersection of two given sets, that is, the
largest set that both of the given sets contain. For example, if a < c < b < d, then
[a, b) ∩ [c, d] is the interval [c, b) because the interval [a, b) includes all
numbers between c and b (including c but not including b) and [c, d) also
includes all numbers between c and b (including c). If a < c < d < b, then [a, b)
∩ [c, d] = [c, d]. Another possibility is a < b < c < d, then [a, b) ∩ [c, d] is an
empty set. The symbol for this is ∅, so we would write [a, b) ∩ [c, d] = ∅.
meaning that we take the maximum of x and its negative because one of these
numbers will be nonnegative. For example, because the value of π is a little more
than 3,
|3 − π| = max{3 − π, π − 3} = π − 3.
If a and b are two different points on the number line, then the distance
between them is |a − b| because it is same as the distance between a − b and
and (IV) from table 1.3 in section 1.8 (try to verify this!) that subtracting a
number is the same as adding a number with the opposite sign, for example, 2 –
3 = 2 – 3 + 3 + (–3) = 2 + (–3).
The addition (or subtraction) of two rational numbers as fractions is property
(6) in section 1.11. If two positive rational numbers can be expressed as
decimals without recurring digits, that is, if they have finite decimal expansions
(see section 1.12), then in practice they can be added by the familiar method of
stacking the numbers above one another by matching the decimal positions of
their digits and then adding the digits in each column (starting from the right and
moving to the left). If the sum of digits in a column is larger than nine, then the
unit in the 10’s position is carried to the next column. Similarly, if two positive
rational numbers can be expressed as decimals without recurring digits, then the
smaller of the two numbers can be subtracted from the larger by stacking it
below the larger and then subtracting the lower digit from the upper digit in each
column (starting from the right and moving to the left). If the lower digit is
larger than the upper digit in any column, then a unit in the 10’s position can be
taken from the next column and added to the upper digit so that the lower digit
can be subtracted. (We omit examples, because these techniques are drilled in
1.7.2 Multiplication
Multiplication of natural numbers is repeated addition. Many symbols are
used for multiplication, for example, we can write 2 · 3 = 6, 2 × 3 = 6, or (2) (3)
= 6. We get the answer 6 by calculating either 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 or 3 + 3 = 6. When
two numbers, or several numbers, are multiplied together, each number is called
a factor. It is helpful to memorize the factors of some numbers (multiplication
tables!). Table 1.2, for example, contains the products of some pairs of small
prime numbers. Prime numbers are natural numbers that have no factors smaller
than themselves, other than 1. (There is more information about prime numbers
in section 1.13.)
TABLE 1.2. Pairwise products of small prime numbers
It is also true that (−1) · a = −a for any real number a (exercise 1.7 at the end
of this chapter). This fact along with properties (IV) and (XI) from table 1.3 in
section 1.8 can be used to prove that the sum of two negative numbers is the
negative of the sum of the corresponding positive numbers, for example,
1.7.3 Division
Division can be described as “un-multiplication” because it reverses what
multiplication does. Again, there are different ways to write division; usually,
the symbols “÷” or “” are used. For example, we write “28 ÷ 7 = 4” or “287 =
4,” because 4 × 7/7 = 4. We can express a division operation a/b as a fraction
(where a is called the numerator or dividend and b is called the denominator or
divisor). If a and b are two integers, then, in general, the division of a by b can
be carried out by the method of long division, resulting in a rational number
expressed as a decimal (which might have recurring digits). This can be a
lengthy process with many divisions. (School children typically spend a year
learning to do it.) If an integer a is divisible by an integer b (this is explained in
section 1.13), then the division of a by b (by the method of long division) results
in an integer.
The division of two rational numbers expressed as fractions is property (8) in
section 1.11. If two rational numbers can be expressed as decimals without
recurring digits, then, as with multiplication, they can be divided by ignoring
their decimals points, that is, by dividing them as integers (using the method of
long division) and then moving the decimal point to the left by the number of
decimal positions equal to the number of decimal positions in the dividend
minus the number of decimal positions in the divisor. For example, 2.17 divided
by 1.5 is 1.44 because 217 divided by 15 is 14.4 , and the decimal point is
moved one decimal position to the left. (The dot above the 6 means it is
recurring. This is explained in section 1.12.1.)
EXAMPLE 1.8.1. One number can be subtracted from another by reversing the
subtraction and taking the negative of the result, for example,
1.8.1 Foil
The distributive properties (X) and (XI) in section 1.8 can be generalized to a
more general multiplicative property known as FOIL, which can be expressed as
(p + q)(r + s) = p · r + p · s + q · r + q · s.
A power of two is very often called a square because the area of a geometric
square is the product of the side length (of the square) with itself. For the same
reason, a power of three is called a cube because the volume of a geometric cube
is the side length times itself, times itself again.
(a − b)(a + b) = a2 + ab − ab − b2 = a2 − b2.
P = parentheses,
E = exponents,
M = multiplication,
D = division,
A = addition,
S = subtraction.
This means that, in a sequence of operations such as in formula (1.1), all
calculations inside parentheses take precedence. Thereafter, any exponent is
computed. Thus formula (1.1) reduces to
3 · 2 · 5 − 13 + 17 = 30 − 13 + 17 = 34.
The addition and subtraction operations are performed last (in any order).
We can use PEMDAS to verify the next example.
EXAMPLE 1.11.1.
Note that the second and third steps of (vi) above could have been omitted
because the fourth step could have been obtained immediately using property
(6). above. However, we encourage the writing of these steps because it’s more
important to produce the correct answer than to save a little bit of time by not
writing them!
Any fraction (such as the fractions of 7 in table 1.5) can be converted into
decimal form by the method of long division.
We can also express a number as an integer plus a fractional part. For
example, we can say “two and two-thirds” or write to mean This can
also be expressed as the decimal
An improper fraction (as opposed to a proper fraction) is a fraction with a
larger numerator than denominator. Any such fraction can easily be converted to
an integer part plus a proper fractional part, which can be expressed as a
EXAMPLE 1.12.1.
We might prefer to express very big and very small numbers using a
variation of decimal notation called scientific notation. Here are some examples:
513 = 5.13 × 102, 93,000,000 = 9.3 × 107, and 0.00043 = 4.3 × 10−4.
Note that one digit is placed before the decimal point, the remaining digits
after the point, and then the actual position of the decimal point is indicated by
multiplication by a power of 10 equal to the number of digits the point should
move to the right if the power is positive or the number of digits the point should
move to the left (with zeros filling in after the decimal point) if the power is
It is the case in experimental science that measurements are made with
limited precision. The number of decimal digits recorded for a measurement
should be an indication of the precision obtained in the measurement.
EXAMPLE 1.12.3. Scientists frequently need to measure very large and very small
quantities, and these quantities would most conveniently be expressed in
scientific notation. A very large number used by chemists is Avogadro’s
number, which equals 6.02×1023. This is the number of atoms contained in a
mole of a substance. For example, if some kind of measurement informs us that
one mole of hydrogen gas has a mass of 1.01 g, then we can determine the mass
of one hydrogen atom by dividing 1.01 by Avogadro’s number, that is,
π ≈ 3.14159265358979323846264338327.
It might seem like a fuss to work out so many digits, but mathematicians
have taken this very seriously for thousands of years, because the number of
digits that can be computed is an indication of the state of the art of mathematics.
The Egyptians of the Old Kingdom knew the approximation and the Greek
Mathematician Archimedes (287–212 BC) proved that π was between and
Currently, more than a trillion (1012) decimal digits for π are known.
Another irrational number of particular interest is Euler’s number e (after the
Swiss Mathematician Leonhard Euler who lived during the eighteenth century).
The first 30 digits of e are shown below. An ordinary pocket calculator would
typically show nine decimal digits leading one to suspect that there is a recurring
pattern (which is not the case!).
e ≈ 2.71828182845904523536028771828.
EXAMPLE 1.12.4.
The number 0.000011 = 1.1 × 10−5 can be called the error of the
EXAMPLE 1.12.6.
(i)π rounded to seven significant digits: π ≈ 3.141593
(ii)π rounded to nine significant digits: π ≈ 3.14159265
(iii)1,095,487 rounded to four significant digits: 1,095,487 ≈ 1,095,000
(iv) 1,095,487 rounded to three significant digits: 1,095,487 ≈ 1,100,000
(v) rounded to three significant digits:
EXAMPLE 1.13.2. The prime factors of 612 (in (ii) above) are 2, 3, and 17, where
the factor 2 occurs with multiplicity 2, 3 occurs with multiplicity 3, and 17
occurs with multiplicity 1, and of 3,020 (in (iv) above) are 2, 5, and 151 and
their multiplicities are 2, 1, and 1, respectively. Furthermore, we observe that the
prime decompositions of 271,801 and 99,990 have no prime factors in common.
This is the reason the fraction cannot be simplified. (The fraction also
cannot be simplified.)
EXAMPLE 1.13.3. To find the prime factors of 271,801, we generate the following
list of prime numbers that satisfy the property stated above: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17,
19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 91, 97, 101, 103,
107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191,
193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277,
281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379,
383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467,
479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, and 521. (These are the first 99 prime numbers.)
Starting from 2, 15 prime numbers have to be checked (using a calculator)
before the prime factor 47 is found (a calculator will then yield 271,801/47 =
5,783). Next, we can verify that 5,783 is a prime number. Because 732 = 5,328
and 792 = 6,421, this involves checking that 5,783 is not divisible by any prime
number up to 73. Consequently, the prime decomposition of 271,801 is 27801 =
• To test a number for divisibility by 11, we can add every other digit starting
from the first digit to obtain one total, add the remaining digits to obtain a
second total, and then subtract the second total from the first. If the result is
divisible by 11, then the original number is also divisible by 11. (We
consider 0 to be divisible by all natural numbers.) For example, 6,773,294
is divisible by 11 because (6 + 7 + 2 + 4) − (7 + 3 + 9) = 19 − 19 = 0.
• Divisibility by 13 can be tested by adding four times the last digit to the
remaining digits and testing the resulting number again for divisibility by
• Divisibility by 17 can be tested by subtracting five times the last digit from
the remaining digits and testing the resulting number again for divisibility
by 17.
• Divisibility by 19 can be tested by adding two times the last digit to the
remaining digits and testing the resulting number again for divisibility by
That is, we multiply and divide each fraction by the appropriate number so
that its new denominator is equal to the LCD, and then we add the fractions.
Note that 151 is not divisible by 2, 3, or 5 (why?), so the answer cannot be
If we set m = 0, then (I) becomes a0 · an = a0+n = an. For this reason, we set
a0 = 1 for any nonzero real number a. The first statement of (V) (with m = 0) can
thus be expressed as This means that a negative exponent is interpreted as
the reciprocal of the corresponding positive exponent.
EXAMPLE 1.14.1.
It is unusual in nature for a process to be reversible. As a familiar saying goes,
it’s no use crying over spilled milk (because the milk cannot be un-spilled). In
mathematics, however, it is frequently the case that processes are reversible. In
fact, when mathematicians learn a new process they also strive to learn how to
reverse the process. In doing so, they might invent notation for this purpose. This
has already become a theme of this book: subtraction and division can be
thought of as the reversals of the processes of addition and multiplication,
respectively. The notation we introduce now is called radical notation.
A specific instance of this notation is a root. The most common root is the
square root, with symbol which is the notation for the operation that reverses
the squaring of a number. For example, we write because 42 = 16. In
the same way, we can compute the cube root of a number using the notation
(because 93 = 729). In general, for any natural number n, we use the
notation for the reversal of an nth power. It is always possible to take the nth
root of any real number so long as n is an odd number, for example,
(because (−3)3 = −27); however, if n is any even number, then the nth root of a
negative real number cannot be expressed as another real number. For example,
is not a real number. Furthermore, any even root—in particular the square
root—of a positive number is, by convention, also a positive number. This last
statement has to be considered very carefully because it means, for example, that
Table 1.7 is a list of laws for radicals. These are variations of the laws for
exponents. We are supposing that m and n are natural numbers.
TABLE 1.7. Laws for radicals
EXAMPLE 1.15.1.
1.1. On the same number line, label all fractions that are integer multiples of
between 0 and 1. Do this as accurately as you can.
1.2. Order the elements in each of the following sets from smallest to largest.
(c) 0.12345
1.5. Evaluate each of the following interval intersections. Write your answer as
an interval, a set with one element or an empty set. You can suppose that
a, b, c, d are real numbers and that a < b < c < d.
(a) (a, c] ∩ (b, d]
(b) (a, d) ∩ (b, c)
(c) [a, d) ∩ [b, d)
(d) [a, d) ∩ (a, b)
(e) (a, b] ∩ [b, d)
1.10. Use the PEMDAS rule to simplify each of the following expressions.
Write your answers as a single integer or fraction.
(a) 22−4−3 · (144/2 · 6/3/2)
(b) 1 · 23/4·5 − (6 + 7)
(c) 6/2(1 + 2)
(d) 6(5(4(3(2(1−2)− 3)− 4)− 5)− 6)
(f) 120 2 · 3 4 · 5 6 7 · 8 / 9
1.13. If Curtis cuts his birthday cake into seven slices of equal size and gives
one slice to his sister, Celeste, and Celeste gives two-fifths of her slice to
her puppy, how much of Curtis’ birthday cake does his sister’s puppy
have? Write your answer as a decimal, rounded to five significant digits.
(Hint: multiply the fractions!)
1.14. Add the following fractions, as indicated. Write each answer as a single,
simplified fraction.
1.15. If a blue Creepy Crawly can clean a swimming pool in 3 h and a red
Creepy Crawly can clean the same swimming pool in 4 h, how long will it
take both Creepy Crawlies working together, and starting simultaneously,
to clean the swimming pool? (Assume the Creepy Crawlies start at
opposite ends of the pool and do not get entangled with each other!) Leave
your answer as a fractional number of hours. (Hint: How much of the job
can each Creepy Crawly get done in 1 h? What fraction of the job can both
get done in 1 h if they work simultaneously?)
1.16. Write all of the following fractions in decimal form. (A calculator will be
required for some of these.)
1.17. Try to find a (simplified) fractional approximation for π that has four
digits in the denominator.
1.18. Without using a calculator, rewrite the following numbers using scientific
(a) 1011.001
(b) −0.000345
(c) 0.100305
(d) 602×1021
(e) 211 + 1
(f) 4.5×10−3·9×10−7
1.19. Write 10 significant digits for each of the following irrational numbers. (A
calculator will be required for all of these.)
(e) 2π
(f) eπ
1.20. Convert the following decimals into fractions.
(a) 0.
(b) 0.111
(c) 1.111
(d) 6.3044
(e) 2.7183
(f) 3.1416
(g) 0.
1.21. Round off the following decimal expressions to four decimal digits.
(a) 7.667788
(b) 0.001019
(c) 0.79999
(d) 0.78884
(e) 0.7888495
1.22. Determine whether each natural number below is prime or composite (i.e.,
not prime). If the number is composite, work out its prime decomposition.
(a) 523
(b) 527
(c) 529
(d) 531
(e) 533
(f) 537
(g) 123456789
1.23. Which integers have the following property: If the final digit is deleted,
the integer is divisible by the new number?
1.24. Find the prime decompositions of the following natural numbers.
(a) 507
(b) 613
(c) 112
(d) 3,021
(e) 271,802
(f) 99,991
(g) 99,997
1.25. Add the fractions, as indicated, by finding their lowest common
1.26. Simplify the following expressions so that each variable appears only
once, all exponents are positive, no powers of exponents appear and
fractions appear in front of the expression.
(a) (3x3y4)(4xy5)2
(b) (2a3b3c)4
1.27. Evaluate the following expressions using the laws for radicals. Leave your
answer in the simplest radical form.
1.29. How many three-digit perfect squares are there? Which is the smallest and
1.30. A jug contains three cups of mango juice and another jug contains three
cups of guava juice. In order to make a mixed fruit juice, one cup of
mango juice is taken from the first jug and poured into the second jug.
What is the proportion of mango juice in the second jug? Suppose now
that the juice in the second jug is thoroughly mixed and one cup of this
mixture is removed and poured into the first jug. What is the proportion of
guava juice in the first jug? If this process is repeated so that one cup of
the mixture in the first jug is removed to the second jug, what is the new
proportion of mango juice in the second jug? If one cup of the mixture in
the second jug is now poured into the first jug, what is the new proportion
of guava juice in the first jug?
1.31. Prove that (This was proved by the Arabic Mathematician
Alkarki in about 1000 AD)
In the seventeenth century, the Philosopher and Mathematician René Descartes
had the brain wave of joining two (infinite) number lines at right angles so that
they intersected at their respective zero points, as shown in figure 2.1. This
creates a rectangular coordinate system that, nowadays, is called the Cartesian
plane. The horizontal number line is usually labeled the x-axis, and the vertical
number line is usually labeled the y-axis. Each axis has an increasing direction
indicated by means of an arrow. The point where the axes intersect is called the
origin and labeled O. Descartes and mathematicians following him, including
Isaac Newton, discovered a rich interplay of algebra and geometry in the
Cartesian plane, one outgrowth of which was the discovery of calculus.
y = mx + c,
(or one of the equivalent forms stated below), where m and c are real numbers
and x and y are variables. The variable x is called the independent variable and
EXAMPLE 2.3.1. One solution of the equation y = 5x − 1 is the pair of values (1,
4). A pair of values that is not a solution of the equation is (1, 3).
(0, −5) is on the line; therefore, the coordinate pair (0, −5) is a solution for the
Very often, the most convenient way to draw the graph of a line is to
determine the x-and y-intercepts of the line and to draw the line through these
two points. In the following example, we show how to determine the x-and y-
intercepts. The basic observation is that the x-coordinate is zero for all points on
the y-axis and the y-coordinate is zero for all points on the x-axis.
EXAMPLE 2.3.3. Draw the graph of the equation by finding the x-and y-
intercepts of the straight line in the Cartesian plane.
Answer: First, if we set x = 0 in the equation then We
conclude that the y-intercept is the coordinate pair (0, −4). Second, if we set y =
0 in the equation then By inspection, this is a true statement if
and we conclude that the x-intercept is the coordinate pair The graph
is shown in figure 2.5.
EXAMPLE 2.3.4. The slope of the line through the points P(−3, −2) and Q(3, 4) is
EXAMPLE 2.3.5. To find the equation of the line through the points P(−3,−2) and
Q(3, 4), we substitute m = 1 from example 2.3.4 and the coordinates of Q, that is,
x1 = 3 and y1 = 4 (we could also use the coordinates of P) in formula (2.1),
resulting in y − 4 = (x − 3). This can be simplified to y = x + 1. The graph of this
line is shown in figure 2.6.
If we only know the slope of a line and the value of the y-intercept of the
line, then we can substitute these values into another form of the equation of a
line known as:
where c is the y-intercept of the line because this corresponds to the value of y
when x = 0.
EXAMPLE 2.3.6. If the slope of a line is m = −2 and it cuts the y-axis at c = 3, then
its equation is y = −2x + 3.
In the special case that the y-intercept is zero, the line passes through the
origin. Figure 2.7 shows a number of lines passing through the origin, with the
slope of each line labeled next to it.
Another form of the equation of a line that we will take note of here is:
EXAMPLE 2.3.7. The equation of the line in example 2.3.5 can be expressed in the
standard form −x + y = 1, and the equation of the line in example 2.3.6 can be
expressed in the standard form 2x + y = 3.
EXAMPLE 2.3.8. Here are some data that could have been obtained from an actual
population survey:
TABLE 2.1. Heights of fathers and sons
Based on the information given in table 2.1, we might want to predict the
average height of sons whose fathers are 70 inches tall. The average of x values
(denoted x) and the average of y values (denoted y) are:
According to the method of least squares (the details of which are not give
here), the slope m of the regression line is:
Substituting the value for m from formula (2.5) and the values for x and y
from formula (2.4) into formula (2.6) yields Now, if we set x = 70
in this equation, we get y = 69.875, which we take as the predicted value for the
average height of sons whose fathers are 70 inches tall.
DEFINITION 2.3.4. Two lines are perpendicular if and only if the slope of one line
is the negative reciprocal of the other.
The reason for this is explained with the help of the second diagram in figure
2.8, in which the two lines labeled l1 and l2 are perpendicular and meet at the
point C. The x-intercept of l1 is the point A and the x-intercept of l2 is the point
B. The dotted line drawn from C is perpendicular to the x-axis at the point D. We
note that right triangles ACB and CDB have an angle at B in common and right
triangles ACB and ADC have an angle at A in common, which means that they
are all similar triangles, that is, ACB ||| CDB ||| ADC. If we denote the length of
the line segment from C to D as |CD| and the length of the line segment from A
to D as |AD| and so on, then from properties of similar triangles (see theorem
9.5.14(a) and the explanation following it), we can write In terms of the
slopes m1 and m2 of lines l1 and l2, respectively, we can write this equation as
or, alternatively, as m1 m2 = −1 (note that m2 is negative).
EXAMPLE 2.3.9. Find the equation of the line that is perpendicular to the line y =
2x + 1 and that meets this line at its y-intercept.
Answer: The slope of the line we need is and it should pass through the
point (0, 1). By substitution into the point-slope form of a line, formula (2.1), we
find which we can also write as
EXAMPLE 2.3.10. Find the standard form of the line that passes through the point
(5, −7) and is perpendicular to the line 6x + 3y = 4.
Answer: We first rewrite the equation for the given line in slope-intercept
form. This is and so the slope of this line is −2. Thus, the slope of the
line we want is . By substituting and (x1, y1) = (5,−7) into the point-slope
form of a line, formula (2.1), we find which we can write in
standard form as x − 2y = 19.
As an exercise, carefully draw the graphs of the two lines in the previous
example. Try to determine the coordinates of the point where the lines intersect.
distance between points P1(x1, c) and P2(x2, c) (denoted |P1P2|) is the difference
in the x-coordinates, that is, |P1P2|=|x2 − x1|. (We write this as an absolute value
because, in general, x2 need not be larger than x1.) If a line is vertical, it has the
equation x = c, where c is the x-intercept of the line. The distance between points
Q1(c, y1) and Q2(c, y2) is the difference in the y-coordinate, that is, |Q1Q2| = |y2 −
Y1| (see figure 2.9).
Formula (2.7) is used to find the distance between any two points in the
Cartesian plane.
EXAMPLE 2.3.11. The distance between the points A(−3, 6) and B(5, 1) is
DEFINITION 2.3.5. The perpendicular bisector of a line segment is the line that
passes through the midpoint of the segment and is perpendicular to it.
EXAMPLE 2.3.12. Given points A(−3, 1) and B(5, 4), find the equation of the
perpendicular bisector l of the line segment AB.
Answer: The coordinates of the midpoint M are The slope
of the line through A and B is Therefore, the slope of l is We
now substitute this value for m and x1 = 1 and into the point slope form of a
line to obtain or 16x + 6y = 31 as the equation for l.
To find the equation of the circle, we use the fact that the distance between
any point P(x, y) on the circle and the center C(a, b) of the circle is
Because this distance is the same as the radius of the
circle, we obtain:
This is the form in which the equation of a circle is usually expressed. Every
point on the circle is a pair (x, y) for which the equation is a true statement and,
conversely, any pair (x, y) for which the equation is a true statement is a point on
the circle.
EXAMPLE 2.4.1. The circle with its center at the origin and unit radius (i.e., r = 1)
is commonly referred to as the unit circle. Its corresponding equation is x2 + y2 =
1. Figure 2.12 shows the unit circle with x-and y-intercepts labeled.
EXAMPLE 2.4.2. The equation of the circle centered at C(−1, 1) with radius r = 1
is (x − (−1))2 + (y − 1)2 = 12, which is the same as (x + 1)2 + (y − 1)2 = 1. We can
expand the squares using FOIL to obtain the equation x2 + 2x + y2 − 2y + 1 = 0.
EXAMPLE 2.4.3. The equation of the circle centered at C(2, −2) and that passes
through the origin is which is (x − 2)2 + (y + 2)2 = 8,
because the distance from the center C(2, −2) of the circle to the origin O (the
radius of the circle) is |
An ellipse, as defined above, has one focus at point F1(c,0) and another focus
at point F2(−c,0), where The graph of an ellipse is the set (or graph)
of all points P(x, y) in the plane with the property that the sum of the distances
from P to each focus is the constant value 2a, that is, all coordinate pairs P(x, y),
such that |PF1| + |PF2| = 2a. The constants a and b, respectively, determine the
width and height of the ellipse. Note that if a = b = 1, then the ellipse is a circle.
The graph of a parabola is the set (or graph) of all points in the plane that are
equidistant from the focus F(0, p) and the horizontal line y = −p, that is, all
coordinate pairs P(x, y), such that |PF| = y + p. The constant p determines the
width of the parabola.
A hyperbola has two branches. The focus of one branch is at the point
F1(c,0) and the focus of the other branch is at the point F2(−c, 0), where
The graph of a hyperbola is the set of all points in the plane with the
property that the difference of the distances from the point to each focus is the
constant value ±2a, that is, all coordinate pairs P(x,y), such that |PF1| − |PF2| =
±2a. A point P(x, y) is on the left branch or right branch of the hyperbola
depending on whether the plus or the minus sign is taken on the right-hand side
of this equation. The two straight lines shown in figure 2.14 are
asymptotes for the hyperbola, that is, lines that the graph of the hyperbola
gradually approaches as x gets larger and larger (in the positive or negative
The conic sections have certain reflection properties. For example, if a light
beam is emitted from one focus of an ellipse, it will reflect off the ellipse toward
the other focus and telescopes have parabolic light-collecting dishes because any
light beam from a distant object entering the dish is reflected toward the focus of
the parabola.
DEFINITION 2.6.1. A vector is one element of a set (a vector space) for which the
properties of vector algebra are satisfied.
The properties of vector algebra relate to the operations of vector addition
and scalar multiplication, and the vector space is closed with respect to these
operations, that is, the sum of any two vectors is another vector belonging to the
vector space, and a scalar multiple of any vector is another vector belonging to
the vector space. The properties of vector algebra are listed formally in table 2.2
in section 2.6.1.
A vector can be represented geometrically by means of an arrow. As an
illustration, imagine a car on a racing circuit, with the speed and direction of the
car at a position on the circuit represented by means of an arrow whose length is
proportional to the speed of the car. Figure 2.16 shows how these arrows could
be drawn. The arrows are shorter in the bends of the circuit, where the car slows
down, and longer in the straight stretches, where the car can go faster.
choosing the initial point to be the origin O and the terminal point to be any
point P is called the position vector for the point P.
REMARK 2.6.1. It is clear that there is a position vector associated with every
point in the plane.
REMARK 2.6.2. Given any two points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) in the plane, the
directed line segment is a representation of the vector x2 − x1, y2 − y1 (note
that the coordinates of A are subtracted from the coordinates of B).
EXAMPLE 2.6.2. Shown in figure 2.18 are points A(2,−2) and B(−2, 1). The
directed line segment is a representation for the vector
Note that a possible rectangular path from A to B
follows a horizontal line four units to the left and then three units up. These
directions correspond to the negative and positive signs of the x and y
components of respectively.
EXAMPLE 2.6.4. In physics, two vectors and could represent forces acting
simultaneously on some object. The vector is then called the resultant force.
DEFINITION 2.6.5. The term scalar is used in the context of vector algebra to
mean a real number (as opposed to a vector).
A vector can be multiplied by a scalar. Geometrically, this is interpreted as
the lengthening or shortening of the vector or the switching of the direction of
the vector, if the scalar is a negative number. For example, if is a vector, then 2
is the vector that is twice as long (that is., is half the length of
, and − points in the opposite direction to . These vectors are all shown in
figure 2.20. Note that all scalar multiples of have representations contained in
the same line.
The properties of vector algebra are listed in table 2.2. They resemble the
properties of the algebra of real numbers in table 1.3. Note that scalars are
represented by the Greek letters α and β. It is left as an exercise to verify that the
operations of addition and scalar multiplication do indeed satisfy all of these
TABLE 2.2. The algebra of vectors
EXAMPLE 2.6.8. Let R be a point on a line segment PQ that is three times as far
from Q as it is from P. If and prove that
Thus, the vector is the position vector for the point (1, 0) and the vector is
the position vector for the point (0, 1) in the Cartesian plane. If is any
given vector then, by the properties of scalar multiplication and vector addition,
we can write:
Therefore, all vectors in the plane can be expressed in terms of the standard
basis vectors and .
Table 2.3 provides a list of the algebraic properties of the dot product. Each
of these can be proved by writing components for the vectors and comparing the
left-and right-hand sides of the equation. As a demonstration, proofs will be
given below for properties (I), (III), and (VI).
Property (VI) is one form of the statement of an important and basic
inequality known as the Schwarz inequality. Here, it states that the absolute
value of the dot product of any two vectors is always less than or equal to the
product of the magnitudes of the two vectors.
TABLE 2.3. Properties of the dot product
Note that the inequality in the fourth step above follows from the fact that
which is a consequence of the inequality 0 ≤ (y − x)2
because, after expanding the square on the right-hand side, we get 2xy ≤ x2 + y2,
for any two real numbers x and y.
Answer: We first calculate the value on the left side of the inequality:
The parallelogram law states that the sum of the squares of the lengths of the
diagonals of a parallelogram is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of
the sides. In vector form, this is:
2.1. Plot the points P1(4, 5), Q(−4, 5), R(−4, −5) and S(4,−5) in the Cartesian
2.2. Which of the following are linear equations? (In (e) and (f) assume that m
is an unknown constant.)
(a) 3 − x = 4y + 1
(b) xy = 7x + 1
(c) x − y = 7x + 1
(d) y2 = x2 + 49
(e) y = mx2 + 11
points P and Q.
(a) P(4, 2) and Q(−11, −2)
(b) P(−11, 2) − and Q(4,−2)
(c) P(2, 4) and Q(−2,−11)
(d) P(−2, 2) and Q(11,−11)
2.5. Draw the graphs of the following linear equations by finding the x-and y-
(a) y = 2x + 1
(b) y = 3x − 2
(c) y = −4x + 3
2.6. Find the slope of each of the lines in Exercise 2.4 above.
2.7. Find the slope of the line passing through points (r, s) and (r + s, 2s).
Simplify your answer.
2.8. Find the equation for a line with slope and passing through the point (3,
2.9. Find the equation for a line with slope − and passing through the point
(2, −1)
2.10. Write each of the linear equations in Exercise 2.2 in slope-intercept form.
What is the y-intercept of each of these lines?
2.11. Write each of the linear equations in Exercise 2.10 in standard form.
2.12. Find the standard equation of the line in each of the following cases.
(a) The line passes through the origin and the point (1, 1).
(b) The line is horizontal and the y-intercept is (0, 2).
(c) The line has slope m = −7 and passes through the y-axis at (0, 7).
(d) The line has slope m = −7 and passes through the x-axis at (7, 0).
2.13. Suppose that a population survey of mothers and daughters obtains the
TABLE 2.4. Heights of mothers and daughters
Under the assumption of a linear relationship in the heights of mothers and their
daughters, use formulas (2.4)–(2.6) to find the equation for the regression line
that fits the data in table 2.4. Predict the average height of daughters whose
mothers are 67 inches tall.
2.14. Decide whether the following pairs of linear equations correspond to lines
that are parallel, perpendicular, or neither.
(a) Write the equation for a line parallel to l, with y-intercept (0,−1)
(b) Write the equation for a line perpendicular to l and passing through
the origin.
2.16. Find the distance between the following pairs of points A and B.
(a) A(4, 2) and B(4, 3)
(b) A(−7, 2) and B(−7,−2)
(c) A(2, 4) and B(3, 5)
(d) A(−2, 2) and B(7, 11)
2.17. Relating to points A(−3, 4), B(0,5.5), C(5,1.5), and D(4,−2), answer the
following questions.
(a) Which point is closest to the origin?
(b) Which two points are closest to each other?
(c) Which two points are farthest from each other?
2.18. Determine the coordinates at which the following pairs of lines intersect.
(a) {y = 2, x = −4}
(b) {y − x = 3, y + x = 3}
(c) {y = x, y = 2x}
(d) {x = 6, y = 3x − 4}
(e) {x = y, y = 3x − 4}
2.19. Given the points A and B, find the equation of the perpendicular bisector l
of the line segment AB.
(a) A(−2, 3) and B(4, 4)
(b) A(6, 1) and B(3,−1)
2.20. Find (the coordinates of) two points on the unit circle with
2.21. Show that the equation of the circle with center C(−2, 3) and passing
through the point D(4, 5) is (x + 2)2 + (y − 3)2 = 40.
2.22. Find the equation of the circle in each of the following cases:
(a) center C(2, 0) and radius
(b) center C(−1, 1) and passing through the origin
(c) passing through points (−1, 0), (1, 0), and (Hint: find the
circumcenter of the triangle with vertices at these three points; see
section 9.5.4)
2.24. Does the parabola 4py = x2 become wider or narrower as the value of p
2.25. Verify that all points P(x, y) on the graph of the ellipse satisfy
the property |PF1| + |PF2| = 2a, where F1 and F2 are the foci of the ellipse.
2.26. Verify that all points P(x, y) on the graph of the parabola 4py = x2 satisfy
the property |PF1| = |y + p|, where F is the focus of the parabola.
2.27. Verify that all points P(x, y) on the graph of the hyperbola
satisfy the property |PF1| − |PF2|= ±2a, where F1 and F2 are the foci of the
2.28. Sketch the graphs of the following conic sections in the Cartesian plane. In
each case, label the focus or foci and the x-and y-intercepts and draw the
asymptotes, if appropriate.
(b) 16y = x2
(d) 25y2 = 25 − x2
(e) x2 − y2 = 1
(f) 49y2 = 196 + 4x2
2.29. Plot the following vectors all with initial point A(1,−1).
2.30. Find the components of the directed line segment in each of the
following cases.
(a) A(−2, 2), B(0, 4)
(b) A(2, 2), B(−2,−2)
(c) A(0, 1), B(4, 0)
2.31. Examine the first vector diagram in figure 2.23 and answer the following
(a) Write the components for the vectors
2.32. Examine the second vector diagram in figure 2.23 and answer the
following questions.
(a) Write the components for the vectors
(b) Compute the values
2.35. Draw a vector diagram that verifies the associativity of vector addition
(property (II) in the list of properties of vector algebra).
2.36. A constant force measured in Newtons moves an object along a
straight line from a point P(2, 3) to a point Q(1, −2) measured in meters.
Find the work done in joules by .
2.38. Draw a vector diagram from which the vector statement of the triangle
inequality can be deduced.
2.39. Draw a vector diagram from which the vector equation for the
parallelogram law can be deduced.
2.40. Prove the parallelogram law using the properties of the dot product.
2.41. Suppose that for vectors and shown in figure 2.25.
(a) Prove, using methods of vector geometry, that the vector that
bisects the angle between and can be expressed as
(b) Find a formula for the area of the large triangle in terms of the
magnitudes of the sum and difference of the vectors and .
Chapters 1 and 2 deal with the description of algebraic objects like numbers,
sets, equations, and vectors as well as algebraic operations like addition,
multiplication, the dot product for vectors, and so on. In this chapter, we are
going to discover some of the useful techniques of algebra. The word algebra
derives from the Arabic word al-jabr, which roughly translated means
“transposition” or “reduction” and which was part of the title of a mathematical
treatise written by the Arabic scholar Mohammed ibn Mûsâ al-Khowârizmî
during the eighth century AD. Europeans who read this treatise in later centuries
adopted this word as the name for the science of equations. What al-Khowarizmi
meant by al-jabr is the method of adding or subtracting the same quantity to both
sides of an equation. This is part of the process of solving an equation.
The notion of solving an equation by the application of formal techniques is
usually inculcated into school children soon after the age of 10. It is, therefore,
surprising that mathematicians did not fully employ these techniques until the
sixteenth century. One reason for this is that solving an equation such as
x + 3 = 0,
x + 3 − 3 = 0 − 3,
x = − 3.
Mathematicians were reluctant for a long time to acknowledge the existence
of negative numbers. For example, René Descartes referred to the negative
solutions of equations as “false roots,” and he never extended his coordinate
system (our Cartesian plane) to negative numbers.
An even more, difficult problem arises with the solutions of the equation
x2 + 1 = 0,
3ba2 − 2ba + a3 = d,
would have been written by François Viète, the famous French mathematician of
the sixteenth century, in the form
EXAMPLE 3.2.1. What number when multiplied by 3 is equal to that number plus
Answer: If we denote the unknown value as x, then the problem can be
restated in the form: for what value of x is the equation
3x = x + 8
a true statement?
The answer can be obtained by solving the equation. The way to do this is to
isolate x on one side of the equation by applying the same algebraic operations to
each side of the equation. First, subtract x from each side of the equation:
3x − x = (x + 8) − x.
2x = 8.
x = 4.
Problems of this type have been solved since the times of the earliest known
human civilizations. Here is a problem from the Rhind papyrus, an Egyptian
mathematical text containing 85 problems copied by the scribe Ahmes in about
1650 BC.
EXAMPLE 3.2.2. A quantity, its 2/3, its 1/2, and its 1/7, added together, becomes
33. What is the quantity?
Answer: We solve this once again, by denoting the unknown quantity as x
and writing the statement of the problem as an equation:
The way to proceed from here is a matter of choice, but the easiest way to
isolate x is to multiply each side of the equation by the lowest common multiple
of 2, 3, and 7, which is 42. Thus,
which simplifies to
97x = 1,386.
The final answer is
Some equations might not be linear to begin with but after some
simplifications or reductions have been carried out, the answer can be obtained
by solving a linear equation. Here are two examples of this:
EXAMPLE 3.2.3. Solve for x in the equation (3x − 2)(8x + 4) = (6x + 1)(4x − 3).
Answer: Expand each side using the foil method and then subtract 24x2 from
each side. This results in a linear equation that can be solved for x:
Answer: To begin with, the fractions on the left side can be added in the
same way that ordinary fractions can be added, that is, by finding their lowest
common denominator (see section 1.13.4), as shown in the following steps:
Two fractions with the same denominator are equal if and only if their
numerators are equal, and therefore, we can write down the linear equation
containing only the numerators on each side. The value for x that solves this
equation will be the solution for the original equation (provided it does not result
in any zero denominators in the fractions).
ax2 + bx + c = 0,
x2 + bx = 0.
If b and x are positive real numbers, then we can regard the value x2 + bx as
the area of a rectangular sheet with the short side of length x and the long side of
length x + b, as shown in figure 3.1. The long side can then be divided into one
segment of length x and two segments of length This creates a square with
side length x and two small rectangles with dimensions inside the
rectangular sheet. The lower of these small rectangles can be cut off and pasted
alongside the sheet so that its side of length x matches the square (as shown in
second diagram). In this way, a new square of side length can be formed if
a missing square (shaded in third diagram) of dimensions is filled in. We
now conclude that the area of the original sheet can be expressed as the area of
the new (biggest) square minus the area of the small shaded square.
Mathematically stated, this is the identity
While we have verified this identity geometrically under the assumption that
x and b are positive, the identity is true for all real values of x and b, as can be
verified by expanding the right-hand side of formula (3.1) (do this!). The method
of writing the left-hand side of the identity as the right-hand side is what we
mean by completing the square, and formula (3.1) is the simplest instance of the
method of completing the square.
EXAMPLE 3.3.1. Complete the square for each of the following expressions:
(i) x2 + 3x
(ii) x2 − 10x.
The general method of completing the square requires the preliminary step of
factoring the coefficient of x2 in order to isolate an expression of the form that
appears on the left-hand side of the identity in formula (3.1), as in the following
EXAMPLE 3.3.2. Complete the square for each of the following expressions:
We now derive the general formula for completing the square of a quadratic
Now, in order to solve (i), we add 13 to each side of the equation and then
divide both sides by 3, resulting in the new equation This states that
the square of the quantity x + 2 is equal to What does this mean? It means that
there are two possibilities: x + 2 is equal to is equal to
Therefore, the final solution is
In the next example, we will encounter a difficulty that did not arise in
example 3.3.3.
and here is the difficulty: solving this equation would require us to take the
square root of a negative real number. Do not feel alone if you find this very
troubling. Mathematicians were alarmed by this for thousands of years. Their
solution was to ignore it and leave the equation unsolved. The resolution of this
difficulty leads into new realms of algebra that mathematicians began to explore
only about 300 years ago. Some of this will be explained in section 3.6. For now,
we will proceed formally and take the square root of in order to write the
If we allow the usual algebraic processes for taking the square roots of
fractions, that is, then the solution simplifies to
Complex numbers and the notation i will be explained further in section 3.6.
We now derive the general formula for the solution of a quadratic equation,
known as the quadratic formula. In order to solve the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0,
we replace the left-hand side of the equation with the expression from formula
(3.2). Thus, we need to solve the equation
The more usual way to write this is to use the ± notation, which means + or
−, that is,
REMARK 3.3.1. The quantity b2 − 4ac that appears inside the square root in
formula (3.3) is called the discriminant. More about this later.
Polynomials and the algebraic operations that can be applied to them are the
main concern of this chapter. We will begin with the formal definition of a
polynomial (in one variable) and then explain how polynomials can be added,
subtracted, multiplied, and divided.
anxn + an−1xn−1+…+a1x+a0,
EXAMPLE 3.4.1. In table 3.1 are a few polynomials and their corresponding
TABLE 3.1. Polynomials
EXAMPLE 3.4.3.
EXAMPLE 3.4.4.
(4x + 5)(3x − 1) = 4x(3x − 1) + 5(3x − 1) = 12x2 − 4x + 15x − 5 = 12x2 +
11x − 5
(2 2 + 4x + 5)(3x − 1) = 2x2(3x − 1) + 4x(3x − 1) + 5(3x − 1) = 6x3 + 10x2
(ii) x
+ 11x − 5
(iii) (x3 + 2x)2 = x6 + 2(x3)(2x) + 4x2 = x6 + 4x4 + 4x2
REMARK 3.4.1. The word expand is used synonymously with multiply; so, in the
previous example, if we expand (4x + 5)(3x − 1), then the result will be 12x2 +
11x − 5.
EXAMPLE 3.4.5.
Note that the number 1 is the only number in the first row of Pascal’s
triangle. The numbers in the second row are two 1’s placed diagonally either
side of the number 1 in the first row. After that, each row begins and ends with a
1 and, in between them, each number in the row is the sum of the two numbers
diagonally above it in the previous row. For example, in the sixth row the
numbers are 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, and 1, for which 5 = 4 + 1, 10 = 4 + 6, and so on.
Now, with reference to table 3.2, note that the numbers 1, 2, 1 in the third row
and the numbers 1, 3, 3, 1 in the fourth row are the coefficients of the terms of
the binomial expansions of degrees 2 and 3, respectively. Similarly, the numbers
1, 4, 6, 4, 1 are the coefficients of the binomial expansion of degree 4 (do the
expansion!), and the numbers 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1 are the coefficients of the
binomial expansion of degree 5. Furthermore, when we write the expansion of (x
+ y)5, the powers of x start from 5 and decrease to 0 while the corresponding
powers of y start from 0 and increase to 5. Thus, the expansion of (x + y)5 is
The binomial expansions such as those given in table 3.2 can be used as
EXAMPLE 3.4.7. The expansion of (2a − 3)4 can be obtained from the expansion
of (x + y)4 by replacing x with 2a and replacing y with −3. Thus
where (as in the division of numbers) f(x) is the dividend, p(x) is the divisor, q(x)
is the quotient, and r(x) is the remainder (these are all polynomials). We will
assume that p(x) is not a constant, then deg (p)> deg(r), where deg(p) is the
degree of p, and so on.
REMARK 3.4.2. We are using function notation here. This has not been
introduced yet, but the meaning here is clear. All we need to understand here is
that f(2), for instance, is the evaluation of the polynomial f(x) when x is replaced
with the value 2.
In the case that the divisor p(x) is a linear polynomial of the form x − c, then
r(x) is a constant (a polynomial of degree zero) and then, instead, we write
f(x) = (x − c)q(x) + r.
If we replace the value x with c in this equation, then f c
EXAMPLE 3.4.11. Use the Remainder Theorem to find the remainder, if f(x) = 2x5
− x3 + 50x2 + 8 is divided by x + 3.
Answer: The remainder was found in example 3.4.10; however, according to
the Remainder Theorem, we can also get the remainder this way:
It can happen that the division of one polynomial by another leaves zero
remainder. In the case that division is by a linear polynomial x − c, we have (as
Instead of doing synthetic division, we can verify this using the Remainder
THEOREM 3.4.2. Factor Theorem: A polynomial f(x) has the factor (x − c) if and
only if f(c) = 0.
The Factor Theorem is a basic tool for factorizing polynomials. This is the
topic of section 3.5.3, but here is a preview:
EXAMPLE 3.4.13. Find a linear factor of the polynomial f(x) = 3x4 + 8x3 − 2x2 −
10x + 4.
Answer: According to the Factor Theorem, we need to find a value c such
that f(c) = 0. Here are the values f(1), f(−1), f(2), and f(−2):
DEFINITION 3.4.4. For a polynomial f(x), a value c for which f(c) = 0 is called a
root of the polynomial.
REMARK 3.4.3. The quadratic formula (formula (3.3)) is an expression for the
roots of a quadratic polynomial.
In section 2.5, a parabola is defined as the graph (in the Cartesian plane) of
the equation for any nonzero real number p. This is, in fact,
the general equation for a parabola that passes through the origin and is
symmetric with respect to the y-axis, that is, the axis of symmetry of the parabola
is the y-axis. The most general equation for a parabola is the quadratic equation
y = ax2 + bx + c,
where a ≠ 0 and b and c are real numbers. It is not hard to see why this is true
because the equation can be expressed in the completed square form
Evidently, the graph of this equation is a parabola that, together with its axis
of symmetry, is shifted units according to the following formula.
EXAMPLE 3.5.1. The graphs of six parabolas and their corresponding quadratic
equations are shown in figure 3.2. In table 3.3, each polynomial is expressed in
completed square form (column 3). Also given in the table are the axis of
symmetry (column 4), the roots (column 5), the turning point (column 6), and
the value of the discriminant (column 7). Recall that the discriminant is the value
b2 − 4ac that occurs inside the square-root term in the quadratic formula. The
symbol Δ is usually used to denote the value of the discriminant.
REMARK 3.5.1. Note that the root “−2” in row (ii) in table 3.3 is listed twice. The
reason for this is that a quadratic polynomial must have two roots. (In this case,
we say that the polynomial −x2 − 4x − 4 has a double root.) We see that the
corresponding parabola turns on the x-axis.
REMARK 3.5.2. If the leading coefficient (the coefficient of x2) is positive (as we
have in (i), (iii), (iv), and (vi) in table 3.3), then the parabola opens upward,
whereas if the leading coefficient is negative, then the parabola opens downward
(as in (ii) and (v) in the table).
REMARK 3.5.3. If the discriminant is negative (as in (v) and (vi) in the table),
then the quadratic polynomial has complex roots and the corresponding parabola
does not cut the x-axis—it lies entirely above or below the x-axis, depending on
REMARK 3.5.3. If Δ < 0 (as in (v) and (vi)), then the roots are complex numbers
and, if Δ ≥ 0 (as in (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv)), then the roots are real numbers. Only
in the particular case that Δ = 0 (as in (ii)) are the roots equal.
The statement of remark 3.5.3 is summarized in table 3.4.
TABLE 3.4. The discriminant and the nature of the roots
Furthermore, we have the following additional fact about the nature of the
roots of a quadratic polynomial ax2 + bx + c.
and then find the value of Δ for the quadratic polynomial on the left-hand side of
EXAMPLE 3.5.3. The factorized form for 6x2 − x − 15 (row (iii)) can also be
expressed as
(i) Write down any pair of factors of 15, for example 3 and 5 or 1 and 15, then
form all possible pairwise products of this pair with the pairs of factors of
12 and add the results, like this:
We look for the combination in which the sum of pairwise products is,
without consideration of the sign, the coefficient of the middle term of the
quadratic polynomial, that is, 29. This is the first combination in the table above.
Now, we factorize the quadratic polynomial, essentially by undoing a foil
Note that, in the first step, the value 29 breaks up according to the sum of the
products of the pairs of factors that we selected. In the second step, the four
terms are grouped in pairs, as shown, and in the third and fourth steps, the
distributive laws are used (in reverse).
(ii) We compile a table of sums of pairwise products of all possible pairs of
factors of 16 and 49:
The sum 56, in the second row, is, without consideration of the sign, the
coefficient of x, so, again we factorize the quadratic polynomial by undoing a
foil operation:
(i) As before, write down any pair of factors of 72, form all possible pairwise
products with the pairs of factors of 51 and subtract the results, like this
(we only show a few cases):
EXAMPLE 3.5.6. In the case that a quadratic polynomial has a negative leading
coefficient, the negative sign can be factorized and then the previous methods
can be used. It might also be possible to factorize a constant from all three terms.
EXAMPLE 3.5.10. Find the roots of the quadratic polynomial 11x2 − 79x + 14.
Answer: The equation 11x2 − 79x + 14 = 0 can be expressed in the factorized
form (11x − 2)(x − 7) = 0, so the roots are 2/11 and 7.
cents/m. For a total outlay of $30, a builder purchases $15 worth of each
material. He then discovers that he has one meter more of the cheaper material
than the more expensive material. What is the price per meter of the more
expensive material?
Answer: We can denote by x the price (in cents) per meter of the more
expensive material. Then the number of meters of the expensive material that the
builder purchases is and the number of meters of the cheaper material that
the builder purchases is Now, according to the statement of the problem,
we can set up the following equation:
We multiply each side of the equation by (x)(x − 50) and then solve the
problem in the following steps:
The second solution for x is the answer we want. The more expensive
material costs $3 per meter.
REMARK 3.6.1. The elements aij of a matrix can be chosen from any set. For our
purposes, they can be any real numbers.
EXAMPLE 3.6.1. Matrices are usually denoted using uppercase letters, for
EXAMPLE 3.6.2. In the matrix A in example 3.6.1, a23 = 1; in the matrix B, b12 =
EXAMPLE 3.6.3.
A matrix in which all the elements are equal to zero is called a zero matrix.
The notation Om×n can be used for a zero matrix. It is possible for the sum of two
matrices to be a zero matrix. In this case, each matrix is the additive inverse of
the other.
If α is a real number and A is any m×n matrix, then the scalar product αA is
the m×n matrix obtained by multiplying each element of A by α.
EXAMPLE 3.6.4.
REMARK 3.6.2. If B is any matrix, then, instead of (−1)B, we can write −B and
call it the negative of B. Matrices can now be subtracted in the obvious way, that
is, A − B = A +(−B).
The multiplication of matrices is more complicated, and there are different
ways to multiply matrices. The usual way to multiply matrices is called the
Cayley product. We will demonstrate it using 2×2 matrices. It is based on the
following formula for multiplying a row matrix and a column matrix:
in which the first element of the row matrix is multiplied by the first element of
the column matrix, the second element of the row matrix is multiplied by the
second element of the column matrix, and the results are added together. When a
2×2 matrix is multiplied by another 2×2 matrix, the first matrix is regarded as
two row matrices, the second matrix is regarded as two column matrices, and the
product of the 2×2 matrices is another 2×2 matrix consisting of the four possible
products of the two row and two column matrices, that is, if
The elements of the first row of AB are obtained by multiplying the first row
of A, in turn, by the columns of B, and the elements of the second row of AB are
obtained by multiplying the second row of A, in turn, by the columns of B.
Multiplying matrices is like patting your head with one hand while rubbing
your tummy in a circle with your other hand. Try it—it comes more easily with
practice! Look carefully at the following examples. A few important facts about
matrix multiplication can be gleaned from them.
EXAMPLE 3.6.5.
REMARK 3.6.3. We learn from (ii) and (iii) above that matrix multiplication is not
commutative, that is, if the matrices in these two examples are labeled A and B,
then AB ≠ BA. In example (iv), the product of two matrices is the zero matrix
02×2, but neither of the matrices being multiplied is a zero matrix. In these two
aspects, the algebra of matrices is radically different from the algebra of real
Some properties of real numbers that do hold true for matrices are the
distributive properties and the associativity of multiplication and addition. These
properties for 2×2 matrices are stated below as theorems, and the proofs are left
as exercises.
THEOREM 3.6.2. If A and B are 2×2 matrices and α and β are real numbers, then
(i) (αA)(βB) = (αβ)(AB)
(ii) (−A)(−B) = AB
(iii) A(αB) = (αA)B = α(AB)
(iv) A(−B) = (−A)B = −(AB)
A special 2×2 matrix is the 2×2 identity matrix Any 2×2 matrix A
multiplied by I2 remains unchanged, that is, AI2 = I2A = A.
If we add (or subtract) two complex numbers, we add (or subtract) their real
and imaginary parts.
The matrix on the right-hand side is the matrix that is identified with the
complex number (a+c)+(b+d)i, which is z1 + z2.
We multiply two complex numbers in the same manner as FOIL, that is, if z1
= a + bi and z1 = c + di, then
On the other hand, if we multiply the matrices that are identified above with
z1 and z2, the result is
The matrix on the right-hand side is the matrix identified with the complex
number ac − bd + (ad + bc)i, which is z1 z2.
We conclude that the addition and multiplication of the particular 2×2
matrices we have identified with complex numbers exactly replicate the addition
and multiplication of the complex numbers. Thus any algebraic calculation that
involves addition, subtraction, and multiplication of complex numbers can be
carried out with the appropriate 2×2 matrices.
Division of complex numbers (and the identified matrices) can also be
defined, but we will not do it here.
EXAMPLE 3.6.9. It can be verified by means of the quadratic formula that 1+2i is
a root of the quadratic polynomial x2 − 2x + 5. The matrix expression of this
statement is
REMARK 3.7.1. We can think of a real number as a complex number with zero
imaginary part. So we will assume below that the set of complex numbers,
sometimes denoted C, includes the set of real numbers.
REMARK 3.7.2 The roots, c1, c2,…, cn, in the Complete Factorization Theorem
need not all be different. For example, the polynomial f(x) = 3x3 − 9x2 + 18x −
12 = 3(x − 2)2 (x − 1) has the roots c1 = 2, c2 = 2, and c3 = 1. We say that c1 = c2
= 2 is a root of multiplicity two. In general, some (or all) of the roots c1, c2,…,
cn, can be real, and some (or all) of the roots can be complex (not real).
It is a fact that the complex roots of a polynomial with real coefficients
always come in pairs. In order to explain this, we need the following definition.
REMARK 3.7.4. If a polynomial f(x) with real coefficients has a complex root c,
that is, f(c) = 0, then the conjugate c is also a root of the polynomial, that is, f(c)
= 0.
As a special case, any quadratic polynomial with real coefficients either has
two complex (not real) roots, which are conjugates of each other (that is, the
quadratic polynomial factorizes as a(x − c1)(x − c1), where a is a real number
and c1 is a complex number) or it has two real roots. In the first case, the
quadratic polynomial is called irreducible over the real numbers.
Conversely, any product of the form a(x − c1)(x − c1), where a is a real
number and c1 is a complex number (not real), can be expanded as an irreducible
quadratic polynomial with real coefficients (verify this).
In view of the Complete Factorization Theorem for Polynomials, this leads
us to the following conclusion:
THEOREM 3.7.3. Every polynomial with real coefficients and positive degree can
be expressed as a product of linear and irreducible quadratic factors with real
where 2j + k = n, c1, c2, …cj are complex (not real) d1, d2,…dk are real numbers
(some of which can be equal). Here, each product of the form (x − cj)(x − cj) can
be expanded as an irreducible quadratic polynomial with real coefficients, and
each factor of the form (x − di) is a is a linear polynomial with real coefficients.
In the next example, verify that the quadratic factors in the factorization of
each polynomial are indeed irreducible quadratic polynomials.
EXAMPLE 3.7.1.
has integer coefficients and, if is a rational root of f(x) such that c and d have
no common factors, then (i) c is a factor of the constant term a0, and (ii) d is a
factor of the leading coefficient an.
If we multiply each side of the equation above by dn and then add −a0dn to
each side, the result is
(a) The only possible rational roots of a polynomial with integer
coefficients are the rational numbers of the form c/d for which c is
a factor of the constant term of the polynomial and d is a factor of
the leading coefficient of the polynomial.
(b) The only possible rational roots of a polynomial with integer
coefficients and a unit leading coefficient are the integers that are
the factors of the constant term of the polynomial.
EXAMPLE 3.7.2. According to corollary 3.7.1(a), the only possible rational roots
of the polynomial f(x) = 3x4 + 8x3 − 2x2 − 10x + 4 are
We check all of these possibilities:
EXAMPLE 3.7.3. Fully factorize the polynomial f(x) = 3x3 + 4x2 + 74x − 52.
Answer: According to corollary 3.7.1(a), the only possible rational roots are
±1, ±2, ±4, ±13, It is straightforward to
check that and so is a factor of f(x). After dividing f(x) by (using
long or synthetic division), we obtain
EXAMPLE 3.7.4. Fully factorize the polynomial f(x) = x4 + 2x3 − 13x2 − 14x + 24.
Answer: According to corollary 3.7.1(b), the possible rational roots are ±1,
±2, ±3, ±4, ±6, ±8, ±12, and ±24. Because f(1) = 0, x − 1 is a factor of f(x). After
dividing f(x) by x − 1, we obtain
It is a fact that every polynomial has the property that its graph looks like
one of the the graphs above at a small enough scale (small enough resolution).
On some graphing calculators, it is possible to plot the graph of a polynomial
and “zoom out” until the graph looks like one of the graphs above.
EXAMPLE 3.8.1. Compare the graph of f(x) = x5 − 9x3 + 8x2 − 72 at a large scale
(high resolution) with the graph at a small scale (low resolution), as shown in
figure 3.4.
REMARK 3.8.1. The number of times the graph of a polynomial crosses the x-axis
is at most the degree of the polynomial minus the number of complex roots.
EXAMPLE 3.9.1. In this section, we will find one solution of the cubic equation
2x3 + 3x2 − 2x + 1 = 0. First, check for yourself that ±1 and are not rational
roots of the cubic polynomial. According to the method of reduction explained
above, x is replaced with and p and q are respectively. This
means that, if we can find a solution X0 of the equation
A method for solving the reduced equation (formula (3.9)) was published by
Girolamo Cardano in his famous work, Ars Magna, in 1545. This method, which
was probably first discovered by Tartaglia in about 1535, makes use of the
then a solution for the reduced cubic equation is X0 = u − v. The first equation in
formula (3.10) can be expressed as If this value for υ is substituted in the
second equation in formula (3.10), then we obtain
This is a quadratic equation in u3, and one solution (taking the positive sign
in the quadratic formula) is
and so
Note that the remaining two solutions for the original equation can be found
by dividing 2x3 + 3x2 + 2x + 1 by x − x0 and then using the quadratic formula to
find the roots of the resulting quadratic polynomial.
The reason for doing this is that we can cleverly use the identity
to rewrite the left-hand side of the first equation of formula (3.16). We now have
the pair of equations
This cubic equation can be solved using the methods of section 3.9.1. This
obtains the required value of l and, by taking the square root of l, the required
value for k. Using formula (3.14), we can then solve for t and s in terms of k (do
this!) to obtain
3.1. Solve for x in each of the following equations (if possible).
(a) x + 3 = 2x − 7
(b) 2(7x + 3) = 5(2x − 1)
(c) 2(3x − 2) = 3(2x + 99)
3.10. Divide 2x5 − x3 + 50x2 + 8 by x − 3 using first the method of long division
and then the method of synthetic division.
3.12. Using the Factor Theorem, show that x + 2 is a factor of −x3 − 4x2 − 3x +
3.13. Using the Factor Theorem, find a factor of the form x − c, where c is an
integer, for each of the following polynomials.
(a) 4x3 + 4x2 − x − 1
(b) 3x4 + 8x3 − 2x2 − 10x + 4
3.14. Neatly sketch the graphs of each of the quadratic polynomials in exercise
3.5. Be sure to mark the x-and y-intercepts, the axis of symmetry and the
turning point of each parabola.
3.15. Find the equations of the two parabolas shown in figure 3.5.
3.16. Prove that the sum of the roots of a quadratic polynomial ax2 + bx + c is
and the product of the roots is
3.17. Prove that the roots of m(1 − x) = 3 − x2 are real but not equal for all real
values of m.
3.18. The axis of symmetry of a parabola can be found by taking the average
value of the roots. Explain why.
3.19. Factorize the following quadratic polynomials (these are set up to be
factorized by grouping).
(d) 2t2 + 2t + 4
(e) 54s2t2 − 2
(f) 35y2 + 13y − 4
3.23. Solve the following equations for x by factorizing.
(a) x2 − x − 2 = 0
(b) x2 − 7x = 0
(c) 243x2 − 12 = 0
(d) 15x2 − 17x − 4 = 0
3.24. Solve the following equations for x. Use any method.
(a) 2(x + 3)2 = (x − 1)2 + 4
(b) (x − 3)(x + 2) = (2x − 1)(x + 1)
(c) x(x + 1)2 = (x − 1)3
3.25. Determine the negative value of m for which the equation −x2 + 2x − 4 =
mx has equal roots.
3.27. If α and β are the roots of 2x2 − 3x − 4, find the value of without
solving the equation.
(Hint: use the formulas for the sum and product of roots from exercise
3.28. Suppose that α2 and β2 are the roots of the equation 36x2 − x + 16. If α and
3.35. The roots of the quadratic polynomial 9x2 + 1 are Verify this statement
using the appropriate matrices, as was done in example 3.6.8.
Trigonometry is the starting point for the mathematical description of wavelike
phenomena from ripples on a pond to the complicated wave functions that
physicists use to describe the states of elementary particles such as protons and
electrons. The reason for this, as we will see in section 4.8, is that a sine (or
cosine) curve has the shape of a wave.
Trigonometry began with the attempts by early mathematicians to calculate
the lengths of chords of circles, which are twice the sine of half of the angle of
the chord (see figure 4.1). We know that in the second century BC, the Greek
Mathematicians Hipparchus and Menelaus computed tables of lengths of chords.
Some early examples of trigonometric identities are found in Hindu works of the
fifth century AD. The tangent, secant, and cosecant ratios were introduced by
Arabic Mathematicians in the tenth century. The first textbook on trigonometry
was published early in the sixteenth century by the German Clergyman and
Mathematician Bartholomäus Pitiscus. The science of trigonometry includes
planar trigonometry (chapter 4) and spherical trigonometry (chapter 10).
After explaining precisely what is meant by an angle and the radian measure
of an angle (section 4.2), we introduce the three basic trigonometric ratios, that
is, sine, cosine, and tangent, in section 4.3. The values of these ratios for some
special angles are given in section 4.4. Negative angles and periodicity are
discussed in section 4.5. The reciprocal trigonometric ratios, that is, cosecant,
secant, and cotangent, are introduced in section 4.6, and the cofunction identities
are introduced in section 4.7.
A mechanical production of the sine curve is described in detail at the
beginning of section 4.8. The basic sine and cosine graphs and some scaling and
shifting properties of these graphs are described later. The tangent, cotangent,
secant, and cosecant graphs are also given.
We derive the Pythagorean identities and explain the method for solving
identities in section 4.9. This is followed by a short section on solving simple
trigonometric equations (section 4.10). The addition identities and double-and
half-angle identities are derived in sections 4.11 and 4.12, respectively. The sine
and cosine rules for solving triangles are introduced in section 4.13.
Components of vectors and the dot product of vectors (a continuation of
vectors from chapter 2 are introduced as an application of trigonometry in
section 4.14.) This chapter ends with a final topic on identities (section 4.15).
This is an interesting and challenging aspect of learning trigonomety.
Some knowledge of the basic geometry of triangles including right triangles
and similar triangles will be helpful for this chapter. These topics are presented
in chapter 9.
An angle in the Cartesian plane is determined by drawing a position vector for
any given reference point in the plane (except the origin) and a circular arc to
indicate the amount by which the position vector is rotated in a counterclockwise
direction from the x-axis. If the reference point is not on the x-or y-axis, then the
angle is in one of the four quadrants. Figure 4.2 shows an angle α in the first
quadrant (corresponding to a reference point P in the first quadrant) and an angle
θ finishing in the third quadrant (corresponding to a reference point Q in the
third quadrant).
An angle in the first quadrant is called acute, the second quadrant is obtuse,
and the third or fourth quadrant is a reflex angle.
DEFINITION 4.2.1. The radian measure of an angle is the length of the arc of the
unit circle corresponding to the angle.
In figure 4.3, the length of the arc of the unit circle corresponding to the
angle θ is denoted as l. When it is understood that angles are measured in
radians, we can state θ = l. Angles can also be measured in degrees, but radian
measure is the unit of measurement in which mathematical formulas (e.g., in
calculus) involving trigonometric functions can be expressed in their simplest
It has been known since at least the time of the classical Greek
mathematicians that if the radius of a circle is r units, then the circumference
(length) of the circle is 2πr units. In particular, if r = 1 (i.e., the circle is a unit
circle), then the circumference of the circle is 2π. Therefore, the radian measure
of a full angle is 2π (corresponding to 360°) and of any angle is in the same
proportion to 2π as its angle is measured in 360°. Figure 4.4 shows four special
cases of radian measure.
The formulas for conversion of degrees to radians and vice versa can be
derived as follows:
EXAMPLE 4.2.1.
DEFINITION 4.3.1. Corresponding to any reference point P(a,b) in the Cartesian
plane (except P(0, 0)) determining an angle θ, we define the trigonometric ratios
sine (sin), cosine (cos), and tangent (tan) as follows:
REMARK 4.3.1. It is important to realize that, for a fixed value of θ, the values of
the trigonometric ratios do not depend on the distance of the reference point P
from the origin; that is, the ratios do not depend on the value of r. This is a
consequence of the fact that reference points P1 and P2 on the same ray from the
origin (as shown in figure 4.5) determine similar triangles, and so, by theorem
9.5.14(a), the corresponding ratios of the sides of the triangles are equal.
EXAMPLE 4.3.1. In figure 4.6, the sine, cosine, and tangent trigonometric ratios
are evaluated for four different angles (one angle in each quadrant).
Furthermore, it can be ascertained from figure 4.6 that the signs of the
trigonometric ratios are positive or negative depending on the quadrant to which
θ belongs. The sign of each ratio in each quadrant is shown in table 4.1.
TABLE 4.1. The signs of the trigonometric ratios
Table 4.1 can be summarized by means of the ASTC diagram shown in figure
4.7: the A in the first quadrant means that all trigonometric ratios are positive;
the S in the second means that sine is positive, and cosine and tangent are
negative; the T in the third means that tangent is positive, and cosine and sine are
negative; and the C in the fourth means that cosine is positive, and sine and
tangent are negative. This diagram is sometimes memorized using the phrase
“all students take calculus.”
REMARK 4.3.2. It follows from Remark 4.3.1 that any trigonometric ratio can be
defined with respect to a reference point that is a unit distance from the origin,
that is, a reference point P(a, b) for which If the corresponding
angle is θ, then
and so, for any point P(a, b) on the unit circle, we can write P(a, b) = P(cos(θ)),
sin (θ)), as shown in figure 4.8.
coincide because they have the same reference point P(1, 0) TABLE 4.2.
Special cases of trigonometric ratios
What’s more, by reflection of the triangles across the coordinate axes, the
trigonometric ratios for certain multiples of
respectively, can
also be determined. This is shown in figure 4.11, which, in the context of
trigonometry, is sometimes referred to as the “unit circle.”
EXAMPLE 4.4.1. From figure 4.11 we can read, for example, that
EXAMPLE 4.5.1. By reading from the unit circle (figure 4.11), we find that
It was demonstrated in section 4.4 that sin(2π) is the same trigonometric ratio
as sin(0) because both ratios are determined from the same reference point,
namely P(1, 0). In general, trigonometric ratios are the same for any two angles
that differ by an integer multiple of 2π because the ratios are determined from
the same reference point. This property is called 2π-periodicity of trigonometric
ratios. It means that sin(θ + n · 2π) = sin(θ) and cos(θ+n·2π) for any value of θ
and integer n. The tangent ratio is π-periodic because the tangent ratios are equal
for two reference points on the same line through the origin in opposite
quadrants, that is, tan(θ+n·π) = tan(θ) for any value of θ and integer n.
EXAMPLE 4.5.2. By reading from the unit circle (figure 4.11) again, we find that
These ratios satisfy the same properties with respect to negative angles as
their reciprocals, for example, csc(−θ) = −csc(θ) and sec(−θ) = sec(θ), and they
have the same periodicity, for example, csc(θ+n·2π) = csc(θ) and cot(θ+n·π) =
cot(θ) for any integer n.
These identities can be verified from the symmetry, as shown in figure 4.13
(if θ is in the first quadrant). The general validity of these identities (for any
value of θ) can be proved using the identities in section 4.11.
We can deduce from the right triangle shown in the disk that which
we can also write as
This equation gives the value of y explicitly in terms of x and tells us that the
wave marked out by the trace of the pen is a sine curve.
Note that the sine graph cuts the x-axis at 0, π, and 2π and the sine graph
peaks at and This is consistent with the information in
table 4.2. Thus, the period of the sine graph is 2π and its amplitude is 1.
Furthermore, the sine graph is positive in the first and second quadrants and
negative in the third and fourth quadrants, as indicated in table 4.1. As shown in
figure 4.16, the sine graph can also be extended in the negative direction by
application of the identity sin(−x) = −sin(x).
The sine graph continues indefinitely in both directions (to the left and right),
cuts the x-axis at all integer multiples of π, and peaks at integer multiples of
that is,
which tells us that the cosine graph is a horizontally shifted sine graph, as shown
in figure 4.17. (Check that coordinates on the graph correspond with the data in
tables 4.1 and 4.2.)
The cosine graph continues indefinitely in both directions (to the left and
right), cuts the x-axis at all integer multiples of and peaks at integer multiples
of π; that is,
We say that the cosine graph is -out of phase with the sine graph, because
the cosine graph can be obtained by shifting the sine graph to the left by units.
REMARK 4.8.1. The period of the graph y = L sin(kx), for any real number
In order to draw the graph of an equation y = sin(x − a) for any real number
a, we note that if x = a, then y = 0; if then y = 1; and so on. This means
we can take x = a as the starting point on the x-axis for one cycle and label
intervals of along the x-axis starting from x = a. The resulting graph is a
horizontal shift of the graph of y = sin(x).
has period π and a shift to the left by units, as shown in figure 4.22.
convention, we write “sin2 θ” to mean (sin(θ))2 and the same for other
trigonometric ratios. Thus, another way to write the equation for the unit circle is
Strictly speaking, the second and third Pythagorean identities have been
derived only for values of θ for which the terms are defined. In the case of the
second Pythagorean identity, for instance, the terms tan2 θ and sec2 θ not defined
if θ is an integer multiple of
In trigonometry, we use known identities to prove or verify more identities.
The usual technique for doing this is to denote the left-hand side of the unproven
identity as LHS and the right-hand side as RHS. One of the sides, either LHS or
RHS, is then restated and manipulated by means of known identities and
algebraic methods until it is shown to be equivalent to the other side.
Alternatively, both sides can be restated and manipulated until it can be shown
that they are both equivalent to some (new) expression. In the following
example, each line is a restatement of the previous line by the means explained
to the right of each line.
EXAMPLE 4.9.1. Verify the identity: tan(θ) + cot(θ) = sec2(θ)cot(θ).
Answer: Solving for x means finding the value (or values) for x in the
interval for which the equation is a true statement, that is, the values of x ∈ [0,
2π] for which From an examination of the graphs of and sin(x) on the
interval [0, 2π] in figure 4.27, we observe that there are exactly two values of x
where the graphs intersect. These values are labeled x1 and x2 and occur in the
The values for x1 and x2 can be read directly from the unit circle (figure
4.11), that is, and because, for these values of the angle, the second
coordinate of the corresponding reference point on the unit circle is .
EXAMPLE 4.10.2. Solve for θ in the equation tan2(θ) = 1, for θ ∈ [0, 2π].
Answer: The problem is equivalent to solving two separate equations: tan(θ)
= 1 and tan(θ) = −1, for θ ∈ [0, 2π]. The first equation is true for the two values
and the second equation is true for the two values
These values can be obtained by means of the graphical method
we used for the problem above. Thus, the original equation tan2(θ) = 1 has the
four given solutions θ1, θ2, θ3, and θ4, in the interval [0, 2π].
from the unit circle (figure 4.11) to be Because the tangent ratio is π-
periodic, the general solution can be expressed as for any integer n.
in which the last line is obtained by applying the first Pythagorean identity
(formula 4.4) twice, and
in which the last line is obtained by applying the first Pythagorean identity.
Now, by equating (|RS|)2 and (|TU|)2, we obtain the following addition
In figure 4.28, B is smaller than A, but the identity is true for any values of A
and B. What’s more, by replacing B with −B in this identity, we obtain another
addition identity:
The following two addition identities for the sine ratio can be derived by
means of the cofunction identities (formula 4.1). This is left as an exercise.
EXAMPLE 4.11.3. Suppose that α is in the first quadrant and and that β is
in the third quadrant and Find sin(α − β). Which quadrant does the
angle α − β belong to?
Answer: In order to use the addition identities, we will need to know the
values of cos(α) and sin(β). According to the first Pythagorean identity,
Now, we have
There are also addition identies for the tangent ratio. Their derivation is left
as an exercise.
identity for the cosine ratio by substitution in formula (4.13). They are
Consequently, there are three identities for cos(2θ) to choose from in any
Similarly, using formula (4.15b), we can obtain the half-angle identity for the
cosine ratio:
EXAMPLE 4.12.2. In Example 4.11.2, the value of was found by making use
of an addition identity. This value can also be computed using formula (4.16):
Now, this answer does not look the same as the answer in example 4.11.2,
which was However, by comparing the squares of the answers, it is clear
An approximation of the identity in the next example was used by the Indian
Mathematician Aryabhata in about 500 AD to construct a table of sines.
Any triangle has six parts: three sides and three angles. If any three parts of a
triangle are given (with at least one of these being the length of a side), then in
most cases we can calculate unambiguously what the other parts are by means of
the formulas that are derived in this section. In particular, if the triangle is a right
triangle, then one angle (the right angle) is automatically given, and if any two
other parts are given (with at least one of these being the length of a side), then
the trigonometric ratios automatically determine what the other parts are.
Trigonometric ratios are used to compute lengths and angles in all kinds of
problem in which right angles occur. Here are some typical examples: EXAMPLE
4.13.2. The rays of the sun over the top of a flag pole cast a 10 m long shadow
and form an angle of 30° with the ground. Find the height of the flag pole.
Answer: The height (h) of the flag pole divided by the length of the shadow
(l) is equal to that is, which implies that
EXAMPLE 4.13.3. In figure 4.31, a triangle has sides a, b, and c, and a line
segment drawn from the vertex opposite b is perpendicular to b. Prove that
Note that the height of ΔPQR is the second coordinate of R, and the base of
the triangle has length r. Therefore, by means of the formula × base × height
for the area of a triangle, the area of ΔPQR in the diagram is qr sin (P).
Because any of the vertices of ΔPQR could have been situated at the origin, any
of the following three formulas can, in fact, be applied to find the area of ΔPQR:
These formulas are just one step away from deriving a useful rule for solving
triangles, called the sine rule. All we have to do is divide each term above by
There are two situations in which the sine rule is used for solving a triangle.
The first is when two angles and the length of any side are given (as given in the
next example), then the sine rule can be used to find the length of either of the
remaining sides.
EXAMPLE 4.13.4. If the angles at P and Q in ΔPQR are 30° and 45°, respectively,
and side p has length 2, then, to compute the length of side r, we first deduce that
the angle at R is 105°, and then use formula (4.19) to write the equation
which determines that (use a calculator).
The second situation is when the lengths of any two sides and a nonincluded
angle are given, then the sine rule can be used to find the length of the remaining
side and either of the remaining angles. In this situation, the solution might be
ambiguous (meaning that two different triangles can fit the given data), or there
might be no solution (no triangle fits the given data). Figure 4.33 shows how an
ambiguous solution (case I), unique solution (case II), or no solution (case III)
might arise.
In case I, a ΔPQR has an angle of 20° at Q, r = 5 and q = 3. The problem is
that this can occur in two different ways (as shown by dotted lines), resulting
either in a triangle with an obtuse angle or an acute angle at R. In case II, ΔPQR
has an angle of 20° at Q, r = 2 and q = 3, and this can only occur in one way (in
this case, there is no ambiguity). In case III, ΔPQR has an angle of 20° at Q, r =
4 and q = 1, and this is impossible because a circle centered at P with radius 1
does not intersect the side p.
This equation has one solution R ≈ 80.04° in the first quadrant and another
solution R2 = 180° − R1 = 99.96° in the second quadrant. In the first case, the
remaining angle in the triangle is 49.96°, and by another application of the sine
rule, the remaining side has length p ≈ 6.996. In the second case, the remaining
angle in the triangle is 30.04, and by another application of the sine rule, the
remaining side has length p ≈ 4.575. Thus, there are two solutions.
The solutions of the following problems employ the sine rule and some other
identities derived in this chapter. (Try to solve them yourself before reading the
answers.) Example 4.13.6. In figure 4.34, sides AB and BC of ΔABC are equal in
length (equal to x), and the two angles at C are equal. Show that the length of
CD is 2x.
Answer: If the magnitude of the angles at C is θ, then, because ΔABC is
isosceles, the magnitude of the angle at A in ΔABC is also θ (according to
theorem 9.5.7a), and so, the angle at B is π − 2θ (because the sum of the angles
of a triangle is 180°). Now, we can apply the sine rule to ΔABC to determine that
Answer: (1) Using a trigonometric ratio in the right triangle ABS, we find
that |AS| = 2sin(θ). Then, by applying the sine rule in ΔAST, we determine that
as follows:
of p:
by 100:
In the next example, the cosine rule is used to find the length of the median
of a triangle in terms of the lengths of the sides.
Prove that
Answer: By an application of the cosine rule to find the length of the median,
and by a second application of the cosine rule to find the length of side AB, we
If the first equation is multiplied by 2 (that is, each side multiplied by 2) and
each side of the second equation is subtracted from the same side of the first
equation, then
which can be expressed as
This leads to the required formula after taking the square root on both sides.
The second diagram shows a vector 1 pointing down along the vertical side
of the right triangle and another vector 2 pointing to the left along the horizontal
side. According to the geometric interpretation of vector addition,
The vectors 1 and 2 can be called the vertical and horizontal components of the
vector . Recall that the magnitudes (or lengths) of the vectors , 1, and 2 are
expressed as | |, | 1|, and | 2|, respectively. From the right triangle, we determine
that that is, the magnitudes of the vertical and
horizontal components can be expressed as | | cos(20°) and | | sin(20°),
respectively. Because | | = 3 m/sec, the magnitudes evaluate to 3cos(20°) 2.819
m/sec and 3sin(20°) ≈ 1.026 m/sec, respectively. Therefore, we can describe the
vector 1 as “2.819 m/sec pointing down,” and the vector 2 as “1.026 m/sec
pointing to the left.”
EXAMPLE 4.14.2. A load with mass 50 kg hangs from two taught strings as
shown in figure 4.38. Find the tensions (forces) in each string.
Answer: The central diagram in figure 4.38 shows the vectors
pointing along each string counteracting the force due to the load. To the left
and right of the central diagram are two smaller diagrams showing the vectors
expressed as sums of the unknown vertical and horizontal component
Thus, we have
Therefore, the magnitudes of (in terms of the unit Newton [N] for
measuring the magnitude of a force) are
If the columns are first added, then subtracted, the resulting equations are
The equations in formula (4.23) can now be expressed as the following sum
and difference of cosine ratios:
A similar pair of identities can be derived in an analogous way for a sum and
difference of sine ratios:
4.1. Convert the following angles in radians to degrees. The answer should be
rounded off to three decimal digits.
(e) 1
(f) 3
4.2. Convert the following angles in degrees to radians.
(a) 150°
(b) 390°
(c) 1°
(d) 6°
4.4. Find the value of csc() θ if θ belongs to the first quadrant and
4.5. Given that and s is in the third quadrant, find the values of
cos(s) and tan(s).
4.6. Find the exact value of each of the following trigonometric ratios.
(c) sin(135°)
(d) cos(135°)
(e) cot(210°)
(f) sin(210°)
4.7. Find the exact value of each of the following trigonometric ratios.
(g) sec(π)
4.8. What are the values of u and υ in each of the diagrams in figure 4.40?
4.10. Suppose that ΔABC is a right triangle with a right angle at C, and the sides
a, b, and c (opposite the vertices A, B, and C, respectively) form a
geometric sequence (assume that a < b < c). Find the magnitude of the
angle at B. (Hint: a, b, and c form a geometric sequence if and only if
A calculator will be needed to get the answer.)
(c) sin(2θ) = cos(2θ)
(d) sin2 θ = cos2 θ
4.12. Prove the cofunction identities (formula (4.1)) using formulas (4.7) and
4.13. Prove the identity:
(Hint: 1 − x2 = (1 − x)(1+x).)
4.14. Prove the identity:
4.15. Carefully sketch the graphs of the following equations. Label the peaks of
the graphs and label the intercepts on the axes. Show at least one full
period for each graph.
(f) y = −sec(x)
4.16. Simplify the following expressions by making use of the first Pythagorean
4.20. For each of the following sets of values, solve for triangle ABC. Be sure to
find all possible solutions (triangles).
(a) a = 15, b = 25, and A = 45°
(b) a = 4, b = 3, and B = 30°
(c) a = 15, b = 10, and A = 45°
4.22. A lighthouse is built on the edge of a vertical cliff that is 20 m high. From
a point 70 m from the base of the cliff, the angle of elevation to the top of
the lighthouse is 30°. How tall is the lighthouse?
4.23. Prove, for any triangle PQR with sides p, q, and r, that
4.25. Two observers, 1 mile apart on level ground, notice an unidentified flying
object (UFO) hovering above a radio station directly between them. The
angles of elevation from each observer to the UFO are 25° and 45°,
respectively. At what altitude is the UFO hovering?
4.26. Derive the half-angle identity
from the half-angle identities for the sine and cosine ratios.
4.27. Kyle watches a kite ahead of him at an angle of 45° to the horizontal (level
ground), while Nathan, standing in front of Kyle, watches the same kite at
an angle of 60° to the horizontal (see figure 4.42). The direct distance
from Kyle to the kite is m. How far is Kyle standing behind Nathan?
4.28. Figure 4.43 shows a vertical tower AB with its base at point A. Two other
points S and T form a triangle with A in a horizontal plane that is
perpendicular to the tower. The angle of elevation of B from S is equal to
θ; that is, BŜA = θ and SÂT = 2θ. The sides AT and ST are of equal length
x. Prove the following: (a) The length of AS is 2x cos(2θ),
4.29. In figure 4.44, if the three angles at P that are marked equal are equal to θ,
show that |AC| = 2 |PC| sin(θ); hence, or otherwise, show that
4.35. Determine whether the following pairs of vectors are orthogonal, parallel,
or neither.
Calculus can be regarded as the science of curves. A basic problem relating to
curves is measuring the area enclosed by a particular curve. The Greek
Mathematician Archimedes, who lived in Sicily in the third century BC, found a
way to measure the area enclosed by a parabola. This is explained in his famous
treatise Quadrature of the Parabola. In another treatise, called Spiral Lines, he
proved that a spiral line encloses one-third of the area enclosed by the circle
surrounding it. These treatises, together with other treatises and books that he
wrote, can be taken as the beginning of calculus.
A curve can most conveniently be defined as the graph of a function. In the
modern presentation of calculus, as we will see in chapters 7 and 8 of this book,
the operations of calculus are applied to functions.
In this chapter, we begin with the set theoretic definition of a function that
has been the preferred definition of a function since the early twentieth century.
In fact, we see in section 5.2 that a function is a special type of relation and that
a relation is a pairing of elements of two sets called the domain and codomain. If
the codomain of a function is ℝ (the set of real numbers), then the function is
called a real-valued function. Examples of real-valued functions that have
already been studied in earlier chapters of this book (although not explicitly
mentioned as such) are polynomials and trigonometric functions.
Most of us are familiar with the graphing capabilities of pocket calculators
and computers. In section 5.3, we explain how the graph of a function can be
generated from a table of values, and this can, in fact, be used to generate the
graph of an equation, an example of which is given in section 5.3.1. A simple
test, described in section 5.3.2, called the vertical line test, can be used to decide
whether any given graph can be considered the graph of a real-valued function.
The types of real-valued function that we introduce in this chapter are the
absolute value function (in section 5.4), exponential functions (in section 5.5),
root functions (in section 5.7), rational functions (in section 5.6), and logarithmic
functions (in section 5.13.2). Piecewise defined functions, introduced in section
5.8, are a means to draw more complicated graphs and also, as we will see in
chapter 7 a means to understand the left and right limits.
Functions can also be regarded as elements of an algebra of functions, that
is, as explained in section 5.10, functions can be added, subtracted, divided, and
multiplied together. In other words, it is possible to operate on functions with the
same operations that are performed with real numbers. Functions can also be
composed with each other as a way of linking functions together, so that the
output of one function is the input for another function.
Transformations of functions, including vertical and horizontal shifts,
vertical and horizontal scaling, and reflections across the axes, are introduced in
section 5.11.
There arise situations where we would like to describe figures (think of
spirals, loops, and flowers) in the plane that cannot be described as the graphs of
real-valued functions. Vector-valued functions, introduced in section 5.12, differ
from real-valued functions in that a value in the domain is mapped to a vector (a
pair of real numbers) rather than a single real number. Thus, the graph of a
vector-valued function (which is called a trajectory) may contain loops and self-
This chapter ends with an introduction to inverse functions and the
logarithmic function and inverse trigonometric functions as examples of the
construction of inverse functions by reflections of the graphs of one-to-one
functions about the line y = x.
Thus, each element of the relation is a pairing of any element of A with any
element of B. It is easy to make up examples from the world we live in.
EXAMPLE 5.2.1. The set A is {shark, whale, penguin, tuna, porpoise, turtle,
albatross}, set B is {Atlantic ocean, Pacific Ocean, Antarctic Ocean, Arctic
Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Bering Straight, South China Sea, Amazon River}, and
the relation r is {(shark, Pacific Ocean), (shark, Gulf of Mexico), (shark,
Amazon River), (whale, Pacific Ocean), (penguin, Antarctic Ocean), (tuna,
Atlantic Ocean), (porpoise, Bering Straight), (turtle, Gulf of Mexico)}. A
diagrammatic representation of the relation is shown in figure 5.1.
Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Bering Straight, Amazon River}. The order in which the
elements of sets A and B, the domain, and range are listed does not matter.
REMARK 5.2.1. Any selection of points (coordinate pairs) in the Cartesian plane
determines a relation because we can identify the x axis with set A and the y axis
with set B. Evidently, any relation whose domain and range are both subsets of
ℝ can be identified with a collection of points in the Cartesian plane.
r = {(3, −1), (2, 0), (2, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (1, −1), (0, 0)}
EXAMPLE 5.2.3. Using the same sets A and B as in example 5.2.1 above, an
example of a function is {(shark, Pacific Ocean), (whale, Pacific Ocean),
(penguin, Antarctic Ocean), (tuna, Atlantic Ocean), (porpoise, Bering Straight),
(turtle, Gulf of Mexico), (albatross, Bering Straight)}. Figure 5.2 is a
diagrammatic representation of this function.
REMARK 5.2.4. In this textbook, the domain of a function will always be a subset
of ℝ and the codomain will either be ℝ, in which case the function is real-
valued, or the set of two-dimensional vectors (with real-valued components), in
which case the function is vector-valued.
REMARK 5.2.5. Two functions are the same if and only if they have the same
domain, codomain, range, and pairing of elements of the domain with elements
of the codomain. (The order in which the elements of the domain, codomain, and
range are listed does not matter.)
Amazon River is excluded) and, all else being the same, we regard the functions
as different (unequal) functions.
REMARK 5.2.6. If a function f(x) is given, the domain may, or may not, be stated
explicitly as part of the definition of the function. In the latter case, it should be
assumed that the domain is the largest set of real numbers for which the function
is defined. In other words, the domain is the set of all real values x for which f(x)
is a real number.
In the next two examples, the domain of the function is stated explicitly as
the set A and the codomain is the set of real numbers.
EXAMPLE 5.2.5. If f(x) = 3x and A = ℕ, then the domain is the set of natural
numbers, and the range is the set of all natural numbers that are a multiple of 3,
which we can denote as 3ℕ.
EXAMPLE 5.2.6. If g(x) = x2 and A = [0, 4], then the range is the interval [0, 16].
EXAMPLE 5.2.7. This function is defined for any value of t for which
the denominator is not zero. Therefore, the only real numbers that should be
excluded from the domain are 0 and −1. In set notation, the domain of f is:
A = {t ∈ ℝ | t ≠ 0, t ≠ −1}.
Using interval notation, the domain of f is a union of three open intervals:
A = {y ∈ ℝ | y ≥ 0} = [0, ∞)
A = {x ∈ ℝ | x > 0} = (0, ∞)
A = {s ∈ ℝ | −4 ≤ s ≤ 1} = [−4, 1].
In the next example we mention some types of function that were introduced
in chapters 3 and 4.
EXAMPLE 5.3.1. Table 5.1 gives the values of the function f(x) = x3 at half-integer
points from −3 to 3. The coordinate pairs given in the table are (−3, −27), (−2.5,
−15.625), (−2, −8), and so on. As a comparison, we first generate a graph by
plotting the coordinate pairs with integer values of x only, as shown in the first
diagram in figure 5.5, and then generate a graph using all of the coordinate pairs,
as shown in the second diagram. Clearly, the jagged edges in the second graph
are less pronounced.
EXAMPLE 5.3.2. The solution set of the equation is the set S of all
coordinate pairs (x, y) for which the equation is a true statement, that is
Some coordinate pairs that belong to the solution set S are (±8, 0), (0, ±8),
and We can generate an approximate graph of S by plotting
these twelve points, as shown in the first diagram of figure 5.7 below. In the
second diagram, a “smooth” curve is generated using 256 points. This graph is
called an astroid. (Note that )
and so we are led to define a1/3 as In general, if k is any natural number and
n is any integer, then
EXAMPLE 5.3.3.
If a > 0, we can now take the domain of the function f(x) = ax to be the set of
real numbers. This is the exponential function. We can set a = 2 and draw the
graph of y = f(x) in the Cartesian plane. As always, we can make a table of
values for the function, using some integer values for x.
TABLE 5.3. Table of values for y = 2x
In this chapter, we will suppose that the polynomials p(x) and q(x) in the
definition of a rational function are polynomials with real coefficients. With this
in mind, we recall theorem 3.7.3, which states that every polynomial with real
coefficients and positive degree can be factorized as a product of linear and
irreducible quadratic factors with real coefficients. If the factorizations of p(x)
and q(x) have no linear or irreducible quadratic factors in common, then is a
rational expression in simplest form. If p(x) and q(x) do have linear or irreducible
quadratic factors in common, then all of these common factors can be canceled
across the division sign, resulting in a new rational expression, which is then in
simplest form.
FIGURE 5.12. Graphs of two rational functions that differ at one point.
In general, if n is even, then the graph of will have the same shape
as the graph of , and if n is odd, then the graph of will have the
same shape as the graph of
by placing a bullet on the end point of the graph that is across the correct y value
and an open circle on the end point of the graph that is not the function value.
This can be understood with the help of the following example.
The graph of y = f(x) is shown in figure 5.14. The location of the bullet in the
graph determines that f(1) = 0.
can be drawn by erasing the dotted portions of the lines y = x and y = x, as shown
in the first diagram in figure 5.15 below, which leaves behind the graph of the
absolute value function. Similarly, the graph of
can be drawn by erasing the dotted portions of the parabolas shown in the second
diagram of figure 5.15.
DEFINITION 5.9.1. If the graph of a function folds onto itself over the y axis, then
the function is called an even function; if the graph of a function matches itself
when it is reflected both across the y axis and across the x axis, then the function
is called an odd function.
EXAMPLE 5.9.1. In figure 5.16, the graphs on the left are the graphs of even
functions, and the graphs on the right are the graphs of odd functions.
REMARK 5.9.2. A function is an even function if and only if it has the algebraic
property f(−x) = f(x) for any value x in the domain of f, and a function is an odd
function if and only if, it has the algebraic property f(−x) = −f(x) for any value x
in the domain of f.
f + g, f − g, fg, f / g,
defined by
input x and giving an output u and f taking u as its input and giving an output y.
The composition f ∘ g takes x as its input and gives y as its output.
{x ∈ ℝ|x ≠ 1, x ≠ −1}.
EXAMPLE 5.11.1. If f(x) = |x| and g(x) = f(x − 1) = |x − 1|, then the effect of the
transformation can be understood from table 5.4, which shows the values of f(x)
and g(x) for some integer values of x. The graphs are shown in figure 5.18.
Examples of the scaling of cosine and sine graphs were given in section 4.8.3
There are more examples for other types of functions in the exercises at the end
of this chapter.
EXAMPLE 5.11.2. Let f(x) = 2x. The graph in figure 5.19 below, shows the graph
of y = f(x) together with its reflection across the y axis (i.e., the graph of y = f(−x)
= 2−x).
{(x(t), y(t))|a ≤ t ≤ b}
Some familiar graphs, for example, a circle and a line, can also be described
as the trajectories of vector-valued functions.
where θ is the angle in a counterclockwise direction from the x axis to the vector
(Refer to figure 5.21.) By solving for x and y above, and regarding θ as a
parameter, the vector-valued function for a circle can be described as
where −∞ < θ < ∞. As θ increases from 0, the radius vector r(θ) winds around
the circle in a counterclockwise direction, completing one revolution for each
increment in the value of θ by 2π. Similarly, as θ decreases, the radius vector
r(θ) winds around the circle in a clockwise direction, completing one revolution
for each decrement in the value of θ by 2π.
multiple of is denoted as then the position vector for a point on the line can
be described as Thus, we regard t as the parameter for the vector-valued
function defined by
These two equations are called the parametric equations for the line.
EXAMPLE 5.12.2. Find a vector equation and parametric equations for the line
passing through the points P(3, −2) and Q(5, 7).
Answer: A vector parallel to the line is the directed line segment joining P to
Q. Thus, in terms of the notation above, A position
vector for a point on the line can be either the position vector for P or the
position vector for Q, so we may set (the position vector for P).
REMARK 5.12.2. The expression of the vector and parametric equations for a line
depends on the choice of parameter. In example 3.12.2, if t is replaced by s + 1,
then the parametric equations for the line (in terms of parameter s) are
These are the equations that result from the choice (the position
vector for Q).
It should be no surprise that it is possible to convert the vector equation, or
parametric equations, into the familiar Euclidean equation for a line.
the parameter t can be eliminated by setting the expressions for t equal to each
other, that is
which simplifies to
multiplying the vector-valued function for a unit circle by the parameter value.
For instance, the trajectory of is contained in the unit
circle, with one complete revolution of the circle for every increase of θ by one
unit. Now, if for θ ≥ 0, then the distance
from the origin to is always equal to θ (check this using the distance
formula). This means the trajectory starts at the origin (with θ = 0) and follows a
circular path that gets farther and farther from the origin, as shown in figure 5.23
is a parabola. If we write
x = t2 − 2t and y = t + 1
DEFINITION 5.13.1. If the mapping from the domain to the range of a function can
be reversed, that is, if we can take the range to be the domain of a new function,
then we call this an inverse function.
In this section, we will demonstrate the construction of logarithmic functions
and explore their properties.
If we suppose that P in figure 5.25 is a point on the graph of an exponential
function, as shown in figure 5.26, then every point reflects to a point across the
line y = x in the same way that P reflects to Q. The reflected graph obtained in
this way is the graph of a logarithmic function. Because the equation for an
exponential graph is y = ax, where a > 0 and a ≠ 1, and P is a point on the graph,
the value of C in terms of D is C = aD. Now, if we want to express the value of
D in terms of C, we use the notation D = logaC. Then Q(C, D) is a point on the
graph of y = logax, called a logarithmic graph. The logarithmic function f(x) =
logax is defined for positive values of x (its graph lies entirely to the right of the
y axis). The number a is called the base of the logarithm. Note that logaa =
logaC = D and alog C = aD = C. These are called cancellation equations and are
(The abbreviation iff is being used for “if and only if.”)
We list the laws for logarithms in table 5.6 below. They are a consequence of
formulas (5.1) to (5.3) and the laws for exponents (see table 5.2).
TABLE 5.6. Laws for logarithms
EXAMPLE 5.13.1. According to the cancellation equations and the laws for
We repeat the process by raising each side as a power of 3 and using the
inverse property to obtain the final answer.
The graphs of some logarithmic functions are shown in figure 5.27. All of
the graphs pass through the x axis at x =1. The laws for natural logarithms, as a
special case of the laws for logarithms in table 5.6, are stated in table 5.7.
The positive root was taken in the last step because the terms ln(x + 1) and
ln(x − 1) are not defined if
A change of base formula is useful in many situations and is easy to derive.
where b is a positive real number, and a and c are positive real numbers not
equal to 1.
most once. An exponential function, for example, passes the horizontal line test,
but a quadratic function, for example, does not, as shown in figure 5.28 below.
A horizontal line reflected across the line y = x becomes a vertical line, and,
therefore, the reflected graph of a one-to-one function passes the vertical line
test. Recall that this is a test that determines whether a graph is the graph of a
function. We conclude that the reflected graph of a one-to-one function is the
graph of a function. Therefore, a one-to-one function f(x) is invertible, and the
reflection of its graph about the line y = x is the graph of its inverse function.
The notation we use for its inverse function is f−1(x).
EXAMPLE 5.13.5. If f(x) = ax, where a > 0 and a ≠ 1, then f−1(x) = logax.
Given a one-to-one function f(x), there is the following method by which the
explicit expression for its inverse function f−1(x) can be found:
(i) Write the equation x = f(y), that is, interchange x and y in the equation y =
f(x), using the explicit expression for f(x);
(ii) then solve for y (if possible). The resulting expression is for f−1(x) (if an
explicit expression can be found).
• A function is increasing on an interval (I) if f(x1) ≤ f(x2) whenever x1 < x2 in
• A function is decreasing on an interval (I) if f(x1) ≥ f(x2) whenever x1 < x2
in (I).
• A function is strictly increasing on an interval (I) if f(x1) < f(x2) whenever x1
< x2 in (I).
• A function is strictly decreasing on an interval (I) if f(x1) > f(x2) whenever
x1 < x2 in (I).
Some functions that are strictly increasing on their domains are the root
functions etc.; odd powers of x, that is, f(x) = x, f(x) = x3,
etc.; and exponential functions ax, if a > 1. The trigonometric function f(x) =
tan(x) is strictly increasing on every interval where n is any
integer. The absolute value function and even powers of x, that is, f(x) = x2, f(x)
= x4, etc. are strictly decreasing on the interval (−∞, 0] and strictly increasing on
the interval [0, ∞). Any constant function, according to our definition, is both an
increasing and a decreasing function (but not strictly increasing or strictly
If a function f(x) is (strictly) increasing on an interval, then its negative, that
is, −f(x), is (strictly) decreasing on the same interval, and vice versa.
the notations arcsin(x) or sin−1 x for the inverse sine function. The graph of y =
sin−1x is shown again in the third diagram. Similarly, if f(x) = cos(x) for 0 ≤ x ≤
π, then the graph of y = f(x) passes the horizontal line test; that is, f is a one-to-
one function. The graph of its corresponding inverse function (the inverse cosine
function or arccosine function) is shown in the second diagram of figure 5.30 as
the reflection across the line y = x. We use the notations arccos(x) or cos−1 x for
the inverse cosine function. The graph of y = cos−1 x is shown again in the fourth
diagram in figure 5.30.
The inverse tangent function (or arctan function) is defined by restricting the
tangent function to the interval and reflecting across the line y = x, as
shown in figure 5.31. Note that the vertical asymptotes for the
tangent function become the horizontal asymptotes and for the arctan
EXAMPLE 5.13.9.
(Watch out! The answer is not because this is not in the range of the
arcsine function.)
(We used the first identity in formula (4.10) to get an answer in the range
of the arcsine function.)
In the following example, keep in mind that trigonometric ratios are ratios of
the sides of right triangles. Thus, if x > 0, then tan−1 x, for example, can be
regarded as an angle in a right triangle with opposite side x, adjacent side 1, and,
by the Pythagorean Theorem, hypotenuse (If x < 0, then tan−1x is a
negative angle, and we place the corresponding triangle in the fourth quadrant.)
It is also helpful to know the identity
(i) cos(tan−1 x)
(i) As explained above,
(ii) Because is an angle in a 3-4-5 triangle,
5.1. Decide whether each of the diagrams in figure 5.32 determines a relation.
In each case, the elements of set A are in the first column, and the
elements of set B are in the second column. An arrow points from the first
element of a coordinate pair to the second element of the coordinate pair.
FIGURE 5.32.
5.2. Plot each of the following relations in the Cartesian plane. What is the
range of each relation?
(a) {(0, 0.5),(0, 1.5),(−0.5, 1),(0.5, 1),(−2, 0),(0, 0),(2, 0),(0, −1),(−1,
−2),(1, −2)}
(b) {(−2, 2),(−2, 0),(−1, 0),(−1, −2),(0, −2),(0, −1),(2, −1)}
5.3. If C = {mouse, cat, dog} and D = {mouse, rabbit, porcupine}, which of
the following is a relation with domain in C and range in D?
(a) {(mouse,dog), (mouse,porcupine), (mouse,rabbit), (cat,rabbit)}
(b) {(mouse,dog), (mouse,porcupine), (mouse,rabbit), (cat,rabbit)}
(c) {(dog,mouse), (porcupine,mouse), (rabbit,mouse), (rabbit,cat)}
(d) {(mouse,rabbit)}
5.4. Which of the following relations is a function? Find the domain and range
of each function.
(a) {(0, 1),(1, 2),(2, 3),(3, 4),(4, 5),(5, 0)}
(b) {(−2, −2),(−1, −2),(0, 0),(1, 1),(2, 1)}
(c) {(−2, −2),(−2, −1),(0, 0),(1, 1),(1, 2)}
(d) {(−2, 0),(0, 2),(2, 0),(0, −2)}
5.5. Which of the following sets cannot be the description of a function?
(a) {f(1) = −1, f(−1) = 1, f(0) = −1}
(b) {f(−1) = −1, f(1) = 1, f(0) = 0}
(c) {f(0) = −1, f(1) = 1, f(0) = 1}
(d) {f(1) = 0, f(−1) = 0, f(0) = 0}
(e) {f(1) = f(−1), f(−1) = (0), (0) = 1}
5.6. If A = {−3, −1, 0,1, 3} and B = {−3, 0,3}, which of the following sets
define a function with domain A and codomain B?
(a) {(−3, −3),(−1, −3),(0, 0),(1, −3),(3, 3)}
(b) {(3, −3),(1, −3),(0, 0),(−1, 3),(−3, 3)}
(c) {(3, 1),(1, −1),(0, 0),(−1, 1),(−3, 1)}
(d) {(−3, 1),(0, 0),(3, 1)}
5.10. Sketch a graph of the function f(x) = x + x3 by plotting points from a table
of values using some integer values of x and then some integer and half-
integer values of x. Connect the points with straight-line segments.
5.11. Sketch a graph of the equation 2xy = 1 + y2, x, y > 0, by plotting points
from a table of values obtained by solving the equation with some positive
integer values substituted for y and then solving the equation with some
positive integer values substituted for x. Connect the points with straight-
line segments.
5.12. Use the vertical line test to decide whether or not each of the graphs in
figure 5.33 below is the graph of a function.
FIGURE 5.33.
5.13. Sketch the graph of f(x) = x2 with domain A, for each of the following
choices of A.
(a) A = [−2, 2]
(b) A = [−3, −2] ∪ [−1, 0]∪[1, 3]
(c) A = {−3, −1.5, 0,1, 2}
(d) A = [0, 3]
(e) A = Z∩[−3, 3]
5.14. Let f(x) = xsinx. Answer the following questions:
(a) What is the domain of f?
(b) If n is an integer, what is the value of f(nπ)?
(e) Based on your answers from (a) to (d) above, sketch the graph of y =
f(x), for x ≥ 0.
5.15. Try to explain the behavior of the graph of f(x) = sin(x), where the domain
is the set of natural numbers, that is, the graph shown in figure 5.6.
5.16. Draw the graphs of f(x) = |x − 1| and g(x) = |x + 1| on the same set of axes.
(Hint: start by making a table of values.)
5.17. Simplify the following expressions.
5.19. Draw the graphs of f(x) = 2x, g(x) = 3x, and h(x) = 10x on the same set of
5.20. Draw the graphs of and g(x) = 3x on the same set of axes.
5.24. Sketch the graphs of the following functions. What is the domain of each
5.27. Make use of the piecewise definition of the absolute value function to
sketch the graphs of the following functions. (Hint: refer to example 5.8.2)
(a) f(x) = |x| + x
(b) f(x) = sin(|x|)
5.28. Decide whether each of the following functions is even, odd, or neither.
An algebraic test can be used.
(a) f(x) = x2 + x4
(b) f(x) = x + sin(x)
(c) g(t) = sin(|t|)
(d) g(t) = cos(t) + sin(t)
(e) h(y) = ycos(y)
(f) h(y) = |y|sin(y)
(i) l(w) = ew+w
(j) l(w) = 2w + 2−w
(k) l(w) = 2w − 2−w
(a) (f + g)(4)
(b) f · g(16)
5.30. If f(x) = 2x and g(x) = 3x, evaluate each of the following expressions.
(a) (f + g)(−1)
(b) f · g(3)
(a) (g − h)(4)
(b) g · h(1)
(c) g · h(−1)
5.33. Prove carefully that the product of any pair of odd functions is an even
function and that the absolute value of any odd function is an even
function. (Your proof should be a general proof, that is, a proof not
involving any particular functions.)
5.34. If find the simplest expressions for the following functions and
find their domains.
(a) f ∘ f(x)
(b) f ∘ f ∘ f(x)
(c) f ∘ f ∘ f ∘ f(x)
(a) f ∘ g(−2)
(b) f ∘ g(1/2)
(c) g ∘ f ∘ g(1/3)
(d) f ∘ g ∘ f(−3)
(e) f ∘ f ∘ f(2)
(f) g ∘ g ∘ g(−1)
5.38. Sketch the graph of each of the following functions as a vertical or
horizontal shift of the graph of function that you are familiar with. Be sure
to label the intercepts of the graph with the axes.
(a) f(x) =|x −3|
(b) f(x) = ex-2
(c) f(x) = 4−x −4
(d) g(t) = sin(πt − π)
(e) g(t) = 1 + cos(t − π)
(f) g(t) = t2 + 2t + 2
5.39. Sketch the graph of each of the following functions as a vertical stretching
or compression of the graph of a function you are familiar with. Be sure to
label the intercepts of the graph with the axes.
(a) f(x) = 2 |x − 3|
(b) f(x) = 4.4− x
5.41. Sketch the graph of the each of the following functions as a reflection over
the x or y axes of the graph of a function you are familiar with. Be sure to
label the intercepts of the graph with the axes.
(a) f(x) = |3 − x|
(b) f(x) = 4−x+1
(c) g(t) = −sec(t)
(d) g(t) sin(2π−t)
(a) f(x) = 1 − |3 − x|
(b) f(x) = 2.42-x
FIGURE 5.34.
where −∞ < θ < ∞. Indicate the direction of the trajectory for increasing
values of θ.
5.48. Find (a) a vector-valued function, (b) parametric equations, and (c) a
Cartesian equation for the line that is parallel to the vector −2, 6 and
passes through the point P(−4, 5)
5.49. The trajectory of an ice skater starting at the center of an ice rink is given
by the vector-valued function as t increases from t = 0 to t
= 8, with x(t) and y(t) given by the formulas below. Compute a table of
values for some values of t and sketch the skater’s trajectory.
(d) 73 = 343
(d) log91
(e) log3(log273)
5.53. Prove (II) and (III) of the laws for logarithms (table 5.6).
5.54. Use the laws for logarithms to simplify the following expressions.
(a) log5625 + log381
(f) log2811
(c) log55x = 2
(d) 23x-7 = 64
(e) log2x = −3
(f) log3(6x + 4) = 3
(g) log3(log8(log2x)) = −1
(h) log2(log3(log3(log4x)) = 0
(i) log10x + log10(x + 3) = 1
(j) 8 = 25x · 4x
(k) 2 = log3(x + 2) + log3(x − 2)
(l) ln x + ln(2x) = 1
5.56. Use the change of base formula to simplify the following logarithms.
(a) log927
5.58. Sketch the graphs of the following functions and sketch the reflections of
the graphs about the line y = x. Which functions are invertible?
(a) f(x) = ex −1
(c) f(x) = x2 − 2
(d) f(x) = log2x
5.59. Find an explicit expression for the inverse function of each of the
functions in the previous exercise. State the domain of the inverse function
in each case.
(g) cos(cos−1(−0.7))
(h) sin(2 cos−1(−1))
This chapter will bring the student up to the level of skill needed in algebra in
order to be able to solve problems in calculus. Section 6.2 deals with the algebra
of rational expressions, that is, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and
simplifying rational expressions. This is followed by section 6.3 on algebra with
rational exponents and radicals (the algebra of expressions involving square and
cube roots, for example).
The heart of this chapter is section 6.4 which is an overview of the methods
for solving equations involving all the types of expression we have considered in
this book. These include polynomials, rational expressions, the absolute value,
exponents, radicals, logarithms, and trigonometric expressions. In section 6.5,
students will get their first exposure to the formulas for partial fractions. This
will not only give them more practice with the manipulation of rational
expressions but also prepare them for the topic of integration of rational
expressions that they will do later in their calculus curriculum (not in this book).
Finally, section 6.6 deals with the methods of solving inequalities, where,
again, the examples involve all the types of expression mentioned above. At the
end, there are some demonstrations of the solutions of two-variable inequalities
as shaded regions in the Cartesian plane.
Answer: If the denominators in the first and third rational expressions are
factorized, then the product of the numerators divided by the product of the
denominators is
Answer: If all the polynomials are factorized and the division is expressed as
multiplication by the reciprocal, then the result is
multiplicities for each being 1, 2, and 3, respectively) and the irreducible factor
(x2 + x + 1) (with multiplicity 1); so the LCD is
We now multiply and divide each rational expression above by the product
of missing factors needed to make up the LCD in its denominator, resulting in
this sum of fractions:
Because all the fractions are expressed with the same denominator, the
numerators can be added, resulting in the rational expression
Each of the three terms in the numerator can be expanded into a sum of
powers of x and all of these can be added to give the final answer:
EXAMPLE 6.2.4. Add the rational expressions, as indicated. Write the answer as a
single rational expression:
The terms with fractional exponents in table 6.1 can also be expressed as
radicals, as demonstrated in table 6.2.
TABLE 6.2. Products involving radicals
EXAMPLE 6.3.2. Add the following terms with fractional exponents, as indicated.
Write the answer as a single fraction with a rational denominator.
EXAMPLE 6.3.3. Add the terms involving radicals, as indicated. Write the answer
as a single fraction with a rational denominator.
Answer: For this problem refer table 6.2. Note that the denominator of the
first term can be rationalized by multiplying by thus
V2 − 9V − 10 = 0
(V − 10)(V + 1) = 0.
The solutions for this equation are V = 10 and V = −1. In terms of the
variable x, this gives the following two equations:
x2 − 10x −1 = 0 and x2 + x − 1 = 0.
EXAMPLE 6.4.3. If the product of two real numbers is and their reciprocals
differ by find the numbers.
Answer: We will denote the two real numbers as x and y. According to the
statement of the problem, We would like to solve an equation
that involves a single variable, which can be either x or y, so we solve the first
equation for y. This gives By making use of this value for y in the second
equation, the latter becomes
If all the terms are brought to the left side of the equation and the terms are
added as rational expressions, then the equation becomes:
(3x + 2)(2x − 1) = 0.
The two solutions for x that we get from this equation are and
the corresponding values for y (which we get from the equation
We can therefore express the final solution as the two
pairs of values
in 1 h, and the red creepy crawly cleans the portion of the swimming pool in
1 h. This means that, working together, they clean the portion of the
swimming pool in 1 h. Because 3 h, 36 min can be expressed as h, we can use
the given information to write the equation
Each of the factors (5x + 2), (3x − 5), and (2x + 3) occurs with multiplicity
one, so the LCD is their product. Therefore
Setting the numerator equal to zero and applying the quadratic formula
results in the two solutions
Answer: When solving an equation involving an absolute value like the one
above, there are always two possibilities:
which is equivalent to
3x2 + 5x − 12 = 0 or 3x2 + 5x + 8 = 0.
The solutions for the first equation are and x = −3 and the second
equation are These are all the solutions for the original
4V2 − 5V − 6 = 0
(4V − 3)(V + 2) = 0.
Because the two solutions are and V = −2, we get two equations
that we need to solve for x. Finally, the two solutions for the
problem are and x = −8.
2log(x + 1) − log(x + 2) = 0.
Once again, it’s a good idea to check both solutions. Taking the positive sign
in front of the square root gives a solution for the equation:
However, taking the negative sign in front of the square root does not give a
solution because simplifies to which is not defined. (A
logarithm is not defined for negative numbers.)
where n is any integer. As there is a step in which both sides of the equation
are squared, we need to check whether these are all solutions of the original
equation. The solutions and are indeed valid solutions but
are not solutions (recall that the cosine ratio is negative in the second
a cos(x) + b sin(x) = c.
= −1. The first step in solving the equation above is to divide both sides by
The reason for writing the equation this way is that we can express as
the cosine of some undetermined angle θ. Indeed, it is helpful to draw a right-
angled triangle with the short sides labeled a and b and the hypotenuse labeled
and θ placed so that and (If a > 0 then θ will
be in the first quadrant and a < 0 then θ will be in the second quadrant.) We
replace the coefficients of cos(x) and sin(x) on the left-hand side of the equation
by cos(θ) and sin(θ), respectively, so that the equation becomes
Here, a can be any real number, but it is easier to let a be any positive
number and instead use the following calculation if “a” above is negative.
EXAMPLE 6.5.1.
EXAMPLE 6.5.2.
where a and b are any real numbers with a ≠ b, and then figure out what A
and B should be. The way to do this is not difficult: we begin by adding the
rational expressions on the right-hand side of the equation:
Now the rational expressions on each side of the equation are equal to each
other and have the same denominator. Therefore, it must be true that the
numerators on each side of the equation are equal. Hence,
1 = (A + B)x − Ab − Ba.
This equation might look confusing. What it actually says is that the
polynomial 0x + 1 on the left-hand side of the equation is equal to the
polynomial (A + B)x − Ab − Ba on the right-hand side. Now, it is a basic fact that
two polynomials p(x) and q(x) are the same polynomials if and only if the
corresponding coefficients of the powers of x are all equal. Thus, the equation
above is true if and only if:
EXAMPLE 6.5.3.
In the following calculation, we will use the method above to find the partial
fractions in the more general case where the linear factors in the denominator are
of the form (kx − a) and (lx − b), where k, l, a, and b are real numbers with k ≠ 0,
l ≠ 0, and
EXAMPLE 6.5.4.
EXAMPLE 6.5.5.
The next type of rational expression that we consider involves a linear factor
in the numerator and a product of two linear factors in the denominator. We find
the partial fractions by grouping the factors and making use of the formulas that
have already been derived. Here is how this works in the simplest case:
where a ≠ b. In the general case, the coefficients of the partial fractions are:
EXAMPLE 6.5.6.
By now, it should be no surprise that the formula for the coefficients of the
partial fractions, in the general case, is
EXAMPLE 6.5.7.
Now, by means of the formulas above, we can find the partial fractions:
The methods that have been used in this section can be used to find the
partial fractions of rational expressions when some of the linear factors in the
denominator are repeated, for example, rational expressions of the type
In example 5.2.10, the inequality 4 − 3s − s2 ≥ 0 was solved to find the domain
of the function The method that was used to solve this
inequality is basically the method that can be used to solve any inequality that
involves polynomial or rational expressions. In this section, we are going to
practice this method of solving inequalities. To begin with, we need to see how
an inequality can be simplified.
Because the factor 1 + x2 is positive for all values of x, we can divide both
sides of the inequality by 1 + x2 to obtain the equivalent inequality (1 − x2) < (2
− 3 x2). If we now add 3x2 to both sides and subtract 1 from both sides, we
obtain the equivalent inequality 2 x2 < 1. This, in turn, is equivalent to
Because the factor −x2 + 2x − 3 is negative for all values of x (because the
equation 0 = −x2 + 2x − 3 has imaginary roots and the graph of y = −x2 + 2x − 3
is a downward pointing parabola), we obtain the equivalent inequality 2x − 1 ≥ x
by dividing both sides by −x2 + 2x − 3 and changing the direction of the
inequality. This can be further simplified to the inequality x ≥ 1.
product on that interval. The sign (of the product) on all the other intervals can
then be determined by using the fact that it changes across any root
corresponding to a linear factor raised to an odd power. The solution for the
inequality is then the union of the intervals on which the inquality is a true
statement. The examples below will make this clear.
2x + 1 < 3 − x.
Answer: In factorized form, the inequality is (11x + 2)(x + 1) < 0. The roots
of the linear factors are and x = −1. These two roots divide the number line
into the intervals and At x = 0 (a test point in the
interval the sign of the product (11x + 2)(x + 1) is positive. Therefore,
the sign of the product (11x + 2)(x + 1) will be positive on the interval
negative on the adjacent interval and positive on the interval (−∞, −1).
The final solution can then be expressed by means of the double inequality
x3 ≥ x2 + 5x + 3.
(x + 1)2(x − 3) ≥ 0.
The roots of the linear factors are x = − 1 and x = 3. Again, we can use x = 0
as a test point to determine that the product (x +1)2 (x − 3) is negative on the
interval (−1, 3). Because there is no sign change at x = −1 (the linear factor (x +
1) is squared), the product (x + 1)2(x − 3) is also negative on the interval (−∞,
−1). However, the product (x + 1)2(x − 3) will be positive on the interval (3, ∞).
Thus, the inequality is solved if x = − 1 (where the product is zero) or if x ≥ 3,
that is, x ∈ {−1} ∪ [3, ∞). (The square bracket means that 3 is included in the
x5 + x4 − x3 − x2 − x + 1 < 0.
Answer: By the factor theorem, (x − 1) is a factor of the left-hand side, and
by long division or synthetic division we obtain the factorization
(x − 1)(x2 + x +1)(x2 + x − 1)
and I3. Therefore, the solution for the inequality is x ∈ I1 or x ∈ I3, that is,
The roots of the linear factors are x = − 1, x = 0, and x = 1. These roots divide
the number line into the intervals (−∞, − 1), (−1, 0), (0, 1), and (1, ∞). A test
point (e.g., x = 2) determines that the rational expression is negative in the
interval (1, ∞). The solution for the inequality is therefore x ∈ (−1, 0)∪(1, ∞).
which simplifies to
The roots of the linear factors are x = − 5, − 1, 1, 3, and 7, which divide the
number line into the intervals (−∞, − 5), (−5, − 1), (−1, 1), (1, 3), (3, 7), and (7,
∞). A test point (e.g., x = 0) determines that the rational expression is negative in
the interval (−1, 1). Therefore, the final solution is x ∈ (−∞, −5)∪(−1, 1)∪(3, 7).
which simplifies to
Answer: The root is not defined if x < −6, so we make the restriction x ≥ −6.
Because a square root is always nonnegative, the inequality will be false if −6 ≤
x < 0 and also false if x = 0. Now, if x > 0, then is true if and only if x
+ 6 < x2 is true (by (ii) above). The previous inequality is equivalent to (x − 3)(x
+ 2) > 0. Therefore the final solution is x ∈ (3, ∞).
|x2 + x − 12|> 8.
Answer: There are two cases to consider here. We first consider the case x2 +
x − 12 > 8, which is equivalent to (x + 5)(x − 4) > 0. The solution for this case is
x < −5 or x > 4. The second case, we need to consider is x2 + x − 12 < −8, which
is equivalent to x2 + x − 4 < 0. The roots of x2 + x − 4 are and so the
solution for this case is Note that We can
conclude, therefore, that the final solution is
2x − 2−x+1 − 1 > 0.
suppose that X > 0, as it represents 2x, which is positive for all values of x.
Therefore, the solution for the inequality is X > 2 (we discard the other
possibility, X < −1). In terms of x, this is 2x > 2, which is satisfied if and only if x
> 1, that is, x ∈ (1, ∞).
Answer: We multiply both sides of the inequality by 2 and make use of the
identity sin(2θ) = 2sin(θ) cos(θ). The inequality then becomes With
reference to the graph of the sine function, we can deduce that the inequality is
solved if 2x belongs to any interval of the form where n is any
integer. This in turn means that where n is any integer.
x < y.
The solution set S for this inequality is the set of all coordinate pairs (a, b),
where a and b are real numbers and a < b. In the same way that the solution set
of the equation x = y is represented in the Cartesian plane as a line through the
origin, the solution set S for the inequality x < y can be represented in the
Cartesian plane as the region above this line (because every point directly above
any point on this line has the same x coordinate but larger y coordinate). In
figure 6.1, this is the shaded region. The line y = x is shown as a dotted line
because it is not included in the set S.
FIGURE 6.1. The graphical representation of the solution set for x < y.
EXAMPLE 6.6.19. The solution sets for the inequalities y ≤ x2, x2 + y2 < 9 and the
double inequality x − 1 ≤ y < x + 1 are the shaded regions in the first, second,
and third diagrams in figure 6.2, respectively. Note that, in the third diagram, the
lower boundary line for the shaded region is shown as a solid line because
equality is included in the lower inequality x − 1 ≤ y, whereas the upper
boundary line for the shaded region is shown as a dotted line because the upper
inequality y < x + 1 is a strict inequality.
We can also regard the shaded region in the third diagram in figure 6.2 as a
representation of the solution set for the system of inequalities {y < x + 1, y ≥ x −
1}, that is
EXAMPLE 6.6.20. The shaded region representing the solution set for the system
of inequalities
EXAMPLE 6.6.21. The shaded region representing the solution set for the system
of inequalities
{x2 + y2 ≤ 9, xy ≤ 1, y − x < 0}
EXAMPLE 6.6.22. The shaded region representing the solution set for the system
of inequalities
{x ≤ 1 − y2, x ≥ y2 − 1}
is shown in figure 6.5. It’s a good idea to check that a test point in the region that
has been shaded verifies the inequalities. In this case, the origin (0, 0) can be
used a test point. Because both inequalities are true if x = 0 and y = 0, the correct
region is shaded.
6.1. Perform the indicated product or division of rational expressions. Write
each answer as a single, simplified rational expression.
6.3. Perform the indicated operation of rational expressions. Write each answer
as a single, simplified rational expression without negative exponents.
6.5. Add or subtract the expressions, as indicated. Write the answer as a single
fraction without negative exponents.
6.6. Add or subtract the expressions, as indicated. Write the answer as a single
fraction and rationalize the denominator.
6.10. Two numbers differ by 2 and their reciprocals differ by . Find the two
6.11. The product of two consecutive numbers added to the square of their sum
is 151. Find the numbers.
6.12. If the squares of two numbers add up to 5, and three times one of the
numbers plus the other number equals 5, what are the numbers?
6.13. A blue hose can fill a swimming pool in x h and a red hose takes 6 h
longer. Running together, they can fill the swimming pool in 4 h. Find x.
6.14. Solve each equation for r.
(c) 8 · 7x = 392
(d) 6x+1 − 6x−1 = 210
(e) 72x − 6 · 7x − 7 = 0
6.25. (a) Use the trigonometric identity cos(2θ) = 2cos2(θ) − 1 to prove that
(b) Solve the trigonometric equation for θ in the interval [0, 2π]:
(b) Solve the trigonometric equation for x in the interval [0, 2π]:
sin(2x) + sin(4x) + sin(6x) = 2cos(2x) cos(x)
Find the partial fractions of the following rational expressions. (Hint: start
by grouping the factors.)
6.39. Shade the regions in the Cartesian plane representing the solution set for
each of the following inequalities.
(a) y ≤ 3x − 4
(b) x < 3y − 4
(c) y ≥ x2 − 2x + 4
(d) x > y2 − 2y + 4
(e) x ≤ 2y
(f) x < 2y
6.40. Shade the regions in the Cartesian plane representing the solution set for
each of the following double inequalities.
(a) 0 < y < x
(b) 0 < y < 2
(c) −4 < y < 1 − 2x
(d) 0 < y < sin(x)
6.41. Shade the regions in the Cartesian plane representing the solution set for
each of the following systems of inequalities.
6.42. Figure 6.6 shows a circle centered at the origin with radius equal to 4, the
graph of and a parabola that intersects the x-axis at x = −2 and x
= 6 and the y-axis at y = 4.
(a) Determine the equation of the circle
(b) Determine the equation of the parabola
(c) Express the shaded area as a representation of the solution set of a
system of inequalities
(d) Calculate the domain of the shaded area (i.e., all x values for points
in the shaded area)
(e) Calculate the range of the shaded area (i.e., all y values for points in
the shaded area).
6.43. The two inequalities and xy < 1 do not have the same solution set
(check this!). Sketch the shaded regions representing the solution sets for
these two inequalities. (Recall that the graph of the hyperbola has two
The concept of a limiting value of a function plays an important role in calculus,
because the formal definition of the derivative of a function at a point in its
domain can be expressed as the limiting value of a particular expression
involving the function.
The meaning of “limit” in mathematics is more subtle than that in everyday
speech. A speed limit that applies on a highway is a speed that motorists may not
exceed. The meaning of “limit” in mathematics is similar to that in the following
sentence: “In the minute to win it competition the contestant was pushed to the
limit of his abilities.” Thus, a “limit” in mathematics is something (like a number
or geometrical figure) that is approached and might or might not be reached.
It is in keeping with the historical approach of this book to begin with the
method of exhaustion as an example of an occurrence of a limit in mathematics,
as this is the method that Archimedes and other Greek mathematicians of his
time used to calculate approximate values of certain areas, for example, the area
of a disk. In section 7.3, the concept of a limit is explained carefully using
number sequences without giving the completely rigorous treatment (involving ε
arguments) that are given in more advanced textbooks. Students of this book will
probably not benefit from such a theoretical approach at this stage.
The notion of the left or right limit of a function, introduced simplistically
(by reading from a graph) in section 7.4, leads to the definition of continuity of a
function in section 7.5. The property of continuity is important because many
theorems about functions, for example, the Intermediate Value Theorem (in
section 7.7), apply only to functions that are continuous.
Most of the skills that students need to learn in this chapter are introduced in
sections 7.6 and 7.8. They are the algebraic skills required for calculating limits.
The algebraic methods that have been explained in chapters 3 and 6, such as
expanding and factorizing expressions, come into play here.
The study of the graphs of rational functions is one of the topics in this book.
In section 7.9, the different kinds of behavior of the graph of a rational function
near a vertical asymptote are investigated. This involves the behavior of a
rational function f(x) as x approaches a vertical asymptote from the left or the
This chapter ends with a demonstration (in section 7.10) of the way the
Squeeze Theorem and rules for limits are used to evaluate certain types of limits
involving trigonometric ratios. The evaluation of these limits will make it
possible to compute the derivatives of trigonometric functions in chapter 8.
EXAMPLE 7.2.1. If a regular polygon is inscribed in a disk (see figure 7.1), then
the area of the polygon approximates the area of disk. (Recall that in a regular
polygons all the sides have the same length, and they all meet at the same angle.)
Such inscribed polygons fill out more and more of the disk as their number of
sides increases (i.e., as their sides get shorter and shorter). Figure 7.1 shows an
equilateral triangle, regular hexagon, and regular dodecagon inscribed in a disk.
If we call these regular polygons a 3-gon, 6-gon, and 12-gon, respectively, then
the next regular polygon in our approximative scheme would be a 24-gon. In
general, the area of the disk can be approximated by the area of a 3 × 2n-gon, for
any nonnegative integer n.
Figure 7.2 shows how we can compute the area of the triangle and the
hexagon. We will assume that the radius of the disk is 1. In the diagram on the
left, the area of the big triangle is six times the area of the shaded right triangle.
The area of the latter is
Similarly, in the diagram on the right, the area of the hexagon is twelve times
the area of the shaded right triangle. The area of the latter is
1.299,2.598,3,3.106,3.133, …
(check these calculations) that approximate the area of a disk with radius 1, and
the larger the value of n, the better the approximation. On the other hand, the
Archimedean formula for the area of the disk with radius 1 is π(1)2 = π. Thus,
plugging in any value for n in the formula above gives an approximate value for
π. In his treatise measurement of a circle, Archimedes did the calculation for n =
5 (i.e., by inscribing a 96-gon inside a disk) and found the value of π to be larger
than but less than
Infinite sequences of numbers, usually called sequences, are interesting to
mathematicians. The numbers that form a sequence might appear to be random,
or they might follow some sort of pattern, in which case the numbers can be
given by some kind of formula. We will look at a few examples, in order to
develop the concept of a limit.
The ellipsis (three dots) at the end indicates that the sequence is infinite (we
cannot list all of the terms). Note that each term of the sequence is smaller than
the term succeeding it because
We want to know whether the sequence has a limit as n gets larger and larger
(mathematicians use the expression as n tends to infinity). In other words, we
want to know whether the formula approaches a particular value as n gets
larger and larger. It is obvious that can never be larger than 1, because the
numerator is smaller than the denominator.
However, can we conclude that the sequence approaches 1 as n tends to
infinity? A mathematical answer to this question requires a mathematical
interpretation of the question, which is to phrase the question this way: if we
choose any number x smaller than 1, is there an element of the sequence such
that it and all elements of the sequence beyond this element are larger than x?
For example, if we choose the number x = 0.9999999999, is there a natural
number N such that for any n ≥ N it is the case that 0.9999999999 < an ≤ 1? The
answer is YES: if N = 34, then which is clearly larger
than 0.9999999999, and all terms of the sequence beyond a34 will be larger than
We see that answering the question amounts to finding a real number t that
solves the equation and then taking N to be any natural number
bigger than t. In general, we can solve for t in the equation where x is any
positive real number less than 1 (and as close to 1 as we would like it to be), and
then we take N to be any natural number larger than t, so that x < aN < 1. (The
equation can, in fact, be solved using basic algebra and taking a
logarithm. Do it yourself!)
Our conclusion is that the limit of the sequence is 1. The mathematical
This should be read as: “The limit as n tends to infinity of an is 1.” This notation
will be used again.
which consists of the terms of the sequence in example 7.3.1 alternating with
“1.” As in example 7.3.1, for any given value x < 1, we can find an odd natural
number N such that for any n ≥ N it is the case that x < an≥ 1. Therefore, we
conclude again that the limit of the sequence is 1. (It does not matter that
infinitely many terms of the sequence are also equal to 1.)
in which all terms of the sequence beyond the fifth term are equal to 1. In this
case, it is trivially true that x < an ≤ 1 if n ≥ 6, for any value x < 1, so here we
conclude again that the limit of the sequence is 1.
The terms of this sequence alternately rise above and fall below the number
1. The limit of this sequence is also 1, but it is slightly more complicated to
EXAMPLE 7.3.5 Let for which the first seven terms are
The negative terms approach –1, whereas the positive terms approach 1, so
the sequence has no limit.
A great deal more can be said about sequences and limits of sequences, but
now we move on to limits of functions.
The minus sign in the first case means that the approach is from the left (i.e.,
x approaches 1 from numbers smaller than 1), and the plus sign in the second
case means that the approach is from the right (i.e., x approaches 1 from
numbers larger than 1). If we omit the direction indicator in the limit, that is, if
we do not specify the direction of approach (from the left or the right), then we
(The abbreviation d.n.e. can be used instead.) The reason the limit does not
exist is that the left and right limits are different (1 and –2, respectively).
Therefore, as f(x) approaches the same value 1.4 as x approaches 2 from both
directions, we can omit the direction indicator in the limit. That is, we can write
(This means the limit above exists and is equal to 1.4, in contrast to example
7.4.1, where the limit did not exist.)
FIGURE 7.4. The limit from the left equals the limit from the right.
If the direction indicator is omitted, then the limit does not exist, that is,
The following concrete examples will show how these different situations
can arise:
In figure 7.8, we see that limx→(−1) h(x) = 0 and limx→(−1) h(x) = 0. As the left
− +
EXAMPLE 7.4.7. If
The graph of y = f(x) is shown in figure 7.9. Note that the domain of f is {x ∈
ℝ} and f(0) = 0. The left and right limits at x = 0 are, respectively, limx→0 f(x) =
−1 and limx→0 f(x)= 1. Because the left and right limits are different, limx→0f(x)
The assumption of continuity of a function is a prerequisite for many of the
theorems of calculus. The property of continuity of a function relates to
smoothness of the function. Just as we might describe an object as smooth in
everyday life, we might think of a function as being smooth if the function is
“nice,” or “well behaved,” in some mathematical sense. For example, we will
see in this section that if a function is continuous (smooth), then limits that
involve the function can be evaluated by substitution into the function.
that is, both left and right limits at x = a are equal to the function value at x = a,
then we say that the function f(x) is continuous at x = a. This statement can be
abbreviated as
because the left and right limits are the same. Formula (7.1) is called the
then f(x) is said to be continuous from the left at x = a, and if it is the case that
then f(x) is said to be continuous from the right at x = a. Formulas (7.2) and
(7.3) are called the equations of left and right continuity, respectively, for f(x) at
x = a.
EXAMPLE 7.5.2. In example 7.4.4 (and figure 7.6), the values x = −1 and x = 1 are
not in the domain of f(x), so f(x) has no discontinuities at these values (there is
nothing to say regarding continuity at these values because the function is not
defined at these values); however, in example 7.4.5 (and figure 7.7), f(x) has an
infinite discontinuity at x = −1, because
EXAMPLE 7.6.1.
EXAMPLE 7.6.2.
We conclude that limx→6 f(x) = 0 (because left and right limits are both equal
to 0).
EXAMPLE 7.6.3.
We conclude that (because left and right limits are both equal
to ).
EXAMPLE 7.6.4.
We have placed this result in quotes because division by zero is not allowed.
However, we refer to as the type of the limit and it does give us a clue about
how to evaluate the limit because the Factor Theorem (theorem 3.4.2) tells us
that (x + 4) is a factor of both of the polynomials in the numerator and
denominator of f(x). If we proceed by factorizing the numerator and denominator
of f(x), then we obtain
Note that f(x) and g(x) are not the same function because the domain off is {x
∈ ℝ| x ≠ −4, x ≠ 3}, while the domain of g is {x ∈ R | x ≠ 3}. As we are
interested in computing limx→−4 f(x), it does not matter that f(x) is not defined at
x = − 4. What does matter is finding the value that f(x) approaches as x
approaches –4. Therefore, it is helpful to write the following piecewise
definition for f(x):
We can do this because we are excluding the value x = −4 at which f(x) and
g(x) differ. We now see that
and so
EXAMPLE 7.6.6.
EXAMPLE 7.6.7.
The next example is typical of the expression of a limit for computing the
derivative of a function (as we will see later).
EXAMPLE 7.6.8.
The same method of canceling common factors across the numerator and
denominator also works with nonrational expressions, as we demonstrate in the
following examples.
EXAMPLE 7.6.9.
EXAMPLE 7.6.10.
In the first step above, a technique for rationalizing the numerator was used.
This technique involves multiplying and dividing by a conjugate radical. (In this
case, the conjugate radical is A “conjugate radical” is not a bad-
tasting vegetable: the word conjugate refers to the sign between the terms
in the conjugate radical being the opposite (“+,” in this case) from
the sign that appears in the numerator of the limit being computed, and the word
radical refers to the presence of root terms
REMARK 7.7.1. Loosely speaking, the IVT states that, if the domain of a
continuous real-valued function is a closed interval I, then the range of the
function always contains the closed interval determined by the values of the
function at the end points of the interval I. For example, if the domain of a
continuous real-valued function is the closed interval [2, 3], then its range
contains the interval [f(2), f(3)] or [f(3), f(2)], depending on whether f(2) < f(3) or
f(3) < f(2). (In the case that f(2) = f(3), the IVT does not say anything.)
The assumption of continuity of a real-valued function on a closed interval is
essential for the conclusion of the IVT to be valid. Here are a few examples that
demonstrate this:
EXAMPLE 7.7.1. Consider the floor function f(x) = ⌊x⌋ on the closed interval [0.5,
1.5]. We know that f(x) has a jump discontinuity at x = 1, where the value of f(x)
changes from 0 to 1, and so, for every real number υ between 0 and 1, there is no
real number c between 0.5 and 1.5 such that f(c) = υ.
EXAMPLE 7.7.2. Recall from example 7.4.8 (and figure 7.10) that the function
has a removable discontinuity at x = 1. The conclusion of the IVT does not apply
on the interval [0.5, 3], where f(0.5) = 1.75 and f(3) = 8 because there is no
number c in the interval (0.5, 3) for which f(c) = 2.
REMARK 7.7.3. The converse of the IVT is not true, meaning that a function that
satisfies the conclusion of the IVT on a closed interval need not be a continuous
function. We can illustrate this with the function
on the interval (We can, in fact, consider any interval containing x = 0.)
As x tends to zero, from either the right or the left, the function f(x) will oscillate
between –1 and 1 infinitely many times (the oscillations become more and more
compressed) and so any value υ between –1 and 1 will be the image of infinitely
many points in Yet, f(x) is not a continuous function on the interval
In particular, f(x) is not continuous at x = 0 because do
not exist (why?).
We demonstrate by means of the following examples that the IVT can be
used to solve certain existence problems, such as proving that an equation has a
EXAMPLE 7.7.3. Show that the equation 3x + cos(πx) = 6 has a solution in the
interval (0, 2).
Answer: Define the function f(x) = 3x + cos(πx). Because f(x) is a continuous
function of the interval [0, 2], and f(0) = 1 and f(2) = 7, there must exist, by the
IVT, a number c such that 1 < c < 2 and f(c) = 6 (because υ = 6 is between 1 and
EXAMPLE 7.7.4. Show that the equation has a solution on the interval [1,
Answer: Define the function Because f(x) is a continuous
function of the interval [1, 4], and there
must exist, by the IVT, a number c such that 1 < c < 4 and f (c) = 0 (because υ =
0 is between − 1 and 0.866).
The IVT can be used repeatedly to approach closer and closer to the solution
of an equation:
EXAMPLE 7.7.5. Show that there is a solution of the equation 3x3 − 2x2 + 4x − 3 =
0 in the interval [0, 1]. Find an interval of width less than 0.01 that contains this
Answer: Define the function f(x) = 3x3 − 2x2 + 4x − 3. Because f(0) = −3 and
f(1) = 2, the equation f(x) = 0 has a solution in the interval (0, 1) (because − 3 < 0
< 2). If you plot the graph of y = f(x), you will find that this is the only real
solution of the equation (the other two solutions are complex). We can narrow
the search for this solution by subdividing the interval [0, 1] into the intervals [0,
0.5] and [0.5, 1]. Because f(0.5) = − 1.125, the solution is in the interval (0.5, 1).
Continuing in this way, we evaluate the function at the midpoint of each interval
we obtain and, depending of the sign, we take the subinterval to the left or the
right of the midpoint. Thus, we find that the solution is in each of the following
intervals that are successively smaller: (0.5, 0.75), (0.625, 0.75), (0.6875, 0.75),
(0.71875, 0.75), (0.71875, 0.734375), (0.71875, 0.7265625). The width of the
last interval is 0.0078125, so we can stop. The actual value of the solution is c ≈
EXAMPLE 7.7.6. We began this section with the example of a hiker climbing a
mountain. Suppose that the hiker starts walking at a steady pace on a path from
the base of the mountain at 8 a.m. on a particular day, takes no breaks, and
reaches the summit of the mountain at 6 p.m. on the same day. He camps
overnight and starts his descent the next day at 8 a.m. on the same path, at the
same steady pace and also takes no breaks, and reaches the base of the mountain
again at 6 p.m. Prove that the hiker was at a particular point on the path at
exactly the same time each day.
Answer: It is easy to understand why the statement should be true: if a
second hiker begins the descent of the mountain at exactly the same time that the
first hiker begins his ascent (along the same path and in similar fashion), then
they will meet somewhere along the path.
Now we can think of the second hiker as being the first hiker on his second
day, and this solves the problem. However, we can also turn the problem into a
mathematical problem and apply the IVT: Lets suppose that the distance the
hiker needs to walk along the path from the base to the summit of the mountain
is 3 miles (this number does not matter) and let f(t) be the distance the hiker has
walked from the base of the mountain (on the first day) at time t. We may
suppose that t = 0 corresponds to 8 a.m. and t = 10 corresponds to 6 p.m. Thus,
f(0) = 0 and f(10) = 3. Furthermore, we let g(t) be the hiker’s distance from the
base of the mountain (on the second day) at time t. So, g(0) = 3 and g(10) = 0.
We now define the function h(t) = f(t) − g(t) and suppose that f(t), g(t), and
h(t) are continuous functions. Because h(0) = f(0) − g(0) = −3 and h(10) = f(10)
− g(10) = 3 there must, by the IVT, be a time t0 at which h(t0) = 0, that is, f(t0) =
g(t0). At this time t0, the hiker will be at the same point on the path on each day.
What’s more, in the first graph, the x-axis is a horizontal asymptote because
the graph of grows closer and closer to the x-axis: as the value of x
grows larger and larger in both the positive and the negative directions, the
corresponding y value approaches 0; while, in the second graph, the line y = 1
(shown as a horizontal dotted line) is a horizontal asymptote because the graph
of grows closer and closer to the line y = 1.
Here are a few remarks regarding horizontal asymptotes.
REMARK 7.8.1. Figure 7.14 contains a graph with oscillations that grow narrower
and narrower, causing the graph to get closer and closer to the dotted line, as x
tends to infinity; therefore, the dotted line is a horizontal asymptote (i.e., the
graph does not have to stay above or below the asymptote).
REMARK 7.8.2. Although it might appear that the graphs of some functions
“flatten out,” they do not necessarily have horizontal asymptotes. The examples
shown in figure 7.15 are the graphs of and y = g(x) = ln(ln(x)).
These functions do not have horizontal asymptotes because y tends to infinity as
x tends to infinity.
REMARK 7.8.3. The x-axis is not a horizontal asymptote for f(x) = sin(x) because
there are y values as much as a unit distance from the x-axis no matter how large
x becomes, that is (as shown in figure 7.16), the graph does not grow closer and
closer to the x-axis.
The factorization of the denominator in the final step above helps us to see
where the notation 0+ and 0– are used to mean that 0 is approached through
positive and negative numbers, respectively. In either case, there is no horizontal
Answer: We factor x2 inside the square root in the numerator and factor x in
the denominator:
EXAMPLE 7.8.7.
By symmetry of the circle, the area of the shaded sector S of the unit disk is
in the same proportion to the area (π(l)2 = π) of the full disk, as the angle θ is in
proportion to the full angle (2π). This statement is expressed as the equation
which simplifies to What’s more, the height of the triangle in the first
diagram is tan(θ) (why?), and because the area of the triangle is greater than the
area of the shaded sector S (which it contains), we have the inequality
EXAMPLE 7.10.1.
(Rule (II) was applied in the second step, and then rule (V) was applied
with k =7.)
For future reference, we record two of the limit formulas we have derived in
this section:
(b) limx→0f(x)=
(c) limx→2 f(x)=
7.5. Relating to the second graph in figure 7.24, compute the limits below.
What kind of discontinuity does f(x) have at x = −1? (The dotted line is an
(a) limx→(−1) f(x)=
(fill in the parentheses) in order to answer the following question: What kind
of discontinuity does f(x) have at x = 0?
7.10. The diagram in figure 7.25 shows part of the graph of y = f(x) = ⌊x⌋ + x|x|
−x. By inspection of the graph, find the values of the limits below (all of
your answers should be integer values).
(a) limx→(−1) f(x)=
limx→2 +
7.13. Evaluate the following limits for each of the functions below. (i) limx→0 −
7.18. Find the values of the constants c and d for which the function f(x) below
will be continuous for all real numbers (in particular, at x = 1 and x = 2).
(Hint: derive a pair of equations that involves c and d by evaluating left
and right limits at x = 1 and x = 2, then solve for c and d.)
7.23. Compute limx→1 f(x) (if the limit exists) for f(x) defined below.
7.24. Compute limx→2 f(x) (if the limit exists) for f(x) defined below.
7.26. Explain why the floor function is an increasing function but not a strictly
increasing function.
7.27. Explain why the IVT cannot be applied to to conclude that the
equation f(x) = 0 has a solution in the interval [−1, 1]
7.28. Prove that there is a υ with 0 < υ < 2 such that υ2 + cos(πυ) = 4.
7.30. Prove that the function 1 − 4x sin(πx) + x2 has two roots in the interval [2,
7.31. Prove that there is a solution of the equation −3x3 + 2x2 + 4x − 5 = 0 in the
interval [−2, 1]. Find an interval of width less than 0.1 that contains this
7.32. Answer True or False for each of the following statements. You may
assume that all functions are real-valued functions.
(a) If f is continuous on [−3, 3], then
(b) If f is continuous on [−3, 3], then it must be the case that f(c) = 1 for
some number c in (−3, 3).
(c) If f is continuous on [−3, 3] and f(−3) = f(3) = 1, then f(x) = 0 must
have a solution in the interval (−3, 3).
(d) If f is continuous on [−3, 3] and f(−3) = f(3) = 1, then f(x) + x = 0
must have a solution in the interval (−3, 3).
(e) If f is continuous at x = 0, then g(x) = x2 f(x) is continuous at x = 0.
(f) If f is continuous on the intervals [0, 1] and [2, 3], and f(1) = −6 and
f(2) = 8, then it has to be the case that f(c) = 7 for some value c in the
interval (1, 2).
(g) If f(0) = 2 and f(1) = −2, then there must be a number c between 0
and 1 such that f(c) = 0.
(h) If f(2) = 2 and f(5) = 5, and f is continuous on the interval [2, 5], then
it must be the case that f(3) = 3.
(i) If f(−2) = −3 and f(5) = 5, and f is continuous on the interval [−2, 5],
then it must be true that f(c) = 0 for some number c with −3 < c < 5.
(j) If f(−2) = 1 and f(2) = −1, and f is continuous on the interval [−2, 2],
then it must be true that f(c) = 0 for some number c with −1 < c < 1.
(l) If f(−3) = 3 and f(−1) = −3, and if f(x) is decreasing on [−3,−1], then
it must be the case that f(c) = 0 for some value c in the interval
(−3,−1) (Hint: increasing and decreasing functions need not be
continuous functions [think of the floor function].)
7.35. Use the rules for limits to compute the following limits (if the limits exist).
Differential calculus, the topic of this chapter, is, in large part, the legacy of Sir
Isaac Newton. In his gigantic publication, The Principia Mathematica, Newton
introduced the mathematics of calculus and applied it to the scientific study of
the orbits of the planets around the sun. Thus, he not only revolutionized science
but also created the mathematics he needed in order to do so.
This chapter deals with the derivatives of functions. While we study a
function abstractly as mathematical object, in real-world applications it is a
representation of motion (in a very general sense). In differential calculus, the
notion of the derivative of a function, and the corresponding geometric notion of
the slope of a tangent line to the graph of the function, relates to the idea of
“instantaneous motion.” As we will begin to explain, in this chapter, the
knowledge gained about the “instantaneous motion” of a function enables us to
investigate and discover important properties of the function; for example, where
the peaks of a function occur, or the approximate behavior of a function near any
particular point in the domain of the function.
In this chapter we will give the definition of the derivative, introduce the
notion of a derivative function and present the rules (the power rule, sum rule,
product rule, quotient rule and the chain rule) for computing it, and apply the
definition and rules to compute the derivatives of the standard functions (such as
polynomial, rational, root, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic, inverse
trig), and vector functions.
In section 8.2, the definition of the derivative is introduced in four parts: in
section 8.2.1, the notion of a graph “leveling out” at the origin and its
section 8.2.1, will plays a crucial role in our derivation of the limit formula in
section 8.2.3.
Observe that all the graphs pass through the origin and, furthermore, the
graphs of f(x) = x2, x3, cos(x) −1 “level out” at the origin. Mathematically
speaking, we say that the graphs of the latter are tangential to the x-axis at the
origin. In the case of the function f(x) = x2, imagine an airplane coming in to land
but at the moment of landing starts to takeoff again because the landing gear has
not come out. At the moment of landing and takeoff, the motion of the airplane
is tangential to the landing strip.
DEFINITION 8.2.1. A function g(x) is tangential to the x-axis at the origin if and
only if it is the case that g(0)= 0 and
Note that the functions g(x) = x3 and g(x) = cos(x)−1 satisfy this definition,
and it is not hard to fabricate some other examples; for instance, g(x) = x3 + x2,
g(x) = x sin(x), and g(x) = x | x | all satisfy this definition.
EXAMPLE 8.2.1. The absolute value function g(x) = |x| is not tangential to the x-
axis at the origin, because
and so
We can consider infinitely many different lines passing through the origin,
but for simplicity, we are just comparing the four lines and asking which line
best matches or best follows the graph of the function f(x), as x approaches the
origin. A method for deciding this is to examine the dots that are placed on each
of the lines and the graph of f(x), corresponding to a particular value of x close to
zero, as shown in the diagram. If we visualize the movement of the dots as x
approaches zero, then one of the lines will contain the dot that remains nearest to
the dot on the graph of the function.
The line that we select in this way will be a candidate for the best
approximating line to the graph of f(x) at the origin. This method is not
mathematically precise, but it is a helpful way to think about it. In section 8.2.3,
we determine a formula that enables us to precisely find the best approximating
line called the tangent line. The term derivative is used for the slope of the
tangent line. Depending on the function, a tangent line might or might not exist
(This will be explained in more detail below, with examples).
The difference function g(x) calculates the vertical distance between the
function f(x) and the line y = mx for any value of x.
As a demonstration, we can subtract the line that we selected as the best
approximating line (i.e., the tangent line) from the function f(x) in figure 8.3. The
graph of the resulting difference g(x) is shown in figure 8.4.
Suppose that the slope of the tangent line in figure 8.3 is some undetermined
value m = α, that is, the line y = αx is a tangent line to f(x) at x = 0 for some value
of α. We observe in figure 8.4 that the difference function g(x) = f(x) −αx is
tangential to the x-axis at the origin. Therefore, according to definition 8.2.1
(8.2), we have
REMARK 8.2.1. This limit formula guarantees that any α that satisfies formula
(8.2) is unique (and it can be calculated by means of this formula). In other
words, if there is a tangent line to f(x) at the origin, then there is only one tangent
REMARK 8.2.2. It is a good idea to use a letter different from x in the limit above
because the evaluation of the limit is a separate calculation from evaluating the
function. We use h in the continuation because this is the letter that is
traditionally used in the limit formulas for computing derivatives.
We now introduce some important notation and summarize the results of this
REMARK 8.2.3. The symbol above the f is called a prime and we say “f ′.”
REMARK 8.2.4. If, for some function f, f(0) = 0, but the limit does not
exist (i.e., f is not differentiable at the origin), then it might be the case that the
graph of f(x) has a vertical tangent line at the origin, as shown in example 8.2.2.
Because the limit tends to infinity, we conclude that the y-axis, that is, the
line x = 0, is a tangent line to the graph of at the origin (see figure 8.5).
EXAMPLE 8.2.3.
(ii) If then
Note that F(0) = 0 and the graph of F can be obtained by shifting the graph
of f to the left or right depending on whether a is positive or negative and up or
down depending on whether f(a) is negative or positive. Note that the tangent
line to F at the origin will have the same slope as the tangent line to the graph of
f at x = a, that is, f′(a) = F′(0), as shown in figure 8.6.
FIGURE 8.6. Shifted tangent lines that have the same slope.
Because we are equating f′(a) with F′(0), we have the following definition of
the derivative.
REMARK 8.2.5. If the limit in formula (8.6) does not exist, then f(x) is not
differentiable at x = a and f′(a) is not defined.
By means of an algebraic reformulation of the right-hand side of formula
(8.6), we also have the alternative formula
is the slope of a secant line, that is a line intersecting the graph of y = f(x) = at
points (a, f (a)) and (x, f (x)). This observation allows an interesting geometric
interpretation of a derivative:
REMARK 8.2.6. The number f′(a) is the limit of slopes of secant lines as x tends to
a. Figure 8.7 shows secant and tangent lines passing through (a, f (a)).
Because f′(a) is the slope of the tangent line passing through (a, f(a)), we
have the following important formula for the point-slope of the equation for the
tangent line to the graph of y = f(x) at (a, f(a)).
EXAMPLE 8.2.4.
The equation of the tangent line passing through (1, 3) is y − 3 = 5(x − 1).
(ii) If then
their slopes are measured accurately by counting blocks on the graph paper. If
the slope values are plotted against the corresponding x values in a new
coordinate system, then they create the graph of a new function, called the
derivative function. In the case of the parabola, the graph of the derivative
function is the line y = 2x, and in the case of the cubic it is the parabola y = 3x3.
DEFINITION 8.3.2. If a function f(x) is differentiable, then the function f′ (x) that
specifies the derivative of f(x) at each value of x is called the derivative function.
REMARK 8.3.1. For any given differentiable function, the domain of the
corresponding derivative function will be the same as the domain of the
REMARK 8.3.2. If a function is not differentiable, that is, if there are points in the
domain where the derivative does not exist, then a derivative function can be
defined on the restricted domain that excludes those points.
EXAMPLE 8.3.1. Figures 8.9 and 8.10 show the graphs of four functions and their
corresponding derivative functions directly below them. Note that for graph (a),
the value x = 0 is excluded from the domain of the derivative function, and for
graph (b), the values are excluded from the domain of the
derivative function.
we have We can replace a with x, that is, if f(x) = x2, then f′(x) = 2x.
Similarly, we can do the following calculation if n 3
Again, we can replace a with x, that is, if f(x) = x3, then f′(x) = 3x2. We now
have the following formula, which will be proved in exercise 8.11. at the end of
this chapter.
This is a special case of a more general formula, called the power rule, which
is stated and proved in section 8.10.4.
REMARK 8.3.3. As the slope of a horizontal line is zero, the formula above is, in
fact, also true if n = 0 that is, if f(x) = 1 = x0 (the identity function), then f′(x) = 0
= 0.x−1 (the zero function).
The special case of the power rule that we have given above is the first of
many rules and formulas that will be derived in this chapter for the computation
of derivative functions. Before continuing with this, we now present another
useful notation for the expression of derivatives and derivative functions.
EXAMPLE 8.3.3.
THEOREM 8.3.1. If f(x) and g(x) are continuous, differentiable functions, then the
derivative of the sum or difference of f and g can be calculated using
REMARK 8.3.4. The sum rule states that a derivative distributes through a sum or
difference of functions. The product and quotient rules, however, are not so
simple: a derivative does not distribute through a product or quotient of
functions as you might expect.
REMARK 8.3.5. It’s important to write the correct order of terms in the numerator
of the quotient rule because reversing the terms causes an incorrect sign:
The sum, product and quotient rules are often expressed in the following
abbreviated formats:
They can be proved using formula (8.6), and the rules for limits stated in
section 7.10.2:
Proof of the sum rule: If f and g are continuous, differentiable functions, then
The proof of the product rule is more tricky, as it requires adding and
subtracting the same term in the numerator in the second line of the proof and
grouping and factoring terms in the third line of the proof.
Proof of the product rule: If f and g are continuous differentiable functions,
In the last line of this proof, we are allowed to replace limh→0f(a+h) with f(a)
because we are assuming that f is a continuous function (in particular,
continuous at x = a).
The proof of the quotient rule is left as an exercise at the end of this chapter.
We will now look at some examples and applications of the rules above.
First, the sum rule can be combined with the power rule to compute derivatives
of polynomials.
EXAMPLE 8.3.5. If f(x) = x6 and g(x) = x7, then by the product and power rules,
EXAMPLE 8.3.6.
The product rule will become more useful as we learn derivative formulas
for different types of function in this chapter. On the other hand, we can use the
quotient rule immediately to obtain a generalization of the power rule: if m is a
positive integer, then by the quotient rule,
(The quotient rule was applied with f(x) = 1 and g(x) =xm.) This verifies the
following statement of the power rule.
The quotient rule can be combined with the power rule and sum rule to
compute derivatives of rational expressions.
EXAMPLE 8.3.7.
REMARK 8.3.5. It frequently happens, when the quotient rule is applied (as in the
example above), that the expression in the numerator can be simplified.
However, there is usually no need to expand the expression in the denominator.
It might be the case that a function is expressed in terms of some unknown
constants. When taking the derivative, the sum rule applies to these constants in
the same way that it applies to real numbers (as constants). In the following
examples, the constants are the numbers a, b, c, and d.
EXAMPLE 8.3.8.
EXAMPLE 8.4.1. Find the equation of the line that is tangent to the graph of
In order for a tangent line to the graph to be parallel to the line x = 2y, it must
have the same slope as this line, which is (write the equation for the line as
). Thus, we set
Now, using the above expression for we need to solve for x in the
1− 4x2− = x4 = 0
The following problem involves finding the tangent lines (to a specified
graph) that pass through a given point in the plane (which need not be a point on
the graph). The solution to this problem involves introducing an additional
variable a to represent an arbitrary point on the graph that the tangent line passes
through. The required value(s) of a are then obtained by solving an equation
determined by the requirement that the line passes through the given point.
EXAMPLE 8.4.3. How many tangent lines to the graph of pass through the
point Find the coordinates of the points at which the tangent lines touch
this graph.
a2 + 2a − 5 = 0.
The two solutions for a (corresponding to two tangent lines) are and
the corresponding coordinates on the graph of are
means that (Note that f (1) −6 and f(2) = 25, so, by the Intermediate
Value Theorem, we know there is a root in the interval (1,2).) In the first step of
the algorithm, we set x1 = 2 Figure 8.12 shows a tangent line to the graph of y =
x5 −7 through the coordinates (2,25). Because f′(x) = 5x4, the slope of the tangent
line is f′(2) = 80, and the equation for this tangent line is y − 25 = 80(x −2). or y
= 80x − 135. We will label the x-intercept of this tangent line as x2. Then 0 =
80x2 − 135 determines that The second diagram demonstrates
the next stage of the algorithm: another tangent line through the coordinates
is drawn, and its intercept is found. We can see in
the diagram that the values x2 and x3 are closer to the intercept. The values x ≈
1.4786, x ≈ 1.47578 and x ≈ 1.47577 can be computed by continuing this
procedure. Because the values x5 and x6 are stagnant in the first four decimal
positions, we can state with confidence that
Loosely speaking, this states that “the derivative of a square root is one over
twice a square root.” Similar formulas can be obtained for the third and fourth
The power rule for rational exponents can be combined with the sum,
product, and quotient rules to compute the derivative of any rational algebraic
expression in one variable, that is, any expression that contains a variable and a
finite number of algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, and exponentiation with a rational exponent).
EXAMPLE 8.5.1. Using the sum, product, and quotient rules, respectively, (i)
(These limits are given in formula (7.5).) Furthermore, we can compute f′(x)
and g′(x) for any x by making use of the trigonometric identities for sin(A + B)
and cos(A + B), the rules for limits and the two limits computed above:
The following examples demonstrate the product rule combined with the
derivatives of trigonometric functions.
EXAMPLE 8.6.1.
Finally, in the third diagram in figure 8.13, there is a tangent line to the graph
at t = 2. We can imagine secant lines as in the first and second diagrams merging
with the tangent line as Δt gets smaller and smaller. Therefore, we calculate the
slope of the tangent line in order to determine the instantaneous speed of the car
when t = 2 (the reading on the speedometer at the moment the car passes through
the intersection). Because the instantaneous speed of the car at t = 2
is 4 m/s.
It has already been mentioned (at the end of section 8.3) that the slope of the
tangent line is zero wherever the graph of a differentiable function has an
upward or a downward peak. This is known as Fermat’s Theorem, after the
French Mathematician Pierre de Fermat, and it can be proved rigorously using
the definition of the derivative. (We will not provide the proof here.)
EXAMPLE 8.7.3. A rectangular open box that is twice as long as it is wide has a
volume of 48 cm3. What are the dimensions of the box if it has the smallest
possible surface area.
Answer: If the unknown width is labeled x, then the length should be labeled
2x. The unknown height of the box can be labeled h (see figure 8.15). We have
the following formulas for the volume (V) and surface area (SA):
V = 2 x2 h = 48
Now, if we solve for h in the first equation above and substitute the result in
the second equation, then we can define the following function of x, which
determines the surface area:
Note that
EXAMPLE 8.7.4. How would you fold an arbitrarily long rectangular sheet of
paper with centimeters wide to bring the upper left corner to the right-hand edge
and minimize the length of the fold? That is, in figure 8.16, how do you choose x
in order to minimize l?
Answer: It is generally a good problem-solving strategy to consider a few
possibilities before writing down any equations: first, if x = 0, then folding the
upper left corner to the right-hand edge creates an equilateral, right triangle,
where the two short sides have length w centimeters and the length of the
hypotenuse (the fold) is equal to centimeters; second, the maximum value
of x for which it is possible for the upper left corner to be folded to the right-
hand edge is centimeters (half of the width), and this would result in a fold of
infinite length (as we are assuming the rectangular sheet is arbitrarily long). So,
presumably, the value for x we are looking for must be somewhere between 0
and centimeters (the answer clearly cannot be centimeters, although it can
be 0 centimeters).
We now proceed by setting up some equations and applying the methods of
calculus. We begin by identifying and labeling all the parameters of the problem,
as shown in figure 8.16. The fold forms the hypotenuse of two congruent right
triangles that have one side of length w − x and another side of length h. Along
the right edge of the sheet, p and q add up to h. Our strategy will be to find an
expression for h in terms of x and the constant w and then to use it to find an
expression for l in terms of x and w. (Try to do this yourself before reading
The first step is to solve for p in the Pythagorean formula
p2 + x2 = (w — x).
q + w2 = h2
to obtain
By expanding the left-hand side of this equation and subtracting h2 from both
sides, we are left with
Finally, we have
We can take the square root on both sides so obtain an explicit expression for
l in terms of x, but the calculus will be easier if we set L = l2 and then find the
value for x that minimizes L. (This is a good trick that is worth remembering.)
So, now we apply the quotient rule to the function
to obtain
(We are not interested in the critical value x = w.) Now, it is a consequence
of the following calculation:
The graphs of the lines are shown in figure 8.17 in the (x, u)-coordinate
plane, the (u, y) coordinate plane, and the (x, y)-coordinate plane, respectively.
It is important to note that the slope of the third line is the product of the
slopes of the first two lines, that is, taking a composition of lines results in a new
line whose slope is the product of slopes of the lines.
Suppose that, instead of lines L1(x) and L2(u) passing through the origin, we
have functions f(u) and g(x) whose graphs pass through the origin, that is, f(0) =
0 and g(0) = 0. Suppose, furthermore, that g and f are differentiable at the origin,
that is, g′(0) and f′(0) exist and so, by formula (8.3), can be expressed as:
We can use formula (8.3) again and rules for limits to compute the derivative
(f ° g)′ (0) of the composition f ° g.
We have proved the following special case of the chain rule: if f(0) = 0 and
g(0) = 0, then
The functions that make up a composition are not always stated explicitly. In
this situation, the functions that make up the composition have to be determined.
EXAMPLE 8.8.4. The function h(x) = (1 − x2) is the composition f(g(x)), where
f(u) = u99 and g(x) = 1 − x2. Thus,
REMARK 8.8.1. When the “outside function” is of the form xα (as in the previous
example, with α = 99), then the application of the chain rule is sometimes called
the chain rule combined with the power rule.
In some cases, a function can be expressed in terms of several compositions
and then the chain rule has to be applied repeatedly in order to take the
In the same way that the derivative of a real-valued function produces the
slope of a tangent line, the derivative of a vector-valued function produces a
EXAMPLE 8.9.1. The diagrams in figure 8.19 were generated using the vector
the tangent line will be close to horizontal, and if a is very large, then the tangent
line will be close to vertical. We can suppose, therefore, that there is a unique
value for a for which the tangent line through the origin will be the line y = x.
We will define e to be this particular value for a. Thus, the second diagram in
figure 8.21 shows the graph of f(x) = ex − 1 together with its tangent line y = x
through the origin. These graphs are drawn to scale so it can be surmised, by
comparison of the second diagram with the first diagram, that 2 < e < 4.
Based on the second diagram in figure 8.21, we will make the assumption
that the graph of y = ex − 1 lies entirely above the tangent line through the origin
(this is another intuitive fact that can be proved using the property known as
convexity of the graph of y = ex). A statement of this assumption is
We can use this formula to compute the derivative of f(x) = ex any point x = a
1 = (n + 1)(ln(n + 1)−cn),
where (cn, n) are the coordinates on the tangent line at y = n, as shown in figure
Furthermore (as a consequence of the convexity of the exponential graph), it
is the case that
2.704 ≤ e ≤ 2.732.
The investigation of the limit on the right-hand side of this equation by the
Mathematician Jacob Bernoulli led to his discovery of the number e near the end
of the seventeenth century. The limit arose in some problems relating to
compound interest that he was studying.
With the derivative formula in this form, it is easier to apply the chain rule to
compositions that involve the exponential function, as in this example:
EXAMPLE 8.10.1.
The following examples combine this formula with the sum rule and quotient
EXAMPLE 8.10.2.
EXAMPLE 8.10.3.
Thus, we have proved the derivative formula for exponential functions with
base a:
EXAMPLE 8.10.4.
where y(t) is the size of a population at time t, and k is a constant. If k > 0, then
this equation states that the rate of growth of the population is proportional to the
size of the population. A solution for this equation is any function y(t) that solves
the equation in the sense that plugging the function into the equation will make
the equation a true statement. For example, if y(t) = ekt, then y′(t) = kekt = ky(t),
and so y(t) is a solution.
A more sophisticated equation for modeling population growth is the logistic
differential equation
where y(t) and k are as above and M is a constant that specifies the maximum
possible size of the population (that is, y(t) < M). If k > 0, then this equation
models the growth of a population in an environment with limited food supply.
If the population has an initial of size m, that is y(0) = m, then a solution for the
equation is
We see that the left-hand side of formula (8.40) equals the right-hand side
and so y(t) is indeed a solution. A graph of y(t) with m = 2, M = 10 and k = 0.05
is shown in figure 8.23. This is called a logistic graph.
Thus, we have found a formula for the derivative of the natural logarithm:
While ln(x) is defined only for x > 0, its derivative function is also defined
for x < 0. However, note that x ln |x| is also defined for x < 0 and by the chain
rule and exercise 8.4,
The graph of ln |x| together with its derivative function is shown in figure
This result might seem surprising but note that, using properties of
for any nonvanishing function f(x) (that is, a function f(x) that is never zero).
The change of base formula for logarithms (formula (5.6)) makes is easy to
compute derivatives for logarithms with any base:
EXAMPLE 8.10.6.
Proof: Because
xa = elnx = eαlnx
we can take the derivative of xα using the formulas for derivatives of exponential
and logarithmic functions:
EXAMPLE 8.10.7.
EXAMPLE 8.11.1.
By setting this equal to zero, we can solve for x to produce the critical value
For this value of x, the viewing angle is
8.1. In each of the diagrams in figure 8.26, decide whether the line is a tangent
to the graph (at one or more points).
8.2. Use formula (8.3) to determine f′(0) for each of the following functions.
(a) f(x) = 2x cos(x)
8.3. Use formula (8.6), with a = 2, to determine f′(2) for each of the following
functions, and use formula (8.8) to find the equation of the tangent line at
x = 2.
(a) f(x) = 2x + x3
8.5. Each limit below represents the derivative of some function f at some
number a. State f and a in each case. (Hint: match each limit with formula
8.6. Match each graph from (a) to (d) in figure 8.27 with the graph of its
derivative from (i) to (iv) in figure 8.28.
8.7. At which points on the graph in figure 8.29 is it not possible to draw a
tangent line?
8.8. For each the graphs in figure 8.30, sketch the graph of the corresponding
derivative function.
8.9. Prove the second part of the sum rule (formula (8.13)), that is, (cf)′(x) = cf′
8.10. If g is a differentiable function and g(a) ≠ 0, use formula (8.6) and the
rules for limits in section 7.10.2 to prove that
8.17. Use the quotient rule to compute the following derivatives of rational
8.18. Use the quotient rule to compute the following derivatives of rational
8.19. Compute f′(x) for the following functions f(x). Assume that a, b, c, and d
are constants. Do this in two ways: first, by expanding the expression for
f(x) and then taking the derivative; second, by applying the product rule
(formula (8.14)) repeatedly (without expanding). Check that your answers
8.21. Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of the given equation at x
= 2. (Hint: use your answers from exercise 8.16.)
8.22. Find the intercepts of each of the tangent lines from the previous exercise
with the x and y axes. Draw the graph of the equation together with the
graph of the tangent line.
8.23. Find the points on the graph of the given equation where the tangent line is
parallel to the line y = −4x + 1.
8.24. Find the points on the graph of the given equation where the tangent line is
parallel to the line x = 4y + 1.
8.25. Find the points on the graph of the given equation where the tangent line is
parallel to the line
8.26. How many tangent lines to the graph pass through each of the
following points? Find the coordinates of the points at which the tangent
lines touch this graph.
(a) (2,0)
(b) (2,1)
(c) (2,2)
(d) (2,3)
(e) (0,2)
8.27. Prove that the algorithm for Newton’s method, as explained in section 8.4,
is given by the formula
8.28. Use Newton’s method to find the three real roots of the polynomial f(x) =
x3 − 9x − 5 rounded to two decimal positions. (Hint: first use the
intermediate value theorem to locate three intervals containing the roots.)
8.29. Use the power rule for rational exponents (formula (8.20)) to compute the
derivatives of the following rational algebraic expressions
8.30. Find all points on the graph of the equation at which the
tangent line is horizontal.
8.31. Prove the derivative formulas for the secant, cosecant and cotangent ratios
in table 8.1.
8.32. Use the derivative formulas in table 8.1 to compute the derivatives below
8.33. Find the points on the graphs of the following equations at which the
tangent line is horizontal.
(a) y = cos(x) + sin(x)
(b) y = x + sin(x)
8.36. Find two positive numbers whose product is 121 and whose sum is a
minimum. Use calculus to solve the problem.
8.40. Find the point on the parabola y = 3x2 that is closest to the point (1,5).
8.41. A cylindrical tin can is to be manufactured to contain a volume of 8 liters.
The circular end pieces will be cut from two square sheets of tin with the
corners wasted and the side of the can will be a rectangular sheet of tin
with two opposite ends joined together. Find the ratio of the height to the
radius of the most economical can.
8.42. Find the area of the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in a semicircle
of radius r.
8.43. A wire 30 in. long is cut into two pieces of possibly different lengths with
one piece bent into a circle and the other piece bent into a square. How
long must each piece be to minimize the total area enclosed by the circle
and the square? (Assume that the two areas are separated.)
8.44. A sheet of metal is 10 m long and 4 m wide. It is bent lengthwise down the
middle to form a V-shaped trough 10 m long. What should the width
across the top of the trough be in order for the trough to have the
maximum capacity?
8.45. Find the length of the longest straight rod that can be carried horizontally
(i.e., without tilting up or down) from a rectangular corridor 6 m wide into
another rectangular corridor, at right angles to it, that is 4 m wide (as in
figure 8.31).
8.46. Use the special case of the chain rule (formula (8.25)) to determine (f ∘ g)′
(0) for each of the following choices of f and g.
(a) f (u) = 5u, g(x) = 6x
(b) f(t) = 3t, g(u) = 11u
(c) f(u) = 2u, g(x) = 2x2
(d) f(t) = 3t2, g(u) = 4u
(e) f(u) = 2 sin (u), g(x) = 2x
(f) f(t) = 6t, g(u) = sin(u)
(g) f(u) = 2 sin (u) + cos(u) − 1,
g(x) = 2x2 + 2x
(h) f(t) = 6t2 + t, g(u) = 2 tan(u) + u
8.47. The purpose of this exercise is to prove the general formula for the chain
rule by making use of the formula for the special case of the chain rule
proved in section 8.8, that is, if f(0) = 0 and g(0) = 0, then (f ∘ g)′(0) =
Suppose that f and g are differentiable functions and h = f ∘ g. Introduce
numbers a, b, and c such that x = a is in the domain of g(x), u = b = g(a) is
in the domain of f(u) and c = f(b) = f(g(a)) = h(a), as shown in figure 8.32.
Define the functions F, G, and H as follows:
Note that F′(0) = f′(b), G′(0) = g′(a) and H′(0) = h′(0) because F, G, and H
are translations of f, g, and h, as shown in figure 8.33.
Now prove the following:
(a) (F ∘ G)(x) = H(x)
(b) (f ∘ g)′(a) = f′(g(a))g′(a) (Hint: apply the special case of the chain
rule stated above to H′(0).)
(The two diagrams in figures 8.32 and 8.33 were generated using the
formulas g(x) = 1 + x2 and a = 1. Find the values of f′(2) g′(1)
and (f ∘ g)′ (1).)
8.48. Use the chain rule (formula (8.27)) to find in each case below.
(a) y = 5u, u = x2
(b) y = u2, u = 5x
(c) y = cos(u), u = πx
(d) y = sin(u), u = 3x
(e) y = u2, u = x + π
(f) y = u2, u = cos(x)
8.57. Use formula (8.29) to find for each of the following vector-valued
8.58. Plot the trajectory of each vector-valued function in the previous exercise
and plot the tangent vector corresponding to a few values of t.
8.59. Use formula (8.36) to compute f′(x) for the following functions f(t).
(a) f(t) = exp(2t)
(b) f(t) = e5t
(c) f(t) = e−3t
(d) f(t) = e3t + e−3t
(e) f(t) = e3t − e−3t
8.60. Use formula (8.37) to compute f′(u) for the following functions f(u).
(a) f(u) = exp(u2)
(b) f(u) = eu
(c) f(u) = eusin(u)
(d) f(u) = e1+u + e1−u
(e) f(u) = e1u + e1u
8.61. Prove the following generalization of the product rule to compute the
derivative of a product of three functions:
8.62. Use formula (8.50) to compute f′(x) for the following functions f(x).
(a) f(x) (1 + x)(2 + x2)(3 + x3)
8.63. Use formula (8.38) to compute f′(w) for the following functions f(w).
(a) f(w) = 6w
(b) f(w) = 2w + 3w
3 2
(c) f(w) = 2w + 3w
(d) f(w) = 6sin(w)+cos(w)
(e) f(w) = 2sin(w) + 3cos(w)
(f) f(w) = sin(2w)cos(3w)
8.64. Compute the derivative of f(x) = 2x3x in two different ways: (i) apply the
product rule and then use the laws for logarithms to simplify the answer,
(ii) write the expression for f(x) as a single exponent and then take the
derivative. Are your answers the same?
ty′(t) − ln |t|.
8.66. Use formulas (8.45) and (8.46) to compute the following derivatives.
8.68. One hundred meters directly above ground level of an airport tower, a
helicopter and an airplane start flying due east. If the airplane travels four
times faster than the helicopter, what is the greatest angle of sight between
the two aircraft from the ground level of the tower?
8.69. At what point on the positive x-axis does the line-segment joining (0,2) to
(2,3) subtend the maximum angle? Verify that you have found the
In Euclidean geometry, theorems are proved by means of a process of deductive
reasoning. This means that a conclusion (the theorem) is reached by stringing
together observations based on certain given “facts,” which might include
definitions, axioms, postulates, or previously proven theorems.
The first systematic and comprehensive compilation of geometry theorems
and constructions was made by the Greek Mathematician Euclid in about 300
BC. His work, called the “Elements,” formed the basis for more than two
thousand years for the study called “Euclidean geometry.”
Euclid’s geometry was based on discoveries made by the Greek geometers
who lived before him, including Pythagoras and Plato. It was Plato, in particular,
who emphasized the method of constructing diagrams and proving theorems
using a compass and straightedge. Plato decreed that, for a construction to be
acceptable, the straightedge should not be marked and the compass should not be
used to transfer distances.
The Elements, in turn, were taken as a starting point by geometers who
followed Euclid. Archimedes, for example, derived the formula πr2 for the area
of a disk with radius r. The Geometer Pappus, of Alexandria, who lived at the
beginning of the fourth century AD (near the end of the classical period), wrote a
collection of geometry books that also contained his own theorems on touching
circles and many other discoveries.
The content of Euclid’s Elements is outlined in section 9.2. This is followed
in section 9.3 by a discussion of terminology relating to lines, angles, polygons,
and circles. As preparation for understanding proofs in geometry, some basic
parallel postulate was the subject of intense investigation until the nineteenth
century because geometers did not know if it could be proved (with assumption
of the first four postulates) or if Euclid was correct in stating it as a separate
postulate. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the Russian Mathematician
Nicolai Lobachevsky and the Hungarian Mathematician János Bolyai developed
a detailed geometric theory without the assumption of the parallel postulate.
(That is, the parallel postulate is not a consequence of the other postulates.) By
the end of the nineteenth century, mathematicians had constructed some planar
models of a “non-Euclidean” or “hyperbolic” geometry with the aid of certain
three-dimensional methods of projection, in which the parallel postulate failed.
After the statements of the five postulates, Euclid states five “common
notions”: (i) things that are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another;
(ii) if equals are added to equals, then the wholes are equal; (iii) if equals are
subtracted from equals, then the remainders are equal; (iv) things that coincide
with one another are equal to one another; and (v) the whole is greater than the
part. These statements can be called axioms because they are the basis for
reasoning in all of Euclid’s proofs.
The remainder of book 1, in the form of 48 propositions, is devoted to the
demonstration of elaborate constructions with a compass and a straightedge
(e.g., the construction of an equilateral triangle on a line segment) and
statements and proofs of basic theorems regarding parallel lines, triangles
(including the Pythagorean Theorem for right triangles), and parallelograms. We
list many of these theorems in section 9.5.
Terminology should be learned very well, so there can never be any doubt about
the meaning of the statement of a problem. We will introduce terminology
relating to lines, angles, polygons, and circles. The most important terminology
will be introduced in numbered definitions.
DEFINITION 9.3.1. If two straight lines intersect so that the angles formed at the
point of intersection are all equal, then they are all right angles, and we say that
the lines are perpendicular to one another.
In figure 9.2, AB is perpendicular to CD, so we write AB ⊥ CD. A right
angle can be indicated using the square symbol, as shown in figure 9.2.
Angles are commonly measured in degrees, with the measurement for a right
angle being 90 degrees (notation: 90°).
DEFINITION 9.3.2. An acute angle is less than 90°. An obtuse angle is greater than
90° but less than 180°. A straight angle is equal to 180°. A reflex angle is greater
than 180° but less than 360°. A revolution is equal to 360°.
DEFINITION 9.3.3. A triangle is formed when three lines meet in such a way that
there are exactly three distinct intersection points called vertices.
In figure 9.3, three line segments AB, AC, and BC form triangle ABC
DEFINITION 9.3.5. If two angles add up to 90°, they are said to be complementary
angles. If two angles add up to 180°, they are said to be supplementary angles.
A line that intersects two other specified lines is called a transversal.
In figure 9.4 the lines GH and BD (which might or might not be parallel) are
intersected by the transversal EF. The angles are a pair of alternate
angles because they lie either side of the transversal and the lines between GH
and BD. (There is one other pair of alternate angles in the diagram.) Angles
are a pair of corresponding angles because they are formed between
the transversal and the lines GH and BD in the same way. (There are three other
pairs of corresponding angles in the diagram.) The angles are a pair
of cointerior angles because they lie on the same side of the transversal and the
lines between GH and BD. (There is one other pair of cointerior angles in the
DEFINITION 9.3.6. Two angles situated at the same vertex along a common side
are referred to as adjacent angles. When two straight lines intersect, the two
nonadjacent angles are called vertically opposite angles.
In figure 9.4 are adjacent (e.g., also ) and
are vertically opposite (e.g., also for example). In figure 9.3,
are vertically opposite and are adjacent.
DEFINITION 9.3.7. Parallel lines in the plane are lines that do not intersect no
matter how far they are extended.
We use the “||” symbol for parallel lines. For example, in figure 9.4, if BD
and GH are parallel lines, then we write BD || GH.
We now present some of the terminology relating to triangles and polygons.
If two sides of a triangle (or polygon) have the same length, then, for brevity,
we will refer to them as “equal sides.” For example, an equilateral triangle has
three equal sides, an isosceles triangle has two equal sides, and a scalene
triangle has no equal sides.
An acute triangle has three acute angles, a right triangle has one angle equal
to 90°, and an obtuse triangle has one obtuse angle. In a right triangle, the side
opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse.
Any side of a triangle (or another geometric figure) can be taken to be the
base of the triangle (or geometric figure). An altitude of a triangle is the vertical
(perpendicular) distance from the base of the triangle to its highest point. A
median of a triangle is a line from any vertex of the triangle to the midpoint of
the opposite side.
A triangle is a polygon with three sides (or edges). In general, a polygon has
many (three or more) sides. In particular, a quadrilateral has four sides, a
pentagon has five sides, a hexagon has six sides, and an octagon has eight sides.
A regular polygon is a polygon with all sides equal in length and equal angles at
all the vertices. Figure 9.5 shows a regular triangle (an equilateral triangle), a
quadrilateral (a square), a pentagon, and a hexagon. A diagonal of a polygon is a
line segment joining any two nonadjacent vertices.
A rectangle is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides equal, and all
angles equal to right angles. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all sides equal,
but the angles can be any size. A kite is a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent
sides equal. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides
parallel. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides
parallel, see figure 9.6.
DEFINITION 9.3.9. Congruent triangles (or polygons) are triangles (or polygons)
that are equal in all respects. Similar triangles (or polygons) are scaled copies of
each other; that is, they can be larger or smaller, but the angles do not change.
We use the notation ΔABC ≡ ΔDEF if the triangles ΔABC and ΔDEF are
congruent, and we use the notation ΔABC ||| ΔDEF if they are similar.
9.3.2 Circles
DEFINITION 9.3.10. The circumference of a circle is the distance around it. A
diameter of a circle is a line passing through its center and joining two opposite
points. A radius of a circle is a line joining its center with any point on the circle
(plural: radii). A chord is a line joining any two points of the circle. A tangent
line to a circle is a straight line that touches it at exactly one point. A secant is a
line drawn from a point outside the circle that cuts it at two different points.
We say that two circles are touching if they intersect at a single point (see
figure 9.46).
In the first diagram in figure 9.7, AB is a diameter of the circle, OT is a
radius, MN is a chord, QTR is a tangent line, and CDEQ is a secant line. In the
second diagram, the chord JK divides the circle into a major segment and a
minor segment of JK. The points J and K divide the circumference of the circle
into a major arc JK and a minor arc JK.
Concentric circles are circles that have the same center but different radii.
Points are concyclic if and only if they lie on the same circle. A semicircle is
exactly half of a circle.
DEFINITION 9.3.12. Three or more points are called collinear if they lie on the
same straight line. If three or more different lines pass through the same point,
then the lines are said to be concurrent.
Every triangle has unique inscribed and circumscribed circles. The center of
the inscribed circle is called the in-center, and it is the point of concurrency of
the bisectors of the angles of the triangle (see theorem 9.5.12(a) in section 9.5).
The center of the circumscribed circle is called the circum-center, and it is the
point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle
(see theorem 9.5.12(b)). The centroid of a triangle is the point of concurrency of
the medians of the triangle (see theorem 9.5.12(c)). The ortho-center of a
triangle is the point of concurrency of the altitudes of the triangle (see theorem
A theorem is any statement or rule that can be proved to be true by reasoning
from the definitions, axioms, and postulates. Each theorem, once proved,
becomes a statement that can be accepted without proof in the proofs of
subsequent theorems.
A corollary is something proved by inference from something else already
proven, that is, a natural consequence or a result. A converse is a statement that
is turned around; for example, that which is “given” in a theorem becomes the
“required to prove” in its converse and is “required to prove” in the theorem
becomes the “given” in its converse. We give the following example of a
theorem and its converse:
EXAMPLE 9.3.1. If a transversal cuts two parallel lines, then the corresponding
angles are equal (this is a theorem); conversely, when a transversal cuts two
other lines, then these two lines are parallel if a pair of corresponding angles is
equal (this is the converse of the theorem). For example, in figure 9.9, if it is
given (as marked with arrows in the diagram on the left) that AB ‖ CD then we
can conclude from the theorem that . On the other hand, if it is given (as
marked with arcs in the diagram on the right) that then, by the converse
of the theorem, we can conclude that AB ‖ CD.
EXAMPLE 9.4.1. As shown in the first diagram in figure 9.10, the size of an angle
can be computed if it is part of a larger angle.
EXAMPLE 9.4.2. In the second diagram in figure 9.10, BÂE = DÂC, that is, Â1 +
Â2 = Â2 + Â3. Now Â2 can be subtracted from both sides to deduce that Â1 = Â3.
EXAMPLE 9.4.3. In figure 9.11, BÂC = 90° and AD ⊥ BC. We prove, by means
of the steps in table 9.1, that = Â2 = and Â1 = Ĉ. (We need theorem 9.5.5(c),
which states that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°.)
TABLE 9.1.
EXAMPLE 9.4.4. In the first diagram in figure 9.12, AFE is a straight line, with
We prove, by means of the steps in table 9.2, that
TABLE 9.2.
Problems involving ratio and proportion of line segments are made easier by
assigning lengths to the line segments, as we demonstrate in the next example.
EXAMPLE 9.4.6. If B is a point on the line segment AC below such that 2|AB| =
3|BC|, write |AC| in terms of |AB|.
When two triangles overlap, it often helps to separate them. Then, one
immediately sees that a pair of equal angles emerges, namely, their common
EXAMPLE 9.4.7. In figure 9.13 we want to prove that ΔACD ||| ΔDCB. (It is given
that ) If the overlapping triangles are separated (as shown in figure 9.14),
then it is clear that two pairs of angles are equal and, therefore, the angle at D in
the triangle on the left is equal to the angle at B in the triangle on the right. Thus,
the triangles are similar.
outline the proof of the theorem with the help of a diagram. Commentary and
examples of applications of the theorems are included to help with the
familiarization of the theorems. The theorems are restated in Appendix for ease
of reference.
THEOREM 9.5.1(a) is clearly true if the adjacent angles are equal to each other
because each angle is then a right angle (the definition of a right angle), and two
right angles add up to 180°. If the adjacent angles are not equal, then an
additional line can be drawn through the common vertex of the angles so that a
right angle is formed. It is then clear that the sum of the two original adjacent
angles is the same as the sum of three adjacent angles, which is 180°.
A mathematical statement can sometimes be proved by contradiction. This
means that the negation of the statement is assumed to be true and, by the
process of deduction, an obviously false statement is reached. Thus, the negation
of the statement has to be discarded and the only possibility that remains is for
the statement to be true. For example, the statement of theorem 9.5.1(b) can be
proved by contradiction: if the noncommon sides do not lie on a line, then one of
them can be extended through the common vertex forming a new (nonzero)
angle with the other noncommon side. This results in the contradiction that the
two original angles that sum to 180°, together with the new angle, also sum to
180°, by theorem 9.5.1(a). (Draw a diagram to convince yourself!)
THEOREM 9.5.2. If two lines intersect, then the vertically opposite angles are
This can be proved using the method explained in example 9.4.2.
THEOREM 9.5.3.
(a) (i) If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then pairs of
THEOREM 9.5.4. Lines that are parallel to the same line are parallel to each
This can be proved by constructing a transversal that intersects all three
parallel lines and applying theorem 9.5.3.
THEOREM 9.5.5.
(a) The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the interior
opposite angles.
(b) The exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either of the interior
opposite angles.
(c) The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°.
FIGURE 9.15. The exterior angle is equal to the sum of the interior opposite angles.
EXAMPLE 9.5.1. Refer to figure 9.16. Suppose that Use theorem 9.5.5(a)
to prove that
Answer: Theorem 9.5.5(a) asserts that, because is exterior to ΔABD,
Similarly, is exterior to ΔBCD, so Therefore,
and so we have proved that
If two triangles are congruent, then their vertices can be labeled A, B, C and
D, E, F, for example, so that in ΔABC the angle at A is the same as the angle at
D in ΔDEF, the angle at B is the same as the angle at E, and the angle at C is the
same as the angle at F. Similarly, the side AB in ΔABC has the same length as
side DE in ΔDEF, the side AC as side DF, and the side BC as side EF. In
summary, the six parts of ΔABC are equal to the six parts of ΔDEF.
In most situations, it is enough to know that two triangles have three pairs of
parts equal to each other in order to conclude that the two triangles are
congruent. Theorem 9.5.6 states all possible cases in which it can be concluded
that triangles are congruent if three pairs of parts are the same. These are called
the rules for congruence of triangles. It is helpful to refer to them by their
abbreviations in parentheses.
THEOREM 9.5.6.
(a) If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are, respectively,
equal to two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then
the two triangles are congruent (s∠s).
(b) If two angles and a side of one triangle are, respectively, equal to
two angles and the corresponding side of another triangle, then the
triangles are congruent (∠∠s).
(c) If three sides of one triangle are equal to three sides of another
triangle, then the triangles are congruent (sss).
(d) If, in two right triangles, the hypotenuse and one side of the one
are, respectively, equal to the hypotenuse and one side of the other,
then the triangles are congruent (⊥hs).
Two triangles need not be congruent if two pairs of sides are the same, but
the angles that are the same are not the included angles (unless the angles that
are the same are right angles (which is the case ⊥hs). A detailed explanation of
this was given in section 4.13.2. It will be worthwhile to examine figure 4.33.
EXAMPLE 9.5.2. In figure 9.18, we can conclude, in the first diagram, that ΔABC
ΔDEF by the s∠s criterion because the sides AB and DE are marked as parallel
and equal in length, and so the alternate angles at B and E are equal, and the
corresponding sides BC and EF are also shown to be equal in length. In the
second diagram, we can conclude that ΔABC ≡ ΔCDA by the ⊥hs criterion
because ΔABC and ΔCDA have the common side AC, and it is given that the
hypotenuse of ΔABC equals the hypotenuse of ΔCDA.
THEOREM 9.5.7.
(a) The angles opposite the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are
(b) (Converse) If two angles of a triangle are equal, then the sides
opposite them are equal.
The proof of theorem 9.5.7(a) requires the construction of congruent
triangles; for example, if ΔABC is isosceles because |AB| = |AC|, then a line can
be drawn from the vertex A to a point D on the base BC so that the angle at A is
bisected. This creates two congruent triangles ΔBAD and ΔCDA by the s∠s
criterion. Thus, we can conclude that in ΔABC the angle at B equals the angle at
C. (Draw a diagram!) The proof of theorem 9.5.7(b), that is, the converse of
EXAMPLE 9.5.3. We will demonstrate, by means of figure 9.19, that an angle can
be trisected using a marked ruler (or straightedge). Suppose that the angle to be
trisected is BÔD, and B and D are points on a circle centered at O. A ruler, on
which the radius of the circle is marked, is aligned from B to a point A (which is
collinear with D and O) in such a way that |AC| is a radius of the circle and C is a
point of the circle. If O and C are joined, then triangle ΔACO is isosceles and,
therefore, OĈB = 2OÂC. Furthermore, ΔOCB is also isosceles (OB is another
radius) and, therefore, Now, because DÔB is an exterior angle to
ΔOAB, we have
We thus conclude that a line drawn from O parallel to AB will trisect BÔD.
THEOREM 9.5.8.
Theorem 9.5.9(a) and (c) can be proved by joining a pair of opposite vertices of
a parallelogram with a diagonal line to create a pair of triangles. The two pairs of
alternate angles formed in this way are equal, and so the triangles are congruent
by the ∠∠s criterion. Thus, both members of a pair of opposite angles of the
parallelogram are equal, and both members of a pair of opposite sides are equal.
Similarly, the members of the other pairs of opposite angles and opposite sides
are equal. The proof of theorem 9.5.9(e) is also a consequence of the formation
of congruent triangles, when both diagonals are drawn. The proofs of the
converse statements, that is, theorem 9.5.9(b), (d), (f), and (g), are left as
exercises. Theorem 9.5.9(h) and (i) are two special cases that can be verified
EXAMPLE 9.5.4. In figure 9.22, the line AF is a median of both ΔABC and ΔADH
because the diagonals of the parallelogram BDCH bisect each other at F.
THEOREM 9.5.10.
(a) The area of a parallelogram is bisected by each diagonal.
(b) A parallelogram and a rectangle on the same base and between the
same parallels have equal areas.
(c) The area of a triangle is equal to one-half the area of a
parallelogram on the same base and between the same parallels.
A diagonal of a parallelogram divides the parallelogram into two congruent
triangles, and so each of these triangles is half the area of the parallelogram (this
proves theorem 9.5.10(a)).
If a pair of parallel lines is drawn through a pair of opposite sides of a
rectangle and, if one of these sides of the rectangle is fixed as the base of the
rectangle, then we can distort the rectangle into a parallelogram by sliding the
side opposite the base of the rectangle along the other parallel line. This is called
EXAMPLE 9.5.5. In figure 9.23, the points A, B, C, and D are on a line parallel to
a line containing the points E and F. The vertex A of ΔAEF can slide to any of
the points B, C, or D, and the corresponding triangles, that is, ΔBEF, ΔCEF, and
ΔDEF are shear deformations of ΔAEF that have the same area as ΔAEF.
EXAMPLE 9.5.6. In figure 9.24, the right triangle ΔABC has the squares ADEC,
BCIH, and ABGH situated on its sides AC, BC, and AB, respectively. What needs
to be shown is that the areas of the smaller two squares, that is, the first two
squares, add up to the area of the largest square, that is, the third square. We start
with a shear transformation of ΔACD to ΔABD by sliding the vertex C along the
line EB (note that AD and BE are parallel lines). Now ΔADB is congruent to
ΔACF (rotate ΔADB around the point A onto ΔACF) and ΔACF can be
transformed by a shear to ΔAJF by sliding vertex C along the dotted line that has
been inserted parallel to AF. The end result is that the dark-shaded areas are
equal and, for the same reason, the light-shaded areas are equal. This proves the
Pythagorean Theorem.
THEOREM 9.5.11.
(a) If three or more parallel lines cut off equal line segments on one
transversal, then they cut off equal line segments on any other
(b) If a line drawn parallel to the base of a triangle bisects one of the
sides of the triangle, then it bisects the third side of the triangle.
(c) The line segment joining the mid-points of two sides of a triangle is
parallel to the third side and equal to half the third side (this is
The proofs of theorem 9.5.12(a) and (b) are exercises at the end of this
Theorem 9.5.12(c) can be proved by means of a clever construction: figure
9.26 shows two medians DA and EC of a triangle ABC. A third line, passing
through B and the intersection point P of the two medians meets AC at F. (We
will prove that FB is a median.) EG and DH are constructed, as shown, so that
they are each parallel to BF. Now in ΔAPB, EG is parallel to PB and bisects AB,
and so, by theorem 9.5.11(b), EG also bisects AP. Similarly, DH bisects CP. We
can now conclude, by the midpoint theorem (theorem 9.5.11(c)), that GH ∥ AC.
It is also a consequence of the midpoint theorem that ED ∥ AC. Thus, EGHD is a
parallelogram (both pairs of opposite sides are parallel) and the diagonals EH
and DG bisect each other (theorem 9.5.9(e)). This proves that |AG| = |GP| = |PD|
and |CH| = |HP| = |PE|. We have therefore established that any two medians of a
triangle trisect one another. Consequently, because FB trisects DA (it passes
through P), it is also a median; that is, the medians of a triangle are concurrent,
proving part (i). Evidently we have also proved part (ii).
THEOREM 9.5.13.
(a) A straight line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other
two sides proportionally.
(b) (Converse) If a line cuts two sides of a triangle so as to divide them
in the same ratio, then it is parallel to the third side.
Theorem 9.5.13(a) can be proved with the help of figure 9.29. A line DE is
drawn parallel to the side BC of ΔABC and we want to prove that it divides the
sides AB and AC of ΔABC proportionally; that is, we want to prove that
The first observation we make is that ΔBDE and ΔCDE have the same
area because they lie on the same base (DE) and between the same parallellines
(DE and BC). Also, in figure 9.29, the common altitude of triangles ADE and
BDE is EF, and the common altitude of triangles ADE and CDE is DG.
Therefore, we can write the following sequence of equations:
THEOREM 9.5.14.
(a) If two triangles are similar, then their sides are in proportion.
(b) (Converse) If the sides of two triangles are in proportion, then they
are similar triangles.
Whenever we state that two triangles are similar, we label the vertices in the
order in which corresponding angles are equal. For instance, we write ΔEFG |||
ΔPGR to mean that the angle at E equals the angle at P, the angle at F equals the
angle at Q, and the angle at G equals the angle at R. Theorem 9.5.14(a) states
that the corresponding sides EF and PQ, EG and PR, and FG and QR are in the
same proportion, that is, we can write a set of equations as we did above:
When we write these ratios, any pair of letters we choose from “EFG” is
exactly matched with a pair of letters from “PQR.” With this in mind, any pair of
correct ratios can be written down automatically. For example, we can write
THEOREM 9.5.15. The perpendicular drawn from the vertex of a right angle of a
right triangle to the hypotenuse divides the triangle into two triangles that are
similar to each other and similar to the original triangle.
The proof of theorem 9.5.15 is example 9.4.3.
A proof of the final theorem of this section and its converse was published
by the Italian Mathematian Giovanni Ceva in 1678. (We will not provide the
proof here.) It is not known whether he knew about a proof dating back to the
eleventh century, by an Arabic ruler of Spain.
THEOREM 9.5.16.
(a) If D, E, and F are three points on the sides of a triangle ABC, such
that D is on the side opposite A, E is on the side opposite B, and F
is on the side opposite C, and such that AD, BE, and CF are
concurrent, then (Ceva’s Theorem).
THEOREM 9.6.1.
(a) The line segment joining the center of a circle to the midpoint of a
chord is perpendicular to the chord.
(b) (Converse) The perpendicular drawn from the center of a circle to
a chord bisects the chord.
(c) (Corollary) The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through
the center of the circle.
Theorem 9.6.1(a) states that a line through the center of a circle that bisects a
chord is perpendicular to the chord. The reason is that, if the end points of the
chord are joined to the center of the circle, then two congruent triangles are
formed and the equal angles at the midpoint of the chord lie on a straight line
and are therefore both equal to right angles. (Draw a diagram!)
Theorem 9.6.1(b), the converse theorem, can be proven in the same way, and
theorem 9.6.1(c) can be proved by contradiction: if the perpendicular bisector of
a chord does not pass through the center of the circle, then another line passing
through the center of the circle is also a perpendicular bisector of the chord and,
by theorem 9.6.1(a) and (b), it is obviously not possible for two such lines to
THEOREM 9.6.2. The angle that an arc of a circle subtends at the center of the
circle is twice the angle it subtends at any point of the circle.
For the proof of theorem 9.6.2, refer to the two diagrams in figure 9.34. The
arc AC subtends the angle AÔC at the center of the circle and the angle on
the circumference of the circle. (By the arc AC, we mean the minor arc AC in the
first diagram and the major arc AC in the second diagram.) We need to prove
that in each case. The technique of the proof is to construct the
dotted lines, as shown in each diagram, that create the angles marked s and t at
B, and the angles marked α and β at O. Note that ΔAOB and ΔCOB are isosceles
triangles, in each case. By theorem 9.5.5(a), α = s + s = 2s and β = t + t = 2t.
Thus, AÔC = α + β = 2s + 2t = 2(s + t) = 2A C, in each case.
It is not always easy to see when theorem 9.6.2 can be applied, and so care
should be taken to apply it correctly.
THEOREM 9.6.3.
(a) The diameter of a circle subtends a right angle at the
circumference. (Thales’ Theorem.)
(b) (Converse) If the angle subtended by an arc of a circle at a point of
the circle is a right angle, then the arc is a semicircle.
(c) (Converse) If the hypotenuse of a right triangle is taken as the
diameter of a circle, then the circle passes through the vertex
containing the right angle.
Theorem 9.6.3(a) can be proved using theorem 9.6.2, with the help of figure
9.36, in which AC is a diameter subtending a point B at a point on the
circumference. It is clear that α and β add up to 90° (because 2α and 2β add up to
180°). This means that is a right angle.
THEOREM 9.6.4.
(a) Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal.
(b) (Converse) If a line segment joining two points subtends equal
angles at two other points on the same side of the line segment,
then these four points are concyclic.
(c) (Corollary) The angles subtended by arcs of equal length in a given
circle are equal.
(d) (Corollary) The angles subtended by arcs of equal length in two
different circles with equal radii are equal.
The statement of theorem 9.6.4(a) is illustrated in figure 9.38. All the angles
marked with an arc are subtended by the arc AB, and they all lie on the same side
of the chord joining A to B (the dotted line); that is, they are all in the same
segment. These angles are equal, by theorem 9.6.2, because they are all half the
magnitude of the angle subtended by the arc AB at the center of the circle (not
shown in the diagram). The proof of the converse statement and corollaries is
left as an exercise.
EXAMPLE 9.6.4. In figure 9.40, a circle with center O passes through the points Q
and R, and another circle passes through the points O, Q, and R. Thus, QR is a
chord common to the two circles. A chord OS of the second circle intersects QR
at P. The radii OQ and OR are drawn, and Q is joined to S. The angles at R and S
are equal (angles in the same segment), and these are also equal to ,
because ΔROQ is isosceles. Also, note that ΔOQS ||| ΔOPQ. Hence
Another way to write this equation is |OQ|2 = |OP| · |OS|. If the radius of the
circle centered at O is r, then we have proved that |OP| · |OS| = r2.
THEOREM 9.6.6.
(a) An exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the interior
opposite angle.
(b) (Converse) If an exterior angle of a quadrilateral is equal to the
interior opposite angle, then the quadrilateral is cyclic.
Theorem 9.6.6(a) follows immediately from theorem 9.6.5(a): figure 9.42
shows one side QP of a cyclic quadrilateral PQRS extended in the direction of T
to form an exterior angle Because the angles are
supplementary and the angles are supplementary, it follows that
are equal, as marked. Try to draw another seven possible exterior
angles in the diagram and mark the interior angles to which they are equal.
EXAMPLE 9.6.5. In a triangle ABC, let D, E, and F be any points on the sides
opposite A, B, and C, respectively. Prove that the circle through the points A, E,
and F, the points B, D, and F, and points C, D, and E, intersect at the same point.
Answer: Figure 9.43 shows the first two circles intersecting at a point M. By
theorem 9.6.6(a), the cyclic quadrilateral AFME has an exterior angle at F equal
to the interior angle at E and, similarly, the cyclic quadrilateral BDMF has an
exterior angle at D equal to the interior angle at F. Therefore, the quadrilateral
CEMD has an exterior angle at E that is equal to the interior angle at D and so,
by theorem 9.6.6(b), we can conclude that CEMD is also a cyclic quadrilateral;
that is, the circle through the points C, E, and D also passes through M.
THEOREM 9.6.7.
(a) The sum of the products of the lengths of the two pairs of opposite
sides of a cyclic quadrilateral equals the products of the lengths of
its diagonals (Ptolemy’s Theorem).
(b) (Converse) If the sum of the products of the lengths of the two pairs
of opposite sides of a quadrilateral equals the products of its
diagonals, then the quadrilateral is cyclic.
Ptolemy’s Theorem (theorem 9.6.7(a)) can be proved using similar triangles
with the help of figure 9.44. We need to prove that |PQ| · |SR| + |QR| · |PS| = |PR|
· |QS|. A useful trick is to insert a line segment QA, so that as
marked in the diagram. By theorem 9.6.4(a), ΔSPQ ||| ΔRAQ, and so or
|QR| · |PS| = |AR| · |QS|. Similarly, by theorem 9.6.4(a), ΔPQA ||| ΔSQR, and so
or |PQ| · |SR| = |PA| · |SQ|. If we add these two pairs of equations, then
THEOREM 9.6.8.
(a) A tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius at the point of
(b) (Converse) A line drawn perpendicular to a radius at the point
where the radius meets the circle is a tangent to the circle.
Theorem 9.6.8(a) can be proved with the help of figure 9.45, in which a line l
is tangent to a circle at the point A. If we suppose that the radius OA is not
perpendicular to l, then, by exercise 9.3, OA is not the shortest distance from O
to A and so there is some other point B on l such that |OB| is the shortest distance
from O to l (and OB is perpendicular to l). This results in a contradiction,
because any point on l besides the point A is a point outside the circle (recall that
a line that is tangent to a circle touches the circle at a single point only) and so
the distance from O to that point is greater than the radius of the circle.
Therefore, it must be the case that A is the point on l that is closest to O and OA
must be perpendicular to l. The proof of theorem 9.6.8(b) is left as an exercise.
EXAMPLE 9.6.6. In figure 9.46, the centers of two touching circles are labeled O
and P, and the touching point is labeled A. The common tangent line is
constructed, and the centers O and P are joined to A. By theorem 9.6.8(a), the
four angles at A are right angles, and so the line segments OA and PA join to
form a straight line. In other words, we have proved that the line joining the
centers of two touching circles passes through the touching point.
EXAMPLE 9.6.7. Two intersecting circles are said to be orthogonal to each other if
the tangent lines to the respective circles at the intersecting points are
perpendicular to one another, as shown in figure 9.47. It follows from theorem
9.6.8(a) that the tangent line to either of the circles extends through the center of
the other circle, as illustrated. Note that the quadrilateral OAPB is a kite. It is
also a cyclic quadrilateral, by theorem 9.6.5(b).
THEOREM 9.6.9.
(a) The angle between a tangent to a circle and a chord drawn from the
point of contact is equal to an angle in the alternate segment of the
(b) (Converse) If an angle between a chord of a circle and a line
through the end of that chord is equal to an angle in the alternate
THEOREM 9.6.10.
(a) If a point P is outside a circle and two secant lines from P pass
through the circle at A and D, and B and C, respectively, then | AP
| · | DP | = | BP | · | CP | (the theorem of intersecting secants).
(b) (b) (Corollary) The tangent to a circle from an external point is the
mean proportional (geometric mean) of the lengths of the segments
of any secant from the external point.
EXAMPLE 9.6.8. Figure 9.49 shows a right triangle ABC in which the sides AC
and BC are the diameters of two circles. If P is a point on AB such that CP is
perpendicular to AB, then, by theorem 9.6.3(c), both circles pass through P. We
denote |BC|, |AC|, |BP|, and |AP| by a, b, x, and y, respectively, and we let c = x +
y. By theorem 9.6.10(b), a2 = x · c and b2 = y · c. If we add these equations, then
a2 + b2 = x · c + y · c = (x + y) · c = c · c = c2.
EXAMPLE 9.7.1. The Golden Ratio, usually designated ϕ, is the positive number
whose square is one more than itself, that is, ϕ2 = ϕ + 1. The positive solution of
this equation is If a line segment AB is cut into two segments AC and
CB, with AC being longer than CB, so that that is, the proportion of the
longer segment to AB is the same as the proportion of the shorter segment to the
longer segment, then it is called a golden cut of AB. If the length of CB is 1 unit,
that is, |CB| = 1, then |AC| = ϕ.
We now prove that a golden cut can be constructed using a 3-4-5 triangle
(recall that this is a right triangle with side-lengths equal to 3, 4, and 5). In figure
9.50, |BC| = 3, |AC| = 4, and |AB| = 5 in ΔABC. The line bisecting the angle at B
passes through a point O that lies on AC. The point D is the intersection of a
perpendicular to AB through O. Thus, ΔODB is congruent to ΔOCB (by ∠∠s),
and so OD and OC are radii of a circle centered at O. This circle meets the
bisector of B at the points labeled S and T. Furthermore, because |OC| = |OD| and
ΔADO ||| ΔACB, we have However, |AO| + |OC| = 4 and this
implies, together with the previous equation, that Now, by
theorem 9.6.10(a) (the theorem of intersecting secants), |BT| · |BS| = |BC|2. This
in turn implies that |BT| (3 + |BT|) = 9. If we solve this equation, then the positive
solution is It is now easy to verify that the circle intersects the line
EXAMPLE 9.7.2. If a and b form a pair of positive numbers, then the classical
means are
• the arithmetic mean
Statement Reason
H · s = t2 Consequence of theorem 9.5.15
H · s + H2 = t2 + H2 = G2 Pythagorean Theorem
H · (s + H) = G2
H · A = G2 s + H and A are radii (i.e., A = S + H)
EXAMPLE 9.7.3. We will prove that the circum-center (O), centroid (P), and
ortho-center (H) of ΔABC in figure 9.52 are collinear. A part of the diagram is a
reconstruction of figure 9.37. It was proved in example 9.5.4 that BHCD is a
parallelogram, so, if we include the diagonal HD of this parallelogram,
intersecting the diagonal BC at F, then, as in figure 9.22, the line segment AF is
a median of ΔABC and a median of ΔADH. Furthermore, the line segment OH is
another median of ΔADH. Because medians trisect one another (theorem
9.5.12(c)), the intersection point P of OH and AF is one-third of the distance
from F to A. This means that P is also the centroid of ΔABC. Thus, the circum-
center, centroid, and ortho-center of ΔABC are collinear.
First, draw lines AJ and DJ passing through B and F, respectively, and also
construct the other line segments shown in figure 9.53. The angles marked at B
with tick marks are equal because triangles GAB and GEB are congruent (sss).
Similarly, the angles marked at C with tick marks are equal because triangles
CFG and CDG are congruent (sss). As a consequence, triangles CFH and CDH
are also congruent, and so the angles at H are right angles. Another right angle is
BĜC (by Thales’ Theorem and the construction of G).
This implies that GB || DJ, which means that the two pairs of complementary
angles at B and F and B and J are equal. The angles marked at D and F are also
equal, and this proves that AJ || DC (the alternate angles at J and D are equal).
Consequently, the pair of conterior angles BÂD and C A are supplementary.
Furthermore, because ΔGEF is isosceles, and so, by the congruence
of triangles identified above, We conclude that the angles marked at
A and D are also equal (because GAD is an isosceles triangle) and, therefore,
This means that and are both right angles. Our
conclusion that AD is a common tangent line to the two given circles now
follows from theorem 9.6.8(b).
We can solve for cosθ in each of these equations (using the identity cos(π −
θ)= − cos(θ)), and equate the resulting expressions:
x2 y2 = (ac + bd)2.
The proof is complete when we take the square root on each side.
9.1. Prove that, in any triangle, the angle opposite the greater side is greater
than the other two angles. (Proposition 18, book 1, of The Elements.)
(Hint: Construct an isosceles triangle with a vertex on the greater side and
use theorem 9.5.5(a).)
9.2. Prove that, in any triangle, the side opposite the greater angle is longer
than the other two sides.
(Proposition 19, book 1, of The Elements.)
9.3. Prove that the line segment from a point to a line that is perpendicular to
the line is the shortest line segment from that point to the line.
(Hint: This follows from exercise 9.1 and theorem 9.5.5(c).)
9.4. Prove that in any triangle the sum of any two sides is greater than the
remaining one.
(Proposition 20, book 1, of the elements). (Hint: Use the property stated in
exercise 9.2 to prove that |AB| + |AC| > |BC| in figure 9.55.)
9.6. Demonstrate that the perpendicular bisector of a given line segment can be
constructed using a compass and a straightedge.
9.7. Demonstrate that the angular bisector of a given angle can be constructed
using a compass and a straightedge.
9.8. Prove theorem 9.5.12(a).
9.9. Prove first that any two angle-bisectors both pass through the in-center of
the triangle; then prove that the three angle-bisectors are concurrent.
9.10. Prove theorem 9.5.12(b).
9.11. Figure 9.57 shows a triangle RUV with a point Q on the side RU such that
|QV| = |UV|. A line PQ is drawn parallel to VU from a point P on RV, and
extended to a point T so that |QT| = |QV|. The point V is joined to T, and a
line SQ is drawn parallel to VT from another point S on RV. Prove that SQ
is perpendicular to RU.
(Hint: Find congruent triangles.)
9.26. In figure 9.61, the common tangent lines to two intersecting circles pass
through the points S and T and U and V, respectively. The points S and U
are joined by a line, and the points T and V are joined by a line. Prove that
these two lines are parallel.
(Hint: it will help to extend the tangent lines to a point where they meet
and, from there, construct one other line.)
9.27. Describe how you would construct a common tangent line to two
intersecting circles (as shown in figure 9.61).
(Hint: this can be done by means of a method that is exactly analogous to
the method that was used to construct the common tangent line for two
separated (i.e., nonintersecting) circles in section 9.7.)
9.28. Figure 9.62 shows a circle with radius r and center O. A point P is a point
inside the circle and OP is perpendicular to a chord RT. OP is produced to
meet a tangent line from T at Q. Prove that |OP| · |OQ| = |OT|2 = r2 = r2.
(This means that Q is the inverse of P with respect to the circle.)
(Hint: Find similar triangles in the diagram.)
9.40. In figure 9.68, O is the center of the circle, |QR| = 2 and ΔPRS has an
angle of magnitude x at R and an angle of magnitude 2x at S. Prove that r
= csc (3x), where r is the radius of the circle.
Theorem (a) angles are equal to one another.
9.5.3 (ii) If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then pairs of
alternate angles are equal to one another.
(iii) If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then pairs of
cointerior angles are supplementary.
(b) (i) If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then pairs of
(i) (Converse) If two lines are intersected by a transversal
such that a pair of corresponding angles are equal, then the
two lines are parallel.
(ii) (Converse) If two lines are intersected by a transversal
such that a pair of alternate angles are equal, then the two
lines are parallel.
(iii) (Converse) If two lines are intersected by a transversal
such that a pair of cointerior angles are supplementary, then
the two lines are parallel.
Theorem Lines that are parallel to the same line are parallel to each other.
Theorem (a) The exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either of the
9.5.5 interior opposite angles.
(b) The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the
interior opposite angles (ext. ∠ of Δ).
(c) The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°.
Theorem (a) If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are
9.5.6 respectively equal to two sides and the included angle of
another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent (s∠s).
(b) If two angles and a side of one triangle are respectively equal
to two angles and the corresponding side of another triangle,
then the triangles are congruent (∠∠s).
(c) If three sides of one triangle are equal to three sides of
another triangle, then the triangles are congruent (sss).
(d) If, in two right-angled triangles, the hypotenuse and one side
of the one are respectively equal to the hypotenuse and one
side of the other, then the triangles are congruent (⊥hs).
Theorem (a) The angles opposite the equal sides of an isosceles triangle
are equal.
(b) (Converse) If two angles of a triangle are equal, then the
sides opposite them are equal.
Theorem (a) The square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is
9.5.8 equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
(Pythagorean Theorem.)
(b) (Converse) If the square of one side of a triangle is equal to
the sum of the squares of the other two sides, then the angle
opposite the first side is a right angle.
Theorem (a) The opposite sides of a parallelogram have the same length.
9.5.9 (b) (Converse) If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral have the
same length, it is a parallelogram.
(c) The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.
(d) (Converse) If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral are equal,
then it is a parallelogram.
(e) The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
(f) (Converse) If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each
other, then it is a parallelogram.
(g) If one pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are both
parallel and have the same length, it is a parallelogram.
(h) The diagonals of a rectangle have the same length.
(i) The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles
and bisect the angles of the rhombus.
Theorem (a) The area of a parallelogram is bisected by each diagonal.
9.5.10 (b) A parallelogram and a rectangle on the same base and
between the same parallels have equal areas.
(c) The area of a triangle is equal to one-half the area of a
parallelogram on the same base and between the same
Theorem (a) If three or more parallel lines cut off equal line segments on
9.5.11 one transversal, then they cut off equal line segments on any
(b) If a line drawn parallel to the base of a triangle bisects one of
the sides of the triangle, then it bisects the third side of the
(c) The line segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a
triangle is parallel to the third side, and equal to half the third
side (the midpoint theorem).
Theorem (a) The internal bisectors of the angles of a triangle are
9.5.12 concurrent, and the point of concurrence is the in-center of
the triangle.
(b) The perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle are
concurrent, and the point of concurrence is the circum-center
of the triangle.
(c) The medians of a triangle are concurrent and the point of
concurrence, the centroid of the triangle, is one third of the
distance from the opposite side to the vertex along any
(d) The altitudes of a triangle are concurrent, and the point of
concurrence is the ortho-center of the triangle.
Theorem (a) A straight line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the
9.5.13 other two sides proportionally.
(b) (Converse) If a line cuts two sides of a triangle so as to divide
them in the same ratio, then that line is parallel to the third
Theorem (a) If two triangles are similar, then their sides are in proportion.
9.5.14 (b) (Converse) If the sides of two triangles are in proportion, then
they are similar triangles.
Theorem The perpendicular drawn from the vertex of a right angle of a
9.5.15 right-angled triangle to the hypotenuse, divides the triangle into
two triangles that are similar to each other and to the original
Theorem (a) If D, E, and F are three points on the sides of a triangle ABC,
9.5.16 such that D is on the side opposite A, E is on the side
opposite B, and F is on the side opposite C, and such that AD,
BE, and CF are concurrent, then (Ceva’s
(b) (Converse) If D, E, and F are three points on the sides of a
triangle ABC, such that D is on the side opposite A, E is on
the side opposite B, and F is on the side opposite C, and such
that then AD, BE, and CF are concurrent.
Theorem (a) The line segment joining the center of a circle to the midpoint
9.6.1 of a chord is perpendicular to the chord.
(b) (Converse) The perpendicular drawn from the center of a
circle to a chord bisects the chord.
(c) (Corollary) The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes
through the center of the circle.
Theorem The angle that an arc of a circle subtends at the center of the circle
9.6.2 is twice the angle it subtends at any point of the circle.
Theorem (a) The diameter of a circle subtends a right angle at the
9.6.3 circumference. (Thales’ Theorem.)
(b) (Converse) If the angle subtended by a chord at a point of the
circle is a right angle, then the chord is a diameter.
(c) (Converse) If the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is
taken as the diameter of a circle, then the circle passes
through the vertex containing the right angle.
Theorem (a) Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal.
9.6.4 (b) (Converse) If a line segment joining two points subtends
equal angles at two other points on the same side of the line
segment, then these four points are concyclic.
(c) (Corollary) The angles subtended by arcs of equal length in a
given circle, are equal.
(d) (Corollary) The angles subtended by arcs of equal length in
two different circles with equal radii, are equal.
Theorem (a) The opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are
9.6.5 supplementary.
(b) (Converse) If one pair of opposite angles of a quadrilateral
are supplementary, then the quadrilateral is a cyclic
Theorem (a) An exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the
9.6.6 interior opposite angle.
(b) (Converse) If an exterior angle of a quadrilateral is equal to
the interior opposite angle, then the quadrilateral is cyclic.
Theorem (a) The sum of the products of the lengths of the two pairs of
9.6.7 opposite sides of a cyclic quadrilateral equals the products of
the lengths of its diagonals. (Ptolemy’s Theorem.)
(b) (Converse) If the sum of the products of the lengths of the
Spherical trigonometry is used for computing angles and distances in terrestrial
navigation and celestial astronomy. For the purposes of terrestrial navigation, we
regard the Earth as a sphere (a perfectly round ball), although, correctly
speaking, the shape of the Earth is approximately a geoid, not a sphere.
An early pioneer of spherical trigonometry was Mohammed ibn Mûsâ al-
Khowârizmî in the ninth century AD. The sine rule that is basic to spherical
trigonometry was discovered by another Arabic Astronomer and Mathematician
Abu al-Wafa al-Buzjani (tenth century AD). The development of spherical
trigonometry continued in the Islamic Iberian Peninsula (Spain) in the eleventh
century and in Iran in the thirteenth century.
The objective of this chapter is to derive formulas for solving triangles on the
sphere, as demonstrated in sections 10.4 to 10.6. By traingles on the sphere, we
mean triangles formed by arcs of great circles, that is, a path between two points
on a sphere that takes the shortest distance.
All the terminology that is needed for doing geometry and trigonometry on
the sphere is introduced in section 10.2. The properties of vectors in space that
are introduced in section 10.3 lay the groundwork for proving the sine and
cosine rules in section 10.4 for triangles on the sphere.
In this chapter, we will investigate some relationships between objects (e.g.,
spheres, planes, and lines) in three-dimensional space. It is possible to give a
formal and mathematical description of three-dimensional space using a three-
dimensional coordinate system, that is, an extension of the Euclidean plane by
means of a third axis; however, for our purposes, it will be satisfactory to regard
THEOREM 10.2.1. The sum of any two face angles of a pyramid is greater than
the third face angle.
PROOF. We only need to prove that the sum of the two smaller face angles is
greater than the largest face angle. In the first diagram in figure 10.1, we suppose
that is greater than both of and This means that a line can be
drawn in the face AVC from V toward the base of the pyramid to a point D so
that and |VD| = |VB|. In the second diagram in figure 10.1, the base
of the pyramid is adjusted so that the line AC passes through D.
but we see that ΔAVD ≡ ΔAVB (sas), and so |AB| = |AD|. By formula (10.1), this
allows us to conclude that |BC|>|DC|, and it follows from this that
(why?). Now we can add to both sides of the last inequality to obtain
Therefore, (because
). This is equivalent to which is what we had to
10.2.2 Spheres
DEFINITION 10.2.1. A sphere is the collection of all points (or surface) in space
that are a specified distance from a given point (called the center of the sphere).
(as shown in figure 10.2). Conversely, any circle in the sphere is contained in a
plane intersecting the sphere.
DEFINITION 10.2.2. If a plane that intersects the sphere passes through the center
of the sphere, the intersection is called a great circle; if not, it is called a small
EXAMPLE 10.2.1. The equator and meridians on the Earth (regarded as a sphere)
are great circles.
DEFINITION 10.2.4. The poles of a great circle are the two ends of the diameter of
the sphere that is perpendicular to the plane containing the great circle (see
figure 10.3).
Any two points that are the end points of a diameter of the sphere can be
referred to as antipodal points. Thus, the poles of a great circle are antipodal
EXAMPLE 10.2.2. The North Pole and the South Pole are poles of the equator (the
line connecting the North Pole to the South Pole through the center of the Earth
is perpendicular to the plane of the equator).
REMARK 10.2.1. Because the relationship of the equator to the poles of the Earth
is familiar to us, it will be useful in the continuation of this chapter to refer to the
great circle in a plane perpendicular to the diameter of the sphere joining two
specified antipodal points, as the “equator,” and to refer to the arcs of great
circles joining them, as “meridians”.
An important geometrical fact about the sphere is that there is a unique great
circle passing through any two given points on the sphere and that the shortest
distance between any specified pair of points is the length of the shorter arc of
the great circle passing through the two points. For this reason, we think of great
circles on the sphere as the analogues of straight lines in the plane.
DEFINITION 10.2.5. A tangent plane to a sphere is a plane that touches the sphere
at only one point, and a tangent line to a sphere is a line (contained in a tangent
plane) that touches the sphere at only one point (see figure 10.4).
Note that for any specified point p on a sphere, there is a unique tangent
plane denoted as Tp that is tangent to the sphere and passes through p. All
tangent lines to the sphere passing through p are contained in Tp.
If two distinct circles on a sphere intersect (at one or two points), then the
angle between the circles at an intersection point is defined to be the smallest
angle formed between the two tangent lines to the circles at the point of
intersection. If there are two intersection points, then the angle will be the same
at each point, and so we can talk about the angle between the circles. This is
shown in figure 10.6, in which the angle, labeled θ, is measured in the tangent
plane that contains the tangent lines. If two circles meet at one point then the
circles are touching and they have a common tangent line at the touching point,
which means the angle between them is zero.
The following fact is not hard to verify geometrically (think about the
definition of a great circle):
REMARK 10.2.2. Any two distinct great circles intersect at two antipodal points,
called vertices, on the sphere.
Therefore, we have the following definition:
DEFINITION 10.2.7. The angle between any two distinct great circles (i.e., the
angle at each vertex) is referred to as a spherical angle.
REMARK 10.2.3. Any two distinct great circles on a sphere divide the sphere into
four regions, separated by four meridians, and each region is called a lune.
REMARK 10.2.5. Because the radian measure of an angle is defined as the length
of the arc of the unit circle corresponding to the angle (see definition 4.2.1), we
can identify the length of an arc of a great circle with the angle subtended by the
arc at the center of the sphere. This identification can be made in radians or in
In figure 10.7, the length of an arc of a great circle is 30° (π/6 radians).
REMARK 10.2.6. The radian measure of the spherical angle formed by any two
distinct great circles is the radian measure of the angle subtended at the center of
the sphere by the smaller arc of the equator crossing the great circles. (That is,
the equator with respect to the vertices, as explained in remark 10.2.1).
Examine figure 10.8, in which the radian measure of the angle DÔE (the
radian measure of the spherical angle) is precisely the length of the arc of the
equator from E to D (labeled l).
Henceforth, we will assume that all spherical triangles are, in fact, proper
spherical triangles, but we should not forget that we are restricting the definition
of a spherical triangle.
The theorems below state some important facts about spherical triangles. The
angle at each vertex of a spherical triangle is the spherical angle (as in definition
10.2.7). We typically label the vertices of a spherical triangle as A, B, and C, and
the sides opposite these vertices as a, b, and c. We also refer to the angle at a
vertex and the length of a side by means of their label. For instance, theorem
10.2.2 states that for any spherical triangle a + b < c < b, and b + c < a.
THEOREM 10.2.2. The length of any side of a spherical triangle is less than the
sum of the lengths of the other two sides.
PROOF. The three distinct planes containing the three sides of the spherical
triangle form a vertex at the center of the sphere. The length of each side is
exactly a face angle at the center of the sphere, and so the result follows from
theorem 10.2.1.
THEOREM 10.2.3.
(a) The length of any side of a spherical triangle is less than 180° (π).
(b) The sum of the lengths of the sides of a spherical triangle is less
than 360° (2π).
PROOF. Both of these properties follow from the fact that a spherical triangle is
contained within a hemisphere. In particular, (a) states that any side of a
spherical triangle is less than half of a great circle (this is obvious) and (b) states
that the perimeter of a proper spherical triangle is less than the perimeter of a
In more detail, to see why (b) is true, consider figure 10.10, in which the two
sides a and b of a spherical triangle ABC extend to two meridians intersecting at
the pair of vertices C and C*, and the spherical triangle ABC is contained in the
lune between these meridians. The third side c of the spherical triangle ABC
divides the lune into two spherical triangles. The sides of the second spherical
triangle are a*, b*, and c. By theorem 10.2.2, c < a* + b*, therefore a + b + c < a
+ b + a* + b*, which can be restated as a + b + c < (a + a*) + (b + b*). Because
each of a + a* and b + b* is a meridian with length π, we can conclude that a + b
+ c < 2π.
Here is one property that planar triangles and spherical triangles have in
common. (We do not provide the proof.)
THEOREM 10.2.4. Let the lengths of the sides and the spherical angles of a
spherical triangle be labeled as a, b, c and A, B, C, respectively. Then, the order
of magnitudes of the sides is the same as the order of magnitudes of the angles,
that is, if a < b < c, then A < B < C (and conversely).
We now introduce the notion of a polar spherical triangle, which is very
useful for proving theorems about spherical triangles.
We can describe ABC and A′B′C′ as mutually polar spherical triangles. The
statement of the next theorem relating to mutually polar spherical triangles might
be confusing at first, but the proof of the theorem will make it clear.
PROOF. Figure 10.12 is a modification of figure 10.11, in which the arc BC has
been extended to meet the equator of B at the point P. Similarly, the arc BA
meets the equator of B at the point Q. By the definition of a spherical angle, the
magnitude of the angle B is the same as the length of the (shorter) arc from P to
Q. Now because BP is contained in the equator for A′, and BQ is contained in the
equator for C′, we can conclude that A′P = 90° and C′Q = 90°. Therefore,
Similarly, A = 180° − B′C′ and C = 180° − A′B′. This proves the theorem.
It is worthwhile to make a list of all the relationships contained in the
statement of theorem 10.2.6. If we denote by a′, b′, c′ the arcs of spherical
triangle A′B′C′ opposite the vertices A′, B′, C′, respectively, then
We are ready now to prove a theorem that exhibits another way in which the
geometry of spherical triangles is drastically different from the geometry of
planar triangles.
THEOREM 10.2.7.
(a) Every angle in a spherical triangle is less than 180° (π).
(b) The sum of the angles of a spherical triangle is less than 540° (3π).
(c) The sum of the angles of a spherical triangle is greater than 180°
PROOF. (a) We have already proved that any side of a spherical triangle is less
than 180°. Therefore, the length of a side subtracted from 180° is also less than
180°. If we look at the first column of equations above, this means that A, B, and
C are each less than 180°. (b) By adding A, B, and C in the first column of
equations above, we find that A + B + C = 540° − (a′ + b′ + c′), and so the right-
hand side of this equation is less than 540°. (c) Furthermore, by theorem
10.2.3(b) above, a′ + b′ + c′ < 360°. Therefore,
The amount by which the sum of angles of a spherical triangle exceeds 180°
is known as the spherical excess of the spherical triangle. It is usually denoted as
E, that is
E = (A + B + C) − 180°.
The following theorem states something surprising about the spherical
THEOREM 10.2.8. On the unit sphere, the spherical excess of a spherical triangle
is equal to the area of the spherical triangle (Girard’s Theorem).
where Â, , and Ĉ are the angles at the vertices of the spherical triangle. If we
add the three equations above, we obtain
where θ is the angle between vectors and (note that 0 ≤ θ ≤ π). (This
resembles the formula for the dot product given in formula (4.22).) The factor | |
sin(θ) is the magnitude of the perpendicular projection of onto , which is the
length labeled h in figure 10.17.
REMARK 10.3.1. Unlike the dot product, the order of the vectors in the cross
product does matter; in fact (if the fingers of the right-hand curl
from to instead of from to , then the thumb points in the opposite
direction). This is shown in figure 10.16.
REMARK 10.3.2. Vectors are parallel if and only if their cross product is the zero
vector. (In particular, the cross product of a vector with itself is the zero vector.)
The reason for this is that two vectors are parallel if and only if the angle
between them is zero or π, and in either case the sine ratio of this angle is zero,
and so, by formula (10.2), the magnitude of the cross product is zero.
REMARK 10.3.4. If two unit vectors are perpendicular to each other, then their
cross product is again a unit vector. This follows from formula (10.2): if the
angle θ between the unit vectors and is a right angle, that is, then
The first property has already been explained. The proof of the second
property is left as an exercise. The third and fourth properties express the
distributive law for the cross product. They are difficult to prove using geometric
methods, so their proofs will not be given here.
Recall that the sum of two vectors and can be expressed geometrically as
the completion of a parallelogram. Because
and the factor in parenthesis is the magnitude of the perpendicular projection of
onto , we ascertain the following.
REMARK 10.3.6. The magnitude of the cross product of two vectors is the area of
the parallelogram spanned by the vectors.
where c and d are unknown scalars. We will find c and d as follows: because
is perpendicular to , we have and then, by taking the
dot product with on both sides of formula (10.6):
Note that the scalar triple product identity (formula (10.4)) was used to
obtain the third equation. Now, we can solve for d:
for some scalar value α. If we take the dot product with on both sides of this
equation, then
Now read the following set of equations carefully. (The scalar triple product
identity is used to go from the first to the second line, and lemma 10.3.1 is used
to go from the second to the third line. The remaining steps use properties of the
dot and cross products.)
We will use lemma 10.3.2 to prove the basic identities relating the sides and
angles of a spherical triangle in section 10.4. Before proceeding to do so we need
to make some comments about normal vectors and the angle between two
THEOREM 10.4.1. The sine rule: For a spherical triangle with spherical angles A,
B, and C and arc lengths a, b, and c,
The spherical angle A (the angle between the tangent vectors at A in figure
10.20) is the angle between the plane containing the vectors and and the arc
c, and the plane containing the vectors and and the arc b. Because
are a pair of normal vectors to these planes, the angle between
them is, by remark 10.3.8, equal to the spherical angle A (the vectors and
point to the same side of as the tangent vectors, which are perpendicular to )
and so, by the definition of the cross product,
Another inference we can make from figure 10.20 is that the angle a is the
The denominator on the right-hand side is the same in each case and, by
lemma 10.3.2, the numerators are the same in each case. This proves the sine
rule for spherical triangles.
PROOF. Refer again to figure 10.20. As given in the proof of the sine rule for
spherical triangles, the angle between vectors is the angle A.
Therefore, according to the definition of the dot product,
This can be taken one step further by distributing the dot product with .
This yields
where the second equality follows from the fact that a is ihe angle between and
, b is the angle between and , and c is the angle between and . The terms
in the equation above can be rearranged to give the first statement of the cosine
rule for sides. The second and third statements of the cosine rule for sides can be
proved similarly.
The cosine rule for angles, stated next, can be proved by substituting the
appropriate relationships from theorem 10.2.6 into the cosine rule for sides
(theorem 10.4.2). This is left as an exercise.
EXAMPLE 10.4.1. Find the side b in a spherical triangle if a = 76°, c = 58°, and B
= 117°.
Answer: Use the cosine rule for sides to solve for b:
Figure 10.21 shows a unit sphere and a spherical triangle ACB with a right
angle at C. Furthermore, the plane AOC is perpendicular to the plane BOC,
AN⊥OB, and AM⊥OC. The points M and N are joined to create the triangle
MON. It is also true that the triangle MNO has a right angle at N. This can be
verified by an application of the converse of the Pythagorean Theorem (theorem
We can now conclude that MN and AN are parallel to the tangent vectors that
form the spherical angle at B and, therefore, the spherical angle at B is equal to
In triangle AOM, the angle at O is equal to b; therefore,
and so
In figure 10.22, BP⊥OA, BQ⊥OC, and the points P and Q are joined to
create triangle BPQ. Triangle OPQ has a right angle at P. (This can also be
proved by applying the converse of the Pythagorean Theorem.)
We can conclude now that the spherical angle at A is equal to
(definition of a spherical angle). We can also write down trigonometric ratios of
the angles a, b, and c:
In triangle BOQ, the angle at O is equal to a; therefore,
and so
We now derive ten identities for right spherical triangles. These are all the
identities needed for solving right spherical triangles.
From figure 10.21, we derive the following identities (using formulas (10.11)
and (10.13) in the first case and formulas (10.11) and (10.16) in the second
Using triangle BPQ in figure 10.22, we derive the following identities (using
formulas (10.17) and (10.19) in the first case and formulas (10.17) and (10.22) in
the second case).
From the third equation of the cosine rule for sides (theorem 10.4.2) applied
By replacing the left-hand side of formula (10.26) with the right-hand side of
formula (10.23) and then eliminating the factor c sin according to formula
(10.25), we obtain
By replacing the left-hand side of formula (10.24) with the right-hand side of
formula (10.25) and then eliminating the factor c sin according to formula
(10.23), we obtain
By using formula (10.23) to replace the factor B sin, and formula (10.27) to
replace the factor a cos on the right-hand side of formula (10.28), we obtain
By using formula (10.25) to replace the factor A sin, and formula (10.27) to
replace the factor b cos on the right-hand side of formula (10.29), we obtain
and finally, by using formula (10.28) to replace the factor a cos, and formula
(10.29) to replace the factor b cos on the right-hand side of formula (10.27), we
10.6.1 Rules for Quadrants
Some useful facts regarding right spherical triangles can be gleaned from
formulas (10.23) to (10.32). They are expressed in the form of three rules below.
We will refer to an angle that is not a right angle or a straight angle as an
oblique angle.
PROOF. Consider formula (10.29) from section 10.5, which states: cosB = sinA
cosb. Because sin A > 0 (any angle in a spherical triangle is less than 180°), cosB
and cosb have the same sign, so B and b are in the same quadrant (the first
quadrant if cos B and cos b are both positive, and the second quadrant if cosB
and cosb are both negative).
LEMMA 10.6.2. Rule 2 for quadrants: When the hypotenuse (c) of a right
spherical triangle is less than 90°, then the other two arcs are in the same
quadrant; if the hypotenuse is greater than 90°, then the other two arcs are in
different quadrants.
PROOF. Consider equation formula (10.27) from section 10.5, which states that
cosc = cosacosb. If 0° < c < 90° (i.e., cosc is positive), then either (i) cosa or
cosb are both positive and, consequently, a and b are both in the first quadrant,
or (ii) cosa or cosb are both negative and, consequently, a and b are both in the
second quadrant. On the other hand, if 90° < c < 180° (that is, cosc is negative),
then either (i) cosa is positive and cosb is negative or (ii) cosa is negative and
cosb is positive—in either case, we see that a and b are in different quadrants.
LEMMA 10.6.3. Rule 3 for quadrants: When two given parts of a right spherical
triangle are a side and its opposite angle, and they are not equal, then there are
always two solutions (i.e., two triangles). If they are equal, then there is only one
solution (i.e., one triangle).
PROOF. Consider the lune AA* (in figure 10.23) that is intersected by the arc BC
of a great circle (not necessarily the equator) perpendicular to one side of the
lune (i.e., with a right angle at C). In the resulting spherical triangles ABC and
A*BC, the angles A and A*, being vertices of the lune, are equal. The arc a is
opposite A* in the triangle A*BC and opposite A* in the triangle A*BC. We
observe that unless BC divides the lune exactly in half (in which case a = A = A*
and the triangles ABC and A*BC are identical), the two spherical triangles ABC
and A*BC are different triangles with the side a in common and equal angles at
A and A*.
Thus, when an angle and the side opposite are given, and they are not equal,
then there are always two possible right spherical triangles, together forming a
EXAMPLE 10.6.1. Given a = 46° and A = 59°, solve the right spherical triangle.
Answer: By rule 3 for quadrants (lemma 10.6.3), there are two solutions (two
triangles). We apply formulas (10.25), (10.28), and (10.26), that is
EXAMPLE 10.6.2. Given c = 109° and B = 27°, solve the right spherical triangle.
Answer: We use rule 2 for quadrants (lemma 10.6.2) and formulas (10.23),
(10.31), and (10.32), that is
There are two rules (Napier’s Rules) for writing down equations from
Napier’s pentagon:
LEMMA 10.6.4. Napier’s Rules (I): If three parts of Napier’s pentagon are not
adjacent, then the sine of the separate part is the product of the cosines of the
opposite parts.
LEMMA 10.6.5. Napier’s Rules (II): If three parts of Napier’s pentagon are
adjacent, then the sine of the middle part is the product of the tangents of the two
adjacent parts.
An equation for determining the missing part of any right spherical triangle
(given any two parts) can now be determined using Napier’s Rules.
EXAMPLE 10.6.5. Using the data in example 10.6.2, that is, c = 109° and B = 27°,
find b, a, and A using Napier’s Rules.
Answer: To determine b, note that B and c are opposite b in Napier’s
pentagon. Therefore, we apply rule 1 (lemma 10.6.4):
sinB = tanatanc
which is equivalent to
10.1. If a spherical triangle has vertices A, B, and C, use the statements of
theorems 10.2.2, 10.2.6, and 10.2.7 to prove that −π < A + B − C < π.
(Similarly, we have -π < B + C − A <π and −< A + C − B < −.)
10.2. Use the statement and method of proof of lemma 10.3.1 to prove the
following more general identity for vector products, called the vector
triple product.
derived from the half angle identities for sine and cosine (formulas (4.17) and
(4.18)) and then use a reformulation of the cosine rule for angles (theorem
10.4.3) to replace cos c by After simplifying the expression, make
use of the addition identities and identities for sums and differences of cosine
ratios in planar trigonometry. Notice that the factors cos(S − A), cos(S − B), and
coa(S − C) are each positive because of the property proved in exercise 10.1, and
−cos(S) is positive by theorem 10.2.7(b) and (c).
10.5. Write out neatly the derivations of formulas (10.28)–(10.32).
10.6. Show that if a spherical triangle has two right angles, then the sides
opposite the right angles are each 90° and the third side equals the third
(Hint: Assume B = C = 90° and use formulas (10.23), (10.28) and
10.7. If a spherical triangle is identical to its polar triangle, what can you say
about the spherical triangle?
10.8. In a spherical triangle ABC,
(a) given B = 65°, b = 47°, C = 79°, find c using the sine rule.
(b) given a = 118°, c = 68°, B = 65°, find b using the cosine rule for
10.9. Derive the following form of the cosine rule for angles.
(Hint: To derive the first formula in formula (10.34), replace “sin(B)” with
“ ” in the first equation in formula (10.10) and then use algebraic
methods to solve for cos(B).)
10.10. Derive the following form of the cosine rule for sides:
(Hint: rewrite the formulas from the previous exercise in terms of the
corresponding polar triangle.)
10.11. Use the sine rule, the cosine rules and the reformulations of the cosine
rules in exercises 10.9 and 10.10 to to solve the following spherical
triangles with the information given. The solutions should satisfy the
statements of theorems 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.7, and especially theorem
10.2.4. In some cases there can be two solutions (two triangles) and in
some cases there can be no solution. The number of solutions is indicated
in parentheses because we have not presented enough theory in this
chapter to determine from the given information how many solutions there
should be.
(a) a = 135°, b = 45°, c = 120° (one solution)
(b) A = 145°, B = 120°, C = 150° (one solution)
(c) c = 84°, A = B = 82° (one solution)
(d) a = 76°, A = B = 50° (one solution)
(e) a = 36°, c = 84°, B = 22° (one solution)
(f) b = 49°, B = 141°, C = 42° (no solution)
(g) a = 81°, b = 68°, B = 56° (two solutions)
(h) b = 132°, B = 128°, C = 55° (two solutions)
10.12. Given C = 90°, A = 35°, c = 114°, make use of rule 1 for quadrants
(lemma 10.6.1) to find a, and then make use of rule 2 for quadrants
(lemma 10.6.2) to find b.
10.13. Solve (if possible) each of the following right spherical triangles (with C =
90°) with the given information by selecting from the ten identities
5. (a) (b, c]
(c) [b, d)
(e) {b}
8. (a) 133
(c) 2x2 + 11x −6
(e) 2
11. (a)
14. (a)
22. (a) prime (b)
(c) composite 232
(e) composite 13·14
(g) composite 32·3803·3607
25. (a)
28. (a)
(e) −2(xy)3
10. (a)
(c) y = −6x − 1
16. (a) 1
19. (a)
30. (a) 2, 2
(c) 4, −1
4. (a) (x + 1)2 −1
(c) −6(11x+5)(2x−1)
33. (a)
19. (a)
54. (a) 8
(c) −1
(e) −1
(g) −3
56. (a)
4. (a)
7. (a)
13. (a) x = 6
16. (a) −1
(g) υ ≤ 1, υ ≥ 3
19. (a) 9
(c) 7
(e) 1, 4
(g) −1, 2
(i) 2
22. (a)
23. (a)
(c) 0.581 + 2nπ, 2.561 + 2nπ
27. (a)
30. (a)
33. (a)
(c) (−∞, −4) ∪ (−4, −3) ∪ (−1, ∞)
42. (a) x2 + y2 = 4
(d) [0, 7]
(e) [−3, 5]
13. (a)
25. (a)
(e) 108
(g) 0
(i) −2
35. (a)
(c) 1
(g) 2
5. (a)
16. (a)
20. (a)
24. (a)
33. (a)
(k) 0
53. (a)
66. (a)
(c) a = 153.09°, b = 43.10°, c = 156.77°
(e) C = 85.23°, a = b = 81.21°
(g) A = 62.02°, c = 123.45°, C = 131.75° or A = 117.98°, c = 24.92°, C
= 22.13° (check that in each case) 13. (a) c =
71.45°, B = 67.30°, A = 52.75°
(b) a = 56.60°, b = 53.74°, B = 58.52°
Absolute value function, 134
Addition identities, 107–109
simplifying inequalities, 189
solving, 189–195
two-variable, 195–197
addition and subtraction, 5–6
division, 6–7
multiplication, 6
recurring decimals and irrational numbers, 7
partial fractions
formula, 186
method of, 185
rational exponents, 172–174
rational expressions
adding and subtracting, 170–171
multiplying and dividing, 170
solving equations
quadratic equation, 175
trigonometric equation, 179–181
Angles, 297
cartesian plane, 90–92
double-angle identities, 109
half-angle identities, 110
negative, 96, 97
unit circle, 95, 96
Arabic numerals, 2
Astroid, 133
Binary operation, 5
Binomial factors, 8
basic applications of
differential approximation formula, 264
Fermat’s theorem, 265
Pythagorean formula, 266
rectangular sheet, 266
tangent line, 264
time–displacement function, 263
exponential functions
derivatives of, 275–278
power rule, proof of, 280–281
formula for e, 274–275
logarithmic functions
derivatives of, 278–280
power rule, proof of, 280–281
vector-valued functions, 271–272
Cancellation equations, 150
Cartesian plane, 195
angles in, 90–92
circles, 35–36
conic sections
basic form, 36
doubling cube, problem of, 38
ellipse, 37
hyperbola, 37
parabola, 37
coordinate system, 28
linear equations and straight lines
graph of, 29–30
horizontal and vertical lines, 34–35
line, 30–32
parallel and perpendicular lines, 33
perpendicular bisector, equation of, 35
statistical analysis, 32–33
vector algebra
addition and scalar multiplication of, 40–42
dot product of, 43–45
properties of, 39
standard basis vectors, 43
subtraction of, 42–43
triangle inequality and parallelogram law, 45
Cayley product, 73
Chain rule, 268
composition of
graphs, 269
lines, 268
Leibniz notation, 270
Circles, 35–36
Codomain, 129
Cofunction identities, 98
Completing the square, 55
Complex numbers, 57
Congruent triangles, 307, 308
Coordinate pair, 28
Corollary, 301
Cosecant graphs, 104
Cosine graphs, 99–101
scaling and shifting of, 101–102
Cosine rule, 115, 359, 360
application of, 116, 117
Cotangent graph, 103
Counting numbers, 3
Cube root function, 248
Decimal notation
conversion, 15
decimal representation of
fractions, 12–13
irrational numbers, 14
rounding off decimals, 15–16
scientific notation and precision, 14
Decimal number system, 2
definition of, 248–250
formula for, 246–248
Leibniz notation, 253–254
natural numbers, power rule for, 252–253
sum, product, and quotient rules, 254–257
graphs tangential
tangent line, 245–246
x-axis, 244–245
rational exponents, power rule for, 260–261
trigonometric functions, 261–262
Differential calculus. See Calculus
Discriminant, 58
complex numbers, 75
polynomials, 61–63
Double-angle identities, 109
Elementary theorems, geometry
chords and subtended angles, 317–321
cyclic quadrilaterals, 321–323
tangent lines and secant lines, 324–326
lines and polygons
angles, 305–306
parallelograms and parallel lines, 310–313
triangles, 307–309
Euclidean geometry
basic problem solving, 301–303
elementary theorems. See Elementary theorems, geometry elements, 295–297
examples and applications, 326–331
angles, 297
circles, 299–300
line, 298
polygon, 299
Face angle, 344
Factor theorem, 64
Fermat’s theorem, 265
Floor function, 217
Fractional exponents, 134–135
number line, 3
improper, 13
LCD, 18
decimal representation of, 12–13
Function, 129
absolute value, 134
definition of, 129
fractional, 134–135
graphs of, 135–136
irrational, 135
graphs of equations, 133
inverse, 149
increasing and decreasing functions, 154–155
inverse of a point, 149
logarithms, 150–153
one-to-one functions, 153–154
trigonometric functions, 155–157
machine analogy of, 130
algebra of, 141–142
compositions of, 142–143
piecewise defined function, 139–140
rational, 137–138
root, 138–139
sine function, 133
symmetry of, 140–141
transformations of
reflections across axes, 144
vertical and horizontal scaling, 144
vertical and horizontal shifts, 143–144
types of, 131
vector-valued functions
circle, 146
definition, 145
directed curve/trajectory, 145, 146, 148
line, 146–148
vertical line test, 133–134
Girard’s theorem, 351, 352
Group theory, 84
Half-angle identities, 110
Horizontal line test, 153
Hypotenuse, 94
Incidence theorems, 304
polynomials, 189, 191, 194
simplifying inequalities, 189
two-variable, 195–197
Inscribe, 301
Intermediate value theorem (IVT), 223–225
Intersect, 300
Interval, 4–5
Inverse tangent function, 155
Inverse trigonometric functions, 155–157, 281–282
Irrational exponents, 135
Laws for exponents, 18–19
Laws of algebra
decimal notation. see Decimal notation
fractions and inequalities, 3
interval, 4–5
laws for exponents, 18–19
roots of
factorization theorems, 76–77
integer and rational roots of, 77–79
Prime numbers, 6
Principle of least squares, 32
Product rule, 254
Ptolemy’s theorem, 323
Pythagorean identities, 104–105
Pythagorean theorem, 309, 316
Quadratic equations, 54
completing the square, 55, 56
complex numbers, 57
quadratic formula, 58
Quadratic formula, 58
Quadratic polynomials
factorizing, 67–71
graphs of, 65
nature of roots, 66–67
properties of, 65
Quotient rule, 254
Radicals, 19–20
Rational functions, 137–138
Rational numbers
addition/subtraction, 5
division, 7
multiplication of, 6
Real number, 5
Rectangular coordinate system, 27
Reduced cubic equation, 80
Regression line, 32
definition of, 128
function, 129
properties, 128
type of, 129
Remainder theorem, 63, 64
Rhind papyrus, 53
Right spherical triangle, 360
Sawtooth function, 217
Schwarz inequality, 44
Scientific notation, 14
circles, 324–326
Newton’s method, 259
quadratic equation, 258
Time–displacement function, 262
Transversal, 298
Triangle inequality, 45
addition identities, 107–109
cosecant and secant, 104
sine and cosine, 99–102
sine curve, generation of, 98–99
tangent and cotangent, 103
identities, 120–121
application of, 112
ASTC, 93
cofunction identities, 98
reciprocal, 97
signs and cosine of, 92, 94
special cases of, 94, 95
solving trigonometric equations, 106
components of, 117–119
dot product, geometric interpretation of, 119–120
Unit vector, 354
Vector algebra
addition and scalar multiplication of, 40–42
dot product of
define, 43
properties of, 44
Schwarz inequality, 45
properties of, 39
standard basis vectors, 43
subtraction of, 42–43
triangle inequality and parallelogram law, 45
Vector-valued functions
circle, 146
definition, 145
directed curve/trajectory, 145, 146, 148
line, 146–148
Vertical asymptote, 103