Mercy Intern

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Wachemo University

College of Engineering and Technology

School of Computing and Informatics
Department of Information Technology





ID NO : - 1301172


Submitted date 15/3/2015

Wachemo , Ethiopia


I am Mihret Ayele student of Wachemo University; institute of technology; collage of

computing; department of information Technology. Here I declare that this internship program
was held for continuous one month and is submitted for Information Technology Department
under the guidance of my mentor (advisor) Mr. Fikru, I tried my best to include every aspect of
the experiences that I gained and the skills that I developed during the whole internship period. I
assure that the report contains actual events and facts that was observed and performed during
the internship period in Coop Bank of Oromia . Then I approved by my own signature.

Student name: Signature Date

Mihret Ayele -------------------- --------------------------

Academic advisor name:

Mr.yyyyy ---------------------- --------------------------

Department head:

Ms. Betelhem.Z ------------------------ --------------------------


Frist of all i would like to thanks Coop Bank of Oromia for preparing such a good practicing
time for me . As i know Project offers carefully planned and monitored work experience with the
goal being to gain additional knowledge from on-the-job exposure.
I would like to express my sincere and heart felt gratitude to all of my lab assistants for their
priceless assistance by sharing their knowledge and encouraging me to perform tasks along with
them throughout our internship time, specially Mr. Tsedeke who guided me to understand the
science in each unit operation So I would like to explain my deepest respect for Mr. Tsedeke
because of his comment and knowledge share at field and in lab. Hence they qualify me to know
more on network installation networking. And my thanks and appreciation goes to all who have
helped me in the attainment of this project. Because of the exercise, train and initiate me for the
internship practice.
The last but not the least, I would like to express my compliment to Wachemo University and
School of Computing for giving the opportunity to the industrial internship training so as to
consolidate my practical and theoretical knowledge.

Chapter one ................................................................................................................................................5
1 Introduction
1.1 Background and History of Coop Bank of Oromia.........................................................................5
1.2 Objectives (Goals ) of Coop Bank of Oromia..................................................................................6
1.3 Main products of company............................................................................................................7
1.4 Main Customers of the Company’s products.................................................................................8
1.5 Overall Structure And Work Flow of Coop bank of Oromia...........................................................8
Chapter Two................................................................................................................................................9
2 Project overview...................................................................................................................................9

2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................9
2. 2 Statement of Problem...................................................................................................................9
2.3 Aim and Objective of the project...................................................................................................9
2.4 Methodology and Tools...............................................................................................................10
 Methodology................................................................................................................................10

2.5 Scope and Limitation...................................................................................................................15

2.6 Functional Requirement..............................................................................................................16
2.7 Non-functional Requirement.......................................................................................................16
2.8. System model.............................................................................................................................17
2.9 Object model...............................................................................................................................18
Chapter Three............................................................................................................................................22
3. Overall Internship Benefits................................................................................................................22
3.1 Practical and Theoretical Skills.....................................................................................................22
3.2 In terms of interpersonal communication skill............................................................................23
3.3 In terms of improving team playing skill......................................................................................23
3.4 In terms of leadership skill...........................................................................................................23
3.5 Understanding work ethics related..............................................................................................24
Chapter Four..............................................................................................................................................24
4 Conclusion and Recommendations.....................................................................................................24
4.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................24
4.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................................24

List of figures Pages

1 Structure of Coop bank of


2 UTP cables i ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14



iv ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17

3 Cable tester……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17

4 System Scenario………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..19

5 Object model……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………20

6 Class diagram……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………21

7 Sequence diagram………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

8 Active diagram……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23


Coop:- cooperative

UTP:- Unshielded Twisted-Pair

RJ:- Register Jack

PVC:- Permanent Virtual Circuit

As I have assigned by the department of Information Technology to work as an intern in Coop
Bank of Oromia related to my field of study in order to apply my theoretical knowledge , and
skill that I got from our three years of education in our university . I have been working as an
intern in the Hadero Coop Bank of Oromia from October1,2015 until October 30,2015 E.C. The
overall analysis of my work experience during the internship program is explained in the report
Most computing students faces difficulties on how to convert the theoretical skills they have to
the real world practical skill so that they can apply the knowledge and skill they get during the
university experience to solve problem and come up technological advancement .I have found
this internship program very helpful for me to overcome the above problem and to be qualified
for working in companies and government offices effectively.

My internship paper work is consisted of 4 main parts. In the first part we have briefly
introduced my hosting company Hadero’s Coop Bank of Oromia. I described the Coop Bank of
Oromia’s brief history, mission, main visions and goal, main customers and over all organization
and workflow of the Bank .in the second part of the report I have covered about the overall
internship experience including how I get in to the university .in which section I have been
working in .the work task I have been executing in the Bank and the challenge I faced in the
work place, how I solve the problem and procedure I have used to complete the task. The third
part describes the benefit I get during the internship program in terms of practical skill,
theoretical skill, inter-personal communication skill, team playing skill, leader ship skill and
entrepreneurship skill. The fourth part is about the project we assigned to work on which
includes problem identified and solution proposed, method and tools used to achieve the project
network design and simulation of the network which is made using cisco packet tracer and
finally conclusion and recommendation is written .

Chapter one
1 Introduction
My internship hosting company is a service provider in banking. The name of the organization is called
Cooperative bank of Oromia. The customers of the organization are mainly the society of all the
Ethiopian region and also world people.

1.1 Background and History of Coop Bank of Oromia

The history of cooperative banks has been traced back to the financial exclusion faced by many
communities in the 19th century. With the industrial revolution, the emerging financial services
sector was primarily focused on wealthy individuals and large enterprises in urban areas. The
rural population, particularly farmers, small businesses, and the communities they supported,
were excluded from financial services. Thus, cooperative banks were originally set up to correct
this market failure and to overcome the associated problems of asymmetric information in
favor of borrowers.

In respect of Ethiopia, the country has a very low financial service coverage as mainstream
financial institutions are heavily tilted towards the urban centers with good physical
infrastructure, leaving the rural areas underserved. Traditionally, ‘Equbs’ and ‘Idirs’ are informal
institutions that are deeply ingrained in the life communities and have also been serving
financial needs of the rural society to some extent. Reluctance and low capacity of the formal
financial institutions in the country to serve rural community, a demand-supply gap prevailed in
financial market especially in rural areas, coupled with farmers’ awareness to be organized into
cooperatives and the increasing need to finance cooperatives called for establishment of a
cooperative bank. Furthermore, finance appeared to be the critical bottleneck to sustain the
cooperative institutions and ultimately the farmers. It was all these glitches that initiated the
inception and establishment of Cooperative Bank of Oromia.

Haile G/ Lube, regarded as the founding father (proponent) of Ethiopia’s cooperatives, brought
the idea of founding the bank for he believed that the best way to fight poverty is through
cooperation. Formally establishing a project office in 2002, the bank’s formation was realized
with majority of shareholders being the cooperative societies. The bank then is commercially
licensed in October 2004 and commenced operations in March 2005. As there is no legal
provisions that allow establishment of a cooperative bank in the country, the bank was
registered in accordance with article 304 of the commercial code of Ethiopia.

The Bank has broad ownership base and diversified ownership structure. It comprises
Cooperatives and Non-Cooperative members. Cooperative member includes Primary
Cooperatives, Cooperative Unions and Cooperatives Federation whereas, non-Cooperative
members includes Organizations, Associations and individuals.

Currently, the Coop bank is among the leading private banks in Ethiopia with a total asset of
more than ETB 55 Billion. The bank has more than 420 branch networks, 6.4 million
accountholders, and has created a job opportunity for about 8,000 individuals.
1.2 Objectives (Goals ) of Coop Bank of Oromia
 PROFITABILITY - Sustain the bank's profitability by:
Maintaining 10% return on investment;
Increasing capital build-up to P100M; and
Maintaining a past due ratio of at least below 10%, and non-performing loan ratio of below

Maintaining a deposit mix of 60% savings and 40% other deposit type;
Delivering and maximizing customer service for higher customer loyalty and first preference for
Managing bank processes and procedures in adherence to regulatory agencies' rules and
regulations, and Establishing an organizational culture of honesty, excellence, professionalism
and meritocracy with clear leadership directions.

 GROWTH - achieve bank growth by:

Establishing branches in growth areas while consolidating current branches towards better
services and products;
Expanding market share in both deposit and loan products in the banking industry, and
developing quality clients with a quality credit portfolio; and
utilizing new appropriate technology in the bank's operations, and upgrading personnel
capabilities and competencies resulting in higher efficiency and productivity.

 Mission and Vision of Coop Bank of Oromia

To be the leading private bank in Ethiopia by 2025.
To be competent, reputable and Socially responsible bank in Africa.

We root our foundation in communities to provide banking solutions that create greater
customer experience with emphasis to Cooperatives and agro-based businesses through proper
use of human resource and up-to-date technologies to maximize stakeholders’ value.
1.3 Main products of company
There are three types of Coop Bank cooperative saving products:
These are:-

 Demand deposit
 Credit cards
 Home loan
 Personal loan
 Car loan
 Saving deposit and
 Fixed time deposit.

1.4 Main Customers of the Company’s products
 Diaspora Customers
 Customers of the bank
 Employees of the company
 Other company’s community
 The society around the company
1.5 Overall Structure And Work Flow of Coop bank of Oromia

board of
Bod secretariat

chief executive Chief
officiers executiveOffice
Figure 1 structure of Coop bank of Oromia

Chapter Two
2 Project overview
Generally the internship program gives me the opportunity to link theory with practice, to see
the capacity how I can make a solution for real world problem , to be part of the modern world
technology development .During my internship program I have gained so much experience and
technical skill in networking and installation of some networking devices .I had a great encounter
to the working environment of my specific field of study

2.1 Introduction
As I have been learning at Wachemo University collage of Engineering and technology at the
department of information technology I have had the knowledge of networking , devices that are
mostly used for installation of a network design and I took cisco packet tracer simulation course
which made me to solve any problem regarding to my field of study .So for the internship
program I was looking for a university with related field areas .So I have applied accordingly to
Coop Bank and they showed their willingness to accept me .I arrived at the Bank on scheduled
day October 1 E.C and reported the letter that has given from the university

2. 2 Statement of Problem
in the Company most of their work were done using paper, they have some digital computers
but they are not interconnected to share information with each other . Their information and Data
were exposed to both environmental and physical damage as I have mentioned in the above text
more than 70% of their work depends on manual and collected in the form of paper and

2.3 Aim and Objective of the project

The aim of this project is a design and simulation of Bank network using packet tracer.
This project is aimed improve and upgrade the existing digital infrastructure of the Bank in
order to provide fast and efficient service for the Bank workers, customers and government
officials by replacing and adding some equipment Typically, a LAN encompasses computers
and peripherals connected to a smaller physical areas.
Network design and installation is concerned on how I can interconnect the computers in
Bank enable the communication between the device and how to share the
resource between them.

2.3.1 General objective

The design is based on the hierarchical architecture with a model secondary as a case
study. The objectives of the study are follow:-

 To design and implement upgraded, scalable and valuable LAN network

services and high speed Internet connection for the Bank.
 Design and simulation of a Bank network, with a model as a case study using
packet tracer.
 Configuration of network devices and evaluation of point-to-point connection.
 Digitalizing the manual work of the Bank.
 Effective network depending on available resource and have best network in
term of coast, Speed and security and scalability.
2.3.2 Specific objectives
Specific objectives of this project is:

 To Design the scalable LAN network For the increasing number of user
 To Improve and consolidate network performance of the bank
 To Provide increased network capacity, by up grading the existing network devices.
 To Improve the network's fault tolerance, Scalability, performance, security, and high
speed connection.
 To design a LAN network in terms of topology, type of cabling and related coast.
 To design fastest network depending on the increasing number of user and devices.

2.4 Methodology and Tools

 Methodology
For the achievement of my internship I used different approach as the hardness of the project.
Accordingly, the following procedure was used to overcome our difficulty and lastly, I
achieved my project in a good and best manner. Some methods are as listed as follow.
 Conceptualizing the ideas.
 Free hand sketch of the design
 Designing the Network Architecture.
 Configuration of Device in accordance to topology. 
 Drawing the design on Visio software
 Tools and materials used
The materials that are used for the installation are:-

 RJ 45
 Wire Cutter
 Easy RJ45 crimp tool Crimper
 Meter
 Ladder

 Network Installation Tool Kit
 Floor Cable Trunk
 PVC conduit
 Punch Down Tool
 UTP Cable Tester
 Coach Screw And Plugs
 Cable stripper tool
 Wall outlet

 Twisted-pair Cable Categories

Cable categories are key to the structured wiring concept. The cabling specifications for the
various categories are in the TIA/EIA-568-A (and B) Commercial building Telecommunications
Cabling Standard. The following categories are defined: Category 3: These are used only for
telephone and Ethernet 10BASE-T, so are not useful for Livewire installations. Category 5: This
designation applies to 100 ohm unshielded twisted pair cables and associated connecting
hardware whose transmission characteristics are specified up to 100MHz. Cat 5 cables are
today’s most common because they support Ethernet 100BASE-TX. Category 5e: This is
enhanced Category 5 cable. The main application is for gigabit 1000BASE-T. While Cat 5 is
acceptable for 1000BASE-T, 5e is officially preferred. Category 6: While not strictly necessary
except for 1000BASE-T links, we recommend CAT-6 for all new Livewire installations. CAT-6
provides significantly higher performance that that of

CAT-5e. The main difference is that this cable has a plastic pair separator inside that holds the
wires in correct relation to each other. This is what makes CAT-6 larger in diameter than CAT-5
cables. The most significant difference between cables from each category is the number of
twists per foot and the tightness with which the twists and the spacing of the pairs to each
other are controlled. The wire pairs in a voice-grade Category 3 cable usually have two twists
per foot, and you may not even notice the twists unless you peel back quite a lot of t he outer
insulation. Category 5 is tightly twisted, something like 20 per foot. This results in superior crosstalk

performance at higher frequencies.

UTP Cross over cable standard B

Figure 2 UTP Straight
through cable standard A
Making connections – Steps

• Step 1 – Strip cable end

Strip 1 – 1½” of insulating sheath

Avoid cutting into conductor insulation

Figure 3

• Step 2 – Untwist wire ends

Sort wires by insulation colors

Figure 4

Step 3 – Arrange wires

Arranging by sequencing order of their color’s

Figure 5

Step 4 – Trim wires to size

• Trim all wires evenly

• Leave about ½” of wires exposed

Figure 6

• Step 5 – Attach connector

Figure 7

• Step 6 – Check
Do all wires extend to end or not ?

Is sheath well inside connector?

Figure 8

• Step 7 – Crimp
• Squeeze firmly to crimp connecter onto cable end (8P)

Figure 9

Figure 10

• Step 8 – Test
• Does the cable work?

Figure 11

2.5 Scope and Limitation

 Scope
Generally, an internship consist of an exchange of service for experience between the student
and an organization internship program is a good opportunity to show my learning skills that I
get from my school. Student can also use an internship to determine of they have an interest in
particular career. It helps to build curriculum vitae(CV) for the student.

 Limitation
 Shortage of instruments and IT technician in the company
 Shortage of time
 Lack of money
 The company does not have enough work place means maintenance room
 The company has no internet access
 The company has no transport access to travel from the office
2.6 Functional Requirement
Some of the more typical functional requirements include:
 Business Rules
 Transaction corrections, adjustments and cancellations
 Administrative functions
 Authentication
 Authorization levels
 Audit Tracking
 External Interfaces
 Certification Requirements
 Reporting Requirements
 Historical Data
 Legal or Regulatory Requirements
2.7 Non-functional Requirement
Non-functional requirements focus on user expectations, as they are product properties.
Some typical non-functional requirements are:

 Performance – for example Response Time, Throughput, Utilization, Static Volumetric

 Scalability
 Capacity
 Availability
 Reliability
 Recoverability
 Maintainability
 Serviceability
 Security
 Regulatory
 Manageability
 Environmental
 Data Integrity
 Usability
 Interoperability

2.8. System model

The networking model describes the architecture, components and design used to establish
communication between the source and destination system.

Network models include:-
 Stacks
 Protocol suites
 Network stacks
 Network protocols

2.8.1. System scenario

Figure 12 system scenario

2.8.2. Use case model
A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, Clarify and organize system
requirements. The use case is made up of a set of possible sequences of interactions between
systems and users in a particular environment and related to a particular goal.

2.8.3. Use case description

A use case is a written description of how users will perform tasks on your website.
It outlines, From a user’s point of view, A systems behavior as it responds to a request.
Each a use case is represented as a sequence of simple steps, beginning with a user’s goal and
ending when that goal is fulfilled.

2.9 Object model

The network model is a database model conceived as a flexible way of representing objects and
their relationships. Its distinguishing feature is that the schema, viewed as a graph in which
object types are nodes and relationship types are arcs, is not restricted to being a hierarchy or

Figure 13 object model

2.9.1. Data dictionary

A data dictionary is a collection of descriptions of the data objects or items in a data model for
the benefit of programmers and others who need to refer to them. Often a data dictionary is a
centralized metadata repository.

2.9.2 Class diagram

Figure 14 class diagram

2.10. Dynamic model

The general idea of a dynamic network model is that higher-order properties are emergent
phenomena, that is, patterns of order and structure that emerge on the basis of the dynamic
interactions between lower-level components

2.10.1. Sequence diagram-from business process perspective. How the business model is executed ?

A sequence diagram or system sequence diagram (SSD) shows process interactions

arranged in time sequence in the field of software engineering. It depicts the processes
involved and the sequence of messages exchanged between the processes needed to carry out
the functionality. Sequence diagrams are typically associated with use case realizations in the
4+1 architectural view model of the system under development. Sequence diagrams are
sometimes called event diagrams or event scenarios.

Figure 15 sequence diagram

2.10.2. Active diagram
An Activity Network Diagram is a diagram of project activities that shows the sequential
relationships of activities using arrows and nodes. An activity network diagram tool is used
extensively in and is necessary for the identification of a project’s critical path (which is used to
determine the expected completion time of the project).

Example: Suppose the team is tasked with improving the process of building a house. The team
lists the major steps involved – everything from the excavation step through the landscaping

Activity Network Diagram Example Chart

Figure 16 active diagram

Chapter Three

3. Overall Internship Benefits

During the internship in Coop bank I have gained a lot of benefits from the internship experience
throughout the one month. This internship program was an important period for me to develop
confidence. I have presented my final project for the stuff and was remarked and given
comments. I also asked different people in their area of specialization. This in turn, enabled me
to communicate with different employees in the company. Moreover, the internship had opened
the opportunity to communicate with different positional hierarchy in the company such trends
help me to have valuable work experience
The overall benefits that I have gained are grouped into different categories such as:
 Improving practical skill
 Upgrading theoretical skill
 Improving interpersonal communication skill
 Improving team playing skill
 Improving leadership skill
 Understanding about work ethics related issues
 Entrepreneurship skill
3.1 Practical and Theoretical Skills
 Practical Skill
Theory is the basement of any activity for information technology. However it is not enough by
itself to know the real needs practical skill to carry out every activity within a
project .in my internship program I have developed my practical skill in many ways. Some of
them are as follows :-
 Installing a cable trunk by figuring out the shortest and efficient path way to the switch
 I have made my own wall outlet and connected it with copper patch panel using the
copper patch panel punch down tool.
 I have connected a copper patch panel with the switch
 I have seen and connected a fiber cable using a fiber cable connector
After all when I join the real world, I will not be new for real world problems and the internship
program was a great opportunity in improving practical skill

 Theoretical Knowledge

When I start working my project I started to referred different websites to upgrading my
theoretical knowledge’s .I developed good theoretical skill about networking specially about
cisco packet tracer during the internship period
In short : -
 I have upgraded my theoretical knowledge by reading courses that I have
learned from different websites to complete my project
In addition to academic theoretical knowledge, I have gained different theories in relation to
different business related environment

3.2 In terms of interpersonal communication skill

The internship has aims of improving interpersonal communication skill, since in the company
there are different employees and labor workers, who interact properly with others, so that to
give the desire end product for the customers, smooth interpersonal inter-personal
communication skills must be exist. During the internship time the first thing would be
communicate with employees and bank managers. What I see during internship was the way of
communication to be honest and respectful to get the desired response, my communication skill
should be persuade other’s attitude.
After I know the advantages of interpersonal communication, I have begun communicating with
each person who works in the bank. After a certain days I developed my communication with
each person also a good interpersonal communication skills are pre requested for many positions
in an organization Therefore, the internship improves the interpersonal communication skill

3.3 In terms of improving team playing skill

I have understood that working as a team is very important to have different ideas and
alternatives to achieve better solution. I have learned how different idea comes in one direction
and difference is the best way to do better things. A person with good team playing skill will
upgrade the following

 To help and co-operate with others

 To share ideas with workers openly

 To give comment to the team and find possible solutions to the problem

3.4 In terms of leadership skill

A leadership skill is a critical management skill, which is the ability to motivate the group of
people towards a common goal. During the internship period I developed a leadership skill by
observing the managers, team leader and each section workers of the company when they do
their major task.
To develop good leadership ability the following points are necessary :
 Motivate bank workers to do their task

 Solve problems which are raised by the customer
3.5 Understanding work ethics related
Ethics at work is very important. During my stay at Coop Bank in Hadero, I have observed how
the team treats customers ethically and how much it is important. Punctuality, honesty, being
responsible for actions that I perform and other related issues needed at work place are some of
the ethical issues that I adopt. Some of the work ethics as follow : -
 Punctuality
 The office discipline
 Loyalty
 Honesty
 Cooperation
 Accountability
 Responsibility

Chapter Four
4 Conclusion and Recommendations
4.1 Conclusion
Frankly speaking, I can say that this internship was successful by acquiring sufficient knowledge
and practical skills. Here during this period (as an intern) the hosting company satisfied with the
activities of my performance spatially theoretical understanding in every moment.
On the internship period, i have understood so many skills that was the job environment and
what it meant to be a worker, what and why ethics I need to have at the work place and
outside. Again, i understood how the service is delivered from Coop bank of Oromia what is the
process, cares to be taken, objective, mission, vision and practical skills i have acquired in three
consecutive years of study. It was also very effective in developing team playing, interpersonal
and leadership skills.

Generally, I get satisfactory knowledge and more benefited at internship period.

4.2 Recommendation
 As we all know in today’s world as well as for future banking system is going
more and more advanced through time to time. In this situation everything will

be automated in such a way that something difficult will become very easy.
Other Banks can also use this kind of system to automate their employee
registration system which was manual before. As a recommendation it is
possible to modify the developed system by making some modification. Among
 It is possible to provide this system using different software installation.
 It is possible to maintain by ways of identifying the owner of customer-like using
online money transfer without handling by cash, installation software to

▪ COOP Bank official website page
▪ Intranet access
▪ Roy Blake, Electronic communication system, 2nd edition Networking book


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