Paper Group 6

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Malvaneta Fiyendri (2211223031)
Novia Ananda Lorita (2211222023)

Dinda Samara Fauziah (2211223029)

Cinthia Dasmanita (2211223025)

Deby Febrian Efand (2211221017)

Enjelika Febiola (2211223001)

Voni Marzelia (2211223040)

Supporting Lecturer :
Dr. Maizufri, M.S

Departement Of Nutrition

Faculty of Public Health

Andalas University



Street food, also known as street food, is a type food sold on street vendors,
roadside, at stations, in markets, places settlements and similar locations. Snacks
have become a part

inseparable from people's lives, both in urban areas and in rural areas rural. Snack
culture is part of almost everyone's daily life age groups and social classes,
including school-age children and classes teenager. Consumption of street food in
society continues to increase given the increasingly limited time for family
members process their own food. The advantage of street food is that it is cheap and
easy to get, and the taste is delicious and suitable for taste most of society. There
are many types of snack foods and lots of them vary in form, purpose, and price.

Snacks need to pay more attention to safety because it plays a role in

adolescent growth and development. Frequent meals become a source of poisoning
are snacks and snacks, because usually this food is the result of home food industry
production which can not guarantee the quality of processed products. Snacks tend
to use preservatives, coloring, aroma, flavoring, and sweeteners, thereby
threatening the health of adolescents. The problem is safety issues where food
products are still found that are not meet the quality and safety requirements that
cause so many food poisoning cases.The impact of consuming unsafe snack foods
is a health problem. The health problems caused range from mild symptoms such
as nausea and dizziness to more serious symptoms such as nausea, stomach cramps,
muscle cramps, muscle paralysis, diarrhea, disability and even death. In addition,
the consequences generated can also disrupt the learning process of students so that
it will effect on performance.

Based on this, the authors will conduct observations and interviews to mini
martabak sellers regarding the food being sold including business background, food
products, product prices to the intended target market.



Assalammu'alaikum Wr..Wb.,I am Chintia Dasmanita with NIM

2211223025, from group 6 English will conduct an interview with a mini Martabak
seller who sells at the gate of Unand. Alright not to prolong the time let's start this

Interview session

Job Description :

 Malvaneta Fiyendri : English Speaker

 Novia Ananda Lorita : Script Writer
 Dinda Samara Fauziah : Cameraman
 Cinthia Dasmanita : Interviewer
 Deby Febrian Efand : Paper
 Enjelika Febiola : Power Point
 Voni Marzelia : Editor

Location : Street food near the Universitas Andalas gate

Interviewee : Mr.Danu Chaniago
Questions :
1. Excusme sir, sorry to disturb your time before. May I interview the
business that you are selling?
2. if i may know,what is your name?
3. What is your reason for selling mini martabak?
4. How much is the initial capital and how many servings are used up in a
5. Why did you choose this location?
6. Why choose to sell using a cart?
7. What are the good and bad experiences while selling mini martabak?
8. How do you optimize your trade?

Text Of Script

Cinthia : “Permisi pak, maaf mengganggu waktu bapak sebelumnya. Bolehkah

saya mewawancarai usaha yang Bapak jual?”

Penjual : “Boleh”

Cinthia : “Sebelumnya izin berkenalan dengan bapak,kalau boleh tau nama bapak

Siapa ?”

Penjual : “Nama bapak Danu Chaniago”

Cinthia : “Pertanyaan pertama,apa alasan bapak menjual martabak ?”

Penjual : “Alasannya untuk mencukupi ekonomi keluarga.”

Cinthia : “Berapakah modal awal bapak membuka usaha martabak?”

Penjual : ” Untuk modal seluruhnya sekitar Rp.8.000.000”

Cinthia : “Kenapa bapak memilih lokasi disini untuk berjualan?”

Penjual : “Karena parkiran untuk konsumennya luas dan tidak menganggu jalan”

Cinthia : “Apakah dari awal membuka usaha ini bapak menggunakan gerobak?”

Penjual : “Iya,dari awal membuka usaha ini cuma memakai gerobak.”

Cinthia : “Apa saja pengalaman baik dan buruk saat berjualan martabak mini?”

Penjual : “Baiknya kalau pembelinya rame,buruknya karena cuaca hujan jadi

Pembelinya lebih sedikit dari biasanya.”

Cinthia : “Bagaimana cara bapak mengoptimalkan usaha bapak?”

Penjual : “Cara mengoptimalkannya seperti jika ada yang kurang,maka ditambah

Menjadi lebih baik lagi.”



1.1 Conclusion

Martabak mini is a street food located near the gate of Andalas University,
this martabak has been around for ..... years and has the most expensive price of Rp.
10,000. The target for mini martabak is students and some of the surrounding
community. Mini martabak opens every 00 -00. The menu is available very varied
and many.

1.2 Suggestion

It is better if the packaging used does not use plastic packaging, because the
food served is still hot and it is not good if it is served in the form of plastic
packaging.The need to maintain the cleanliness of the product and the surrounding
environment to make it even cleaner and safer

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