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Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student:
Pagar Bharat Arun (2100790062)

Name of Program: Civil Engineering

Semester :-I V
Course Title: Environmental Studies
Code: -22447
Title of the Micro Project: Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming.
Course Outcomes Achieved:-
1. Develop public awareness about environment.
2. Select alternative energy resources for engineering practice.
3. Conserve Ecosystem and Biodiversity .
4. Apply techniques to reduce environmental pollution .
5. Manage social issues.
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of
Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent
No. (Marks 1- (Marks 4- (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9-10)
3) 5)

1. Relevance to the Course

2. Literature Survey /
Information Collection
3. Project Proposal
4. Completion of the Target as
per project proposal
5. Analysis of data and
6. Quality of Prototype / Model
7. Report Preparation
8. Presentation
9. Defense

Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet:-

Name of Student Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
(4M) (6M) Marks

Part Project Part Individual

A– Methodology B – Presentation
project (2 marks) Project /
Proposa Report / Viva (4
l Working marks)
(2 Model(2
marks) marks)

Pagar Bharat


Name and Designation of faculty member: Prof.S.B.Shinde.

Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student:
Pawar Ajay Manik (2100790063)

Name of Program: Civil Engineering

Semester :-I V
Course Title: Environmental Studies
Code: -22447
Title of the Micro Project: Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming.
Course Outcomes Achieved:-
6. Develop public awareness about environment.
7. Select alternative energy resources for engineering practice.
8. Conserve Ecosystem and Biodiversity .
9. Apply techniques to reduce environmental pollution .
10. Manage social issues.
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of
Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent
No. (Marks 1- (Marks 4- (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9-10)
3) 5)

1. Relevance to the Course

2. Literature Survey /
Information Collection
3. Project Proposal
4. Completion of the Target as
per project proposal
5. Analysis of data and
6. Quality of Prototype / Model
7. Report Preparation
8. Presentation
9. Defense

Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet:-

Name of Student Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
(4M) (6M) Marks

Part Project Part Individual

A– Methodology B – Presentation
project (2 marks) Project /
Proposa Report / Viva (4
l Working marks)
(2 Model(2
marks) marks)

Pawar Ajay Manik


Name and Designation of faculty member: Prof.S.B.Shinde.

Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student:
Shaikh Wasim Gani (2100790064)

Name of Program: Civil Engineering

Semester :-I V
Course Title: Environmental Studies
Code: -22447
Title of the Micro Project: Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming.
Course Outcomes Achieved:-
11. Develop public awareness about environment.
12. Select alternative energy resources for engineering practice.
13. Conserve Ecosystem and Biodiversity .
14. Apply techniques to reduce environmental pollution .
15. Manage social issues.
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of
Sr. Characteristic to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent
No. (Marks 1- (Marks 4- (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9-10)
3) 5)

1. Relevance to the Course

2. Literature Survey /
Information Collection
3. Project Proposal
4. Completion of the Target as
per project proposal
5. Analysis of data and
6. Quality of Prototype / Model
7. Report Preparation
8. Presentation
9. Defense

Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet:-

Name of Student Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
(4M) (6M) Marks

Part Project Part Individual

A– Methodology B – Presentation
project (2 marks) Project /
Proposa Report / Viva (4
l Working marks)
(2 Model(2
marks) marks)

Shaikh Wasim


Name and Designation of faculty member: Prof.S.B.Shinde.


Greenhouse Effect and
Global Warming

Program :-Civil Engineering Program Code:-0079

Course:- Environmental Studies Course Code:-22447

This is to certify that –


Pagar Bharat,

Pawar Ajay,

Shaikh Wasim.

Students of SYCE, Fourth Semester of Diploma in Civil Engineering ,

of Institute SHHJB polytechnic, Chandwad (Code: 0079) has completed the
Micro Project satisfactorily in course Environmental Studies (22447) for
the academic year 2021-2022 as prescribed in the curriculum.
Place:- Chandwad


Course Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Group Details:
Sr.No Name of Student Roll No Seat No
1 Pagar Bharat Arun 59 2100790062

2 Pawar Ajay Manik 60 2100790063

3 Shaikh Wasim Gani 61 2100790064

Name of Guide: Prof.S.B.Shinde.

Green House Effect and Global Warming

Green House Effect is heating up of earth's atmosphere due to the trapping of

intra-red ray. (reflected from the earth's surface) by the carbon dioxide layer in the
atmosphere is called green-house effect.
The green-house effect in the atmosphere occurs due to the presence of a blanket of
carbon-dioxide gas in the atmosphere. This blanket of carbon dioxide gas in the
atmosphere allows the sunlight to come in freely but does not allow the intra-red
radiation reflected by the earth's surface to go out. It is just because the sun light can
come in freely but the intra-red rays cannot go out freely that the temperature of
earth's atmosphere is raised.
The rise in temperature produce gas in the by green-house effect on earth's
atmosphere depends on the amount of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. In other
words, the proportion of carbon dioxide in atmosphere effects the temperature of
atmosphere. So, if the proportion of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere increases,
than the temperature of earth's atmosphere will also rise further.

What is Green House Effect ?

The name "Green-house effect" comes from the fact that this effect is use in
horticulture for the up bringing of green plant's in small house made of glass walls and
glass root. The green walls and roofs of a green-house allows the sun-light to come in
freely but it does not allows the long wavelength infrared radiations reflected by the
soil, plants and other contents of green house to go out. These trapped intra-red rays
show their heating effect due to which the temperature is raised inside the green
house. Thus, even without an external supply of heat, the temperature inside a green
house is found to be higher than it is outside. Thus, green house acts as a heat trap.
Due to the presence of carbon dioxide, our atmosphere acts like the glass rat of an
ordinary horticultural green-house.

Causes of Green House Effect

The principal cause of Green-House effect is the increase in the quantity of green
house gases like CO2 in the atmosphere. The naturally occurring "Green House
gases", including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor, keep
ground temperature at a global average of 15 0 Celsius. without this natural blanked
earth's surface would be about 300 Celsius colder than it is today, making the planet a
freezing barren, lifeless place similar to Mars. The green house gases keep the surface
warm because as incoming solar radiation strikes earths, the surface gives off infrared
radiation or heat, that the gases temporarily trap and keep near ground level.

Problem from Green House Effect

The problem is that human activity may be making the green house gas blanket
"thicker" For example, burning tonsil fuel throws huge amounts of CO 2 into the air,
the destruction of forests allows carbon stored in the trees to escape into the
atmosphere and other activities such as raising cattle and planting rice emit methane,
nitrous oxide, and other green house gases. Until man kind began burning fossil fuels,
green house gases that occur naturally remained in relative balance. But the beginning
of the Industrial Revolution in Britain ushered in rapid industrialization that greatly
increased man's assault on the ecology.
Importance of Carbon Dioxide- The Green House Effect
Carbon dioxide present in small proportion (0.03%) is nonetheless a very
important member of the atmosphere. The proportion of (O 2) is maintained by a host
of difference processes. The major consumers of CO 2 from the atmosphere are the
green plants use the CO2  to prepare their tool and the oceans dissolve the CO 2 in the
form of carbonates. The major suppliers of CO 2 to the atmosphere are the volcanic
earth processes and living organisms. The atmosphere gains CO 2 from the volcanoes
which release this gas from the interior of the earth and from organisms in the process
of their respiration and decay. In this manner both the atmosphere and the oceans
continuously exchange CO2 with the rocks, plants and higher organisms.

Role of Carbon dioxide in Green House Effect

The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also performs another major role. The earth
receives light of different wavelengths from the sun. The Ozone in the upper
atmosphere absorbs most of the harmful ultraviolet radiation and lets the other
wavelengths pass through. However, some of the light incident on earth is reflected
back in the form of intra-red light that is light whose wavelength is greater than that of
red light. Carbon dioxide molecules have the ability to absorb the intra-red radiation
reflected from the earth. A blanket of CO 2 can, therefore, trap intra-red light in the
atmosphere causing the atmosphere to heat up-This heating due to trapped radiation is
called the Green House effect.
Role of Automobile in Green House Effect
A similar phenomena is observed inside an automobile. The sun's rays enter the car
through the glass window. Some of this light is reflected from the metal and the
upholstery inside the car in the form of intra-red light. The glass windows like
CO2 can trap this reflected intra-red light and cause the interior of the car to heat up
considerably. Infect the name green house is derived from a glass structure used to
cultivate putted plants in some countries water vapors and ozone also have the ability
to trap intra-red radiation and also some times referred to as green house gases.
However, water vapors is only found near the surface of the earth and ozone only in
the upper reaches of the atmosphere carbon dioxide which is much more evenly
distributed in the atmosphere and contributes to the green house effect to a larger
The proportion of carbon dioxide can therefore, effect the temperature of the
atmosphere. If this proportion increases, the temperature is liable to rise.
The atmosphere has been evolving over billions of years and will continue to do so.
However, in this century the atmosphere has received a large contribution from man
himself. In the course of modern human activities, huge quantities of carbon dioxide
are released into the atmosphere. This is done during the burning of tonsil fuels.
It is estimated that man in burning fusel fuels is releasing 6000 million tones of
CO2 into the atmosphere each year. The cultivation of soil releases vast quantities of
carbon dioxide produced by bacteria to escape in to the air. These agricultural pursuits
release 2000 million tones more. A part from CO 2 mans industrial activities also
release large quantities of noxious gases like nitrous oxide (N 2O), carbon monoxide
and sulpher dioxide solid suspensions and dust are also increasing in proportion.
Nature however, is extremely kind. It cleanses many of the pollutions with rain. Green
plants absorbs most of the excess CO2 from the atmosphere and give back healthy
oxygen in return. By destroying green plants and trees we destroy those very agents
that clean our atmosphere. Afforestation, that is, the replanting of destroyed trees and
forests is one solution for preserving a healthy proportion of CO 2 in the atmosphere.
Over the past hundred years we have released approximately 360000 million tones of
CO2 and are continuing to do so at an increasing pace. As a result of this large scale
dumping, the proportion of CO 2 has increased by 13 per cent. If the green house effect
is understood correctly, this would have increased the average temperature of the
earth by if. At the end of this century, the earths average temperature would have
increases by about 3.60 F. The full consequence of this disastrous rise have jet to be

Green House Effect from Automobile

The internal heating due to green- house effect can be observed in a car parked in
sun-shine with all its windows closed, This can be explained as follows : The glass
windows of a car allow the visible sunlight and the very short wavelength intra-red
rays contained in sunlight to pass through them freely and go inside the car. These
rays are reflected from the inside surface of the car (like dash-board, seats, etc.) Now,
the intra-red radiation emitted by very hot sun and which entered the closed car was of
very short wavelength, but the intra-red radiation reflected (or emitted) by the less hot
"inside surface" of cares of longer wavelength. The glass windows of car do not allow
this long wavelength intra-red radiation to go out through them. So, the intra-red rays
get trapped inside the car. since the intra-red radiations produce a heating effect,
therefore, the interior (inside) of the car gets heated considerably. Thus glass is a solid
substance which produces green house effect.
Those gases which can trap intra-red radiation given by the sun to produce green-
house effect leading to heating up of the environment are called green-house gases.
One of the most important green-house gas is carbon dioxide. Water vapor and ozone
also have the ability to trap the intra-red radiation so they are also called green house

Thus, we have three green-house gases :-

i. Carbon dioxide, CO2
ii. Water vapor, H2O and
iii. Ozone, O3

Out of these three, water-vapor and ozone do not contribute much green-house
effect to the earth's atmosphere because ozone is present only in the upper part of
atmosphere whereas water. Vapor is found only near the surface of earth (which is at
the bottom of the atmosphere). Only carbon dioxide contributes largely to the green
house effect in the earth's atmosphere, because carbon dioxide is much more
uniformly distributed in atmosphere.
The green-house effect produced by carbon dioxide gas is very crucial to our
existence on earth. This can be explained as fellows : By producing the green-house
effect, carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere traps the intra-red rays (heat rays),
leading to the heating of earth and its atmosphere. This heating of earth (or rise in
temperature of earth) is very necessary for our existence because without it, the whole
earth would be converted into an extremely cold planet, making the existence of life
Our earth's atmosphere is transparent to the visible radiations coming from sun,
stars etc. But reflects back the infrared radiations and hence it does not allow the
infrared radiations to pass. The energy from the sun, heats the earth which in turn
starts emitting radiations. Since the earth gets heated to much lower temperature than
the temperature of sun, the radiations emitted by earth are mostly in the infrared
region, according to Planck’s low. These radiations emitted by earth are reflected back
by earth's atmosphere. Due to which the earth's surface remains warm at night.
Global Warming
Green House Gases Effect and Global Warming
Sun emits light of different wavelengths consisting of ultra-violet, visible region
and intra-red of these the harmful ultra. Violet radiations one absorbed by the ozone
layer in the stratosphere and warm the air rather than coming to the surface of the
earths. The visible and intra-red radiations pass through the atmosphere and reach the
surface of the earth. However, some of the light incident on the earth is reflected back.
For example of the total incoming light that falls upon the earth, about 50% reaches
the surface and is absorbed by it, About 20% of the incoming light is absorbed by
gases in the atmosphere, such as ultraviolet light by ozone in astrosphere and intra-red
by CO2 and water vapour present in air. The remaining 30% is reflected back in to
space by sand, snow, cloud ice snow and other reflecting bodies without being
Some gases in air such CO 2 has the property of allowing visible light to pass
through it but absorbing the intra-red radiations reflected from the surface of earth.
Therefore, all the IR emitted from the earth's surface and atmosphere escape directly
into space. After the absorption of IR radiation by CO 2 molecules these thermal IR
radiations are re-emitted in all direction and some are redirected back towards earth
surface and heat up the atmosphere.
Chlorofluorocarbons have also the greatest potential to cause global warming due to
their greater efficiencies of absorbing thermal IR radiations. Each molecule of cfc has
the potential to cause the same extent of global warming as do tens of thousands
molecules of CO2 cfc's are being excessively used in insulating freezers, refrigerators
and air conditioners and are posing threat of global warming However, Government is
now trying, to control the production of cfc's.

Effects of Global Temperature on Climate on the Earth

The next effect of increased level of all these green house gases is increased
green house effect or global warming which may lead to increased global temperature.
If nothing is done to control the concentration of these gases in to the atmosphere,
than average temperature will increase. It has been observed that the average
temperature of the earth has increased by about. If due to green house effect. If CO 2 is
continued to be released into the atmosphere at the present rate then by the end of this
century the earths average temperature is expected to increase by 3.60F. This
excessive heating of the earth would melt all the snow on poles and different
mountains. This would increase the water level of the sea and as a result the cities
located on the coastal areas are likely to the flooded.
The increase in average global temperature can have the following effects on the
climate of the earth.
a. In temperature regions, the summer will be longer and hotler and winter will be
shorter and warmer. A warmer climate will make certain cities extremely hot to
b. There will be increase in total amount of global rainfall but some regions will
receive less rainfall.
c. The number of days having intense showers and high temperature both will
d. The problem of desertification bought and soil erosion will become more
e. As a result of rise in temperature of the earth, ocean will get warm up and sea
level would rise flooding low lying regions. The increase in sea level would
have profound effects on habitation patterns and will threaten to submerge
many coastal countries like. Bangladesh, Indonesia, Maldives, parts of coastal
India and many other island nations.
f. Increase in greenhouse effect is expected to cause cooling of the stratosphere.
This is because most thermal IR radiation will be absorbed at low attitudes and
little will be left to warm stratosphere.
g. Tropical storms, hurricanes etc will be stronger and more frequent and will
cause devastation.
h. Some areas may become more humid or welter or some other areas will
become dry. The tropics may become wetter and the subtropics which are
already dry, are expected to be drier.
i. Due to global warming, human health will be affected. Increased number of hot
days and extreme weather may cause chronic.
j. Insect carrying diseases such as malaria may also increase.
k. Animal health will also be affected due to spread of diseases by parasites.
l. Ocean temperature change may also affect marine life adversely.

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