RHEA MAE DUBAL - ELC102 - Episode 3

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Republic of the Philippines

College of Education
Bachelor in Secondary Education Department
Fatima, General Santos City

Experiential Learning Course 102:

Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Learning Episode 3: The Learning Environment

Learning Outcomes:
- Revisit the concept of learning environment in the context of the current teaching and
learning situation
I. Task Background

1. Review the characteristics of a conducive learning environment.

2. Research on the specific strategies for developing the optimal classroom climate that
nurtures the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development.
3. Research on the differences of face-to-face learning and online learning environments.
II. Analysis

1. What are the characteristics of a learning environment?

A learning environment is a place where learners feel safe. A place where they
can voice out their opinions and ideas, as well as commit mistakes without
judgements. It is a place where they feel the sense of inclusiveness, where co-learners
and teachers value and respect them despite of being unique, where good
relationship among everyone is establish. Learners are challenged to fulfill and
achieved high goals that’s why they are given the support they need to do so. Most
of all, it is a place which provide multiple and varied opportunities in order to achieve
meaningful and lifelong experiences and learnings.

2. How can a teacher develop the optimal classroom climate?

In order for teachers to develop optimal classroom climate, he/she should

listen to his/her students. Through this, teachers will be able to know the needs of the
students and the things that will capture their interests that may be used during
lectures, discussion or delivery of content. Also, students feel secured, loved, and
valued. Second, a teacher should create policies and rules in order to promote sense
of responsibility., to manage class easily and to put things in order. Third, he/she
should be objective and know that every student is special and has different learning
styles that’s why he/she would be mindful of the activities and tasks that considers
their learning preferences. Most importantly, a teacher should develop good rapport
among 3:students
Learning Episode to make
The Learning them comfortable in class which allows them to be open
and share whatAND
ELC 102: PARTICIPATION they have in mind.

3. Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast face-to-face and online learning

Face-to-Face Environment Online Learning Environment

1. Physical Interaction 1. No physical

2. Limited access to 1. Time Interaction
learning materials Management 2. Unlimited access to
3. Learn lessons at real 2. Class Policies and learning materials (pdf files)
time. rules 3. Learn lessons at own
4. Teachers facilitates 3. Requires great amount pace.
Effectively and provide of work. 4. Lacks personal touch
Real-time feedbacks. 4. Variety of Instructional doesn’t provide real-

5. Paper-pencil techniques time feedbacks.

Assessments 5. Group and Individual Activities 5. Used of Google forms
6. Face-to face 6. Teachers serve as facilitator of and other online tools
Performance outputs learning. during assessments.
7. Classroom setting 6. Video-based
8. Minimum Integration Performance.
Of technology 7. Home-based
8. Maximum Integration

of Technology.

III. Participation and Assistance

1. What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in
the following conditions:
a. Bulletin Board Display

Instead of making a static bulletin board display, I can help my mentor in

setting up a conducive learning environment through interactive bulletin board
display. Aside from the outputs of the students, and dates to remember that’s in the
board, making it interactive would catch student’s interests and help learners to
construct their own learning. For example, posting QR codes about a reading
material, integrating word walls to enhance their vocabulary where students can
move the words to different location or categories.

b. Small Group Discussion

Assist my mentor by roaming around and facilitate group discussion. Answer

students’ clarification, encourage everyone to speak up and voice their ideas and
opinions. Make the discussion in order and peaceful where everyone has an
opportunity to hear what’s in their mind.

Learning Episode 3: The Learning Environment


c. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom

I can assist my mentor by providing google form links for checking of class
attendance or having a screenshot of the name of the students who attended the
online class via google meet or zoom meeting 3 minutes before the class starts and
after the online class.

IV. Observation and Analysis

1. Learning Environment 1 (Paste pictures for evidences.)

a. What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message
or theme does in convey?

Because of the sudden shift of educational system, the class bulletin board
were utilized for posting of answer sheets that has no name, subject matter, activity
number and the likes. On the right side of the board where information about
COVID-19 and health protocols that everyone need to abide.

b. What makes it attractive to learners?

As you notice, there are remains of colored papers and designs pasted on the
board, which symbolizes that their bulletin board before were colorful and really
designed to attract and catch learners’ interest. The colors and graphic designs give
life to the bulletin board to make it look more presentable and eye-catchy. However,
because of the current situation, designs and colors are no longer evident and what
you can see is just a plain board.

c. Does it help in the learning process? How?

I believe that bulletin board helps in learning process in a way that the
postings in the board such as outstanding outputs and class ranking, motivates them
to do better on tasks and activities to have their work displayed. Also utilizing
bulletin boards to introduce new concept can be appealing to learners’ eyes and
draw interests to engage themselves in the new topic. In addition, it is also helpful in
remembering previous lessons after looking at the previous outputs that serves as
Learning Episode 3: The Learning
their foundation Environment
in constructing learnings for the new lesson.

2. Learning Environment 2
a. If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where
is most likely the learning space for the students?

Since my resource teacher facilitates modular class, the learning space for the
students is most likely at their home or in places where they can focus, away from
noise and any form of disturbance.

b. Please describe students’ learning space.

Student’s learning space may not be very conducive for learning because they
are not the only person in their home and aside from doing class works, they are also
tasked to do some household chores, unlike when they are in school that their whole
8 hours is only allotted for studying not to mention that there are enough facilities to
facilitate their learning. Also, there are some unnecessary noises coming from their
siblings, their neighbors, their dogs and chickens to the point that they can’t focus.
The advantage for modular class is that they can learn at their own pace but the
problem is, no one can facilitate their learning as much as their teacher does. In
addition, there’s no other instructional materials aside from the module that will help
them grasp the concept easily. They can’t even receive timely feedbacks and there’s
no one hearing their ideas and opinions in relation to their topics.

c. How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for

I guess the best way to make their learning environment conducive for
learning is to first, manage their time. I can provide them a schedule indicating the
time when they will start reading and answering their modules and their vacant time
where they can do their house chores and other activities. I will tell them to post it on
their door so that everyone in their home will be aware of their schedule and no one
will be going to disturb them. Also, I will instruct them to find a place where no one
can disturb them, either in their room or sheds. They have to clean it and post some
motivational quotes on the walls and decorate it so that every time that they are in
that place, they will be motivated to study and learn.

3. As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between Learning Environment 1 or 2 and explain your choice.

I will still choose to teach in learning environment 1 where I can meet my

students face-to-face, interact with them physically and facilitate their learnings real-
time. This kind of learning environment is very ideal because it is very conducive for
learning. I can provide my students with a lot of resources that will help them in their
learning process in order to build meaningful and lifelong learnings.
Learning Episode 3: The Learning Environment

4. Based from your observations, what are your realizations?

I realized that it is very important to provide learners a conducive learning

environment. Where they feel comfortable and can focus in processing new ideas,
construct knowledge and be productive. An environment where they are free to voice
out their opinions, experience different kinds of teaching strategies, establish
relationship with everyone and there are teachers who will facilitate their learning
journey. I know COVID-19 brought a lot of changes to everyone to the point that
some learners were deprived of having a conducive learning environment but we
don’t have a choice but to give our best and motivate ourselves to strive and
continue living and learning.

V. Research!

1. What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning

I guess in environment number 1, one problem is how teacher manage the

class that he/she will provide equal opportunity to everyone considering their
learning styles. Also, how he/she make the class more engaging and fun. On the
other hand, for environment number 2, I guess the number one problem is how
students will understand their lessons and construct their knowledge knowing that
there’s no one who will facilitate their learnings. In addition, the focus of the students
will be easily diverted since there are many factors that might distract them.

2. What solutions can you think of to solve the problem?

In environment number 1, I believe that to be able to address that kind of

problem is for teachers to have a differentiated instruction to meet individual needs
so that all students within a classroom can learn effectively, regardless of differences
in their ability. On the other hand, in environment 2, one solution that I could think of
is to have a home visitation or online consultation to know their progress and to
facilitate them on the lessons that they find difficult. Also, since there are a lot
distractions at their home, I would advise them to find a place where they can
comfortably answer their modules and construct their own learnings.

3. How should you do it?

For differentiated instruction, I must know be aware first of my students’ learning

styles I order to apply appropriate strategies and techniques. Als, I must equip myself
with knowledge about differentiated instruction so that I will be able to apply if
effectively and meet the needs of the students in order to provide them a meaningful
Learning Episode 3: The Learning
and lifelong learning.Environment
About the environment number 2, since I considered home
visitation, maybe I could visitASSISTANTSHIP
AND TEACHING their place once a week and for those in the same purok
or street, maybe we could find a place where we could meet up and spent 2-3 hours
for consultation. During those times, I can give them advise on the things they need

VI. Artifacts

Attach your documentation here.

Learning Episode 3: The Learning Environment


Learning Episode 3: The Learning Environment


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