Activity 4 - Prof Ed 8

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1. Create a timeline on the evolution of the different learning theories discussed

above. Cite the notable individuals who proposes the theories and explain
their contributions.
2. Discuss the salient points of each of the learning theories. Cite its
contribution to the development of the learning process.

All learning theories


Cognitive Load Theory





Multimedia Learning

Online Collaborative Learning

Social Cognitive Theory

Forgetting curve

Hermann Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve shows how quickly we forget

information over time if we make no attempt to retain it. Cognitivism

Classical conditioning

Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning theory proposes that we learn behaviours

through association where two stimuli are linked together to produce a new
learned response in a person or animal.Behaviourism

John B. Watson and Behaviourism

John B. Watson was the first to use the term ‘behaviourist’. A behaviourist

approach is only concerned with observable stimulus-response behaviours and
states that all behaviours are learned through interaction with the environment.
Watson’s methodological behaviourism asserts the mind is tabula rasa (a blank
slate) at birth. He is also notable for emphasising scientific and objective
methods of investigation.Behaviourism

Law of Effect and Law of Exercise

Edward Thorndike proposed the Law of Effect (that consequences, either

rewards or punishments are a necessary condition for learning) and the Law of
Exercise (that learned behaviour fades without practice and is strengthened with
practice). He also showed that transfer depends on the similarity of the
situations or domains.Behaviourism

Schema theory

FC Bartlett was the first person to write about schemas. Schema theory is a

branch of cognitive science concerned with how the brain structures knowledge.
A schema is an organised unit of knowledge for a subject or event. It is based on
past experience and is accessed to guide current understanding or

Theory of cognitive development

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development reflects the fundamental ideas of

constructivism. His theory was focussed on children, rather than all
Operant conditioning

B.F. Skinner’s operant conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through

rewards and punishments for behaviour. Through operant conditioning, an
individual makes an association between a particular behaviour and a

Contiguous conditioning

Edwin Guthrie’s contiguity theory proposes that learning results from a pairing

close in time to a response with a stimulus or situation. Behaviourism

Short Term Memory 7 +-2 chunks

George A. Miller theorised that most adults can store 7 plus or minus 2 items in
their short-term memory because our memory only has a certain number of
“slots” in which items could be stored.Cognitivism
Constructivist theory

Jerome Bruner in his book ‘The Process of Education’ proposed that students
are active learners who construct their own knowledge. Constructivist theory
states that learning takes place in contexts and that learners form or construct
much of what they learn and understand as a function of their experiences in
The Modelling effect

Bandura, Ross and Ross carried out the Bobo doll experiment. They found that
children who had observed an adult behaving violently towards the Bobo doll
were more likely to act aggressively towards it themselves when given the
opportunity. These findings indicate that learning takes place not only when
individuals are rewarded or punished for their own behaviour, but also when
they observe another person exhibiting violent behaviour – a process called
observational learning.
Social Cognitive Theory and social learning
Sociocultural theory

Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory is a constructivist theory which emphasises

the importance of social interactions and sociocultural factors for
Zone of Proximal Development

Lev Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development refers to the difference between

what a learner can do without help and what he or she can achieve with
guidance and encouragement from a skilled partner. The term ‘proximal’ refers
to those skills that the learner is ‘close’ to mastering. Constructivism
Subsumption Theory

David Ausubel’s subsumption theory suggests a way of creating instructional

material that helps learners organize their content in order to make it meaningful
for transfer. He suggested the use of Advanced Organizers as tools that mentally
help learners learn and retain knowledge, enabling them to combine new with
already known information.Cognitivism

Theory of cognitive growth

Jerome Bruner’s theory of cognitive growth does not link changes in

development with cognitive structures as Piaget did. Instead it highlights the
various ways that children represent knowledge.Constructivism
Conditions of learning

Robert Gagné’s Conditions of Learning book is a foundational text in the field

of Instructional Design. The conditions include internal conditions (prerequisite
skills and cognitive processing requirements of the learner) and external
conditions (environmental stimuli that support learners’ cognitive processes).
He proposed five categories of learning outcomes and nine events of
Multi Store Model of Memory

Atkinson and Shiffrin’s multistore model of memory proposes that memory

consists of three stores: a sensory register, short-term memory (STM) and long-
term memory (LTM). Information passes from store to store in a linear way, and
has been described as an information processing model (like a computer) with
an input, process and output.Cognitivism
Dual Coding Theory

Allan Paivio’s dual coding theory assumes that there are two cognitive
subsystems, one specialized for the representation and processing of nonverbal
objects/events (imagery), and the other specialized for dealing with

Levels of Processing

Craik and Lockhart’s levels of processing theory focuses on the depth of

processing involved in memory, and predicts the deeper information is
processed, the longer a memory trace will last. Cognitivism
Arousal theory

Donald Hebb’s arousal theory of motivation suggests that people are driven to

perform actions in order to maintain an optimum level of physiological arousal.
Motivation and self-regulated learning

Episodic and semantic memory

Endel Tulving proposed a distinction between episodic, semantic and procedural

memory. Semantic memory is a part of the long-term memory responsible for
storing information about the world. Procedural memory is a part of the long-
term memory responsible for knowing how to do things, i.e. memory of motor
Working Memory Model

Baddeley and Hitch argued that the picture of short-term memory (STM)

provided by the Multi-Store Model is far too simple. They proposed the idea of
Working Memory (WM) which is short-term memory. However, instead of all
information going into one single store, there are different systems for different
types of information.Cognitivism

Wood, Bruner and Ross devised the term ‘scaffolding’. Scaffolding consists of
the activities provided by the educator, or more competent peer, to support the
student as he or she is led through the zone of proximal development. Support is
phased out as it becomes unnecessary, much as a scaffold is removed from a
building during construction. The student will then be able to complete the task
again independently.Constructivism

For Albert Bandura self-efficacy refers to personal beliefs about one’s

capabilities to learn or perform actions at designated levels. In gauging their
self-efficacy individuals assess their skills and capabilities to translate those
skills into actions.
Motivation and self-regulated learning
Social Learning Theory

Albert Bandura’s social learning theory proposes that mediating processes occur

between stimuli and responses and that behaviour is learned from the
environment through the process of observational learning.
Social Cognitive Theory and social learning
Elaboration theory

Charles Reigeluth’s elaboration theory suggests instruction should be organized

in increasing order of complexity for optimal learning. It proposes seven major
strategy components: (1) an elaborative sequence, (2) learning prerequisite
sequences, (3) summary, (4) synthesis, (5) analogies, (6) cognitive strategies,
and (7) learner control.Cognitivism
Expectancy-Value Theory

Eccles and Wigfield’s expectancy-value theory suggests that behaviour is a

function of how much one values a particular outcome and one’s expectation of
obtaining that outcome as a result of performing a behaviour. Motivation and self-
regulated learning
Attribution theory

Bernard Weiner’s attribution theory is concerned with how individuals interpret

events and how this relates to their thinking and behaviour. Attribution theory
assumes that people try to determine why people do what they do, i.e., attribute
causes to behaviour.
Motivation and self-regulated learning

Social Cognitive Theory

Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory emphasises the role of the social

environment in learning. By observing others (models), people acquire
knowledge, rules, skills, strategies, beliefs and attitudes.
Social Cognitive Theory and social learning
Performance vs Mastery goals

Carol Dweck defines two main types of goals: Performance and Mastery goals.
Mastery goals – also called learning goals correspond to the desire to learn, that
is, to the desire to improve one’s knowledge and task-mastery. Performance
goals correspond to the desire to promote a positive evaluation as compared to
Motivation and self-regulated learning

A Social Cognitive approach to motivation and personality
Dweck and Leggett’s paper ‘A Social Cognitive approach to motivation and
personality’ examines the extent to which an individual believes change is
possible, largely determines their ability to affect change.
Motivation and self-regulated learning
Cognitive load during problem solving: Effects on learning
John Sweller devised Cognitive Load Theory. In this early paper on Cognitive
Load Theory, he proposes that the main distinguishing factor between experts
and novices in problem-solving is domain-specific knowledge and that
conventional problem-solving skills are not effective in acquiring
schemata.Cognitive Load Theory
Adaptive Control of Thought

John Anderson’s Adaptive Control of Thought (ACT) theory provides a model

of cognitive architecture which attempts to explain how all components of the
mind work together to produce coherent cognition.Cognitivism
Situated learning

Jean Lave’s situated learning theory proposes that thinking is situated (located)

in physical and social contexts.
Social Cognitive Theory and social learning

Communities of practice

Etienne Wenger summarises Communities of Practice (CoP) as “groups of

people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to
do it better as they interact regularly.” This learning that takes place is not
necessarily intentional. Three components are required in order to be a CoP: (1)
the domain, (2) the community, and (3) the practice.
Social Cognitive Theory and social learning
Self-worth theory

Martin V Covington’s self-worth theory of achievement motivation assumes

that the highest human priority is the search for self-acceptance and that “one’s
worth often comes to depend on the ability to achieve competitively”.
Motivation and self-regulated learning
Self-regulated learning

Barry Zimmerman defined self-regulated learning as the self-directive process

through which learners transform their mental and physical abilities into task-
related skills. This form of learning involves metacognitive, motivational, and
behavioral subprocesses that are personally initiated to acquire knowledge and
skill, such as goal setting, planning, learning strategies, self-reinforcement, self-
recording, and self-instruction.
Motivation and self-regulated learning

Goal theory

Paul R Pintrich’s goal theory emphasises that different types of goals can

influence behaviours in achievement situations. In his view, this motivation had
three components, namely: “(a) value (including task value and achievement
goal orientation), (b) expectancies (including control beliefs, self-efficacy
beliefs, and expectancy for success), and (c) affect (focusing primarily on test
anxiety and self esteem).”Motivation and self-regulated learning
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning

Richard Mayer’s cognitive theory of multimedia learning specifies five

cognitive processes in multimedia learning: selecting relevant words from the
presented text or narration, selecting relevant images from the presented
graphics, organizing the selected words into a coherent verbal representation,
organizing selected images into a coherent pictorial representation, and
integrating the pictorial and verbal representations and prior

George Siemens (2004) and Stephen Downes (2005) proposed Connectivism as

the collective connections between all the ‘nodes’ in a network that result in
new forms of knowledge.Connectivism

Cognitive-Affective Theory of Learning with Media

The Cognitive‐Affective Theory of Learning with Media  was devised

by Roxana Moreno. It proposes that affective factors as well as individual
learner characteristics impact multimedia learning.Multimedia
Self-determination theory
Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan’s self-determination theory links
personality, human motivation, and optimal functioning. It posits that there are
two main types of motivation—intrinsic and extrinsic—and that both are
powerful forces in shaping who we are and how we behave. Motivation and self-
regulated learning
ARCS model of motivation

John Keller’s ARCS Model of Motivation is based upon the idea that there are
four key elements in the learning process which can encourage and sustain
learners’ motivation: Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction
Motivation and self-regulated learning
Cognitive Load Theory

Sweller, Ayres and Kalyuga consolidated all of the research on Cognitive Load
Theory (CLT) in this book. CLT states that because short-term memory is
limited, learning experiences should be designed to reduce working memory
‘load’ in order to promote schema acquisition.Cognitive Load Theory2012
Online Collaborative Learning theory

Linda Harasim’s Online collaborative learning (OCL) theory, is a form of

constructivist teaching that takes the form of instructor-led group learning
online. In OCL, students are encouraged to collaboratively solve problems
through discourse instead of memorizing correct answers. The teacher plays a
crucial role as a facilitator as well as a member of the knowledge community
under study.Online collaborative learning theory

Social agency theory of multimedia learning

Richard Mayer’s social agency theory of multimedia learning proposes that

social cues may prime social responses in learners that lead to deeper cognitive
processing during learning and hence better test performance. Multimedia

e-Learning and the Science of Instruction

Colvin-Clark and Mayer’s seminal book ‘e-Learning and the Science of

Instruction’ exemplifies the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning theory
and provides research-based guidelines on how best to present content with text,
graphics, and audio as well as the conditions under which those guidelines are
most effective.Multimedia
Emotional design theory of learning with digital media

Plass and Kaplan’s proposed the Emotional design theory of learning with
digital media to consider the impact of affect on learning. They argue that the
emotional design of multimedia learning material can induce positive emotions
in learners that in turn facilitate comprehension and transfer. Multimedia
Advances in Cognitive Load Theory

As Cognitive Load Theory developed, it has been used to generate a large

number of instructional effects by reducing element interactivity, primarily
associated with extraneous cognitive load. This book provides a summary of
theoretical developments over recent years and the empirical consequences of
that development.Cognitive Load Theory
Multimedia learning (Third edition)

The third edition of Richard Mayer’s ‘Multimedia Learning’ book. This edition

covers the increase in the multimedia research base, adds three additonal
principles for using multimedia and a greater focus on understanding the
cognitive and motivational processes during learning that support meaningful

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