Design and Dimensioning of Sublevel Stoping For Ex

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Design and dimensioning of sublevel stoping for extraction of thin ore ( < 12
m) at very deep level: A case study of konkola copper mines (kcm), Zambia

Article · March 2018

DOI: 10.18280/mmep.050104


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Nevaid Dzimunya Krishna Radhe

University of Zimbabwe University of Zambia


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Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
Vol. 5, No. 1, March, 2018, pp. 27-32
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Design and dimensioning of sublevel stoping for extraction of thin ore (< 12 m) at very deep level:
a case study of konkola copper mines (kcm), Zambia

Nevaid Dzimunya1, Krishna Radhe2*, Chanda M. William3

University of Zimbabwe, Dept. of Mining Engineering, Harare, Zimbabwe
The University of Zambia, School of Mines, Lusaka, Zambia

Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT

Received: 16 October 2017 Konkola copper mines (KCM) is an integrated mining operation comprising of open pit
Accepted: 22 March 2018 and underground mines (Nchanga and Konkola copper mines) Konkola mines is aptly
referred to as Konkola deep and is, situated in Chililabombwe, Zambia. The mine is
Keywords: currently operating at 1150mL using sublevel mining method for copper ore bodies
stope, instability of stope, numerical extraction. It intends to descend to 1500mL. There are various critical factors that
modelling, empirical analysis and influence a safe and economic design and dimensioning of a sublevel stoping method for
productivity underground extraction of metalliferous deposit. However, several mining operations
maintain the same stope dimensions for all the sublevels rather than utilizing available
design tools for example numerical modelling, empirical analysis etc. to optimize the
operations. In view of this, a research study was conducted to optimize operational design
and dimensioning of the stopes at 1250mL. The research mainly focused on the effect of
variations in stope dimension to achieve better safety, economy and increased

1. INTRODUCTION failures and geological discontinuities. In most orebodies

amenable to open stoping mining methods, the volume that
There are several mining methods that are used for the may be safely excavated with stable excavation walls is many
extraction of underground metalliferous deposits and among times smaller than the orebody itself (Villaescusa, 2003). As a
them is open stoping which is used in many mines around the result, a series of individual stopes should be excavated to
world. Open stoping has become one of the most popular accomplish full orebody extraction.
method in underground mining because it’s safe by virtue of One of the most vital tools that a mine design and planning
design and relatively cost efficient. Stoping is very engineer has for managing the overall behaviour of a rockmass
development intensive, although the cost of development is is the extraction sequence of the stopes contained within a
finally compensated by the fact that much of it is done in ore. given block of an orebody. Therefore extraction sequencing of
Efficient use of large-scale blasting makes stoping method one the stopes is fundamental to safely and economically achieve
of the lowest-cost underground mining methods available production requirements throughout a stoping life.
(Hartman, 1992). Several variations of open stoping have In situations where mine fill is not used, the main strategy
evolved due to modern technology. These are improved is stope sequencing such that early over stressing of permanent
drilling and blasting techniques and new mining equipment pillars is prevented. However, there is a number of extraction
Ore extraction in relatively thin orebodies can either be strategies that can be followed to optimize pillar recovery in
feasible through longitudinal open stoping with no backfill or case mine fill is used.
with backfill depending on the condition of the rock mass In general a stoping sequence is influenced by factors such
forming the remaining walls. However, when the orebody as ore grade requirements, operational technicalities which
thickness is too large to be extracted by means of a single stope, includes existing development, backfill availability, induced
permanent pillars are left. Most of the times mining operations stress considerations and ore production requirements. A
in these orebodies are not optimised and thus overall ore technically sound strategy is to avoid creating blocks of highly
production is low. Generally the stresses in underground stressed rock mass within an orebody. This can be
openings increases with mining depth but many operations accomplished by retreating stopes systematically from the
maintain the same stope dimensions for the entire mine when centre towards the orebody abutment as opposed to creating
this can be optimised to suit the individual stresses at each mine pillars that are located within central orebody zones. This
mining level. is done by taking into account the stress re-distributions,
One of the limiting factors influencing the design of an production tonnages requirements and access constraints.
underground opening is the maximum unsupported span that a However, retreating stopes systematically from the center
rockmass can withstand without failure. This failure may towards the orebody abutments results in limited productivity
occur usually as a function of either movement along and irregular ore supply due to limited number of active stopes
discontinuities, or through a combination of intact rock in a given time as well as time requirements to fill a mined-out

stope prior to mining of adjacent stopes. This can be a suitable On the other hand, the ultimate feasibility of utilising mine
approach for stress distribution but this approach is not very backfill is entirely dependent on the in-situ behaviour of the
practical and optimal for ore production. Therefore, for high fill material, the characteristics of the fill, the impacts of the
productivity, considerations of primary and secondary stoping filling sequence on the overall mine operation, and the total
sequences with simultaneous backfilling to reduce impact of costs of filling per extra tonne of ore recovered (Donovan,
underground stresses on mined-out stopes can be very 1999).
productive. This can thus be practiced on multiple stopes on a
single level with more than one active levels at a time.
In general, an overall stope extraction sequence is 2. DESIGN AND DIMENSIONING APPROACH
influenced by the nature of the orebody in question
(Villaescusa, 2003).The most common stope extraction and In order to accomplish the goals of this research work,
sequencing procedures can be divided into two categories literature review was performed so as to gather information
which are; methods that use backfill and those that do not use related to the design of open stopes in thin orebodies.
any backfilling. Geological data from Konkola Copper Mines was collected to
This research paper mainly focusses on the variations of the perform a geotechnical study of the stopes as the depth of
stope dimensions at different depths of mining in order to mining increases. This data included, rock mass characteristics,
optimise ore extraction and improve on overall ore rock joint properties and the current dimensions of the stopes
productivity in relatively thin orebodies with a steep dip. being exploited at the mine.
Induced stresses around stopes tend to increase with increase This geological information was then used to evaluate the
in stope size (Purwanto, et al., 2013). Purwanto et al, also specific stope characteristics needed to effectively plot the
concluded that the influence of stope size on stability can be stopes on the Mathews Stability Graph modified by (Potvin,
predicted by displacement and yield zone analysis. In general, 1988). The procedure for determining the parameters to be
the displacement tends to rise with increasing stope sizes. plotted on the graph are explained by (Potvin, 1988) and that
(Wang, et al., 2007) Researched on effects of stress and similar approach was used in this paper. Adjustments on the
excavation surface geometry on zone of relaxation around graph were done so that the zones of operation of the
open stope hanging walls and concluded that an increase in individual stopes was optimised on the basis of better and
stope size will result in an increased zone of relaxation around improved ore recoveries and overall economics of stoping
stope hanging walls. Increasing the stope height will therefore operations in thin orebodies. Results of geotechnical studies of
influence the induced stresses around open stopes and also the stopes using PHASE2 and empirical analysis on the same
increase the size of zone of relaxation which increase dilution. orebody were utilised to improve on economics of mining
However, there are several factors that affect the open stope using the stability graph method for optimised ore extraction.
dimensions in sublevel stoping which include the principal Several options have been considered in this paper in order
stress directions, competence of the hanging wall, optimum to come up with design considerations and factors that are
drill pattern, orebody geometry and the drilling drift layout and critical when designing open stopes in relatively thin
in this research the stope height was maintained as the distance orebodies.
between sublevels. This is detected by KCM drilling
machinery capabilities as well as the mine’s designed drilling
Suggested improvements to reduce costs and improve
copper ore production at Konkola Copper mine, include the The geo-techniocal characteristics of the ore body at KCM
increasing of stope strike length from 20m to 30m on 950mL under consideration for the purpose of outlining the important
– 1050mL. Stopes around these levels are stable at this new parameters that needs to be analysed for an improved
strike length and the option improved overall ore production economic and ore recovery operation of open stoping
in the Bancroft area of the mine by 7.14% and a possible operations in thin orebodies are as summarised in Table 1.
reduction in development costs on slot raises and draw-point Numerical modelling was used to evaluate the stress factor
cross-cuts by 28.6%. Mining with Cemented Hydraulic Fill required in the stability. The oreshale is hosted in a series of
(CHF) from 1250mL and below within the steep dipping areas rock formations over a strike length of approximately 11 km.
(Bancroft areas) was suggested and proved to be very Acronyms:
economic as gross revenue after an economic analysis FWSST- Footwall Sandstone
increased by 15.5% as compared to leaving substantial amount AGSST- Argillaceous Sandstone
of ore in stabilising pillars. With CHF, dilution can also be PC - Porous Conglomerate
reduced although not quantified in this research paper. FWQ - Footwall Quartzite
The use of mine backfill in stopes has also been considered FWC - Footwall Conglomerate
for depths that pose risk of collapse to the stoping operations. HWQ - Wall Quartzite
Backfill of underground stopes has been extensively used in Some previous analysis at the mine using PHASE2
hard rock mining and it has the capability of providing indicated that stopes at the mine are stable up to 1150mL and
additional ground support by arresting and therefore restricting beyond this level there are indications of high stresses in
lateral deformations of the surrounding rock mass pillars and abutments and crown pillars as indicated in Figure 1. Strength
surrounding rock walls. This additional support of the stopes factors at all the independent five levels of operation were
can result in a sizable increase in ore recovery in underground above 1 although values of these factors were decreasing and
stoping operations. approaching 1 as the depth of operation also increased.

Table 1. Description of rock formations at KCM

Formation General Descriptions RMR Range UCS (MPa) Avg width

Range (m)
FWQ Very strong, few joints, fresh to 80-90 148-551 320-400
slightly weathered, competent ground.
AGSST Hard with numerous rough and 61-70 80-200 45-70
smooth joints, competent rock,
intercepted in some portions with
weak kaolin bands.
PC Poorly to fairly grained, moderately 35-50 12-240 5-15
consolidated, moderately jointed,
slightly to moderately weathered.
FWSST Hard with numerous rough and 61-70 61-478 10-15
smooth joints, competent rock.
FWC Coarse grained, poorly consolidated, 45-70 14-353 5-12
moderately jointed, and slight to
moderately weathered.
Oreshale Hard, moderately jointed, thin to 25-50 20-399 5-20
thickly bedding with kaolin infill in
some portions.
HWQ Formation of quartzite and dolomitic 45-75 59-307 30-150
sandstone bands, which in some places
completely koalinized, giving poor
hanging wall condition.

a) 1050mL b) 1150mL

c) 1250mL d) 1350mL

Figure 1. Induced stress (Sigma 1) contours for different mining levels (PHASE2)

Table 2. Summary of stability graph parameters Table 2 is a summary of the stability number and the
hydraulic radius (HR) values for each of the different levels
Level (mL) Stability Number, Hydraulic Radius, under analysis (950mL, 1050mL, 1150mL, 1250mL and
N’ S 1350mL). HR value is constant because the stope dimensions
950 10.5 5 are similar for all the ore extraction levels.
The plots in Figure 2 are resulting from the results
1050 8.5 5
summarised in Table 2.
1150 7.8 5
1250 6.9 5
1350 6.3 5

and hence a lot of valuable ore is being left in the stopes as
stabilizing pillars.
Table 3 is a stope productivity comparison between the 30m
and 20m strike length stopes to evaluate the benefits of
optimizing the stope dimensions. The comparison excludes the
other developments such as trough drives and extraction drives
since these will be constant for both stope lengths of 20m and
30m along strike. The researcher assumed a total mining
length on a single level of 175m along strike to simplify the

Table 3. Stope productivity analysis for 950mL and 1050mL

Design parameter Units 20m Stope 30m Stope
Strike length Strike length
Figure 2. Stability graph plots of the stopes on different Density in-situ ore t/m3 2.7 2.7
levels Density broken ore t/m3 2.2 2.2
The options that were considered in order to plan for Design stope height m 20 20
optimised stope dimensions in relation to the rock mass and Design stope width m 8 8
stress conditions at a specific level or depth of ore extraction Design stope length m 20 30
are as summarised below. Planning engineers undertaking a Design stope volume m3 3200 4800
similar task of optimising stope dimensions should put these No of stopes/175m - 7 5
things into consideration in relation to their operating strike length
conditions in order to optimise on cost and ore productivity. No of rib pillars/175m - 7 5
Stope tonnes/175m t 60480 64800
strike length
Ore volume in rib m3 5600 4000
Moving stopes at 950mL from the current hydraulic radius of pillars
5 to a radius of around 6-7. This can also be done for stopes at Draw point x- - 2 2
1050mL in this example because the unsupported transition cuts/stope
zone implies that there is a possibility of failure if stopes are Total draw point x- - 14 10
not supported. cuts/175m
Slot raises/175m - 7 5
Introduce hydraulic cemented fill or any suitable backfill From the calculations performed in Table 3 it is clear that
material and mine the stopes without leaving stabilizing ore the overall ore production of the entire 950mL stopes will
rib pillars. The specification of the backfill material needed for increase by 7.14% when the 30m strike length of stopes is
the primary/secondary extraction system of KCM have been used. The current 20m length is conservative and hence it’s
analyzed in a research by (Mutawa, 2011). Mutawa, 2011 costing the mine in terms of development as more slot raises
performed the geotechnical investigations on the available and draw point cross-cuts are needed as compared to the 30m
mine waste materials at Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) in strike length. Therefore development costs on both slot raises
Chililabombwe, Zambia, to develop a suitable backfill and draw point cross cuts will be reduced by 28.6% for the
material for safe and economic ore production. The material entire 950mL in the Bancroft area in case the 30m stope length
needed to have a strength of 1 MPa, as spelt out by Konkola is used.
mine management and suitable drainage characteristics to It is also practical to use the 30m stope strike length for the
resist failure due to self-weight in a backfilled stope and entire 1050mL in order to optimize stope dimensions in
therefore facilitate ore pillar recovery. relation to a specific level. This is possible because stopes in
the 1050mL are also stable with a possibility of being moved
OPTION C closer to the unsupported transition zone. Currently there are
Maintain the stopes on HR equal to 5 but reduce stope span no instability related problems at 1040mL and therefore
when instability problems become excessive. It is reasonable operating these stopes at 30m strike length can add value to
to take this risk because the stopes at 1250mL and 1350mL the current operations of the mine.
plotted close to the stable region of the Mathews stability
graph. 3.2 Economic benefits of using Cemented Fill in the
Bancroft areas
3.1 Stope productivity analysis
As a result of the risk instability that can be experienced
The hydraulic radius of 6 can allow opening up stopes of beyond 1250mL, the researcher suggested the use of mining
30m strike length while maintaining the same stope height of with backfilling. In order to ascertain the feasibility of this
20m. An additional 10m of stoping length has an advantage of option, the researcher performed a preliminary cost analysis
reducing the number of stabilizing pillars. The number of cut between use of backfill with no pillars against mining using
out raises and draw-point crosscuts is also reduced hence the current designs of 20m strike length, 20m height and 8m
reducing development cost. This is because current stoping orebody thickness. This is a comparison of OPTION B and
operations are leaving 5m rib pillars after every 20m of stoping OPTION C previously explained.

The cost analysis was done over a distance of 175m on The ore production unit costs used in this analysis were
orebody strike while assuming operations to be on a single obtained from the KCM Life of Mine (LOM) plan. The costs
level. This was done in order to simplify the analysis. Table 4 indicated that materials handling and backfill contribute to a
is a comparison of the production performance of the two significant percentage of the mine total cost. The cemented
OPTIONS B and OPTION C. backfill material used in the analysis represents approximately
16% of the total mining costs and this was based on an
Table 4. Stope productivity comparison for OPTION B and estimated unit cost of US$21/m3 of cemented backfill. This
OPTION C cost covers the placement as well as the backfill reticulation
costs as stipulated in the LOM report. However, the LOM
Design Parameter Unit Option Option report planned for a copper price of US$5753 per tonne of
s B C metal and US$5700 was used for this analysis. Table 5 is an
Design Stope Length m 20 20 illustration of the economic cost analysis.
Design Stope Height m 20 20 The use of hydraulic cemented fill and extracting the ore
without leaving stabilizing ore rib pillars (OPTION B) is more
Design Stope Width m 8 8 profitable than maintaining the stopes on HR equal to 5 but
No. Stopes/175m Strike 8.75 7 reducing the stope span when instability problems become
Length excessive (OPTION C). The economic cost analysis in Table
Total Stope volume m3 28000 22400 5 is a clear indication of this conclusion because mining with
Total Tonnes t 75600 60480 backfill has proved to be more profitable.
However, OPTION B results in copper ore production
Dilution & Recovery
increasing by 25.0% hence a step forward towards the mine
Dilution % 15 15 plan of ramping up production to 7.5Mtpa from the current
Mining Recovery % 95 95 1.7Mtpa. This is as a result of the extraction ration change
from 80% to 100% since in OPTION B no pillars are being
Diluted Tonnes t 86940 69552
left. The total income over the 175m strike length for a single
Total Tonnes Mucked t 82593 66074 level of stoping is also showing US$6,960,608 for (OPTION
Volume to be backfilled m3 28000 - B) against US$6,023,967 for (OPTION C). Projecting this
gain over the entire operations of the Bancroft area of KCM
will mean an increase in EBITDA of approximately 15.5%.
Table 5. Economic cost analysis for OPTION B and However, this is very much dependent on the grade, mineral
OPTION C price and production costs incurred and therefore the planning
engineers should design mining operations taking these factors
Production Unit Optio Optio into consideration on individual operations.
nB nC
Ore Delivered to Mill Tonne 82593 66074
Mill Recovery % 90 90 4. CONCLUSION
Total Contained Cu (@ 2.5% Tonne 1858 1487
Cut off grade)
The economic analysis done in this paper is a step towards
Gross Revenue 10592 84739
helping planning personnel presented with similar situations
552 91 of operations. The stability graph method is a useful tool to
Depart Cost Centre Unit Ra help not only for stope designing but also optimising stope
ment te dimensions and allowing economic comparisons of different
Mining Supervision & US$/t 1.9 15940 12752 options for improved ore recovery and exploitation as detailed
Control Ore 3 4 3 in the following conclusions:
Development US$/t 1.5 10109 10109 1. Increasing the HR of 950mL to 1050mL stopes to 6
Ore 3 3 3 (allowing opening up stopes of 30m strike length while
Production US$/t 10. 83418 66734 maintaining the same stope height of 20m) improved overall
Ore 1 9 7 ore production, in these levels within the Bancroft area, by
Materials US$/t 8.1 67065 53652 7.14%. This also reduced the development costs on both slot
Handling Ore 2 5 1 raises and drawpoint cross-cuts by 28.6%.
Backfill US$/t 7.2 59467 - 2. From the economic analysis, stopes at 1250mL and
Ore 0 below, the use of hydraulic cemented fill and extracting the
Mine Services US$/t 4.8 39809 31847 ore without leaving stabilizing ore rib pillars (OPTION B) is
Ore 2 8 7 more profitable than maintaining the stopes on HR equal to 5
Gen & General & US$/t 6.0 50051 40040 but reducing the stope span when instability problems become
Admin Administration Ore 6 4 8 excessive (OPTION C).
Milling Concentrator US$/t 4.5 37332 29865 3. OPTION B increased copper ore production by 25.0%
Ore 2 0 4
in the Bancroft area hence a step forward towards the mine
Total Cost (36319 (2450
plan of ramping up production to 7.5Mtpa from the current
44) 024)
EBITDA 69606 60239
08 67 4. The backfilling option however increased EBITDA
(Note: EBITDA is Earnings before Income Tax, Depreciation and by approximately 15.5% within the Bancroft areas of KCM
Amortization) from the results of the economic cost analysis. The analysis
clearly indicated that despite an increase in the mining cost due

to additional cost of backfilling, the increased recovery of the [3] Mutawa A. (2011). Development of a suitable mine
resource and possible reduced dilution pays for this extra cost. backfill material using mine waste for safe and
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mines, Lusaka, 10-13.
[4] Potvin Y. (1988). Empirical open stope design in
The researchers greatly appreciate the KCM management to Canada, PhD Thesis, Department of Mining and
accord permission to carry out this research and also the Mineral Processing, University of British Columbia,
supporting staff for being helpful at the mine during the Canada.
gathering of data. [5] Purwanto et al. (2013). Influence of stope design on
stability of hanging wall decline in cibaliung
underground gold mine. International Journal of
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