IoTA-based Covid Patient Health Monitor System in Quarantine

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

IoTA-based Covid Patient Health Monitor

System in Quarantine
M.Mahesh1, Dr. S.N.Chandrasekhar2, M.Geohnavi3 and P.Srihitha4
Asst Professor3,4Student,
ECE Department,Sreenidhi Institute of
Science and Technology, Hyderabad,

Abstract:-The word “COVID” breaks the hearts of all temperature in real-time. It suggests a series of data that
humankind. Coronavirus is highly contagious and can be combines successive data points in a timeline. The Remote
preventable. Isolation of patients is important, but Patient Monitoring Program empowers patient care outside
specialists should test Coronavirus patients. With the of conventional medical facilities, which increases access to
number of growing Corona patients, it becomes more human services offices by reducing expenses. Iota is a
difficult for physicians to track the health of quarantined network of devices and services that minimize human
or isolated patients. To cope with this issue, we have intervention to lead a better life. This project marks an
designed a remote Iota-based screen prototype design improvement in the health care system, will save patients
that takes into account multiple Coronavirus patients from future health problems that may arise, and will also
across the web 2.0. This system uses Temperature help physicians to take appropriate action or timely ac the
sensors, respiratory sensors, heart rate sensors, and fluid patient's health.
level indicators to evaluate a patient's health limits. If
any abnormalities are detected in the patient's life, the II. LITERATURE SURVEY
notice is sent via Iota remotely using an Iota terminal
There are a few motivations for research and
called TCP Telnet via the web. This will notify the doctor
investment in intelligent health systems, which mimic real-
and caregiver about Iota remotely. Our program,
therefore, provides a secure health monitoring plan, time monitoring or monitoring programs where needed. This
prevention of the spread of Coronavirus, and monitoring study aims to save time and health costs. A major goal of
of individual patient health. wise health management is to remotely control many
patients by monitoring their illnesses, as well as health
Keywords:- Covid patient, Quarantine, IoT-TCP Telnet conditions in real-time. This is done by interpreting,
Terminal, Arduino UNO, Sensors. compiling, and visualizing the required data extracted from
many machines and intelligent sensors. The information
I. INTRODUCTION collected from the sensors will monitor patients away from
their hospitals and homes.
Recently, coronavirus (COVID-19) became an
epidemic in more than 1,856.798 patients worldwide. The A. Smart Health:
prevalence of infection and death rates are rising daily. Most It is a powerful research and industrial centre that
people who were contacted by patients are members of integrates the interactions between patients' sensory
health care whether they are doctors or nurses. Therefore, interactions. This provides patient monitoring with video,
there is a great need for advances in remote smart health audio or text. The biggest problem in this area is how to
care, especially for highly infectious viruses like COVID-19 manage data, and analyze and visualize reports. This section
to save lives. Remote monitoring requires multiple sensors presents a comparative study of several previous types of
that record each condition’s parameters in real-time to research on mental health. It incorporates a combination of
improve high-speed health care services and remote artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms that
governing and managing. An intelligent health care system will support high-quality patient guessing and diagnostic
relies on the union of artificial intelligence and Internet of results.
Things (Iota) Technology. The previous study aimed to
monitor the patient for various ailments such as debates,
diet, and post-surgery. They enable doctors to see many
patients at once. That makes the system more flexible, and
more precise. The sensors are of various types, which are
portable or integrated sensors, or ambulant sensors. These
programs need to interpret the data extracted from these
sensors to achieve the main goal. This paper introduces the
quarantine program which is a proposed Health Plan to
monitor coronavirus patients for isolation in remote areas. It
is based on a wide range of integrated data from a variety of
sensors to determine the severity of the disease and the
severity of the condition. It is based on monitoring the
reading of heart rate, respiratory pressure, fluid level, and

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Our proposed system allows remote monitoring of

patient health limits using Iota and an urgent warning is sent
to doctors. Preventing the spread of the disease by providing
viewing screens to all patients will keep specialists away
from the patient. In our proposed system, in the unlikely
event of a discovery, it is helpful to send a notification
remotely to an application called the TCP Telnet Terminal.

Fig. 1: Block diagram for the Software

Table 1: A comparative study of smart health systems for

monitoring patients

Previous studies, obtained to build any intelligent

health system require knowing all the conditions, as well as
specific expert knowledge to automatically diagnose and
obtain important or insignificant studies for each patient.
That requires supervised training to support any new cases
and find problems. Display of extracted patient data is very
important to save time and health at the same time. Data
visibility refers to one of the keys to the data analysis fields
that allow end users to analyze, understand and extract data.


A. Software Components:
 ARDUINO UNO Fig. 2: Block diagram for hardware
 IOT APP- TCP Telnet Terminal
B. Hardware Components:
 Power supply Sensors measure biological data in the human body
and transmit analog values to Arduino UNO, which converts
them to digital data. The server sends limited data to the
 LM35 Temperature Sensor
mobile application and displays data via LCD
 HEARTBEAT SENSOR simultaneously.
 Atmega Microcontroller
 Respiratory Pressure Sensor The system is connected to a temperature sensor and a
 Selian/fluid level Indicator pressure sensor and a heartbeat. We need to attach a heart
 LCD Display rate monitor to the patient's wrist rather than to the patient,
 Wi-Fi Module showing the patient's heartbeat by displaying it on the Iota
 Switches app screen. To check the temperature we will use a
 Resistors temperature sensor connected to the system. To indicate the
temperature rise we will turn on the light in front of the
 Capacitors
temperature sensor, as soon as the flame approaches the
 Diodes temperature sensor and the display shows the temperature
 Transistors rise and is loaded into the Iota web application. The
 PCB respiratory sensor is attached to an oxygen mask, which
 LED’s helps in analyzing breathing, in case something unusual is

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
detected as a rise or decrease in respiratory pressure a B. Disadvantages:
notification is sent to the app.  Security and privacy remain major concern that
prevents users from using Iota technology for medical
With this program, we can track the physical condition purposes, as health care monitoring solutions have the
of patients and if they need any medical attention, we can potential to be breached or hacked.
inform the relevant authorities about the TCP Telnet app.  Failures or interruptions in hardware or even power
This is a life-saving activity for Covid-19 patients who are failures can affect the functioning of connected nerves
confined to solitary confinement. and devices that put health care activities at risk.
 There is no consensus regarding Iota protocols and
standards, so devices manufactured by different
manufacturers may not work well together.
 Although Iota promises to reduce the cost of long-term
health care, the cost of its hospital implementation and
staff training is very high.


We have developed a smart health monitoring system

that is smart enough to automatically monitor the patient
using Iota that collects status information through these
systems which can include patient heart rate, temperature,
and respiratory rate, Salina level/fluid that sends an urgent
warning to a patient with his or her current medical
condition. This will help the doctor to monitor his patient
from anywhere and even send the patient his condition
directly without going to the hospital. Our model can be
distributed to various hospitals and medical centers. The
system uses intelligent sensors that generate raw data
collected from each sensor and send it to a stored server
where the data can be updated and digitally stored for use by
Fig. 3: Circuit medical professionals. Keeping a backup server is necessary
to keep track of a patient's previous medical records that
VI. FLOWCHART provide better and more advanced testing.

Fig. 4: Flowchart


A. Advantages:
 Remote monitoring in real-time
 Prevention of many diseases and serious conditions
 Reduction of health care expenses
 Medical data accessibility (electronic records)
 Better healthcare management
 Improvement in research Fig. 5: System Architecture

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


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[3.] C.C.Gavimath, Krishnamurthy Bhat, C.L.
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Fig. 6: COVID Patient under quarantine using the system “Design and Development of versatile saline flow rate
measuring system and GSM based remote monitoring
IX. FUTURE SCOPE device”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Applications ISSN 0976-2639. Vol 3, Issue 1,2012, pp
A. The Future of Iota in Healthcare: 277-281.
According to Business Insider, the Iota healthcare [4.] NakulPadhye and Preet Jain, “Implementation of ARM
technology market will grow to $400 billion by 2022. Such Embedded Web Server for DAS using Raspberry pi”,
growth will be due to the growing demand, the development VSRD IJEECE April 2013.
of 5G connectivity and Iota technology and the growing [5.] Ch. Sandeep Kumar Subudhi and S. Sivanandam,
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and actual medical care to contribute to this process. Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies,2014,
Despite the decline, continuous digital transformation in Vol 1, No.3,97-104
health care is inevitable and the concept of Iota will
continue to capture and transform healthcare services. So, it
seems like the right time to look beyond the challenges and
embark on a journey to connected healthcare devices.


In this project, the main idea of the proposed program

is to provide efficient health services to isolated patients
using a cloud of network information so that experts and
physicians can use this data and provide a quick and
effective solution. The final model will be equipped with
features where the doctor can diagnose his patient anywhere
and anytime. An emergency to send an emergency email or
message to a doctor with a patient's current status and full
medical information can also be processed.


We are very thankful to MrM.MAHESH

Assistant Professor, ECE Dept, Sreenidhi Institute
of Science and Technology, Ghatkesar for providing
the necessary guidance to this group project and
giving valuable timely suggestions over the work.
We are very thankfull to Dr. S.N.
CHANDRASEKHA, Assistant Professor, ECE
Dept., Sreenidhi Institute of Science and
Technology, Ghatkesar for providing an initiative to
this group project and giving valuable timely
suggestions over the work.

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