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1. Select the option in which the 6. Select the option that will fill in the 18. Select the set of classes the
numbers share the same relationship as blank and complete the given series. relationship among which is best
that shared by the given pair of GDM, IBR, KZW, MXB, ? illustrated by the following ‘Venn
numbers. 1. OVG 2. VGO 3. VOG 4. GOV Diagram.
50 : 125 7. Select the option in which the words
1. 30 : 65 2. 70 : 180 3. 90 : 210 share the same relationships as that
4. 90 : 225 shared by the given pairs of words?
2. If in a certain code, ‘MAGIC’ is House : Room
1. 2. 3.
written as LNZBFHHJBD, what is the 1. Chapter : Book 2. Wheel : Spoke
code of POWER? 3. Star : Galaxy 4. Table : Chair
1. OQNPVXDFQS 2. NQOPVXDFQS 8. Four letter – cluster have been given 1. Literates, Engineers, Farmers
3. SQFDXVPNQO 4. NPOQDFVXEQ out of which three are alike in some 4. 2. Grandfathers, Fathers, Males
3. Four pairs of number have been manner while one is different. Choose 13. Which word will be used in place of 3. Mothers, Aunts, Doctors
given, out of which three are alike in the odd one. question mark in the following series? 4. Food, Tea, Pulses
some manner, while one is different. 1. JMPS 2. ADGJ 3. GJMO 4. RUXA L J M I N H ? 1. Q 2. P 3. O 4. R 19. Select the combination of letters
Choose out the odd one. 9. Four words have been given out of 14. Four pairs of numbers have been that when sequentially placed in the
1. 543 : 435 : 345 2. 796 : 697 : 769 which three are alike in some manner, given, out of which three are alike in blanks of the given series will complete
3. 785 : 587 : 876 4. 347 : 743 : 437 while one is different. Choose the odd some manner, while one is different. the series.
4. Which of the option figures is the one. Choose out the odd one. _K_M_PK_M_P_N_VP___V
exact mirror image of the given 1. Stars 2. Planets 3. Galaxies 4. Rockets 1. 16 : 9 : 7 2. 81 : 9 : 12 3. 49 : 16 : 11 1. KMKNMPNVKN 2. MNKMKVNVNP
problem figure when the mirror is held 10. Select the option that is related to 4. 36 : 9 : 8 3. PNVNVKMKNM 4. NVKMKNMPNV
to the right side of the problem figure? the third term in the same way as the 15. Four numbers have been given out 20. In a certain code language, ‘Book’ is
second is related to the first term. of which three are alike in some coded as ’16 12 12 25’. How will ‘Metal’
MKL : RQQ : : HEB : ? manner, while one is different. Choose be coded in that language?
1. MKG 2. KGM 3. MLH 4. GKM the odd one. 1. 22 26 15 14 7 2. 15 26 7 14 22
Read the given statements and 1. 101 2. 107 3. 109 4. 111 3. 15 26 7 22 14 4. 22 14 7 6 15 2
Conclusions carefully. Assuming that 16. Which of the option figures is the 21. In a certain code language, 5219
the information given in the statement exact mirror image of the given means ‘Virat is a cricketer’ and 2636
is true, even if it appears to be at problem figure when the mirror is held means ‘He played for Punjab’. Which of
variance with commonly known facts, to the right side of the problem figure? the following is the code for ‘Punjab is a
1. 2. 3.
decide which of the given conclusions part of India’?
logically follow(s) from the statements 1. 621425 2. 524126 3. 425621 4. 216524
11. Statements 22. If ‘@’ means ‘addition’, ‘%’ means
1. Some Mumbains are Americans ‘multiplication’, ‘$’ means ‘division’ and
2. No Americans are Delhiites 1. 2. 3. ‘#’ means ‘Subtraction’, then find the
5. In a certain language, ‘apple’ is called
Conclusions: value of the following expression
‘mango’, ‘mango’ is called ‘orange’ 4.
I. Some Delhiites are Americans 252$ 14 % 2 @ 10 # 21
orange is called ‘guava’ and guava is 17. Which of the given option would be
II. All Americans are Mumbains. 1. 25 2. 26 3. 30 4. 31
called ‘water melon’. In this language a logical sequence of the following 23. Select the figure from among the
1. Only conclusion I follows
which one of the following will be a words?
2. Only conclusion II follows given option that can replace the
citrus fruit? 1. Decameter 2. Millimeter 3. Hectometer
3. Neither conclusion I nor II follows question mark (?) in the following
1. Orange 2. Guava 3. Apple 4. Centimeter 5. Decimeter
4. Either conclusion I or II follow series.
4. Water melon 1. 1, 3, 2, 4 2. 1, 5, 2, 4 3. 3, 1, 5, 4, 2
12. If the given figure is folded to form a
cube, which symbol will come opposite 4. 3, 2, 4, 5, 1
to ?
29. Under the Mughals ___________ 38. The laws which govern the motion 48. Who among the following has
was administered as a department of of planets are called __________. rewarded for outstanding seasons by
the military. 1. Henz Laws 2. Kepler's Laws winning the UEFA women’s player of
1. Diwan-i-insha 2. Diwan-i-Wazarat 3. Avogadro's Laws 4. De Morgan's Laws the year prizes?
3. Diwan-i-Arz 4. Diwan-i-Barid 39. Who invented Television? 1. Pernille Harder 2. Lena Oberdorf
30. Bhagyanagar was the old name of 1. J L Baird 2. Aristotle 3. Beth Mead 4. Alexia Putellas
________. 3. James Clerk Maxwell 4. Nikola Tesla 49. PM Narendra Modi sets 'Panch
1. Hyderabad 2. Lucknow 3. Kanpur 40. Which of the following is present in Pran' target for next _____.
1. 2. 3. 4. Guwahati Nail polish remover? 1. 05 years 2. 10 years 3. 15 years
31. The national Temple of Bangladesh 1. Citric acid 2. Acetone 3. Ethylene 4. 25 years
is _____________. 4. Benzene 50. What is the rank of India in the
1. Jagannath Temple, Pabna 41. The thallophytes, the bryophytes WEF Gender Gap Index 2022?
2. Boro Kali Bari Temple, Mymensingh and the pteridophytes have naked 1. 135 2. 140 3. 145 4. 130
4. 3. Dhakeshwari Temple, Dhaka embryos that are called ______. 51. Rahul buys 5 pens at an average cost
24. Select the option in which the two 4. Sugandha Shaktipeeth, Barisal 1. Spores 2. Buds 3. Sprout 4. Cotyledon of Rs. 2250. If he buys three more pens
numbers are related in the same way as 32. Which of the following cities is NOT 42. The arrangement of leaves on an at an average cost of Rs. 2750, what will
are the two numbers of the following situated on the banks of any river? axis or stem is called be the average (in Rs.) of all the pens he
number – pair. 1. Surat 2. Cuttack 3. Bhopal 4. Mysore 1. Phyllotaxy 2. Vernation 3. Venation buys?
79 : 4096 33. Which of these countries has the 4. Phytotaxy 1. 2437.5 2. 2500 3. 2450 4. 2335
1. 29 : 1331 2. 31 : 65 3. 42 : 220 longest coastline? 43. Mendel is known as 52. Find the profit percentage if cost
4. 53 : 60 1. Canada 2. India 3. Australia 1. Father of Physiology price is Rs. (x - 100) and selling price is
25. Six letters A, P, K, U, W and N, are 4. Indonesia 2. Father of Geology Rs. (x + 200)? [x = 300]
written on different faces of a dice. Two 34. Which of the following Indian 3. Father of Genetics 1. 125% 2. 100% 3. 250% 4. 150%
positions of this dice are shown. Select athlete is known as “Dhing express”? 4. Father of Biology 53. Akhilesh, Prateek and Dimple
the letter that will be on the face 1. Hima Das 2. P T Usha 3. Dutee Chand 44. Who is the author of the book “The invested capital in the ratio 5: 5: 4. The
opposite to the one having W. 4. P V Sindhu McMahon line: A century of discord”? timings of their investment being in the
35. Who was the first Speaker of Lok 1. General Nirmal Chander Vij ratio a: b: c. If their profits are
Sabha? 2. General JJ Singh distributed in the ratio 60: 5: 24, then
1. G. V. Mavalankar 3. General Vijay Kumar Singh find a: b: c?
2. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 4. General Manoj Mukund Naravane 1. 15 : 16 : 9 2. 12 : 11 : 6 3. 14 : 13 : 2
1. U 2. K 3. N 4. A 3. M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar 45. Who is commonly known as "the 4. 14 : 17 : 3
26. What is the name of the preaching 4. Dr P V Cherian Father of Microbiology"? 54. 12 men or 15 women can do a piece
mudra or gesture, in which the Buddha 36. Which Constitutional Article 1. Robert Hooke of work in 63 days then in how much
is depicted delivering his first sermon, defines official language for 2. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek time can 7 men and 7 women together
in the Gandhara Sculptures? communication between the state and 3. Carl Linnaeus 4. Charles Darwin complete the work?
1. Abhaya 2. Dharmachakra 3. Dhyana another state and the Union— 46. Who among the following won the 1. 70days 2. 60days 3. 90days 4. 30days
4. Bhumisparsha 1. Article 349 2. Article 346 Women's Badminton World Federation 55. The length and breadth of a
27. The Saka Era was founded in the 3. Article 243 4. Article 305 (BWF) World Championship 2022? rectangular field are 5600 m and 4200
year________. 37. Which of the following are true 1. Yamaguchi Akane 2. Tai Tzu Ying m then perimeter of field, area of field
1. B.C. 57 2. A.D. 78 3. A.D. 319 instruments of Monetary Policy? 3. An Se Young 4. Chen Yu Fei and length of diagonal is:
4. A.D. 248 1. Open market operations 47. Which state recently launched ‘CM 1. 19600, 23520000, 7000
28. Itimad-ud-Daula’s tomb at Agra was 2. Bank rate policy Udyman Khiladi Unnayan Yojana’ on 2. 23520000, 7000, 19600
built by 3. Selective credit controls National Sports Day? 3. 7000, 23520000, 1960
1. Akbar 2. Jahangir 3. Shahjahan 4. All options are correct 1. Bihar 2. Rajashthan 3. Uttar Pradesh 4. 1960, 7000, 23520000
4. Nur Jahan 4. Uttarakhand 56. Find the sum of
25 + 26 + 27 ………………. + 125 respectively. Find the length of each of 4. Rs. 710 75. How many cars were sold by
1. 6575 2. 7575 3. 8575 4. 9575 its sides. 72. What is the simplified value of showroom D and E together?
57. The area of an isosceles triangle is 4 1. 10 2. 11 3. 12 4. 13 1. 1000 2. 2000 3. 3000 4. 4000
square units, and the length of the 64. The volume of a right circular cone 76. Select the most appropriate
unequal side is 2 units find the length of is 5 times the lateral surface area of a meaning of the given idiom.
each equal side: right circular cone. If the height and the Go belly up
1. 4 2. 2√3 3. √17 4. 3√2 radius of the cone are h unit and r unit 1. Something important being ignored
58. Two equal containers are filled with respectively, then find value of 1/ h2 + 1/ 2. Take rest 3. Go bankrupt
a mixture of milk and water. If the r 2: 4. Find peace
concentration of water in both the 1. 1/95 2. 1/230 3. 1/240 4. 1/225 1. 4/11 2. 4/13 3. 7/13 4. 8/13 77. Select the most appropriate
containers are 40% and 45% 65. If 0 ≤ θ ≤ 90°, and 73. A person has to travel a distance of meaning of the given idiom.
respectively, then find the ratio of milk sin(2θ+50°)=cos(4θ+16°) then what is 80 km he finds that he has covered 5/8 A different kettle of fish
in both the containers: the value of θ (in degree)? of the distance in 3 hours and 20 1. Referring to an alternative
1. 14 : 13 2. 19 : 14 3. 12 : 11 4. 15 : 16 1. 4° 2. 5° 3. 6° 4. 7° minutes. What is his speed in km/h? 2. Difference between people
59. The length and breadth of a 66. If each side of an equilateral 1. 10 km/h. 2. 12 km/h. 3. 15 km/h. 3. Cloudy judgement
rectangular room are 8000 m and 6000 triangle is 16 cm, then its altitude is 4. 13 km/h. 4. A boiling pot of water
m then find the cost of carpeting the equal to: Direction(74-75): The given pie – chart 78. Given below are four jumbled
room, if cost of carpeting is Rs. 10 per 1. 8√3 2. 16√3 3. 24√3 4. 48√3 represents the distribution of the sentences. Select the option that gives
m2 67. PQRS is a rectangle. T is a point on percentage of sales of a particular their correct order.
1. 480000000 2. 96000000000 PQ such that RTQ is an isosceles brand of car from five show- rooms A, (A) did not translate into more writers coming
3. 112000000 4. 115000000 triangle and PT = 6 QT. If the area of B, C, D and E, during 2020. The total in
60. A person A can complete a piece of ∆RTQ = 12√3 sq.m, then the area of the number of cars sold during that year (B) there has been a long-standing battle
work in 12 days working 5 hours a day rectangle PQRS is. from the five showroom is 5000. (C) and cinema, film adaptations of popular
and another person B working 5 hours 1. 160√3 m² 2. 163√3 m² 3. 164√3 m² novels
a day can complete the work in 15 days, 4. 168√3 m² (D) in the Film industry to marry literature
then both started working together for 68. (310 + 10 + 332 + 10 + 550 – 20 + 1. DBCA 2. BDCA 3. ABCD 4. CDAB
10 hours a day in how many days will 915) ÷ (20 + 22 – x + 18) = 43, Find the 79. Select the correctly spelt word.
the work be completed by them? value of x? 1. Patrol 2. Patrole 3. Petrole 4. Partol
1. 3 2. 10/3 3. 11/3 4. 13/3 1. 11 2. 15 3. 18 4. 20 80. Select the word which means the
61. What will be the area of base of 69. A wheel has diameter of 42 cm, then same as the group of words given.
Prism if volume is 30 cm³ and height is how far does the wheel go (in meters) in Causing great horror or fear
15 cm? 16 revolutions 1. Ghastly 2. Ghostly 3. Paranormal
1. 2 cm² 2. 3 cm² 3. 4 cm² 4. 5 cm² ? 1. 19 m 2. 20.02 m 3. 21.12 m 4. 25 m 4. Supernatural
62. Two taps A and B can fill a cistern in 70. What is the simplified value of: 81. Select the word which means the
20 hours and 30 hours respectively. same as the group of words given.
Both the taps are opened The study of fossils is known as
simultaneously in the tank, but after 1/3 1. Paleontology 2. Chronology
part of the tank is filled, the bottom of 1. y/x 2. -2x/y 3. -x/2y 4. -x/y 3. Geology 4. Zoology
the tank starts leaking, which keeps on 71. After allowing a 10% discount on the 82. Select the synonym of the given
taking out 1/8 parts of the water put by marked price of an article, a dealer 74. What is the central angle (nearest to word
both taps, then in how much time will makes a profit of 10%. What is the one degree) of the sector corresponding Buffer
the tank be filled now? marked price, if the cost price of the to the sales from the showroom B? 1. Time 2. Chronic 3. Bulwark 4. Harsh
1. 11 3/5 2. 11 1/7 3. 12 8/9 4. 9 1/7 article is Rs. 600? 1. 136° 2. 120° 3. 108° 4. 180° 83. Select the antonym of the given
63. The length of diagonals of a 1. Rs. 7000 2. Rs. 720.5 3. Rs. 733.33 word
rhombus is 16 cm and 12 cm Fuller
1. Filler 2. Filer 3. Setback 4. Lacking 1. I found five 1. a pincers 2. pairs of pincer 98. Select the most appropriate option
84. Select the antonym of the given 2. twenty-rupees note on my 3. a pair of pincers 4. No improvement for blank no. 3.
word 3. way back from school today. Direction(96-100): In the following 1. if 2. unless 3. until 4. when
Debate 4. No Error passage some words have been deleted. 99. Select the most appropriate option
1. Hiatus 2. Harmony 3. Repel 4. Compel 91. In the sentence identify the segment Fill in the blanks with the help of the for blank no. 4.
85. Select the wrongly spelt word which contains the grammatical error alternatives given. Select the most 1. in 2. at 3. on 4. out
1. Flaw 2. Character 3. Falter 4. Abcence I read a book entitled Flames of Truth. appropriate option for each blank. 100. Select the most appropriate option
86. In the sentence identify the segment 1. I read a book 2. Flames of Truth. Once upon a time, far away in a deep forest, for blank no. 5.
which contains the grammatical error. 3. No error 4. entitled there ___ (1) a nation of 80,000 monkeys. 1. were 2. is 3. has 4. was
If you want to know more about a word, 92. Select the correct indirect form of They had a king who was unusually large, as
look on a good encyclopedia. the given sentence. big as a fawn. He was not only big in body, he
1. if you want to know more “Please don’t fire me”, Andrew said to was also 'large in mind'. After all, he was the
2. look on a 3. about a word his boss. Bodhisatta — the Enlightenment Being. One
4. good encyclopedia. 1. Andrew asked his boss to not fire him. day, he _____ (2) his monkey nation by
87. Select the most appropriate word to 2. Andrew told his boss not to fire him. saying, "My subjects, there are poisonous
fill in the blank. 3. Andrew begged his boss not to fire fruits in this deep forest, and ponds possessed
The Union Environment Ministry is him. by demons. So, if you see any unusual fruit or
likely _______ compensatory 4. Andrew said to his boss not to fire unknown pond, do not eat or drink ____ (3)
afforestation for development projects him. you ask me first." Paying close attention to
executed in the capital in neighboring 93. Select the correct direct form of the their wise king, all the monkeys agreed to
States due to shortage of land. given sentence. follow his advice. Later on, they came to an
1. to let 2. to allow 3. for gain 4. is allow Abhishek asked Rahul how often did he unknown pond. Even though they were all
88. In the sentence identify the segment wash his clothes. tired out and thirsty from searching for food,
which contains the grammatical error. 1. “How often did you wash your no one would drink without first asking the
All wheat was destroyed but all animals clothes?”, Abhishek said Rahul. monkey king. So, they sat in the trees and
were saved during floods. 2. “How often were you washed your ____ (4) the ground around the pond. When
1. All wheat was destroyed clothes?”, Abhishek said to Rahul. he arrived, the monkey king asked them, "Did
2. but all animals were 3. “How often do you wash your anyone drink the water?" They replied, "No,
3. saved during floods. 4. No error clothes?”, Abhishek said to Rahul. your majesty, we followed your instructions."
89. Select the most appropriate option 4. “How often do you wash your He said, "Well done." Then he walked along
to substitute the segment given in bold clothes?”, Abhishek pleaded Rahul. the bank, around the pond. He examined the
in the given sentence. If no substitution 94. Select the correct passive form of footprints of the animals that had gone into
is required, select “No improvement”. the given sentence. the water, and saw that none came out again,
Some of the schools were holding two The kid was smiling to a stranger. therefore, he realized this pond must be
hours of classes, some are calling children on 1. A stranger has been smiled to by a kid. possessed by a water demon. He said to the
alternate days. 2. A stranger was being smiled at by the 80,000 monkeys, "This pond ___ (5)
1. No improvement kid. possessed by a water demon. Do not go into
2. schools has been holding 3. A stranger was smiled at by the kid. it."
3. school is holding 4. A stranger was being smiled to by the 96. Select the most appropriate option
4. schools are holding kid for blank no. 1.
90. In the sentence identify the 95. Select the most appropriate option 1. are 2. was 3. is 4. has
segment which contains the to substitute the segment given in bold 97. Select the most appropriate option
grammatical error in the given sentence. If no substitution for blank no. 2.
I found five twenty-rupees note on my is required, select “No improvement”. 1. told 2. advised 3. said 4. asked
way back from school today. I pulled out a nail using a pincer.

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