Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology in Communication

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“Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology in Communication”

Scene 1
Teacher: Ok! Class dismissed. Don’t forget to pass your assignment
tomorrow. For further instruction, I will send it to our group chat.
Class: Thank and goodbye, Miss Culaba.

Scene 2
Setting: Trishia’s house After dinner
(Phone ringing)
Mother: Hello Anak, how are you? How’s school today.
Trisha: I’m fine, Ma but school is very stressful. This week has been
Mother: Don’t tire yourself too much, Anak. I’m always proud of you. I
have to go na because I have works to do. Bye Anak, I love you.
Trisha: I love you too Ma. Take care always.
(Chat notification popped up)
Teacher: Good evening, Students. Open the attached PDF file for the
instruction and format of your assignment.
Trexie: Where do we put the answers, Ma’am?
Teacher: Put it on a short bond paper.
Trexie: Ok Ma’am. Thank you.
(While Trisha was doing her assignment another notification popped
up. Its from her boyfriend, Sedgewick)

Sedgewick: Hi babe, how are you?

Trisha: I’m doing fine. Just busy doing my homework. How about you?
Sedgewick: I’m so sad right now. Can you send me your sexy pics to
make me happy? Pretty please!
Trisha: fine! But keep it to yourself
Sedgewick: Yes, I promise.
Trisha: Ok I trust you.
(Picture sent)

Setting: At school
(Trishia walks along the corridors, entering their classroom)
(Intense judging eyes and a series of whispers from classmates)
Trishia: Why is everyone looking at me? Is there something on my face?
(Anxiously touches her face)
Precy: OMG, there she is! (whispers)
Traxy: It’s not quite large though. (Gazes at Trishia’s chest)
Precy: Indeed. But I feel sorry for her.
Traxy: Eww! She’s a whole-ass flirt. Don’t pity her.
(Jeff walks past Trishia)
Jeff: Nice tits, mare! (Pats her shoulder)
(Shock and horror were evident in Trishia’s eyes.)
(Chat notification popped up)
Jose: Pare, send the link and pics. #Share your blessings
Sedgewick: Haha sure! Why not?
Jose: Thanks. You’re the best!

Setting: at the school’s CR
(Sobs and sniffs were heard; Trishia was crying in a cubicle)
(a knock was heard)
Trishia: This cubicle is occupied.
Pau: Trishia, are you in there? It’s me, Pau.
Trishia: Go away, Pau.
Pau: Do you need more time? Okay, I understand.
Trishia: Just go! I don’t want to see your eyes for now. I hate how you
all looked at me
Pau: I am here, Trishia. For better or for worse, you have me.
(Trishia opens the door and lets herself cry in Pau’s arms)
Pau: It’s okay, just cry. Let it all out. Your feelings are valid.
Trishia: I am a mess, Pau. I’m in shambles.
Pau: I know. But we’ll figure it out together, okay?
Trishia: I’m scared.
Pau: You shouldn’t let them take power over you, girl. Let’s face them
fairly. Let’s not falter for men!
Trishia: It’s all my fault!
Pau: Don’t blame yourself. Trishia, you’re the victim here.
Trishia: But I am the one who sent those to him…
Pau: Stop it, okay! He leaked those coercively, behind your back.

Setting: Classroom
(Trishia enters with eyes, mad and fierce. She spotted Sedgewick
along with the other guys laughing at the corner.)
Jose: Oh, Ms. Boobies is here! We’re so delighted to see you.
Pau: We’ll, she’s NOT so delighted to see you too, you donkey!
(Trishia slaps Sedgewick, heavily and strongly)
Sedgewick: AGAYYYY!
Trishia: Shame on you, dimwit! I hate your face, but see you in court!
Setting: Supreme Court
Atty Alcantara: After hearing arguments from both the defense and the
prosecution, the jury reached a verdict that the defendant is guilty of
committing the Republic Act 9995 and is sentenced not less than 3
years but more than 7 years.

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